US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
QUOTE (scarlethawk @ Oct 23 2007, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did you (or your wife) send them an email asking for a status update?

Yes and they replied that my case is gone back to W.DC for approval etc etc...and we are waiting for the approval only and dont know how much time this approval will take they said you will be informed once it will approved to collect your passport....
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-10-23 23:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
QUOTE (scarlethawk @ Oct 22 2007, 03:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am curious to know when your interview was, where was it, and did they take your passport at that time.

Dear my interview was 15-sep-07 in Riyadh [Saudi Arabia] and at the day of interview they told me that my wife's financial support is not enough i need to find a CO-Sponsor or I should show them the liquid Asset worth 22,000 $, they also wanted my wif's orignal divorce decress and Proof of relationship. They told me that I dont need to come in person to embassy to submit these documents I can submit all these documents by mail along with my passport, so I again appeared in the embassy after a week and submitted all those required documents

Orignal Divorce Decrees
Proof of Relationship
Proof of Liquid Asset showing 30,000$ (Bank Statement)

I submitted all those documents along my passport and now 1 month is over since I submitted passport....I dont know how much time it will take more to get this process done...
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-10-22 23:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
all right no latest news regarding my case, they took my passport 1 month before after interveiw...still waiting,waiting and waitinggggg.................for the call
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-10-22 02:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
QUOTE (babybunny @ Oct 1 2007, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not looking forward to being on AP again. sad.gif

I am stuck in AP from last 10 days, dont know how many more days am gonna suffer...........
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-10-01 16:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
QUOTE (MaryandMian @ Sep 24 2007, 07:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Austinn Pawers nice to see you in the forum and good luck on this being the last of your AP. As far a a purple thing is is half size and does it have numbers on it? If so this is the token you present when you go to the courreir for retrieving your passport back from them. Look at Babybunny post from long ago if you can find it and it shows a copy of her husband's token she posted last year some time.

Thanks for the update MaryandMian, yes the purple thing is having a number and there is also a text mentioned "COLLECT PASSPORT", do you have any idea about the cards colors, does color matter ??????? nothing just curious about the decission they are gonna make.....I am expecting a call within a 10 days of time anybody out there got that color of card ???

Edited by AustinnPawerss, 24 September 2007 - 02:06 PM.

AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-09-24 14:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
Congrats DUDE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

QUOTE (faal4anisa @ Sep 24 2007, 05:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ALHAMDULLILAH, today i got a call from american express to collect my passport with visa and seal envelope. Thank GOD that my prolong waiting comes to an end and get ready for my departure to United States and reunion with my loving fiancee. I thank every member here who been supporting to me in this prolong waiting and wish them good luck for their visa journey.


AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-09-24 06:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
QUOTE (TIME FRAME @ Sep 20 2007, 08:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
By the grace of Almighty ALLAH, my parents were interviewed today and got approved should be receiving their passports within 8-10 days. It was a thunder storm with hard rain in Islamabad, we all went inside by 8:15am the interview was for 5-7 minutes and got the pink visa tokens for their immigrants visas and out by 11AM.

Good luck to all.

Congratulations, but tell me does card color matters.... I have also got a something Purple color of card after my interview.....
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-09-23 18:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
Good Luck good.gif to all of you ... I am from Lahore but filed from Saudi Arabia, interview finished they asked me to leave my passport when my case will be reviewed they will inform me to receive I dont know where this situation will lead expecting hope for the best and Praying daily to ALLAH for the good news....

Once again good luck to all of you..... good.gif

Another Pakistani away from PAKISTAN....... good.gif
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-09-23 17:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru RIYADH Embassy
QUOTE (KEKhan @ Mar 11 2008, 08:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi AustinnPawers,
I was wondering if they ever gave you a specific reason for your refusal, or if they asked for anything else for you to bring to the consulate? I wish you good luck and I hope you will get another interview soon.

By the way the consulate wrote back to us today. They said they have no idea how long the processing will take, and if we need to get my husband's passport to let them know. At least they wrote back. I think I'll take your advice and not bother them with too many emails, since it seems like they really don't have a clue. Maybe I'll call DOS soon and see if they have anything to say.

