K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed experts suggestion and expertise

1. No one can predict how long it will take to get your case to the embassy and if they will or will not pull it for more reviews stateside.

2. You will need proof of the ongoing and legitimacy of your marriage. Pictures, emails, phone records* with dates and times, gifts, and if the spouse has added your name to accounts jointly. Examples would be utility bills, insurance, etc.

You are right dear, I do have pictures(I am having 3-5 wedding day pics but not much), emails alot, phone records mostly we use to call each other by internet...using Yahoo phone, ya but I can produce some bills etc.... so by this we cant keep the log, hope you will understand what I am saying, Yes, one more thing she already changed her name and put my name as her last name[Husband name]

3. You name as you know has been checked and did have a hit in one of the many data bases they use and you will have to submit prints again at the embassy to overcome the hit possibly. I do not know what country your coming from but Muslim Pakistani men are rarely given a visitors visa. This is the reason I ended up going to Pakistan and marrying my husband.

Dear I am also from Pakistan, I meant to ask that when ever I will go for the interview do they will go through with the whole process.

All you can do at this point is sit back and hopefully you will finish up with USCIS and NVC and be forwarded to the embassy soon. Take your journey one day at a time and try not to dwell on it. Make your conversation light with you spouse and read up on AR/AP since you will have to endure this once you have your interview at the embassy level. Work on getting all your proofs together for your interview.

Good luck,


Thankx I am sitting back and waiting and hopefuly get the things done......
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-10-13 12:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed experts suggestion and expertise
Hello everybody, my wife has submitted the case in JUNE and we are still waiting...can anybody tell me how long I have to wait more for K3 and what type of evidence they need. I am not having much our wedding pictures may be only 2-3, coz we went out the country and she came there tooo and honestly we did't planned the wedding properly, we spent 7 days there together.
Yes, except pics, we do have our marriage certificates marriage rings ...can somebody tell me what type of questions they ask in the interview and what else should I do.


1. actually I am muslim and my name matches in their list(so called terrorist list) does this thing can cause the delay, if yes almost how much, actually I applied for the visit visa in Jul 2005 and the guy who took my interview told me, you are onn and your visa is approved but your name matches in our list so we need to verify it from Washington they took my finger prints and everything done payed all the money, but after that no body called me, I kept follow up but they always said, we will call you and at the end I get tired and stopped follow up, I am curious that does this thing can cause the hurdle again to my process.

Thanks and best regards
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-10-13 07:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSad news

Have you met your fiancee in the past two years??

Ya I met my wife we spend 8 days together in CYPRUS, we got married there in CYPRUS and then she fly back and I came to my country.Now we are married she applied for K3 so that I can arrive there faster instead of going through other process.

Any body can tell me that when you are filing for K3 what are the documents we need to file along the I-29 form

Thanks and best regards
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-15 10:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSad news

Did you actually have an interview and your Visa was denied via mail after that? Or was your petition denied?? You need to give more details so that you can get better help from the group. It sounds like they sent you an RFE that you didn't respond to, but without more detail from you its difficult to discern what really happened.

No dear, I did't have any interview my K3 petition denied what else you want to know dear. tell me I will post it...

I don't think she's being nosey. You asked for help. To get that help you do need to fill in your timeline. You didn't give a whole lot of details either...dear.

Thanks Karen! I was trying to help!

OP - Sounds like your K3 was not denied since you have not been granted approval to apply for that type of Visa. But it does sound like your petition was denied because you failed to respond to an RFE that you state you never recieved. You will likely have to complete a new petition and pay the fee all over again. Good luck dear.

That is what is sounds like to me too. You might want to find out the exact reason for the denial and take it from there. They might have sent you a (RFE) and not responding in the alloted timeframe :clock: will result in a denial. I am sorry this happended to you (F) ..... if that is indeed the case then like Julezzy said you will have to start over dear. :( Good luck

Thankx guys really appreicate your help and support, after reading all the replies I am bit confident now, well very soon I will try to enter my time that you guys can analyse the time also...

Thanks and best regards
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-15 03:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSad news

Did you actually have an interview and your Visa was denied via mail after that? Or was your petition denied?? You need to give more details so that you can get better help from the group. It sounds like they sent you an RFE that you didn't respond to, but without more detail from you its difficult to discern what really happened.

