CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Aug 5 2009, 09:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Holy ####### you guys! I'm getting married tomorrow! Time went by tooooo fast, wow. I'm so excited, and so stressed out, and a little nervous and just... everything!

Congratulations Huggles! You will be fine!! We want pics!! Enjoy your honeymoon in FL first though!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-05 15:57:00
CanadaWedding Details
I'm so flippin irritated! The wedding coordinator at the church called today to let me know that the organist/pianist cancelled all of her October weddings. mad.gif When I asked if she would be available she said yes I am going to do it, but I have to forewarn you that I will be 8 mos pregnant by that time and anything can happen. I do understand that, I wish she would have called me and told me that, and alot earlier as well, this is 2 months!! as I had to be the one to call her to confirm that she was available, not the wedding coordinator at the church. Then the coordinator gives me 2 more numbers to call that are affiliated with the church. The first phone call, the lady was so rude and abrasive and said she was not available, the second one said "I don't do weddings, there are other people that she should have given you numbers for." Thanks alot! mad.gif

So I have one more person to call tomorrow, as the coordinator got back to me with someone whom she knows personally, and spoke to them directly and they said they were available. Unfortunately not affiliated with the church, so lets hope not more expensive!!

minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-05 01:08:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Jul 31 2009, 10:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JillA @ Jul 31 2009, 11:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think it's incredibly rude if you ASK for money in your invitations. I was invited to a wedding and it said on it "envelopes only". Excuse me? That is so rude! If someone politely asks you what you would like, you can say you prefer money but never explicitly ask for it. That's just my opinion anyway.

I totally agree. I've even seen bridal shower invitations that say "money shower" - which I think is tacky. If I end up not registering, I'll just put nothing. Because honestly, I think most people would just give cash anyways if there was nothing listed. Or they will call me or my Mom and ask and then we will just say that I would prefer money, but anything is fine!

Whenever someone writes "money shower" on their bridal invitation, my Mom always buys them Corning Ware! She cracks me up!

wacko.gif Mom keeps on trying to convince me to have a bridal shower! I am NOT doing it!!!

Yup! It was incredibly tacky and rude! "Please make your gift in the form of a monetary donation." on the BOTTOM of the invite! The ceremony and reception were in the same place and the ballroom was absolultely beautiful, but the food, well I think everyone was unimpressed. The reception was at dinner time, not a lunch reception, they had sandwich meats, buns and cold salads for the dinner. It was not even summer, it was freezing cold in December. Then 2 bottles of wine on the table. Not even a thank you card for the monetary gift after the wedding either. The time on the invitation for the reception said 6 pm, so here we are thinking that the actual reception dinner started at 6 pm, instead there was an hour long cocktail hour, there was quite a gap in between the ceremony and it was a Sunday, so we thought maybe everything is starting earlier due to it being on a Sunday. I think it left alot of people guessing on what was going on and when. My parents were so ticked at everything and to top it off the cheque that they gave them was cashed the day after the wedding! and off for their honeymoon they went!! blink.gif

Edited by minnew, 31 July 2009 - 08:36 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-31 20:33:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Sam and Ben @ Jul 31 2009, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It looks like our wedding is going to fall sometime in January 2010. Not that I'm entirely happy about that.

Honestly, I'd much, much rather have a civil ceremony, file off the paperwork, then take our time in planning a nice wedding that we can invite all of our friends and family to. I don't relish the idea of finishing up the visa process, wrapping up all of my projects at work, moving, getting settled, etc AND planning a full-fledged wedding that everyone can be satisfied with. But my fiance isn't interested in a fake vs real wedding (I think I've lost that debate), so I'm at the planning-from-a-million-miles-away stage like everyone else.

Reading here has been a great help for ideas, by the way.

So, as a quick question for insight, has anyone had success in trying to plan a small wedding from so far away? is helpful, to a degree, but the vendors/sites they list are so fancy and expensive... very much out of what I want to spend. was great for me in planning for sure! Another good site to check out is is very helpful with directions, printing maps, or posting in your wedding website. The local message boards can really help you in finding good affordable vendors that lots of other people have recommended and or used. Some hotels are very expensive and some can be rather affordable in their pricing. If you are going to have lots of OOT guests its more practical to have the reception at a hotel, preferably the same one that you can get a room block at. I did lots of searching on the internet for vendor I used, tried to find lots of reviews.

