IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2014 Interviews

Yes they said my income doesn't match. Do you know what line it is in the 1040?

My joint sponsors I-864 section 6 income also doesn't match in 13.a.1....they said it needs to match Line 22 from the 1040.  We have to bring the corrected form to the interview.

Jilly30FemaleIndia2014-03-31 07:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2014 Interviews

Jilly30: From your signature it looks like you got a checklist for 2013 tax transcript. How did you resolve it?

I have submitted 2010, 2011, and 2012 tax transcripts. 2013 tax return is not complete yet. I was hoping to carry a copy of the 2013 return to the interview (sometime in June probably).

Am I likely to get a checklist?

As dwheels said, no you won't get one.  I just stupidly did not check closely what my joint-sponsor (Dad) included...didn't realize he also enclosed his 2013 W2...if that wasn't there we would have been fine!

Jilly30FemaleIndia2014-03-30 22:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2014 Interviews

i cant wait for the weekend to be over, i cant believe iam saying this lol  :rofl:


lol I totally understand the feeling! This whole process has made me dread the weekends because there is no processing and I can't call the facilities! lol

Jilly30FemaleIndia2014-03-30 03:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Here is the link to the full article in the New York Times....its a bit better. 

Jilly30FemaleIndia2014-02-09 22:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I used to live in Buffalo, so my friend's mom just sent me this article from the Buffalo News by way of the New York Times.  At least SOMEONE is writing about it!  Don't know if you all have seen this or not, but thought I would share.  I'm really sorry that you are all still waiting.  Its absolutely unacceptable.

Jilly30FemaleIndia2014-02-09 22:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

LoveMyTico and anyone else who filed the I-129f later, just thought I'd give you an ...the government has thrown me a cruve ball!  Both my I-130 & I-129f were approved by USCIS and then the I-129f went back into "intial review" at USCIS and tier 2 told me he "had no idea what they were doing with it" I just forgot about it. 


My I-130 has been received by NVC & I am calling twice a week to check for case #.  Today, out of the blue, I received a letter in the mail from NVC saying that they have approved my I-129F and forwarded to the embassy in Mumbai!!  WHAT?!  I just checked two weeks ago and it was still under intial review at USCIS.  But now I'm left in a lurch because I don't know what to do.


K-3 is supposed to be only valid while you have a pending I-130...but my I-130 has already been approved and is awaiting attention at NVC.  So I don't even know if my hubby can even APPLY for the K-3 anymore.  Which begs the question then, why did NVC approve it in the first place if I cleearly have an I-130 sitting in their office?  Even if he did apply and receive the K-3, would my husband then have to immediately Adjust Status upon reaching the US? 


So confusing!  I wish they would not have been approved at the same time! 


I know a lot of you are still waiting and I'm not trying to be insensitive posting this, just giving you a heads up about what might happen if you also filed the I-129f later in the waiting period.  Keep thinking postive! :-)

Jilly30FemaleIndia2014-01-12 03:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I really feel bad for everyone that didn't get sent to CSC....its almost as if TSC & NSC didn't get the memo that the transfers were supposed to be priority and taken care of quickly.  Especially NSC.  #######.  Its ridiculous.  I'm praying for all of you to hear something before the new year or shortly thereafter... at least an approval would be a nice way to start off the new year! :-)


Keep your chins up!  

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-19 22:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Incredible!!!  I just called the automated number to USCIS, just to see what my case status was showng, since I have not called for awhile.  So it tells me the standard "it's been transferred, and going through normal processing", then the recording goes on to say "please allow 180 days from transfer date for any inquiries".  There needs to be a whole revamp of the USCIS!!!!I guess another thing to bug my congresswoman if it will help!!!

They definitely just pad their numbers to give them reasons to put you off from calling.


