US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed some reassurance
Hi, I am new to this website so please bear with me. I am from the U.K, my petition was appoved on 13th October. I sent my forms back to London on 7th November, but I am still waiting to hear about interview date. Is this a normal wait time. I have also read on this site about people sending documents. I have not sent any documents even though 156k asked for documents to be attached because I was also told in bold letters not to send any documents. have I done the right thing. Also when I tried to make my medical appointment I was advided to wait until I received my interview date as I live in Scotland I could have my interview and medical on the same day. I hope this is correcet and I have carried out the instructions correctly. I am begining to feel anxious, so hopefully someone out there can assure me evrything is ok. Thank you.
kaxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-27 05:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpacket 3 received?

We have similar timelines and are still waiting to find out our interview date. They are suppose to send you a package with your interview date. If you want to find out about you visa the best thing to do is call the US Dept of State at 202-663-1225, enter 1,1,0. They are friendly and can tell you if you have an inteview date or not. They will tell you the same thing as calling the consulate in london but it doesn't cost anything. But if you want you can make that expensive phone call. See the following website - for contact info. Good luck and keep us posted!

Thanks for all the main concern is jsut that they've received his packet as our I-129 expires on January 14th...I just want the peace of mind to know that they have received his info. When I asked him if he sent it certified mail he said no. UGH! I'm in London with him now visiting him, so I'll get his paperwork and the LND number and email the embassy. I don't get back to the states until the 17th, so I can call then, but by then it's after the 14th, and our expiry date. I'm sure it's all going to be fine...I just stress naturally. Can't be helped.

I have just received an email in response to the one I sent this morning and have been told that MY INTERVIEW IS SCHEDULED FOR 31st JAN at 10.30, so yes I am very happy
kaxFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-04 11:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpacket 3 received?

We have similar timelines and are still waiting to find out our interview date. They are suppose to send you a package with your interview date. If you want to find out about you visa the best thing to do is call the US Dept of State at 202-663-1225, enter 1,1,0. They are friendly and can tell you if you have an inteview date or not. They will tell you the same thing as calling the consulate in london but it doesn't cost anything. But if you want you can make that expensive phone call. See the following website - for contact info. Good luck and keep us posted!

Thankyou for the info. I sent an email to the London embassy this morning but have received an automated response. I will now call the above number. The email address you gave does not allow nme into the website just now. Thanks anyway.
kaxFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-04 07:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpacket 3 received?

My finace has sent off packet 3 to the Embassy in London. Will he get a notice from them letting him know they have received it? Or should he contact them to find out?

I sent my packet 3 on 7th Novemebr and I am still waiting. I reckon I will hear about interview within the next few weeks. I am getting anxious about the wait but I am sure it will work out in the end. Good Luck
kaxFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-03 06:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa payment
I have just received my packet4. However I somehow expected a payment slip to be enclosed to allow me to make payement. I will get a money order but who do I make it payable to and do I pay before interview. Thank you
kaxFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-08 08:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionexperience of posting I-134 to embassy

I've never heard of sending the I 134 directly to the London embassy.

Where in packet 3 are you reading this?

The norm is for you to bring the I 134 to the interview with you.

In packet 3 the information regarding finacial support it says that you can have the sponser send the I-134 direct to the embassy if you as a preferred option. As for sending any documents. I did not send even for DS156k. As stated in bold letters in package 3 do not send any documents, I presumed this is correct as I have an interview and will be taking along all my documents.

kaxFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-19 04:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionexperience of posting I-134 to embassy
My fiance's father is sponcering me, however as advised in packet 3 I asked him to send
I-134 forms direct to the embassy, as my interview is on the 31st jan I hope the embassy will have received the forms. I gave him my case number etc. Has anyone had experience of posting I-134 direct to the embassy. I don't want to get there and they tell me they don't have the forms.
kaxFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-18 08:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Medicals

Timeline now added

I do have one final question though.
I changed addresses between approval and file being sent to Embassy so I have never actually received packet 3 however printed off the DS forms myself and sent them through in any event.

I believe this contains information on how to go about booking medical and a medical questionaire

Would anyone happen to have copies of or links to this information as this seems to be the only thing that i have lost out on by not having received packet 3

Once again thank you.

