CanadaWoking Clinic (Panel Physician for Western Canada)

Really? Only five minute walk from Burrard Skytrain Station? Maybe I will take Skytrain after all. I can park outside of my old apartment in Burnaby for free...

Yep it was not far at all! If you are heading to the consulate on west pender from the clinic the station is about 3/4 of the way.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-24 16:10:00
CanadaWoking Clinic (Panel Physician for Western Canada)

when you actually meet the doctor, you will see the absurdity of those remarks!!! She is a tiny little old lady that wore her hair in a top knot and has chains on her glasses!!

and yes..the parking is brutal....and right across the street from St Paul's. There is a gate to a courtyard on the left...stand there...and get there early!

All the best Wyatt!!!

I thought the doctor was a man! I did see the lady with the chain glasses but only after meeting with the male doctor. The doctor has to have a woman present in the room, I believe it was the receptionist. Anyways the lady with the glasses I thought she was a nurse, all she did was take my weight and height.

My cousin drove me from burnaby that morning, there was NO traffic @ 5:30 in the morning! It's right across from st pauls hospital like the others have said. Probably a 5 min walk to the Burrard station.

Edited by minnew, 24 January 2010 - 12:04 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-24 12:01:00
CanadaTransferring money from CAD account to US account
Customhouse all the way! Excellent customer service! Best exchange rates! Banks rip you off! Free EFT's & so far no problems from them! Like others have said it takes some time to set up but will be a lifesaver when I start to pay my Canadian bills that can only be paid from a CAN institution!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-19 23:29:00
Congrats Kayla & Matthew!!!! Finally MTL is catching up!!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-25 11:08:00
CanadaVerbally Declaring Chicken Pox


Curious, according to Sieden's website

Are there any exceptions to written proof of immunization?
You may, verbally, provide the panel physician with a reliable history of having chickenpox in which case you will not be required to have the chickenpox / varicella vaccine nor provide antibody titer proof of immunity. You must have written proof for all other immunization requirements.

My wife had CP as a kid, so according to what's above, she should be able to just say, I had chicken pox as a kid. And she won't need the vaccine? And having no proof?

I say this because I think my wifes med records were destroyed as she hasn't been to her fam doc in over 10 years so it's bad enough we need to get MMR and tb shots again, I'm just trying to lessen the needed vaccines here.

Is this wise to just go in and say she had CP? Or has anyone had any cases where the doctors barked at them saying they need record of the shot.

I just verbally declared what year I had chicken pox, no issues from the medical doctor. Still is very likely if you don't have any records of vaccines to get the titres test.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-25 19:29:00
CanadaWell it's been a long wait! But we have an k1 inteview!
That is Wonderful news kimbear!! After the past year of problems you definitley deserve this! It will all be smooth sailing from here!

Congratulations!!! :dance:
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-25 11:13:00
It would have taken me over a month to get into see my family doctor and no guarantee that he would have been able to give me the shot in the office right then and there without having to get a prescription first. I went to the local travel clinic and got my Tdap there for $85.... Lovely SK healthcare huh?
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-26 10:23:00
CanadaCongrats Danu on your wedding!
Lovely pictures Danu!! You both look so happy! Congratulations!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-23 21:37:00
CanadaWelcome to America....
Congrats lgg!! :dance:
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-26 11:09:00
CanadaPassport style photos
The London Drugs in Regina was a total rip off! I paid something like $40 AND had to go back to get them reprinted and recut...

The teeny bopper training the grandma in the photo labo totally screwed them up... Some of them were not 2 by 2 AT ALL! Yes I got the tape measure out! LoL!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-27 16:22:00
CanadaDid NOT Receive I-94 at POE for my K-1 Visa Activation
This will all get straightened out Ashen, just please take a deep breath!