No dear, I did't have any interview my K3 petition denied what else you want to know dear. tell me I will post it...
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-14 13:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSad news
I am very sorry to announce that my K3 has been denied, just got a call from my wife that they have denied our k3 process, I am very much upset and dont know what to do. they said that they sent a letter on sep 27 but we never received a letter and, the bullS*** is that my wife called them 2 weeks back and they said you check us again on 13 june, and today when she visit them they said your k3 has denied and we sent you a letter on 27 sept 2006 to inform you, now tell me what to do...

Please tell me, if I fly on Visit visa what will happen, etc...etc....waiting for ur positive responses...thankx

Looking for your suggestions and advices...

Thanks and best regards
poor Austin :blush:
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-14 12:03:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE question.
can anybody tell me when we file for k3 what other documents we need to file, do we need to provide the tax slips wife applied for my k3 but she did't not submit the tax slip for last 3 does this requires to sumbit along with k3.
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-16 01:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE question.
What RFE stands for?
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-16 00:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 is in process and got the visit what

AustinnPawerss, I wish you the best in your Vjourney... good luck with everything
and thanks for sharing your experience with us... everyone's journey is a lesson to
everyone else's journey!


Asamu :thumbs:

Thankx dear, but as you saw that I already got the denail, now desperately waiting for the denail letter so that I can see if we are still eligible to apply or not, coz lots of my friends are saying these denails are normal and nothing to worry coz it happens mostly when there is some kind of communication gap and cross the expected date to provide some document etc I30 is till on and today I saw the update and they have received the document they asked for I30, so Allhumdullila I am very much hope ful that k3 denial happend due to lack of some documents. I am very much thankful to all of you who supported me in my journy.
Thanks and best regards

Edited by AustinnPawerss, 16 December 2006 - 09:19 AM.

AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-16 09:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 is in process and got the visit what

let's hear what AustinPowers has to say...
-Asamu :whistle:

All right fellows I know you must be waiting for input after contacting to embassy, Well I went to embassy and really really appreciate to my friend he has done a wonderful job by arranging the person who actually takes interview, Ok here what I asked

Q, I've applied for visit visa in 2005 but no answer for long time so we got married in 2006 and in JUNE 2006 my wife filed the k3. Does this impact on my k3 process.
A. No this does not, because you have applied before your marriage.

Q, If I get this visit visa and fly to US to see my family to meet my wife does this count towards cheating or fraud ?
A. As per the embassy no, but it may cause problems when you land there at POE, the person who will stamp your passport wants to confirm that you are the right person

Q. I asked him aslo about his suggestion and the right advice or what should I do.
A. The person recommanded me to stick to one process and that is K3, he also recommanded me to cancel the visit visa process and do not get the visa and wait for your papers to come to you and then follow the k3 process, on which I agreed to and he straight away cancelled my visa and after 5 minutes they returned my passport and I came home.

and lots of other questions which I cannot write here, coz so many things I asked, but I think these questions were most important so I posted here also....

all right fellows enjoy , thankx once again for every support REBA,MARRYANDMIAN,Asamu,YODRAK and everybody, I sware I was really very much worried due to that....
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-14 07:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 is in process and got the visit what

They way I understood it is this…. On the 2nd instance you have a spouse in the US and if you decide to stay and AOS – it is harder to prove the fact that you did not have the intention of creating a short cut for yourself and apply for an AOS. We all know that you need a valid I-94 to complete your AOS among other things.

But on the 1st instance you are not married… you visit your fiancé and decide to get married… there some leeway of claiming that you did not intend to get married, but woop di doo… it just happened… an officer will look at you over his/her glasses and say yeah right… but again things do happen…

In other words – both cases are speculative however, you may have a better chance to claim ‘non-intend’ with the 1st instance than the second.

In both cases – it is a 50/50 chance… as everyone else said… why tempt fait… :whistle:

Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou for all your suggestion, allright here is the update, I talked to a lawyer in Newyork, she said that it is Illegal to apply the visit visa while the Immigration process is already started and further she said that go to the embassy and tell them the whole situation and they will tell you exactly what to do. She said they will not ban you if you will be honest with them but if you will not inform them by your self and you will get the visa then you might have the problem when you go for the K3 visa.

So tomorrow I am going to embassy, one of my friend is working there I talked him clearly he said nothing to worry come tomorrow and I will ask our immigration expert guy to listen you and help you in ur problem

So hope for the best...
will post your update tomorrow.

AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-12 11:12:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 is in process and got the visit what

With regards to the embassy, when you pick up your tourist visa I would probably tell them that you do have a K3 petition in process, but you just want to visit your partner, and will return when planned.
As others have said, the biggest problem that you could have is at the point of entry, Make sure that you have plenty of evidence that you wil return to your country.
I agree with Wench, it is very easy for married people to adjust status while here on tourist visa. I had heard or read somewhere that if the AOS is denied from the visitor visa or is it just the vwp???, that there is bascially no recourse and the person must leave the country and then work through the process from overseas??? I cant remember been ages ... need clarification!

All right folks now tell me what should I do now, coz I've already submitted my passport for the visa in embassy yesterday before contacting you ppl, you ppl already supported me alot interms of your suggestion now tell me the solutions also.
Solutions in my mind
  • one solution is that I should send them a detail email mentioning all the situation from start to end, I mean from applying the Visit Visa in Aug 2005 till applying for the K3 in JUNE 2006 etc and I should Keep the copy of that email with me, so that in future if something goes wrong I will show them this email.
  • The other solution is that the day I go to collect my passport I will tell them the complete situation and will request them if they think its good then they should stop the visit visa or cancel it

.... NEED suggestions and possible solutions.?????????[/
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-12 03:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 is in process and got the visit what

what country are you coming from?

Saudi Arabia
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-11 12:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 is in process and got the visit what

Reba is correct is saying that you cannot come to the USA on the tourist visa and adjust status here. You can come and visit but your taking a chance of being denied entry at the POE since they should have record of the K3. Plus, as Reba mentioned at the time of the POE you would need to have strong evidence of ties back home so that they do not think you are trying to come illegally and adjust status. If you were allowed entry then you would have to go back home for your K3 interview.

thanks marry and to all of you, If I dont travel using this visit visa it will not impact my k3 process later. actually the prob is that I got the call coz I applied in 2005 for this visit visa and we started our k3 process in June 2006 so that is why, tell me should I tell embassy that my k3 is in process. I think its not good idea to tell the embassy, instead of telling them, I should get the visit visa and stay home and wait for my k3 process to get done....what you ppl suggest...
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-11 09:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 is in process and got the visit what

Dont get me wrong or any thing but.....going there with a visitors visa with intent to immigrate is illegal. If you plan to go and visit your wife for the time that is given on the visa with means to return to your country that is fine. You need to and you should return and finish the k3 process sucessfully in your country. why would you want to jepordize your k3? Im going on a limb here but my inner voice is telling me to adivice you to vist your wife and take proof of ties to your country that you are going to return. After you visit you should return to your coutnry and wait out the K3 process untill you can enter the country with the correct visa. This immigration process is difficult enough as it is. Please dont create more problems for your self. I dont think that immigration would be very pleased to know that you might consider adjusting your status upon entering the country on a visitors visa (if even that is possible...I dont think it is.) You would get a nasty little stamp on your passport and sent right back on the next flight where you came from. Visiting should not be a problem as long as you dont intend to stay and can provide evidence that you intend oto return.

Then again in not an expert Im sure some one will come along and correct me shortly. I hope that every thing works out. Merry Christmas.

Thanks for the reply The_dip_sticks, I asked these questions because I am not well aware with the immigration laws, anyways no problemooo, I am only willing to go there for visit purpose until my k3 gets approve and will defenately come back, can you guide me more that going on visit what documents should I take with me and what should I tell them at the airport or what type of questions they might ask me at the airport...
Thankx once again...
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-11 07:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 is in process and got the visit what
Hi folks, I applied for visit visa in 2005 and today I got the call from embassy that it is approved submit your passport for the visit visa, my wife applied for the k3 in JUNE 2006, now I need suggestion or advice that If i go on Visit visa there can I stay there and can I apply to change my status or I have to come back to and go through the K3 visa process. Take care, we married in march 2006 and I applied for the visa iin 2005 so that I can visit her and her family before proceeding the marriage thing but things went ok and got marry in march 2006 and now when the k3 is in process embassy called my to come and get the visa so plz plz plz...advices, suggestion or some other informative links...

Also tell me if I go there, do I need to carry any documents with me they migh ask or any other precautionary stuff....


Will wait for your replies.

