CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Good morning everyone! I have a job interview this afternoon!! I am excited about the prospect of this job! We shall see...

I also have another one tomorrow, but I am still trying to figure out if the commute every day would be worth the salary....I shouldn't be complaining as I haven't worked since September...a job is a job..its in my field of work ...its $$.....But its definitely not something I want to do for the rest of my career either...Commuting 30 minutes each way not counting traffic...My car is very fuel efficient, but I would be filling up at least 1x a week if not more...there goes $100-120 in gas a month from my already crappy wages....*sigh*

Still haven't heard from the other interview last week! :crying: I'm going nuts in anticipation for all three jobs right now!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-27 11:17:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Awww Peachy!!! stay wrapped in warm blankies, i hope you feel better soon.

Carla- i love second cup but i can't find any around here. my fav is mochachino with whipcream and chocholate sprinkles..YUMMY. i get a large and i'm in a good mood the rest of the day :) somethign about the expresso they use..tastes alot better..

Minnenw- snow? whats that? i barely saw any in Windsor..and it's been raining the last 3 days now it's cold..and damp..brr i want my doggies to snuggle up with! lol

:lol: We only got like 2 inches, but the wind is blowing at 30-40mph! Which makes it not so nice! I'm in Nebraska, just over the river in IA there is blizzard warnings, I guess count myself lucky! My poor pup hates the snow, just when it was melting and the ground not so cold on his paws. Tried to find booties for him, well the XXS well still WAY too big!

The only coffee around here is Scooters and Starbucks...blech....Probably why I don't drink too much coffee anymore, well that and I've been quit smoking for almost 3 months now, I can't drink too much or else its a trigger for me. Mmmm a Timmies double double...fruit explosion muffin... :crying:
I like Starbucks Fall/Winter blends like the gingerbread latte..mmmmm!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-25 12:12:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Good morning all! It's snowing and blowing here! Just when all the snow had almost melted! I feel like I'm living on the west coast! It's been foggy & overcast for almost 2 weeks now! I need some SUN!!!!!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-25 11:04:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I buy cans of tim hortons coffee right here from Wegmans it's great. :D

I wish we had Wegmans in my area :(
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-24 14:11:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

lol.....e kept telling the woman...get closah..closah..yes es..closah!! I fainally said..DUDE!! I have BOOBS...this is a CLOSAH as It's gonna get!!

:rofl: :lol: Haha! Yup that sounds like the guy I had!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-21 16:19:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Not sure..but it is on the website.....on the form that you submit to book appointment, on the wall in the office and the ladies repeat it like 3 times in the opening info speech!!

The office was full...and what I found interesting, is they say on the webpage 6 am...they opened the office at 630...(I apreciate that they insisted we take numbers according to when we arrived at the office..I got #3..and I was outside waiting at 5:45) instructed us to take #'s and then began handing out the paperwork around 7....and yet people were still arriving around 730 looking srprised at the full waiting room!!! One lady came in at 8 and the look on her face wen the elevator doors opened!!!! She was like #######???

It pays to get there early tho...I was done by 9ish..went and had breakfast and coffee....strolled around...headed with another gal to get her additional passport photo..(8 block walk there..and 8 block walk back!!!) and when we went back uptairs to hand in the photo...there ere still a few waiting to see the Doctor.

Then everyone is instructed to return at 1:45. A few of us had quite a good laugh recounting our experience with the x-ray tech!! LMAO ..and
around 2sh they start handing out the chest films and latters..and yes.....the letter is sealed and stapled!!!

All in all..pleasent and painless!!!

I cannot remember how I paid...all I remember is it was $350! Too darn much!

:lol: The x-ray tech! I wonder if it was the same man I had when I was there in May! He was rather......abrupt...LOL! I was done by 9 am too, I think I was #4 that morning. Met carlso! and a few other VJ lurkers while I was there!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-21 13:59:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

US Air Force Ranks - Enlisted
And the different signs/symbols should be an indication of their job. Or not, it's their unit according to my husband. :unsure:

My hubby is AF I think on his regular uniform he wears patches on the front(chest) to what unit he is from. Maybe they stopped doing that though his new ones don't... Just his last name... Anyways his old uniform (they got new colors) I know had patches for his unit/ squadron

Haha, ain't that the truth. My husband is in the army, he's a PFC but he'll be a SPC before he get's home in March which will be good. And I just got put on his DEERS after almost a year of marriage. We're slow. :lol:

LOL! I had to look up what your acroymns meant! I guess all part of learning military life! So many acronyms! Congrats on SPC! My hubby has been a SSgt for about a year now. Ah yes DEERS that office is always crazy busy! I hate going there!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-21 12:39:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I know exactly how this is. Sometimes I have to call my husband by his last name in order for him to respond. The army drives me nuts at the best of times. :lol:

Hahaha! I'm not the only one! The air force isn't much better! LoL!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-20 23:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Congrats on the house huggles! That's great news! Hope you can get moved in quickly! Our plans to move this summer from our apt to military housing (townhome)may be unravelling.... I'm NOT a happy camper! But maybe it will be for the best I've had too many moves in the past 8 years.

