CanadaMost Customer Friendly US Bank?
QUOTE (charles! @ Jul 29 2009, 06:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
usaa is the best bank imo.

Ditto to that! Cannot wait to get USAA after I am married! Awesome customer service! I still want to keep a local bank and I had a WellsFargo bank account from when I was in college in the U.S. So far WF has been great, they also gave me a CC, to which the credit limit has slowly increased over the years.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-29 07:54:00
Canada3 more approved in Vancouver
QUOTE (Jesse & Chris @ Jul 30 2009, 11:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just wanted to thank everyone here for being so helpful - VJ really put me at ease (or as much as I could be!) for the interview and I have received a lot of extremely helpful responses since joining. I really honestly would have been lost so long ago without the website!

I am happy to say that I witnessed 2 visa's approved on Tuesday, as well as my own and I couldnt be happier!! Thanks everyone!


kicking.gif YAY!! Congratulations!!!

minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-31 01:55:00
CanadaHow adorable...
QUOTE (A & M @ Aug 2 2009, 11:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have you guys seen this one?

Today's Big Thing

OMG!!! I was thinking utter blasphemy those copycats!!! mad.gif .....Until..... laughing.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-02 13:46:00
CanadaHow adorable...
QUOTE (Marilyn. @ Aug 1 2009, 08:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
and I teared up a little watching the recreation too blush.gif


Me too blush.gif

I felt bad for the guy in the cast and crutches.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-01 22:07:00
CanadaHow adorable...
QUOTE (Marilyn. @ Aug 1 2009, 01:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Wow they recreated it on the Today Show!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-01 21:44:00
CanadaHow adorable...
QUOTE (MrsCat @ Jul 26 2009, 11:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I loved it! kicking.gif

Hubby thought it was utter blasphemy and the priest should have refused to marry them. He has not sense of humor about religion. tongue_ss.gif

I have been wanting to email my pastor that video to see what he thinks! He is pretty new just got out of bible college so probably has never seen anything like that before and am wondering if he would even allow it. I don't know him well enough to do it though, we just met him in April when we did premarital sessions. Not that we would ever do something like that, our families would be mortified, LOL.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-27 00:55:00
CanadaARRRGH k1 vaccination - Tdap
QUOTE (movingsoon2 @ Aug 1 2009, 07:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi quail,

I went to the Travel Clinic, it's near Granville and Broadway, they are great over there! Costs $40, they will make you an appointment right away.

$40 dollars!!! I had to pay 80 in SK!!! mad.gif What a rip!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-01 21:29:00
CanadaTravel/health insurance for my mother
I am so sorry, I do hope that you are able to find an insurance that will cover your mother.

Have you looked at this one?

minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-03 02:19:00
CanadaFaxing checklist before receiving Packet 3
QUOTE (Jauque @ Aug 3 2009, 02:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As soon as the DoS says that my case has been processed in Vancouver can I fax my stuff to Vancouver?

Has anyone ever done that before physically receiving their packet 3?

I would wait until at least Vancouver has received your packet from NVC and mailed you a letter. They were very quick in a matter of a few days Packet 3 letter was mailed out. You can also email the consulate to ask when Packet 3 was mailed, then after that fax it back. All it will be is a letter stating to go to the website to download the Packet 3 checklist and forms.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-03 16:13:00
CanadaNew here, with a few questions!
QUOTE (lindsay_elaine @ Aug 5 2009, 03:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone! I just found this forum and am hoping to find some answers that I have eluded me through hours of web surfing. Rather than starting a different thread for each question and possibly putting them in the wrong places, I figured I'd just lump them together here!

Firstly, I'm a 23 year old airbrush artist (read "starving artist") and have been with my Canadian boyfriend for going on 8 years (in September) We want to get married and have him move to the States, but we're not sure which road to take or really where to start. Our biggest problem right now is I'm not making any money and currently living at home. I'm trying to start a career as a custom painter and have been working out of an auto body shop for a year learning things, but it's slow and like I said I'm not making much. I can always fall back on being a sign maker (did that for several years) but I'm reluctant to move away from where I'm at now. I know we could apply to have someone (my mother) sponsor him financially, has anyone had to go through this process? And this leads into my next question, which route would be the quickest to having him working legally in the States? K-1 or K-3? Does it make a difference? The sooner he could be working, the better as we obviously don't want to be newlyweds living at home. I feel like I'm being overloaded with information and can't remember what rules rules apply to what visa! And lastly (for now) I go up and visit every few months (my family has a summer home and relatives that live close to him) If we were to get married in Canada, and I returned home to the US, what kinds of issues could I run into at the border? I find driving back to the States much more nerve wracking than driving into Canada, I've even been lectured for traveling during a snow storm and I can't even imagine the complications that might befall me if I get to the window and state I got married while out of the country!

