CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

Back in 2005, I dont think I ever did get one mailed to me---it was online

I thought the Service Canada account was useless to those living outside Canada...guess not! Thank you flames!! You just made my week!!

When I logged on it said they are in the process of mailing the 2010 forms and you can choose to stop/start mailing.

Looks like we will be ready for our tax appointment on Monday!! woot!
minnewFemaleCanada2011-02-03 11:58:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
Anyone receive their T4e's yet?

I know they have until February 28th.... But would be nice to get them ASAP!!! So we can get taxes done...Hubby going TDY soooooon!!! I have everything else USA wise or else I'd be getting sOme companies fined! LoL!

minnewFemaleCanada2011-02-03 01:44:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
Question for you all,

I just started a new job in March and sent my cards in stating that I had started a full time job and what hours I worked and what $$ I will be receiving. The first two weeks were paid training/shadowing, but the 1st week only came to 28 hours, the second was 41 or 42 I believe.

Will they stop sending me cards now?

Will I get a partial payment of EI from the first week of work? (Because it was less than 40 hours) What do they classify as part-time?

Thanks everyone in advance!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-04-13 15:40:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

YAY!! Talked with someone at EI, ( not Donna) and my claim will be starting soon. She confirmed that I was looking for work and has no problem re-activating the claim. The connection was a little bad, so I can't remember when she said would be my first deposit. I'm going to check my account a week from Friday, I think that's when she said it was.

That's great news Joyce! I believe I had my first deposit within 2 business days! Hopefully it's the same for you!

So I spoke to EI today and to Donna, and they will transfer a claim over to the interstate office if its already in progress and you move to be with your spouse, just same rules as activating a new one. You get no money till you get your EAD. Still good news, as if I can't find work right away I might be able to get a few more months out of my claim.

Good to know! At least you are still eligible with EAD! Now get this AOS papers off! LoL!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-26 23:10:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (July09Bride @ May 10 2009, 09:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So how about the rings??? Anyone have those yet? When I was 18, my mother gave me my great-grandmother's engagement ring. It was a simple round diamond on a simple thin yellow-gold band. When I graduated from college, I took all of my graduation money and bought a pendant and chain. I took the ring to some family friends who owned their own jewelry store and had them take the stone out of the ring and have it placed in the pendant.

Right now, since the financial squeeze is on, with my mother's permission, we're taking the diamond from my pendant and I'm going to have it mounted on a wide (6 or 7mm) plain bright yellow-gold band. He wants a simple plain yellow-gold band as well. My engagement ring will become a ring I will wear on my right hand. If we can gather the extra money (doubt it - but it is a possibility) we're going to also get a thin band with some diamonds (set paave' (sp?) style) to wear beneath my wide band. I have another ring I don't ever wear that has 18 small diamonds around the stone. We'd take those stones and have them placed into the thin band. That way, we don't have to buy diamonds, too. A friend of mine's husband is a jeweler and if all goes right, he says we could have all of the rings taken care of in about a week!

The plan is to take time this weekend (maybe!) while I'm in London, to go to jewelry stores to determine exactly what we want (size-wise and width-wise) and then just let him know. If we can't do it this weekend, we'll go window shopping as soon as he moves over here in June.

I'm SO excited!!!

My wedding band came as a bridal set with my engagement ring, so I am covered there. It is white gold with channel set diamonds to match my engagment ring that has almost a 3/4 carat diamond with 4 channel set diamonds on either side. I am not sure if I told this story yet or not, but my engagement ring diamond came from my fiance's mother. My fiances dad bought an anniversary ring for his wife and unfortunately the diamond fell out of this setting. Well needless to say his mother accidentally vacumned the loose diamond up! She tore apart the vacumn bag to search for it. It had no scratches or chips! She kept the diamond but did not remount it on the anniversary ring as she could no longer wear it because it did not fit. His mother offered the loose diamond to my fiance for my engagement ring. Let me tell you his father has excellent taste as well as his son! The clarity and sparkle are amazing, more than I asked for!

Anyways, so he went to Vegas for a week for training at a base nearby there and his family came to vegas to visit him as well. She gave him the diamond then. I come to visit a week or two later and as I was straigtening out his apartment (used to be our as I had moved back to Canada) I throw out a tiny envelope that says "key" on it. Anyways, needless to say the diamond was in the envelope! We had eaten supper and he was scraping his plate into the garbage and saw the envelope in the garbage...reaches into the garbage and puts something into his pocket. I honestly didn't even think to question why he was doing that. Of course he couldn't tell me that he was freaking out inside until after he proposed (2 months later) and I felt like a complete tool! laughing.gif SO yeah! I am sure this story about how his mother..then me almost lost the diamond will come up at the wedding! laughing.gif

His wedding band...well that is still TBD...I swear he is pickier and more indecisive than me! We have been to so many jewelry stores and he still can't decide! The last one that we went to, I hope is the the one that he likes the most, at least it seemed like it anyway. It's a men's band that looks like carbon fiber design with one tiny diamond on the top. He won't be wearing his daily though because of his job in the AF maintaining aircraft, heck he can't even bring a cell phone to work with him, he has to leave it in the car!

Anyways, I am starting to look at invitations and wording and such and he is being picky about the invitation wording...ugh! I need to talk to my mom and his mom and see if we can agree on something because it's both parents hosting, well technically all 3 of us but the larger share will be from the parents. I will be sending out Save the Date emails courtesy of the that have a nice design to coincide with my website, ASAP after returning from Vancouver! I doubt we will have 60 come, but you never know...they all know of the "tentative" date. I want to order the invites ASAP after May 28th, pending approval in Vancouver! OMG i just realized its two weeks away!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-10 14:00:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ May 6 2009, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm struggling! Who thought tying bows was so difficult? After painstaking hours of trying to figure out how to tie it I came up with this. Be honest now... If it looks deformed tell me laughing.gif

And that's with all the goods minus envelopes! I printed the inner and outter ones envelopes myself and they turned out pretty good smile.gif

Ooo your invites are so pretty! I like the bow! Where did you get your invites?
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-06 18:23:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (JillA @ May 5 2009, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ May 5 2009, 10:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (July09Bride @ May 5 2009, 09:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Woo hoo! The color printer arrived today... yea! That means we can start PRINTING the INVITATIONS!!!! I'm so excited! May have to post a sneak peak of our invites. tongue.gif

I wanna see!!! I wanna see!!!

