CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Sorry to hear about the sister-in-law who just doesn't get it! My future sister-in-law is similar. In addition she has been doing all she can to make me feel guilty that I am taking her beloved brother from Canada from her (she lives 6 hours away and NEVER visits because of her and her husband's finances) and she has been telling her brother (my fiance') "You will never find a job in the U.S. We don't want you to be worrying about where your mortgage payment will come from or how you will keep the heat turned on." UGH! Go away, woman! My fiance' and I made a decision and put down money on the adventure (i.e. we paid for the k-1 visa petition).

Now on to my biggest VENT: PEOPLE WHO ASK WHY I NEED A VISA TO GET MARRIED AND WHY I CAN'T JUST GET MARRIED NOW! I don't want to be separated from my husband (when we get married).

The last couple of weeks people have been pressing me for "the date" of the wedding so they can make their summer vacation/holiday plans. Trying to explain to them the process is useless. They don't get it. There are several that keep saying, "Why don't you just get married when he comes down to visit next?" They don't understand that if we did that, it is a different visa, he would have to go back to Canada (because he needs to work until the visa is approved and he can permanently stay in the U.S.), and IT IS ANOTHER VISA FEE! In just a few months, I will be able to tell them when our Montreal interview is and even then my fiance' will need to wait for his passport to be mailed back with visa stamp. All our planning is based on the "hope" that he gets an interview in May or June at least 3 weeks before our "proposed" wedding date of July 11, 2010. Why can't people just back off!

What have other K-1 visa applicants done with these crazies?

We have all been there! The questions and assumptions get sooooo frustrating! I pretty much just stopped explaining myself. I kept my answers very short and to the point. In regards to the wedding date we had a tentative date planned about 2 months before the interview. We emailed all our friends & family and told them of the date but not to make concrete plans until they got a "save the date" email from Which gave them in total about 6 mos notice.

I have to say family was probably the most understanding, it's all my idiot co workers that had NO CLUE! LoL!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-10 11:01:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Thank you everyone. It's hard being away when things like this are going on! I hope the figure out what's wrong once & for all!

They finally got him out of the ER, not in a room yet... But at least on a ward in the hallway... :angry:
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-09 11:42:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Days like today make me realize just how far I am from my family...

Dad is in the hospital.. They admitted him but has to spend night in the ER due to lack of beds upstairs...

He will be okay from the way mom said what happened but I still worry. I guess a few days in the hospital to run some tests..

Just wish I could go visit him, I'm sure he's fine, just still sucks....I'm a 15 hr drive from family...:(
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-08 20:46:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Sorry for your loss Necrotica my condolences to you & your family.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-05 13:11:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

It's Monday....& had to be up early to take my car in...

I hate potholes! Let's see how much $$$ in damages this will be... Let's hope maybe warranty might kick in?

Just as I was pulling up to the dealership the courtesy van departed... had to wait ONE hour for it to come back... It only had 2 people in it when it left!!


Grrrrrrr! :bonk:

Ok good & bad news! The problem that "required attention soon" from last oil
change parts are being covered under warranty.

Bad news...have to order parts from Canada....

They just called to say that thr car isn't ready& won't be until
tomorrow!!! The alignment "rack" has been busy all day... They couldn't see a problem visually and couldn't duplicate the screechig sound after I hit thr pothole coming from right wheels...

Huummmm here's a thought.... How about the city start filling the potholes! Maybe shops won't be so damn busy!!! Yes read a newspaper article about how most reimbursement claims are denied even tho they are crater sized!

Edited by minnew, 01 February 2010 - 05:42 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-01 17:40:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
It's Monday....& had to be up early to take my car in...

I hate potholes! Let's see how much $$$ in damages this will be... Let's hope maybe warranty might kick in?