Any help is greatly appreciated and I'm sure you'll be seeing more of me (and Daniel!) around these boards. Thanks you!

Welcome to VJ!!!

The quickest way for him to begin working in the United States is the CR-1 visa in which you would need to be already married. The downside to this visa is that you are separated from your husband or wife during the process. You are able to visit each other, but not live together after getting married. Your boyfriend can stay in the U.S. with you for up to 6 months as a visitor, and then he would need to return to Canada to finish the process.

If you decided to go to Canada to get married, or if your boyfriend comes to the US to get married, I would bring with you proof of ties to the home country that you intend to return to the U.S. and begin a CR-1 process. You can get married in either country, I had a CBP officer tell me once that I needed a visa to get married in the U.S.A. Not quite true, you can get married in either country, but if you have intentions to stay and adjust status while on that visit, that's where the problem and the fraud comes into play.

The downside to a K-3 visa in which you are already married is that it costs more $$ and you have to adjust status to that of permanent resident once in the U.S. A Cr-1 does not need to adjust status as they will receive a GC in the mail shortly after entry.

All CR-1 visas are processed for interviews in Montreal which have a longer wait time then Vancouver, which does not process CR-1's, only K visas. I am not sure of all the processing that goes on with CR-1's at NVC. My other concern for you is that as the USC you must be able to support your fiance/husband upon his arrival into the U.S. You must be making over the poverty level, if you are not then you will need a cosponsor. This applies to K visas and the CR visas.

A link to CR-1's interviewing in MTL: http://www.visajourn...h...768&st=1095

A link to Visitation FAQ's:;page=k1visit (also applies to CR-1 visas)

Anyways, best of luck to you and we look forward to hearing more from you and your boyfriend!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-05 19:22:00
CanadaVisa Received!!
Congratulations!!! kicking.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-05 00:40:00
CanadaQuestion about medical...
Yup Vancouver is the only one in Western Canada now. The medical costs are more than in Ontario, but you get same day service at a price of $350 CAD.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-05 16:04:00
CanadaFavourite Tim Horton's story
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Aug 4 2009, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Its the only time I have ever been fired. I don't know if I predicted it, it was more ironic than anything.

Have you ever heard the sound an obese person makes when they fall on a floor? There's a bit of a splat, it's really weird.

But the fact that he was a large man, who was eating a large amount of jelly donuts, and made a loud splat sound when he hit the floor... it all tied in together with the things you think of when you think about jelly.

LOL rofl.gif That made me really LOL. I probably would have had a hard time calling 911 too!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-04 13:58:00
CanadaPast legal matters
took me too long to edit....

Im having a brain fart today, I just remembered a story I read about on VJ, about this person who was attempting to cross the border and had a previous conviction from when they were a juvenile that was no longer on his or her record. When the CBP officer asked that person if they had ever been arrested or convicted of any offense they said no. Even though yes they had, because it happened as a juvenile they thought to answer no was appropriate. I cannot remember what happened to them at the border, but I know it was not good. Be careful how you answer that question, as even though if you get it expunged, you still have been arrested
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-05 23:42:00
CanadaPast legal matters
QUOTE (Jauque @ Aug 5 2009, 10:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you feel there is something on your record that should no longer be there (ie. expunged) than you should contact a lawyer. It's my understanding that once a persons record is expunged they are no longer required to divuldge it to anyone. This process might be an exception but it would be a question that you could also ask your lawyer.

