CanadaCFl football
Go Riders!!!!!

WoW!!!!! The crowd is GREEN!!!!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-11-29 18:39:00
CanadaCFl football
GO Riders!!!!

Wishing I was in Calgary for the grey cup!! Calgary I'm sure has turned into a sea of green and gold! Local grocery stores ordering more watermelons for the SK fans that wear them! LoL!!

Still can't find cable channel that has it on...sad.gif

minnewFemaleCanada2009-11-29 12:51:00
CanadaCFl football
My dad told me about the Riderville application for the I phone!! So if for some reason my cable company doesn't show it I can follow the score at least!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-11-22 23:13:00
CanadaCFl football
Wooo hoo!!! Yay riders!!! It's been such a long time since I've watched a game.... I saw a
Buffalo Wild Wings have a Canadian hockey game on once it was neat to watch all the Canadian commercials!!

minnewFemaleCanada2009-11-22 19:39:00
CanadaCFl football
Go Riders Go!!!!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-11-22 18:26:00
CanadaCanadians on US Health Care reform
I have no problem paying taxes wither as long as I am getting the value of my tax dollar, but unfortunately for some people like myself, members of my family and others close to us we do not see the tax dollar value, even living in a decent sized city a choice of which doctor or specialist to go to. It can vary from province to province in Canada how good the level of service and care is provided, as well as if you live in a urban or rural centre. Alot of times other pressures can be put on the system such as doctor and nurse shortages, recruitment and retention, and budgets.

What the US decides to do with healthcare may or may not mimic what Canadian healthcare is, health care for all is certainly not free. Like someone else said, the US likes minimal government involvement in their daily lives. While I do not believe in turning away patients who are sick and in need of dire medical care, I think the US needs to be careful especially in the situation that they are in right now with the over 10 million illegal immigrants are currently residing in the US. If your tax dollars are going towards a mutually shared program then the payment of taxes by those using it need to be mutally shared. Now whose to say that they aren't already getting taxes deducted off their checks by from employers who hire them knowingly or unknowingly as illegal workers? I have no idea.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-26 02:54:00
CanadaCanadians on US Health Care reform
The healthcare system in the US in broken, for sure but I don't believe socialized medicine for everyone will fix it. I understand that alot of people have lost their jobs and lost their employer insurance, again I don't believe government healthcare will fix it. Look at all the other countries with socialized medicine, it does not work as well as it sounds. But neither is the US system, I don't know what the answer is.

Some provinces have allowed people to use private insurance because of the very long waits for simple diagnostic tests and of course much needed surgeries that would save their life. Not in SK, the unions here wouldn't have it. In SK the waiting times are so long, and the patients of course are prioritized but when they are dying on waiting lists I think there is a problem. Would they have died anyways even with surgery? Who knows, but 6 months to get diagnosed! Then prob another 6 months to a year to have surgery!!! My uncle won't have his cancer surgery until August or Sept, but it could get delayed, meaning he won't make it to my wedding, he got diagnosed in March! My fiance's half -brothers wife had breast cancer surgery in the US within a month of her being diagnosed.

I just don't know what the answer is unfortunately.

Obama is "reforming" the health care system, but yet won't talk about what that entails..saying to the people "trust me" Its going to cost alot of money to go to a socialized system.

I saw this ad on TV and its a Canadian with a message to Americans about governement healthcare.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-25 14:36:00
CanadaLeaving Canada next month
QUOTE (truckerbob @ Dec 7 2009, 07:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As for banking..I thought I had read somewhere on here that people use Paypal to move money from their Canadian accounts to their U.S. accounts.

There are alot of smart people on this site and maybe one of them remembers this also and can give you more details.

Good Luck with your move and all the best to you in 2010 !!

I use Customhouse! They are completely free if you do EFT transfers between US and CAN accounts. I used them alot before I moved here to the U.S. and will be using them frequently in the coming months, as I have GMAC and student loan payments in Canada. Alot of Canadian VJer's use them and have had great reviews!

When tax time comes I am sure it will be interesting this year, but so far no EI payments to sort out between returns... *pulls out hair*

minnewFemaleCanada2009-12-07 20:47:00
CanadaLeaving Canada next month
Most US banks are a pain in the #### when it comes to Canadian cheques. Not sure if it's different if you cash vs. Deposit into your account. I had alot of Canadian checks written due to refunds on insurance, etc, but also received a few checks in CAN from wedding guests or family that could not make it to the wedding. WellsFargo did not charge outrageous fees to deposit the checks, I think it was $1.50 foreign currency charge.