I don't really have any petnames for my hubby, but he calls me sweety all the time. When he uses my real name I know I'm in trouble... LoL! I don't use his full name alot just the shortened version, his name ends in ley. His coworkers all have nicknames for each other or use last names so sometimes he won't respond to his real name when I use it! LOL!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-20 23:50:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Good morning! Carla, Gilbert will be just fine! I had to take my pup Max for neutering and microchip last week, he did not like us AT ALL! The next day he was jumping and running around like nothing had ever happened! We got the "laser" which was $50 more expensive, but no stitches, instead GLUE! It's was soooo quiet in the house without him for those 6 hours that day! :(

Just posted 2 pictures of Max on the VJ Canada FB page!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-20 11:13:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I had a similar experience when I was interviewed for the position I am in now ... two of the people were at the same level I am at, one of them was a higher level but not a manager. Silly government ... :P

Annnnd good morning everyone! :)

I'm a day late ! But I got a phone call Friday afternoon for a different job! They want me to come in on Tuesday for an interview! :dance: I think I might enjoy this position more if I am offered...less commuting...but less pay...nontraditional work hours but at least I'd work similar hours to the hubby...good chance that the other position I first interviewed for would put me in therapy...
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-17 00:00:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

minnew, I was part of a hiring panel like the one you were on several times. Everyone wrote down key things the interviewee said to each question, and then after the interview, before the next person, each was "scored". Basically, the top three total scores were the ones that were seriously looked at, and all things considered, as this was a union shop, then the most senior qualified, was made an offer. I loved this as we always had a manager, a union rep overseeing, and a person that was doing the job on the panel (at least).

Best of luck!

I am not even sure there was a manager represented in this interview, at least they did not identify themselves and their job titles, which I was a bit disappointed about.. this is a State job..what does that say?!?! But there for sure was a person who worked the job because it was the first time for her doing it. I remember at my Gov of SK job they had the area manager and a union rep, they also did alot of writing during the interview but at least would make SOME eye contact with you. Anyways I hope I am in the top three after they were done scoring my answers!!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-15 11:48:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Sounds like you did well minnew!

I've had a couple of interviews in the past week. The first one was for 1.5hours, and was very comfortable, but I didn't feel like I did as well as I could have, or have done in the past.

The second one, I showed up 15mins early, and the interview was over by the time my interview was supposed to start.
They asked 4 questions. :huh:
But I feel the 4 questions they did ask, I did well.


Here's hoping we both get something! :)

Yes I hope we do too! The interview today lasted an hour! I don't think I did very well, but who knows sometimes when I think I bomb the interview I still get offered a position. When I get nervous I giggle or make a joke, ( when I should just bite my tongue...arrrgh) I would hope that the interviewers have a sense of humor, but its hard to gage when they won't even give you eye contact! I was weirded out a bit by that!

I have put out about 4 applications so far and so far this is the only call back. But sometimes it takes forever for them to even call!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-14 20:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Good luck on your interview, Minnew. Hope you get it!

Good luck on your interview minnew! Make sure you let us know how it goes :)

Good luck, Min!!

Good luck!! I can't wait to hear how it goes for you...

Yes, good luck minnew!

Thank you everyone for the well wishes!

I THINK the interview went well, but they couldn't tell me at the end of the interview how I did or anything. They said they should know in a couple of weeks, they have more interviews to do and figure top candidates. It was definitely the most STRUCTURED interview I have ever had. I arrived 15 minutes early and they gave me a copy of the interview questions to look over, 17 in all. A few about yourself, but most hypothetical questions about different situations. I was called into the interview and there were 2 people interviewing. They had to give me a copy of the job description and check yes/no & initial I could perform the duties and consent to background checks, drug testing..etc. Onto the questions...they said don't think we are being rude but we can't give you any eye contact because we will be writing everything you say down...For each question I could see that they had a "rating" scale that I am sure they score afterwards together reading my written responses. What I find weird is that I don't think they were supervisors or directors I think they were people in the same job title I was interviewing for. Just as we were starting the interview a knock at the door and another woman came to replace..