I can't remember what the DS forms said about criminal convictions but I know that there was a question about it on there. But when you apply for the I-485 to adjust status, there is a paragraph in the instructions about expunged records. You still must submit a court certified copy of the expungement, or have the court write up a statement that no record exists of the arrest or conviction.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-05 23:32:00
CanadaPast legal matters
I think because when you committed the crimes you were a juvenile, it will not impact your CR-1. If the assault happened as an adult, and depending with in what manner (weapon) and intent, it would have been considered a crime of moral turpitude by US immigration and it would make you inadmissable.

http://en.wikipedia....Moral_turpitude Pg 22-24

I am not sure how to get your court records if it happened whenyou were a juvenile, I do not know if it would show up on your police certificate that you would need for the interview. I hope someone else comes along with an answer to that.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-05 20:19:00
CanadaMedical in Vancouver
Like others have said, if you do take any medication be sure to have the name available and any doctor's letters if applicable. The questions were yes/no, super easy, I was #4 in line for getting things back quickly and they take you in groups of 4, with the blood tests being the first thing, carlso was in my group...she was think Jesse&Chris too...there was someone else who posted here a while back, but I can't remember her screen name, I think she was K-3.

Edited by minnew, 08 August 2009 - 07:32 AM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-08 07:28:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
QUOTE (tgorety @ Jul 7 2009, 01:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was wondering about WHEN we get our interview date how hard/easy is it to schedule the medical exam?
Is it better to have it the same day, the day b4 or after?

Thanks for your input.

The medical exam is only done on Wednesdays, you can request your interview for whatever day you like. I had my interview on a Tuesday, medical on Wednesday and it worked out well for me. Alot of people decide to have the medical first, then interview on Thursday or Friday, those days are probably the most popular and take a few weeks longer to get an interview date. Some people even do it all in one day, I would have gotten too stressed about doing it all in one day though.

If you live in the Vancouver area you can do the medical early as well, as long as you have your VAN case #, the medical is very quick and painless to schedule. The clinic in fact has a website that is new and has all the info. The receptionist is very good about responding to emails and voicemails left on their line.

Hope this helps!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-07 16:01:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ Jun 7 2009, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hoping someone will come by with an answer for me.....

Taken from my instructions on the check list for the Consulate

"EVIDENCE OF SUPPORT: K1 and K3 applicants are subjects to INA 212(a)(4) and must demonstrate to the consulate
officer’s satisfaction that they will not become a public charge. Applicants may submit a letter from the petitioner’s
employer or evidence that they will be self-supporting. The Form I-134, Affidavit of Support, may be required when the consular officer deems it useful."

Ok...the self supporting issue. I'm confused. I have a house to sell, and I don't have a mortgage, so my pocket change is going to be pretty healthy. And obviously, I won't be spending it all in a month!! I was planing on bringing evidence that I own my home, and what it's worth, and that I'm selling it.

Just curious as to whether or not that would be accepted. I'll have the 1-134, and all Tim's information, (his assets, etc.) But it did state that form MAY be required. Feeling like Alice in wonderland here...."curiouser, and curiouser...."

TimandJoyce- I am not sure about the self-supporting information for the I-134, I wish I could help you. If Tim's income meets or exceeds the poverty level guidelines you should be okay, but again maybe someone else would have a better answer for you in the US Embassy and Consulate thread.

Steve&Shannon- Good luck with your interview tomorrow! Let us know how it goes!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-08 23:09:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
QUOTE (beans @ Jun 1 2009, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So in the course of four hours I have done the following:

Booked flight to and from Vancouver
Booked the medical appointment
Booked my hotel - Hyatt Regency Vancouver it's 0.2 km from the Consulate and 0.9 km from the medical place.

Super excited its finally happening!!

Congrats!! So glad its all coming together for you! Hyatt Regency is super close!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-01 16:08:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
Betazed- Congratulations on your approval! What time was your interview on Thursday? I was there around 2:30 pm to pick up my Visa, there was a whole bunch of people there waiting that I had seen at the medical a day earlier! I had to run and catch my flight so I didn't have time to chat! I got stuck in the long line out front for Visa pickup...then I realized holy ####### these people are just picking up Visa's in the lobby...not having to go all the way upstairs to the 20th floor, I need to ask if I can cut in line and the guard let me through. I have heard sometimes they don't. wacko.gif I was exhausted and not thinking straight.

Beans-That is great news about Vancouver finally receiving your petition! I hope they can schedule you very quickly! Are you asking for first available interview date?

Carlso-Thanks so much! It was great meeting you at the medical! I am so glad everything worked out, I was so exhausted after such long and stressful days dealing with that in Vancouver.