The last time I visited my fiance we met with a pastor and also searched for reception venue, finally found one that was affordable and would fit our budget. The rest I have all done from the comfort of home. It is doable just stressful for me because I am not there to meet with vendors face to face until 2 weeks before the wedding.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-31 10:49:00
CanadaWedding Details
Thank you girls for your responses...I didn't know that there was a difference between registries for wedding showers and the wedding in general. Sheesh so much to learn and so much of it like someone else said is "unspoken" etiquette/rules. We already have alot of household items from when we lived together and I am not into china, plus all of the people travelling from so far away is the biggest gift to us. I about fell over when I saw a wedding invitation from a family friend that had printed on the bottom that there was no gift registry, please make a monetary donation. You don't print it on an invitation!! Maybe on an insert card, like my friend did for her wedding next month! But we have had people ask if they could buy us a gift or if we have a registry and the answer has been no, we don't have one, if you want to get us a gift we will not refuse it, I would feel bad taking it, if they are already travelling the distance. But I guess its okay if the gifts are from people that are not able to make it due to the distance. But for not having a gift registry then people can be sort of lost on what to get you and may not get something that you would use and or like. Its an OOT wedding for over 90% of the guests, so we will see, we have an idea now of who's coming and who's not, but there are still some up in the air.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-31 10:37:00
CanadaWedding Details
Yeah if we do go, its not going to be until like Tuesday or Wednesday the following week, give us a bit of a breather and I am sure some family might stick around until Monday. I want to go to Vegas so bad! Brad went last summer, so he knows all the good places to check out and stuff.

Another question for all the currently married ladies or soon to be married. People keep on telling me that wedding guests will give a "physical" gift, plus a monetary gift for your wedding. Some people have told me that they have gotten anywhere from 1000-10000 dollars from guests. We are not having a gift registry because of all the people travelling, but we will not refuse a gift either if someone wants to buy us something, although we prefer a monetary gift, all by WOM.
How many guests did you have? and Did you or are you having a gift registry? This sounds absolutely horrible, so please forgive me if I offend anyone, talking about money is well...tacky.. but can anyone share any ranges of money gifts from weddings of friends, family members?
I swear there needs to be a college class or a everything weddings for dummies...I need one!!! laughing.gif edit....there probably is, I just haven't found it yet! laughing.gif

Edited by minnew, 30 July 2009 - 11:32 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-30 23:30:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Jul 30 2009, 07:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can imagine how you feel Rhiann! I wanted to have a small civil wedding when I first moved to the US, and then save the big celebration until I could go back to Canada the following summer but they wouldn't have it! They said they wouldn't support a wedding that wasn't "real." So then I found myself planning a wedding and doing the visa stuff at the same time... It wasn't impossible, but it wasn't ideal either.

Winter weddings can be really pretty! Where will you be moving again? Somewhere that gets snow? I've seen some really nice wedding pictures in the snow.

I am in the same situation, my family was a bit more supportive of the idea to have the civil wedding first, then the ceremonial, but his family was totally against it. So here I am planning a wedding from 1000 miles away and I haven't seen my fiance since April!! I am quitting work a few weeks earlier than expected to get myself organized and deal with some of the wedding stuff before I move down, because there is going to be ALOT of stuff to do once I do get there. I'm so excited to see our wedding pictures because of the fall foliage in October!

We are currently trying to decide whether to take a mini-honeymoon after the wedding to Las Vegas as there is so many great deals right now with the economy being crappy, or save that money for our real honeymoon to Maui next year. If we went we would have to go to Vegas a few days after the wedding for prob 4 day/3night. I just hope we have both recovered from the stress and exhaustion of the wedding by then, I wouldn't want to sleep the first day away in Vegas! Any advice? I am on the fence right now about it, we should be able to afford it and all, with his bonus and my pension.. I just keep thinking what if? It takes forever to get my EAD.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-30 20:43:00
CanadaWedding Details
Hehe Hi Lisa! We Canadians do alot of venting!! tongue.gif

Huggles-Its getting closer!! YAY!!!

ashenflowers-Hope you are able to find a website you like!

Oh dear I almost had a panic attack when I saw how many days until the wedding....its the same as Lisa!! I'm next after chadlures ceremonial wedding!
oops edit...after TimandJoyces!!

The flower girl dresses came in! My fiances aunt sent me some pictures of the 2 girls with them on!! Sooo adorable!! Since again I suck at posting pictures, here is a link to the website where you can purchase the same style dress. They are going to look so cute!! Their mother made little white bolero jackets for them to wear with as well!


YAY RSVP's are starting to come in!! Just got an email and a few online ones through theknot!! Of course they were people that we knew were coming already, like bridal except for my aunt who RSVP'd, but she does everything early!! She has her Christmas shopping done by March!

