K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI have received a letter from NVC and have a broken web link..anyone else?

Funny... I had the same problem. Typed it out, including the .html, several times, double and triple checked all spelling and it wouldn't work.  I click on UK-USA-K's link and suddenly no more problems.


Except now when I put in London the only thing I get is "The specific U.S. Embassy/Consulate has no location-specific panel physician list".  Very helpful sleepy.gif

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-10 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswithdraw petition


are you serious bro. she got pregnant and cheated on you. And you worked it out.!?!?


STOOOP it right now. 


You can never turn a H*e into a house wife.


I agreed with your sentiments regarding trust but there's no need for this.  Men cheat on their wives all the time, things get worked out, so why is it different if the woman is the cheater?  The "h*e to house wife" comment was really uncalled for.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-04 10:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260 for K-1 Visa?

), your invoice ID number will be the principal applicant?s date of birth (YYYYMMDD).?

I found this it might help?


Perhaps this is different from country to country, but our invoice ID number had no relationship to either of our birthdates in any order (there are two 3's in our number but neither of our birthdates have a 3 in them).  It appears to be a random number.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-16 07:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 financial requirements, sponsorship and who can co sponsor?

They go solely off of income, not including debts, so you should be fine there.

I haven't run across anything that mentions how long you have to hold the job (unlike with the UKBA).  Was she employed before she got this current job?  Some of the items we sent (I'm the USC) included tax returns, several months worth of paystubs, and a letter from my employer.  Perhaps she can include tax returns/pay stubs from previous employment with a letter of explanation if she didn't work while in the UK?  This might at least support the case that, even though her current employment is relatively fresh, she has a strong history of employment.

Does she claim her tips or report them to her employer?  At the end of the year, she should get her W2 and can file for taxes.  If she reports her tips, then her tax returns will include that as income.  If she can get a letter from her employer, and her employer knows how much she earns in tips, they can include that in the letter.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-25 16:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalled my Senator's office - Didn't end well.

That's what seems to be happening. It's a huge slap in the face to people still waiting from October/November to see a flurry of Jan/Feb filers being approved. 


I saw that there are a few March filers starting to get their approvals ohmy.png


We filed in April, so that makes me feel great, but I keep wondering about the late-2012 people... are they still stuck in limbo?

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-12 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalled my Senator's office - Didn't end well.


I agree something like that should not happen.


This thread started with OP reaching out to senators office and he was disappointed with the response and my response was he was well within the avg time frame of the K1 processing and its ok.

My apologies then?  I thought it was in response to the person who was talking about people getting approved when those who'd filed five months prior were still waiting.  Can't find the original post right now, though... stupid phone won't let me keep playing on the internet at work ;)

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-12 16:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalled my Senator's office - Didn't end well.

Sometimes we are not aware but those employees also get pulled into various other things, simple example Obama passed the executive order and put stop on deporting children who came in at very young age. There was never increase in the staffing who was going to work on our cases and who was going to work on these new load of cases?


A delay in all cases is understandable in that situation.  But to put, for example, September filers on a shelf so that these other cases can be worked on, but January filers still get processed like normal with no delay?  That shouldn't happen.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-12 13:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalled my Senator's office - Didn't end well.

Write your story in a more public forum and spread the word.  The reason why congresspeople exist is to help their constituents, and if they flat-out refuse to do that, and even go to the length of calling people liars (which I find funny... why would people on VJ lie about when they got their approval?), then I'm sure other people would like to know about it come election time.  Even if they are technically correct in their response (figuring it's under the standard turnaround times) the dismissal of your concern and grief is most telling about their character.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-12 13:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffadavit of support?

Thank you for the responses! I noticed that in the instructions for the I134 it states that you must show sufficient income or financial resources. Sufficient incoming meaning being over the 125% poverty line( tax returns) I'm assuming? If that is the case am I still required to give banking info? Not familar with Tax Transcripts? Meaning like a 1040ez competed? Intern's of the W2's is a print out from an employer website sufficient? or is something more official required? 