Timand Joyce-If I wouldn't have been proactive about it, I wouldn't have gotten my would have dragged on!! I am glad that the information was readily available online. The funny thing is that I do work for the Government now in SK and worked as a State employee in ND. laughing.gif Definitely not the same type of work though as researching, lol.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-31 14:03:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
APPROVED!!! VISA IN HAND!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-28 19:18:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
Ok I am not ready to post a full review because my brain is mush and I am exhausted, haven't slept much in 3 days! but I will let you know what happened yesterday after dropping off the medical results.

The guy @ Window B took my medical results that were in a sealed envelope that said U.S Consulate Do Not Open, he did not take the chest x ray. That thing was a pain to carry around! You will also get your vaccination records in an envelope to keep for yourself signed off by the Dr. Anyways, the guy @ Window B said oh you are going to have to come back tomorrow to see the interviewer.

I told him no, yesterday at my interview she specifically said when I drop off the results to ask to see her as she may have to "re-interview" me and "we'll talk." So I sat for about 10-15 minutes before I was called up by the same lady interviewer I had on Tuesday. I also gave them documents that I had printed out related to the laws in the jurisdication that the conviction happened. When I got to the window, just as I had thought she told me that she didn't have time all day to research what the maximum penalty was because she was very busy. But being that I had already looked it up and brought it with me, she brought out her highlighter and we went over it together. So she started typing into her computer the sections of the law that pertained to my conviction, the class and the max jail sentence or fine. She also added what my fine was and I served no jail time. She seemed like she was in a good mood (probably because I did her job for She said this is more than you had to do for the circumstances in your case, and I am very impressed that you are so proactive about this. She also brought up again that she was suprised that she could not find any record of the conviction in her "databases." I was also suprised too, as it happened in the U.S. and I told her that every time I went to visit my fiance after being on the F-1 visa I was asked if I had ever been arrested and always answered yes, but I had never asked the guards if they could "see" that information as I do not know what they have access to. She then said this is something you will need to remember for later, this is not a crime of moral turpitude, and began typing that into her computer, she also had brought out her handbook of visa ineligibilities to cross reference it. She then said, well I left your case open from yesterday as I did not deny you, the guy from Window B came by to drop something off to her and she then said I am getting ready to close her case, he lets out a big smile, as do I!! She then said come and pick it up tomorrow and thank you for being so proactive!

So I went back to Window B after she dropped the file off and the guy said just to come back tomorrow, did not give me a letter of authorization to come back to the consulate. I received my original birth certificate back and also my court record as the interviewer made a copy for her to highlight and make notes on to keep in my file.

So after 2 pm today I will be able to pick up the Visa, pending that there won't be any more issues or AP. ClockWatch2.gif *crosses fingers*
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-28 10:23:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
So after 2 days of completely freaking out and being very upset about how the interview went, today after the medical and dropping off the results, the visa will be ready for pickup tomorrow @ 2pm. I will believe it when I actually have it in my hand though as i am scared that it could still end up in AP. I will post an explanation and review of how things went after tomorrow, way too tired and it has been a very long and very early start to the day. At this point I am being cautiously optimistic.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-27 21:43:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy? went good and bad.....Good that everything regarding the forms and everything else looked great, but the interviewer had to ask me to come back tomorrow in order for her to check that the misdemeanor that I was convicted of did not carry a minimum sentence of over 1 year. Even though I did not serve any jail time and paid a $225 fine. After getting back to my cousin's place I printed off the laws regarding it in the jurisdiction regarding sentencing, class of misdemeanors and maximum sentences based on those regarding my conviction, which was no where near 1 year, try MAX 30 days. Anyways I will be bringing that with me tomorrow when I drop off my medical results if she says she still did not have "time" to look it up. So I guess I will know more tomorrow. sad.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-26 21:41:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
Anyone else going to be in Vancouver this week?

Well guys the time has come, I off to Vancouver today and I am nervous and excited to get the medical and interview over with! I don't think it has hit me yet that my interview is TOMORROW! I hope it all goes smoothly!

I will update when I can!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-25 16:54:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
QUOTE (GTB - Michael @ May 23 2009, 09:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ May 23 2009, 02:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did I mention my interview is 3 days away! whistling.gif *freaking out*

Congratulations! kicking.gif I wish I could say the same thing, but mine's still a few months down the road, I guess crying.gif

I hope it all goes smoothly! Can't wait to hear your review after it's all over...if I can't have my own interview yet, at least I can live vicariously through yours! lol

Thank you!