Edited by minnew, 28 July 2009 - 09:14 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-28 21:13:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (JillA @ Jul 28 2009, 01:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Jul 28 2009, 03:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I second, not as great templates and stuff, but still very pretty, gets the job done. I don't really know if guests read whats on the website, either, they may just "look" at it. I have only had 2 RSVPS from the Online RSVP on the website, and 1 by email. I did not want to bother with response cards, everyone knows how to send an email right? Even if they can't figure out the RSVP on the website.

PM if you want to see my website!

Are there any older guests Minnew? I mean like ones that don't have computers and stuff. We have some older guests coming that don't use e-mail so I'm sticking with regular response cards

There was only 1 older guest that we were not sure about, so on the response card we put a phone number and an email address. Everyone other guest had an email address and knows how to use the internet.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-28 14:14:00
CanadaWedding Details
I second, not as great templates and stuff, but still very pretty, gets the job done. I don't really know if guests read whats on the website, either, they may just "look" at it. I have only had 2 RSVPS from the Online RSVP on the website, and 1 by email. I did not want to bother with response cards, everyone knows how to send an email right? Even if they can't figure out the RSVP on the website.

PM if you want to see my website!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-28 14:04:00
CanadaWedding Details
((HUGS)) Ashen! Like JillA said your fiance has no idea what it is like shopping for wedding dresses and honestly should not have a huge weighted opinion.

Definitely go back to the store and see what else they have, you do not want to regret what you bought. I do not regret my purchase at DB, even though mom couldn't be there with me sad.gif. I did not pick out mom's favorite of course, but my dream dress which was also very affordable at just over $400.

When I was having my whole bridesmaid drama a while ago before 2 of them dropped out on me due to travel and financial issues, I was offering to pay for their dresses, because they were asking for "financial assistance" even though really I couldn't afford to start paying for hotel rooms or dresses. My aunt said to me that she did not want me to have to go through the same situation as her, because of my bridesmaids. When she got married 30 years ago the budget was also tight and she went with a dress that she could afford rather than one that she LOVED, even thought it was not considerably more expensive and she regrets her decision.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-26 11:36:00
CanadaWedding Details
I was tearing up and laughing at the same time too during that processional video! So awesome!

My future MIL would be so mortified if we did something like that, I think so would my mom and dad. I don't think I could convince my fiance to do something like that. He is a bit more traditional than I am. I don't even think I could convince him to do the funny first dance, I don't think I could do it because I would be way too nervous and well he is a better dancer than me, I am not at all coordinated!! He at least knows how to follow steps for the electric slide! laughing.gif

minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-23 19:11:00
CanadaWedding Details
Ok I was just on, its the "Best Wedding Ceremony Processional"

It was awesome! Worth a watch!

minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-23 14:23:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Jul 23 2009, 12:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm really getting annoyed with people who try to tell me how it should be. My favorite is when people say, "it doesn't matter if you like the flavor of your cake or the food you're serving because you can't eat it anyways." Why the hell not? I'm going to eat the food I paid for, thanks! Or, "Well you can't have open seating at the ceremony, that's not the way weddings work." Well this is how my wedding is going to work! There aren't very many of you, figure it out! Just little things like that. Everyone thinks they KNOW the way it MUST be. I know they mean well, but this is our wedding, not theirs. Its getting down to the wire and I've been very patient with everyone, but I think I'm about to kill! mad.gif

I know what you mean Huggles....both of my fiances mom and my mom are driving us bonkers...they just don't listen to what WE want, even though we tell them over and over again!!! First it was his mom wanted to invite a bunch of family as a courtesy that my fiance has never HER cousins! It was up to him to settle that one with her, not me! Oh well the bride should always carry a white bouquet...the grooms family should always pay for the rehearsal only need one fitting for your dress..... the newlywed couple should always leave for their honeymoon the day after the wedding.....(we aren't having one right away)mad.gif Im not having assigned seating either, I am sure my future MIL is going to flip her lid when she hears that! For god sakes there will only be 60 of you max...figure it out!! Besides a sign on one or two table that may say reserved for moms and dads, if you don't people will sit right there. You can't have the DJ as the of Brad's groomsman should be a member of your family like a male cousin...the bar has to be open.....currently we are at odds at who should sit at the head table.... mad.gif

*Sigh the mixing of family wedding traditions...... wacko.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-23 14:06:00
CanadaWedding Details