Notify CRA of new address & also if you receive GST credits, you are no longer eligible once you give up Canadian residency(move to US). In my case the payment could not be stopped in time and had to send a check to CRA to pay them back.

Give your employer a forwarding address for T4's
minnewFemaleCanada2009-12-07 19:48:00
CanadaWeird Things Americans Have Said To/Asked Me
Back in my freshman year of college we went to Brandon, MB with a few of my american and canadian college friends from ND. One of the american guys asked one of the Canadian girls we were hanging out with, So do you have Polar Bears in Canada? She replied, Oh yeah we have polar bears, one of my uncles runs a polar bear farm in northern MB. She had him going on that for like 5 minutes!!! rofl.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-04-09 02:48:00
CanadaWhat's in a Vancouver Canada Packet 3?
Hi there!

Here is a direct link to the Vancouver Consulate website. It is linked to a page from Visa Information, and Fianc(e) visa. There is a sentence in there that has a link to Packet 3 pdf that has the most recently updated Pkt 3 from Vancouver.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-12-14 00:53:00
CanadaMax amount for gifts into Canada
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Dec 15 2009, 09:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Inky @ Dec 14 2009, 09:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
maybe for ups but for regular mail if you dont brown wrap and tape ALL sides up then they will not mail it !

What the heck is brown wrap? Never heard of it. I've shipped many packages with USPS and never wrapped it in brown stuff...

The brown wrap is the same idea as wrapping paper but it's used around boxes that aren't regular old brown. LoL. So you can write in permanent marker and it show up.

I had to disguise my box because it came from a waffle maker we just purchased.... LoL!

minnewFemaleCanada2009-12-15 10:32:00
CanadaMax amount for gifts into Canada
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Dec 14 2009, 10:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Dec 14 2009, 11:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just shipped some gifts to Canada with UPS, . . .!

I found it weird that usps wanted $25 to ship my package, no guarantee that it will make it to SK before Xmas.... And UPS rate was $18! And guarantee of this Friday!

Anyways, my pt of this rambling is that I wish I could give them in person! The customs forms they had me fill out, well the UPS person wanted to know exactly what was in there and how many gifts/boxes... Ughh! So much for my parents/sisters gift being a SUPRISE when the package arrives with CUSTOM form taped on top!!!

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I stopped using USPS a few years ago when it cost so much to mail a package and they couldn't guarantee the delivery in time. I started using UPS as well and have been very pleased with the service. It is also cool to track the parcels - they give you blow by blow descriptions of when and where the parcel is so you can actually follow it on route. And, it has always made it exactly when they said it would - all for less than USPS charges (substantially less).

I now make up the list of what everything is along with the prices before I take the parcel over for shipment. It makes it much easier to fill out the customs forms and I include my list in with the custom documents. I ask the person who is getting the gifts on behalf of everyone to hide the price list from everyone else so only one person really knows the value of things and what the contents are. Maybe you can ask whoever is receiving the box to remove the forms before everyone else sees the contents list smile.gif .

Easier said than done lol Depends who will be home on Friday to get it! The items are not very expensive, but its the suprise factor! Mom might actually do it, but dad and my sister cannot keep a secret! laughing.gif

They will be getting another gift in the mail but unfortunately it will not make it there before christmas....I made them and my inlaws a photo book of wedding pictures...ok I didn't....shutterfly is making it! laughing.gif

minnewFemaleCanada2009-12-15 00:02:00
CanadaMax amount for gifts into Canada
I just shipped some gifts to Canada with UPS, apparently your not supposed to use brown paper or any type of paper around a box anymore.... Anywho cost me a 1.50 for them to reinforce it because the paper can get stuck and rip on the conveyer belts!

I found it weird that usps wanted $25 to ship my package, no guarantee that it will make it to SK before Xmas.... And UPS rate was $18! And guarantee of this Friday!

Anyways, my pt of this rambling is that I wish I could give them in person! The customs forms they had me fill out, well the UPS person wanted to know exactly what was in there and how many gifts/boxes... Ughh! So much for my parents/sisters gift being a SUPRISE when the package arrives with CUSTOM form taped on top!!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-12-14 23:03:00
CanadaEver had doubts?
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jul 16 2009, 08:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Jul 16 2009, 09:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance and I have sure had some long talks about finances and where the $$ will be going after I move, plus the wedding, plus being unemployed. Finances are definitely not an easy thing to talk about, and like someone else said the biggest reason for divorce.

Not to get off topic here - but I disagree with this. I think that the whole money issues and divorce are overstated. It's like any other thing that requires compromise and communication in a relationship.

I think money is just a catalyst because it's something every single couple deals with, intermingled finances and people have different approaches to how money is spent.

