Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWhere are you from?
Me, the USC: Originally from Syracuse, NY but I live in Savannah, GA
My husband: Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Anyone else have their special someone from Honduras? Just wondering because I haven't seen much about Honduras on here. :D
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-02-26 23:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who will receive the DS-230?
Oh most definitely I will make copies. I have so many copies already from what I sent to USCIS! Just as long as we don't have to buy 2 police certificates, etc. then that's fine lol!
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-18 17:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who will receive the DS-230?
Oh I see, so whatever is on the interview checklist, if the NVC already has it then we don't have to worry about it since his embassy would be sent it and have it at the time of interview. Whew. I was worried about that all day but thought to myself that immigration wouldn't make it THAT complicated would they lol?

Yes, I know that he will get all that stuff back. It's in that manila envelope that cannot be opened until he gives it to someone at the POE, right?

Now all I have to find out is if our original marriage certificate and his original birth certificate is already in our NVC file from USCIS.

Thanks Mononoke!
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-18 16:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who will receive the DS-230?
Yes, we did the same thing. I have another certified copy of our marriage certificate here with me (the other original one was sent to USCIS) but as far as his birth certificates, one is with USCIS and the other two that he had, well are completely damaged. They had terrible rain and there was flooding in his home that damaged a lot of I'm hoping that NVC already has his birth certificate since I did send it to USCIS. Maybe they passed it on to NVC along with the petition and everything? If not, I'm sure they could send it back to me so I can then pass it on to NVC. That would save us some money and then all we would need to get is the police certificate since NVC would already have the original marriage certificate and birth certificate.

Something tells me though that with NVC, it might not be that easy. :unsure:
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-18 13:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who will receive the DS-230?

And Mononoke, yes I have been checking with a customer service rep about that I-864. Nothing yet. My AOS fee hasn't even been entered into the system yet. She said give it 15 days from when it was delivered, which was 7/12, to Missouri. I will check back with NVC next Monday. Surely, it should be in the system by then!

Meg, I did the same thing and called about AoS fee payment (about 6 days after it was supposedly delivered). Guess what? Not in the system. Call again tomorrow. I bet it will be there then hehe.

Thanks Vylex, yes I will call tomorrow lol. :yes: I hope it will be there.
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-18 13:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who will receive the DS-230?
And Mononoke, yes I have been checking with a customer service rep about that I-864. Nothing yet. My AOS fee hasn't even been entered into the system yet. She said give it 15 days from when it was delivered, which was 7/12, to Missouri. I will check back with NVC next Monday. Surely, it should be in the system by then!
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-18 12:36:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who will receive the DS-230?
Thanks guys! Yes, vylex I will check into that.

I talked with a woman at NVC today and asked her exactly what had to be sent with the DS-230. She told me everything that was on that list online. I mentioned to her that when I sent my I-130 petition to USCIS that I sent in the original marriage certificate and my husband's original birth certificate. I WANTED to do copies but my husband said "take no chances" lol and he's usually right so... lol anyways, I asked her if I had to re-submit those again and if NVC had them in my file. She said that within 10 business days she would contact me and let me know what was in the file.

I hope that she does and it doesn't take longer. I was thinking about calling up USCIS and discuss it with them and see if I could get answers about what was sent to NVC. If it was just the petition then maybe USCIS would be kind enough to send back my originals?

Anyone else have the same problem? I doubt it, you all were smart and sent copies in probably, right? I really regret not sending in copies. I do have another original marriage certificate here with me but as for my husband's birth certificate, he doesn't have it due to the flooding they had weeks ago.

I'm sure everything will work out though. Ah one more question: All the things he will be sending to NVC are going to be needed for his interview as is that ALL going to be sent to the embassy, or does he need to get an extra birth cert., marriage cert., etc. for the interview? I wondered about that one!

Edited by MegDan, 18 July 2007 - 12:33 PM.

MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-18 12:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who will receive the DS-230?
Yes, I know! I figure the more we get done now the more prepared we'll be when the time comes. I remember a while back you wrote to me saying that with Tegucigalpa, Honduras my husband just needs his bio page from his passport, but I checked on the NVC site today and saw (I believe this is correct) that he will need to send a birth certificate, marriage certificate, police certificate, copy of bio page from passport and other things if needed. Wasn't it just a few months ago it just said that just a copy of his bio page from his passport needed to be sent?

I get SO confused when they change things lol! I hope the police certificate doesn't take too much time to get over there in Honduras. :unsure:

As for the marriage cert and birth cert, they have to be originals right? Or can they be copies that are notarized?
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-17 20:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who will receive the DS-230?
Thanks everyone! That is exactly what I'll have my husband do. Sign it, send it to me along with whatever other documents are needed, and then I'll fill it out for him.

Thanks again! :)
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-17 12:04:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who will receive the DS-230?
Thanks everyone! :D
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-17 09:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who will receive the DS-230?
Thanks Mononoke! That is what I thought but was not sure. So since my husband will have to sign the 1st part, then I will just send it to him so he can sign it and then have him mail it to the NVC from there? Or could he send it back to me and then I can fax it to NVC?

Unless . . . Could he fax it to me or scan it and send it to me by email that way, or does the NVC need the original?

Thanks! :)

Edited by MegDan, 16 July 2007 - 01:52 PM.

MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-16 13:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who will receive the DS-230?
Hey everyone,

I had a question about who will receive the DS-230? Does the agent receive it or will the beneficiary? After all, it is the visa application. And if the agent (which would be me, the petitioner) receives it then does my husband (the beneficiary) have to sign it? I guess I would have to mail it on over to him and then have him send it to NVC from there?

As you can see there's some confusion. Another thing though, if the DS-230 didn't need his signature, then could I, the agent, fill it out for him? (and then he could send to me whatever is needed along with the DS-230).

Thanks for your help! :thumbs:
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-16 10:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

You're welcome! (And I'm glad I'm not the only one who calls the NVC many times a day too lol!)

Fingers crossed for you! :)

Count me in that too bro :D
My cell phone bill contains the NVC number so many times. It on my speed dial list with my case number embedded so its just a one button touch to reach our dear friends @ NVC....

Yup! NVC is one of my contacts on my list. I just press the #6 key on my cell and it brings me to the N's, which is only NVC. It's a lot quicker to dial that way.

I do the same thing as Mononoke too. I don't waste time by listening to the same thing over and over again, I just press buttons until I get to the operator or until I hear the automated message for our case. It's like it comes naturally lol and it's SO much quicker!
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-20 12:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one! I called this morning and the automated service told me the same thing: The Immigration Visa bill was generated yesterday. I was like "They are missing a step." lol I tried calling this morning to speak with a customer service rep but it says the lines are busy and brought me back to the automated service. Told me to call back after 6pm.

That would be nice if I got everything at once!
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-17 09:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
You're welcome! (And I'm glad I'm not the only one who calls the NVC many times a day too lol!)

Fingers crossed for you! :)
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-15 12:05:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
Yes, I hope Mononoke and Saywhat get their paperwork generated very soon! Ah yes, the lovely "Tuesday morning dial-up game". :lol: That name is just too funny!

I agree with time flying! I'm glad it's not a constant "check the USCIS website for touches game" anymore. I was going crazy with that after a while lol! Time seemed to just drag by with USCIS unlike this process with NVC.
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-15 00:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
Well my husband got the confirmation email from NVC! Cannot believe it! That was so fast! Looks like re-sending it did work after all!
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-14 12:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

I called up NVC this morning and asked about the email and was told to resend it. I did and I got that NVC inquiry automated response thing, so here's hoping that they will accept it THIS time! Maybe I'll receive an email from 'em on Monday perhaps? That would be nice. :)

Cool! So you didn't get the autoresponse the first time around? I'll be wishing you a speedy confirmation email!

