CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Jun 15 2009, 05:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charles! @ Jun 14 2009, 07:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (flames9 @ Jun 14 2009, 03:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If ya let him get away with it now...He will do it again!!! lol

but they are so good! devil.gif
i'm sure carla will be around to post the coffee tomorrow, so everyone should be safe. whistling.gif

Good morning everyone! Well's funny you should say that! I posted a cup of coffee one morning, as I have for hmm...what? Probably a year now? yes.gif and flames said it looked like someone had drank from it! I looked, and looked...and indeed, there was a drip on the rim of the cup so looked like someone had sipped from it. Of course flames pointed it out to me, and the grossness of it. laughing.gif Believe it or not, since then, I always look to make sure that it looks like a "fresh" cup! laughing.gif Too funny!

Well, this morning I'll post something different since I'm very homesick these past few days.

Billed as Canada’s largest coffee pot, it is capable of holding 150,000 8-ounce cups of coffee.

Because Davidson is the “midway point” between Saskatoon, Regina & Moose Jaw, the coffee pot attraction was commissioned to symbolize Davidson's friendliness & famous prairie hospitality. Before Highway 11 was twinned, it passed through Davidson which was a popular rest stop when traveling between the two cities. In fact, the town still plays host when groups from those cities need to have a meeting.

There you go...

I have such a busy week this week getting chores done and wrapping up my volunteer work before my vacation which starts Friday! Best get busy! Enjoy your day everyone!

ohmy.gif Wow! The amount of times I have travelled back and forth to Saskatoon from Regina on Hwy 11 and never noticed the huge coffee pot! I usually stop there for gas or for A&W. I am going to look for it the next time I head up there!

Have a great day everyone! My day is ending in a few sick of these night shifts! wacko.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-15 06:57:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
By time I move down to NE we will have 3 computers in the house, 2 laptops and a PC. My fiance's PC is soooo loud though, I have no idea what his friend did to it before he bought it from him, but it sounds like a car engine idling when the thermostat kicks in. laughing.gif I didn't bring my laptop with me the last time I visited so I had to use his PC because it was the only one with MS Office programs, I thought I was going to lose some hearing. I could never go back to just using a PC.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-14 04:14:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jun 13 2009, 09:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't either but I have heard the comparison.

I love the smell of sweet grass and sage but the smell of marijuana gives me an instant headache.

I am sorry that I offended you, that was not my intention at all. I do understand the difference and I have been to or been a part of of events where sweetgrass was burned. I was only stating my opinion about the smell, not about the usage.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-13 13:38:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jun 13 2009, 07:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Jun 13 2009, 01:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Jun 12 2009, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Jun 12 2009, 08:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
morning all.. the neighbors upstairs woke me up at 2am again.. with a party overhead.. WE JUST talked to them and got 1 night of good rest.. and then again with the 1 1/2 hrs of interruptions and loud noises in the middle of the night. mad.gif

That is ridiculous! These are the people that replaced the OTHER noisy people? Gosh...hope you get for a new place soon! They are probably laughing their a$$es off after you had talked to them about this. Kind of "what are you going to do about it huh? huh?". Call the police!

QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 12 2009, 09:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I would have LOVED to have seen the naked guy!

I grew up during a time when "streaking" was all the rage. OMG, that was the BEST. Especially when it happened during a football game or something. The crowd went wild. laughing.gif

I know one guy who did it on a dare. He got dropped off at one end of the mall and was told the getaway vehicle would be waiting for him at another set of doors on the other side. So he left his clothes in the car, ran into the mall and out the other side...... and his buddies weren't there! rofl.gif Priceless.

My sister's husband (then boyfriend) did it with one of his buddies. They just jogged through the mall with their t-shirts tied around their necks and their running shoes on (no one wore socks in those days) and a big grin on their faces. OMG, we HOWLED. And then one of his buddies called the local radio station, so the announcer came on saying "This is dedicated to Kenn and MadDog, who just streaked through Hopedale Mall." And then they played "Running Bear". laughing.gif

We had fun when I was growing up. lol

We had fun as well. My last year of HS...I umm...well, I streaked through the school, me and this other guy. We had these silly paper bags on our heads. Everyone said to me after...haha nice streaking! I said, huh? They said...yeah, you can hide your face, but we'd know those boobies anywhere! blink.gif blush.gif

QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 12 2009, 10:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ummmmm...... okay, I'm feeling kind of embarrassed telling people this, but......