Just as I was pulling up to the dealership the courtesy van departed... had to wait ONE hour for it to come back... It only had 2 people in it when it left!!

minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-01 10:18:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
So sorry Marilyn (F) That's awful...theres a special place for people who did that to you..
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-31 18:13:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

UGH!!!!!! So I got the job I applied for and started work on Thursday. On Friday our Jeep (aka the deathbox) dies. Now I have no reliable transportation to/from work except for transit. It doesn't operate on Sundays, and stops running at 6:20 PM M-Sat. So work closes at 6 and I have to hope that I get on the bus for 6:15 otherwise I'm SOL. GOD I HATE THAT JEEP. My husband refuses to ditch it just keeps trying to fix a lost cause. I think I'm going to have to use my income to save up and buy my own POS.

Congrats on the job beans! Sorry about the jeep :( cars are never ending $$$ pits!

Transit in my area is not the greatest... It's a heck of a walk just to the nearest bus stop... I don't know what I would do if my car died.

kimbear- no you are not overreacting at all. I've been in the same situation with living alone and neighbors partying... I did have to call cops & apartment mangers a few times... It's unnerving for sure. I lived beside one of my classmates and he was havig constant parties... He got kicked out.... Sooooo awkward especially when your classes are small!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-30 18:50:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Ugh. add us to car problems. Wes bought a new (used) car in June after his transmission in the truck blew up. The car misfired a couple months ago and hasn't been running right since. It will start to lurch and such while idling at a stop light. They had said they couldn't find anything wrong with it last time he had it in, thankfully they didn't charge him, but this time apparently we need to replace some of the cabling, the spark plugs, and flush the transmission fluid because its all dirty. Cost of parts and labor? Over $500. All this after all the costs of moving and getting set up here. I feel horrible because I feel like I should be working like yesterday to help out. I kind of want to cry. :crying:

So sorry steph:( car problems suck. It won't be long until you are able to work. It's going to feel like forever but it will fly by so fast. In the meantime though I know you guys will make it work, this is just a molehill not a mountain.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-27 10:18:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Sorry to hear about the job loss Rhian :( what horrible timing, but at least it won't affect the wedding you have planned. The job market is tough right now for sure.

I've only had 2 interview so far... Getting a bit nervous, one I finally got a denial letter for, the second I am still waiting... They should know by end of next week! I don't like this SUSPENSE I am very thankful for EI, but I'd rather be working!!!

I am in the unfortunate group of people that their industry in Canada pays alot more than here in the USA. Almost 40-50% less! I am still coming to grips with that and trying not to get in the way. It's so FRUSTRATING!!! I also feel like the 2 years of experience I have post bachelors degree mean nothing here in the US in my state with current jobs I am looking at and interviewing for. One of this years was working in the US but in a different state than I currently reside.

I knew I'd have to start all over again but didn't realize it would be this difficult!

*pulls my hair out*

Edited by minnew, 22 January 2010 - 04:56 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-22 16:54:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
:angry: I got a January payment for GST direct deposited in my TD account!!! #######! I notified them when I moved in October, gave them my new address and told me I was not eligible for the payment as I had moved to the USA!! About a month later got a notice in the mail to pay back $55 of the $150 I got...not sure why it wasn't the whole thing...maybe for SK? I dunno... anyways...Now I have to call them and get this straightened out! Add this to the list of people I have to call! :bonk:
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-11 22:01:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

I'm not sure about your area, but in my area back in Canada if they didn't clear it for you or there was ice on the sidewalk of apartments and even city sidewalks, you can call the city and they can be charged with endangerment.
Maybe it's worth giving the city a call and see if it applies?
Because leaving ice on the apartment sidewalk and just saying "Oh I didnt get around to it" is just stupid.

The apartment community is responsible for snow removal as well as making sure entrances are free of ice and snow. they do this through own equipment and private companies. Unfortunately I think the city is responsible for sanding in this community but it's blantantly obvious they skipped two hills that lead to parking spots. The road is only passable one car at a time and there are no sidewalks anywhere, I have to walk down the side of a road to get to my dumpster.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-09 20:16:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois

Ouch. Get some ice on it, elevate it. (F)

Thank you MrsCat! it's still throbbing! I will be welcoming the warm up of the weather to high 20's low 30's! Now if my husband and I get get my car unstuck at the bottom of the hill tomorrow that would be great! It's stuck in the parking lot below us for another apartment building! Stupid sanitation truck picked a good day to come up the road that only one car can pass at a time, I moved over then got stuck trying to get back on the road. I couldn't go forward, the only place I could go without blocking traffic was down a small hill which leads to parking for the building below us!