I finally got through to customer support and the Tier 1 told me it takes up to 90 days to transfer from service center to NVC!  Then when she didn't have any answer as to why my I-129f was approved and then sent back to initial review she said "hmmm, ok, I'm going to go ahead and escalate your call." lol I didn't even have to ask! Not a good sign. lol     


So I waited on hold for an hour & at first the Tier 2 guy was very curt, but then lightened up.  He eventually came back and said "i have no idea whats happening with your I-129f or what IS going to happen with it, but I have confirmation we mailed your I-130 on Dec. 12.  NVC should get it next week & you can start calling there. Don't let them tell you they haven't received it."  LOL 


So tier one said 90 days, tier 2 said 2wks. Maybe no one knows anything, but that gives me the green light to call NVC now! :-) I'm not looking forward to dealing with their people...I've read horror stories. :-(

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-17 21:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I called USCIS yesterday,  got the normal nonsense, then asked for Tier 2....of course they would not transfer me. Makes me so mad!



I don't even get to speak to a tier 1...i can't get past the automated stuff!  I even waited in the beginning for when it thinks you are on a rotary phone...its supposed to take you to a live person. But it just keeps telling me to call back between 8am-6pm.  Now its 9am. USCIS site says all offices are open.

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-17 09:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Ok, so I'm trying to call customer service...the 1-800-375-5283 number and I can't get a real person!  Its just the automated stuff.  It keeps telling me to call back between 8am and is now almost 8:30am EST.  I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.  This is only the 2nd time I've called and the first time was much easier! I don't get it.  


Anyone have advice or knowledge that I am clearly lacking? 

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-17 08:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers


Congrats on the approval. This is a new message to me. Don't they send approvals to the NVC first. In my case i'm a U.S citizen and my wife is abroad. 


NVC is operated by the Department of State, so DOS or NVC...both refer to the middle step of this process. 

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-16 10:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I would ask for a tier 2.  Teir 1's generally don't have much info.  I don't think it has anything to do with the 129f.  As I stated in an earlier post, my 129F got approved and I also recieved an email saying it got shipped to DOS. So both petitions got approved and both got shipped. So I'm thinking maybe they cacel it at NVC.



Well,  Thank you very much for the special prayers !!  I need them and so soes everyone else.



I told my husband last night that I feel that something should happen this week.     It has been so depressing watching all the approvals for this thread. I feel like I  know everyone . While I am so happy for everyone, I can't help but wonder when our number will come up. This week is probably our  last chance before the holidays.

hmmm,  that makes me wonder about the K-3. I only received one notice for the transfer of my K3.  I received 4 for my I-130. 


See this makes me positive they have no guidelines or standard format for processing because all 3 of us filed the I-129f and have all had different experiences.  I only ever received 2 transfer notices each for both the I-130 & I-129f, then approved both so 2 NOA2s, THEN they did change of A# notice for the I-129f and its back to "initial review" for that form.  And the I-130 is just sitting somewhere in a basket. :-(


Oh USCIS...its like banging my head against a brick wall....someday (hopefully soon) I'll never again have to speak (or type) those 5 letters.    

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-16 06:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I know many of you are still waiting for approval...but I was wondering which person I should talk to atUSCIS to find out if my file has been mailed yet.  Lots of you who have been approved have reported getting your email saying its been mailed...I haven't gotten it yet. :-(  I think they are waiting until my I-129f is closed before mailing.  But is that something Tier 1 or Tier 2 operator will be able to tell me.  I've only ever called once, so I don't know who knows what  info.


Thanks!  Wishing you all hear good news about approvals by Christmas! 

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-16 02:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I just found this http://www.visajourn...dicator-q-and-a while searching for other information...its from a long time ago, but the guy used to be an application adjudicator.  Sounds like maybe some things haven't changed.


The part about the adjudicator hording a file box at his desk made me giggle...."my precious!" , yes I think all adjudicators look like gollum now.  


Outdated maybe but it at least will give you a picture in your head of where your case might be.  Sitting in that lonely neglected box on the distribution shelf....or on the desk of an adjudicator who keeps making mistakes and getting it kicked back...or sitting in a tray waiting for someone to whisk it away to be mailed to NVC!

