United KingdomInterview tommorow, please help..
Actually, I have a question.

If our wedding is on August 13th, which it is, and I tell them on the DS-2001 that it's say, June 25th, if they ask me in the interview, I obviously have to stick to the June 25th date.

Will it cause any issues to bump the date up on the form?
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-23 06:22:00
United KingdomInterview tommorow, please help..

Well...Rang the DoS today and found out my interview is scheduled for June 6th at 9am. Why is mine so late??! Other people with a similar timeline to mine have either just had their interviews or have them soon...I still have almost 2 months to wait! Is there anyway I can move it forward?

did you include your wedding date on the DS-2001 cover sheet? When is your wedding?

I've heard you can 'bump up' the date of your wedding to get them to potentially expedite your interview.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-19 10:14:00
United KingdomAppointment letter/fee reciept online

Theres a page on the London embassy website that you can sign in with your passport # and DOB to see your interview letter and MRV Fee reciept:
Has anyone used this? Do you know if it posts your appointment letter as soon as you're assigned an interview date? It would save a lot of being on hold with DOS if it did.... It shows my fiance's reciepts and interview letters from his J1, and his receipt from the K1, but still doesnt have an appointment letter for the K1

You guys and us are on a similar timeframe, although I had my medical much later.

I only just paid for my interview (I'm David btw). It does have a slot for an interview date, so hopefully it will show up!
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-29 18:59:00
United KingdomInterview Next week...Please help with checklist

Thanks yet again Nich-Nick for a fantastic response! You should work for the embassy :P

That is what I thought, I just wanted to be 100%. Don't want to fall at the last hurdle because I missed one document. They should really revamp the whole K1 process to avoid confusion with other visas. I think why people are getting confused, and why I certainly got confused is because the appointment letter the embassy sends you after receiving packet 3 tells you to review the following document.

As you can see it clearly asks for DS230 part 2 to be shown at the interview. Although this is the only time part 2 is mentioned in the K1 process, it certainly puts doubt in peoples minds. K1 applicants really need updated forms that apply only to them. This form also mentions payment at the embassy which of course is also false for K1'ers.

Thanks David...Or Katie! lol :)

Sorry, I'm David. My better half never writes on here so its always me ;)

I'm like you, I don't want to fall at this final hurdle... I may bring my entire file ;) or get the general consensus and bring what I need to.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-31 17:45:00
United KingdomInterview Next week...Please help with checklist

This is the page I'm going off.

All I need to bring is:
Birth cert.
Police cert.
MRV fee printout.
I-134 affidavit of support.

I think I have that right anyway ;) I'm not bringing a letter of intent because we got our interview within the validity period of the NOA2 nor am I taking evidence of our relationship. I've read over all the reviews of London and I don't believe I've seen anyone needing those.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-05-31 16:46:00
United KingdomCR-1 vs. K-1?
Well Katie and I had discussed getting married and going down the CR1 route, but her family probably wouldn't have been in love with _that_ idea (mine either).

And I think she wanted her big white wedding :P Guys can roll their eyes here, its ok.

I know one thing though, if I had to do it again, I would NOT plan a huge white wedding on the basis of one of the couple getting a visa. The amount of stress I am under as the beneficiary is immense. I would have preferred to either get married and do the CR-1, or do a K1 and have a small, simple wedding that hasn't cost $$$$ and can be rearranged if I don't get my visa.

As it stands now, I am having my interview tomorrow *knocks on wood* so hopefully I will get that side of it sorted out.
David And KatieMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-02 09:27:00