I need inspiration because I'm thinking I'm going to make ours too.

YAY! I'm making mine too ladies, already got them at Walmart LOL.... they are Martha Stewart, $10 for a box of 40 (they were on sale when I got them).... so much cheaper than having them professionally done! Here they are:

I know I have been looking at some invitations catalogues...and whoa! My mom's like don't you want embossing or something on them? I can print them for so much cheaper, even if I have to go through a whole cartridge of ink! Then of course postage too! wacko.gif I really like the simple silver hearts that I see at Micheals or Walmart. Plus the silver will go with our white, red and black theme.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-05 22:18:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (July09Bride @ May 3 2009, 12:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Okay, here's a serious and very bothersome topic that I'm dealing with in relation to our wedding, and any thoughts or advice you all might have, would be gratefully appreciated. Be prepared for a novel. You've got to know the background, for this is also a partial vent and rant about....


Here goes. My parents got divorced when I was 5. My biological father was the every-other weekend dad. I never really saw him other than on "his" weekends. Sometimes, when it was his weekend, I'd be left with a babysitter or on my own, so he could go out to an event (dinners for work or whatever). He rarely showed up for my dance recitals... I can remember him calling me multiple times a couple of hours prior to the recital telling me he wouldn't be there. I would be crushed and then my mom and step-dad (I call him Leo (his name) but he has become/is my "real dad" and always refer to him as dad as he & my mom married when I was 7 1/2) would keep my spirits up and eventually I'd forget about the call and get all happy and excited again.

Well, when I was 14 and a freshman in high school, he decided that he was going to move from Phoenix to Sacramento, CA. He told me he wanted to start his life over and get a fresh new start. I remember crying when he left, and although I was crying, I remember feeling odd about crying. I think I was crying b/c he was moving, but more for the fact that he was already never there, and this was going to make him absent even more.

When he moved, I saw him about once every 2 or 3 years. Then, when I was in college (ok Canadian friends, read university), I saw him a couple of times. Once for his wedding #3 (step-mom #2) and once for a fun ski-trip. After that, we went back to the once every 2 or 3 years. Just before I moved to Michigan, I received a 3-page, typed, single-spaced letter telling me I didn't deserve to have his last name, he was going to disown me, and that I was a horrible daughter and granddaughter. This was just before my cousin's wedding, and I decided to attend the wedding for my cousin and I could ignore my father. So, when I shoed up, I did just that. I rented my own car, said hello and hugged ALL of my relatives, except him, and had fun with the rest of the family. Just as I was curling my hair in the bathroom on the afternoon of the wedding, he stopped by the bathroom and told me he was sorry about the letter. I accepted his apology, but things were still unbelievably tense. Now, mind you, this was AFTER I dropped everything to go to California b/c my step-mom's daughter (did I mention he'd been remarried yet again and this was step-mom #3 and marriage #4??) was shot and killed at point-blank range. I took days off from work, used saved frequent flyer miles to get there in time for the funeral, and spent the whole time I was there as the little worker bee so my father & step-mom didn't have to do ANYTHING?? I answered the phone, took the messages, ran to & from the grocery store for the reception at the house after the funeral, and kept things full during the reception, then flew out the following day.

Just after I moved to Michigan in 2001, my grandfather (his dad) passed away. I flew to Missouri for that event and the following year, one of my cousins got married and I flew back for that too. I'd now seen him more in the past two years, than I had in the previous 3 or 4. A couple of years later, my other cousin got married and this time, my now fiance' accompanied me on the trip. Since my cousin's wedding and another wedding we were both in were both before my birthday, my fiance' gave me an early birthday gift... my first digital camera! I was so excited, I could hardly stand myself! When I got to Missouri, and we got settled in at my uncle's house (where I always stay), I wanted to show off my "new toy". So, I shared that Duncan got me a digital camera and I was showing it off - all excited that it was a 5 megapixel (that was big at the time)! My father's comment? "Well, my digital camera has 6 megapixels." That's word-for-word what he said. Not the typical parent response I was expecting.

The following year, my father celebrated his 60th birthday. I went to Saramento for his birthday party and these people kept toasting this amazing man. I couldn't quite figure out who they were talking about... but thought that if THIS is who he had become, I just wish it was the man I knew to be my father.

As of last year, when Duncan and I got engaged, my father was all excited... or so it seemed - at least, that's what he said. He said he'd cover half the costs with my parents (mom & step-dad). So, we figured out a budget after doing a lot of online and window shopping. We sent it to him and he returned it with his adjustments and what he was willing to cover. Fine, whatever. Not a big deal. He kept saying he'd send me a credit card that I could use to cover costs and make down payments. That never showed up... he never ordered it. He balked at the cost of this or the cost of that, and wondered if there were cheaper options. Seriously... if there WERE cheaper options, we would have gone with the cheaper option. I mean, my dress was less than $900 after taxes (including the headpiece and veil). There were MANY out there much more expensive, but there were some things I wanted my dress to have style-wise, that I thought the price was terrific - and so did my mom.

Sorry, I digress... when Duncan & I decided we wanted to go to Hawaii last Thanksgiving, we got an amazing price on the cruise and with the 3-day free hotel that I won at a bridal show, we thought that Hawaii would be great! Well, I was teaching extra classes and their enrollment kept dropping and I never went back and that hrt, b/c that was my "wedding/honeymoon" money. So, fast-forward to one week ago...