We're going on another family cruise for Christmas! kicking.gif

My parents, hubby and I, my sister and her husband (from England), my kids, and my brother. Not sure if my daughter's fiance is coming or not..... I just picked up the emails that have been going back and forth for the last 4 days. Apparently no one likes to phone me, either. laughing.gif

It's the Panama Canal, Aruba, Costa Rica, Curacao, and the Bahamas this time. And it's on the same ship that we were on for the Mediterranean cruise last summer! That ship gets around. LOL. The funny thing is... the ship's captain lives in the same town as I do. Weird. Wonder if I'll get the same cabin? laughing.gif

Here's the link: Panama Canal Cruise

Oh wonderful!!!

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jun 12 2009, 12:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Jun 12 2009, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Speaking of parties...when I was in college and lived in an apartment my neighbours across from us had a party that was extremely LOUD, there had been a Pow Wow at the university that day and evening. Well someone decided to bring 2 of the drums (I saw them leaving through the window) and decided to use them as well as sing @ 2 am!! Plus the smell of whatever they were burning!! I didn't bother knocking on their door as I lived alone and had no witnesses if they were stumbling drunk and decided to be arrogant so I called the police. Once the police arrived, which was like 5 minutes later I overheard the police tell them that it was their 2nd warning for parties, if they have to be called again the rental company will evict true that is I dunno. Thank goodness they moved out a month later anyways....

Two of the drums that were used at the pow wow! ohmy.gif

Thats fvcking WRONG!

Omg!! ohmy.gif

They obviously weren't traditional and didnt deserve that drum.

Was probably the smell of sweetgrass. Very very naughty drum beaters! If there elders knew about this! VERY WRONG, I agree Spailenes! mad.gif

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jun 12 2009, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yea I am wondering if they were drinking and drumming because that is just a big no-no.

If they were just drumming and burning sage or sweet grass that's another story, then they were just inconsiderate.

You don't drink if you drum. sad.gif Well you shouldn't. It makes me sad when I see or hear stuff like that.

Yes the smell of sweetgrass, I couldn't remember what it was called, smells like marijuana to me. Anyways, yes even before they started to drum and sing they were quite loud, sounded like a big group of them who knows if they were drinking or not, but to bring drums back to an apartment complex? Seriously! I have no problems with expressing yourself by way of cultural means, just please be respectful in an apartment complex and at 2 am and do not drum and sing! There had been plenty of time that day and evening at the university!

Yea thats fine its inconsiderate but I am glad they weren't drinking.

And sweet grass is a MEDICINE for your information not exactly good to compare that to a drug.

You just said you were nervous you'd come out and they'd be falling down drunk... so I was just wondering if they were. Doesn't sound like they were so that's good... for the drum.

One never knows, it didn't sound like they even came over until after the bars closed. In the town I lived in last call was 12:30 and all the bars were closed by 1 am. Anyways, I lived alone my best option was to call the police.

I know that sweetgrass is a MEDICINE, all I was comparing it to was the smell in my opinion.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-13 09:29:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Jun 12 2009, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Jun 12 2009, 08:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
morning all.. the neighbors upstairs woke me up at 2am again.. with a party overhead.. WE JUST talked to them and got 1 night of good rest.. and then again with the 1 1/2 hrs of interruptions and loud noises in the middle of the night. mad.gif

That is ridiculous! These are the people that replaced the OTHER noisy people? Gosh...hope you get for a new place soon! They are probably laughing their a$$es off after you had talked to them about this. Kind of "what are you going to do about it huh? huh?". Call the police!

QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 12 2009, 09:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I would have LOVED to have seen the naked guy!

I grew up during a time when "streaking" was all the rage. OMG, that was the BEST. Especially when it happened during a football game or something. The crowd went wild. laughing.gif

I know one guy who did it on a dare. He got dropped off at one end of the mall and was told the getaway vehicle would be waiting for him at another set of doors on the other side. So he left his clothes in the car, ran into the mall and out the other side...... and his buddies weren't there! rofl.gif Priceless.