Oh there will be pictures, don't you worry! The details are whats driving me nuts too... especially since everyone has their own opinions on what we should do, so I have all these options swirling around in my head. I think I have most of the little things nailed down, I just have to assemble all the decorative things and I still need to track down like 8 people and ask then what the heck their problem is. Why is sending a response card back so hard? I really don't understand. They were due 12 days ago. But yes, I did get a bridal shower (a small one mind you, because of my conditions laughing.gif) and I got a bunch of lingerie. Talk about awkward! Thanks Bill's grandma, this lace thong will do me well. They all told me that bridal showers are for sexy things for the honeymoon? Never heard of that before but alright...


rofl.gif That is cute! Lace thong from grandma!! I have never heard of bridal showers being for sexy lingerie either!

mad.gif That really gets me that people toss aside the invitation and forget to RSVP. What is so hard about it? 12 days ago!! A bit ridiculous....a few days late....I could handle!

Damnit i can never get the quote things right! I need sleep!

Edited by minnew, 23 July 2009 - 01:10 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-23 13:09:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ Jul 22 2009, 09:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That sound wonderful Minnew! Do you use image shack? That's what I used to post.

course...once I finally figured out how to do it, it became easy..... jest.gif

Never heard of imageshack, boy am I behind the times.

QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Jul 22 2009, 11:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Omg, I'm getting married in 2 weeks and I'm so disorganized its not even funny. I have boxes and bags everywhere! Somehow we ended up with 3 different guest favors... Boxes with candy, place card clips and now fans that require way more assembly then one would think!

Wooow! Thank god we only have 40 people!

2 weeks! Its almost August?!?! ohmy.gif Sheesh where has the summer gone! We definitley want pictures Huggles! Hope the rest of the wedding planning is going alright! Did his mom end up throwing you a bridal shower/party?

Booking things was the easy part! Its all these details that driving me bonkers, I need to get sit down and get organized!! Ours too will be small thank goodness!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-23 06:52:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ Jul 22 2009, 12:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Peachey @ Jul 21 2009, 08:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance and I decided we're going to get bobble heads made of ourselves for our wedding cake topper smile.gif

laughing.gif oh that will look cute!! The Hawaiian tourist ones that I had seen would have been $200 or more!! This one that picked, is quite a bit cheaper. tongue.gif We're going with a professional photographer, and need to feed we had to make cut backs somewhere! laughing.gif

300!! Holy smokes!!

I am horrible at posting pictures on here, .So I will tell you what my cake toppers will be. I bought the silver double hearts pick from Micheals and I am also going to have a second one where the bride and groom and sitting on the edge of the cake. Also bought from Micheals. The bride is holding a rose bouquet and leaning towards her groom with her eyes closed, the groom has one arm around her with a black tux and his bowtie partially taken off. I am thinking I will put the sitting one on the second tier of the cake that will most likely be 3 square tiers.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-22 06:33:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Jul 19 2009, 06:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
p.s. I can't believe it's come and gone now! I remember thinking July seemed soooo far away! lol

Glad you had a great day! You look beautiful! Have a great time in Hawaii we want to see more pics when you get back good.gif

I just had a minor panic attack when I saw my siggy....2 months and 21 days! helpsmilie.gif So much yet to do!!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-20 01:49:00
CanadaWedding Details
Good luck today! Hope your wedding day is beautiful! Can't wait to see the pictures! good.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-17 17:48:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Jul 14 2009, 10:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When's a good time to start sending save the dates? I'm not sure how far in advance to send them. I kind of want to before I leave Canada, cause then it will be cheaper postage... LOL

I have heard 6 months before the wedding is usually the time to send them. If its a "destination wedding" for alot of people to come and book travel I read 8 months in advance. My postage for wedding invites came to $36!!!! It was about half Canadian half American stamps bought and of course the American stamps are 0.98 cents. I am hoping we get at least 50 people out of those invites, its a very small wedding. I sent out Save the Date emails via at about the 5 month mark, sent out emails to family members at about the 8 month mark letting them know of the "tentative" wedding date that we had booked with the church and reception venue and I would send them a "Save the Date" once I had the Visa in my hand. Since over 90% of my guest list is OOT I sent out wedding invitations at about the 4 month mark. I have an idea of who is going to come and who is not based on emails or conversations with other family members, but we will see, I don't think their situation is going to change in 4 months.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-15 07:27:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Jul 13 2009, 06:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm pretty excited that today I finally booked my hair and makeup! And, my trial is on Friday already! I don't even know what I want to do... I'm thinking either completely up, or half up half down... any suggestions? My fiance wants it down or half down, as does my MOH, but my mother, MIL and other bridesmaids think I should put it up. Its going to be outdoors and I have long thick, dark wavy hair...