I love living in this apartment.... It's quiet but the hilly area is torture when the winter storms keep on coming!! Almost 3 ft of snow in the past month!

If we don't get the car out..... I guess I am driving hubby to work & taking his car to my job interview that I already had to reschedule once due to this wicked weather and my car being stuck!

Grrr tow truck wouldn't even pull me out... He said he wasn't going to risk getting stuck on the hill, not enough sand. Road assistance only authorized me for 10ft of winching! Well that's not gonna help much if you pull me out of my parki ng spot and I STILL can't get out!! Yes.... I'm stuck in a parking spot.... Wheels spinning and all! So icy underneath! Still need enough momentum to get up the hill, I could only get about 1/2 up then i started sliding backwards!

ah yes the tow which I waited 9 hours for the first day I called couldn't even get to me be ause of a car blocking the only entrance in and out, his truck would have hit the car apparently!!

Made 2 calls to complain to apartment managers about the sitatution.... " oh he coukd've gotten around"... The second time to complain that no sand/salt had been put down nor had it been plowed where my car is stuck! Heard the bobcat later on that day .... But went down to check the area today... Looks like nothing had been done!!

Pass the liquor.....
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-09 20:03:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Owwwww..... Slipped and fell on some ice trying to take my garbage out! I think my right knee took most of the impact!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-09 15:11:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Dec 28 2009, 09:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry to spoil your vent, but that's The Bangles. tongue.gif

LoL! It's not spoiled! It really has been a crappy Monday, I screwed up who sings that song! Haha!

Sounds like the rest of you are having a crappy day too sad.gif

minnewFemaleCanada2009-12-28 12:37:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
It's going to be one of those Mondays!

It all started with 4 hours of sleep.... So sick of this matress!!.... Wake up to my husbands alarm at 4:45 am... Uggh try to pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep but the dog is now awake!... How can a 3lb little bundle of joy take up so much room on a queen size bed!?!?

Fine and dandy... Husband leaves for work, I'm reading VJ trying to fall back asleep... By the time I do... I hear his car pull up...just as I'm falling back asleep...

He's home and PO'd because he waited around at work and NOONE showed up... Think someone could have had the decency to call and say it was a "down day". Nope nightshifters showed up too... But left a NOTE...

Brings home Mickie dees breakfast which I'm assuming he was going to eat at work... Oh well
I get a hashbrown outta the deal... Then BRAINFREEZE @ 6:30 am due to a iced cappucino mccafe.... Owwww...

I've given up sleeping today.... Just as I'm falling back asleep the dog needs to go outside....

Guess who's snoring at the moment... The dog and my husband...


Sings Cyndi Lauper.... " just another manic Monday...."
minnewFemaleCanada2009-12-28 09:35:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Nov 15 2009, 06:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Alright, apparently I'm Venty today, (and I don't mean Venti as in Starbucks, though it is a large amount of venting... har har)

FYI to any USCs who have promised their spouses, REPEATEDLY, that you will come up to help them move... don't start discussing options that include you completely reneging on your promise and making them go alone. When moving options are discussed, breaking a promise shouldn't be one of the options.... My fiancé just did that, and he's lucky he's waaaay out of arms length, cause I'm about ready to punch the retardedness out of him. Pardon my non-PC mouth.

I feel your pain ashen, my USC husband did the same thing, discussed at length how he would drive up to Canada and help me move. All I had was two car loads of stuff, not enough to warrant my own uhaul though, a minivan would have been perfect. Alot of my stuff stayed in the apt he continued to rent after I had to move back to Canada. Furniture, kitchen stuff, etc..etc...

Too much stuff happened in between the filing of k1 and promise to help me move and the actual move, our wedding plans changed as well, too much work and family stuff for him that didn't allow him to come sad.gif I was pissed at first, and my parents were as well, but not much u can do.