My sister's husband (then boyfriend) did it with one of his buddies. They just jogged through the mall with their t-shirts tied around their necks and their running shoes on (no one wore socks in those days) and a big grin on their faces. OMG, we HOWLED. And then one of his buddies called the local radio station, so the announcer came on saying "This is dedicated to Kenn and MadDog, who just streaked through Hopedale Mall." And then they played "Running Bear". laughing.gif

We had fun when I was growing up. lol

We had fun as well. My last year of HS...I umm...well, I streaked through the school, me and this other guy. We had these silly paper bags on our heads. Everyone said to me after...haha nice streaking! I said, huh? They said...yeah, you can hide your face, but we'd know those boobies anywhere! blink.gif blush.gif

QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 12 2009, 10:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ummmmm...... okay, I'm feeling kind of embarrassed telling people this, but......

We're going on another family cruise for Christmas! kicking.gif

My parents, hubby and I, my sister and her husband (from England), my kids, and my brother. Not sure if my daughter's fiance is coming or not..... I just picked up the emails that have been going back and forth for the last 4 days. Apparently no one likes to phone me, either. laughing.gif

It's the Panama Canal, Aruba, Costa Rica, Curacao, and the Bahamas this time. And it's on the same ship that we were on for the Mediterranean cruise last summer! That ship gets around. LOL. The funny thing is... the ship's captain lives in the same town as I do. Weird. Wonder if I'll get the same cabin? laughing.gif

Here's the link: Panama Canal Cruise

Oh wonderful!!!

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jun 12 2009, 12:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Jun 12 2009, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Speaking of parties...when I was in college and lived in an apartment my neighbours across from us had a party that was extremely LOUD, there had been a Pow Wow at the university that day and evening. Well someone decided to bring 2 of the drums (I saw them leaving through the window) and decided to use them as well as sing @ 2 am!! Plus the smell of whatever they were burning!! I didn't bother knocking on their door as I lived alone and had no witnesses if they were stumbling drunk and decided to be arrogant so I called the police. Once the police arrived, which was like 5 minutes later I overheard the police tell them that it was their 2nd warning for parties, if they have to be called again the rental company will evict true that is I dunno. Thank goodness they moved out a month later anyways....

Two of the drums that were used at the pow wow! ohmy.gif

Thats fvcking WRONG!

Omg!! ohmy.gif

They obviously weren't traditional and didnt deserve that drum.

Was probably the smell of sweetgrass. Very very naughty drum beaters! If there elders knew about this! VERY WRONG, I agree Spailenes! mad.gif

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jun 12 2009, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yea I am wondering if they were drinking and drumming because that is just a big no-no.

If they were just drumming and burning sage or sweet grass that's another story, then they were just inconsiderate.

You don't drink if you drum. sad.gif Well you shouldn't. It makes me sad when I see or hear stuff like that.

Yes the smell of sweetgrass, I couldn't remember what it was called, smells like marijuana to me. Anyways, yes even before they started to drum and sing they were quite loud, sounded like a big group of them who knows if they were drinking or not, but to bring drums back to an apartment complex? Seriously! I have no problems with expressing yourself by way of cultural means, just please be respectful in an apartment complex and at 2 am and do not drum and sing! There had been plenty of time that day and evening at the university!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-13 00:00:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
Speaking of parties...when I was in college and lived in an apartment my neighbours across from us had a party that was extremely LOUD, there had been a Pow Wow at the university that day and evening. Well someone decided to bring 2 of the drums (I saw them leaving through the window) and decided to use them as well as sing @ 2 am!! Plus the smell of whatever they were burning!! I didn't bother knocking on their door as I lived alone and had no witnesses if they were stumbling drunk and decided to be arrogant so I called the police. Once the police arrived, which was like 5 minutes later I overheard the police tell them that it was their 2nd warning for parties, if they have to be called again the rental company will evict true that is I dunno. Thank goodness they moved out a month later anyways....
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-12 11:21:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Marilyn. @ Jun 9 2009, 08:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
John and Kate seems weird now.. they are just meeting different celebrities and going to different places, theme parks etc...

I liked it the first year when they just showed the normal day to day life.. it has just gotten out of hand now though...

I agree, its gotten way out of hand. Kate is using this publicity to her advantage to advance her career. I heard she was talking about ratings since the whole divorce talk.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-09 21:30:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (JillA @ Jun 9 2009, 06:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jun 9 2009, 08:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ace of cakes > cake boss

I love Duff.

