US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

Congrats, Can't believe what you've been put through with USCIS.


Thank you! Some tougher days in life! I'm now out of it with god's grace...

Congratulation, I am so happy for you.


Thank you!

cashwindowsMaleIndia2014-03-31 00:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

On Mar 20th, I received Oath ceremony letter and I had my ceremony at Chicago Federal Court on Mar 26 and I'm now a US Citizen. It makes me feel so happy after year n' half struggle. I thank god, my family and every VJ member who have provided me support, suggestions & courage throughout this journey... :)

cashwindowsMaleIndia2014-03-30 20:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

Since, I've currently been travelling to CA, last tuesday (03/11) I went to the ASC at Oakland, CA and gave my finger prints. The ASC officers were very courteous and helped me in getting a clear FP. They said, this would be my last FP appointment and I don't need to come back for another.  

cashwindowsMaleIndia2014-03-18 14:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry
Yes. It is 100% the mismanagement of local office & the particular officer who is handling my case. I even did felt an attitude with Officer during my interview that he was discriminating me.
The FI rule is now for 15 months & not 18 months.
cashwindowsMaleIndia2014-03-09 15:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

What the heck is happening? On Feb 21st, i went for my 2nd FP appointment & I was told my the ASC officer that my FP had matched with FBI records and it had been processed, but today I've received another biometrics notice that FBI couldn't process my FP, hence I need to appear for the 3rd time. What is happening here? When will this end and I will get my Oath ceremony? Why are they harassing me?

cashwindowsMaleIndia2014-03-06 16:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry


I wanted to write you even if it is just to show support.  What you are going through sounds like a nightmare and I hope that you get your second biometrics done soon.  I had to go through two biometrics myself, because my first biometrics "was not clear"... I haven't even been interviewed yet. My interview is on the 18th of Feb.  I am nervous as heck but reading posts on VJ is really helping me.  Good luck and please keep us updated.


Thanks for your solidarity. Don't be too scared with my experiences, just be aware of all ways on how USCIS will try to nail us down. Be prepared, it's just based on our time. Wish you good luck with your interview. May god bless...


This is disappointing, after all they've put you through....

I wasn't aware fingerprints changed after a couple of years!!

The good thing is... you've been approved....So, not long now!!!dancin5hr.gif


Yup. The finger prints are valid only for 15 months, not even couple of years! Hoping to get Oath ceremony soon after the 2nd FP.

cashwindowsMaleIndia2014-02-10 16:09:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

Holy #######... it's been over 45 days since my approval of N400 and I did not receive any notice for Oath ceremony, hence I called up USCIS and spoke to Tier 2 after 2.5 hrs of wait time. The Tier 2 informed me that my biometrics had expired and I've been placed on 2nd round of bio-metrics appointment as on yesterday and I will receive Oath ceremony notice after a month from my 2nd bio-metrics. This sounds crazy... Have anyone gone through this scenario? What would be the next?

cashwindowsMaleIndia2014-02-04 16:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

well... USCIS would tell u to wait for 90 days after an Infopass, but I always found that's just a B.S from the Infopass appointment, but in general, Congressional office or an attorney might ask u to leave a gap of 45 days between subsequent attempts!

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-12-31 19:11:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

I agree with girimurthy. Try an infopass and then contact Congressman after 45 days of Infopass!