Yes, sufficient income means above the income requirements.


When I submitted my evidence of income I did not include banking information (because my accounts typically contain embarrassingly little money, if I'm honest <_< ), but I've read that if your income is close to the minimum requirement it's good to include this.  Of course, no matter what your income is, the more evidence you send, the more iron-clad your application is.



Tax transcripts and tax returns are not quite the same thing.  Your tax returns are the paperwork that you or your tax professional file with the IRS (such as the 1040ez you mentioned) .  Tax transcripts are sort of like a very detailed "receipt" of your tax returns that the IRS provides to you upon request.  You can simply use your tax returns, if you want, but because tax transcripts are from the government, they tend to hold more weight than tax returns.  Luckily, they are very easy to obtain:



I used a print-out of my 2012 W-2 from my employer's website (since my ex, who kept all our tax paperwork, had lost the actual thing) and it was approved, no problem.  I also did this with my paystubs because my employer stopped offering physical paystubs a couple years ago.

Since you are only sending copies, not the real things, I don't think they care.



Lastly, here is a template for the employment letter in case you need it:


Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-14 20:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffadavit of support?

Based on your timeline, it looks like you're preparing for the visa interview, so it would be the I-134 (make sure to include W-2s, tax transcripts, and/or a letter from your employer).


The I-864 is for the next step in the process and has similar requirements.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-14 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting an Attorney or personally doing the filing,which is better?

As many others here have said, we've done this 100% by ourselves (well, with the help of many people here, of course) and have had zero issues so far (well, at least, no issues that an attorney would've been able to help with).  It seems really confusing and overwhelming at first, but once you get used to how the forms work and how to use this website, it's actually kind of easy.


One thing to consider is that hiring an attorney may actually cause more problems than it would solve.  Sweet cakes mentioned getting an RFE despite having a lawyer... I've read many similar stories here, including one where the attorney left the RFE sitting for over 6 months and the petitioner didn't find out about it until she called in herself to find out why her application was taking so long.  In another case, the petitioner was filing for his spouse and children, and the lawyer left one of the children off the application.  In yet another, the attorney made several questionable mistakes on the forms, and then charged another $2,500 to "fix" the mess this caused.


Reading those stories certainly made me very grateful that we couldn't afford to use a lawyer.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-14 21:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSent my I-129F, now i'm a bit worried

It sounds like you provided more than enough "travel" evidence.  


My now-husband lived by Manchester, and I sent as evidence credit card receipts showing purchases I'd made in London as well as tickets showing that I flew into Heathrow (we decided to meet there instead of Manchester because some mutual friends of ours had a gig we wanted to attend - this was before he'd proposed and we knew we'd be going through this process).  London is something like 3-4 hours away from Manchester, so it basically just showed I was in the same country as him, and we still got approved.  No bank statements, no phone bills (though we did provide Skype logs), no credit card bills.


I don't think you really need distinct landmarks behind you in the photo... just so long as the photos are of you together, why would it matter where they were taken?


I made a million mistakes on forms, caught a lot of them, but I'm sure one or two slipped through.  No problemo, still approved.




I do remember the paranoia and anxiety of being in that phase of things (just like you, I'd read so so so many horror stories), but once you get that K-1, it gets a LOT easier.  By then this will all be old hat and the next steps aren't much different so you'll know exactly what to do.  Hang in there :)

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-25 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

hi guys I am new here. I need someone to talk, my fiance just visited me last april and he wanted us to process the paperworks in June. problem is, we want to do it on our end without asking help from a lawyer. i work in a dayshift here in the Phils & he is a truck driver. can we do it?


Most of us are going through this process with no legal aid, so yeah, you can do it without help from a lawyer!  In fact, from what I'm reading, lawyers just seem to mess things up, so you may be better off doing it yourself anyways.  