Both sets of parents were on the phone talking about the wedding costs and our honeymoon. They decided together, that they would cover the cost of the honeymoon as a wedding gift to us, I was elated! I'm sure some of you saw my excitement in the "Good News" thread. Anyway, my father was to send 1/2 the price to my parents this past week. Yesterday, my step-dad still hadn't received the money, and he called my father to find out what was going on... he was concerned the check had gotten lost in the mail or something. Nope. The check was never sent. Before my father was let go from his job a couple of weeks ago, he ran up a $3500 cell phone bill and the company wasn't going to pay it. He would have to pay it. Who runs up a $3500 cell phone bill???!! So, instead, my father just didn't bother to call my parents and tell them that he wasn't sending the money. Well, last Sunday when my parents told us the good news, they said to use their credit card to pay off the trip as our wedding gift from them. (BTW, the honeymoon had to be paid in full by 5/1.)

Again, another way for him to NOT come through for me. When I was in Arizona a month ago, he was there for my showers along with my step-mom. The afternoon of the 2nd shower, he came up to me about an hour into the event, and told me that he & my step-mom would probably be leaving before the end of the shower. They were afraid that the flight they had would get them in too late (at 9pm) and would have to drive home, blah, blah, blah. We were all outside b/c the weather was beautiful. So, everyone heads inside for the "game" and while we're doing that, he sneaks out the front door without even a goodbye! Just OUT! I saw them walking by the front window, and I turned to look at my mom. She asked me if I wanted her to stop them, and I said don't worry. They can't be bothered to say goodbye, neither can I. ARGH.

I had a very difficult time deciding who should walk me down the aisle. I want my stepdad to do it, but I felt that my father would be slighted. So, I thought I'd have them both walk me, but I'd want my step-dad on the "traditional" side, and I didn't want to deal with all of that. So, I had to come up with another solution. My mom. She's one of my best friends and has been there (literally) through it all. So, I asked her to do it. She was trepidacious at first, b/c she didn't want my step-dad to be upset. Believe it or not, my catering manager for where we're having ht reception came up with a terrific idea. We're planning on my mom walking me down, and both dads being up front to meet us, and all three of them give me away. In addition, right now, both sets of parents are listed on the invitations.

I'm SO afraid my father is not going to come through for the wedding and my mom and stepdad will be responsible for everything. My father is SO good at backing out and not following through. Here's my predicament. Does he still come? Does he come as a "regular" guest? If he doesn't come, I'm afraid my very aging grandmother (my only biological grandparent that I totally love to pieces with all my heart who is still living) won't be able to get to my wedding. I want her there so much. It brings me to tears each time I think of getting married and not having her there. What about his brother who will be there? My mom says that my uncle thinks my dad is/can be a jerk... but I haven't heard that before. I also have cousins coming... one's son is the ring bearer and another cousin is an usher and would do anything for me. What (if anything) do I tell them?

Right now, I feel SOOOOO hurt by my father. He promises the world and provides not even a bread crumb, time after time. The fact he didn't have the decency to call my parents to say, "Hey, I have a sticky situation here and I can't get you the money I promised you by Friday. Can I get it to you in the next month or so?" I mean, how hard is that?

OHHHH. I get SO mad with him. My step-dad is going to call him at the beginning of the week and try to get something financial from him... wired money, cashier's check... something he can't cancel or renig on. If he doesn't come through, I'm getting prepared to let him have it. He OWES my parents. Big time. He didn't pay all of his child support. He didn't pay for college (which he was supposed to do.) Didn't pay for braces (which he was supposed to do.) Didn't pay and hasn't paid for ANYTHING other than the photographer (and that's not even fully paid off, yet) for the wedding. My parents have been covering his "items". Oh, this is good... when I called him to try and get an answer from him about costs - he said he didn't know what his costs were - said he didn't have or know about the budget. Wow... I corrected him on that straight away. Yeah, he had one, he was trying to weasel out. Imagine that.

What do I do? Invite him as a guest? Put only my mom & step-dad's names on the invite? Ask him not to come? I'm tired of empty promises. How will I feel if he's not there? How do I deal with his family members if he doesn't come? What about my grandma??

Sorry ladies, that this is such an unbelievably long post with so much personal info... I just can't figure out what to do. No one around me likes my father much, so I guess I'm hoping impartial people who haven't ever met me IRL or him, can help in some way.

Thoughts or ideas? Honestly, I'm not looking for a pity party or a woah is me moment. I just need to figure out if he should be there or not and if he is, in what capacity. ranting33va.gif

Jeez I am always late!
I am sorry July for what you are going through! I cannot imagine what it is like. If I was in that situation I would still invite your father, that way its up to him if he comes, you have left the ball in his court not yours. Your step-father sounds like a good man. I would definitely consider having your mother walk you down the aisle. I would want someone who has been there for me through thick and thin, not someone who cannot be bothered to even spend time with you, and not someone who cannot fulfill their obligations as a father and as someone who was going to play a part in a very nice wedding gift. I hope you can be at peace with whatever decision you make.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-03 15:50:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (July09Bride @ May 1 2009, 10:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ May 1 2009, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I love the table naming idea!!

My cousin and his wife did something similar - she has an Italian background and him German, so they did Italian and German cities...

I think I'd like to do neighbourhoods/landmarks in Toronto/NYC.
The stamping stuff is so annoying.

There is SO much in those two cities... that is an awesome idea!!!

I was at a wedding in December that used music as a way to incorporate seating arrangements. The different tables were assigned by different band names. The bride sang karaoke, and gave music lessons and is working on her own album. I think I sat at The Beatles. I think some of the others were Journey, AC/DC...That's also how the next in line at the buffet table got sorted out.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-01 12:20:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Apr 30 2009, 12:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Apr 27 2009, 12:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Awesome Sapphire! I'd love to see the venue!

Our colors are aqua blue and red... Interesting combination but I love it! My sister is a wedding photographer, so to my luck I get her wonderful skills free of charge (aside from paying for her travel expenses, which I was happy to do).

Totally didn't see your reply!