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-12-30 19:03:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

There is no specific templates for congressional inquiry. You can email your Congressman's office & they will send you privacy and info.access forms for u to sign, in order to initiate inquiry on your behalf, but may I know whether you were given any RFE after Sep 23rd interview? Generally, u need to make multiple infopass appointment, Tier 2 Service Requests by calling USCIS customer service and if nothing works, its best to make congressional inquiry after 120 days of first interview, despite u have the rights to file a law suit after 120 days of first interview. Even if the Congressional inquiry is of no help, then u can file a law suit after 300 days of first interview or after 1 year of N400 filing, which will be during next summer. I know it's a pain to wait for such a long duration, but inorder to gain the mercy of the judge, u need to show multiple ways that u tried to settle the issue amicably with USCIS. In your case, I wouldn't worry until 120 days since the first interview (which was Sep 23 2013). Just pray to god and wait until Jan end to finish the 120 days window and then make a Tier 2 Service Request, if neither works make a infopass, even if that didnt work make a congressional inquiry, just knock the judicial doors as the last option after an year from filing N400. Let's hope it gets resolved within 120 days, as per USCIS law. Good luck and keep me updated.

There is no specific templates for congressional inquiry. You can email your Congressman's office & they will send you privacy and info.access forms for u to sign, in order to initiate inquiry on your behalf...My previous response is for delay after interview, but if the interview is not scheduled, you may just email your Rep's office.

Edited by cashwindows, 28 December 2013 - 08:17 PM.

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-12-28 20:12:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry


That is good news! 


It's outrageous that it took this action for the USCIS to get the case moved to Oath for you.  Just plain unbelievable.. 


Yes, sometimes we need to take an extreme step to make them work. I was unfortunate to go through that pain for almost an year!

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-12-27 01:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry
Thank u...Yes... it did... else it would have been stalled for years!!

Big congrats , you think filling the case federal court helped ?

Big congrats , you think filling the case federal court helped ?[/quote]

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-12-24 13:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

Finally a good news... On Dec 17th, we have received a notice from Federal Court that my case has been scheduled for first hearing on Feb 4th 2014, but today USCIS has approved my case and lined me up for Oath ceremony. Waiting for it now... dancin5hr.gif


cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-12-20 19:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

So, there ya go.

Thank you!

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-12-20 19:29:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

Finally a good news... On Dec 17th, we have received a notice from Federal quote that my case has been scheduled for first hearing on Feb 4th 2014, but today USCIS has approved my case and lined me up for Oath ceremony. Waiting for it now... dancin5hr.gif

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-12-20 19:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

Thank you. I'll keep everyone posted about the progress...

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-12-17 21:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

Well....I went ahead with 1447 (b) in Norther Illinois Federal Court. I filed it through an attorney, 10 days back, since we felt even a Senator will not be helpful after receiving the response for the Congressional inquiry. Collected all document for this litigation and hope to get this sorted through Federal court.

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-12-17 15:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

 The danger of filing a writ is it forces them to make a decision.  So if they are waiting for report X  and you file the writ they will decide owith the data on hand and deny you.  It forces the decision but many times that decision is negative because they are unable to approve based on the current data on hand  


The problem is they aren't ready to move forward with another round of review. This has been going on for almost 10+ months after the interview. I'm ready to provide anymore data, if they need...but they aren't open to it yet, it's kind of in a black hole. I'm thinking of filing a writ to make them talk to us and find out if we can furnish any more data that they might need, instead of sitting idle with assumptions.

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-11-20 14:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry



Writ of Mandamus & Private Immigration Bills
If you have ever had to deal with the United States Citizenship and Immigration
Services (formerly the INS) you know that the agency does not always move forward with a
case even when the individual has taken all the correct steps. When this happens, the
aggrieved party ultimately has the option of filing a lawsuit. This usually is the only
option available to you when USCIS refuses to take action on your case.

This type of lawsuit is known as a ?writ of mandamus? (Writ). A Writ is a form of civil
action designed to compel a government official to perform a duty owed to the
plaintiff. In this type of lawsuit you are the plaintiff and the government is the defendant.
It is important to note that mandamus only forces the USCIS to take action that it is
legally obligated to take. It is not used to force the USCIS to reach a
favorable result, and it can possibly result in a denial of the application.

Before filing the lawsuit
There are several initial steps that should be taken so that when the suit is filed,
the plaintiff has clearly done everything he or she can to resolve the problem.
A plaintiff who appears in court without having tried to resolve the situation in
other ways will not be viewed particularly sympathetically.