As an afterthought I have read through many of the posts on this website and find this to be the #1 valuable resource for anyone going through this process and infinitely more useful than any of the embassy, mmigration or attorney web sites!

Don't worry, packet 4 also contains the medical questionaire and gives you information on how to book an appointment. Good luck and hope you receive packet4 soon
kaxFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-19 09:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWaiting for interview in London

It has been 7 weeks since we returned Packet 3 and the embassy in London checked it in (Dec 7th). They have had our packet since the middle of October. Should we panic, yet? I have emailed the consulate with no reply, and have called the State Department and they say it is still being processed. Is this wait time normal? Should we expect to get an interview date soon? Is there any other way to contact them?

We're in exactly the same boat. I sent back packet 3 on 4th December. Its been 6 weeks since and still heard nothing. I've phoned the embassy numerous times and they have told me that our case status is "Eligible for interview" but that a date has not been scheduled yet.

Since its been 7 weeks for you, I would suggest you call the embassy helpline 09042 450100 (£1.20 per minute) and tell them its been over 6 weeks and you still haven't got your interview date.

And let us know how you get on. I notice you filed through California as well - it seems to me that there is a delay with dealing with California based cases as others who filed through Texas and Vermont after us have already got interview dates.

I sent my packet 3 for London around Nov 7th and received my interview date on the 4th Jan. My interview is actually the 31st. I think they really mean that it will take between 8/12 weeks before you hear about an interview. I am sorry that you have not found emailing the embassy to be helpful, as I have found this to be the easiest way of contacting them. I do hope you hear soon. Good luck
kaxFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-23 09:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDocumentation
Hi all

I am a long way from going through Naturalization, as I am getting married in September this year to a USC and we are filing for K3. However, I am emmigrating from the UK shortly after being resident for 7 years, and was wondering what kind of records I need to keep of my life here in Scotland that I will need in future. Or do I need any? I am trying to cut down on moving stuff see..

I am hoping that drivers license & passport will suffice? However, I have paper bank statements, mortgage statements, tax statements, wage slips going back about 3 years that I could bring etc. What should I bring?

Many thanks
mikeybumNot TellingIreland2007-06-22 16:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHubby's interview today......


CONGRATS :dance: I'm just starting my K1 journey today with sending it off in mail. Always good to hear the success you hope.
weedebzFemaleScotland2007-06-21 12:37:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC notice!

I hope you get there in time for the Interview, I sure could've used with my man there with me at mine! .
NicoxcxFemaleScotland2008-10-25 20:04:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGetting upset
Hargis I am glad you recieved such a positive reply in the way that you handled the situation with your wife, Steven and I got stressed all the time , he was certainly ALOT better at handling it than me, thats all it was/is stress at the situation, having to speak with your spouse and not be able to hug them or kiss them I feel sorry for anyone who does not get effected by that. THis situation will make your marriage and connection to each other stronger smile.gif
NicoxcxFemaleScotland2009-04-15 20:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurestourist visa to k3?
A tourist visa is issued to people whose intent is to visit the USA, to adjust status and to remain, you and your wife would have to prove you she did not have immigrant intent when she came into the country. This would be very difficult to prove. To apply for a K-3 she would have to return to the Phillipines during the process and wait for her interview there.
mmbFemaleScotland2006-12-22 08:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNot sure what to do - I-134 stuff

there was another person in a similar situation to you, who posted in the pinned I-134 topic

Thank you that link was very useful
mmbFemaleScotland2006-10-26 15:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionForm I-134 Bank Statement
"how can you prove for financial support when you are a student like me :( ?
how money are they asking for? My fiancée and I are still students, even though i am done at the end the year. Cant I marry my fiancée and move to the USA to live with her if i cant prove that i am rich?!

what are my other options? (i could find a job there and live with her...)

could you give me more information about this. thanks a lot"

If your fiancee is the USC then she needs to be able to prove she can support you.
She will need to show she is making 125% of the poverty level to support her household.
mmbFemaleScotland2006-10-31 20:38:00
United KingdomVaccination Documentation
I am planning on having the nurse print a page out for each of my four sons and me and then have her sign each and every copy to make it all as tickety-boo as possible. It sounds like this is an OK plan. I figure that if the Dr at the Medical needs clarification on anything then the GPs contact details will be on the print out form in any case for him to be able to check.