We're having our reception here:

It's exactly what I wanted, a room with high ceilings, gold chivari chairs, windows and a somewhat traditional (with some non-traditional flare) menu.

Now I hope that no one crashes!! I'll probably take the link down soon just to be safe!

Sapphire your venue looks gorgeous!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-30 13:58:00
CanadaWedding Details
Your sister is definitely talented! Can't wait to see what she does with your wedding! I still have yet to book a photographer, guess I need to get on that whistling.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-27 20:30:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (July09Bride @ Apr 24 2009, 09:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JillA @ Apr 24 2009, 10:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
YAY biggrin.gif so I took your advice and spoke to 2 of my BM, they were really happy I asked and said that they'd be thrilled to stand up with me, even if it meant buying their own dress! We agreed it's best if I just pick a colour and they get what they want, something they can hopefully wear again one day. I was thinking of stealing someone's idea on here (July)? And do black and white theme, so all my BMs would wear black and have black and white linens. I love that idea

Oh, Jill! That's terrific news!!! Absolutely... steal away! Steal other ideas, too! That's what makes the wedding your own... steal what you want from whoever and where ever you want! smile.gif If you want pics, I'd be more than happy to share! Originally, I was going to do just that... have them wear black and have them choose their own style. But, they said they wanted to match. Okay, as long as that's what they wanted. Here's the BEST thing about a black & white wedding... every girl should always have the "little black dress" in her closet! Although our dresses are floor length, they're excited to have them altered after the wedding to tea or knee length. I told them to go for it! Plus, you can add 1 or 2 other colors for accent. smile.gif Originally I was going to have all black & white invites... but I've given in. We're adding the dark pink to the invites, too. My fiance' just despises pink, but he's okay with it for this, because he'll be in all black and white. laughing.gif

My wedding colors are black and white too!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-25 04:35:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (JillA @ Apr 24 2009, 10:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK I need advice from my fellow wedding planning friends. Lately now, I've been thinking of scrapping the whole having bridesmaids thing. My sister just had me as her MOH and her husband had a best man, that was it. I might do the same, I know it's not "traditional" but anyway! Here is why. So all of my closest friends are in Canada, and I'm already expecting of them to spend lots of $$ on travel and hotel for at least 2 nights for them and their partners. I feel bad as it is having the wedding here and making everyone travel. So, if I ask them to be my bridesmaids, on top of that I'm asking them to spend $$ on a dress, shoes, etc!! I just don't feel right doing that, plus I don't feel comfortable picking out a dress and making them wear it.... I'm not into the matchy matchy thing but I also can't tell them just wear whatever you want, that'd be wierd.... I can't afford to pay for 4 dresses either, so I'm stuck. I just think it's wrong for me to expect my friends to spend $$ on travel, hotel, dress, etc. It's too much. Maybe if I don't have any bridesmaids that will avoid the whole problem, what do you all think?

I originally had 4 people to be my bridesmaids, including my sister. The three friends declined saying that they could not afford to. They asked me for financial assistance in order to come. I told them I cannot pay for airfare or reimburse them for gas and hotel if they were to drive, but I said I would pay for their dresses, shoes and makeup. So I am down to one, my sister and another girl whom I had not originally asked. Funny thing is she probably knows more about our relationship than the other 3 I had asked previously, because they all lived in Canada when i was in the US going to school and met my fiance. Fiance was originally going to have 4 as well, but due to financial reason he is also down to 2, his father as his best man and his best friend from HS whom I have met twice.

As long as they are comfortable in what they wear and you pick out the colour it will all be fine. The only tricky part with this now is that I have to ask both my bridesmaids to wear bolero jackets because of a huge tattoo on her back and down her right bicep and tricep.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-24 12:00:00
CanadaWedding Details
So I am a bit FED UP!! Maybe I should be posting this in the Vent thread! Oh well!

I get the guest list in my inbox this morning from my future MIL and there are 26 people that my fiance has told her over and over again he did not want invited!! Just when he thinks she might understand and agree on not inviting them, here we are AGAIN!! I took me three times asking her to get a guest list from her. The third time I was so aggravated because I was asking her how many people and how many invites? How many of those do you think will actually come? I needed to start thinking about how many invitations to buy! Then she says oh well maybe we just won't invite my fiance (Brad). This wedding will be 15 hrs away for everyone involved. They are courtesy invites and my fiance did not want them invited!! She promises that these people will not attend! How can you promise something like that? We will be up the creek without a paddle because our room only holds 80! We will be lucky if we have 60 attend! Close family and friends, not people that my fiance has never met before, or who last saw him when he was in a diaper, ie. her cousins and aunts and uncles! I will admit I do have a few "courtesy" invites as well for myself and my family, but for people that I KNOW.
Grrr...its not even about the courtesy invites or the fact he has no clue who these people are....but that she is not listening to him or to me! I don't want to hear the well I am paying for half ####### because if thats how you really feel then this wedding is about YOU instead of about Brad and I. I am about to say go have your own wedding, it will be a pretty lonely one. But I won't! I just need to call my fiance! girlwerewolf2xn.gif

minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-24 07:40:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (JillA @ Apr 22 2009, 04:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So I wanted to think of a cute way to ask my MOH and bridesmaids to be in my special day, I think I'm going to mail them a note instead of just asking over the telly, something more special. I found this website where I may order the cards from, what do you guys think about asking them that way?


The cards are definitely a nice way to ask them, go for it! I am thinking of sending a card to my flower girls, with maybe a book that I saw on the, its a cute way for the parents to explain their "duties" as flower girls. I believe they are somewhere around the age of 5 or 6 and 3. The older one takes care of the younger least in public anyways! LOL.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-22 17:40:00
CanadaWedding Details
Oh my gosh invites! I have no clue where to start! DIY or pay someone to do them for me?

