Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina
QUOTE (A & N @ Jul 30 2009, 11:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Veliki pozdrav svima evo da vam kazem da je moja divna i slakta vizica K 1 u mojim rukama napokon nakon 8 punih mjeseci procesa.
Intervju je u ambasadi prosao odlicno bez ikakvih problema, viza je bila gotova isti dan,moja iskustava u ambasadi su odlicna good.gif


Sta su te pitali na intervjuu?

Edited by unicorn, 31 July 2009 - 10:35 AM.

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-07-31 10:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina
QUOTE (vareska @ Jul 25 2009, 03:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK zene treba mi vasa pomoc.

Dragi i ja smo skontali noc prije i noc poslije interview da osjednemo u nekom hotelu u Sarajevu.
Prije nego podjete zezati odmah da kazem da je to iz razloga sto mu je upravo crko bibi i ne ulazu nam se pare u nesto sto cemo koristit jos mjesec dva u vrh glave. Tako skontali smo na koncert Hari Mata Hari noc prije, i da se ne bi vozili kasno nazad u nasu kasabu a onda opet da ranimo nazad u Sa sljedece jutro na interview skontali smo da nam je najbolje da budemo u nekom hotelu/motelu blizu.
Ja ne znam sarajevo uopste, sta ima blizu a da nije skupo da padnes na dupe? Dobro ne mora toliko ni blizu, nije ni Sarajevo toliko veliko da mora bit tik uz ambasadu hotel.

Thanks girls!

Super je i za taj hotel na ilidzi Hollywood.. Ali malo je daleko Ilidza od centra.. Mislim, ako bas ne poznajte dobro Sarajevo, da uzmete neki hotel da je blize centru.. ali ne znam, vidite jos (skuplji su ovi u centru).. ovaj hotel je u centru grada..
http://www.hotelart..../?jezik=bos&x=7 i ovaj smile.gif ovdje imas spisak svih hotela u sarajevu.. pa ako imaju web stranicu (a mislim da svi imaju) mozes i cijene uporediti..


MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-07-25 03:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina
QUOTE (malamu @ Jul 22 2009, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kahoolawe @ Jul 22 2009, 09:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (malamu @ Jul 21 2009, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sutra ?u ja po snimak. smile.gif Što je sigurno, sigurno je biggrin.gif

Slat ?e najvjerovatnije Fedexom. Nešto mi je ovaj DHL bio spor kad su slali iz NVC-a biggrin.gif

Idem formulare pregledati.

Sto se tice interview-u termina uopste se neceka dugo, kada ih nazove zakazu ga veoma brzo, 3 - 5 dana.
Sam interview zavisi od osobe koja te intervjujise, moja vjerenica je sve brzo zavrsila, pitali su je samo par pitanja, kada/kako smo se upoznali, koliko puta samo se vidjeli tokom nase veze, sto ja radim u US, sta sam zavrsio i pitali su je za slike koje smo prvi put poslali, gdje su slikana itc.
Sve u svemu interview nije trajao vise od 10 minuta.

Bilo je par osoba, prie nje, kojima je interview trajao 30+ minuta, ali su isli preko K3 vise. Neznam da li je radi toga, ili ih je druga osoba intervjuisala. Puno vise detalja su pitane nego moja vjerenica.

Sa srecom da ti bude.

Hvala ti!
Zna?i vjerenica je dobila vizu, ?estitam i nadam se da ?ete ubrzo biti skupa!! star_smile.gif

Jedva ?ekam da se pro?e inetrvju. To je onako prelomni trenutak. Poslije toga se mogu po?eti spremati. Sad se sve svodi na ovo.

Zna?i FarukZeljo je vjerenik od Unicorn? star_smile.gif

SRETNO NA INTERVJUU =)))¨ bice to sve ok aBd! Pa onda slavlje kicking.gif yeiiiiiiiiii!!!!

Jecte, FarukZeljo je vjerenik od Unicorn heart.gif

Kahoolawe, cestitkeeeeeeeeeeee.. Mogu misliti kako ste sretni sto je vjerenica dobila vizu! Sve najbolje!

Pozdrav svima!
MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-07-22 05:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina
QUOTE (FarukZeljo @ Jul 22 2009, 12:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Danas smo dobili nas NOA1...
bio sam pravo sretan...nemogu objasniti dozivljaj...