My boys have just started the Hep B vaccinations having had one shot each. They go back in a few weeks for the next shot but the third and final one is five months after that so, depending on when the medical is scheduled, the Dr may have to contact my GP just to confirm that they are part of a continuing vaccination programme since it is not possible to speed that process up. I have had my MMR so now I am just waiting for October to arrive so we can all have the seasonal flu shot then we should be ready for the print outs.

Best wishes

LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-30 10:59:00
United KingdomNow to tie up the loose ends..

I found this list on britishexpats: Link

A few bits are not quite right for here, as it's aimed at those on work visas, and a few bits I personally disagree with, but in the main it's a superb and exhaustive list.

Thanks for the link. We are already beginning to thin out our possessions because 20 years as a couple and having four kids generates a whole load of clutter but I need a list like this to keep me on track.

Best wishes

LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-04 08:37:00
United KingdomNow to tie up the loose ends..

I have heard conflicting stories on this too, so I checked the DMV website for the state I will be living in. It stated:

You can drive in Alabama for one year, provided you have a valid foreign driver's license and an International Driver's Permit. This permit, issued by your home country, is not a substitute for the foreign license, but a translation of it that makes things easier for U.S. officials to understand.

I didn't want to be in a position where I was stopped and then found I didn't have one. Some officials will interpret things literally and require one regardless of whether your original license is in english. My choice was better to be safe than sorry, especially seeing it only cost £8.

You may want to seek absolute clarification on this point depending on the basis on which you are entering the US. I have been in contact with the DMV in Maryland, for instance, and while it would be the case that I could drive for up to a year as a non-citizen, since our planned route to immigration would have me entering the US as an LPR I would only have 60 days in which to drive on my UK license before obtaining a US one for the state I am in. The same will be true of my husband even though he is the USC as he has never held a US drivers license and will be entering the US as a permanent resident on this occasion.

As a previous poster stated, since it varies from state to state so much you need to clarify with the relevant state's DMV.

Good luck with closing all of your UK links (and making others dormant). I will need to compile the same list at some point.
LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-03 08:45:00
United KingdomThe embassy has changed our interview date!
Hi Hjones

That sounds like an absolute pain! I would hope that there were very good reasons for having to reschedule but, of course, their good reasons do not help you much.

We are in Argyll so travelling to London is also going to be quite a trek for us too. I am, therefore, going to heed your experience and try our best to get travel tickets and accommodation we can cancel and get refunded from just in case. Since there will be six of us travelling and needing accommodation, a change of medical or interview date could be massively expensive for us so it is well worth us paying the bit extra involved to be eligible for an exchange or refund.

Best wishes

LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-06 10:46:00
United KingdomEducation System - UK compared to US?
Is your daughter's mother's concern about the quality of the education your daughter will receive in the US? Or is it about flexibility of her returning from the US to the UK with US qualifications?

If the latter, then perhaps you could investigate the possibility of your daughter studying for the International Baccalaureate. My husband spent most of his High School years in the US and, having been in a US public school, my in-laws moved him to an International School for a couple of years so that he could then resume studying for the IB when they returned to the UK (which was in his last year of High School) so that ensured flexibility. I appreciate that my husband was being educated in Washington DC where this option was more readily available than it perhaps is in other areas of the US but it may be worth investigating if this is the mother's concern.

As we will be relocating to the US with our four sons (aged 3, 5, 6 and 9), researching education and schools is a priority of ours but that is in terms of where to enrol them and which county / district will suit them best. The education systems are different, yes, undoubtedly so but I think it is too "black and white" to be dismissive of the quality of a US education compared to a UK education as both systems have their qualities and their flaws. My advice, therefore, would be to research the High School and even Colleges in the area you will be moving your daughter to in order to be able to present her mother with hard facts and statistics to demonstrate that your daughter will in fact be receiving a good quality education which is at least comparable to the education she is currently receiving.

Best wishes

LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-07 04:21:00
United Kingdomelectronics in the embassy
Although I have not yet been in the Embassy for immigration purposes, I have been in there accompanying my USC husband so I know they are very strict about the electronics thing. Note that it is not just the obvious things such as phones, computers etc that are forbidden but also things like car keys with the automatic opening button.