Anyways,we will see if I get another interview because I applied for two positions...the HR person said no its for both...the people who interviewed me said I may be called again. Who knows...Just happy I will have my first EI check soon!

Pup is at home and recovering well from his neutering he is being such a BIG baby! I don't blame him though, lots of TLC for the next few days!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-14 20:09:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Good luck, Minnew!

Oooooo, good luck, Minnew!

Thank you Valerie & krikit! I'm soooooo nervous!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-14 10:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Good morning everyone! I'm not usually up this early! I took my 5 mo old pup to the vet this morning. It's too quiet in the house without him and I was a big crybaby on the drive home. He's getting neutered, his last vaccination for a while, and getting microchipped. Better to do the chipping while he's
sleeping the needle is very big and we will need to in order to move into military housing.

I had a job assessment on Monday and passed that so they asked me to come in this thursday for an interview!!!! Yay!!! They didn't really give me an option of another day...

Anywhos time to get ready for the interview @ 1!!!
*deep breath*
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-14 10:04:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Do they have a doughy like shell? That's what i'm used to. I find the pasta noodle textured shell weird..

Mrs. T's! I think those are the ones I tried. I did not like them at all!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-10 20:25:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

dear Minnew...

It is because we are evil...

in that delicious way, of course...

:lol: That is why I love the Canadian forum! I can always be reminded of food I cannot get or is never the same. :(

Oh what I what do for a perogie.....The boxed ones here taste horrible!! Its all dough no filling! YUCK!!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-10 19:51:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I've been craving pyrogies and true Ukrainian cabbage rolls lately. Home in one month and I am going to pig out.

Me too :crying: Christmas wasn't quite the same without them.

Why is it that everytime I am hungry the OT thread is talking about I really want Dominoes Pizza. There breadbowl pasta wasn't too bad!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-10 19:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Maybe fate will be cruel, she'll get 6 months of salesman's 100% commission salary in a recession. :P

@lgg - I grew up in Hay River. My dad's whole side of the family still lives there. Yellowknife is beautiful, especially in the summer. But the flies and mosquitoes are insane. HR is no better.

6 months salary! That's ridiculous!

I have a friend from college whose dad lives in Hay River, She never lived there but visited there freuqently. Hay River looks beautiful from the pictures I have seen! She grew up near swift current,sk with her mom.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-10 14:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

I thought the latest marketing campaign was three-months salary for the engagement ring? Anyhoo, very ludicrous, would rather put that kind of money away for downpayment on a house!

Hubby got me a pretty and elegant princess cut 1 carat ring on 18K gold band for around $6K. I think it's the most beautiful and perfect ring I've seen! When one of my girlfriends showed off her diamond 1+ carat diamond ring on platinum, around $12K and another who had her appraised at $15K, I just kept quiet about my relatively "humble" little ring. I still thought my ring was prettier than their gaudy ones but they won't hear that from me, lol.

Agreed!! I've seen some 1+ carat ones too that are just gawdy and have no sparkle! I'd rather have one that has higher clarity but smaller. It's so ridiculous all for show those huge ones!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-09 20:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Engagement story!

I came to visit my fiancé the week of thanksgiving and told him I would arrive Tuesday if that week. I had worked all weekend but decided to pack up leave 1 day early! The look on his face was priceless when I showed up
at his door a day early! We were relaxing on the couch later and he got up went to the bedroom and came back with one of his model cars. He had put both the engagement and weddig ring in the trunk of the car, got down on one knee and opened the trunk of the car! LoL of course I said yes!

I was completely shocked at the ring, I was not expecting anything grand nor did I want it, I am a practical person and don't need a 3 carat ring. Thr diamond was a gift from his mother, it came from an anniversary ring his dad had bought for her. The diamond fell out of the mounting for her and she never got it remounted. His dad had very good taste and I was suprised with my husband's choice for setting but I love it!

My friends husband bought her a 2 carat ring only for HIS satisfaction, it was disgusting, he wanted her to have all the attention because of this ring and in turn make him look good! Of course when I saw it for tr first time it was an OMG moment. Her response was is it really that bad? Sooo sad it's all about the $$ for both of them...