If its going to be outdoors then I would go with half up half down, but have it so your hair is swept off of your face and pinned back so that it won't blow around in your face at least, especially if you have bangs, or long bangs in the front if its windy outdoors on the day of your wedding.



I would really like mine to be half up and half down curly, (I hate the way I look in an updo) but my hair is long and so stick straight I don't know if it will hold the curl for more than 1 hour. Whoever does my hair will need some seriously holding product. Seriously I have no need for a straightening iron, it straightens by itself!

Edited by minnew, 14 July 2009 - 05:35 AM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-14 05:33:00
CanadaWedding Details
Gorgeous dress ashenflowers! Go for it! good.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-11 18:18:00
CanadaWedding Details
Ours is $600 for 6 hours of entertainment, for 4 hours it would have been $500. I guess it depends on the average prices in the area.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-09 21:54:00
CanadaWedding Details
YAY!! The bridesmaid dresses came in!! Now I just have to wait a few more days for them to be shipped!! Ooo and my slippers too! I bought a pair of white high heels, but I can't decide if I want to wear them or the white slippers with beads I tried on and ordered from DB. They were sooooo comfortable! Its going to be a long day and alot of standing, I would much rather be comfortable!! No ones going to see my feet until the garter removal anyways!! The downside..the seamstress will have to do alot more hemming...
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-06 11:48:00
CanadaWedding Details
Humm I have only seen the version where male guests pay a dollar just to dance with the bride, but they don't stick it on her, they hand it to her or the groom I think.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-05 16:53:00
CanadaWedding Details
Yeah I have seen dollar dances done, Ive only seen it in the U.S. I definitely will not be having one, I mentioned it to my fiance and he thought it was tacky, he didn't really want every man in the house to be dancing with me. We are not having a gift registry, we have alot of household items and I am not a fan of china or crystal, at least I have no use for crystal right now. If I do end up buying some it will be later on when I can actually USE it. I am not sure how I am going to answer the question by people who ARE NOT going to be able to make it to the wedding and WANT to buy a gift instead. Ive already had a friend ask me. The topic of gift registry is not even listed on our wedding website, I don't really feel the need to say anything about it, people will get the hint, I hope. I don't really like the idea of a honeymoon registry either where people make monetary donations.

The honor of their presence is enough for all the travelling they will be doing, but again I already know of family members and friends who have expressed their inability to come. Like TimandJoyce said I don't want "useless gifts" either when I did not have a registry, and I cannot return it. Maybe I will have to make a statement on the website. The couple requests no gifts....of course that doesn't stop people either. I know this all probably sounds like I am extremely ungrateful of those who may not be able to make it and want to send a gift, but thats just not what we want. Our biggest gift is you are able to take time and $$ to travel and come, as its an OOT wedding for the overwhelming majority of the guests, and they are all our close family and friends. My mother is also the same way, insisting that I have a registry to have gifts from people so that I can remember who got it for me when I use it.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-05 14:17:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Jul 3 2009, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

We're using apple red from DB as an accent color! Its actually a pretty standard red I find... I've had luck with it thus far. Everything I've got in red seems to match almost perfectly. Its the blue I'm having challenges with. I ended up changing the shade a little... the girls are in Pool from DB, but the table linens and favor boxes etc. are a big brighter than the dresses... I figure we don't necessarily need the bridesmaids matching the linens anyways right? laughing.gif We just set up our tux's with Men's Warehouse last week... I wasn't to happy with the service but I'll deal with it.

I don't even know what we're doing for a rehearsal dinner yet! I just want it to be the wedding party and the parents, and I want something very simple and casual like BBQ. But we'll see if I win that battle.

On a side note I was just informed that 'someone' aka my soon-to-be MIL has been planning a 'secret' bridal shower for me, after I said I didn't want one! I mean, I'm going to try and be gracious about it, but I said no! And nobody wants to tell me where or when, so I'm really in the dark too. I know how you feel! Its frustrating.

And just to follow up... We decided to go with the ballroom. Its just more spacious and we'll definitely have the room to do what we want.

Ok so he just sent me an email with the ensemble and I guess its called Diamond Red...what the heck why was he saying apple! Anyways the tuxes look really nice! Good to know about your luck with the reds! I think with the color of the red I am going to go with a darker red bouquet, not sure about the petals though, all I can seem to find is the ones that look fire engine red! I am not sure how a brighter red petal would look with darker red roses for bouquets...hmmm..