As others have suggested I would first try the defered inspection at nearest airport. This has happened to other VJ'ers and a trip to deferred inspection got it all worked out.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-13 09:42:00
CanadaI'm getting my Visa!
Congratulations HisGirl!!!! That wasn't a long AP thank goodness! Best wishes for you & your hubby!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-27 18:26:00
CanadaGood Luck to Dan and Ali!
Good luck Ali & Dan!! You will do great!! Can't wait to hear your reviews!!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-26 12:31:00
CanadaWhat do you refrigerate?
I too never used to refridgerate soy sauce, hot sauce or worcestire sauce but because of my husband we keep it in the fridge. When I was growing up we never kept that stuff in the fridge. We also never kept peanut butter in the fridge. Hubby tried to put it in th fridge one day and I told him that he could put everything else BUT the peanut butter in the fridge! Like Carla said have you ever tried to spread peanut butter that's been in the fridge on toast!?!? Doesn't work so well!! Hubby doesn't each much peanut butter so it's hands-off! We also keep coffee in the freezer (hubby) but that's because we barely drink it, too much of a trigger for me if I drink too much.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-27 10:29:00
CanadaMy interview experience
Great review Ali! sorry things didn't go smoother for you! The police certificate shouldn't take long! As long as you don't have to get a fingerprint check ( criminal record). Hope you can get everything you need for custody quickly!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-29 21:51:00
CanadaWoking Medical Services in Vancouver
Great review Wyatt!! Sounds exactly like my experience! Minus the female doctor and parking! I had a male doctor & he never checked "down there" lol!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-28 21:37:00
CanadaI just bought my first house
Congrats!! Very nice looking house!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-01 12:44:00
CanadaOfficially confused.
What huggles said! LoL!

Congratulations on your recent marriage!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 18:58:00
Emailing MTl is your best bet. Inky got her interview date within a month due to her husbands deployment orders.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-01 12:58:00
CanadaWhat This Thread Needs is More Kittens
All of your kitties are sooo cute! I always loved cats, but developed allergies to them at age 20. sad.gif

There are cats bigger than my 5 mos old 3lb 5 oz toy fox terrier LOL!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-12-29 14:05:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?
I think I am sort of the odd one out on this one.... It's

We met in 05 when I was going to school in the US... Flash forward 3 years...after graduation and 1 yr of OPT (work auth) I moved back to canada in May of 08. Hardest decision to ever make...we just weren't ready to get married yet. It double sucked because we had spent past 3 years dating seeing each other daily & 1 year of living together...... To phone calls, webcam, skype & weekend trips.

For the next 6 mos we lived about 4.5 hours away from each other (lots of weekend trips)

The last 9 mos of our separation (got orders) he was a 15 hour drive one way :( only saw him 2x in 9 months.... Had a wedding to plan & save up for!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 21:42:00
CanadaOh oh!!! Can't find my greencard!
LoL! I have done that before! I think I was looking for my marriage certificate... Left it on the scanner...oops!!!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 12:34:00
CanadaOh oh!!! Can't find my greencard!

Come on neiks, you of all people should know better! Keeping Biometrics info on the computer, your funny! We all know one has to keep doing the appts over and over to fund BORDER GAURDS Christmas parties!! But honestly I have no clue,lol

LOL! That made me really laugh out loud!

I really hope you find your GC soon neiks!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-02 18:32:00
CanadaOh Canada
That is a really neat link! Thanks Kathryn!!

I got a bit teary eyed myself and goosebumps listening to the very first part..the instrumental of Oh Canada...I always do now that I am in the USA.

:lol: "All of y'all are either ignorant or stupid"..."Yes we have microwaves and TV's..."
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-04 18:52:00
CanadaDefinitely check this out!
:lol: The commercials are so cute!

I am going to have to send this to my American friends! haha!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-05 11:31:00
CanadaMore name issues
Woo hoo! Congrats huggles! Now you are completely legal!

minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-04 22:56:00
CanadaMore name issues
Yikes huggles! At least you know what the problem was! I'm sorry this is happening to you! Is your Canadian licence still valid in the meantime?
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-29 12:42:00
CanadaMore name issues
Dang huggles! I'm so sorry that ts been this long and still
having problems with this! I have no other advice but to try an infopass appt!
I think there is a way to request an appt online at uscis website if that helps any!