BradnKim I just peeked at your signature! I hope the issue can be resolved quickly and you get your Visa ASAP! I hope my interview will be smooth! unsure.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-23 22:19:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
Wow I just noticed something as I was looking over all my stuff for the interview, on the updated Packet 3 checklist (rev. 5/6/09) there is a website for Woking Medical Clinic in Vancouver. That was not on the checklist that I printed out that had the last revision of 3/30/09, plus my checklist doesn't even have EVIDENCE OF SUPPORT on it. Well I've got my evidence anyways. Anywhos just wanted to share, I guess they put up a new website that has the same information that Laura the receptionist will send you as a "packet" in an email, and also you can book your appointment online too. Did I mention my interview is 3 days away! whistling.gif *freaking out*

BradnKim hope your interview went well last week! Update us when you can!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-23 16:11:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
Good luck to BradnKim on your interview today and medical tomorrow! Looking forward to hearing the review!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-19 13:59:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
QUOTE (Tankgurl38 @ May 13 2009, 08:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They will let you back into the Consulate after your medical and they will give you your Visa after you give them the paperwork. smile.gif

When I was there a lady did just that. She had her interview two days before, her medical the same day as I (the day before my interview). She came back to the Consulate the next day and just dropped off her stuff and they gave her the Visa. She was nice enough to show us all who were waiting, what we were waiting for.

So just take your results from the medical, which you can pick up at 2 pm, and take them down to the Consulate. They allow you to pick up Visa's after 2:00 pm there. It will all work out and will be super easy.

Whew, that sounds easy, I think I just needed to hear some experiences. Thank you Tankgurl38

QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ May 13 2009, 11:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ May 12 2009, 09:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know I keep telling myself not to be nervous! It doesn't work! What I am more nervous about is the logistics of the 3 days I have to be in Vancouver and because I will have my medical following the my interview! What if they don't let me back in the Consulate to drop off the results! I know unlikely...but still...then what I have to go back on Thursday to pick up the Visa? *knocks on wood*

I'm in the same boat...well I JUST got my appointment letter... kicking.gif kicking.gif for June 23rd, which is a Tues. Not sure if I should make my medical the week before, or for the day after. Thought I read somewhere there's one Wed. a month they don't do exams? Or was that the Consulate is closed? wacko.gif Anyway...I'm not sure what to do. I live on Vancouver Island..hence the ferry...and would rather one trip to the mainland. I faxed that I had the med done...would they get upset if I said it was the next morning?

Also...if anyone can answer..please, please....where can one stay that is close by the med and Consulate? I do know that they are walking distance apart. I don't know that area at all, and most of the friends that I know may live to far out of town to help me get there in time. ( 6:30 am comes early, especially when you should be there MUCH earlier than that!) I won't be driving myself, and have no idea at this point how I'm getting from the ferry to downtown anyways....yeesh!! They sure don't like to make this part easy do they??? LOL LOL ....

Congrats on getting your interview date!! Its the Consulate that is closed the 3rd Wednesday of every month for staff development day or something like that. I am staying with my cousin in Burnaby so I don't know Vancouver well either. I have heard that there is a Days Inn that is quite reasonable near the Consulate, but it would be a walk to the medical exam. I did see some hotels on for Vancouver, but have no personal experience with it. I am going to have to be up super early on my Wednesday because the Skytrain and bus system would not get me there by 6:30, and there is a line at the medical office by 6 am! I'll probably just end up calling a cab from Burnaby.

QUOTE (shashar @ May 13 2009, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (movingsoon1 @ Mar 18 2009, 12:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The wait time is just a few days. It's amazing, how they are not busy right now. Have all the paper work with you, especially employment letter, income tax and bank balance proof.

Dont forget the police certificate,,,,original copies,they keep the originals of these but return any other originals like bith certificate.
One more thing,if you are looking for a place to keep your purse,there is one right across the consulate ,i used them when i went for my interview on Jan 28 of this year.They only charge you 5dollars and your purse and stuffs are well taken care of.
Goodluck guys

Thank you for the tip! What is the name of the place?
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-13 13:44:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
QUOTE (Tankgurl38 @ May 12 2009, 07:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't be nervous at all. It is the easiest part of the whole process.