I didn't win the battle over the rehearsal dinner, I wanted something casual as well like a BBQ, but his mom and him wanted something more formal, he has to wear his service dress for the dinner as requested by her. Plus with everyone from OOT it would have been hard to have a BBQ as we do not have the environment for a BBQ in an apartment complex.

I told my mother, no bridal shower, no engagement party! I hope she listens! I think its completely rude to invite people to it whom are not receiving an invite to the wedding! Its all HER friends she wants to have over! What about mine! mad.gif Anyways, its not least I hope not!

If we actually hit 80 people, the room we have may seem a little bit small, but we have an outdoor patio that can be used, I just hope the guests realize that they CAN use it! I don't think we will have more than 60, but again we will see once the RSVP's start coming in! There was another room that was a bit bigger that got booked right before we booked ours, but still holds the same amount of people, I wonder if thats a wedding too?....The coordinator said a dinner....hummm....Anyways, if we need to upgrade I hope its an available option.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-03 12:10:00
CanadaWedding Details
Today I just sent off the invitations in the mail! It felt soooo good to finally have them out! Alot of people say it is early to send them out because the wedding is not until October, but given the situation and alot of OOT guests I figure either they will know or they won't. Gives them time to book travel arrangments 99 days until the wedding!! kicking.gif About 75 days until I move blink.gif Holy ####### thats gonna come quick!! They all received Save the Date emails via theknot 3 weeks ago!

The bridesmaid dresses came in as well! Just got the email from Davids Bridal! biggrin.gif My bridesmaid who lives in the US is going to be so kind as to courier my sisters dress, bolero jacket and the slippers I ordered! I will definitely have to pay her back!

My fiances mother is currently visiting Omaha and it sounds like they found a nice restaurant to have the rehearsal dinner, they would not tell me anything about it, except you and your family will like it, and its a suprise!! mad.gif Honestly a little bit hurt that they wanted to keep a secret until she does her rehearsal dinner invites. I just hope its in close proximity to hotels, esp the one with the room block and not 20 miles away! They also went tux shopping and found tuxes for him and his 2 groomsmen from Men's Wearhouse. He picked out a tux with red bowtie/vest and the groomsmen black. Its going to be interesting to see how the situation pans out as they are going to have to get theirs at Mens Wearhouse in GA. I need to him to send me the color swatch for his red tie, as I need to order flowers next month, as well as the silk petals for table confetti. He said the color was apple and it was a bit we will see! It can be so hard to match reds sometimes! The apple color on the website prob looks different than in person! Anyone have any advice for matching reds?

Oh ####### that reminds me I need to order his wedding band!!

Woot GST cheque today and payday!! smile.gif)

Edited by minnew, 03 July 2009 - 11:51 AM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-03 11:50:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (SonoranSongbird @ Jun 28 2009, 04:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have you all discussed wedding albums in this thread? I was going to start a thread asking about that. And yes, we had our family wedding over eight months ago and I am just now getting around to it. We did not hire a professional photographer and I'm kind of vascilating between doing a photo album through webshots or one where I physically place the prints in the album myself. I was curious what others have done.

I am not even close to that point as we have not had the wedding yet, but I am considering having my photographer make an album, or you can make your own for cheaper with Shutterfly. http://www.shutterfl.../product_c18120. Maybe thats what I will do with 3 months of unemployment, will need to fill some time..hahaha!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-28 17:40:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Jun 27 2009, 08:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We're somewhat forgoing wedding favours. I haven't thought through the entire thing in detail as to how we'll present it exactly, because we have a year to go... lol but we have decided that we're going to take the amount of money we probably would've spent on favours (i.e. $2-3 per person or so), and pick 2 charities and donate the equivalent amount to each charity instead. We're going to do an animal rescue charity, and a charity that does work supporting families and nature reconstruction for areas affected by the wildfires in Santa Barbara. We'll probably have a little card detailing such for each person to take with them. So, I guess the card will be the memento. Maybe they'll carry it around in their wallets laughing.gif

On another note... has anyone done the disposable camera thing? Where you put a camera on each table or something and allow guests to use them, then you gather the cameras at the end of the night and get them developed... I really want to do this, but am not sure the most economical way to get them 'developed'... we don't really want all the pictures on film and printed, so want to do digital disposables (which Kodak has apparently) so we can just upload them to our computers... I was also wanting to put a list at each table, of 10 specific things during the night that I want people to take pictures of... i.e. 'cake cutting' 'first dance' 'favourite flowers' 'favourite guest' 'favourite outfit' 'group shot of everyone at the table'.. etc. I just think it'd be awesome to have a collection of photos of the night from different view points. Often I think we don't end up seeing everyone else's photos from gatherings like this (though facebook certainly helps in that regard). Plus it'll give our photographer a break and allow her to focus on some creativity.