Read the instructions here:



They're very detailed and helpful.  Just follow them step-by-step and you should be fine.  Also, make sure to read the instructions that come with the I129F.  Read these two or three times to make sure you didn't miss anything (I found it helpful to take the I-129F instructions, right away cross off the things that don't apply to you - which will probably be lots of things - and check off the remaining items as you complete them).  


The US citizen will probably end up doing most of the work during this part of the process; since he's a truck driver, that might be a bit tricky as it does take a bit of time to gather everything you need.  It is very good that he visited you, as you will need to prove that the two of you have met in person within the past two years.  


It looks daunting, but once you get going, you'll find it's pretty easy.  If you have any questions, there's a search box towards the top of the screen.  Try looking there first... someone probably had the same question as you at some point.   If that still doesn't answer your question, feel free to ask in the forums.  That's what we're here for :)



Good luck!

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-26 20:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Just wanted to say this thread is great!  The thought that I would not be allowed to enter hadn't even crossed my mind... I saw the "yes, you can visit!" title and literally thought "well, of course I can!" *lol*


So I returned from my trip two weeks ago and wanted to share my experience.


First, when my fiance came here, he had a layover in Detroit, and said that he had to answer several questions, was pulled aside for further questioning, and had his carry-on luggage searched.  He did not have any of the documents mentioned here, because this was before we found this site, but this wasn't a problem.  It took about 45 minutes and he was let through.



Now, my trip:

I was flying from Chicago (US) to Manchester (UK).

I brought with me a copy of my lease agreement, a letter from my employer, and also a copy of the NOA1 showing that we were applying for him to move to the US.


I arrived in Manchester, extremely tired (I don't sleep on planes) but the customs person was very friendly.  

She asked me what the purpose of my visit was, and I wanted to answer very honestly, so I said "to visit my fiance and see where he lives before he moves to the US".

She asked when he was moving to the US.  I shrugged and offered: "Whenever the government decides to give us a visa?"

This was followed by questions of how long we had been together, some more details about our trips back and forth to visit one another, when was the last time we saw each other, and so forth.

She then asked if I had a return ticket.  I panicked... no, I didn't, because I print my tickets at the airport just before my flight.  Then I remembered that I had a copy of my itinerary, and she accepted that (after a moment of confusion because we list dates differently between the two countries).


And that was it.  She stamped my passport and let me through.  It took about 5-10 minutes, and I didn't even have to show the documents I brought.




So, I would say, be honest, be prepared... and have your itinerary printed out ;)

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-26 19:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List


So after 7 months in initial review... USCIS decided to send me an RFE. The only thing requested was a sworn affidavit that I and my fiancée needed sign and have notarized stating that "it is our intention to marry within 90 days of receiving k1 visa" isn't this the purpose of filing a I-129f K1? 




Signed AND notarized?  Is that what the RFE said?


Is that typical?  I didn't get mine notarized; I don't remember seeing that requirement.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-16 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

All I did to prove it was my working visas/entry/exit stamps to Mongolia, my flight itinerary, and a picture of me with my fiancee, her brothers, and her son. I might have thrown in a copy of my Mongolian driver's license, I don't remember. I didn't include any receipts or anything of the like, but I got NOA2 without any RFE.

I included passport stamps for both myself and my fiance, but my trip to London will have likely crossed the two-year threshold by the time someone touches our file so they probably won't count it, and for his trips here (Chicago) his passport stamps didn't copy well so I'm not sure they'll accept those, either. I read earlier that flight itineraries aren't viable because they're not proof you actually took the trip, and photos are secondary evidence. In your case the visas and entry/exit stamps probably sealed the deal.
We did end up finding some receipts that had names, dates, and locations on them, so I think it's a strong enough case, but I hadn't expected how difficult it would be considering the sheer number of receipts we'd kept. Only three were actually usable.