The first step
The first step to take when processing on a case that has gone beyond the stated
time is to make inquiries with the USCIS.

The second step
If no resolution is reached, the next step is to draw up the legal complaint that will be
filed in court. The suit will be filed in the federal court with jurisdiction over the petitioner
or applicant.

There are a number of formal requirements for the complaint, including a statement
that jurisdiction and venue are properly filed with the court. The lawsuit must also lay
out the facts of the case. Some of these facts should include efforts that have been
taken to resolve it. It is a good idea initially to send a copy of the complaint to the USCIS
office handling the case, with a letter explaining the situation and noting that if the case
is not resolved within a certain period, generally 30 days, further action will be taken.

This step will often have the desired effect, if not producing a decision, of at least
prompting the USCIS to begin working on the matter. If the USCIS asks for additional
evidence (which can sometimes function as a delaying tactic) and still will not take action
after the requested documentation is supplied, the mandamus process should be resumed.

If sending the complaint does not produce results, it should be rewritten to include the
latest efforts to resolve the case and sent to the USCIS again as well as to the appropriate
U.S. Attorney. This is when most cases are resolved. The U.S. Attorney does not want to
spend time in court defending the USCIS? failure to take action. Consequently, the
U.S. Attorney often contacts the USCIS office and advises that it should act.

Filing the complaint
If after a month there is still no action on the case, the complaint should be updated.
Next the case should be prepared for actual filing. Procedures vary from jurisdiction
to jurisdiction, but the general process is the same. The complaint is taken to the Clerk
of Court, where it is registered as filed. When a suit is filed against the government,
a copy of the complaint must be sent to the government official who has failed to act
(the head of the USCIS office involved), the proper U.S. Attorney and the U.S. Attorney
General. This action often has the effect of prompting the USCIS to take action. If not, the
parties proceed with the case. As in any federal case, the first step is a conference with
the judge assigned to the case, the plaintiff?s attorney and the U.S. Attorney representing
the government. At the conference, the judge makes efforts to help the parties resolve
the dispute.

If this effort fails, the case then proceeds to trial. Given the large caseload of federal
courts, this process can take many months. A few months after the trial, the judge
issues a decision. If the decision is favorable to the plaintiff, the decision will also
include an order compelling the USCIS to take action on the application. If the USCIS
fails to act, officers of the agency are subject to being held in contempt of court.
Only rarely is there an excessive delay that does not have a favorable outcome,
at least at the trial stage of a mandamus case. The good news is that most of these
cases can be resolved with favorable results without having to go to court.

Private Immigration Bills
When there is no other form of relief available you may want to consider
Private Immigration Bill. Private bills are a rare form of relief from immigration laws.
Additionally, these bills are generally reserved for the most compelling cases, when
all other immigration options have been exhausted. In the legislative process,
private bills are treated like any other law, going through the committee process to a
vote by the full Congress. However, getting a private bill introduced is not easy.
The immigration subcommittees in both the House of Representatives and the
Senate have detailed rules on what is required for the introduction of such a bill.

The most important step in obtaining a private bill is finding a member of Congress
willing to sponsor it. Following the introduction of the bill, detailed information about
the person it will benefit needs to be supplied to the chair of the immigration
subcommittee by the member of Congress sponsoring it. The procedure from there
is similar to other legislation, although once passed by both houses of Congress and
signed by the President, the bill becomes a private, not public, law.
The members of Congress who support private bills do a tremendous amount of
work to ensure their success and, without their efforts; the beneficiary of the bill
would not have other immigration options.



Thank you!

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-11-13 20:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

Congressional inquiry didn't help... Here is the response from USCIS to Congresswoman's office... 