Anyways my point is you can have a huge #### diamond on your hand but not be happy. The diamond on my ring sparkles more as a 3/4 carat than any larger more expensive diamond that has horrible clarity.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-09 15:00:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Its definitely a good price! We're pretty lucky in the area we are looking to move to, housing prices are pretty low. We are looking at a couple town houses in a similar price range that are 1-3 years old. Unfortunately the biggest apartment we looked at was 740 sq ft. which didn't feel very big at all. Most of them are in the mid 600's, which felt tiny. I don't know what rent is like in Omaha, but for something that size we were looking in the $700- $800 range. I can imagine that a $1,100 sq ft. place would be pretty pricey... if we could even manage to find one. We don't have any pets and aren't considering getting any for a while, and kids aren't going to happen for a few years, so condo or townhouse living seems to suit are needs right now. I can totally understand not wanting to buy while your husband is still in the military, that would be a hard situation. We're actually looking at places really close to a military base, so the population in that area is really service member based. Maybe he'll get orders to come to Colorado! :lol: That would be fun!

I love the engagement stories!! Bill took me into the mountains and proposed outside by a river. I was so shocked I just stared at him kneeling down in front of me and couldn't speak. He paused and said, "Amanda..." and then I realized he was looking for an answer! :lol:

It really depends on what part of the metro
area you live in Omaha, being closer to the base you have lots of variety but not much good stuff. When my husband ( fiancé at the time) came apartment huntig this was the largest apartment he viewed. The other apartments were tiny and for the same price or more as the one he got now. He got a 2BD in anticpation of my arrival. Never hear traffic, lots of trees, deer and other wildlife, feels like I am in the forest living here and NO COLLEGE students!! It's quiet here. We pay $775.... Less with military discount... Rent just went up almost $100.... But we are grandfathered in... Thank goodness!

LoL I don't think Colorado is on his list unfortunately! Japan I think is! I'd love to go there for a few years! Hence no house right now because a colleague of his just bought a house..... Few months later...... Will be trying to sell it before this summer :(

Ooops! Sorry double post! Took me to an error page the first time!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-08 21:49:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Its definitely a good price! We're pretty lucky in the area we are looking to move to, housing prices are pretty low. We are looking at a couple town houses in a similar price range that are 1-3 years old. Unfortunately the biggest apartment we looked at was 740 sq ft. which didn't feel very big at all. Most of them are in the mid 600's, which felt tiny. I don't know what rent is like in Omaha, but for something that size we were looking in the $700- $800 range. I can imagine that a $1,100 sq ft. place would be pretty pricey... if we could even manage to find one. We don't have any pets and aren't considering getting any for a while, and kids aren't going to happen for a few years, so condo or townhouse living seems to suit are needs right now. I can totally understand not wanting to buy while your husband is still in the military, that would be a hard situation. We're actually looking at places really close to a military base, so the population in that area is really service member based. Maybe he'll get orders to come to Colorado! :lol: That would be fun!

I love the engagement stories!! Bill took me into the mountains and proposed outside by a river. I was so shocked I just stared at him kneeling down in front of me and couldn't speak. He paused and said, "Amanda..." and then I realized he was looking for an answer! :lol:

It really depends on what part of the metro
area you live in Omaha, being closer to the base you have lots of variety but not much good stuff. When my husband ( fiancé at the time) came apartment huntig this was the largest apartment he viewed. The other apartments were tiny and for the same price or more as the one he got now. He got a 2BD in anticpation of my arrival. Never hear traffic, lots of trees, deer and other wildlife, feels like I am in the forest living here and NO COLLEGE students!! It's quiet here. We pay $775.... Less with military discount... Rent just went up almost $100.... But we are grandfathered in... Thank goodness!

LoL I don't think Colorado is on his list unfortunately! Japan I think is! I'd love to go there for a few years! Hence no house right now because a colleague of his just bought a house..... Few months later...... Will be trying to sell it before this summer :(
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-08 21:47:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

$96K for a brand new condo? I can finance that on my line of credit! Vancouver's gonna make me broke...

Wow! That's pretty good huggles for a brand new condo! We live in an apartment that is around 1100 sq ft. I love the view and the quiet surroundings but now that we have a puppy we would like a house type atmosphere instead. We have thought about purchasing but I don't think we are ready. Maybe after hubby retires fromthe military and we can find a place to settle down first. It's too risky to buy and then try to sell because you have orders somewhere.

Home prices in the Omaha area for brand new construction start around $150-175 which isn't bad at all for first time homebuyers/newlyweds.