I'll admit, I'm a bit of a control freak. Now that the application is in, there's nothing I can do but sit and wait, and I HATE that! So I'm probably worrying more than I should because it gives me something to do :)

Edited by Protocol417, 20 April 2013 - 08:18 AM.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-20 08:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
Question about financial documentation:

The K-1 Guide and the I-129F instructions don't list having to provide documentation of your income. Everything that I can find says that this is needed during the consulate interview after the NOA2 is received. But some of you are saying that you received an RFE because your proof of income was missing or mismatched?

I'm only asking because my ex-husband and I filed our taxes jointly until the divorce was final, which was 3 months ago (the process took two years), and he held on to our tax documents. I just found out that he can't find my 2011 W-2. I haven't sent the package in yet but I'm getting close to the point where I can, and I don't want to hold up the application for something that isn't necessary.

Is it typical to have to send income documentation in with your I-129F application?
Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-23 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

This is where this thread is going to confuse many. Getting an RFE for lack of evidence to prove you have met in the past two years almost always is due to a lack of primary evidence. Supplying more, or many photos (secondary evidence) will usually not overcome the burden of proof.
This has been borne out time and again by USCIS decisions whereby they have found mostly in favor of primary evidence and rejected secondary evidence such as photos when submitted as sole proof.

Primary evidence is documentary in nature: airline boarding passes, passport exit/entry stamps, hotel receipts, atm withdrawals in city of question, utility bills, apartment leases, etc.

Secondary evidence The USCIS defines secondary evidence as any documentation that can be used to supplement primary evidence but in itself cannot stand alone to prove ones assertions.

Photos are secondary; so are letters from relatives, neighbors or acquaintances, bus/train tickets and essentially anything that cannot be used to prove your point with a very high degree of certainty.

To sum up; very good Primary evidence with some secondary evidence = NO RFE
very weak Primary evidence with some, or lots of secondary= Possible RFE
No Primary evidence..........................................................= RFE
No Primary, lots of secondary.............................................= RFE

This is extremely helpful, thank you!

The process of proving you've met in the last two years is so frustrating. The receipts are especially so. We saved a whole bunch of 'em, to document being in each others' home countries, but when we started copying them for our application we were horrified to realize that none of them actually had our names on them!!! Whether that's the bank's doing or the individual businesses' I don't know, but what we thought was really good evidence turned out to be useless.
Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-23 09:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFor all December and January filers

Dec filers
Sept 08 received notice stating our case has been route to local office/assigned to human

Sept 23 received 2nd notice from USCIS local office (Still in processing and they can't able to give us a time frame)

Oct 2 RFE ( original copy of marriage certificate in English translation ,Petitioner G325A signed and date, Passport style photo
So I respond quickly then on last 17 of October our case has been granted

On 28 I called NVC to find out if they receive our case and I was told that

on October 23rd they received our case and that will take 15 days or so to get into their system

So now waiting for case number

that's all for now so far

case to case are different

I had applied for my husband in Jan 2013, and received NOA2 today. what is the next step after this how long should we wait to get case number from NVC. do you think i will be able to get interview by AugustClockWatch2.gif huh2.gif

