IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAdding spouse on finances and benefits



I don't understand what you mean by two years worth of documents.  I just got married and will be adding her to these benefits, but by the time she gets her interview it will probably be only 9 or 10 months since we've been married smile.png


Oh, my mistake!!! I came here from the front page, not the forums, and I saw "K-1 visa" in the tags and thought this was what we were talking about.  Sorry!  (EDIT: Odd thing is, the second I posted this comment, three of the tags disappeared, and now it only says "Spouse visa" huh.png ).

Edited by Protocol417, 04 July 2013 - 12:21 PM.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-04 12:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAdding spouse on finances and benefits

I added my fiance as a beneficiary for my life insurance and my bank account before we were even officially engaged, but to answer your question: YES.  Add your fiance/e to as much as you can as soon as possible and then save every single statement or bill you get with both of your names on it.  You will eventually have to show two years' worth of cohabitation; I've read threads from people who showed less than this and got an RFE when trying to remove conditions.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-04 10:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlready fired one lawyer, onto second and still not sure if we are being given good advise.


Further, using the VJ guide to check a lawyer will only cause you heartache as the lawyer is not likely to accept any advice from the client as to how to proceed.  Use the guide to do it yourself or use the lawyer.  Your choice.


Possibly, but if the OP is going to continue using an attorney, at least she will know whether she's getting her money's worth and her attorney is reliable, or she is getting the runaround once more.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-28 18:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCivil union in England, but apply for marriage visa for America?

The US does not recognize civil unions for immigration visas.  


You have two options;


1.  Get marry in the UK and apply for a spousal visa.  You could do a DCF which will take 3-6 months.  Get an immigrant visa and automatic green card upon entry.  The immigrant spouse will be able to work and travel internationally immediately.



England looks like will have marriage equality by end of year.


Same-sex marriage is not currently legal in England.  Although the Queen just signed off on it, from what I've been reading it'll be next summer before it's enacted.  By that point, the OP and his fiance (I don't remember OP's gender, sorry if I got that wrong) can go through the whole K-1 process and be together in the US.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-19 09:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresshort and long proofs (merged)

Different people within the processing center are processing the applications.  Their work speeds may differ.

Some cases are more difficult and time-consuming than others. 

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-18 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhotos question
Wish I'd read this first. I would've saved a bit of money not having to print photos on photo paper :)
I think some of the instructions I've read were written 20 years ago. They mention copies of letters and phone bills, too. HAHAHAHA! ;)
Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-23 21:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBest way to proof your relationship

Hi all,I am new here.I would like to ask what would be good for me to send as evidence.I live in Europe for a long time I meet my fiance here in my town who lives near me 2 years and a few months,I am asking this as I do not have chat logs,we call each other and see each other almost every day and also we use prepaid cell numbers and they only give prepaid users logs from the last six months,I have pictures with many friends and my family,we went only once to a trip this year but I do not have dates on the photos.I have a engagement ring I bought and pictures where I set the stone my self as I got the stone separately.So what can I provide,I used MSN from the start but it was terminated this year in March,only have a Skype log one year old,used it to make a call to her phone,never use Skype anyway.Any suggestions,anything would help?


Pictures but no date but lots of them with many friends,town,beach,travel and my family and her mom.I have pictures from the first day we meet and my friends wedding also but again,no dates on them

Ring receipt that I orderd from USA

Cell logs six months only back from this month

Hotel and ticket purchase receipt and passport stamps

We dont send email as we live in the same city and never used our home phones as we have free to talk on our cell phones



The thing is I did not plan this,I asked her for us to move to the US and live there,so any help would mean a lot.Thank you!


Cell phone/Skype records, emails/IMs, and photos are secondary evidence anyways.  I think what you've got, with regards to those, is fine. Just write the dates on the back of the photos and where they were taken.

Now, for primary evidence:  Can you prove you live in the same city?  Since they're just looking for evidence of meeting within the last two years, this should help prove your case.  Do you have any receipts that put you in the same place at the same time?  