Eto trajalo je 10 dana da dobijem NOA1....abd da hoce i brzo doci NOA2..

dosta sam naucio oko ovog ako kome treba pomoci..bujrum nek se javi..

Pozdrav iz Virginije!!

Ma hojo moj! Jeiiiiiiiiiiiii NOA1 stigla mnus yes.gif ! Voji ga ja luv.gif !

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-07-22 03:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina
QUOTE (Badgerella @ Jul 20 2009, 11:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Valjda ovi certificirani doktori vole opako rane termine. Moj je pregled bio u Zagrebu, ali je isto pocelo vec u 7 ujutro.

Smijesna i jos uvijek nejasna anegdota s pregleda: iz nekog razloga, doktor me trazio da spustim gace onako do stidne kosti... i kvrcnuo me prstom po golom trbuhu i rekao: "Sve je u redu!"


ahhahahahaha.. joj sto se ismijah rofl.gif

Ne znam sta li je to moglo biti laughing.gif

Ma neka je "Sve uredu", to je najbitnije innocent.gif

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-07-21 06:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina
QUOTE (malamu @ Jul 20 2009, 08:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (A & N @ Jul 20 2009, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Evo malo iskustva sa ljekarskog za sve kojima ljekarski predstoji ovih dana.

ja sam bila u petak na Kosevu(prvobitno sam htjela u Eurofarm ali doktorica je na godisnjem) Pregled kod doktora Kapetanovica je poceo u 7 joj zamislite nisam iz Sa pa sam od kuce krenula u 4 ujutro ko baja hehe ali sta se moze valjalo je tako.pregled se sastoji iz 3 dijela, prvi dio se obavi sa doktorom ukljucuje razovor sa doktorom o bolestima koje ste imali, uzimaju se vasi podaci,kartoncici sa vakcinama ili stara knjizica ja sam imala kartoncic i onda se skidate do pasa znaci sve, malo neugodno za cure i zene ali eto,doktor malo poslusa pluca i to, pregleda zube, mjeri pritisak, visinu, tezinu oblacite se i nakon toga sa doktorom idete dole u prizemlje na vadjenje krvi, kad to zavrsite, na Kosevu ste gotovi, idete u bivsu vojnu bolnicu tamo cete snimiti pluca i vas pregled je zavrsen to je nekih svega 2 sata, s tim sto se opet morate vratiti oko 2 u vojnu bolnicu da doktor procita vas nalaz i da vam da sliku pluca tu silku valjda nosimo na intervju i sa sobom u USA.nije strasno nista ja sam imala malu tremu ali sve je proslo ok smile.gif

malamu bas mi je drago sto je kovreta stigla super sutra je pregled kako vidim, odlicno smile.gif

Je li iko bio na klinici osim tebe? haha I ja imam taj rani termin. Meni je to užasno rano. Al di?i ?u se nekako. biggrin.gif
Jedva ?ekam da to završim. smile.gif)

Unicorn dobro došla! Sretno u procesu..neka sve ide brzo i glatko smile.gif))

Zaista ste divni.. Cijeli dan sam citala vase postove.. Ismijala sam se, ali sam bila tako happy kada sam vidjela kako se pomazete i dajete savjete i informacije jedni drugima..
Hvala na dobrodoslici =)!
Ako mi sta zatreba, znam kome se mogu obratiti.. Mi smo tek prvi korak napravili, cak ni NOA1 nismo dobili.. Ali aBd bice sve ok!
Bas danas citam kako je vecina vas pisala kako ste tek predali i dobili NOA1, a poslije nakon vise postova vidim krajnji ishod svega.. Da je sve proslo sa srecom i da ste dobili vizu.. Pa mi bas mi bi drago!

Sve najbolje i sretno svima, pa da aBd napokon budemo svi s nasim voljenima! luv.gif

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-07-20 14:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina
QUOTE (malamu @ Mar 5 2009, 12:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Pošto svi imaju svoj topic zašto ne bi i mi imali svoj (bar nisam našla niti jedan blush.gif ).

Da podijelim sa vama...mi smo upravo poslali naše "papiri?e" za K1 vizu. heart.gif
Jako jako sam uzbu?ena. star_smile.gif

Uglavnom...želim sretan proces svima.. ma u kojoj ste fazi smile.gif

Heyi pozdrav svima,

Slatka si smile.gif .. Neka si napravila i nas topic smile.gif!