Blue roseFemaleCanada2013-10-31 16:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsinterview
After your interview can you please post how your interview was and what all they asked you so that we have an idea too. :)
Blue roseFemaleCanada2014-01-01 01:21:00
PhilippinesOctober 2013 NOA2's --> NVC received dates
My NOA2 is Oct 30th. From California Service Center. Called NVC couple of times they said they didn't receive my file uptill now. :(
Blue roseFemaleCanada2013-11-13 20:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswithdrawal of application for admission/ cr-1 interview date of 12/05/2013
Will you let let us know if your wife passed her interview. Did she get her interview date yet?? Please keep us updated,
Blue roseFemaleCanada2013-11-30 00:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help and confused
i have couple of questions regarding support if affidavit. I had submitted my packet for support of affidavit along with my dad as a joint sponsor yesterday. Couple of months ago I had asked my sister if she would be willing to be a joint sponsor since her income is around 40000 for last 3 years she said but she didn't give me any difinet answer so I assumed that she wasn't willing to be a joint sponsor. but today I got to know that she had submitted I864A along with her income tax papers around 4:45 pm since thats what she had to fill since she is living on the same address. Now my only concern is do i have to fill another I1864 form? since there are 2 joint sponsors or will i get an RFE? please help me iam confused. Did she submit the right forms
Blue roseFemaleCanada2014-02-21 01:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGot a checklist for birth certificate
No they just send me the checklist.. I have no idea
Blue roseFemaleCanada2014-02-22 21:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGot a checklist for birth certificate
Attached File  image.jpg   403.98KB   1 downloads

Edited by Blue rose, 22 February 2014 - 05:13 PM.

Blue roseFemaleCanada2014-02-22 17:11:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

Simple (to me anyway) phrases like "spot on" will often cause a blank look.


Wait, really?  I've heard tons of Americans use that one.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-28 14:02:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?


If you're in the midwest, you can get Ribena at Meijer, but it's $5 - we still buy it though smile.png


This place is based in Chicago where I am and you can buy things online and they'll ship it to you: we go there for my guy's lucozade lol



I'm at Jolly Posh way too much.  I should just sign my paychecks over to them ;)


Really wish they had Vimto, though...

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-28 13:57:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

The humor doesn't phase me (though I'm probably not the best example)... my favorite comedies are British... but I can't tell when you all are teasing, and it has gotten me into embarrassing situations on more than one occasion :P


I was at a bbq somewhere outside Manchester and somehow caught the attention of about half of the other guests.  After about 15 minutes of conversation it suddenly dawned on me that they'd been teasing me the entire time (in a loving way).  I spent the rest of the evening just talking to the Brazilian *lol* ;)


My fiance's favorite thing to do is call a food item by an incorrect, obscure, or antiquated name to see if I get fooled into thinking that's what it's called there normally.  I usually do cray5ol.gif

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-26 20:07:00
United KingdomWhat do you miss most about the UK?

I love the suitcase full of British food! The supermarket near my wife's house has a small British food section that includes chocolate digestives, PG Tips and even Ambrosia.When I'm in the US for any length of time I really miss cider (although Woodchuck cider is not bad it's not like scrumpy) crumbly fudge, clotted cream and pasties. Can you tell where in the UK I'm from lol.


I miss pasties, and I'm the USC! jest.gif

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-19 19:23:00
United KingdomMedical Insurance...SO Confused!

Oh wow, I've never been told an office is not accepting new patients.  Interesting. (scary! smile.png)


Nah, there were doctors available, it just took a bit of hunting.  I only mentioned it because it wasn't something I wouldn't have thought to do, except that my insurer required that I select a doctor during my application process.  That's when I discovered that many weren't accepting new patients.  If I had waited until I was actually sick and in need of a doctor, it would've been a much bigger problem.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-25 09:44:00
United KingdomMedical Insurance...SO Confused!

Just to explain, what you do is go to your insurers website and look for doctors there.  They will find you all the doctors that are good for your insurance, pretty easy.  Any decent insurance will have tons and tons of doctors to see.  Once you find one you like you just keep going back to them, no big deal.


To add one more thing, when you do a search for a doctor, make sure you call their office to verify they're accepting new patients.  


When I switched to my current insurance, I had to go through a page and a half of doctors on the approved list before I found one that was accepting new patients.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-24 13:40:00
United KingdomProcess from NOA2 to Arrival in the US - Notes

Luckily it's a bit clearer and simpler now. 


Two things to note:

- Notification of Applicant Readiness Form - not linked, but it can be found here: http://london.usemba...iness_form.html

- Medical - They still have this as step three, but it seems it can be done concurrently with step 2.  Many people do the medical before sending anything back to the embassy, but some have said that if the medical arrives before the paperwork it can confuse them and something might get lost.  I'm not sure how much truth there is to that, though.