Thats a really good idea to give the $$ to charity!!

As far as the disposable camera thing..we are not doing it, only because my fiance hates the idea. He thinks its tacky, I don't mind the idea myself, but we will have our photographer there for the first two hours of the reception, which will hopefully include the cake cutting, first dance..etc. I will tell you this, when I was a kid and I attended a wedding, they had disposable cameras on the table, we did take pictures of the bride and all that jazz, took some pictures of my family....what did I do....I took the camera home with me instead of leaving it on the round table or at the gift table...whoops!! As long as you have instructions for what pics you want AND to leave the camera on the table you might be ok...unless you get a kid like me...hahaha!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-27 22:45:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ Jun 27 2009, 05:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is just an example of the wedding invitation Tim is thinking of doing. I love how he thinks outside the box!! Just like me!! star_smile.gif

She from the west coast
He from the east.
She from the north
He from the south.
She from Canada
He from the United States.
But God, in His devine providence, brought them together in a land of paradise.
The honor of your presence is requested as the most important page yet in the storybook relationship
of TIM XXXXX and JOYCE XXXX is turned on September 19, 2009
at three o'clock in the afternoon in the sanctuary of First United Pentecostal Church,

Reception will follow in the American Legion Building on XXXXXXX, Sumter, SC

Course we need to work on the wording just a tad..laughing.gif but it should be reading close to this. The invitation he found have a palm tree embossed on the front, to represent us meeting in Hawaii. (and living in SC)

I love it!! biggrin.gif

minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-27 18:28:00
CanadaWedding Details
Those are neat favor boxes Huggles!

Here is the plan at the moment for favors: Our colors are black, red and white and I am using roses for the bouquets, plus rose petals for table confetti, so I think the rose ball candles would be a neat fit.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-26 10:18:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (JillA @ Jun 19 2009, 06:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Jun 19 2009, 08:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JillA @ Jun 19 2009, 05:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
$130 isn't bad at all, that's how much we're paying tomorrow at a wedding we're going to. I'd say that's average.

And, I hate to break it to ya ladies, but I hear on your wedding night you're so freaking exhausted from everything you usually just pass out, there's nothing too exciting going on in the special suite laughing.gif

laughing.gif I know I hear the same thing! But in the off chance we get a second wind of energy! I don't want aunt so and so to complain about noisy neighbours... laughing.gif Im afraid I will fall asleep in the jacuzzi! haha!

I'd rather have people stay on site as well, if they choose to go to another hotel in the area great, there are 2 or 3 not too far, probably not too much cheaper, but I would prefer if people did and hopefully if not they will be smart and call a cab if they are intoxicated.

The Holiday Inn is offering, for $205 a 15 seater shuttle bus to take my guests back and forth all night from venue to hotel. It's only a 5 minute drive, but totally worth the $$ considering I won't have to worry about anyone drinking and driving!

Oh sweet! I forgot that the Holiday Inn that we have booked offers a complimentary 24 hour shuttle within a 5 mile radius and to the airport....I wonder if it would matter if it was to another hotel in the area! Humm....another thing I need to ask about......
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-19 19:39:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (JillA @ Jun 19 2009, 05:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
$130 isn't bad at all, that's how much we're paying tomorrow at a wedding we're going to. I'd say that's average.

And, I hate to break it to ya ladies, but I hear on your wedding night you're so freaking exhausted from everything you usually just pass out, there's nothing too exciting going on in the special suite laughing.gif

laughing.gif I know I hear the same thing! But in the off chance we get a second wind of energy! I don't want aunt so and so to complain about noisy neighbours... laughing.gif Im afraid I will fall asleep in the jacuzzi! haha!

