US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCR-1 Visa Interview
Hi, mine was 5th Oct. (Not got my visa back yet though) I put a pretty detailed review in. There are others there too. Go up to the reviews bit on the tool bar.
select United Kingdom from the drop down menu.
I think if you are organised it will go fine. They were as nice as they could possibly be to me.

jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-13 16:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWe are at the interview stage, but have a possible problem.
I would go for a letter from her parents saying how good a daughter she was. How helpful to their family as a whole, how they were happy to support her financially and her input to the family will be missed. A church letter also sounds great. Simply to say that she spent much of her time there and was a valued member of their church, and her contribution will be missed. They hope she will settle well in her new church home.

Just focus on how she spent her time constructively, how her parents financially supported her. Don't focus on the "volunteer" angle, focus on the valued member of the community angle. Basicly a reference in the form of letters.

Wise to cover your back, you just never know if you get a CO who will pick on that aspect. If nothing else it makes her sound more "mature" as well.
jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-20 10:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionkids at the embassy interview
Hi, I took my daughter (11) she was fine. Toilets clearly marked, and they had a place you could buy drinks and snacks. She chatted some. Read and had a word search. There were other younger kids there. My daughter played around with them too. My daughter was expected at the embassy, and I did have to have her passport as ID. We were there about 4 hrs.
jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-20 11:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCourier Tracking Number
It is the invoice number on the letter. Top left below invoice date. In my case 10 numbers. Nothing will show up until the visa is in the hands of the courier. Usually day before delivery.
jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-21 16:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwondering if they have lost my passport....

Hi, yes they came when they said they would. 21st Oct. Updated my timeline :-) It was miserable waiting. Folk ask so many questions.... endless "when are you going ?" . Once they are here it does not matter though. I wanted to go spend a few days with folk before setting off, but that did not get to happen. It is okay though. I am not in an empty house, although my belongings were shipped ages ago. House is being kept on with family still living here. We leave Tuesday :-)) Very very happy.

jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-24 10:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwondering if they have lost my passport....
when you go to the interview, and they approve you, you hand a form to the courier desk. The courier desk takes your details, circles your number to tap into the website, and the website is on there too. It does not show up on the website until it has left the embassy. In my case yesterday.

Today I got my email response from the consulate (called them first for PIN number to put in email), saw it on the tracking webiste as to be delivered tomorrow. I also got an text message to my mobile saying they would be delivered tomorrow.

From my experience I would reckon approval for two passports takes twice as long.

If you worry, call the embassy after 6 working days. They are responsive.

jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-20 13:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwondering if they have lost my passport....
Finally I have notice that the passports are to be delivered tomorrow. I don't know if you are supposed to assume two take twice as long.
So, tomorrow they will be here. Just delighted they are out of the embassy.

It is worth noting that I called the expensive line, and emailed the consulate. I got the email around the same time it went up online as being passed to the courier.

Interview was 5th Oct.

Just happy. I have a present for my daughter a charm bracelet to celebrate the start of a new journey together. She has been real patient through all of this, but it is hard on children.
jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-20 09:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwondering if they have lost my passport....
Yup, I hear you....
but there is nothing filed to show a link of relationship beyond the marriage. No financial support. No evidence of relationship filed. (They asked for nothing, I had it photos etc but they saw nothing.) Also on the papers you write that the child is to immigrate with the mother. The papers were actually clipped and filed together at the interview. I have also not given any consent for her to go live with her stepfather on her own. (Her father is dead.) Surely they would want a letter saying that I consent to her leaving the country after I have stated she is leaving with me ? (I have also stated on my papers she is to leave with me.) Marriage is jsut over a year old.

I get they are seperate petitions, but from the process I really cannot see how they could have approved hers without mine to go live with someone she has never lived with before without my consent ? Does not make sense, but I guess lots of things could be like that.

jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-16 16:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwondering if they have lost my passport....
I can't see a situation where they would not approve my visa, but approve my daughter to go live with her step father.
Hers is derived from mine surely ?
I will go read and check.
jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-16 16:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwondering if they have lost my passport....
Feeling a bit stressed here...

I had my interview on 5th October. Myself a CR1 and my daughter age 11 a DCF CR2. At the interview we were told we were approved. Congratulations. Paid for our envelope and the guy their said it would be around 5 days to get the passports delivered back to me.

So 5 days goes by and I call and they say, don't worry, it is just being processed no way of checking on it.
Call again today and find out that my daughter's visa was done on the 14th. (Must mean mine was fine, since hers was dependant on mine. Stepchild of the petitioner.)