Duff is cool. I priced a cake with them for our wedding just to see, the min amount is $1000 for your basic cake and it goes up from there. They also charge $175 per hour for delivery

Holy smokes! ohmy.gif I guess I shouldn't be too suprised considering the quality and the intricate design of their cakes, but jeez!! I just looked at their website and they already have weeks in 2010 that they are no longer taking any more orders for cakes!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-09 19:47:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jun 9 2009, 05:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There's a whole bunch of NJ related shows on tv these days and they all make me embarrassed to live here.

Housewives is one, cake boss is another and jersey shore unleashed is the last.

I have only ever seen cake boss! I love that show! Ace of Cakes is good too! It must be because I don't live in the U.S. and can get some channels! I am seriously missing Oxygen, Lifetime and WeTV crying.gif (I went to school in the U.S) because the Slice channel in Canada does not compare!! I still haven't seen the Real Housewives of Atlanta! mad.gif I will have 3 wonderful months of TV watching once I move though! laughing.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-09 19:10:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
I heart.gif Kris Allen, I had a feeling he would come back and win American Idol even though everyone favoured Adam Lambert. I didn't watch much of the American Idol episodes at all the past few seasons. I cannot wait to hear his first single! I cannot get "No Boundaries" from the finale out of my head, he has such a good voice. He is definitely one of my fav's as I have bought Kelly Clarkson's CD's and Carrie Underwood's as well.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-24 14:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
I know I am a little late for Carla's coffee.... laughing.gif But mmmmmm medium Timmies coffee double double and fruit explosion muffin this morning for breakfast while I ran my errands. Man I am going to miss Timmies coffee when (*knocks on wood) I move in September. crying.gif I've made Timmies coffee before in my coffee maker and it doesn't taste the same, guess I am going to have to buy a Bunn coffee maker. Anywhos, interview in 4 days and I am starting to not be able to sleep! wacko.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-22 14:05:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (trailmix @ May 21 2009, 02:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ May 21 2009, 04:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So I woke up this morning...a little its Payday today! I have some errands I need to do! Go to check my bank account, and payroll was NOT deposited! I start freaking out and called the administrative ladies at work. I ask them why I have not gotten paid today! They said oh this week it got pushed to Friday May 22nd, 2009 due to the STAT holiday on monday! I let out a big OOO and quickly say thank you and goodbye. Man I felt like an idiot, I completely forgot to look at the payroll schedule that was in my stack of paystubs and photocopied timecards! headbonk.gif The only other STAT that this happens is in July! mad.gif Not a great start to my morning!

I can understand why you wouldn't think of that - there is no reason payroll has to be a day late just because there is a holiday - however it certainly works in favour of the company and the payroll person tongue_ss.gif

Uggh my sleep schedule is so wacked out on my days off! Only 4 months to go! Yeah I am sure the payroll persons at the Gov. of SK must have complained that they can't get their work done in time if there is a STAT. There are some people who work the STAT and the entire weekend! I know...the job comes with the territory that it is not a 9am-5pm youth facility.

Edited by minnew, 21 May 2009 - 03:49 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-21 15:48:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
So I woke up this morning...a little its Payday today! I have some errands I need to do! Go to check my bank account, and payroll was NOT deposited! I start freaking out and called the administrative ladies at work. I ask them why I have not gotten paid today! They said oh this week it got pushed to Friday May 22nd, 2009 due to the STAT holiday on monday! I let out a big OOO and quickly say thank you and goodbye. Man I felt like an idiot, I completely forgot to look at the payroll schedule that was in my stack of paystubs and photocopied timecards! headbonk.gif The only other STAT that this happens is in July! mad.gif Not a great start to my morning!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-21 15:33:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ May 10 2009, 08:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ May 10 2009, 07:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anybody here watch Desperate Housewives?

An immigration related episode, Jackson gets Susan to marry him "fake marriage" so that he doesn't get deported due to overstaying his student visa as he is from Canada. Just before they are about to head to the courthouse the immigration officials come by the house and arrest him for overstaying his visa. laughing.gif The previous show Jackson had stated he had only overstayed by like a week and the immigration officials contacted him. I don't believe that would happen in real life. unsure.gif Anyways, we will see what happens next week! I can't believe I actually watch this #######... blush.gif

Omg yes! laughing.gif How fitting that the officials came and got him at his house at the exact moment they were leaving to get married! People live illegally in the US for years and nobody shows up at their front door in a sedan and takes them of to jail. To make it better he's Canadian! I knew I liked him for a reason!

laughing.gif I knew I wasn't the only one.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-10 22:07:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
Anybody here watch Desperate Housewives?