I cannot believe that kind of "customer service", absolutely horrible. My cousin is wanting August 2010 in Toronto as his fiancee has a huge italian family in Barrie, he said its turned out to be harder to plan than they originally thought. From the sounds of it they would probably have around 200, sheesh and 175 is small! Makes my 80 person max seem small! I wonder if they are having the same issues as far as customer service.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-22 01:48:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Apr 12 2009, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for the advice easytarget! I think the money down idea for the bar is fantastic! I'm going to ask them if they will do that for me. That gives my dad the flexibility to decide how much he wants to pay for the bar and the flexibility to add more money to the tab if he wishes. I think he would really like that plan.

I thought about booking some rooms but I didn't really want to do that until I knew how many I would need... Do you suggest booking now or waiting until I get concrete numbers? The hotel itself didn't seem all that busy when I went there but it was in the winter, so that may have been deceiving. Maybe I should contact another hotel in the area, that's comparatively cheaper, and book some rooms there as well? That way it would give guests another option at a lower rate. Come mid-June I will be able to focus all my energy on this so running around doesn't bother me much!

I never did the math on the Sheraton but that seems like a lot to pay per person... However, I got an e-mail from my coordinator yesterday saying "did you get my e-mails?" I was like umm no? So maybe all of these communication problems have just been a misunderstanding, I'm not sure. I'm going to wait until Tuesday to see what she says and if i'm not satisfied I will call the Victorian place. I'm going to take all the advice everyone gave me and really get some answers to hard questions out of her and maybe, juts maybe, get a better deal on a couple things!

I am really hoping that my fiance and I can convince my future MIL on the predetermined bar amount, we will see how that goes! whistling.gif

The hotel we are using for the reception is also offering us discounted room rate of $105.95 which seems like a lot to me, but considering they just went under major renovations last year it may be worth it, they have complimentary breakfast in the morning, and some entertainment in a nearby hotel. Anyways, we started out with 20 rooms for Friday and Saturday night. The nice thing about it is that if say only 18 of those rooms are reserved 30 days prior to the wedding then those 2 rooms WE are not billed for, it goes back into regular inventory which was really nice because alot of the places we looked would have charged us if they do not get reserved.

I would block off the minimum amount of rooms required to get the discounted room rate, (ours was 10) and ask the coordinator if she booked the bridal suite for the night of the wedding (ours is complimentary) if you are staying at the Sheraton the night of the wedding, and also consider a nearby hotel to give guests the option, but don't go for one that will charge you for unfilled rooms.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-13 01:35:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Danu @ Apr 12 2009, 01:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Apr 11 2009, 05:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Apr 11 2009, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for all the advice everyone! I'm having an information overload moment laughing.gif

The wedding is on a Thursday, which is pretty strange, but its the 4th year anniversary of the day we first met blush.gif So it has sentimental value! I thought we could catch some breaks having it during the week as well, but most places don't seem to see it the same way. Our DJ is great! He offered us 20% off the package because its an off peak date. Same with the florist. We didn't get a big discount, but she's going to come to the ceremony and set everything up and stay to make sure nothing goes wrong with spare flowers and things. I thought that was a nice gesture! She said she would have nothing to do that day anyways so I'm doing her the favour.

I want to go the consumption bar route, I think that would be the best for us as well. I think that's how they charge it, at least, it seems that way based on the price list. I agree that the open/host bar is the best way to go, just to show our appreciation for everyone traveling and everything. I wish my fiance would see it that way, Its caused a couple fights over the last week or so. He doesn't drink and he's against funding other peoples drinking habits. I understand his concerns but I think he's overreacting a bit... Only 4 of my college friends are coming, and I'm only really concerned about the 1, he likes to drink but he's a beer man so at least I won't get a bill for shots of whiskey or something.

Soda is an additional $2 a person, and bottled water is $2.50 a person on top of the $52 a person plated meal. Plus $100 bartender fee, 20% gratuity, and then the bar costs hopefully based on consumption. I think its time for me to be assertive and B*tchy! I'm just too nice. Honestly, I'm 5'3", I look like i'm 17 (so i hear) and I come off as very sweet and trusting... Its a license for people to walk all over me!

My family and my fiance's family are butting heads about the bar as well. My fiance and I are a bit worried about some of those guests who will go overboard with the alcohol. Having a completely open bar I think is asking for trouble, as it can skyrocket out of control. If our venue priced an open bar as a per person then we might consider it, but it is priced as per drink.

We are thinking about having 2 bottles of wine on each table, one white and one red. Our room is a smaller room as well, will hold a maximum of 80 people, which we are going to be lucky to get 60 people there. The room also has a patio that guests can use. Every wedding I have ever been to has been a cash bar, at my cousins wedding we were given 2 drink tickets that were complimentary, then after the 2 were used you had to pay if you wanted more than 2 drinks.

My family is willing to do a predetermined dollar amount bar limit, which might be around $600, which I think is completely reasonable for a group of 60, 2 drinks each ($5 a drink), but again not everyone will even have 2 drinks and may choose to just drink wine at the table. We want our guests to have a good time, not get wasted at our expense, and unfortunately its sad that I have to think that way, but I am worried about a number of guests abusing the open bar. At our venue, children are 50% of the per person rate and I think kids under 2 are free, i think the maximum amount of kids we will have is around 5. We are not requesting any gifts, we just want people to be there to enjoy our day and we know how expensive it will be for everyone to travel and spend money on hotel rooms.

Thats sooo what I was thinking, the first $500 is on us, after that it goes to cash. And of course free wine with the meals. A couple of the places I have been looking at don't have wine cellars so its about $2 a bottle corkage fee, but thinking about 8 tables of 5, 2 white and 2 red per table, its only $62 in corkage fees, and I would love to make our own peach wine for the reception because it tastes so yummy, so thats another way to save. I'm worried about a some people getting carried away as well, so I think 500 for 50 guests is more than enough. I have been to a few cash bars and while I agree with what you guys are saying, I'm not asking anyone for any gifts, their presence is enough, and its only immediate family and friends coming. They know how hard its going to be to scrape together this wedding with the move and everything involved they don't want me to do anything that would strain us in the long run.