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-15 18:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBest way to proof your relationship

I have my fiancee added as an additional user on a credit card account and I have western union-ed a couple of times to her so I keep copies of those transactions. 


Wow, I didn't even think of that headbonk.gif  My fiance is listed as my beneficiary for my bank accounts if I were to pass away, and I've PayPal'd him money a few times but didn't think to put that in the packet.  Good advice!

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-15 18:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about I 129F


No offense to the customs people at heathrow, but they were awful to me. : (  I had no job at the time, and their "official" reason was that my unemployed status made them suspect I was going to stay in the UK, because I had no ties to the US. You know, despite having spent my life here and having my TWO CHILDREN back at home. They said TONS of women leave their kids behind and move illegally to the UK.


I think the real reason was that I had met my fiance online and had, at that time, never met him in person, and was splitting up from my now ex husband. When she asked how we met and I explained it was on twitter she got all horrified looking and decided she needed to call him to verify our relationship. (he wasn't at the airport because I was meeting him at Manchester airport). However speaking to him on the phone wasn't enough for her and she and her coworkers made me sit in a small room for NINE HOURS, with my passport and belongings locked away from me, while they asked me insanely detailed questions like when did he divorce and what were my parents jobs and what did my ex think of me flying to the UK to be with another man? It was torture. They eventually decided there was no proof I'd return home, despite my kids, current passport, return plane tickets and my fiance and his mother vouching for me. Oh and they also accused my fiance of getting into an argument with me and kicking me out on the street, which he would NEVER do!!!


He wrote letters to his MP's after this experience and they forwarded it on but the UKBA stood by their decision and in the future I'll need a tourist visa to go there, presumably even after I marry him.


He's never had a problem entering the US, so he always comes here. He has a job and has told them he's here to visit his girlfriend (he never says fiance of course) and they barely even look at him. Fingers crossed it stays that way!!!

Funny how they would consider a job to be sufficient evidence, but not kids.  Because, you know, nobody ever leaves their job without notice... ;)

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-15 22:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about I 129F

9/11: I traveled to the UK to meet him, but was denied entry and sent back to the US. sad.png





Slightly offtopic45vn.gif , but I noticed your signature... can I ask why you were denied entry?

We've had a few successful visits back and forth but I'm still very paranoid about it! wacko.png

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-15 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWrong Embassy on the I-129F?!

I completely understand the situation now and yes I know everyone else has been in my shoes at some point or another. We were misinformed and now have a longer wait than anticipated. We were told Belfast would be able to process our case and schedule an interview within 4 weeks of receiving info from NVC. I did not put any blame or anger on anyone here on VJ....the people here have been a lifeline through all of this. I simply did not find some of the comments constructive when feeling fragile over the situation like asking if I have many other K-1's. Anyway good luck to you with your journey.




People lean on humor to keep themselves going through tough situations.  We all here have those moments of tension and despair, where we wonder how we can possibly wait another week, another month, whatever (god, I was feeling that before I'd even finished putting together the I129F packet)... and sometimes, you get to the point where you realize that all you can do is try to find a way to be patient, that no amount of stressing out will make the process go any faster, or make the delays go away (real or imagined).  In other words: Don't lose your sense of humor because it'll make it that much harder.  (And good luck with that, m'dear, cuz it's a hard goal to accomplish.)



That said, seriously, is there anyone here who's seen a single story of someone's attorney actually helping rather than hurting?  This is getting ridiculous.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-21 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding and Work related question.

Thanks for all the response guys.  I?ll hold off on any wedding plans besides some of the ones suggested such as my dress, maybe even let the bridesmaids get theirs too.  We can always store those away till later.


As someone who's been married before, I can't recommend doing this.  In my previous marriage I had a long engagement because my father was stationed in Iraq, and we were waiting for him to return.  I found a really good deal on a wedding dress and so I snapped it up, but by the time the wedding had come around I'd gained weight and could barely breathe in the thing! *lol*  Not saying the same will happen to you, but you never know.  The anxiety and stress from this whole process can affect your eating habits one way or the other.