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-13 09:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

LoveMyTico, I know you wanted to be updated re: my I-129f for the K-3.....oddly enough I just got an email for that form stating my A# has been changed relating to my I-129f and according to the USCIS site it has gone back into "initial review". huh.png  The I-130 is still showing as post-decision activity and still approved.  


Maybe that means they are about to cancel it?  I dunno.  There is no rhyme or reason to USCIS.  I just want my file to be merrily on its way to NVC and to leave the chaos of USCIS behind......for a whole new brand of chaos.


Congrats to everyone else that has been approved!   

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-13 00:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers


Many congrats on your approval!!


Did you get an alien registration number changed notice or something before the approval?


Nope, no other changes prior to the approval...and I was checking my email & USCIS multiple times a day! lol 

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-11 21:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Just got the approval email and immediately ran to the USCIS site to see it with my own eyes!


April 11 PD

Nov. 19 transfer to CSC


updating the spreadsheet as we speak.


Interestingly enough tho, they also approved my 129f.  I thought that if the I-130 was approved the other would be the I-129f petition for the K-3 would be cancelled?  Geez...I hope I didn't screw things up for us.  


Either way...calling hubby now to tell him the good news! :-) 


Just realized today marks EXACTLY 8 months since the NOA1. Crazy. 

Edited by Jilly30, 11 December 2013 - 03:04 AM.

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-11 03:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

i'm April filler but this is my first time to write here  i wanted to share my good news


My PD was April 10.  The file was at (NBC)

Transferred on 19th of November 

Receive hard copy of transfer on 29 the file went to CSC


Today the case changed online to APPROVED ( on December 6)


Best of luck everyone





Congratulations! I was transferred same day so hopefully that means good news for me soon.


Would you mind adding your details to the spreadsheet?


All these approvals are so exciting!  Congrats to everyone!

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-07 12:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

My new friend at my Congressman's office (seriously he has been so kind & helpful) just sent me an update saying that he called their contact at the CSC and was told that our case has been assigned to an agent.  He said the contact told them that usually there is a queue before being assigned, but that we are out of the queue and already with an agent.  blahblahblah I heard: "My file is on desk!" yay! He said we should hear something relatively soon!


Also...we never got an A# on any of our NOAs  1st one or transfer. :-(


Soooo hoping for approval for Christmas! :-)

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-06 23:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Just got a call from my wife at 4:45am here in the UK telling me that we've just received our approval email! It was definitely worth getting woken up for! Our NOA1 was April 9th and we were transferred to CSC on 21st Nov. We received the change of Alien Registration Number email literally 4 hours ago. Our officer must have been staying late as we received the approval email at 04.40am here which would be 8.20pm Cali time!

Best of luck everyone!

These PD April 9 approvals that have come through make me very happy!  I'm April 11 and also at CSC so hopefully that means my file is somewhere close by! 


Congratulations & good luck on the rest of your journey!

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-06 09:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Is anyone else stressed about getting approval finally and then the next interview slot is 4 or 5 months away? I'm already thinking about how upset I'll be if that happens. I wish there was a way to know things like that. 


I'm happy to see all the April movement! It's a christmas miracle!


I'm right there with you.  Though I've kind of resigned myself to the fact that, even with the transfer which is super positive, this process is far, far from over. :-(


I'll take every approval and communication from the agencies as small victories, but I know we've still got a lot ahead of us.  I'm also trying to estimate high, with the thought that if the process goes faster & we get the final visa sooner, I'll be super surprised!  kicking.gif

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-12-04 11:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Congratulations on all the transfers and the approval!  