An immigration related episode, Jackson gets Susan to marry him "fake marriage" so that he doesn't get deported due to overstaying his student visa as he is from Canada. Just before they are about to head to the courthouse the immigration officials come by the house and arrest him for overstaying his visa. laughing.gif The previous show Jackson had stated he had only overstayed by like a week and the immigration officials contacted him. I don't believe that would happen in real life. unsure.gif Anyways, we will see what happens next week! I can't believe I actually watch this #######... blush.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-10 21:21:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (JillA @ May 5 2009, 08:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ May 5 2009, 10:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JillA @ May 5 2009, 07:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For those of you that like KFC, if you go to you can print up to 4 coupons for a free meal - 2 pieces of grilled chicken, 2 sides and a biscuit.

My friend in Chicago is a part of the brains behind the kentucky grilled chicken ads, and he emailed me about this yesterday. He didn't tell me straight out he just wrote: "If you like KFC... watch oprah tomorrow you may get a big surprise" Err okay. laughing.gif

I am not a fan of KFC but its cool that they're giving free stuff away. Who doesn't like free stuff??

laughing.gif I saw it on Oprah today, even though I don't eat at KFC I printed a few off for Glen so I won't have to make his lunch tomorrow LOL!

Just thinking about chicken still is making me gag.... unsure.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-05 22:20:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ May 4 2009, 05:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I think this sums it all up. laughing.gif

Yup that's one that I was looking for!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-04 18:58:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ May 4 2009, 04:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I bet it makes a godawful sound coming out of the can. laughing.gif

I don't think I am going to be able to eat chicken for a while....*gags*(where is that smiley emotion for feeling sick) lol.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-04 18:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
Me too! That is disgusting!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-04 16:11:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Emancipation @ May 4 2009, 11:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ May 4 2009, 01:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
1400-1500 for a 2 bedroom apartment Emancipation? WOW! ohmy.gif That's unbelievable

When I first moved to CT .. hubby had a 350 sq ft studio apt. and it was $750/ month! Unheated of course..

all these prices are unheated smile.gif

ohmy.gif Holy smokes! In NE my fiance is paying $680 ( $720 without military discount ) for a 2 bed 2 bath apartment that has almost 1200 sq ft!! $ 750 for 350sq ft is outrageous! ohmy.gif

Edited by minnew, 04 May 2009 - 01:01 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-04 13:00:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (trailmix @ Apr 23 2009, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh and my friend sent me this picture he took from his window - Calgary yesterday

Oh ####### that must be heading my way!! That's why it feels like a deepfreeze outside! Yesterday it was 22 degrees Celsius!!!! crying.gif wacko.gif

Edited by minnew, 23 April 2009 - 10:26 AM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-23 10:24:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Feb 23 2009, 06:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning all! Hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm going to the Dentist today. What a way to start my week. sad.gif Thankfully there is freezing. I thought this picture was so cute!

Good morning! My weekend begins on Wednesday kicking.gif 5 much needed days off!! (I work with adolescents wacko.gif ) Then back for 4! That reminds me that I need to make a dentist appointment! sad.gif That picture is very cute! Hahaha my father is definitely one of the Canadians who says Eh every chance he can get...I didn't realize how much he said it until I was visiting them while living in the U.S.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-02-23 07:26:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 16 2009, 09:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning everyone, thanks for the coffee Carla!

So it is president's day here - another holiday that isn't for the working folk laughing.gif (well my Husband anyway)

Family day in Alberta - which is a real holiday.

Had a nice valentine's day hope you all did too smile.gif

Family day in Saskatchewan too and I actually have the day off! Wow!! Only in 4 provinces I think....I wonder if sooner than later it will be a national canadian holiday?
minnewFemaleCanada2009-02-16 11:02:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
Speaking of This Hour Has 22 minutes....Don't know how many of you are still in Canada and get to watch the CBC....The Royal Canadian Air Farce had its final episode (Final Flight) on New Years Eve! I have no idea why they are no longer doing the show, but it was sure sad at the end to see the cast members say goodbye! I'm probably too young to remember all of the older episodes, but my family and friends enjoyed watching it!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-01-09 13:01:00
CanadaI'm reading the Canadian Forum on VJ instead of...
Much needed sleep
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-10 11:49:00
CanadaI'm reading the Canadian Forum on VJ instead of...
I really should be doing laundry, getting documents ready for the interview and going through our guest list for the wedding!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-03 16:31:00
CanadaNervous breakdown / Burnout
Thanks ladies! I sure hope I can get some uninterrupted R & R this weekend.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-26 10:52:00
CanadaNervous breakdown / Burnout
Good to hear that you are doing better Mephys!! I hope that you are taking it easier and getting some rest!