Thats what I was trying to say that you need open lines of communication about money in your relationship because most couples have intermingled finances. Some couples still keep credit cards and bank accounts in their own name, never share their balances and are PURPOSELY hiding thousands of dollars of debt from their spouse. Just like any other aspect of relationships, the lines of communication need to be open and as well the ability to comprimise on needs and wants.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-16 09:20:00
CanadaEver had doubts?
When my fiance and I first started this process we agreed on paying USCIS fees and such 1/2 and 1/2. Of course the interview stuff and documents needed, plus travel to Vancouver were paid by me. He knew as well as I that it would be stressful and taxing on the finances as well as emotionally. I have not seen my fiance since April, it is tough but it will be so worth it to see him again when I do not have to visit, I am there to stay!!! From reading your posts like others have said I think you resent that you are paying for the process yourself, and resent that you do not have an engagement ring. For some people having that sign of committment is a dealbreaker, sometimes its not. It all depends on what your idea of committment is.

My fiance and I have sure had some long talks about finances and where the $$ will be going after I move, plus the wedding, plus being unemployed. Finances are definitely not an easy thing to talk about, and like someone else said the biggest reason for divorce. We both have an idea of where each other's money is going and I have told him what his financial obligations may be if I do not get my EAD in a timely manner after filing AOS. We will be okay if there are some bumps in the road financially, but we will survive. I have saved up money for moving, wedding and payment of bills while unemployed. But the huge red flag is when you are telling each other what you can and cannot spend YOUR money on. Long distance relationships are hard, you don't know what the other does on a daily basis and how often the other gets time to get out the house and spend with friends. Going out with friends is one thing, or hanging out with them, but spending $100 with them each time you go out is another. He can sure remind you about the immigration fees, but he cannot tell you what to do with your money as it is up to you to decide.

We have had some petty arguments as well, the separation is definitely not easy, and it is sure not easy to kiss and make up over the phone! If a couple does not argue sometimes I do believe that their relationship is not fully formed and not healthy. That is just my opinion though. I think my fiance was ready to say...if you talk about USCIS or immigration one more time!!! LOL!! He was so sick of it and just wanted me to either visit again or move down for good! Like someone told me when I first joined the VJ community, immigrating to the US is definitely not for the faint of heart.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-07-16 08:57:00
CanadaWell don't we look like the a-holes...
QUOTE (moni_calla @ Aug 12 2009, 08:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charles! @ Aug 12 2009, 10:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (moni_calla @ Aug 11 2009, 11:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is just stupid!!!! Canada is absolutely disgusting!! I am extremely ashamed to be a part of this backward country! People can walk into our country on a daily basis but a CDN citizen has to be DNA tested to get back home!

I hope she sues the pants off Canada!

canada isn't backwards, they have timbits.
on the other hand, the usa doesn't. unsure.gif

Timbits suck, eat a donut!

ohmy.gif Blasphemy!!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-12 09:45:00
CanadaCanadian moving to America
QUOTE (tessatoxx @ Aug 12 2009, 08:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (minnew @ Aug 13 2009, 12:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's all about your intention at your entry to the U.S.A, if you do decide while (not before the visit) you are visiting him to get married it is up to you to PROVE that you had no intentions of staying upon your last entry. Getting married in the U.S.A. is not illegal, many people get married and then apply for a spousal visa such as K-3 or CR-1. Getting married with the intention to stay while visiting and adjust status from that of a visitor is fraud.


So what your saying is I cant marry my fiance while I visit him if we decided thats what we wanted to do. In Canada you can marry and apply from within Canada while your spouse lives with you. Is this different in the US?

I don't know about the Canadian immigration procedures so I will not comment on that.

No I am not saying you can't marry your fiance. It is what you decide to do afterwards immigration wise that is the problem.

It's all about what your intentions are. Unfortunately the immigration process for most people involves separation from their fiance or husband. Some people do legitimately get married while on visitors status. But that is because there plans have changed WHILE they in the U.S.A. Most of those people had or have loose ends in their home country to tie up, and unfortunately can be very costly to not be able to travel back to their home country without an Advance Parole document, (which usually takes 3 months) because they would be denied entry upon returning without it while their application for AOS is pending. The burden of proof will be laid on you to prove that you did not have intentions to immigrate at your last entry, at your AOS interview.

If you decide 2 weeks before you are planning to visit your fiance that when you visit him or her that you are going to get married AND move and stay in the U.S.A on that visit, then that is visa fraud.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-12 22:19:00
CanadaCanadian moving to America
It's all about your intention at your entry to the U.S.A, if you do decide while (not before the visit) you are visiting him to get married it is up to you to PROVE that you had no intentions of staying upon your last entry. Getting married in the U.S.A. is not illegal, many people get married and then apply for a spousal visa such as K-3 or CR-1. Getting married with the intention to stay while visiting and adjust status from that of a visitor is fraud.