Dear Congresswoman Duckworth:
Thank you for your letter on behalf of your constituent, XXXXX.
u.s. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCrS) records confirm that the case is pending at this time. USCIS is committed to adjudicating immigration benefits in a timely and efficient manner while also ensuring public safety, national security and compliance with all relevant directives. While the processing steps for most applications or petitions are completed quickly, a small percentage of cases involve unresolved issues that may result in adjudication delays.
uscrs is unable to render a decision on XXXXX's application until certain issues are resolved. USCIS is striving to resolve these issues as soon as possible. We are unable to determine at this time when the review process for the application will be completed.
We hope this information is helpful. If we may be of further assistance, please let us know.
Wondering what next?? It's now been more than 10 months passed since the interview.

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-11-13 16:37:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry


usually less than a week, 2-3 days


Thank you! Hoping the best soon!!

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-08-04 16:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

I've sent out my Congressional Inquiry yesterday & received ack from Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth's office that they will start the inquiry on my behalf. Hoping for the best soon. Does any one have idea about how long will take for USCIS to respond to Congressional inquiry?

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-08-03 14:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

My general tip for N400 Petitioners out of my experiences are:


1. Never get married during u'r naturalization filing, at-least to the point where you clear the interview.

2. If your  spouse was previously married, bring the divorce decree, birth certificates of the children of your spouse from his/her previous marriage to your N400 interview.


I truly pray to god, no one should go through this kind of harassment from USCIS, this really affects all dimensions of our life & this indefinite wait makes us frustrate to the core!

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-07-21 20:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry

Thank you all for your responses. I'm going to file an inquiry through Congresswoman Duckworth's office by early next week, including the behavior of the rude USCIS Supervisor in my letter to Congresswoman Duckworth . I'll keep this thread updated about the progress in my case in due course.

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-07-19 11:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHello.... N400 delayed, Rude USCIS Supervisor, No Changes in RFE status, Congressional Enquiry



I filed my N400 at Chicago local office on Sep 20, 2012 and had an interview on feb 12, 2013. I cleared the Civic & English test, but things started turning south, when the Officer started asking about my husband. We were dating for almost an year, but we married only by Dec 2012. My husband had a previous failed marriage, to which the officer raised an RFE to send him my husband's original divorce decree from India, we responded to RFE within 10 days through our attorney and the Officer did sent us back the original documents after review, but the status was still in RFE. We called up USCIS Customer Service in mid April, they adviced us to wait for 90 days for further updates, since there was no changes even after 90 days, I made a Infopass, to which the Infopass enquiry desk officer said, "your IO has still not reviewed your case and there are no red flags with your case, I'll send a note to him and you will receive an update in 30 days".


Since I did not receive any updates in 30 days and even the online status still remained in RFE, I spoke to Tier 2 Immigration Officer thru Customer service hotline & opened a service request, to which i received an update notice, stating that I'm yet to respond to RFE, hence there are chances for my case to be denied. We were in hell of a shock & spoke to Tier 2 again, the tier 2 adviced us to make 2nd Infopass appointment with the proofs of our response to RFE and meet with a USCIS floor Supervisor at Chicago local office.


Yesterday I made my 2nd appointment with a rude supervisor, who did not bother to give me a proper response. She just said "The Officer is still reviewing your case and I can't guarantee you how long will it take, come after 90 days & make another round of enquiry", I said, my case is well past the processing time, it's been 150 days since my interview & if i had to wait for another 90 days, that's well past 1 year since filing, the supervisor responded that "there are people waiting well beyond 1 year & I can't give u any better news, I do see u have an attorney on file, ask him to stop-by, if he wants to & now you have a safe trip back home". I was really offended with such a type of response from the supervsior. I updated my attorney with these info & he adviced me to take Congressional enquiry through Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth's office. Not sure what next?


I would like to know whether any one has gone through such experiences? would congressional enquiry help? should I be prepared for anything much worse?  or what can be a  good solution to get my citizenship approved?