Moj zarucnik i ja smo poslali nase papire za vizu.. Jos nismo dobili ni NOA 1, tako da smo tek na pocetku.. Ali polako, samo da na kraju bude sve ok aBd.. Strpljen - spasen heart.gif !

Pozdrav svima i sretno!!!!
MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-07-20 06:58:00
Asia: East and Pacificinterview July 30th!
QUOTE (Mike and Thanh @ Jul 30 2009, 11:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This going to be long, so I hope it's ok and I hope it can be helpful in some way. I'm going double space it so it's easier to read:

Now I'm going to go into more details about her interview. I was a nervous wreck yesterday. I was very worried

and prayed a lot. Thanh's interview was scheduled for 9:30am. She got there at 7am, went in at 8am. She had to

wait until just a bit after 11am before they called her for the interview. She said there was just a swarm of people in

there. She told me she would call after she got out. It was 12am and she still didn't call. At this point, I'm thinking

maybe she didn't pass and was upset so she didn't call. At around 12:20am, she called me. I was expecting bad

news to be honest. The reason why I was expecting bad news was because I made the timeline, but didn't send it to

her. I didn't make the relatives list either. So she didn't have either one when she went into the interview. I told her

that everyone here on VJ said they were needed, especially the timeline. The lawyer over there said while it's good

to have a timeline, it might not be necessary. He said just hold onto it for now. If she gets denied and a timeline is

required, I can just bring it over with me. That was why I was expecting it wouldn't go well. To my surprise, she got

pink. Thanh told me when the interview started and by the time it ended, the total time was about 3 or 4 mins. I was

very surprised. I thought it would last maybe 15 mins. The CO didn't ask anything that difficult either. Here are a few

questions that Thanh told me the CO asked her, she might have forgot a few, but here are those she remembered:

(not in order they were asked)

1. Where do you fiance live? In what city?

2. Do you fiance live by himself? If not, with who?

3. What are the names of the people in his family?

4. How many times have he come back to Vietnam?

5. CO asked for if we had an engagement ceremony/reception and asked for the pictures of it.

I think that was about it. I'm not if I forgot anything else Thanh said or whether she remember any else. She was very

nervous, so nervous the CO could tell. I think she got lucky and got a mild temper/nice CO. She messed up on the what

city I lived in part. She said Louisiana, but of course that's a state. I lived in Harvey, Louisiana. Then she said New

Orleans, which wasn't actually right either. The CO told her to calm down and just answer it truthfully, if she doesn't

know it, just say so, but don't lie. She told the CO that her English wasn't good at all and also the CO asked her in

Vietnamese. His Vietnamese wasn't very good. So she said she didn't understand him. He told her that was fine because

he could repeat the question, no need to be so nervous. Wow, she lucked out on the CO I think. Any other CO, I think

she would be in trouble. Another part was naming of the family. She got everyone except my sister. The CO asked her

do she really know the name. Thanh said yes, but couldn't think of it at the moment. The CO said that was fine, as long

as she knows it and continued with the interview. We got lucky this time. Any other CO, we would have got blue I'm

sure. Thanh said that most of the people she saw in there walked out with blue, just her and a few got pink. And most

their interview lasted much, much longer than Thanh's. She said she saw one girl in there interviewing for what seem

like an hour. By time Thanh left, that girl was still there. Poor girl. No timeline, no relatives list, and Thanh clearly

messed up a bit on the answers, but she still got pink. Just pure luck, maybe my prays, and a nice CO got us through.

Thanh was told to come pick up the Visa on August 27th.

I would like thanks everyone here on VJ. I'm glad I joined. The information and stories I learned from here really got

me through. At the very least, I knew what to expect. Also great to hear other people's stories. Thank you all for the

warm wishes, prays, and everything else.

I will be going to Vietnam on August 11th. I can't wait. I'm happy as can be right now. I know once she gets here, there

will be another round to go with the AOS. However, at least she will be here by my side to go through this together.


Edited by unicorn, 31 July 2009 - 10:28 AM.