My husband and I are considering taking some time off our jobs and going to live together in Egypt, if they really take a long time. At least they say he can get his passport back to do that. Hopefully it won't come to that, but we are starting to accept more each day that this could take many months. Oh well, we'll see...

No they never give you the reason, we need to find the reason by our selves through UCS, I took everything all the emails, photos, telephone bills everything what I had to justify our relationship but they really dont give a F**** they take every case as a fraud case and screw ppl...anyways once we will get the reason we will proceed and will update you folks as well.
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2008-03-11 09:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru RIYADH Embassy
QUOTE (MoreFreedom @ Mar 10 2008, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So how long has it been since your 2nd interview? and what was the interview all about?
Also what visa are you seeking to get? CR1, K1, K3

Dude, I was refused in Feb 2008 you can estimate how much time has passed, my case is CR1, my wife has contaced the senetor and provided our case number and other information they asked so hope for the best, by the way we are proceeding our case through a lawyer now.

Goodluck to all of you..
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2008-03-11 04:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru RIYADH Embassy
Folks please be patient AR takes time and in normal cases it takes some where 3-6 months so relax, do not hammer them by sending mail every week, by sending mail every week can cuase delay so my recomandation is 1 mail in one month.
Dont worry once they will make ur passport ready with visa they will contact you by the given information.

so relax and Inshalla ALLAH WILL HELP US.....

AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2008-03-10 14:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru RIYADH Embassy
QUOTE (KEKhan @ Mar 8 2008, 04:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi AustinnPawers,

I hope you don't mind a question- I was wondering if you had applied for the marriage permit, and was it before or after you applied for your immigration visa?
Some websites seem to say that getting the marriage permit can be very difficult. I was wondering how your experience was. We certainly don't want to make things any more complicated (as we have already been married for almost a year, and hopefully getting our visa soon). But it would be nice to know if we could actually get the permit and family visa.
Thanks again for your input. I hope things will look up for your visa soon,


I dont mind any question, you are always welcome.

No, I never applied for the marriage permit before my case refusal, now after getting the refusal I applied for the marriage permit or VISA for wife and in just 24 hours of I got the visa approval and I have sent that document to my wife in States and soon she is travelling for Saudi Arabia.

Dear If you are earning good and working in a good organization in Saudi Arabia then honestly it is not at all a big issue.

May Allah help you to get your case done successfully.

Allah Hafiz
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2008-03-08 04:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru RIYADH Embassy
QUOTE (KEKhan @ Mar 8 2008, 02:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What I find really difficult about our situation is that Saudi Arabia doesn't allow visitor visas. Apparently for some reason I can't even get a family visa bec. of the fact that my husband never got the Saudi marriage permit before our wedding (he couldn't even do that for some reason, I think he said bec. he was not yet 30 years old?) Anyways the whole system over there is really confusing to me, and it seems like one of the hardest situations, as I can't even visit him while we are waiting.

Now the problem is that they took his passport, so he can't even come to see me, or travel elsewhere. We don't want to mess up the possiblity that they could issue the visa soon, by asking for his passport back right now. We are really stuck, except for if I visit him in some Gulf countries where apparently he doesn't need a visa to travel.

Sorry to keep complaining, but I was just wondering others' thoughts on this situation and if anyone has a similar problem. It seems like visiting is so difficult, and it's such a long wait for the whole visa process to not be able to visit once in a while. Well I hope everyone will hear some good news soon about their visa. Thanks,

It is really impossible to believe that your husband is not getting the family visa, If your husband is doing a good job or atleast earning 7,000 Sar then there is no question that he is not getting the permit or family visa, in Saudi Arabia age is not at all a show stopper to get the marriage visa.
Dear what ever you told me about the Saudi Law is not acceptable
Good luck to you in ur process.
Take care
Allah Hafiz
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2008-03-08 03:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru RIYADH Embassy
QUOTE (KEKhan @ Mar 3 2008, 03:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I am a US citizen, and my Saudi husband is trying to get his conditional residence. He had his final visa interview appt. on Feb. 12 at the Riyadh consulate. During that time they did not tell him if he was approved or not, and just took his passport for "administrative review" of our case. They told him that once they are done, he can pick it up or have it Fedexed to him (he lives in Jeddah).