I moved by myself, packed down my hatchback wedding dress too and I was on my way, it was sad but liberating to know I could move my life by myself and in 1 vechile. I got rid of alot of stuff and a few little boxes came with my

I hope you guys can come to a peaceful resolution.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-11-16 12:47:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part Trois
Wow canadians do like to vent.. Part trois is at pg. 5 already.

Well great uncle's funeral is this morning, wish I could be there.

Thank you for your condolences Kathryn, krikit and Carla from vent part 2.

At least the leasing office was nice enough to call yesterday to let us know the water heater and furnace/ a/c was going to be replaced.... Now to find a way to get the pounding outta my head.... Our dog max will prob go nuts the entire day and we have no hot water or water at all!!! While they are here!!

Even before they came I tried to shower.... NO HOT Water!!

Guess I'm going to the gym this morning to do some cardio.... Then shower there!

minnewFemaleCanada2009-11-12 09:50:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

How about a black dress? I've heard you're not supposed to wear black to a wedding because its the color you'd wear to a funeral. But I guess so many people have black and white weddings these days it doesn't make much sense anymore...

I've never heard anyone say not to wear red however...

Trying to catch up on VJ! Feel like I am out of the loop! Enjoying my new job though! On days off right now!

My aunt sent me an email before my wedding asking me if it was ok to wear black and white because of the "theme", and ask guests to show up in black & white too. I told her no I did not have a theme even though my colors were red, white and black. I told her "little black dress" is ok for the ladies, black and white for the men, or any color really!!
Sorry, my opinion its just disrespectful for woman to show up to a wedding wearing white. The families, groom etc of course matter, its the reason you are getting married, but the spotlight is on the bride, always has been that way.... People don't go up to the groom and say OMG your suit its soooo gorgeous!.. LOL! Now if that spotlight gets too big and the bride is becomes a whiney B*TCH (it's ALL about me), becomes a nutcase and is not courteous throughout the entire wedding planning process then its time to slap her!! :lol:
minnewFemaleCanada2010-04-13 15:51:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

:wow: That's awesome! I'm so bookmarking that.

So, I have a job interview on Monday! It's been forever since I've had one of those, so hopefully I don't make an ####### of myself :P

Congrats & good luck on the job interview! Hope you don't make an ####### of yourself, but don't feel bad if you do... I know I did on my first one... It had been a while... LoL
minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-27 13:12:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
So much to catch up on....

Marilyn, congrats on the day shift position for your husband, working shift work takes a toll on your body for sure, he will feel like a brand new man after a week! LoL!

Darkchilde & Joyce, ugh housework.... Hubby is not here for a few mos... Can I sign a waiver? No one else but the dog will see the house...

Wyatt, yay! Congrats! GC should arrive soon!

Huggles, let us know how you like the security system. The first week or two I would probably have the alarm going off accidentally ALOT.

I started my first week of training today for my new job! Today I have off! I am honestly impressed at how well the company trains their employees and how organized everything is. Information is pretty much all electronic, kind of like electronic medical records...everyone who needs to know has access. No more sorting through 2 full paper files to find case notes or a disorganized computer system of "drives"& people who name folders & files incorrectly. All my shadow shifts are scheduled and my regular scheule is set to start first week of April.

Definitely been keeping busy, but still missing the hubster :(. I feel awful for complaining because I think
of the families who go through year long deployments. It's tough no matter what.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-25 13:31:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Sitting here at the Ottawa airport---on my 3rd XL timmies!! 1 in Mtl, and 2 here!! flights delayed for 30 min~~ Hmmmmm #4, nope,lol

LOL! Enjoy em while you can! Hope you don't have to use the bathroom on the plane a few times...yuck! I'd be buzzing after 3x XL!! Anyways enjoy your time in toon town! Hope your fathers surgery goes well.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-23 19:47:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Pssssh, T-mix :P I have about 3 inches on the ground right now, 25 mph winds, and another 4+ on the way, then snow tomorrow and snow AGAIN on Wednesday. It has been warm and sunny all week and then we get this. Colorado is so weird.