But please remember to fill in the spreadsheet so we can get more accurate tracking data:


Just add your data into the next available empty box if you haven't already. :-)

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-11-29 22:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I spent a lot of time looking at the spreadsheets yesterday and while I'm really happy about my transfer...I'm still not happy with the timeframe. Based on information from the forums, I still don't think we will be in the US together until April or May of next year.  Most of the transfers to CSC where my file is look like they've been approved in 20-30 days...closer to 30 now, due to the holidays I think.  Even then, of all the Feb & march filers to receive NOA2, only a few have reported receiving their NVC case number. From the people on the NVC thread it appears its taking approx. 30 days to go from NOA2 to arrival at NVC and then another 8wks for them to process & assign a case number!  


I'm really hoping that NVC realizes whats coming to them from USCIS finally picking up the pace...if NVC doesn't also pick up their pace USCIS's backlog is simply going to become NVC's backlog. :-(  Maybe they will pick up the pace there at the start of the new year.  Very worried.     

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-11-23 22:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I was surprised too.  That gives me hope. 


One question though.... she said she asked for an expedite but does not think that was the reason for the approval... I was wondering if they might be hoarding the files that requested expedites at the NBC and just adjudicating them there instead of transferring them???  Does that make sense??  Even though they aren't technically expedited.


I put in a request for expedite through my congressman (been over 2wks, no response about approved or rejected), and I was transferred last week.


Got my hard copy today, transferred to CSC. PD: 4/11/13  

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-11-22 22:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I also submitted just the basics...seriously we can't be blamed...the I-130 form makes the additional stuff sound says something like "recommended".  That is not the same as "required".  If they want it up front they should adjust the wording.


However, I too am worried, even though everyone is saying "just wait, if they want more they'll give you RFE"...that OP a few pages back said she got a letter of intent to deny her I-130 for lack of bona fide marriage....NOT an RFE.  Or is the letter the same as an RFE...I'm assuming since its "intent to deny" there must be some sort of opportunity to reply?  

What to letter of intent to deny. My I 130 petition.say not enough evidence of bona fide marriage.i sent 2 affidavits swearing of our marriage


So what is it?  They deny out right sometimes and send RFE others?  I'm so sick of playing at the Casino USCIS.  None of their games have any set rules and we NEVER get to see the cards their holding.

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-11-22 06:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

If you get transferred don't forget to add yourself to this doc

I added my info to the next available line but now its not in order with the other with the other 4/11 PD transfers....does it organize itself, or someone updates it?  I don't wanna screw it up! Its such a nice spreadsheet! :-)

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-11-20 00:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Just got the first email notification of transfer to local office...expecting USCIS facility transfer email tomorrow probably.


Transfer 11/19

PD 4/11

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-11-20 00:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Lets hope they do week 2 of April next week! I'm PD April 11 and really would love to see some sign of life on my case status page!   

And that spreadsheet thats being passed around is really nice...kudos to whoever made it...I'll be sure to fill it in if I get transfer. :-)

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-11-15 10:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Good to see all these files moving...hopefully it means NOA2s are right around the corner for them.  So it looks like they are going in order....most of the transfers seem like first week of April.

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-11-14 21:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

We recevied our NOA-2! Now we are beginning the National Visa Center stage...anybody already there and can give us any tips?

Congratulations!  Good luck on the rest of your journey!

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-11-11 22:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers


The core of our problem is management. What little we do know about adjudicators is that they are motivated by incentives to work faster. Management has decided that we are not priority, and will not change it unless pressured into doing so. As long as we accept what they give, why should they do otherwise? Someone else is the squeaky wheel...


Let's be the squeaky wheel, everyone. That's the one that gets grease!


I truly wish there was something we could do to influence things, but it seems everything is in vain.  Yes, I'm sure news stations might give pause if a lot of people started calling about the same issue, or we got a lot of signatures on a petition to present to some government group, but unfortunately we on VJ represent only a TINY percentage of complete number of people filing I-130 petitions.  And when those people whom we try to plead our case to realize that, the cause is swept out the door.  We would need to move an entire country of people into action somehow in order to make a difference and draw enough attention to the situation. :-(

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-11-06 02:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

I'm terribly afraid of this month and December.  Just when it looked like it was starting to pick up, it gets quiet again and now there are the big American holidays coming up which means extended vacations. :-(  I think I've lost all hope of hearing anything before the new year.