I don't mean to hijack your thread, I also have been experiencing some stress, and as posted in the OT thread I had my physical yesterday and my doctor was worried about me, saying I looked pale. Shift work has been taking alot out of me, I am fatigued and have no energy,living with 3 other people in the house with opposite schedules, plus planning a wedding and an impending move, and 3-4 months of unemployment after the POE and filing for AOS. Everyone gets a little flutter of the heart every now and then or feel like your heart "skipped a beat", but yesterday afternoon after waking up and having an argument with a member of my household with an emotional reaction I started having heart palpitations, tightness that lasted a few seconds and some chest pain. Spent the rest of the afternoon balling my eyes out and realized I need to take some time for myself and slow down. Been crying off an on all this afternoon as well. I guess you could call it anxiety as well, I always feel tense, I thought it would go away after the visa stuff was taken care of, I never thought what is coming up in the next few months would be the most stressful part, leaving family, friends, job, plus everything else on my plate.

Its been affecting my relationship with my fiance, he has been noticing just how overtired and stressed I have become, but feels helpless because he is 15 hours away and can't make any of it any better. He has been supportive, he just can only take so much talk about the wedding, especially because we have been dealing with issues with our families, we were reading to throw our hands up in the air and say you guys have your own wedding, we won't be there!!!! He's got alot on his plate too with work and has been studying for a certification exam for about 2 months now, on top of working long hours. Let's face it ladies...lots of guys just aren't interested in wedding planning...unless it has to do with food and music, then all the details are done by the bride. Who's shoulders does that fall on....*sigh*

Anyways, so I have to fast for my bloodwork tomorrow and I called the doctor today about what happened yesterday, his nurse called back to say if it happens again, go to the ER. Maybe if I was older and it has happened more than once he would have told me to go to the ER even though it happened yesterday...who knows...otherwise maybe he would have ordered an ECG that can be done at the lab where I get my bloodwork done.

Watched Oprah today and the show that was on resonated with me, it was about overwhelmed mothers, well they also talked about its not just mothers these days that are feeling that way, more expectations, more responsibilities...the list goes on and on.

Mephys I hope you are feeling better, I am in the same boat! These 5 days off are going to be some major R & R. Its good to know that we are not the only going through this or have gone through it! Take care of yourself! rose.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-25 20:07:00
CanadaNervous breakdown / Burnout
I am sorry for the stress that you are going through right now, an all too common occurance, there have been so many people on stress leave or workers compensation at my workplace due to incidents and assaults from clients and the environmental factors of the job, 24 hour staffing, lots of OT, lack of employees.

First off I suggest to take the time off that you need, get some rest and take care of yourself. Once you have done that, like Krikit said, talk to your supervisor, talk to the person involved in all of this, if it does not get resolved go higher up the chain. If you love your job and do not want to leave it, try to remedy the situation first. At least then you can say if you do end of resigning and applying for another job that you tried to remedy the situation.

Please take some time to take care of yourself first. rose.gif

Edited by minnew, 24 June 2009 - 08:00 AM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-24 07:59:00
CanadaDid anyone just move with boxes and almost no furniture? Wondering the cost
ARggh looked up PODS and they don't have service in my area, or won't deliver to the area I am moving! The site said try U-Pack...I already did! mad.gif

Its going to be hard to part with my textbooks and stuff, out of all the stuff I have its probably the most I am attached to...which is weird. I only kept the textbooks "core" to my major. Downsizing here I come! I found a bunch of boxes of stuff at my bedroom door this morning...more stuff to sort through that my mom found! Yearbooks...awards...paperwork....oh so much to do!! crying.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-21 16:01:00
CanadaDid anyone just move with boxes and almost no furniture? Wondering the cost
I would have preferred to move with a company like UPack rather than stuffing my life into 2 car loads, mine and my fiance's, but I guess I do need to downsize somewhat, mainly in the clothing dept most likely. I can't decide if I want to take all my university books and binders, I feel like I have been lugging them around, but I paid so much money for them! I don;t have any furniture as its all in NE, dishes and stuff too from when we lived together, our apartment is a mish mash of new and old stuff and furniture that is mine and his.