Personally, we're having a small legal ceremony once he arrives on his K-1, and then later when we're both working and can afford it, we'll have a nice celebration :) 

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-23 21:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much time for Immigration? (PoE)


Visa Process Merchandise! We can start a little giftshop at the Embassy.

If you're talking London, I'm sure we could easily squeeze another ten quid onto that price ;)

After all, it's a once-in-a-lifetime thing, right?  Right?

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-26 19:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much time for Immigration? (PoE)

Hang an X-ray on your wall? Really? Seriously?  How about a wedding picture.

Pffff, everyone has wedding pictures.   Nothing says "I went through a harrowing, drawn-out, expensive ordeal for my love" like chest x-rays! biggrin.png



You could even put a sticker on it that says

I paid the US Government $______, waited for ___ months, and filled out ____ forms, and all I got was this stupid x-ray.



Oh, and the love of my life.




How awesome would that be? biggrin.png

Edited by Protocol417, 26 June 2013 - 02:02 PM.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-26 14:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa, to fill by ourselves or by attorney?

We're doing this on our own and it's been pretty straight-forward so far.  With all the help VJ gives you really shouldn't need a lawyer, and honestly, even though I've only been here a few months, I've seen dozens of stories of peoples' lawyers really messing up their application, sometimes intentionally (so they can charge more to "fix it"), sometimes unintentionally or through negligence... like not telling their clients about RFE's (requests for more info/items), giving clients wrong embassy information, forgetting to list children, etc.  It almost seems like you're better off doing it yourself!

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-26 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes a divorce affect the process if it was recent

Please be careful with the information above because it is much more complicated than that.  For example, above says that there is no statutory waiting period for Illinois, but this is only true with some types of divorces.  There may be no waiting period to get remarried once the divorce is final (thank goodness) but there is a waiting period for no-fault divorces before the divorce can become final.  You have to be living separately for a certain amount of time before no-fault can be used, otherwise you would need grounds for divorce. 

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-02 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSkype Logs


I didn't send them in for that either.  Nothing in the instruction asks for it.  I know some consulates want to see more evidence of a real relationship, so including it in your packet helps with that, but I went through USCIS without any logs of any kind.  All USCIS needs is evidence that you have met in person. At the consulate is where they get more concerned with the details of having a real relationship. 


Having sent them in won't hurt you in any way, but not sending them in won't hurt either, so as far as the chat logs are concerned, you have no worries, no matter how GOOD you are at worrying  smile.png


Also, I can say from experience that RFE's aren't so bad either. They are very specific about what they want when they send them.  I got mine, sent it back right away and had my approval 15 days from the date of the RFE.  


I know I said don't worry several times, and I know you still will, because we all do, but hopefully the worry will be at least a little less now smile.png

I really need to work on my self-deprecating humor laughing.gif


You're absolutely right, though.  I just reread the instructions that came with the I129F (as opposed to the instructions on VJ) and there is nothing about proof of ongoing relationship.  Oddly enough, I am less worried now!  This is a whole new feeling for me! ;)


I will say, though, that I received a PM from a local person whose Londoner fiance just came over on his K-1, and she said they did ask for photos of them together or something like that at the embassy.  I made a page-by-page copy of everything that I sent with the I129F so I think we'll print that off on his end so he can bring them with to the interview, just in case.  

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-04 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSkype Logs


Have no fear, I don't think in the UK you'll need them at all.  I didn't send in a single chat log from any of the methods we use (Skype, Whatsapp, email etch).  I have them and if they make a fuss over it at the interview I'll get it to them, but I haven't heard anyone not getting through London because they didn't print their chat logs.  


I realize that other countries do require a higher level of proof, so I'm not telling others not to print the logs, and they definitely won't hurt your case, but I'm just saying what I'm doing in my particular case. 


We're not even that far yet.  Still haven't gotten our NOA2.  I was referring to the items I put in the I129F packet.

I'm absolutely paranoid about getting an RFE, because I'm really good at worrying, and mama always said stick to what you're good at whistling.gif

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-03 20:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSkype Logs


Under General Account settings in your Facebook account you can download a copy of your data . This took a few hours , but once done I had our entire chat log . Also pictures I posted and other information . I would archive everyone , but the chat you want . I did this and only got my fiancee's chat log . You will see the download at the bottom of the general account settings area .