Best wishes

LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-19 07:07:00
United KingdomNew US Embassy in London gets the green light
My immediate thought is that I hope I am not still messing around with immigration in 2017 to have to go there! :)
LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-23 10:58:00
United KingdomCR1 Interview Birth Certificate

You do need the birth certificate or passport (photocopy is fine) of any joint sponsor you may be using.

I did not know that about the co-sponsor. I guess I have been so caught up in preparing our I130s I have not had a chance to really delve deep into the wonderful world of I864s yet. Our co-sponsor has both a BC (obviously) and a passport so that won't present a problem. I will make a note of the requirement now though so I don't forget to have our co-sponsor send me copies of his documents.

Best wishes

LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-14 09:26:00
United KingdomMoving money from the US to the UK
This might be a really "teaching granny to suck eggs" reply as it is so obvious but do you still have a UK bank account open? If so, you could use internet banking to transfer funds from the US to UK accounts and then from your UK account to pay the bills.
LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-17 03:19:00
United KingdomBest places to sell household items?
This is a really useful thread. We have already begun the process of thinning out our possessions even though we are a long way off relocating to the US just because we have 20 years worth of combined possessions as a couple and four kids who generate their own clutter. So far I have been donating things and selling on a local Facebook page. We are a bit limited in our options because of being in such a rural area but I plan on selling smaller things on ebay (ie anything that can be posted) if I cannot sell locally and then with all of our furniture, white goods and electrical appliances I am going to rent a truck and take them over to where my parents live to sell them at auction as there are no auction rooms locally. That might be something to think about with your larger household items and especially the things you will be getting rid of quite late in the process.
LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-04 08:31:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Interview Monday, Visa Delivery Friday!
LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-19 07:00:00
United KingdomFlu Vaccines from a High Street Chemist?

You must be current as possible on the date of you medical exam, not the date you file a petition or interview.

How does this affect a CR1 visa? (This is not all true for K1s)
If its not flu season, then flu shot waived. They tick box "not flu season"
If it hasn't been 4 weeks since first MMR, then second dose is waived. They tick "insufficient time interval".
If you're pregnant, then MMR waived. You don't have to wait to be un-pregnant and get a shot before visa.
You can't get a varicella shot in the UK. Waived because at medical they tick the "not readilly available" box.

You never have to get these waived shots for immigration purposes. You get the visa and you're IN. Nothing to later follow up on immunization. Children enrolling in American schools will be asked by the school to prove certain immunizations, but that's a different ball game.

Thanks, Nich-Nick. I knew I could rely on you for a no nonsense, straightforward and clear answer.

So it looks like we won't be needing the flu shots after all since we will very likely be well out of the season by the time we book the medical. I am due to get my second MMR shot next week. None of us need the varicella anyway since we have all had chicken pox so it can be waived on that basis. The only outstanding shots we will have after next week will be the kids' third dose of Hep C vaccine which they will be getting in February.

I knew about the kids needing the immunisation records for school so I will be making sure I get a second copy of the report we will be submitting at the medical.

I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. For some reason my brain just could not get adequately wrapped around all of the different shots we needed.

Best wishes

LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-02 12:16:00
United KingdomFlu Vaccines from a High Street Chemist?
Sorry for bumping this thread again but I was hoping you might be able to clarify still further on the response you gave to my muddle-headed flu vaccine question.

If our medicals are outside of flu season, do we still have to have had the flu vaccine? In other words, what determines our need to have the vaccine - the month of the medical or the time when we filed our I130s? I am assuming that if our medicals are after March - which is likely - then we don't have to have had the vaccines but I am learning quickly that it is never safe to assume anything with this process.

Best wishes

LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-02 09:44:00
United KingdomFlu Vaccines from a High Street Chemist?

Tesco offer them too. Also a lot of smaller chemists do. (I will get back to your PM asap! I only get chance to get on here when my daughter is asleep now!)

No worries on the reply, Holly. I am pretty sure you have more pressing things to attend to now that you are settling into your new life. It will be a few weeks before we can travel to the city so I have a bit of time in which to research my flu vaccine options. I had no idea before today that supermarkets offered them. I think maybe I have lived in the sticks for way too long and am out of touch with the ways of proper civilization.

Best wishes

LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-31 11:55:00
United KingdomFlu Vaccines from a High Street Chemist?
Thank you for the clarification, everyone!