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-07-31 10:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEnraptured's Hubby's Interview
QUOTE (enraptured @ Nov 8 2009, 04:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thanks guys rose.gif rose.gif i don't think i'll be sleeping at all tonight and will probably lurk around, so will give a live update lame wink.gif

but, seriously, does anyone think that the fact that my husband doesn't have anything in regards to our marriage paperwork might pose an issue? i would have had to appoint someone in turkey power of attorney to go to the city hall where we married and get our marriage certificate, and that was a headache that i couldn't get through quickly enough....arghh...

i probably will need to do this anyways, in case we lose our main marriage certificate book, but i'd like to do that when i have the time and leisure to do so...

alright, im gonna stuff my face with chocolate and wait biggrin.gif

QUOTE (Darnell @ Nov 7 2009, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't sweat any original documents submitted at NVC timetick -
He'll get the marriage cert back after the interview.

For Good Karma ™ - please wear a pink bodysuit? (Pink is colour of approval, at least at GUZ ) .

lol....i dont have one, but i do have a pink scarf?

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-11-08 06:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 after 4 months of waiting
QUOTE (Saska+Tim @ Jul 25 2009, 08:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tim just got our NOA2 in e-mail!!!! WE ARE SOOO HAPPY!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On July 23, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E).

Ohhhhh congratulations!!!



MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-08-06 05:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG WE GOT IT WE GOT IT
QUOTE (estadia @ Aug 31 2009, 07:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we got touched on the 25th then nothing then this morning NOA2

thank you all of u for ur prayers and support i cant think of anything else to say other than i have to call perviz

OOHHHHHHHHHHH CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif
MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-08-31 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview tomorrow at 1pm
QUOTE (Victor&Cory @ Sep 27 2009, 05:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well my friends. The moment of truth is almost here. Corina's interview is tomorrow at 1 pm. That means that by 8 or 9 am tomorrow I will know the answer. I'll keep you posted on the results.


GOOD LUCK! good.gif
MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-09-28 05:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSHE GOT THE VISA!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!
QUOTE (Victor&Cory @ Sep 28 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My friends.....I just got Cory's call. She got the visa. Oh God....I am so happy I think I will burst. Thank you God....and Thank you VJ and its members for your valuable help. Because of this Cory and me made a commitment of staying here and help others. As soon as she tells how it went I will update the timeline and put write a review. Thanks again my friends. So if you excuse me I think I need some time to cry and thank God for his help.


MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-09-28 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED!!!
QUOTE (norris04 @ Sep 29 2009, 03:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yesterday night I looked at my phone and saw this email (I was in shock)!!!!


The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: EAC**********

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On September 28, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Check My Case Status and Check Processing Times.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)


MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-09-30 07:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenial Notice Sent (K1)
[quote name='ThomLin' date='Aug 5 2009, 11:07 PM' post='3185551']
Hi everybody! I just received yesterday the denial for the NOA2, we still don't know why was the reason, we have to wait to get the letter explaining the reasons, but someone knows why could be the denial? because I don't get it, we both are singles, never married, next 14th august we get 2 years of know each other, we have pictures, timestamps in his passport, videos, phone calls, emails...

why the heck they denied our NOA2? or K1? I'm just so sad, and confused I don't know what to do because I'm not there.

I have been thinking seriously cross the border....

It sucks that u love someone and u can't be with your loved one....

Can someone help me? do we have hire a lawyer? have someone got a denial? and what you did? what were your options?

Thanks for take time to read and answer...

Best regards!

Ohhh I am so sorry for you! I hope that everything will be ok! God bless you! rose.gif

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-08-06 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers

I finally had my interview at montreal yesterday....after 5 months of waiting since I sent my packet 3 in!! It was easy and we were approved. My POE will be on the 13th of April. We have yet to set a wedding date, but I am sure that will happen in the next week or so!! I hope everyones journey is going well.

Congratulations Colleens! I am so happy for you! You really deserved it!
Good luck! Best wishes!
MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2010-03-31 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers

Hello just want to ask who among you here in July 2009 filers(VSC) haven't received Noa2 yet from USCIS? ours it's been 6.5 months now but no Noa2 yet received (Aug. 27, 2009 -Noa1) What did you do? tnx goodluck and congratz to everyone who passed.

OHhh I am so sorry for you guys.. you should call USCIS to see what is the problem!

Itt congratulations on visa and scheduled marriage!

We are still working on our AOS papers.. I visited this morning a doctor to transfer vaccination history on the form I-683!

good luck to everyone
MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2010-03-26 16:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers

I found this site very helpful..