So.. how come the courier does not have it yet ? Must be hanging around to meet up with mine ?? I am really not getting this... Worried mine has gone astray and I will have to get another passport. Big delay. Has this happened to anyone and if so how did the embassy handle it ?

Anyone else have things run so slow ? It is just bad when you are trying to work out what should happen with school after the October break and stuff. Hard on an 11 year old wondering endlessly when we are going although she is being pretty good about it. Pain being in every day up till 12 waiting on post just in case. We live out the back of beyond.

Anyways, I am moaning, I know I am. But also trying to think what will happen if mine has gone AWOL.

jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-16 15:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa in Hand
Nothing from me. (interview 5th Oct)
Nothing showing up on website for delivery service either....

jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-14 18:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa in Hand
I had my interview the day before you. Still no visa either. Called the embassy today and they thought the time scale was fine. I did also call the courier and they said the tracking only shows up once they have it in hand, day before delivery normally.

Glad I am not the only one.

jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-13 18:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 Refusal with Blue Form
I'm sure you will be alright as soon as you send in your passport/new police cert, so keep positive, I used to email the embassy for any queries I had (at pkt 4 stage), and they always reply with an automated email first, then you get a real person response..........Try that to help keep things moving along, but sounds like you will get your visa in passport pretty soon!
angelangelsFemaleScotland2008-04-26 03:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDocumentation / Embassey Interview
I took continuing evidence to mine, they didnt ask for it, but to make yourself feel better just in case, it is a good idea.

Good luck !!!
angelangelsFemaleScotland2008-04-26 15:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPaying Visa Fee at the embassy?
Here are some current "set" costs as of March 23, 2008 (found on the USCIS website and London Consulate website):

The I-129F petition fee = $455
The K-1 visa application fee = $131
The K-1 visa medical exam = £170 plus 17.5% VAT
The K-1 visa courier fee = £14

So you will pay $131 at window, plus £14 for courier fees.

Good Luck !!!!
angelangelsFemaleScotland2008-04-26 15:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes time really matter?
You will be fine smile.gif lots get approved and they have only met once.........

Good luck and keep positive!
angelangelsFemaleScotland2008-04-26 16:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview questions, and more...
I had separate plastic folders for 4 main areas: 1. USCIS documents, 2. Personal Letters/Cards/Proof 3. Legal Documents 4. Birth Cert/Police Cert etc and 5. one with Photos - I had a post it note on each cover of folder with those headings, which helped me to sift through the papers with ease. Accordian folder will work just as well, as you can pop in headers at top of those. I was complimented on my presentation at both K1 interview and AOS, so go with what feels good and organised with you smile.gif

As for working file for your SS around 2 weeks after you enter the US, this gives the system time to update your details. Once you are married and file for your AOS you will file your Form I-765 Application for Employment Authorization with the USCIS office that serves the area where you live for a work permit (employment authorization document)

I was given the I-765 Form at Newark Airport when I passed through on my K1 visa, but I waited to file the whole thing together with AOS, some places stamp with a temp work permit in your passport, I didnt feel confident enough to ask for it though! looking back - I do think its worth it ask for one smile.gif

Tip for you, as soon as you get married get your AOS/EAD/AP sent off as soon as you can smile.gif

Best of luck for interview and happy travelling !!
angelangelsFemaleScotland2008-06-10 02:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhen can I apply
I recieved my 10 year green card in April this year, does this mean I wait 3 years to apply for citizenship, I have been married to my USA born husnband for 2 years and 4 months.

Thank you in advance smile.gif
angelangelsFemaleScotland2008-07-30 17:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat is involved?
Hi there,

I have a while to wait before I can apply for Marriage Based Citizenship, I would just like to know what is invloved in the process when its time to apply, is it like the k1 and AOS process? do I need to provide a ton of info ?

Ive been looking online for some info on this but not found anything so far!