I'd rather have people stay on site as well, if they choose to go to another hotel in the area great, there are 2 or 3 not too far, probably not too much cheaper, but I would prefer if people did and hopefully if not they will be smart and call a cab if they are intoxicated.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-19 19:28:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (JillA @ Jun 19 2009, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kicking.gif The Holiday Inn got back to me, and are giving a great rate! 4 night block for $99 per night, which is a good price IMO! Especially for 4 nights, I am going with them. Happy that's another thing out of the way

Wow thats a great rate! I also have a room block with Holiday Inn, its also where our reception is going to be held. Our rate is 105.95. They are giving us a jacuzzi 2 room suite for the bride & groom the night of the wedding for free. I just hope that the guest rooms are far away from our suite! tongue.gif Maybe I should talk to our coordinator! whistling.gif laughing.gif

Edited by minnew, 19 June 2009 - 05:13 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-19 17:12:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ Jun 15 2009, 10:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Jun 15 2009, 08:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
JillA I think you made the right decision, its the decision I should have made before asking any of my friends. My friends here in Canada unfortunately said they could not afford it, and to be honest I don't think they fully support me moving to the U.S.A. As someone else said in another thread, I am already beginning to be their "last call." I can't say that I have "best friends" just alot of friends over the years, also what made it hard is I lived in the U.S while they were still in Canada. We ultimately decided on two attendants each. My MOH is my sister and the second is a friend from the U.S., who was is good friends with my fiance and I. His best man is his dad and his groomsman is his close friend from GA. Drama free!!

That's sweet!! I'm sorry, but I just really like that thought! I'm sure it's been done before, but I've never heard of it.

It's so important to always remember that a wedding is the bride and grooms...not everyone else's. And how you choose to get married is up to you! Legally, we didn't even NEED any attendants, because in SC it's only the minister, bride and groom that sign the license. (Here at home we needed witnesses). Actually, I sure found it interesting how weddings AREN'T the same all they do a few things different down South!!

Yeah I had only seen the father as the best man once, my mom was not for it, but like you said its our wedding, not theres. She is just worried how it will look because my sister is the MOH. It doesn't matter to me one bit.

Thats the one thing that we have learned to do is put our foot down with our families because both of them have such different ideas about traditions, its about us, not them. I think everything is good again, for a while we were both feeling like "whos wedding is it"...and dreading our wedding day. I just got an email from the pastor today with the ceremony!! Yay! Now to go over it with my fiance and hash out the details!! I am so excited!! I read our vows and the exchange of rings and I started balling...I am going to be a mess the day of if I am crying about them now!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-16 01:39:00
CanadaWedding Details
JillA I think you made the right decision, its the decision I should have made before asking any of my friends. My friends here in Canada unfortunately said they could not afford it, and to be honest I don't think they fully support me moving to the U.S.A. As someone else said in another thread, I am already beginning to be their "last call." I can't say that I have "best friends" just alot of friends over the years, also what made it hard is I lived in the U.S while they were still in Canada. We ultimately decided on two attendants each. My MOH is my sister and the second is a friend from the U.S., who was is good friends with my fiance and I. His best man is his dad and his groomsman is his close friend from GA. Drama free!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-15 22:46:00
CanadaWedding Details
Congratulations!! You guys look amazing! Have fun in Vegas!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-10 18:43:00
CanadaWedding Details
It's all coming together! Went for a floral consultation tonight for a lady who does preserved floral bouquets, they look so real and fresh I was so suprised!! And the price was definitely right!! Now to find room for them in my car when I move! wacko.gif Or maybe my parents can bring them...Sending out Save the Date emails tomorrow! Booking the photographer and DJ tomorrow! Exactly 4 months be the wedding! Also my parents wedding anniversary tomorrow!! I am just so biggrin.gif kicking.gif Invitations next.... kicking.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-09 21:20:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Jun 9 2009, 03:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry... I really should've clarified. By wedding 'planner', I meant like.. day planner... booklet... thing. Not a wedding planner PERSON.. I'm not wasting money to hire a 'planner'... I'm just looking for a good book to be able to write stuff down. LOL And/or a good wedding planning website... i.e. or something

My bad... I wasn't able to explain that earlier, cause I can't do VJ at work. But thanks for your tips!!
I am sort of looking forward to planning this, but also REALLY don't want anything fancy... I don't really have anyone I can co-plan this with, which makes me kinda sad sad.gif I mean, I guess my mom, but even so, she lives an hour and a 1/2 away, which isn't FAR, but far enough to make it difficult to do things together with her. Oh well. There's of course my fiance, but he's farrrr.... And doesn't get why we'd need to come up with any decisions right now since our reception with family/friends isn't until next summer. lol

It's okay! If you are looking for a good wedding planning website is awesome! They have local boards to chat with other brides getting married in the same area! Q& A about etiquette, ideas for just about anything! Checklists! Budgeter! Guestlist Manager, A notebook to save ideas, the list goes on! I have also heard that is a good website as well, never used it, oh and I guess Martha Stewart has something similar as well.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-09 16:53:00