If only I had a family member that had a minivan! That would be perfect size for me to move all of my belongings!

It would also be nice if ABF U Pack had service in SK!! mad.gif Every website I check there is a big black hole on the map when it comes to SK, or shall I say white as the rest of the provinces are colored! laughing.gif

Edited by minnew, 19 June 2009 - 07:47 AM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-19 07:44:00
CanadaAfter the interview: how soon does the visa arrive?
QUOTE (carslo @ Jun 27 2009, 08:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Linda,
I leave tomorrow morning from YVR LAx via Denver. I am so excited kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif


Yay Janet! So excited for you!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-27 11:30:00
CanadaMichael Jackson Dead at 50
QUOTE (thetreble @ Jun 27 2009, 03:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And maybe I'm one of a few people who didn't buy into any "Jacko" hype in the past 10 years. It was only ever about the music for me.

Me too! good.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-27 22:31:00
CanadaMichael Jackson Dead at 50
sad.gif He will be missed. His personal life was always in the tabloids, but his music will definitely live on forever. rose.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-25 18:13:00
CanadaRe-establishing Your Girlie Connections..
QUOTE (Danu @ Jun 26 2009, 10:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Jun 26 2009, 12:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Marilyn. @ Jun 25 2009, 10:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
one thing I don't like is that I have no girl friends here.. I have always found it hard to make friends and the 3 good friends I have had during different parts of my life have all kind of just dropped in my lap...

my hubby says guys at work try to be friends with them but he says he doesn't need any friends ..... I tell him that maybe those guys have wives or Gf's that I could be friends with

Thats one thing I am worried about too when I move, not having many girl friends. I hope to meet some of my fiances co workers wives and gfs. In fact I think one or two of them was already asking when I WOULD be moving It makes it esp difficult for spouses of members of the military, so I hope to find some connections. Oooo and did I mention that Inky (VJ) will be moving to the same area!!! biggrin.gif

I keep telling you, just get him posted to Nevada! Las Vegas is only a 4 hour drive from where I will be, I would come visit!

Tehehe I will ask him if NV is a possible station for him!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-26 12:20:00
CanadaRe-establishing Your Girlie Connections..
QUOTE (Marilyn. @ Jun 25 2009, 10:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
one thing I don't like is that I have no girl friends here.. I have always found it hard to make friends and the 3 good friends I have had during different parts of my life have all kind of just dropped in my lap...

my hubby says guys at work try to be friends with them but he says he doesn't need any friends ..... I tell him that maybe those guys have wives or Gf's that I could be friends with

Thats one thing I am worried about too when I move, not having many girl friends. I hope to meet some of my fiances co workers wives and gfs. In fact I think one or two of them was already asking when I WOULD be moving It makes it esp difficult for spouses of members of the military, so I hope to find some connections. Oooo and did I mention that Inky (VJ) will be moving to the same area!!! biggrin.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-26 11:08:00
CanadaWhere are you from in Canada?
QUOTE (TheATeam @ May 19 2009, 11:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm originally from Bonnyville, Alberta. I also lived in Edmonton, Grande Prairie, and Lethbridge, AB, as well as Prelate, Saskatchewan!

Did you go to St. Angela's Academy in Prelate, SK? I had a friend in high school go there for 1 year. Apparently it closed down last year sad.gif All of the Sister's were so nice. I think my dad's brothers wife and members of her family in Swift Current also attended.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-20 01:03:00
CanadaWhere are you from in Canada?
Haha so far 80% not from Western Canada! LOL. Born and raised, Regina, Saskatchewan!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-19 10:44:00
CanadaAnother successful interview completed
Congratulations!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-22 10:32:00
CanadaImporting my Honda
QUOTE (Jesse & Chris @ Jun 26 2009, 10:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've also heard that you need to send the border your car importing paperwork 72 hours before you import your vehicle... anybody know if this true??

Yes I have heard of that, I had to deal with that when I temp imported my car for 1 year. I do not know if it depends on the border crossing though. I went through North Portal, ND and I know that they require that. Check with the POE you intend to go through, I think when I called Portal there was an automated message about importing vechiles, the fax #, and the time required to get them the documents by fax.

Edited by minnew, 27 June 2009 - 12:35 AM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-27 00:32:00