That said, I do COMPLETELY agree that the stag and does are horrible. I don't want one thrown for me. I'm not having an engagement party, no real bridal shower either as I dont want people to buy me things. As far as my sister (the MoH) has decided, we're going to go prance around Disneyland for my bachlorette, which sounds like it will be a lot of fun biggrin.gif

Yeah the stag and does do sound horrible (I had never heard of them being called that before), I have heard of wedding "socials" which are basically the same thing. I have never heard of corkage fees either! blink.gif I hope my venue doesn't charge me for that! Wow two new things I learned today!

I am not having an engagement party or bridal shower either. My mother still thinks I should have a bridal shower so she can invite her friends over, and mine that won't be able to make the trip for the wedding, and some of her friends which wouldn't end up being invited to the wedding, I don't want gifts! How many times do I have to tell her! headbonk.gif I originally was going to have 4 bridesmaids (or so I thought) but unfortunately 3 have declined, 2 as recent as yesterday! I guess that's what happens when I try to make it fair for everyone involved and have the wedding 15 hours away! Oh well, my sister (MOH) isn't getting out of her duties! LOL! Maybe I should have posted this paragraph in the vent thread! oops! laughing.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-12 04:13:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Apr 11 2009, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you for all the advice everyone! I'm having an information overload moment laughing.gif

The wedding is on a Thursday, which is pretty strange, but its the 4th year anniversary of the day we first met blush.gif So it has sentimental value! I thought we could catch some breaks having it during the week as well, but most places don't seem to see it the same way. Our DJ is great! He offered us 20% off the package because its an off peak date. Same with the florist. We didn't get a big discount, but she's going to come to the ceremony and set everything up and stay to make sure nothing goes wrong with spare flowers and things. I thought that was a nice gesture! She said she would have nothing to do that day anyways so I'm doing her the favour.

I want to go the consumption bar route, I think that would be the best for us as well. I think that's how they charge it, at least, it seems that way based on the price list. I agree that the open/host bar is the best way to go, just to show our appreciation for everyone traveling and everything. I wish my fiance would see it that way, Its caused a couple fights over the last week or so. He doesn't drink and he's against funding other peoples drinking habits. I understand his concerns but I think he's overreacting a bit... Only 4 of my college friends are coming, and I'm only really concerned about the 1, he likes to drink but he's a beer man so at least I won't get a bill for shots of whiskey or something.

Soda is an additional $2 a person, and bottled water is $2.50 a person on top of the $52 a person plated meal. Plus $100 bartender fee, 20% gratuity, and then the bar costs hopefully based on consumption. I think its time for me to be assertive and B*tchy! I'm just too nice. Honestly, I'm 5'3", I look like i'm 17 (so i hear) and I come off as very sweet and trusting... Its a license for people to walk all over me!

My family and my fiance's family are butting heads about the bar as well. My fiance and I are a bit worried about some of those guests who will go overboard with the alcohol. Having a completely open bar I think is asking for trouble, as it can skyrocket out of control. If our venue priced an open bar as a per person then we might consider it, but it is priced as per drink.

We are thinking about having 2 bottles of wine on each table, one white and one red. Our room is a smaller room as well, will hold a maximum of 80 people, which we are going to be lucky to get 60 people there. The room also has a patio that guests can use. Every wedding I have ever been to has been a cash bar, at my cousins wedding we were given 2 drink tickets that were complimentary, then after the 2 were used you had to pay if you wanted more than 2 drinks.

My family is willing to do a predetermined dollar amount bar limit, which might be around $600, which I think is completely reasonable for a group of 60, 2 drinks each ($5 a drink), but again not everyone will even have 2 drinks and may choose to just drink wine at the table. We want our guests to have a good time, not get wasted at our expense, and unfortunately its sad that I have to think that way, but I am worried about a number of guests abusing the open bar. At our venue, children are 50% of the per person rate and I think kids under 2 are free, i think the maximum amount of kids we will have is around 5. We are not requesting any gifts, we just want people to be there to enjoy our day and we know how expensive it will be for everyone to travel and spend money on hotel rooms.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-11 16:14:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (July09Bride @ Apr 10 2009, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I will admit, we've been through various wedding websites. I have FINALLY settled (as of about an hour or so ago) on a website for us. It is by FAR the easiest, cleanest, most option oriented FREE wedding website I've seen!!!!! TRY THIS!!! That's what we have now. I've finally found a site that has the feeling I want for who WE are as a couple and our style. All of the sites that fit those parameters, were $$$$. But this one is free!!! If you want to see our site, lemme know. I'll share it! smile.gif

As for hijacking this thread... no worries. I think it is good info for people to have considering wedding guests will be "international". smile.gif As for the online RSVP, some/many of the Canadian guests are older and not too computer savvy. Via the new website, you can do RSVPs & it looks relatively easy. I may still use this option, but not make/allow the page to go "live" or viewable by guests.

So glad I could provide helpful info!!! good.gif

Yes I would love to see your website!!!

QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Apr 10 2009, 02:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I refound the thread after it was lost!

This thread comes at a good time... I'm facing a wedding crisis! Ok here's the annoying backstory... So I'm trying to plan a wedding in the Denver, CO area from my phone and computer up here in Canada. It's a difficult task, but so far so good! I went down there for a week in February and booked an officiant, DJ, ordered a cake, picked out and put a down payment on the flowers, and some other things I can't remember. Anyways most of the big things are done! But the reception site I booked back in December is making me so so so angry! Its a local Sheraton hotel, that is quite lovely and in a fairly remote area. They seemed so helpful at first: doing our centerpieces, decorating and supplying linens, giving us a room for the night, giving our guests a discounted rate, everything I would need. So we booked it! Even though the food was a little more then I wanted to spend ($52 a person? Is that a lot?)