Thank you for all who contributes ! smile.gif
angelangelsFemaleScotland2008-08-30 13:28:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhen can I apply?
Am I right in thinking I can apply for my citizenship on 25/4/2011 - I received my Green Card 25/4/2008?
Also do my hubby and I need to submit tax info with the application? that part was not so clear in the guidelines.

angelangelsFemaleScotland2010-03-21 20:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK medical and Interview
Hi thanks again for the help guys, i really appreciate all the advice. i`m actually just starting out the process, thats why i don`t have a timeline but i want to know everything i can as soon as possible so i can plan for it.
my problem is that i live in the north of scotland, so travelling to london will be quite an expensive trip for me and could be quite a lot of hassle, so ideally what i`d like to do would be to go down the day before my interview and have my medical then, or the day after, anywhere around the interview where i wouldn`t have to make two trips all the way to london, but whats worrying me is that i don`t want to leave anything out or take any risks so i dont know how easy it is to arrange the medical. for example if i get told my medical is on the 7th, and i called the doctors, will they manage to definatley fit me in for the 6th? you know what i mean? i`m just worried that waiting for the interview date could mean i miss my chance to get a medical booked.
so really i`d like to know what everyone thinks about me waiting to try and get the medical right around the time of the interview, is that a safe option? is it risky? what do you think? i`d really like to be able to do the medical and interview it in one trip.
any help or advice on here would be really very much appreciated as i am not sure on these things.
thanks for your help so far, i hope i hear some more from everyone.
creasy19MaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-17 13:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK medical and Interview
Thank you for your kind response, that smuch appreciated.
would love to hear from anyone who has been through it in the UK just so i know for sure what it is i need to do.
thanks, look forward to hearing from you all

oh and i wish you all the luck in the world for your upcoming interview, hope all goes well.

Edited by creasy19, 16 August 2008 - 05:48 PM.

creasy19MaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-16 17:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK medical and Interview
Hi there, i was wondering if someone could help me, i apologise if this is something that has been brough up before but i have looked and cannot seem to find the answer i am looking for.
once you start filing for your K1 visa, down the line you have to go for a medical in london and also your interview in london, whats confusing me though is, when do you actually go to your medical? do you wait until you are told to go for one? do you make one yourself anytime? when is it you are supposed to go and how do you know its time for one? im confused because it says you will be told when you are told that you have an interview date, but the interview seems like it can be given without much notice and also people seem to be talking about getting their medical when they don`t have an interview date. so can someone please explain to me how this works exactly?
any info would be much appreciated.
thank you very much
creasy19MaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-16 17:16:00
Canadainternationals, problems entering canada?
hey, sorry if this is a weird question, but you guys know how you get hassle from the US POE guys when they see in your passport how many times you have visited the states, has anyone ever been denied entry to canada because of how often you have entered the states? if they canadians look at your passport and see you have gone to the US a bunch of times, do they then assume you might just be going into canada to get to the states? or is it totally unrelated?
any help or advice would be greatly appreciated
thanks a lot guys
creasy19MaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-23 16:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDo Children Not Going To US Have To Attend Interview?
Hi Guys

Thanks for all info!!!

Truffles thanks for tip on being organised , i suppose this process makes you realise how organised you need to be!!

My fiance just called , he called NVC this morning our case was sent to Embassy on mar 26th!!

Woo Hoo
lifebeginsFemaleScotland2008-05-19 11:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDo Children Not Going To US Have To Attend Interview?
Hi All

First day on here , so be gentle!!

My lastest update is NOA received Mar 20th , heard nothing since.

My question is my children , who are 19 and 15 are remaining with their father , do they still have to attend the interview with me??
lifebeginsFemaleScotland2008-05-18 13:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat Now??
you guys are great , thanks i will call tomorrow , and i will let you know!

Jeez bet i dont sleep tonight lol
lifebeginsFemaleScotland2008-05-19 15:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat Now??
Thanks Julezabelle!

Will they be able to tell me though if i have an interview date?

And is it only me that gets paranoid about pack not being delivered by snail mail?? lol
lifebeginsFemaleScotland2008-05-19 15:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat Now??
bex your a wee sweetheart!
lifebeginsFemaleScotland2008-05-19 15:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat Now??
Yes it sucks!!!!

Thanks Mark and Hannah , i wish you well also

I dont suppose anyone would know Dept Of State telephone number!

Cant seem to find it , the one i thought i found earlier doesnt exist lol

I think im going backwards today lol
lifebeginsFemaleScotland2008-05-19 14:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat Now??
Thanks for that bex!

Im so glad i found VJ , isnt it a great community!!

Edited by lifebegins, 19 May 2008 - 02:03 PM.

lifebeginsFemaleScotland2008-05-19 14:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat Now??

my fiance called NVC ,and they told him our case number and that it was sent Mar 26th , is 2 months normal waiting time??

I did try to call Embassy today but got an automated system telling me i was being charged £1.50 a min , and i should have my passport number and a credit card to pay full fee??

Fee for what my visa? Maybe i used wrong number 09042 450 100??