Good luck! Let us know what happens!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-11 20:16:00
CanadaMontreal, safe and sound
Congrats Zansgirl!! :dance:
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-05 11:22:00
CanadaHappy Wedding Day Rhiann :)
Congratulations and best wishes on your new life together!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-27 10:11:00
CanadaWho is on FaceBook???
Added to the Group!! Thank you for creating it!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-15 14:17:00
CanadaCanadian Guilt?
I don't feel guilty per we but I understand what you are trying to
say HeatDeath.

My process both k-1 and aos has been relatively quick but still
the same expense and regulations as everyone else.

I do feel for those who are put in extra processing and security checks IF thet are innocent.. Just because of the country they come from. It's not right but at the same time I do
understand the need for thr USA to be cautious in who in let's into the

If anything the ones who abuse the system with fraud anger me and realize why I have to go through a harder time than years prior when it was "easy"... You have no
idea how many times I've heard that phrase!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-04 17:01:00
CanadaIn the US and married!

I went through POE at Pacific Crossing about two weeks ago and it was a very easy process which took about 20 minutes. We were married yesterday in a civil ceremony so I now have 16 nieces and nephews! Our wedding will be in April in Maui.

I don't feel homesick yet or anything. :thumbs:

Just wanted to share my good news!

Congrattulations on the successful POE & marriage!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-11 13:27:00
CanadaPatriotic Tattoo
A friend of mine drew me a tattoo with a Canadian maple leaf and a black sort of Celtic design behind it. It's been years since she drew it and i still cannot figure out where to put it! I have thought about also just waiting until I get my citizenship and getting a CAN and US flag beside each other.

I have the pic of the leaf somewhere....
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-03 21:14:00
CanadaFamily Day!
Happy family day/presidents day to all! SK has family day as well!

I just spent the holiday with my husband cleaning out our storage room.... That was FUN!

Threw out alot of junk buy also re packed alot! The room looks much neater & organized! There were times I wanted to scream at him though... Pulling out things like yearbooks and other memorabilia & spending too much time on each one..... I though this is gonna take ALL DAY at the rate this is going!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-15 16:32:00
CanadaI-130 Approved
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-17 09:12:00
CanadaI-693 question for AOS

I have called 8 civil surgeons in my area and ALL of them refuse to give me a partial except one who wants to charge me 200$! You've got to be kidding me!!!!!!!! There is no way I am paying that much.

Minnew, you said Part 1, 2 and 5. Part 1 and 5 I understand but Part 2 is like 4 pages long....would it just be the vaccination page sheet of Part 2?

$200!!! That's ridiculous!!! That's what inky was quoted when she called! I called the same place a few weeks later when doing my AOS & they said $50 or less!!

Yes it would just be the vaccination portion of Part 2 if the CS is transcribing.

You can risk sending it without RFE some people do not have any problems, but it's hard to measure the risk. If you end up being transferred to CSC usually no problem approves without
interview. If you end up having an interview & did not send the 693 transcription you still have the same dilemma as now, trying to find a CS to do a transcription.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-06 17:04:00
CanadaI-693 question for AOS

Hi guys. I'm going to be filling out all my AOS paperwork this weekend and am getting confused with the I-693. My medical was done in Montreal in august so its definitely still good so I wouldn't need the physical or blood work redone. So do I just need the civil surgeon here in Florida to do the vaccination supplemental (i-693a)?

If I do need the actual I-693 done by the civil surgeon, what parts do I need?

Thanks everyone!

Yes if you have had your medical done in Canada then you do not need to redo your entire medical. If you are willing to risk an RFE which also means waiting longer fo interim benefits then you can just send in a copy of the vaccination sheet that Montreal gave you. I had my civil surgeon transcribe the vaccination sheet from Vancouver onto the I-693. Cost me $50, but worth it for me. The parts that you will need, the rest you can throw away will be Part 1, Part 2 & Part 5. From pg. 4 of the instructions.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-06 15:34:00
CanadaSwiss Chalet Closing Restaurants
I used to love Swiss chalet in Canada! I can't get it where I am
in the US!

For some reason they closed all the Swiss chalet restaurants in Saskatchewan!! :crying:
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-23 08:55:00
CanadaGetting married in Canada
Congratulations on your marriage!!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-17 15:58:00