So here it is April and I want to go down there and yell. First, the woman we were using as our coordinator quit (or got fired, who knows) She was around my age and one of the reasons why I booked the place to begin with. So now we are shuffled to this older lady who doesn't seem to care! She sent me an e-mail telling me she is my new coordinator and to e-mail her whenever I needed something. Ok, fair enough! But no... She doesn't reply to her e-mails EVER! So I now know nothing about my reception site. I e-mail her asking her questions and I don't get anything back. I don't want to call because Its expensive for one, and secondly nobody answers the phones and I have reservations about giving her a Canadian call back number. The discounted room rate? $120 a person when you can get a room there for $130. That's not what I would consider a good rate! So long story short, I'm completely unhappy right now....

To make matters even better, I was playing on google last night just playing around looking at different sites. I found the most gorgeous little Victorian house super close to the ceremony site that would have been perfect! The banquet room has windows for walls and charming pillars and ah! The food starts at $17.99 a plate (when I'm paying $52), you bring in your own alcohol (instead of ridiculous hotel prices), and they do centerpieces and decorating and everything just like the other place!! My fiance and the soon to be MIL don't think its a good idea to change places now... I'd lose my $300 down payment and I would need to get my reception cards reprinted. But... Wouldn't we save money regardless?! Ugh, I wish I would have found this place earlier... It's so perfect. Charming, fancy but rustic, beautiful view of the mountains, open and bright, the right price. Another problem: I can't go look at it! So... Its either, believe the pictures online, or get my bridesmaid in Colorado to go look at it and trust her judgment, or just forget it and stick with the Sheraton. Any advice?!

I would give the Sheraton one last chance, if not go for the Victorian house, sounds like it is alot less expensive and more beautiful than the Sheraton! $52 a plate, if I was paying $52 a plate that better include alcohol as well! Maybe those figures depend on the area of the country and city that you live in as well. The reception venue that we are using also provides centerpieces, discounted room rate, room for bride & groom. I was just in Omaha last week and put down our deposit of $500 for the reception venue, unfortunately some of the places that we initally wanted to look at either were not available, or no matter the room size or amount of guests that you are having had a Food & Beverage minimum that was outrageous for an expected small group of maybe 60? We are getting married Oct. 10th, which is Canadian Thanksgiving, no extra charge for substituting turkey for one of the meats! LOL! That reminds me I have to ask about cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie!

I'm having bridesmaid issues, which I hope will be sorted out by tomorrow as I will be meeting with them in person for coffee, as they both live out of town and are passing through for the weekend. They basically asked for financial assistance in order to be able to come, and basically trying to tell me to change my date and wait until the Spring. One of them is getting married at the end of August, initially she planned on getting married next March, well because she moved her date I am supposed to move mine? I will pay for their dresses, but they won't be from a bridal dress shop and won't be $200 each! Maybe I should have posted the second paragraph in the vent thread! laughing.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-10 20:08:00
CanadaWedding Details
QUOTE (July09Bride @ Apr 10 2009, 09:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
People here are so smart and let me know that Canada has "permanent" postage just like the "forever" stamps here in the US!! I wanted to share what I found in my postage research!

Here, you can find "Celebration" stamps that are permanent (P rate) of $.54 each. They're really cute! wink.gif But, those will only work within Canada. sad.gif

But, for postage from Canada to the US it is $.98 each. So, for our return postcards, it is almost a dollar. Wow... how about email or the phone??? whistling.gif (KIDDING... my mother would shoot me over that one! She's already having a hard enough time with me wanting to be more modern, than traditional!) Not sure what the weight/size limit is on that.

Postage from the US to Canada, that's a whole other ball of wax. Postage is going up as of May 11. And, every May will be when they make their rate adjustments. USPS Site headbonk.gif

Now, for mail to go to Canada prior to May 11, the rate is $.72. That is based on a "regular" letter size & weight. Regular refers to the average piece of paper and assumes there is no more than 7 sheets of paper inside the envelope. After May 11, the rate will go to $.75 for a "regular" envelope. Info

Hope this info can help someone out there! smile.gif

Thank you July09Bride for posting that information! Doesn't all this wedding stuff make you want to go girlwerewolf2xn.gif sometimes? I am debating on whether to use an online RSVP due to the mailing situation as well. I don't mean to hijack your thread but since this has to do with weddings have you thought about using an online RSVP? Does anyone else have any personal experience using the online RSVP? We will have a wedding website that has one, and through our save the dates which will be emailed all the guests will have a link to view the website. Did I mention I am addicted to

minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-10 11:47:00
CanadaWedding Details
Oh Jeez that's something I need to think about too, my fiance was thinking have all the US invites just sent to him and he will buy the US postage stamps for those...Unless I get him to send me a roll of US stamps that are meant to go to Canada..I think those are around 60-80 cents each instead of the regular 42 cents or whatever its at now?
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-10 10:30:00
CanadaJob Interview
Congrats Danu & Inky! :))))) best of luck to those still waiting!!

Inky- I could totally see your Hubby freaking out over that! Lololol!
minnewFemaleCanada2011-02-03 01:39:00

OMG are you serious?!?!?! WOOOHOOO!!!! I wasnt sure because they didnt say, hey youre aproved! And I know Inky posted her text messages and her AOS approval was the green card production!

WOOHOOO!!!! Now I am going to vigilantly watch the mail for the next 60 days :P

Yep! That was the first email I got from USCIS...I can't remember what the second one was...I think there is 3 emails in total so watch out for em...hehe!

Congratulations!! Time to celebrate!! :dance:
minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-12 22:21:00

Ok, got this message alert. Not sure whether to be excited or not excited...

"Receipt Number: MSC------------------


Current Status: Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident.

On March 12, 2010, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before receiving your card, please call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283."

Is this what I think it is..........................?????? :blink:

:dance: That's an AOS approval!!! :dance:

minnewFemaleCanada2010-03-12 21:13:00
Congratulations Joyce!!! :dance:

No more USCIS for 1 year and 9months!!!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-02-09 21:06:00

That's great news!!

oops!! What's it for?? *nosy woman*

The position I was offered was in the behavioral health field working with youth. The position I am still waiting to hear at the end of next week is also behavioral health but with adults.