Thanks and best regard
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-11 02:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSad news --> continue

you said here that you sent the K3 and the I-130 at the same time ..... you are supposed to send in the I-130 first and then once you get the NOA1 , you submit the K3 along with the NOA1.... unless I read your post wrong....

yes, actually the asked us to send the NOA1 and we sent them later. what my feeling is that we sent them but they did not received it...what do you think ?
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-19 14:06:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSad news --> continue


It is not an approved I-130 that you need in order to file the I-129F for the K-3. You needed to submit the NOA1 that you receive with the I-130 that tells you they have received the petition. You only need to show proof that you have filed the I-130 in order to file the I-129F.

If you are finding this process difficult to understand in what needs to be submitted and when, then yes a lawyer will be beneficial.

Wishing you all the best.


Dear, if this is not the case then we sent NOA1, then what should I suggest my wife to do....I mean I am confused now...
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-19 06:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSad news --> continue

As I wrote here about 3 weeks ago, I received a letter stating that my K-3 petition was denied because I didn't answer a RFE (which I never received) in 89 days.

However, on my account on the BCIS website, it gives the same status as it did in June when my paperwork was received by them.

So I would not give much hope to what you are reading about your case on their website.


Yes bob you are absolutely right, what you did to solve this mystery when you got denied, well my wife went to IMMI office and after trying hard she was able to meet the senior person and he helped her out, he said that your k3 case was denied coz there was not enough evidence with your file.
Well I was surfing the web last night and came to know that K3 suppose to apply after the I-130 approval coz we need to send the I-130 approval along with K3, where as we submitted both k3 and I-130 at the same date, my I-130 is still under processing and they received the rquired RFE documents and resumed the processing on 14-dec-2006, so my concusion is that my case was denied due to not having the approval of I-130 and Inshalla I am quiet sure that once my I-130 got approved k3 will be approved when she will apply again.

But at the same time, I am thinking to hire attorny to follow this process, so for this thing, I need ur suggestion and vote, that should I go for the attonry or not and if go for the attorny, I need your recommanded attorny, if you know some one.

Hope things will get better after my I-130 approval Inshalla.
Thanks and best regards
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-19 05:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSad news --> continue
Thankx to all of you, your positive replies make me feel better.

Thankx once again.
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-18 05:49:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSad news --> continue
Guys, I just checked my info on the web and they are stating something like this

Application Type: I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Response to request for evidence received, and case processing has resumed.

On September 7, 2006, we received your response to our request for evidence. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, call customer service. You should expect to receive a written decision or written update within 60 days of the date we received your response unless fingerprint processing or an interview are standard parts of case processing and have not yet been completed, in which case you can use our processing dates to estimate when this case will be done. This case is at our MISSOURI SERVICE CENTER location. Follow the link below to check processing dates. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

Where as we have been told that the case has been denied from 27th sep.... I dont know why but I have a feeling that our case is still ok may be some communication wife is again going to the immi office to inquire and this time she is trying to meet some senior person of that office...

lets see, hope for the best will let you know the updates
thanks and best regards
Allah Hafiz
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2006-12-16 11:49:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approved

i dunno wht is next coz i stil have long way to go
will sure say u
heartiest congrats :thumbs:

Thankx dear.....
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-03-06 08:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approved
Thankx folks for the suggestions, when ever I will get the copy of the denial letter I will post it here so that you ppl will also understand the reason of denial

That sounds right .. you probably needed to file your i-130 first.. after receiving the NOA, you can go ahead and send your i-129F (K3) petition with the NOA copy to get process if you still want. Good luck! :thumbs:

bahiabrazil. If I do not file K3 now and wait for the proper immigration process what do you think how much time it will take to complete.

Thanks and best regards.
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-03-06 02:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approved

Finally after the denial of K3 (i-129) my I-130 approved in whats next...and how much is the expected time to finish this whole process any idea....?
Anything you ppl suggest me to prepare now etc etc...

My wife told me in the letter they mentioned our k3 application denied coz our I-130 was not approved at that time she already posted me the denial letter for the safe side when ever I will get it will scan it and post it here....if this forum allows attachments....otherwise I will post the text inside that letter.

any other suggestions are welcome...

AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-03-04 01:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approved
Finally after the denial of K3 (i-129) my I-130 approved in whats next...and how much is the expected time to finish this whole process any idea....?
Anything you ppl suggest me to prepare now etc etc...
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-03-03 07:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 3032 Twice

The DS-3032 Choice of Agent is sent to the foreign spouse and the USC spouse. You do not need to sumbit the second DS-3032, only one is required. If you read the instructions it states basically that if the foreign spouse does not receive their copy that you can fax a copy of yours to her to sign. Don't stress it :)

AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-03-27 15:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 3032 Twice
Friends, my wife sent me DS 3032 form few days back which she received from NVC and they asked her to forward it to me and after signing it submit it to NVC, which I filled and submitted to NVC by DHL and they have already received, but today again I got a mail from NVC with the same form asking me to fill it and submit it to them, plz tell me what to do. Should I again fill the form and send it to them...apprecite.

Thanks and best regards
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-03-27 10:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Qualification matters

your job history and qualifications hardly have any merit whatsoever for a marriage based visa application. They're more worried about your USC sponsor's qualifications.

Dear, she is a nurse and doing job in some kind of hospital and is eligible for my sponsership.
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-05-22 06:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes Qualification matters
HI all, I am not highly qualified, but am dominating a good position and post and also done lots of other certifications of IT, in ds-230 item no 23 they asked my qualification does this create a problem, I am only qualified upto 10th standard.

Is this a problem if I mention only my basic school info....

Thanks and best regards
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-05-22 05:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresForm 81807 - DS 230
Good Day everybody, I know after a very long time I am here again to bother all of you, my case is going smooth, almost 2 months ago I received CHOICE OF AGENT Form and after that they asked my wife some job evidence and tax slips and said that they will after that transfer my case to Overseas for wich they asked 350$ something amount, after submitting that form we were expecting the case here in my place but last friday they sent another form to my wife 81807 which is supposed to be filled by me, she has sent me the form already by email and am filling it and will send her soon, well this is the whole situation, this form is having 2 sections on 4 pages, each section is on 2 pages, 1st section is BIOGRAPHIC section and the 2nd is ALIEN REGISTERATION

Q1: All these sections are related to me, I mean do I need to fill this form completely or wife also need to fill some part of it....

Q2: Any idea how many other forms I need to fill after that...coz on every letter they say we only need this form or that form then we will forward the case to over seas..just a curosity wante to know that how long it is going to take.

Any suggestions and advices plz let me know...

Thanks and best regards
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-05-22 01:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresfather Name problem
Folks, my I-129 applications refused due to some unknown reason but my I-130 app got approved and went everything fine then we received DS-230 form after I-130 approved and submitted that one also, now everything has been done, my wife in states got a notice to supply my documents metioned below.
  • Police Certificate
  • Birth Certificate
  • Biographic copy of my passport
Now I just figured out that on my Passport my father name is Chaudhry Abid Ali Aslam where as while filing the G-325 and DS-230 I by mistake put only Abid Ali Aslam and forgot to put Chaudhry(actually we never use chaudhry name normally and this is the reason I missed my father's first name basically its just a cast but obviously is the part of his name), so plz tell me what should I do, coz when they will see the copy of my passport having my father name Chaudhry Abid Ali Aslam might cause the problem, plz guide me as what should I do to cope this situation.

They asked my birth certificate which is in URDU coz I am from Pakistan, can I submit my birth certificate issued and attested by Pakistan embassy in Saudi Arabia basis on the orignal verifying that info is correct and everything is ok.

Seeking for the suggestions, plz help...thankx....
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-06-19 04:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAfter Interview
QUOTE (Nicky Salmon @ Sep 23 2007, 10:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
According to the website they can tell you that day unless there was complications.

All right friends I went to embassy, Interview(Questions and answers interogation) done last week and this week also supplied them the Proof of Relationship, Divorce Decree and Liquid Asset...

They took my passport gave me BLUE CARD and said your case will be reviewed and we will iniform you when you can collect your passport but the guy did not give any idea or hint or anything about the approval of visa or curious to know .....

what you guys think...plz share your views....

Thanks and best regards
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-09-24 04:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAfter Interview
HI folks I am going on 22-sep-2007 again to embassy, on 15-sep-2007 I appeared in the interview but was lacing some documents and they told me to send them the documents and passport via mail no need to come in person, but if you want to you can come and submit your documents and passport.

On 15-sep-2007 they interviewed me and asked me provide them Proof of Relationship, orginal Divorce Decree my Liquid Asset coz they said that my wife's income is not sufficent anyways all set and again appearing in the interview on 22-sep-2007 saturday.

DO you have any idea how much time they take to decide to grant the visa or not.....

I am very much hope ful that they will grant me the visa...

Hope for the best....