So my original note in my notebook and the Dr were right after all! I don't imagine our medicals will fall within flu season since we only submitted our I130 petitions at the beginning of this month. Nevertheless I will investigate our options. Our nearest major town incidentally is Glasgow so I will research online whether Boots or Asda etc there offer the vaccines.

Thanks again for your help.

Best wishes

LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-31 09:12:00
United KingdomFlu Vaccines from a High Street Chemist?
Thank you for your reply!

I went back and reread this document:


I think you are right and I don't need one after all. My GP (to whom I gave the document) must have misread it. However, I think it looks like my 3 year old still needs to have it. My older boys are 5, 7 and 9 so it looks like they escape.

I think on that basis I might just hold off and see what happens at the medical. The worst case scenario is that I have to pay £21 for my youngest to get the shot but that is still cheaper than a 5 hour round trip to the city to either a high street chemist or a private clinic.

I got myself in a muddle thanks to just assuming my GP had read the document correctly. Doh.

Best wishes

LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-30 09:31:00
United KingdomFlu Vaccines from a High Street Chemist?
Morning, VJers!

So far my GP has been very helpful in providing all of the shots my four kids and I need in advance of the medical. They have done it all free of charge and have even ordered in the adult MMR for me which they don't usually stock. However, they cannot provide us with the seasonal flu vaccines as they need to maintain their stocks for people in vulnerable groups. I totally appreciate and understand that.

I believe that high street chemists, such as Boots, can give flu shots to anyone who requests them. Does anyone know if that is true? Does anyone have any experience of it? I see Knightsbridge Doctors will give the flu vaccine for £21 each at the medical so is that comparable to the cost if done at Boots? I obviously need to evidence that we have has these vaccines for the medical so does the pharmacist sign something to the effect that we have been given them?

I live in rural Argyll in Scotland so we would have to make a special trip into the city to go to a Boots store to get the vaccines which is why I wanted to try and obtain some information before packing the kids into the car and undertaking a five hour round trip.

Thank you in advance for any and all responses.

Best wishes

LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-30 06:27:00
United KingdomUS Driver's licenses & buying a car

I've been looking into the same thing for MA. I managed to find a local driving school which asks you to pay $120 for them to loan you the car for the duration of the test, sponsorship for the test, RMV examiner and scheduling the test. Might be worth looking for local driving schools in PA which offer similar.


That's a good tip.  Thanks!

LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-07 09:53:00
United KingdomUS Driver's licenses & buying a car

Thank you for your really helpful reply, Ozz777.


My husband is a dual national (UK and US) but has never held a US driver's license.  I will be a LPR upon arrival in the US and should have an SSN shortly afterwards (we are taking the DCF route).  Apologies for making that bit of my post a muddle.


That's really useful to know that there is a means of getting around the rental car exclusion.  That route would make things so much easier and make the timescales more manageable.


I will get my husband on to contacting insurance companies and will make a note of the companies you have listed and start with them.


Thanks also for the tip about calling it P-A!


I really appreciate you taking the time out to reply to my query.  With so much contradictory and ambiguous information on this topic (and not actually knowing anyone who lives in PA) I was finding it really difficult to fathom it all out.


Best wishes



LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-06 15:01:00
United KingdomUS Driver's licenses & buying a car

All the information is on the PA DMV web site, no need to call them.


You seem to have made a number of incorrect assumptions. 


Really?  I am not sure I have formed any assumptions, to be honest, as the biggest part of our problem is that we cannot find precise, specific and unambiguous information on which to base any such assumptions.  I do, however, fully accept that I may well be interpreting the information on the PA DMV website incorrectly.  I guess as an English teacher that is one of my pitfalls - if language is not specific enough then it is open to interpretation.





LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-06 03:47:00
United KingdomUS Driver's licenses & buying a car



I do not see why you need a US license to buy a car.  You need the US license to insure the car and you need the insurance in order to get license plates for the car (a different catch-22, but still there anyway).  Your husband needs to find an insurance agent that can help him--a good agent should be able to do this and that is why you pay them.  He can buy a car and then get insurance on it so he can register it.  Then he can take the driving test in that car and once he passes, change his insurance.  He might look into a driving school as here in CO they offer driving tests in their cars and the DMV accepts those driving tests for issuing a license.  One thing I have noticed about the whole getting a license when your an immigrant adult--the US sucks!  It is geared towards the 16 YO needing to get their first DL.  No thought is given to a 30-40 YO adult that has never driven.  The advantage we have is that I am in the US with a car and insurance and she can drive that car with permission--I truly feel your frustration.