Congrats Danu!!

Edited by minnew, 30 January 2010 - 06:21 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-30 18:20:00
It means case will be adjudicated in California! No local interview!! Congrats!!! :dance:

After transfer to CSC the expected timeframe for approval can vary... Some people
have waited 4 months! I believe the average for October filers after transfer was 30-40 days?

Oh and..... I got a job offer!!! :dance:

I am waiting for 2 more callbacks after interviews last week... But didn't want to turn this one down... That's just bad karma! If I need to I decline the job I don't start training until march 1st. But have backgroud checks, physical, & drug test...! It's a "safety sensitive" position.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-30 10:37:00

Got the NOA's today! :thumbs:

The only slight issue that I might have is that I have hyphens on my first name and married name, but they don't appear on the NOA's. Hope that won't be an issue later.

Congrats on NOA's!!

Friends, USCIS has approved my EAD.

I wish they had sent me the message earlier, bec I just spent an hour crying over not having an EAD... and now Im crying bec I will now
have one :P

Congratulations!! Hope you get your GC approval soon too! I never got to use my EAD! GC approval came quickly!

Now if only I could get a job offer! :crying:
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-28 21:23:00

Thanks...I was hoping I could start looking soon. Well...maybe AFTER the weekend.. :lol:

*hmmmm now where is that resume???*

Oh yeah...*slaps forehead* on my computer....

Haha! Sounds like you will be busy this weekend!!

Good luck on the job hunt!!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-08 22:31:00

I'm sure you'll hear everything within the next month. I got notice on Christmas they received my RFE back, and today got notice that my case is transferred AND my EAD and AP are approved!!

Hang in there's coming!! :star:

Congrats Joyce!!!!! You can definitely start looking for work now! EAD will arrive soon!!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-08 21:53:00
Congrats on GC production beans!!!!!

That's amazing news Joyce! Hopefully CSC will be fast for you!!
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-07 22:03:00

Good news...I guess. :blink:

Our case has been transferred to California. Which I take to mean that they have decided we don't need an interview (even though they clearly say that they may still ask for one).

Does anyone know what type of wait we should expect at this point? If I interpret the timelines correctly, I'm thinking early March but that's assuming I know what I'm doing and looking in the right place!

Does a transfer to California pretty much mean an eventual approval just by the nature of being transferred, or should we still be prepared for an interview etc...down the line?

Thanks for all the congratulations on the EAD and AP. It feels so good to have that part of the process nearly done!

Congrats on the EAD/AP approval!!! & congrats on getting transferred to CSC!!!!

Yes in the rare case the file can be sent back to local office for an interview.

You definitely could see a GC approval by February! But one never knows, some people who were transfered for "faster processing" waited 4 months.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-05 19:25:00
Done with USCIS for 2 years!!! :dance: :dance:

GC finally arrived in the mail today!!

minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-05 14:10:00
Well still no GC in the mail...I'm starting to get worried....but then I have to remind myself it was the holidays and mail was slow!

Last word from USCIS was Dec. 28th Approval Notice Sent (which I am assuming is the actual GC) because of two card production ordered prior!

But on a positive note I got a call today about a job I applied for! :dance:
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-04 22:02:00

I'm trying to fill out the G-325A form. Does Roland (my husband) need to fill one out, too? I know we had one form for each of us for the fiancee visa. I assume we file the same form with the I-485, with us being married? Thanks!

No just for the person adjusting status does the G 325a need to be filled out.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-04 20:59:00

My guess is that I just bring my vaccination info and chest X-Ray results to the civil surgeon in my area and get him/her to fill out the I-693? Thanks!

Yes bring the vaccination sheet from the medical in Canada, I do not think you will need the chest x Ray. I have never heard of a CS asking someone for it in order to transcribe.

Also, would I need to wait for my SSN to fill out the forms? Thanks!

No you do not need your SSN # in order to file for AOS.
minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-02 00:15:00
QUOTE (darkchilde794 @ Jan 1 2010, 10:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I received an electronic case update that we have received an RFE crying.gif I have a feeling that it is because of the medical. Am gonna go hunt for a doctor who wont overcharge me for vaccine transcription and if anyone knows one in the Maryland area, please let me know.

So since Ive been given an RFE (and likely will get the physical paper tomorrow or Monday) for the I-485 application, does that mean they also hold my EAD and AP application too? I am hoping to work in the spring sad.gif

Oh such sad news for the New Year :/

Sorry to hear about the RFE sad.gif hopefully it's not for the 693. Yes unfortunately RFE's for AOS when you haven't already receive EAD/AP do get held up. sad.gif

minnewFemaleCanada2010-01-01 11:53:00
QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ Dec 25 2009, 11:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Minnew!! Congratulations!! What a nice Christmas present.

Mine is an update to say they received our RFE evidence, and now it's back to processing. Guess I'm to hear *something* within 30 days; interview, approval another RFE, etc. transferred would be nice...and approval on EAD. It's been two months already....

I sure hope at the very least you get EAD approval soon Joyce!

My AP came in the mail Xmas eve, at least I could have gone home if I needed to! My GC hopefully will come soon!

I'm debating whether to re consider my claim for EI, now that everythings been approved. I guess it depends on how quickly I can find a job. I've already applied for a few and excited to apply to 1 or 2 more! I'm giving myself a month! Can you still apply for EI with a GC? Since my EAD is now void!

Anyways hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-12-26 00:43:00
Merry Christmas to me!! kicking.gif jest.gif

Got the txt/email update this afternoon! I thought it was going to be another EAD production email....guess NOT!! I guess EAD/AP will be souveniers!!!

So So So happy to be done waiting on USCIS for 2 years!! This is the best christmas present ever!!! biggrin.gif kicking.gif


The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: MSC.....


Current Status: Card production ordered.

On December 21, 2009, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Check My Case Status and Check Processing Times.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

Edited by minnew, 21 December 2009 - 06:24 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-12-21 18:23:00