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-07-18 19:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoving Conditions on my Husband's Greencard


When you get the NOA1 or I-797A as it is officially known, there will be wording on it that states that,


"Your conditional resident status is extended for a period of one year.  During the one-year extension you are authorized employment and travel.  (This extension and authorization for employment and travel does not apply to you if your conditional resident status has been terminated.)"


Then it will tell you about the bio appointment letter you will receive in a few weeks.




Thank you!

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-12-25 21:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoving Conditions on my Husband's Greencard


First, relax.  Second, wait for the NOA1 in the mail in a few days--maybe by Friday due to the holiday season.  That NOA1 will extend your husband's GC for a period of 1 year.  It is good for travel and work.  If you do travel, just take the original extension letter with you as proof that his GC is still valid.  Do not bother with the INFOpass appointment as the previous poster recommends as the USCIS has been turning people away without the stamp unless they lost the NOA1.  CBP will not be your problem, but untrained airline employees.  So make certain you contact the airlines to see if they accept the extension letter--Lufthansa and KLM do.  When the new GC arrives make a scan of it as you do need a copy of the front and back of the 10 year GC to complete the N-400 form and should you lose the GC you can at least proceed with those copies.


Good luck and Merry Christmas,



Dave - May I know what is the original extension letter that you are talking about? Is that something other than the NOA or something we need to obtain from USCIS after filing for the removal of conditions? Could you please elaborate?



cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-12-25 02:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionproof of eligibility to work while awaiting ROC

The NOA1 or I-797A letter usually carries 1 year of validity (employment + travel) while you are awaiting for Condition removals, unless the conditional removal is being denied. 

cashwindowsMaleIndia2013-12-26 16:44:00
I had applied for petition I130 for my husband and received NOA2 on Oct 30th even we are waiting for NVC case Number
Blue roseFemaleCanada2013-11-10 02:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhats wrong with USCIS?

I'm also a January filer still waiting for the NOA2.  My case is at a local field office, where it seems it will never, ever be touched.  

they touched my case today at 6:30m and it went to initial review and i was really disappointed and thought we have to weight for 6months and by 12:00 pm i got an email saying my petition has been approveddancin5hr.gif smile.png biggrin.png .. iam so happy that we are a step closer now.. energy.gif energy.gif ... I hope yours get approved too.good.gif

Blue roseFemaleCanada2013-10-31 04:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhats wrong with USCIS?

I'm also a January filer still waiting for the NOA2.  My case is at a local field office, where it seems it will never, ever be touched.  

they touched my case today at 6:30m and it went to initial review and i was really disappointed and thought we have to weight for 6months and by 12:00 pm i got an email saying my petition has been approveddancin5hr.gif smile.png biggrin.png .. iam so happy that we are a step closer now.. energy.gif energy.gif ... I hope yours get approved too.good.gif

Blue roseFemaleCanada2013-10-31 04:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhats wrong with USCIS?

We applied in Jan 2013 and received an RFE on Aug14th and replied them back with everything they asked for by Sep 16th. But we still didn't receive our NOA 2 up till nowcrying.gif cray5ol.gif  

Blue roseFemaleCanada2013-10-30 16:44:00
IndiaClarification on Packets - Delhi

This may differ from country to country, but for us, the embassy won't schedule the interview until you've sent in your DS forms (including 2001 with cover letter) and they've received the results from the medical.  So I don't think #2 happens until later.


"Packet 3" was a single letter, sent by the embassy once they received our file, which gave a link where we could print out the needed DS forms.  I believe this is pretty standard now.  You should be able to find this information on the embassy's website though (we knew what forms were needed long before the "packet 3" letter arrived).



My fiance is actually filling in DS-260 as I'm typing this.  

You'll need the case number, beneficiary ID number, and invoice ID number to complete this.  To get these numbers, you have to call NVC (to my knowledge, they won't automatically provide them... except the case number, which is listed on the "packet 3" letter).