After it is done, you will be thinking....I waited this long for this.....seriously!!!!

Just make sure you have all the documents they ask for and bring a good book, the whole interview process takes about 5 minutes, you wait in the waiting room longer. smile.gif

I know I keep telling myself not to be nervous! It doesn't work! What I am more nervous about is the logistics of the 3 days I have to be in Vancouver and because I will have my medical following the my interview! What if they don't let me back in the Consulate to drop off the results! I know unlikely...but still...then what I have to go back on Thursday to pick up the Visa? *knocks on wood*

Edited by minnew, 12 May 2009 - 11:38 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-12 23:35:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
2 weeks to the day until the interview! I am getting so nervous!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-12 17:59:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
QUOTE (BradnKim @ May 2 2009, 09:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just wanted to chime in... our interview is in Vancouver on 5/19 and doing the medical on 5/20. I'm excited about spending 3 days in Vancouver with my hunny!

Hello BradnKim! Good luck on your interview! Let us know how it goes on the 19th and 20th! That's exactly how I am scheduling things as well except 1 week after you!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-03 04:05:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
QUOTE (beans @ May 2 2009, 07:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Vancouver hasn't even recieved my package yet but I'm bumping this thread because I want to be a true participant one day lol.

Just looked at your signature beans! That's great that NVC is finally sending it to Vancouver!

minnewFemaleCanada2009-05-02 20:11:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
I just got my Packet 3 letter today from Vancouver! Anyone send back the checklist recently? or Assigned an interview date?

Tankgurl38, good luck on your medical and interview that is coming up in a few days!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-14 15:53:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
A question for those who have gone through Vancouver recently or will be: The new I-134 form does not need notarization based on the layout of the new form. The new Vancouver checklist which I downloaded off the Vancouver website does not even mention the I-134 Evidence of Support requirement, which I am assuming is an error. I have heard some embassies still are asking for the new I-134 to be notarized, Does it need notarization when going through Vancouver consulate? I am fighting the urge to email them until I have received my Pkt 3 in the mail...LOL. I am in the U.S until tomorrow with my fiance, getting this stuff ready with him is really getting old!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-05 15:15:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
QUOTE (TheATeam @ Apr 2 2009, 05:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Girls...3 days in Vancouver is fantastic! I did my interview/medical there in April 08. I loved the city and everything worked out well. I ended up doing my medical the day after my interview and it was peachy! I wish you both good luck and I know everything will be fine for you! My husband and I loved Stanley Park in particular.

Thanks TheATeam!! I have never been to Vancouver so it will be a real treat! I wish my fiance was able to come to Vancouver with me to enjoy it! If I were to need any immunizations is the Travel Immunization Clinic far from the clinic that performs the medicals?
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-02 20:47:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
QUOTE (Tankgurl38 @ Apr 2 2009, 05:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am from Calgary. I was a disappointment when I heard in November that they got rid of the US Civil Surgeon here in Calgary. Luckily I have a cousin who lives in Delta.

Where in the States are you heading to once your visa is all approved? I will be moving to Seattle and I can't wait to get back to the coast.

Yeah I was disappointed too about Calgary, but in the end I still would have probably gone to Vancouver to save on travel costs! I wish the one in Saskatoon was still around!

I will be heading to the Omaha area probably in late September and the wedding will be early October.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-02 17:41:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
QUOTE (Tankgurl38 @ Apr 2 2009, 05:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you! smile.gif I hope the interview is as easy as everyone says it is.

I am going for my medical exam the day before my interview, nothing like packing everything into three days.

I am sure it will be! Let us know how it goes! I am going to be looking forward to 3 days as well! Luckily I have a cousin who lives in Burnaby! Where are you from Tankgurl?
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-02 17:15:00
CanadaAnyone waiting for an interview at the Vancouve Embassy?
QUOTE (TheATeam @ Apr 2 2009, 04:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Minnew, there's a doctor in Vancouver. Where are you living? You could have your medical done at the same time as your interview. That's what I did and it worked out rather well!

I'm in SK! Yeah I am going to have to work around that!

QUOTE (Tankgurl38 @ Apr 2 2009, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In Vancouver right now, the DS-160 is not required for a K Visa. smile.gif

Thank you for the information! Good luck on your interview!

minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-02 17:04:00