Good luck,




I was told by family in the US that they would not allow the car to leave the forecourt unless the buyer has valid insurance and that the insurance can only be obtained with a US license. That was what I was basing it on.


He shouldn't need any lessons (I will for sure!) because he has a lot of experience of driving in the US as my in-laws lived there until they retired.  It is just that he was always there as a visitor before rather than as a resident so always drove on his UK license.


You are absolutely right that the system seems to be designed for young, first time drivers who can use their parents' vehicles for the test.  I remember when I contacted the MD DMV they took ages to even comprehend what it was I was asking.


Thanks for your reply



LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 14:53:00
United KingdomUS Driver's licenses & buying a car

Thank you for your replies.


I have been trying to phone the DMV in PA on and off all afternoon but it has just been ringing out.  I guess they are maybe not working because of Independence Day yesterday or are on a skeleton workforce.


A bit more research has shown that PA will not permit the test to be taken in a rental car.


This is all getting very frustrating.


My husband wants to get his US license asap (even if they do allow him to use his UK license for up to a year) because we are aware that it is preferable for practical and financial reasons.  I will also aim to pass my test asap but, of course, by then my husband will have bought a car I can take my test in so that bit of this problem will be resolved.


I guess the crux of the problem is that a US license is required in order to buy a car but in order to get a US license we need to own a car.  Catch 22.  Frustrating.


Thanks for all the responses.


Best wishes



LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 13:55:00
United KingdomUS Driver's licenses & buying a car

As you've worked out, license rules vary by state. Your best bet is probably to phone them, I'm guessing on the out of state number, from UK, 001-717-412-5300. Bear in mind that the first people you talk to sometimes won't really know.


Is that the number for the PA DMV?  Because I found their eform to contact them online but not a phone number.


The eform would not work because it required a US address, US license number and VIN number to be able to make contact with them - none of which I had - and when I asked family in the US to complete it on my behalf it still failed because they were out of state (at least we assume that was why it didn't work since three different people tried entering their various numbers).  So frustrating!


And, yes, good tip on assuming the front line people might not have answers to such a non-standard query.  We are finding that to be the case with just about everything.


Thanks for responding.



LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 07:26:00
United KingdomUS Driver's licenses & buying a car

I am not sure if this is the right area of the forum in which to post this question so forgive me if I have got it wrong and feel free to move my post.


I am a UK national and my husband is a dual UK/US national but we both only have UK driver's licenses.  We are going to be relocating to Pennsylvania.  My husband will be moving in the next 6-8 weeks (depending on when his job contract comes through) to start work, find us a place to live and furniture etc.  We have four kids so the children and I cannot move out until we at least have the basics or it would be too tough on the kids.


One of the first things, therefore, my husband has to do is get a car.  Is it correct that he will need a US driver's license to purchase a car and insure it?  (Even if paying cash and / or buying from a private seller).


We have been trying to make contact with the PA DMV but we cannot submit their eform because it requires a US driver's license # and a VIN # for a US car - which we obviously don't have!  And when I tried to get family to submit it on our behalf it would not work either because they have out of state licenses (we don't know anyone in PA).  That is why I have resorted to posting this query here.


My husband read somewhere that in order to pass the practical bit of the driving test he would need to have his own car.  But how can he have his own car when he doesn't have a US license?  That seems to be a Catch 22.  What is the way around it?


Can my husband rent a car using his UK license even though he will be a permanent resident at that point rather that a tourist?  If so I suppose he could use a rental car to do the test.  Would that be allowed?


Does anyone know how long you can drive on a UK license in PA?  When we thought we were moving to MD, I got in touch with the MD DMV and they told me I had just 30 days to pass.  But it seems that to even be able to sit the test in PA you need to have two proofs of address and it is highly unlikely you would get a utility bill within 30 days.  I know non-residents can drive on their foreign licenses for up to a year but can that apply to immigrants too?


This probably seems like a trivial topic but to us it is pretty critical because the whole car thing causing a further delay is going to mean that my kids are apart from their Dad over Christmas which is going to be really upsetting for them.


Thanks in advance for any response to my questions.


Best wishes



LauraDPFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 04:52:00