That said, the process so far still seems to be about the same as what is listed above, except for the DS forms.  Oh, and when you call the NVC to get the LND#, you can ask for the beneficiary and invoice numbers then, too (this is needed for the DS260, if memory serves).  We're still at step #6 though.


Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-31 13:40:00
United KingdomProcess from NOA2 to Arrival in the US - Notes


A question I posted earlier to the K1 discussion forum is related to your content above. I don't understand what calling the NVC to get the LND# can do for us? Is it just to track our progress or is there something more? Just a little ignorant on this specific detail.



The DS2001 form does ask for the case number, so it can be helpful if you're preparing your documents in advance.


Other than this, I do believe it is mostly for tracking purposes/peace of mind.  If you can get you LND# it ensures things are progressing smoothly up until that point, and if your file gets "stuck" it gives you a solid reference number when you call.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-21 08:33:00
United KingdomProcess from NOA2 to Arrival in the US - Notes

Hey guys,


Based on the info above, should this part: 



  1. 4. London Embassy will send a letter to the Beneficiary ? at this point, Beneficiary sends ?packet 3? containing all DS forms with DS2001 as cover letter (address will be on letter from the Embassy)
  2. 5. Go for Medical
    1. Office will forward results to Embassy ? nothing for Beneficiary to bring to interview
    2. Must be completed no less than four days before interview
    3. Should be completed no sooner than receiving above letter from the Embassy


Read more like:



  1. 4. London Embassy will send a letter to the Beneficiary (at this point, Beneficiary can send "packet 3" with all DS forms except DS2001 - address will be on letter from the Embassy)
  2. 5. Go for Medical
    1. Office will forward results to Embassy ? nothing for Beneficiary to bring to interview
    2. Must be completed no less than four days before interview
    3. Should be completed no sooner than receiving above letter from the Embassy
  3. 6. If all documents have been collected and Beneficiary is ready for interview, Beneficiary sends DS2001 (include all other DS forms if these haven't already been sent - see address on letter from the Embassy)






I'm still wondering if there is some sort of benefit to sending the DS forms (except DS2001) immediately, as opposed to just waiting and sending them all together.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-21 08:28:00
United KingdomProcess from NOA2 to Arrival in the US - Notes

OK I knew about all the DS forms APART from DS157...I'm reading conflicting information about whether I will need to fill that out when the time comes, as I am a female. What about DS158? No idea why these two forms are missing from my initial list :/


Hmmmm.  I see what you're saying about the conflicting information.

The embassy-specific website only lists those documents and there doesn't seem to be anything gender-specific to the DS-157, though.  When I did a search on the London embassy website, the only mention of DS-158 stated that the form is no longer accepted.


If I had to take a guess, I'd say based on this, the DS-158 is probably an obsolete form and/or did not apply to the K-1 process.  I would stick with the documents listed on the website.  The forums here seem to back that up.

Edited by Protocol417, 19 July 2013 - 07:29 PM.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-19 19:23:00
United KingdomProcess from NOA2 to Arrival in the US - Notes

Medical can be UK or US sized photos. I used UK.

And the DS 2001 and cover letter don't HAVE to be sent with the other DS forms. They are sent when you are ready for the interview.


THANK YOU!   That was one of the things I had to take a guess on.

In response to that, though, is there a benefit to sending the other DS forms prior to sending the DS2001, instead of just waiting until you're ready and then send everything together?

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-19 16:37:00
United KingdomProcess from NOA2 to Arrival in the US - Notes

I've put together a list that contains lots of information which I thought might eventually be useful, however, I'm having difficulty confirming the validity of much of it.  So I thought I would put it here in its entirety in the hopes that it will be picked apart until it is correct.