THANK YOU VERY MUCH! you are so kind"
thank you thank you thank you! :)

all the best"

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2010-02-11 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers

Good morning family!

We had our wedding two days ago! It was absolutely beautiful!!!

Good luck to everybody!

Hugs and kisses,


we will have ours next week.. but there will be no ceremony.. real ceremony will be in summer!

can anyone please help me and tell me how and where to apply for the working visa, green card ;(?
we dont know how to do it?

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2010-02-11 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers

Hi everyone, I got packet 4 this morning and our interview date has been set for January 25th at 8.30am in London!!! Yaaaaaay!!! Im sooooo excited! We're nearly together forever! Ahhhh! :blush:

Ileana, big hello for you from your sister from Sarajevo :D!

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2010-01-06 07:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers

Gee Musho!!!

It's funny how you seem to have a easy and fast process from now!
When I look at your timeline, it looks like a fast one.
Things can look so different from a different point of view (or time ^^)
Time was so slow when we were waiting for our NOA2, phew.

Now you have overtaked most of us!!! :)

Ohhh yes! When all of you got your NOA2, I was so sad, and I was wondering what is wrong with our file :)! Are we so suspicious or unlucky :D!
But after NOA2 everything went so smooth, indeed! It is like that because Bosnia and Herzegovina is a small country :)!

Good luck to all of you! I am keeping my fingers crossed, and that you have no problems with your case!

Edited by Musho, 05 January 2010 - 01:37 PM.

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2010-01-05 13:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers

Hello VJ friends,

Happy New Year..

I am glad to see many of you got your visa and some already spent time with their loved ones.

I cannot complain since my hunny came here on Dec 15th and we been all over place from Chicago, to Dallas to Arizona.
We are heading back to Chicago to be burried in snow :) so I can go back to work.

Our file was released on 10th of Dec according to the Baghdad embassy, till today we have not heard anything from Jordan.
I called DOS last Tuesday and told me that Jordan yet to confirm if file with them. I am trying to be positive and think that holidays might delay the process, also hiding my worries from my finace since he is on edge because he is been sitting with no work for past 3 months.

I can only hope to hear something this week, at least some note to tell me file with embassy, what could be odd it get lost!!

I hope you all have a great Monday..


For those who are still waiting for their visa, I wish them good luck to get it as soon as possible, so that they can be with their loved ones!

I am going to USA on January 23, and Faruk is coming to Sarajevo January 16 :)!

Take care, God bless you!

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2010-01-05 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (EasternDE @ Dec 29 2009, 07:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Interview is tomorrowwww! Heeeeeeeeeeee!!!

I'm all ready, all documents are well organized.
I'm getting a little stressed though... smile.gif

A bunch of us have interview today or tomorrow, this thread should get more active in 24h. tongue.gif

GOOD LUCK! Eveything will be alright! good.gif
Big hello for all of you.. I am not often on forum.. But I am wishing a good luck to eveyone who is waiting for their interview, and for those who are with their loved ones I wish them lot of beautiful and loving moments!

Take care

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-12-30 02:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (oldahmed @ Dec 15 2009, 04:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everybody! Any news here?
Aja just sent me an SMS. She just got off the US embassy in Prague. She says everything went very well and that she will get her visa tomorrow.
I won't calm down until she will get her visa in hand.

Heey guys,

My visa is approved!" But tomorrow I will have it in my hands insAllah smile.gif! kicking.gif
Thank you all for your suport! You are wonderful!

Good luck to all!

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-12-15 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
Ohhhh nicee smile.gif!
next week will be great week smile.gif!

I am still waiting for my interview, and while it is coming closer, I am more nervous sad.gif!

On Friday it is my birthday kicking.gif
.. 23 birthday.. I hope that embassy will give me the best present for this year biggrin.gif!

Take care,

Good luck!

QUOTE (kitty23 @ Dec 9 2009, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning family!

Tomorrow is my last day at work. I will travel to US next week. I'll keep ypu posted.

Hugs and kisses to all and good luck to the rest waiting for visa.

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-12-09 05:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (Kadrin&Robert @ Dec 6 2009, 04:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

We had our visa interview on thursday (dec.3) and we were approved. Visa should be in hand in about a week.
The consular officer had a million and one questions but we got it.... PS. embassy didnt look at any of the financial or relationship evidence.
Looking for planetickets to fly home for Christmas...