Edited by minnew, 12 August 2009 - 09:36 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-12 21:34:00
CanadaCanada Post Problems
QUOTE (beans @ Aug 13 2009, 07:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I e-mailed the Consulate after seeing what happened to wkz here lol and they were like "Oh we mailed it on the 7th" but then I get an e-mail from Canada Post (I signed up my tracking number online) that said this:

2009/08/12 11:03 VANCOUVER Item arrived at postal facility

lol The reply from the Consulate came in at 10:35 now I want to be nice and just say its a weird coincidence but really? lol Half hour after they reply to me it makes it to the post office. Strange.

That does seem sort of fishy!

QUOTE (Inky @ Aug 13 2009, 08:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lol wow, maybe they are behind or somethin?

i just checked canada post and mine was to the post office yesterday but the tracking number only showed up really late on their website. Ill just keep my fingers crossed it gets here cus iv only ot 7 days till the truck gets here lol! gonna be tight i think.

It will get there in time!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-13 11:34:00
CanadaCase Number for Medical?
QUOTE (GTB - Michael @ Aug 12 2009, 09:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Jauque and Minnew! That's great news. I was worried I had become yet another number. lol

I'll go ahead and book my medical right away!

YAY!! I hope your medical goes smoothly! The receptionist Laura and the doctor were so friendly and helpful!

Best wishes for a speedy interview date too!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-12 22:39:00
CanadaCase Number for Medical?
QUOTE (GTB - Michael @ Aug 12 2009, 04:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm in that in-between place where my K1 application has arrived in Vancouver and the package 3 has been sent (confirmed with the consulate by e-mail). While I wait for the mail to slowly travel the 70KM between the consulate and me (been 6 days so far), I'd like to move along and book my medical. I'm hoping for a quick turn around while things are slow (right now, medicals are booking at 1-2 weeks and interviews are at 2-3 weeks).

Before I can book my medical though, I need my "Case Number." Now, my question is: is the case number my NVC number or is it a new, local Vancouver consulate number that I won't see until I actually get my P3 in the mail?

Could someone who has been through the Vancouver system clear this up for me?

Thanks so much!

>>Getting excited that the process is almost over and we can finally be together!<<

Its the VAN case number that is on your letter from NVC. No new case number.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-12 21:54:00
CanadaGood news from your part of Canada!
Awwww that is so cute! laughing.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-13 14:22:00
CanadaGood news from your part of Canada!
"Kidnapped garden statue of monk travels Regina"

Take a look at the photo gallery in the link...I wonder if the photos were real or digitally altered...Neat story anyways, at least the kidnappers returned it.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-03 03:10:00
CanadaGood news from your part of Canada!
Well I have been trying to find GOOD news from SK...but unfortunately for the past few days I couldn't find anything! Everything was about taxes, pleading guilty to crimes, or not guilty in the case of the mother who left her newborn baby in a toilet in a Walmart! Ugh! Disgusting! Anyways, I finally found something good! laughing.gif

Saskatchewan residents receive bravery awards:

minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-27 22:37:00
CanadaVisa approved!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-13 11:29:00
CanadaPolice Clearance - not sure if I got what is needed.??
Yes it has to say CPIC or National Registry, mine said National Registry and it was accepted no problem.

Unless you have a criminal record, which it sounds like your from your record you do not, then you would be okay. If you do have a record then you would need an RCMP check with fingerprints.

Edited by minnew, 14 August 2009 - 03:08 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-14 15:07:00
CanadaXpresspost envelope
Just be forewarned that Canada Post sucks! There have been people who have purchased the signature confirmation and it was left on their doorstep instead, even ripped open!

minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-14 14:45:00
CanadaNo confirmation for medical.
QUOTE (GTB - Michael @ Aug 14 2009, 01:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jauque @ Aug 13 2009, 03:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I submitted my request form online on Monday and I didn't get anyhting back from them, so I emailed this morning and still have not received a reply.

Should I be worried? I know a lot of people have said Laura is awesome about getting back to people so I'm a little worried.

It might be a little early for them to have replied to your second confirmation e-mail but they should have responded to your initial web request.

I sent in my web-based application late last night and I just received my confirmation e-mail -- basically about 24 hours later.

The good news is I got in almost right away...August 26th!

Hopefully you'll hear back soon too!

Maybe just try sending the clinic a regular email again, maybe the online request form isn't working.