If printed would be total of 755 pages YIKES ! Screen shot just a selection smile.png


I can't imagine we chat any more or less than anyone else going through this, so hopefully what I sent will be good enough!

Besides, some pages probably aren't that appropriate for non-private consumption innocent.gif

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-03 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSkype Logs

I had more of a problem with the Facebook chat logs.  It takes absolutely forever to load.  I spent half an hour going through it and I only went back four months, maybe?  I gave up after some time and just took random screen captures (including one that said "loading 35,000 more messages"... yikes!)  I read on someone else thread that skipping around like that looks suspicious or is insufficient... I hope that's not the case cray5ol.gif

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-03 16:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLegal help. Should I or shouldn't I

~~~~One post removed as requested by the poster and 2 other posts removed for quoting ~~~~


Thank you very much!

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLegal help. Should I or shouldn't I

Goodness gracious, I can't edit it, so I had to report my own post headbonk.gif

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 11:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLegal help. Should I or shouldn't I




He is one of the people against SSM I mentioned.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 10:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLegal help. Should I or shouldn't I

I don't see why a same-sex applicant would need an attorney UNLESS they are wrongfully denied.  I would say go for it by yourself (because there are so many horror stories on here of people who used attorneys) and if you get denied and feel it was because you are a same-sex couple, THEN hire an attorney.  There is nothing different about the application process for same-sex couple as there is for opposite-sex couples; USCIS is already approving their applications.

(Please be warned, there are people on here who are morally opposed to same-sex marriage and may give you biased advice for that reason.)

Edited by Protocol417, 05 July 2013 - 10:32 AM.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Transcripts for Recent Divorcee

Using IRS tax transcripts includes the W-2 info, so you should be good to go.



Yes, that's why I got them, but I didn't know when I ordered them that all of my information and my ex-husband's information would be lumped together.  It's not itemized, so I wouldn't think it would be much help as you can't tell how much I made from it.  The W-2 by itself would.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-07 09:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Transcripts for Recent Divorcee

The IRS transcript, letter from employer and recent pay stub(s) is plenty. No need for bank statements if you are above the 125% and not using assets.



Woot!  And I see in the instructions that copies are a-okay, so I should be good with my non-paystub-y paystubs, too.  Thanks for your help!

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 20:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Transcripts for Recent Divorcee

Hmmmm.  Okay, this is what I have access to:


- The tax transcripts mentioned above, showing both my income and my ex-husbands lumped into a single number

- Printouts of paystubs (my company does not issue physical paystubs)

- The tax return (sans W-2) for 2012 (basically the 1040A form) - unsigned (the tax accountant sent the signed copy to the IRS)

- I think I can get the letter from my employer



Do you think this will work?  

Do I need to provide bank statements if I make well over 125% of the poverty level?  I'm more of a "cash under the mattress" kinda gal... 

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Transcripts for Recent Divorcee

Hello everyone, I'm hoping you can help me with something.


We're getting ready for our NOA2 and I'm gathering documentation for evidence of support.  




I got divorced in January 2013 after a long separation.  My ex-husband and I filed our 2012 taxes jointly to save each other money.  Unfortunately, he took all of the documents with him home to scan before giving them back to me and somehow managed to lose my W-2 in the process.  

I read in another thread that you could simply apply to the IRS for tax transcripts and this would work, so that's what I did.  I received my tax transcripts today, however, and realized that they reflect wages for both myself and my ex-husband, all lumped into one number, so it doesn't show just my wages broken out.  


Is this going to be okay?  If not, any tips for what document I should replace it with? 


Also, is it going to be a problem that my most recent tax documents say "married filing jointly"?

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresANYONE OUT THERE TO HELP US






Without answers to the other questions, I don't know what else you've already tried, so I can't be of much help.  The only advice I can give is to try the other routes available to you if you have not already done so.  Others in your position have had attorneys and they weren't able to speed things up.  The only option I can see that a lawyer could exercise is to sue the USCIS.  If that is what you want, then call around until you find a lawyer willing to do this.  Try more than one.