(This is the information that I've gathered reading through forums and various websites that would pertain to a kind of "basic" childless couple with clean police records applying for a K-1 visa... so essentially, it doesn't cover things like adoptees, people who are bringing their children or pets with, people who are self-employed, etc.  Also, sorry for using Americanized spellings.  And for the format going a bit wonky.)




This is what I think the process is, and some of these things are guesses.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE correct me when and where I'm wrong.






  1. Around NOA2:
    • Start gathering documents from ?Documents to bring to embassy? (except for MVR fee receipt)
    • Get immunizations
    • Get police certificate
  2. After NOA2 ? File is sent from USCIS to NVC:
    1. After about two weeks, begin calling NVC at (603) 334-0700 until able to obtain LND#
    2. Start filling out DS forms (fka ?packet 3?)
    3. Begin practicing questions with fiancé/e (see embassy reviews for example of questions asked)
    4. Get immunizations and police certificate (if you haven?t already)
  3. File is sent from NVC to London Embassy ? no actions needed from Petitioner/Beneficiary
  4. London Embassy will send a letter to the Beneficiary ? at this point, Beneficiary sends ?packet 3? containing all DS forms with DS2001 as cover letter (address will be on letter from the Embassy)
  5. Go for Medical
    1. Office will forward results to Embassy ? nothing for Beneficiary to bring to interview
    2. Must be completed no less than four days before interview
    3. Should be completed no sooner than receiving above letter from the Embassy
  6. London Embassy will send an Appointment Letter to the Beneficiary with the appointment time and instructions on how to pay the visa/MRV fee
  7. Beneficiary attends appointment/interview and brings the documents from the checklist - leave all electronics (including things like headphones and key fobs) at home or check them in Goulds Pharmacy across the street (£3 fee)
  8. Beneficiary is approved (hopefully) and is directed to pay courier fee
  9. Approximately a week later, London Embassy will send passport with visa and a sealed envelope which is to remain unopened.

(This is the part I struggled with the most, so your feedback would be greatly appreciated!)





Petitioner provides:

  • Completed I-134 Affidavit of Support (note: I-864 does not apply to K-1 visas)
  • Most recent tax transcripts and/or W-2
  • Letter from employer stating
    • Date and nature of employment
    • Salary paid
    • Lists position as permanent (as opposed to temporary)
  • Paystubs (how many???)




Beneficiary provides:

  • Passport photos of Beneficiary:
  • Immunizations:
    • These are not needed to be approved for the K-1 visa but are highly recommended while still in the UK so that you don?t have to deal with US doctors once you go to adjust status in the US
    • Many NHS doctors will do them for free, but they aren?t required to
    • Shots required:
      • Td or Tdap:
        • Must have been received within the last 10 years
        • May not be available in the UK ? if this is the case, get DT, DTP, or DtaP
      • MMR ? Get a 2nd shot 4 weeks after your first, if you have time. 
      • Varicella ? If you?ve had chicken pox you don?t need this (they will take your word for it during the visa medical exam)
      • Influenza ? Only applicable October 1st through March 31st
  • Police certificate:
    • Application form is here: http://www.acro.poli...rtificates.aspx
    • Items required for application:
      • Two items proving current address required, showing name and address and dated within the last six months
      • Copy of passport
      • One passport photo - (UK-sized) must be endorsed by someone who has known you for a minimum of 2 years, is 18 or older, and not a relative (see list on application for acceptable endorsements).
      • Payment  - £45.00, £6 for additional copies (Fee can be paid by check, bankers draft/cashier?s check, bank transfer, or Postal Order - made payable to ?PCC for Hampshire?)
    • Should come back saying ?no trace?, which indicates a clean police record
    • If it comes back saying ?no live trace?, this means there is something on your record that has been ?spent? (ignored after a set time according to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act) ? further documents may be required by the embassy
    • Takes about two weeks to obtain
    • Items sent with application will not be returned
    • Good for 12 months, and must be taken  to medical exam
  • Medical Exam (
    • Call 020 7486 7822 for appointment (M-F, 9-5)
    • Police certificate and Case number (LND#) needed when calling for appointment
  •  ?Packet 3? (all forms found here
    • DS-230 Part I
    • DS-156 (completed in duplicate ? fill out online to get barcode, optimal browser is IE)
    • DS-157 (completed in duplicate)
    • DS-156K (do not sign)
    • DS-2001