Good luck!

Ah, actually I got that autoresponse the 1st time around too. (sorry, I forgot to mention that!) So I'm hoping that THIS 2nd time around it'll work. I thought for SURE I'd hear something the 1st time around because of the autoresponse that I get. That basically says that they received my email . . . the 2nd autoresponse that I got was different though. It said something like "Thank you for your recent email..." It's like they already knew of the 1st email I sent. Hmm. Well, we shall see what happens and thank you Vylex for your wishes! :)
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-13 20:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
I called up NVC this morning and asked about the email and was told to resend it. I did and I got that NVC inquiry automated response thing, so here's hoping that they will accept it THIS time! Maybe I'll receive an email from 'em on Monday perhaps? That would be nice. :)
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-13 15:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
Vylex, sounds like a good idea, I think I will wait until early next week as well. Then just for the heck of it, I'll give NVC a call and if they tell me to resend it I will. :)
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-12 21:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

Vylex, have they not yet responded to your choice of agent e-mail? I sent our second e-mail attempt one day before you sent yours.

Not yet. I am still awaiting response. My wife hasn't received the hardcopy of the DS-3032 although I have along with the hardcopy of the AoS fee Bill (1 week delivery time since generation).

One other question, when you send the email to the NVC do you get the autoresponse that they received it and it will be processed in the order it was received?

Also, did I understand saywhat correctly in that he faxed a completed DS-3032 form to the NVC?

I emailed the choice of agent on July 3rd and gave them a call yesterday and just now. I put a 'read receipt' on the email and it came back on the 5th as read.

They 'haven't received it', NVC suggested I should resend today, which I will.

My husband emailed the choice of agent on July 3rd as well. We haven't heard anything yet. I'm wondering if I should give NVC a call tomorrow or just wait it out since they are probably behind? Maybe it should be re-sent?
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-12 21:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)No response to DS-3032 I e-mailed, in 13 days?!
Hey Rika,

I had the same problem and I thought it would NEVER be accepted! Finally I called NVC and asked if I should re-send the email. The customer service rep told me "yes" so I did, and I got a response that the Choice of Agent had been accepted that day!

I would just either re-send it (you should get another autoconfirmation email but this time it will say "Thank you for your recent inquiry...") OR just call up NVC and ask if you should re-send it.

That's what I would do.

Good luck and I hope it gets accepted very SOON! :)
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-08-01 08:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)No AOS packet yet...

It seems that with the NVC everything takes 2-3 weeks. I can't stand it. For some reason I was ok waiting almost 3 months for an NOA2 from the USCIS, but 2 weeks with the NVC is just pure agony!!! :lol:

LOL I know! 3 months was nothing compared to 2-3 weeks! I guess it's just the common sense of how long it takes us to send out something in the mail. We send it and it arrives in like 2-3 days right? But not with NVC. Oh no, they like to do things slow and complicated, I guess. They have SUCH a slow system! :wacko:

Thanks for all the replies everyone, hope to see my AOS packet in the mail soon and anyone else awaiting theirs like I am, hope it comes SOON! :)
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-08-03 15:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)No AOS packet yet...
The NVC told me that they generated the I-864 last week. (couldn't give me a specific date though) Should I expect it sometime maybe today or Saturday? Or next week?

NVC takes SO long! Glad I'm not the ONLY one who is going through this though! *sigh* :wacko:
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-08-03 11:34:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV bill generation and cost

Oh my gosh Meg, all you have left is the DS-230?! You're almost done!!!

I know! My husband is driving me a bit nuts (totally understandable though) because he KNOWS that we're almost done too! I cannot believe how fast this has gone for us when I look back on it, not too bad considering that we thought the USCIS process would have taken 6 months or a year! :)
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-08-14 12:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV bill generation and cost
Hi KayArt,

Good, I'm glad I didn't come off as rude lol! Yes, you're right. Our timeline is so very close. And you're welcome! (no need to be sorry though!) :)

Hi Megan,

No totally not, (sound rude in your last post). Yes, I was replying your mail. Our timeline is so very close, so, I always keep my eye on your post. Sorry, I forgot to thank you for replying.