Anyone ever tried to contact them??
lifebeginsFemaleScotland2008-05-19 13:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRoyal Bloody Mail
im updating a previous post , i/we contacted NVC and were told our case was forwarded to US embassy London on 26th March , so i would like to thank Bex and Julezabelle for telling me to phone the Embassy and find out what was happening , and i finally got through to today!

Only to be told they sent out my P3 on 2nd April!!!!!!! This is 23 May!! And guess what i have recieved no packet! mad.gif

I thought all i had to do was be patient , that these things took a long time !

Well thank you VJ!

So , was given a code to email all my details and request that P3 was sent again, now....... another period of waiting and hoping that the mail actually delivers!

Anyone similar? did you wait a long time for secondary P3? Will this one actually arrive ? something new to keep me awake at night!

If anyone else has similar timeline and like me is patiently waiting ....... a little too long call them NOW!
lifebeginsFemaleScotland2008-05-23 12:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWaiting on email reply from London Embassy
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ May 28 2008, 04:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We scanned the entire packet 3 last Friday and I'm thinking you could just print your own if you wanted. I don't remember anything particular to our case except the cover letter that doesn't get sent back anyway. Your forms are all downloaded or completed online and printed. The only form they send is the medical checklist, which we have scanned. You can book your medical if you know your LND2008xxx number. Part of the packet is pages about the Knightsbridge doctors. And the phone number in that infomation is wrong. We had to get a number off the internet to finally get the call through to book it. London Packet 3 said revised April 2008 so it's a new version.

Doctor info here is mostly the same as the packet info, except this phone number worked and there was a nice list of all the vaccinations.

PM if you want the Packet 3 scans uploaded or emailed to you. They are on my fiances computer in England, but he could help you out.

Thats amazing help , thank you!!!

How do i contact your fiance?

Now i feel like i can finally do something , thank you so much!!!!!!!!!

sharon kicking.gif
lifebeginsFemaleScotland2008-05-28 02:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWaiting on email reply from London Embassy
This is probably yet another stupid one from me but......

I emailed London Embassy on Friday 23rd May after costly phone call wacko.gif

Got code for email , got auto reply saying few days, am i being to hopeful to think
i might get a response this week??

P3 was apparently sent 2nd April, just want replacement , this is all getting me down sad.gif
lifebeginsFemaleScotland2008-05-27 13:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Date Has Arrived! OMG!
QUOTE (Brian & Kathy @ Jun 30 2008, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats! You have the same interview date as us. good.gif

Must be nice to have the whole process move so quickly. I sent our petition on September 24th, 2007, right when the back up at CSC was the worst. Our NOA2 was given the day after you sent your petition, and we are moving quickly through the Guanzhou consulate compared to most others.

Thanks Guys

I wish you all the best for your journeys too good.gif

Not sure i will be sleeping tonight , feel like a child on xmas eve lol kicking.gif
lifebeginsFemaleScotland2008-06-30 17:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Date Has Arrived! OMG!
I really cant believe it! I had my medical Wednesday last week , told to have MMR booster
which i had on Friday, and faxed proof of vaccination to Knightsbridge on friday , and i received my P4 today!

Interview 7th July..... thats one week away! Im totally in shock blink.gif
lifebeginsFemaleScotland2008-06-30 15:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnyone Have Interview Monday 7th London??
Just wondering if any vjers had visa interview in London 7th July, would be good to chat to someone to relieve the tension lol laughing.gif
lifebeginsFemaleScotland2008-07-04 13:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed some reassurance

One thing to make a note of: if you have the interview and medical on the same day, your visa will only be issued pending medical results. These take around four days to reach the embassy.

It normally takes up to a week to receive a visa after passing the interview. You'll need to add an extra week on if you have the interview and medical on the same day.

Thanks, I am aware of the delay in receiving my visa. Sadly my dad is dying so I will probably not leave until about March, but I am still keen to have my interview asap so that I am prepared to leave when I can
kaxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-28 06:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed some reassurance
Hi, I am new to this website so please bear with me. I am from the U.K, my petition was appoved on 13th October. I sent my forms back to London on 7th November, but I am still waiting to hear about interview date. Is this a normal wait time. I have also read on this site about people sending documents. I have not sent any documents even though 156k asked for documents to be attached because I was also told in bold letters not to send any documents. have I done the right thing. Also when I tried to make my medical appointment I was advided to wait until I received my interview date as I live in Scotland I could have my interview and medical on the same day. I hope this is correcet and I have carried out the instructions correctly. I am begining to feel anxious, so hopefully someone out there can assure me evrything is ok. Thank you.
kaxFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-27 05:00:00