They have not finished with the visa yet. We emailed them 2 weeks after his interview (bec. we don't know why they should take his passport for an unknown amt. of time w/o letting him know why). They emailed back and said to give it 2-3 more weeks and try to email them again if we don't hear anything. This is discouraging that it might take as long as 7 months. Does anyone else have any other similar experience or advice?

thank you,

Dear I got the call in February and am refused by the us consulate, for me its very much upsetting situation right now, it will take 3-6 months officially to get another call, so relax and stay cool, wish you luck in your process, they kept my passport and again when I got a call I thought they will give me a visa but they interviewed me hard again for almost 30 minutes ...but hope your case will be fine.
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2008-03-03 09:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru RIYADH Embassy
QUOTE (Tariq Jawed @ Jan 12 2008, 04:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I'm from Riyadh, its been more than 7 months since we are waiting for administrative processing to be done... we had the final visa interview on 30 May, 2007 since then we are just waiting and waiting...

dont know how long will it take sad.gif


Dont worry Tariq inshalla it will be soon over just be patient, keep in touch with US Embassy in RIYADH by E-MAIL, coz visiting US Embassy will be a time consuming step...
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2008-01-12 06:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru RIYADH Embassy
Hello folks please post your comments and experiences faced or facing in Riyadh Embassy Saudi Arabia...anything which can be helpful to others specially people living in the same place.

Anybody from Riyadh embassy got rejected or denied of Immigrant visa...please post your experience that why they denied your visa.

Thanks and best regards
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-09-25 03:48:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsabt to mail out, help pleaseeeeeeeeeee
QUOTE (jessie1970 @ Oct 14 2009, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi everyone im in the uk and married my husband in september, we have known each other many years but got to the serious bit a few yrs ago!! i went /came over to the usa in aug and we married im now back in the uk and our package is being sent in next week hopefully!!, just waiting on a couple of affadavits abt our marriage.. im hoping to visit for christmas just for a couple of weeks, should there be any problem with this? also i heard that they send forms back when recieved it app a cr-1 do u fill this in and basically see which comes back first? the k3 or cr-1 and does that include my children?? only my youngest wants to come live with us though... i have read the stuff on here and although clear find some bits confusing and hope i dont sound "thick" but our brains have just been going round and round and round doing all this stuff which im sure you all found too x any help/advice that can be given would be great

K3 is non-immigrant
CR-1 is immigrant visa which one are you going to file?

Are you going to file for DCF or Direct Consular Filing in the UK?

I'm a bit distorted with your inquiries or maybe because I am not a native english speaker, anyhow contact the US Embassy London for further informations.

Good luck!!
Lancelotte25MalePhilippines2009-10-14 08:19:00
USCIS Service CentersCase have been touched !
What is TOUCHED mean? I always see this in Timeline. unsure.gif
Lancelotte25MalePhilippines2009-09-15 06:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CO require more proof of relationship
QUOTE (tony*** @ Jul 4 2009, 10:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiancee had her interview on June 12 th this year and she was put on 221 g or AP , finally she got a phone call from CO a couple days ago, they need more
proof of relationship . Also now we are preparing them, we just wondering that do we have a chance to get a visa.

Be positive buddy, just provide everything that you have as a proof of you relationship. If it's real there's no need to be worried. good.gif
Lancelotte25MalePhilippines2009-07-04 23:40:00
ChinaJust a Curious Question Regarding NOA2
QUOTE (garfield529 @ Sep 26 2009, 03:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was reading the post today that VSC has been really pushing through some approvals in less than two months. That is great for those applying to that center. My question has to do with what I have noticed very often with applicants from the Philippines. Why do their approval times seem so much faster than for China? I notice this for all stages...or am I just biased? Just a curious question..... whistling.gif

I hope you already cleared things up with the answer of HelloWorld.
Just be patient. You will get there. star_smile.gif

Lancelotte25MalePhilippines2009-09-26 07:09:00