It was 64F here in Omaha yesterday! It started rain/snow today and the high will only be 38F! Brrrr..Doesn't SPRING start this weekend? LOL
minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-19 12:33:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Awww where did your husband get sent too Minnie? That would be really hard :( But congrats on the job offer!

Thank you Huggles & Kizza, its been a tough weekend. He's deployed to the middle east :(, I can't say where, but its non-combat area..
minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-15 16:52:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Last night I had a dream my older sister got married. I can't tell her about it... she'll totally flip out :lol: She swears she'll never get married and she's so against the thought she pretty much yells at you if you suggest it. Funny thing though- I never saw the groom...

I had a weird dream too...I don't remember any of the text, but I guess I dyed my hair & it accidentally turned out BRIGHT PINK...I had to go check the mirror this morning... :lol:

Anyways, got my conditional job offer today by email! Hard copy to follow... :dance: Have to do a drug test this week (guess I better start studying... :rofl:) I start 2 weeks of training next week!

I really miss my husband :( It's going to be a long few mos....

@Marilyn-Hope your abdominal test goes okay (F)

@ Trailmix- Enjoy the time with your family!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-15 14:47:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I also found it strange that during the "in memoriam" part they didn't even mention Farrah Fawcett but they mentioned Michael Jackson.

I was thinking the same thing! Michael Jackson was he ever nominated for an Oscar?

I really want to see The Hurt Locker too, my husband is interested in it too, but heard that if you are active duty that you are probably not going to like the portrayal...that its fake & corny...guess I can't judge it yet but I will watch it once.

I haven't seen the Blind Side yet either, but I do want to see it. Sandra Bullock's acting has gotten better over the years and I think she can switch from comedy to more serious movies. I agree her small part in Crash was really good work.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-08 16:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Good to hear from you Krikit, I hope your mom progresses. (F). I also hope you are able to get settled in DC, you've had a crazy time thus far.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-07 11:21:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
I forgot how annoying the boss in Office Space is! LOL!

"Yeah ...ummm....your going to have to come in on Saturday......MMMKay!!"

minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-04 21:52:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Carla, hope the dentist was not too painful!

I have my 2nd interview today....I'm a bit more nervous today as it will be the program coordinator AND director today..

I just got a call yesterday for another interview for Monday...both of these interviews are working with youth, just different hours and non traditional.

Wonder how the puppy is going to react when I start working...& theres only 1 of us (me) living at home for a few mos :( it's going to be a tough week as it is....

I am loving spring, but I think my allergies are acting up,( sneezing, stuffy head) and they never have started THIS EARLY...oh wait thats because where I used to live in Canada it's still frozen.... :lol:
minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-04 12:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

2nd interview on Thursday!! :dance:

I hope this one pans out, I am getting so tired of the job hunting/interview process!

Hopefully will be able to get our US taxes done today.. The lady seems like she is knowledgable @ H&R block! We went last week to start with just my husbands info because my T4 hadn't arrived yet! We"ll see how much $$ they charge for the return..... :wacko:
minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-02 11:10:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I would die for my own washer and dryer.....

LOL me too! We have a washer/dryer in the complex but its still a pain in the #### to make sure you have enough quarters! $1.50 EACH adds up!

Edited by minnew, 01 March 2010 - 02:23 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-01 14:22:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Thankfully my husband got approved for unemployment, got a check in the mail on Saturday.

Thats great news! I know he'd rather be working, as would I, but I am very thankful for EI, I hope to never have to use it again!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-01 13:40:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

So I got a call this morning....

I GOT AN OFFER FOR THE JOB!!!! Conditional on my education and fingerprints :lol:

I had to laugh about the fingerprints, thinking, if the gov't can give me a greencard, I should be a shoo in for the job :lol:

YAY! Congrats!!! :dance:

I just got home from my interview...I hope it went well...She said I will be called for a second interview this week if they think I am qualified...and they want someone to start week!

Here's to hoping!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-01 13:22:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

So I already got a call back from the HR Person and they are starting the background check!

They need copies of my T-4 and degree from Trent though because they don't have the ability to get them :lol:

Congrats J&K!! Sounds like your hired!