Edited by Protocol417, 17 September 2013 - 12:09 PM.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-17 12:07:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC currently working on applications with NOA of Jan. 16th '13


Same here!! There have been a few April approvals already as well, but I'm sometimes hesitant that they were mistakenly updated or some crazy thing. Still keeping my fingers crossed that there's a good chance I'm coming up next, though. Even if I would feel slightly guilty for getting approved before January filers. Anyways, hang in there everyone! We can do it!


I took a closer look at Igor's List, and I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but there were a TON of January filers getting their approvals recently; however, every single January NOA1 recently approved had an RFE, and all the March NOA1s didn't.  Maybe that explains why they're saying they're working on January but we're seeing March people approved?

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-04 09:58:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC currently working on applications with NOA of Jan. 16th '13

Still foolishly holding out hope that this is just the "official word" to make people be a bit more patient.  There's been lots of March approvals already, so I'll hold onto that hope until the end of August (I'm an April filer).

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-02 16:25:00
USCIS Service CentersHow do USCIS select what file to process next?

Hi! I have also the same concern on  our status. We received NOA1 last april 2013. we are on the 3 month waiting period. Does anyone have an idea where to read the average processing times at the USCIS page? Our application was sent to NBC and we received a receipt number which we use for monitoring our status. But im a bit confused, is it what we gonna do just wait for their response or we need to do things in order for it to make it faster.? When i checked NBC, i cant find the I130 processing times as part of their service? Im really confused.


Sorry, I reread your question and I think I may have misunderstood it the first time.


Here is a thread on this topic:


Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-12 11:02:00
USCIS Service CentersHow do USCIS select what file to process next?

Just looked at the receipts around mine.


the 2 before me were approved on 1st July 


the 2 after me are awaiting approval.


the next one was approved on July 1st 


Does this tend to suggest to you that i am close ?   



It might. 

Different reviewers have different speeds and work loads, so just because those just before you "in line" got their approvals, that doesn't mean you're next.


There are a few people with NOA1 dates around mine which have their approvals already (my NOA1 date is in mid-April) but about half of the March filers do not have their NOA2's yet.  Now, some of them probably just haven't updated their timelines, but I would guess a good number of them are still awaiting approval, so it wouldn't surprise me if mine took another month.

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-12 10:59:00
USCIS Service CentersHow do USCIS select what file to process next?

Hi! I have also the same concern on  our status. We received NOA1 last april 2013. we are on the 3 month waiting period. Does anyone have an idea where to read the average processing times at the USCIS page? Our application was sent to NBC and we received a receipt number which we use for monitoring our status. But im a bit confused, is it what we gonna do just wait for their response or we need to do things in order for it to make it faster.? When i checked NBC, i cant find the I130 processing times as part of their service? Im really confused.


Try this?



I think that's what you're looking for.


Also, if you have your timeline updated, and you go to the top-right corner, click on your name, and select "My Timeline", then scroll all the way to the bottom, it'll give you the estimated date based on current VJ timelines.

I'm on K-1, but I'm assuming yours would be similar.  

Mine looks like "Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between July 26, 2013 and August 1, 2013*". 

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-12 10:49:00
USCIS Service CentersHow do USCIS select what file to process next?

Yesterday someone with an NOA1 date of just 13 days prior to mine was accepted, but I still realize that mine could take up to 2 months and still be in the acceptable timeframe.


Two months is actually extremely quick.  CSC's goal is five months, so technically it can take up to that point and still be considered "acceptable".

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-12 10:34:00
USCIS Service CentersHow do USCIS select what file to process next?



aww what a guy. taking time out of his personal life to answer (in great length) all of our questions. makes me feel a bit bad for hating on USCIS so often. i guess not everyone is like him! 


It's quite sweet.  I especially liked the part where the former employee said they called K-1 applicants "hunny bunnies" wub.png

Protocol417FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-11 18:21:00