Well I hope you get it soon! (and I hope I didn't come off as sounding "rude" in my last post...I just didnt know if you were replying to me or not lol) Anyways, I have my fingers crossed tightly for you! :D

Was just excited, thought next will be mine.

KayArt :innocent:

You mean the DS230 packet? Wow, that was quick.


Finally! I received the AOS instruction packet yesterday. Hope everyone that was waiting for theirs received it too! :)

No KayArt, the AOS instruction packet for the I-864...if you were replying to my post lol. :whistle:

MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-08-12 20:46:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV bill generation and cost
Well I hope you get it soon! (and I hope I didn't come off as sounding "rude" in my last post...I just didnt know if you were replying to me or not lol) Anyways, I have my fingers crossed tightly for you! :D

Was just excited, thought next will be mine.

KayArt :innocent:

You mean the DS230 packet? Wow, that was quick.


Finally! I received the AOS instruction packet yesterday. Hope everyone that was waiting for theirs received it too! :)

No KayArt, the AOS instruction packet for the I-864...if you were replying to my post lol. :whistle:

MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-08-10 08:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV bill generation and cost

You mean the DS230 packet? Wow, that was quick.


Finally! I received the AOS instruction packet yesterday. Hope everyone that was waiting for theirs received it too! :)

No KayArt, the AOS instruction packet for the I-864...if you were replying to my post lol. :whistle:
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-08-07 22:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV bill generation and cost
Finally! I received the AOS instruction packet yesterday. Hope everyone that was waiting for theirs received it too! :)
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-08-07 08:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV bill generation and cost

Well I received mine today! (you were right Vylex) I was surprised because I thought for sure I'd be receiving it next week, but hey the sooner the better! KayArt I hope you receive yours very soon and whoever else is out there waiting for it I hope it comes very soon for you too! :D

*And onto the next step as well as more waiting...* :clock:

My psychic powers were off by only a day... YES!!! I still got it! :thumbs:


I know, your powers are really good! :thumbs: Looks like my 8 ball was wrong though considering I thought I would have gotten the IV bill this week or next...guess my powers are still a bit rusty and need some tweaking lol. :P

KayArt, I don't think it will be a problem, BUT then again I'm no expert. I would wait for one of the experts on here to answer back! :) I hope it won't be a problem either.

Edited by MegDan, 30 July 2007 - 05:36 AM.

MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-30 05:34:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV bill generation and cost

Well I received mine today! (you were right Vylex) I was surprised because I thought for sure I'd be receiving it next week, but hey the sooner the better! KayArt I hope you receive yours very soon and whoever else is out there waiting for it I hope it comes very soon for you too! :D

*And onto the next step as well as more waiting...* :clock:

Thank you Megdan. My husband received the IV Bill (27 or 28)not sure coz he was out of town for business since thursday and was'nt able to check the mailbox until today. He was wondering why he did'nt get the I-864 while the NVC personel told him that it will be sent together with the IV Bill the last time he made a follow-up call last week. Did you get yours(I-864)? Thank you.


No KayArt, I didn't receive the I-864 either. I believe it will come this week though, probably yours will too. Let's hope so! :)
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-29 20:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV bill generation and cost
Well I received mine today! (you were right Vylex) I was surprised because I thought for sure I'd be receiving it next week, but hey the sooner the better! KayArt I hope you receive yours very soon and whoever else is out there waiting for it I hope it comes very soon for you too! :D

*And onto the next step as well as more waiting...* :clock:

Edited by MegDan, 28 July 2007 - 10:12 PM.

MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-28 22:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV bill generation and cost

Dang, are you telling me that my powers failed?! Sheez.

Ok, my 8 ball just said that you will get it next week some time. If not, then the week after. :whistle:

lol I really didn't want to tell you but I had to let you know. Hey, this will make your powers more stronger lol.

I think we have the same 8 balls . . . I feel it next week or the week after as well. :P
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-27 22:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV bill generation and cost

You'll get it today Megan... I can feel it. ^_^

Let's see if I can nail this one too. :P

Nope, unfortunately I did not get it today. Maybe tomorrow? If not, I feel it will definitely be next week and my husband and I were talking and we both said that we'll probably get the I-864 and IV bill in the mail on the same day lol!

Edited by MegDan, 27 July 2007 - 08:16 PM.

MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-27 20:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV bill generation and cost


our IV bill (for a CR-1/IR-1 visa) was just generated yesterday. I was wondering how long will it take in general to receive it? By looking at timelines it seems to be around 10-15 days but some wait a lot longer? I'm also wondering how much it costs? I remember reading somewhere that the price was 380$ but I can't find it :( . Thanks for replies :) !

I'm new here. My IV Bill was generated July 16, 2007 but not received it yet. Waiting.
Yes, need to pay $380.

Goodluck for both of us.

My timeline:

2-28-07 I-130 sent to CSC
3-06-07 Received NOA 1
5-24-07 I-130 Approved
6-25-07 DS3032 & AOS Bill generated
7-03-07 DS3032 & AOS received by mail
7-03-07 AOS sent to (overnight) St. Louis
7-04-07 DS3032 sent to NVC
7-05-07 DS3032 & AOS Bill received by NVC
7-16-07 IV Bill generated


Yep. Same here. Waiting to get that IV Bill. I hope we get it any day now.

Yup, me too. Generated July 16th...hmm thought it would be here by now, but then again we ARE talking about the NVC! :P
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-07-27 12:32:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How to send DS-230/Best postal method?
Oh my gosh! Nevermind Diana lol! I just saw your timeline and you've got your interview date! Woohoo for you guys! How exciting! :dance:
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-08-17 14:23:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How to send DS-230/Best postal method?


If you want you can use James' shortcuts to generate your own as soon as the NVC tells you that they will mail out on a certain week. I know several people have used it and had no problems with it. Or you can wait for it which takes about 2 weeks from the moment they say they will mail it.


Thanks Diana! I think I'll just wait for it. I'd rather use the original one to be on the safe side. (I haven't done any shortcuts at all throughout this process except now with the DS-230 and sending it to my husband.)

Have you found out your husband's interview date yet?

Thanks again Diana!
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-08-17 14:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How to send DS-230/Best postal method?
Thank you both for your replies!

What about the barcode sheet for the ds230? I can use a shortcut on that right? Or should i just wait for the original one to come?

Thanks :)
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-08-16 20:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How to send DS-230/Best postal method?
I have downloaded the DS-230 form and I'm filling it out for my husband. I need to send it to him as quickly as possible. What postal method did you guys use to send it to your spouse's country? (if you had to, as I know there are some people with their spouse's in their country during this process)

I was thinking just send it USPS but would that take too long? I am hoping to send it to him overnight (or AT LEAST get it to him priority) and then he will sign it and send it back to me with his police certficate, etc. overnight (or priority) as well.

Does anyone know what is the best method to use? FedEx? DHL? Other? And also, does anyone know if I can pay ahead of time for him to be able to send it back to me? Would I include one of those envelopes from the post office inside the one I send to him?

I'm a bit stumped here lol. (as if you cannot tell!) :lol: Hope I didn't confuse anyone either!

Thanks for any replies in advance! :)
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-08-16 09:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How do you talk to NVC
Oh I think it is EXTREMELY frustrating but I just keep calling them and eventually I get a hold of a live person! wacko.gif
MegDanFemaleHonduras2007-08-22 16:01:00