Thanks and best regards
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-09-20 09:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMy DV visa experience and what I learned from it
QUOTE (maore @ Sep 24 2007, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here 's a bit of background .

I am franco-british born in the Island of Mayotte , I hold three passports (2 british for professional reasons) and 1 french + 1 french ID card - I.T consultant working through my own company(generating + 60 k /year in revenue) specialised in the data storage/backup ,I worked for the HM Inland Revenue (gone through security clearance like a breeze) and supported US customers (US army/university/companies) in the use of a backup software.

My wife is a chinese citizen born in Dandong with leave to remain in the UK. Well what I can I say about her : strong character and will not stand for any wrong.

Nov 2005 I applied for DV lottery I found it fun to participate to something free and you could actually win big. Oh boy ! how much I was wrong :zzz:

March 2006 I married my wife :thumbsup:

July 2006 I have been informed by KCC I can apply for DV visa
* It took me one month to get the form correctly filled out :
- Do not leave any blank instead write " not applicable "
- The forms can be emailed back or sent via fax to speed up the processing

Dec 2006 visa number became current

10/01/2007 interview at the US embassy .
Interrogate my wife for 45 minutes and myself for 10 minutes and bang 221g requiring more evidence of relationship with questions close to being classified as racist such as " why you married a chinese ?" I would expect this kind of question from Nazi germany not from an employee of the US government
* Be prepared for the interview ,bring updated pictures/phone bills/email exchanges and proof you actually leave together - if you are a contractor working aborad you are in for a tough luck
* under no circumstances ask for your passport back (it will further delay the application
* for those who follow up the time line our relationship needed to be demonstrated despite being married well before being informed about the DV win - where the logic ? Only those clever guy at DOS would be able to answer ? Basically you are guilty until proven innocent such an un american concept well we are just bloody foreigners so we do not count for much smile.gif

10/08/07 after chasing them for 7 months for an update they finally decided to " invite " me for a follow up interview ( we previously discussed with my wife I will go alone in the US while she takes care of our business - property management ) so the application will be for a single person without follow up or derivatives . Interview went well - the CO could not find any reasons to deny me the visa , told me to pay my delivery fee and wait for the visa

15/09 started filing mandamus action (kind of late ) but filing for the principle , it costs me 350 $ but the DOS will share the cost and maybe maybe it will realise there is room for improvement on the way visa are processed. Security is a legitimate concern but why the security checks was not done since January 2007 (for those who still following up the story)

25/9 application still under additional administrative processing or the other euphemism used " clearance required from the department of state "

My advise to all visa applicants , if you know you do not have anything to hide under your bed go for it and fight for your rights (thanks fatbrit I understood a bit late) and be proactive :
* sue under mandamus action after one month if the embassy has received all the requested information (221 g) - email me and I will provide details/assistance on how to file a civil action against the dos (court DC columbia + defendants + 350 $ + complaint + cover sheet + summons (5) )
* request from DOS information held about you under the freedom of information act
* request from the FBI information held about you under the feedom of information act ( a full set of finger prints will be required )

Notes : You do not need an attorney to file a civil action and most attorney will charge you for just having a chat (fact finding) but it is advisable to hire one to actually get the job done right straight away (filing pretty gruesome process)

In conclusion based on my experience the main mistake I did was to trust the Embassy will be dealing with my application in a timely manner , I should have sue a lot earlier.
On the bright side I just realised I have sufficient point to get a working visa to Australia.:cool:

Thankx for sharing the info maore, well I appeared in my interview 2 weeks back and that day they gave me bit tough time in interogation and that day I couldt provide them proof of relationship, the CO gave me blue paper asking me to provide the proof of relationship, Liquid asset(coz my wife is not earning enough or find a co-sponsor) and orignal divorce decree, she told me to provide these documents i dont need to come in person to embassy, I can send all these documents along my passport by mail, but last week I went to the embassy and appeared in person(I went to embassy coz I dont want them think me as a LAY MAN) and submitted my all the requested documents along with my passport and they handed over me a serialized collect passport token they said that your case will be reviewed and we will inform you when to get your passport. The guy did not inform me about the status of my visa either it is approved or not ?
SO I am expecting a call within 1-10 days hopefully positive answer

once again dude, wish you good luck in your efforts....

Edited by AustinnPawerss, 25 September 2007 - 02:53 PM.

AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-09-25 14:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCase refused by the embassy
Hi folks, yesterday they again called me for the interview and after interogating me almost 30 minutes they refused my case and said that they are going to send my case back to USCIS and also got all my submitted evidence and documents back along with the same blue sheet 221(g) mentioned reason "Recomandation revokation" something like this.

They asked me again lots of personal questions yes no doub few of them I missed but I answered most of questions.

Anyway can anybody guide me what to do next, can my wife file a new case or it is over...? what to do ....
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2008-02-13 04:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
Good luck to all of you, who are in process and who are waiting, US embassy refused to give me VISA and very much upset here.

you can read the story here if you want to...


If any body has faced this issue before or any kind of experience or any suggestions, then please let me know...

Wish you best of luck.

Edited by AustinnPawerss, 16 February 2008 - 01:59 AM.

AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2008-02-16 01:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
QUOTE (AFZubairi @ Dec 6 2007, 01:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Everyone...

I was wondering how many people in this Forum had the opportunity to have the case put on Administrative Processing. Also, how long did it take for you to receive a letter/ phone call from the Embassy to send your passport? Were you asked to come in person or did you just have to mail your passport? If you are still on Administrative Processing, how long has it been?

Our case was put on AP in September and it has been about 2 and half months and we are still waiting patiently.

Please advise... Thanks


Hi, my case is in AP and my interview was in septemeber but due to lack of required documents they asked me to provide the evidence of relationship, Liquid asset and orignal divorce decree and also told me at the day of interview that I dont need to come in person to submit these documents if I dont want to, I can send these documents along with my passport by mail. But i went to the embassy right after 7 days along with all the required documents and passport and submitted everything by hand to the immigration officer and then they gave me a blue card "Token" to collect my passport, there is some number mentioned on it.
So this is my story, yes Its more than 2 months since appeared in the interview.
Praying to Allah to finish the procedure successfully and asap.

Good luck to you dude inshalla everything will be fine...

Allah Hafiz good.gif
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-12-06 15:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
QUOTE (GoharRabia @ Dec 4 2007, 09:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
smile.gif smile.gif GOOD NEWS!!! My Fiance reacieved the packet today!! Her and I are both excited! no interview date yet but another step closer!!! smile.gif smile.gif

Good luck GoharRabia...inshalla you will get the interveiw date soon.
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-12-05 09:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
QUOTE (MaryandMian @ Oct 24 2007, 06:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (fareash @ Oct 24 2007, 05:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello everyone,
reccently I emailed the ISB embassy inquiring about my husband's visa status because they told my husband to contact them 4wks after the his interview date which was august 28, 2007.
well this is all I got frm them today:

""Dear Sir/Madam,

A consular officer has reviewed your immigrant visa application and has determined that additional administrative processing is required before we can complete your case. The time that this processing takes will vary on a case-by-case basis. Once we have completed this administrative processing, we will continue with your visa application. If your case is otherwise complete, and you have opted to have your passport, visa and documents returned by courier, the courier service will contact you to arrange for delivery. If you have opted to keep your passport, we will contact you to let you know when to come to the Embassy to drop it off, and will then return your visa by courier.

\I hope this information will be helpful to you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you required any further inquiry.

Thanks & best regards""

So now the wait continues. does anyone know what exactly is AP all about?


AP from Islamabad is the security checks, a background check, if married to rule that it is legitimate, if you stated you were not married to rule out that you are not hiding a marriage from the USC, security checks that involve your education or job (science, etc), and an overall check on the validity of your information that was submitted for your visa such as name, family, travel history, and the new check to rule out that you did not give any funds from you or your family to help terrorists. There is no way to determine how long it will take and the response is what most persons get when first asking for a status update from the consulate. Good luck on your AP finalizing soon.

This information is from the FAM:



And the following are just a few of the security checks that are requested and not all countries require all checks and your job or schooling can affect what checks they require.



Thankx marry for the updated list of special countries, codes and other info, I am shocked that Saudi Arabia is not in their list or you missed out by chance....anyways hoping to hear in this month or by max in next month...
Take care
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-10-25 06:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCalling everyone going thru Islamabad Embassy, version 2.0
QUOTE (scarlethawk @ Oct 23 2007, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did you (or your wife) send them an email asking for a status update?

Yes and they replied that my case is gone back to W.DC for approval etc etc...and we are waiting for the approval only and dont know how much time this approval will take they said you will be informed once it will approved to collect your passport....
AustinnPawerssMaleSaudi Arabia2007-10-23 23:50:00