But in the mean time, Happy Diwali to those of you celebrating this Hindu holiday!  The celebrations in Mumbai are at least a welcome distraction to this waiting game! :-)

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-11-04 08:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers


where is this list?

for people writing to your representative what are you asking for? expediency or to have case transferred to a different facility?

When I contacted my congressman, I initially just asked to find out exactly my status and exactly what facility the case was at...and then that we were interested in doing expedite.  They gave me all the info and then told me they would help with filing expedite.  I don't think they have the ability to get your filed transferred someplace else. 

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-11-01 22:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Wow so not much in the way of NOA2's. yet from the service centers? 


Its hard to get a feel for the new time frame. At least they are shipping the ones that have set the longest first.  I read that last year they did not.  So maybe this time (the train wreak) is a little more planned out. I just keep my hopes up that there are alot more people working on our files now. 


From what I've read about the new Overland Park Office.  USCIS cant fill the seats.  I think the pay rate is too low,  27K to 41k.  So a new hire cant marry a lady with 3 kids and bring them in on that pay.  So thier plan failed for the most part and now its plan B.  Maybe they will still get some part of this done with the staff they could hire. 


Even though the posted dates are October 2012 there are 2-3 times as many service centers working for us now, than a month ago. I'm hoping the transfered files are not going to the back of another line.  I think we'll know when we see the first transfered files getting approved.    


Trying to stay positive.

I'll go work there!  I think we all would if it meant seeing approvals faster!  The field office thing seems so ridiculous...first some offices were sending them to NBC because they had too many, now NBC is sending them back because they have too many.  I fee like very little has actually changed.  Why can't they just stop with the shuffling and start with the actual working. 

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-10-30 02:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

Good news.. I got confirmation from my congressman my expedite was approved.. Said I will have my decision on the I-130 in 30 days smile.png

Congratulations!  Hopefully it won't be much longer now til your wife is safely away from what sounds like a very scary area! 

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-10-29 11:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

No notices whatsoever here.  I check online every day and its getting depressing.  


My Congressman's office is filing our expedite for us this week with an attached letter from the Congressman in addition to my own coverletter and evidence.  Trying for financial loss as our apartment is being sold by the landlord and my husband's savings isn't enough to find another apartment plus pay the immi fees later on.  We might be okay if it wasn't being sold, but in India there are a lot of fees associated with finding an apartment. We just can't afford it.  We were financially set for a 6-8 month wait, but losing the apartment is hurting us and we are going to run out of money much sooner than planned.  Especially if the wait nears 1yr.  We'll see how it goes.

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-10-28 22:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers



This is bunch of ....

I hope you dont get it. Have a nice day.


This is is unnecessary and rude! You have a right to your opinion, but we try to be supportive on this thread.  We are all going through the same process and there is nothing stopping someone from trying for an expedite.   If you have the right evidence to back up your case, then you might just get lucky and USCIS approves it.  


This person was asking for opinions, you could have simply said "no you won't" or "this is a bunch of....." and moved on.  No need to add the "I hope you don't get it".  How would you like it if I now told you "i hope it takes your petition another year to get through!"  Its just rude and childish.  Sad. 

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-10-26 06:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

from all that I have read about expedites, it really has to be something close to a death bed situation, but then again, there was an expedite approved and the girl posted that her reason was that she could not afford to pay her rent AND pay for the immigration process... ( which kind of floored me)

Most of the expedites I have seen lately have been for humaniterian reasons...  dangerous situation in the other country.


I don't think stress would count as a reason to expedite since childbirth is not... Not even a c-section.... Then again.. I saw a post recently about a woman who was having a hernia operation on Nov 1st and they approved the expedite....  I guess it all depends on who looks at your file and how caring and empathetic they are. 