This summer we plan to move to military housing which will be all brand new as they are renovatig or tearing down OLD housing. Sort of like a townhouse I guess, I still feel like we are throwing rent away, but renting a house that size almost 1500 sq ft, 2 car garage would be WAY more expensive in private market.

Edited by minnew, 08 January 2010 - 06:59 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-08 18:56:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

Omg. I saw a guy with one of those in the mall once and I freaked out because I thought he was smoking. I started making loud mean comments and Bill stopped me and basically called me an idiot. He had a stand and was selling them, so I really should have realized what it was. Sometimes I am an idiot...

My husband and i were going to buy those! good thing we already spent our money for Xmas presents. I totally fell for it but my hubby wasnt too sure with the "inhaling taste" LOL. the hubby said it wasnt hitting the satisfaction. lol. We did the math, and the benefit for this is just less nicotine. but you are still spending the same amount a month for your habit b/c you have to buy the cartridges for refills which cost about $60 if you are a f/t smoker. not to mention its $150 but they will give you "discounts". so really... its like $100.

In the long run though it saves you alot of $$$, if you are actually using it for smoking cessation then it will pay off by not buying anymore packs of cigarettes. It's up to you though if you are ready to quit. Not to mention the health benefits of being a non smoker! The cartidges are expensive but they do last a long time. I am still on my 2nd one!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-08 09:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre

This needs its own thread. :lol:

LoL! I've got a tequila story! I was 17 & it was my last year of high school, a groups of us had went to the fair in town and of course it was hot summer day, not much to eat other than exhibition food, well fast forward a few hours into the late evening... went back to my friends house and started drinking some beer & Someone had to bring out the tequila.... I had never done shots of tequila before+ being dehydrated, well 7 shots later I puked into thr nearest cup I could find sitting on my friends couch. I got up and a few minutes later I was running outside of my friends back door... Puked all over his cement in the backyard... Ya think I coukd've just gone for thr!

I remember falling alseep on my best friends lap on the car ride home that night, I miss her so much :(
thank goodness mom was working night shift @ the hospital that night and dad let my tequila smelling #### in the door!

I cannot bring myself to a tequila shot but I do love a good strawberry maragarita

Edited by minnew, 07 January 2010 - 10:29 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-07 22:28:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Quatre
Krikit- from part trois....

The electric cigarettes the only thing you are inhaling is water vapor, nicotene and flavor. Thr cartridges come in a variety of flavors, and nicotene strengths. I'd have to look at the website but I think I cartridge = 10 packs of cigarettes. It looks like a real cigarette when you smoke it with the vapor and the end of it lights up orange.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-07 13:16:00
CanadaVancouver Clinic: Adacel/TD Booster
Vancouver does NOT allow you to get any vaccines at the medical, you have to access the travel health clinic if there are any missing, which will delay your case.

From the Woking Medical website:

If your Tetanus (Td) shot was more than 2 years ago, you need to have a Tdap (Adacel) booster.

Please ensure you get "Tdap" and not just "Td". Adacel is available at most travel clinics or by prescription.

As of March 2009, you must have all vaccines before your medical exam, some clinics may not be aware of this change.

As far as having all your vaccines completed before scheduling the exam, I believe that is incorrect as well, it depends on how much time you have in-between scheduling and the exam, and for some us who have to travel the K-1 interview as well. The amount of vaccinations you need looks overwhelming, but alot of them were done as a child/teenager so they will be marked as not age appropriate, but you can always get the titres test if you do not have access to your vaccination records or unsure of immunity.

For my age group this was what was needed:

19-26 YEARS

Tdap (Adacel) **See note below

MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)

HPV - Females only. See note below


This vaccine is given over several months. You don't need to complete all doses prior to your medical exam; you just need to have had the first dose.

Varicella - If you had "Chicken Pox" disease, no vaccine is needed

Edited by minnew, 26 August 2009 - 10:59 AM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-26 10:56:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread
I do have some annoying co workers but there are too many to list! laughing.gif Maybe not enough to rant about as I don't see them all on a daily basis, as some are casual workers or our shifts overlap and I may only see some of them once or twice through my shift pattern. But seriously, if I get asked ONE MORE TIME, "So when you are leaving?" "When's the wedding?" "When are you moving?" I just put in my 2 weeks notice so I am sure the word has spread, nothing can ever be kept quiet around that place!!!! And its sure going to get worse by the end of next week! wacko.gif Its kind of like the whole thing when we were going through the Visa process, the answer became short and sweet, because most of the time I got this look from people at work blink.gif , when I started talking about not being able to work..having to go for an interview in Vancouver...blah blah blah
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-18 17:42:00
CanadaCanadian Thanksgiving
Wow it's been a long time since I have been on here!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

I am heading north tomorrow...a 15 hour drive one way, unfortunately can only stay 3 days so will be back in the US mid next week. This weekend is extra special because it is my 1 year wedding anniversary October 10th. I cannot believe how fast this year flew by! One minute I was worried about AOS the! First time to Canada since moving down to the US from K-1.