Good luck.

Edited by Protocol417, 07 July 2013 - 09:13 PM.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-07 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresANYONE OUT THERE TO HELP US

Just take a minute... breath, relax.  This is just a delay and you will find a way through it.  Calm down, and think.


What else besides talking to the Congressman have you tried?  And what did your Congressman tell you?

Have you checked to see when your file was last touched?  Does the website show that you have an RFE?

Did you call into USCIS, and if so, what did they tell you?

Have you tried contacting your local office?

If someone did give you a number, what would you ask or expect the lawyer to do?  What do you believe is within their power?


I understand completely where you're coming from.  I had a lot of legal stuff I had to take care of before my fiance and I could even apply, and I had no idea how long it would take to get through that.  It is hard, it's scary, but it's worth it.  You won't be left in limbo forever, and you're closer to the end than a lot of people.  Just keep in mind that the end is near, you just need to find that way that helps you get there.  We are here to help you with that!

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere did you gether the documents before you sent them to the USCIS?? folder? Binder??

I haven't gotten my NOA2 yet, but this is what I did:


Section 1 (Official Documents):

- I129F Cover Letter with itemization/explanation of everything included, check attached 

- I129F

- G325A Biographic info for myself, with passport photo

- G325A Biographic info for my fiance, with passport photo

- Copy of passport (to establish citizenship for myself)

- Copy of divorce decree from previous marriage for myself 

- Fiancee and Fiance Letters of Intent


Section 2 (Evidence of meeting within the last two years):

- Cover letter itemizing/explaining everything included

- Copies of boarding passes, receipts, and tickets for my trip to London (where my SO and I met for the first time)

- Copies of my SO's passport showing entry stamps for his visits here

- Copies of boarding passes, receipts, and tickets for his various trips here

- Photos of us together with dates and places written on the back


Section 3 (Evidence of ongoing relationship):

- Cover letter itemizing/explaining everything included

- Skype call logs

- Engagement announcement

- Random screen captures of Facebook messages

- Copy of receipt for engagement ring

- Copies of shipping labels for gifts going back and forth



I clipped each section separately with a binder clip (with cover letters on the top of each section) and put everything in a folder, in order.

I made copies of everything and did the same with the copies.


I've been told it's overkill for the UK, and like I said, I haven't gotten my NOA2 yet, but... it sure looks nice and organized and that can't hurt wink.png

Edited by Protocol417, 14 July 2013 - 06:23 PM.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-14 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdenial

At the interview, it raised an eyebrow with the CO that I became "engaged" a month before my divorce was finalized (filed I129 6 months later). Fortunately, I had my separation agreement with me that showed we'd actually separated 4 years before that (just didn't get around to the formal paperwork until later).


What is the separation agreement?  Is that just a line on the divorce documents showing when the couple stopped living together, or is that a separate form?  I had a very similar situation to yours.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-22 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhotocopies of K-1 package

Different embassies have different requirements, which is why there is confusion. 

London, for example, doesn't require a copy of the entire packet during the interview because NVC will send their copy to them, but I've read that others were required to bring it with (the person I'm remembering was from India though, I believe.  Definitely not Canada).  

It's probably best to have a copy for safekeeping and so that you know what you included (I've had to refer to my copy of the packet a few times while reviewing forums, just to make sure I included something I should have).  

I have heard of people being asked to show additional proof of relationship at the interview.  In one case, they were asked for photos of the couple (this was in London).  It was probably an attempted "gotcha" question, though, not something that is typically requested.


Maybe check the region-specific forums and see what people there have said?

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-22 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent Question!!!!

I don't remember who it was but a couple of days ago I ran into someone who said their attorney told them to have it notarized.  I think that was just the lawyer being cautious, though; I don't think most people do it, and they get approved just fine.  

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-21 10:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan someone just check I have everything?

So you think I should leave out the 200 pages of Facebook Logs? I doubt they would want to read it anyway, and we are quite worried, as we are both, erm....broadly spoken...