Looks like the two of you will be shooting for the medical the same day!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-14 02:52:00
CanadaWhat are your weekend plans?
Bridal shower/Stagette this afternoon/evening for a friend! Should be a good time! The weather finally cleared up too! No more rain!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-15 10:39:00
CanadaCold Like Canada
OMG when it gets to be 70F do you turn the heater on? LOL

That's too cute!! laughing.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-18 20:13:00
CanadaWhich dress would you choose for a beach wedding?
Dress #2!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-05 00:52:00
CanadaObservations of my last Trip to Canada
laughing.gif Why does every topic end up talking about food! I am always so hungry when I read VJ Canada!

I thought my fiance was joking when he's like I am going to take you to Fatburger for lunch...I'm like yeah there isn't a place called that....omg expensive, but soooooo good!MMMMMmmmmm

Wow I just realized they have turkey burgers and boca veggie burgers, I might have to give those a try!

Edited by minnew, 13 August 2009 - 08:27 AM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-13 08:24:00
CanadaObservations of my last Trip to Canada
QUOTE (thetreble @ Aug 11 2009, 07:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah that raising at the end is something we have discussed on the board before. It is a unique speech pattern we have developed.

I never even thought of that! I was so used to watching American TV, when I moved back to Canada and started watching Canadian TV, like some of the programs on Slice, it took a while to get used to.
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-11 09:47:00
CanadaDid you all hear about this???
rose.gif So sad! I hope they find that creepo!!! Stop giving Canada bad press and turn yourself in!!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-21 09:43:00
CanadaBlue Water Bridge POE
Awesome review! Pretty painless POE!! Won't be long now until you reach Omaha!!

laughing.gif Green grass....
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-21 23:24:00
CanadaTomorrow is THE day
Congratulations and good luck on the big move!! kicking.gif
minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-21 23:06:00
CanadaInterview on Tuesday
Good luck! You will be fine! Take a deep breath!! The interview is the hard part! Once you have that over, the medical on Wednesday will feel like a breeze!! It is a bit of running around because of the Tuesday interview, Wednesday medical, pick up medical, deliver to consulate, but its so worth it on Thursday when you are able to pick up your Visa in person in Vancouver!! I didn't have more then 4 or 5 pictures and not much for proof of relationship stuff, in fact I was never asked, but you never know if you will be or not. Good luck and enjoy Vancouver!! Check out Granville Island via the Aquabus if you have the chance, to kill some time after the medical!

Edited by minnew, 21 August 2009 - 07:04 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-21 19:03:00
CanadaK-1 Visa Packet 3 Info
QUOTE (maribear @ Aug 25 2009, 07:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sooo...I've been waiting and waiting for Packet 3. Looked up the example form here, and tried to get as much done from that as possible.

Then, they messed up and sent all of our info to Montreal, which fortunately my fiance caught, and had our file re-routed back to Vancouver. In the meantime, I checked in with Vancouver if I could just fax in Packet 3 checklist I would be getting from Montreal. Of course, no dice. They told me to sit and wait for them to mail out Packet 3. And of course, I can't get police checks or anything while waiting on this packet (unless I printed off someones demo or something, which I was extremely tempted to do...). I get Packet 3 from Montreal and check it out, and then promptly recycle it since its useless to me.

And then finally, Monday, Aug. 24/09, I get mailed a letter from the Vancouver US Consulate. No packet. A letter.


Which is irritating, since, you'd think they could have just sent me the link after they went and misdirected my file to Montreal, which they were aware of.

So for all of you out there, sitting, waiting for Packet 3, I give you the sacred link that they include in the letter:


There are several other forms that you need to print off of there (DS-230, DS156, DS156K, and form for depositing with Scotiabank) so make sure to read it carefully!

Hope this helps others who sit waiting and waiting and waiting for a form thats online the entire time. Of course you can't fax it in or anything yet, (because they won't be ready to process) but at least you can get the forms earlier so you can get stuff done while you're waiting!

Oh no! I am sorry for the ordeal with Montreal!

That is exactly what I did, I downloaded packet 3 before I even got the letter, spent my time waiting for the letter getting police checks, etc etc... once I got the letter from Vancouver saying they receive my case, I faxed the checklist back to VAN the same day.

Edited by minnew, 25 August 2009 - 08:33 PM.

minnewFemaleCanada2009-08-25 20:32:00
CanadaYour best cleaning tip!
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 27 2009, 10:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here's a handy tip. I found this out the hard way.....

Too much chocolate makes your clothes shrink. good.gif

laughing.gif Mmmm chocolate!
minnewFemaleCanada2009-06-28 20:38:00