Need to get a new passport, hoping both borders will accept my passport with maiden name (along with marriage certificate)....have errands to run when I get to Canada...TD Canada trust wouldn't accept a name change except in person... :angry:

Anyways, everyone enjoy your turkey! ( & cabbage rolls & perogies) I know I will!

minnewFemaleCanada2010-10-07 00:05:00
CanadaMilitary ID ...confused.
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Jul 16 2009, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know that my husband had to go with me to obtain my military ID - it wasn't anything I could do on my own.

Yeah it will be hard to get onto the base without a dependent ID card, and your spouse has to fill out some of the paperwork for your ID card as well. Depends if you need access to an on-base office that processes the ID cards. Unless your in-laws have ID cards based on active or retired military to get onto the base and he sends you the paperwork that is needed. The requirement may be for both parties to appear in person??, best to contact the base about it.

Edited by minnew, 16 July 2009 - 05:24 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-16 17:24:00
CanadaMilitary ID ...confused.
QUOTE (Ber + Ter @ Jul 16 2009, 12:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, my plan is, once I have the paperwork, I'll go visit my in laws in Las Vegas, and go to the Airforce base which is a bit north. So, it should be fine if I bring copies of his deployment orders, the papers, and they won't demand a SSN? Hmm.

How positive are you charles?! XD

Is it Nellis AFB? There is another one, I can't remember what it is. My fiance is AF stationed in NE, he spent some time at Nellis last summer, and of course had a great time visiting Las Vegas too!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-16 17:07:00
CanadaMilitary ID ...confused.
I have no idea about the US military ID! But I just wanted to congratulate you on your NOA2!! kicking.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-16 13:30:00
CanadaCdn passport arrived
Woot just got an email from Passport Canada, my passport was Xpressposted today!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-20 10:41:00
CanadaCdn passport arrived
Flames9 I thought for sure I would have mine before you got yours! LOL! I guess not! I took my passport renewal to the counter on Tuesday April 7th and I have yet to receive it. They told me 2 weeks or less. My parents got their's in less than 1 week, but maybe because those were first time passports? Anyways good to hear that you got yours!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-16 17:03:00
CanadaRemoving Conditions
QUOTE (neiks @ Jun 29 2009, 10:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can always pop into your local office and ask if they will take you then
lol... just found that funny.... my local office I have to go to is a 4 1/2 drive away. So I have a nice 9 hours of driving that day for a 30 min appointment. I don't know why that can't just do it at the port - they have all the equipment there for it.

laughing.gif Yes I had a friend who had to do the biometrics at an ASC for AOS in Fargo...4.5 hours away...but then she and her husband also got summoned for an AOS interview..the closest Field St. Paul, MN! An 8 hour drive from home one way! wacko.gif Thank goodness they live in Seattle now!

Do they require an interview when you are removing conditions?
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-29 13:14:00
CanadaWedding Details

It's definitely the nicest most expensive thing I will ever wear in my life. Might as well enjoy it I say!

LOL! I agree! I didn't want a ring this expensive but the diamond was a gift from his mother. He paid for the rest!

Let's see if I can remember the apprasial specs... The diamond (appraised at 7K) is 0.68 carat round brilliant mounted on white gold with 4 channel set diamonds on both sides. The wedding band that came with the set is 16 channel set diamonds. I think he paid about 2K for mounting, appraisal & the white gold with channel set diamonds set.

Too damn much I say! But you better believe I have insurance on it! It's the most expensive thing I own! His father who gave the diamond to his mother for an anniversary ring has very good taste I must say! It's so sparkly & clear!!

Edited by minnew, 24 February 2010 - 06:01 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-24 17:58:00
CanadaWedding Details

This couple goes all out on their Save the Date announcement:

Wow! Thats really neat!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-24 14:16:00
CanadaWedding Details
It snowed on my wedding day too, this past Oct 10th. I hear it's good luck!!

It snowed all morning then by the ceremony time the sun came out and melted all the snow! There was still snow on the trees though made for some nice pictures!

minnewFemaleCanada2009-12-31 13:30:00