I included excerpts from our Facebook logs... about 10 pages worth from various dates.  I did screen captures (instead of copy/paste) and I captured the screen that said "loading over 35,000 messages" so they could see we had TONS of conversations back and forth :)

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-01 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOur plan. Good or bad?

In the grand scheme of things, you are very close to the end.  The way things have been going lately, six months tops and you won't have to worry about it any more.

It may seem like ages, and TRUST ME, I know the traveling is hard.  Each time I visit my fiance, it's a minimum of $1,400 out of my pocket (which generally involves taking out a small loan), and we've been doing this for more than two years.  Also, we're both terrified of flying laughing.gif  

But you are close, and you'll be very, very grateful some day that you are doing it the right way.  I have a friend, also from the UK, who went to visit his wife for two weeks, got sick of it too, and just didn't go home.  Seven years later, he's still fighting to stay in the country, and is having his authorization to work taken away.  He has to start all over from the beginning again... fill out all the paperwork, pay the fees once more, wait for approval.  He's actually lucky... he came thiiiiis close to being deported!  

These handful of months will be far better than having to deal with the possible outcomes, and it will give the both of you time to prepare for your new life.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-14 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I Get a lawyer involved because of this RFE fiasco?

Nich-Nick makes a good point about name on mailbox.  There was a thread recently where someone was having intermittent receipt of mail from USCIS (same as you), and the problem turned out to be that they didn't have their name on the box.  Normal mail was received, even an item or two from USCIS, but maybe their mailperson just decided that official-looking mail couldn't be left in an unidentified box or something like that *shrugs*  Either way, once it was placed on there they didn't have another problem.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-21 14:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I Get a lawyer involved because of this RFE fiasco?

A lawyer can only either do exactly what you're already doing or sue them, but I doubt a few week's delay is really grounds for that (no matter how frustrating, stress-inducing, and aggravating it is for you - and I have no doubt it absolutely is).  Not to mention, there are so many stories on here of people whose lawyers only made things worse (whether on purpose to be able to charge more money or just out of ignorance or laziness).  


I'm assuming you double-checked your address with them... right?  Did you get your NOA1 with no issues?


I wouldn't discount the infopass appointment just yet.  People have had success with it.  Use the options available to you first.  If the problems keep happening, ask if there is a workaround.  If this gets ridiculously out of hand (as in, your file is held up for a very unreasonable amount of time) and USCIS will not work with you, then and only then perhaps consider getting an attorney.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-21 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe are sending our I-129f package tomorrow and we need HELP?


As far as I remember, copy of passport is not require for US citizen. Only birth certificate. People include passport stamps to show they have already met in person. If he visited you in Thailand, pictures of you and fiance are together is sufficient.


From what I've read, photos are considered "secondary evidence" only... basically they support your "primary evidence" by showing that you've met, but they don't really prove the "within the past two years" part (photos can be taken at any time).  It's better to include anything you can that puts you in the same place at the same time.  This can include boarding passes, receipts from credit card purchases, passport stamps, etc.  The more evidence you provide, the better, but definitely include more than just photos!!!

(Side note:  If the USC doesn't have their birth certificate, or their birth certificate is in an old name, then the passport can be used to confirm citizenship instead of the birth certificate.)



I made one copy of the I129F packet for my own records, but our embassy doesn't require the beneficiary to come to their interview with a copy of the packet.  Your embassy might, but you can just make one copy, scan it, and send it to the beneficiary for their use during the embassy interview. (Edit: I kept the electronic copies of the photos included in the application in a separate folder on my computer for reference, but did not print a second copy of those out.)



Edited by Protocol417, 05 September 2013 - 10:54 AM.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-05 10:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI have received a letter from NVC and have a broken web link..anyone else?

Funny... I had the same problem. Typed it out, including the .html, several times, double and triple checked all spelling and it wouldn't work.  I click on UK-USA-K's link and suddenly no more problems.


Except now when I put in London the only thing I get is "The specific U.S. Embassy/Consulate has no location-specific panel physician list".  Very helpful sleepy.gif

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-10 12:12:00