Document to bring to embassy:

  • Passport (must be valid at least 8 months from date of visa)
  • Birth certificate (original or certified copy ? order here if needed: - costs £9.25)
  • Police Certificate (see above)
  • Photographs (see above)
  • Receipt for MRV fee (instructions for payment will come with Appointment Letter)
  • Affidavit of Support (provided by Petitioner)
  • Evidence of support (provided by Petitioner)

Note:  Must be originals.  Make copies for your records.




  • Visa/MRV fee: $240 (paid prior to interview for K-1 visas, see Appointment Letter for instructions)
  • Police Certificate: £45.00 (Sent with application)
  • Courier fee at Embassy: ???




As mentioned, please correct and add to this as you feel necessary!



Thanks in advance for all of your help!

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-19 14:28:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

It's no longer public.

Yes, not everybody comprehends instructions. I agree.
But sometimes you have to wonder if the information has been read when the website says
See "Contact and Mailing Address" on the right-hand side of the page.  And people ask "where do I mail the DS-2001.

"Can I go to the medical the same day as my interview."
"Do I have to attend the medical four days before my interview?"
Embassy page: Please note:  The visa interview will not be scheduled until the Immigrant Visa Unit is in receipt of the results of the medical examination. 
So, no to the questions because you will never get an interview until the medical results are at the embassy. (Maybe that's down to reading comprehension since you have to make that thought process that there will be no interview unless I go to London prior to have a medical."

Note:  We will not accept the short form version of a UK birth certificate.  The certificate must list both parents' names "They wouldn't accept my birth certificate because my parents' names weren't on it." (Now that is failure to read carefully.)

And a lot of lore gets tossed around.

"You must call the NVC to find out this or that". No, you don't. It will all get sent in the mail in due time. That's not a real step in the process, but one for the impatient (which is mostly everybody smile.png) And people start thinking it is mandatory in order to get a visa.

"You must take your whole copy of the I-129 petition, and photo albums, and Skype logs to your interview." Nope, not to London. That's why I think it's best to look at what London website says, read every link, read your letter of instruction, then read it all again. I agree there are some odd things that contradict each other on their website. It is challenging.



There's wrong information all over the websites (including the London website and the forms, as you said yourself), so it's only natural that people would question it especially if they're seeing things here that contradict it (like, say, people writing embassy reviews in which they've attended an interview where they're given a conditional approval because the medical results haven't arrived yet).  

I get there are a lot of people who keep posting over and over and over again with every single question they have, and that's probably frustrating to you veterans, but if you think that is frustrating, try going on a seven-hour-straight research-a-thon which leaves you feeling like your head is going to explode, and when you ask whatever questions you have or even just say "hey I've never done this before... am I understanding the process correctly?", you're accused of not bothering to read anything dead.gif


My point is:  Go easy on the newbs.  Even if they ask what you think are stupid questions.  If it's that frustrating to you, just don't respond, let someone else help.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-27 12:42:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Have you read the embassy instruction pages, lists, and clicked all the links? There's a lot of info out there that answers many of your questions. My detailed word document is 8-9 pages. Problem is, people can't be bothered to read.



Or they did read it, but they missed something or didn't comprehend it the same way you did.


Have you posted this Word document?  If so, I apologize, I can't find it.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-22 12:10:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Try reading post 6 in this thread. There is no exact order.


I've read it three separate times.  It answered one question (I misread a sentence).  Thanks.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-19 13:36:00