Praying for Krikit's mom, hope her family is doing well.

-The dominoes pizza crust tastes like the same seasonings they brush on their breadsticks. Tastes fine to me, but maybe they could be more creative! LoL... Maybe it's diff....I dunno... Just sayin'

Edited by minnew, 26 February 2010 - 06:23 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-26 18:19:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Whoops.... Hit the quote instead of edit button! It'd hard typing on iPhone sometimes! LoL!

So I go for my interview today...I hope it has a better outcome than the last 4 I've had :D

Goodluck J&K!! I know what you mean.. I'm feeling a bit discouraged myself.

But..... Just got an phone call for an interview on Monday!! It's overnights but it's full time! :dance: I just submitted the app yesterday... Boy that was quick!

I just don't like the interview process... It's getting annoying...if I get this one there is a 2nd interview to go through! Bah!

Edited by minnew, 26 February 2010 - 11:26 AM.

minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-26 11:24:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

So, the stove is here and the washer/dryer and fridge are being delievered sometime today hurray! I have been cleaning all day and I forsee many many more hours of that lol

I haven't read all the posts but I know there is something up with minnew and a new job where they are talking to your about shifts but you haven't been 'formally hired yet' :lol: - congratulations!

:lol: I think that was J&K...

I'm still looking for jobs atm because of that employer that offered me a position....then a day later.... "oh we had to hire someone internally" thanks? I wouldn't have wanted to work for you anyways after THAT!!! I declined another position (would have started march 1st) because of THAT job offer... :angry: (was in the VENT thread) lol.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-25 14:52:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

For the record, all you folks and your house-buyin' are making me awfully envious.

Just sayin'.

LoL me too! If it weren't for hubby being in the military we would invest in a home!

Speaking of which another Canadian VJer to add to the list of homeowners! Inky whom
I haven't seen on VJ in a while, but we live in the same area & communicate will be closing on her first house with hubby next Friday! So excited for the housewarming party!

Congrats to all the new homeowners!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-24 22:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Thanks. Found out it's just part of the phase of hiring. I spoke with someone today, and she said if I don't hear back within a couple days, to call on Monday and ask when my next interview is. So I guess I can still consider myself still in the running.

I also got word today that the police station might be looking for dispatchers. Tim doesn't seemed thrilled, because of the possibility of graveyard shifts, but I think a job like that would really be interesting.

Hope something comes your way soon...

Wow, strange. But best of luck! I'm sure you'll do great! :thumbs:

@Marilyn- omg they really thought someone would fall for that!

@ j&k- good luck on the interview! An essay? I've never had to do that! I had to do a computer module for critical
thinking & problem solving that took me 2 hours! Oh and also a word document formattig test!

@ Joyce- graveyard shifts are definitely tough it's a lifestyle change! If your house isn't exactly quiet
I wouldn't recommend it! ...parents & sister at home in Canada...uuggh!I did them for 11 months @ at youth facility. It was rewarding but can be extremely stressful. The hardest thing to do at times is to learn to detach & not take things personally. If they weren't swearing or yelling at staff then we weren't doing our job! LOL!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-24 18:56:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Hope you get the job Joyce!

Hope you get an interview J&K!

I'm back to the job boards ever since last week when I got screwed over by a potential employer.... I already had a job lines up to start march 1.... Grrrr...... Hope to get some phone calls soon! The universe has got something GOOD for me soon! Right?

Anyways, my T4 showed up..... And not to the address it was
supposed to! I gave them my US address!! Now my parents are going to express mail it so I can get US taxes done before hubby leaves.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-24 12:34:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I unplugged the DVR last night because it sounded like it was making the jump to light speed. I forgot to plug it back in this morning. . . . . and now we missed the taping of Top Gear. Chris is going to realize this in 2 minutes when he starts to chow on dinner. . . . . . :innocent:

Oh no! Not top gear!! :hehe: It was a good episode last night too! My hubby & I love the show too! He got me into watching it now too! My job while he is gone for 3 mos is to make sure the new episodes get recorded AND saved on the DVR for when he gets back from overseas.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-23 10:56:00