Try it an see what happens. Worst they can say is No.   Then you can say you tried everything you could to get through this hell hole

I thin the majority of USCIS simply sucks and are cold heartless, souless people end of story.  Wasn't there a poster who's husband was in Egypt during all that upheaval and it took like a letter to Obama before USCIS even would consider her expedite?  I remember something like that.    Life or death and they still say no.  My husband always says, in India no one wants to do their job, so they always look for ways to do less work (thats why bribery is so prevalent there)...he's beginning to wonder if thats how the people in USCIS are!  


On a side note, the fact that the girl who couldn't pay her rent AND immi fees, got approved makes me a little happy.  That is the exact grounds for expedite my husband and I are currently applying for. :-)  fingers crossed.

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-10-25 10:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers


I think your only looking at part of the Life Act.  I've read the whole thing.


The temporay part of the Life act was a V visa. That got USCIS out of the hole then.  V1 and V3 were like K1-K2 or K3-K4's are now.  They had a time limit and are no longer used.  The K3 is still on the books. 


Other things I've found:


For a long time people filed I-129f and the I-130 on the same day.  Then USCIS said that they would no longer accept them together. Then People filed for the I-129F as soon as they recived the NOA1 for the I-130.  So then the USCIS started saying we will now join them together. 


At the last AILA meeting (6 months ago) USCIS said the I-130 are progressing so fast (under 6 months) we dont need to un-join the K3 at this time


At some other AILA conference (That we heard so much about 3 weeks ago) there was more talk between the Lawyers about the need to or not to still file for K3's as the I-130 would now start to pick up speed from October filers on.  To see this you need to read all the text messages back an forth between the Lawyers. Everyone got hung up on the standing in line thing and did not read and understand what the other lawyers were saying.


So i think the USCIS really does not like the K3.  Why would they want 20-30k new app.s comming in to process that they get zero funds to handle.  But I also think it is a govenor for a slow down for the IR1-CR's.  Why would Congress make it free to file for a K3 unless they really wanted it to be an easy option.


This is what I think,  anyone else can look up the same things if you have the time.

I tried reading those transcript text things, but i could not follow.  But in reference to picking up speed from "October filers on"...does that mean October 2012 or October 2013??


And if its Oct. 2013...then that information really does no good for those of us having filed BEFORE then and still currently waiting.  


I just want a solid, legal answer from someone who has solid information about whether or not its worth it for those of us who have already been waiting 6 months to file for the K-3?  I mean, are we seriously looking at potentially another 5-6 month wait?!  That right there seems like awfully good grounds for unjoining the I-129fs & I-130s.  


But if we ARE talking about October 2013 filers, how in the world are their applications going to be approved quicker if they still haven't gotten through the backlog of applications that are our files?


If we AREN'T talking about October 2013 filers but rather October 2012...then please ignore the rant! ;-)


Feeling very very frustrated at this process.  Its so painful to have dreams about the future, but not know if they're ever going to get a chance to come true.

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-10-24 12:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2013 I-130 Filers

She was seriously on my last nerve ..... I had a very bad day and she topped it off.   


They can't ignore it...



There is so much different info about the K-3.  If my K-3 gets merged with my I-130 then great.... at least someone touched my file.  I have been reading alot about people calling tier 2 and them suggesting to file  K-3 since the I-130's are taking extra long.... 


LoveMyTico, maybe you can ask your lawyer about this:

This is a subpart of the LIFE Act. The actual act which was written into law.  According to this, it sounds like the benefits of the LIFE Act were only temporary.  Perhaps thats why people are saying they are no longer processing K-3s.  I'm not trying to be depressing, but I was just out looking for answers to clarify one way or the other and unfortunately this is what I found. 


However, if it is true that the LIFE Act benefits are no longer valid, then USCIS should remove the K-3 option form their site and cease and desist in making any references to the LIFE Act.


Either way, we've seen proof of people filing I-129f and getting their I-130s  approved shortly thereafter, so I like to think that maybe it still helps.  I refuse to lose all hope.

Jilly30FemaleIndia2013-10-23 23:14:00