Good luck to those who are waiting for their interviews...

I am soooo happy.


What did they ask you????

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-12-06 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (oldahmed @ Dec 3 2009, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone,
Aja had her medical last Tuesday in Prague, and the interview is scheduled to be on December 15. She was waiting for her police record to come from UK. Now she has.
She will be staying in Prague for 3 days, since she will get her visa (hopefully) the next day.
Good luck to every one. good.gif

Hello my friends!
Ohhh cool Ahmed, so Alena is going to have an interview on December 15! GOOD LUCK!

Today I called embassy, and my interview is scheduled for Decembar 15 too! Wish me good luck sad.gif!
I am so worried sad.gif"

RAchel, any news?

Take care

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-12-04 13:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (pdcvcm @ Nov 28 2009, 04:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Musho @ Nov 27 2009, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (EasternDE @ Nov 27 2009, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've got my packet 4 today. My interview is set on December 30th.

Ok, I know it may sound wrong but I was hoping to get the interview before Christmas so I'm a bit disappointed.
You know, as a gift. wink.gif

Well, now, to book medicals...

Heyiii Ileana.. I live in Bosnia, it is not so near to Romania (like Serbia), but we are quite near biggrin.gif!
I had my medical yesterday.. I think that it was ok.. X ray, and blod test is great!
I have incomplete vaccination history, but I also think that wont be a problem?

I am a little bit confused! Do you know, how much time can pass between the medical and the date of interview.. Because, I am just waiting that documents that Faruk sent arrive.. So I am hoping that next week they will be in my hands and that I can call embassy!

Ohhh I am nervous about the interview sad.gif

Sorry I have been out of the loop for awhile. Have you sent in your Packet 3 already or are you waiting until after Faruk's documents arrived? Paul sent his Packet 3 to the London Embassy on the 16th of this month. Then I called DOS multiple times smile.gif and they finally told me this past Wed the 25th that they received everything they needed and we are now eligible for the interview but nothing has been set up yet. Running parallel to this, Paul set up his medical which is scheduled for the 15th of December. But this may be one of those that is different depending on the Embassy.

In our country, we dont send Packet 4 to the embassy.. we bring it personaly on the interview.. So when I have medical and all the documents prepared, I call embassy to have an interview smile.gif!
Wish me good luck! I hope that next week I can call embassy!


Sister Ileana smile.gif, when are you going to USA?

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-11-28 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (EasternDE @ Nov 27 2009, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've got my packet 4 today. My interview is set on December 30th.

Ok, I know it may sound wrong but I was hoping to get the interview before Christmas so I'm a bit disappointed.
You know, as a gift. wink.gif

Well, now, to book medicals...

Heyiii Ileana.. I live in Bosnia, it is not so near to Romania (like Serbia), but we are quite near biggrin.gif!
I had my medical yesterday.. I think that it was ok.. X ray, and blod test is great!
I have incomplete vaccination history, but I also think that wont be a problem?

I am a little bit confused! Do you know, how much time can pass between the medical and the date of interview.. Because, I am just waiting that documents that Faruk sent arrive.. So I am hoping that next week they will be in my hands and that I can call embassy!

Ohhh I am nervous about the interview sad.gif

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-11-27 17:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (kitty23 @ Nov 25 2009, 04:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck tomorrow Azra! smile.gif I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

And happy national day!

Thank you Ileana!

Ohhh how do you knowwwww smile.gif?! Thank you very much!

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-11-25 17:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (RUSSandRACHEL @ Nov 25 2009, 02:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, I have spoken to a few other people on the UK forum and it seems to be the case that London probably have recieved it they just havent got round to opening it and entering it into the system. Apparently they also do things in batches... waiting til they have a pile of applications for a couple of weeks and then putting them into the system at the same time, and then the same with packet 3 and also issuing an interview date. I'm hoping we hear something by the end of the month. Still, we're in no major rush. I've put on our forms that we plan to travel around February even though we prob won't til April. I just want to get everything out of the way...

Do you have your medical scheduled yet Azra?

OHhh.. Good luck! I am hoping that soon everything will be done! rose.gif
Tomorrow I have my medical brrrrrrrrrrr! wacko.gif !
I will tell you how it all went star_smile.gif !


MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-11-25 08:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (RUSSandRACHEL @ Nov 25 2009, 11:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (fPf_iMc @ Nov 23 2009, 03:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We got the PINK slip! My interview went well last Nov 20. It was only less than 5 minutes with the consul. Right after he said "Congratulations your visa has been approved, I was so teary-eyed right infront of him while I said "Thank you so much Sir!"

And while waiting for my release slip, everything flashed back from day 1 of this journey that my fiance and I had... and i was just sitting in the blue seat crying by myself. Thank you God! Everything is indeed all worth it.

I will be home soon my love.

Good luck to those who will still be having their interviews and waiting for notices. Just keep the faith and patience. ASk for strength and perseverance and everything will be ok.

Feel free to ask me anything if you like...

God is so good!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Well done! Im so happy for you! kicking.gif

Well... we are still waiting. Feel like we've come to a bit of a standstill. We are still waiting for London to recieve our case. According to NVC (which I dont know if I believe) they still haven't recieved it since it was sent on the 12th! Ahhh... the waiting game again!

Hello my friends!

Ohhh Rachel, is it possible? Hmm.. Wierd? I have already got packet 3 from the embassy!
I also made a mistake blush.gif .. when I called embassy to see if they have received our case from the NVC, they asked me a name.. And I said Faruk.. hahaha.. (I thought that I need to say his name).. So they said, no, nothing yet.. Try to call next week! And then, two days later, I got a letter (packet 3) from the embassy!"

UK is even closer to the USA than Bosnia, so it is impossible that embassy havent received a case, if NVC told you that they have sent it?!
Maybe your embassy has too many cases so they are waiting to clear it up a little bit, so that next cases can start their proces with embassy?! Just guessing blink.gif !

Good luck to all of us.. I am so scared because of the interview.. I dont know when it will be, but I am scared.. no0pb.gif

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-11-25 07:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (fPf_iMc @ Nov 23 2009, 04:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We got the PINK slip! My interview went well last Nov 20. It was only less than 5 minutes with the consul. Right after he said "Congratulations your visa has been approved, I was so teary-eyed right infront of him while I said "Thank you so much Sir!"

And while waiting for my release slip, everything flashed back from day 1 of this journey that my fiance and I had... and i was just sitting in the blue seat crying by myself. Thank you God! Everything is indeed all worth it.

I will be home soon my love.

Good luck to those who will still be having their interviews and waiting for notices. Just keep the faith and patience. ASk for strength and perseverance and everything will be ok.

Feel free to ask me anything if you like...

God is so good!

What did they ask smile.gif ?

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-11-23 02:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (kitty23 @ Nov 19 2009, 04:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I GOT THE VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kicking.gif I am so happy!!! Now all I have to do is get on a plane and go home!

The interview was so simple and easy! We are together 6 years now and the counsel only asked me three questions: where and how did we meet, do I know his family and what are my plans for when I get to US. After answering the last questions she said "your visa was aproved, congratulations!" Half an hour later I had the passport with the visa in my hand! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Feel free to ask me anything. I am so excited I don;t know if I missed any useful information.

Hugs and good luck to all!!!



I am sorry for not being on forum for a while.. Today I got packet 3 from the embassy¨.. And I am preparing documents! Faruk will send to me a documents that he needs to send!

Rachel.. your dog Honey is wonderful! And Mushroom =), I am so sorry for your loss rose.gif sad.gif !!!

I have one question.. Do we bring on the interview documents that we have copied (when we at first sent to USCIS.. with I-129 F, G325 forms etc...)? Do we need that for interview too, (because here in our K1 guide it writes that we should bring that too on the interview)? So Ileana, what did you bring on your interview smile.gif?

Take care you all,


MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-11-19 11:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (RUSSandRACHEL @ Nov 16 2009, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone!

I just want to screeeeeeam! I just tried to call Knightbridge Doctors in London to schedule my medical and they were soooooo rude!!! I cant believe it! They wanted my case number and took it along with my name, date of birth and phone number. Then the receptionist asked me where I got their phone number from and whether I have recieved my packet from the Embassy instructing me to make the appointment when I said 'no not yet', she totally turned on me and said 'why are you bothering calling?' And 'how do I know that I need a medical if I havent been advised to have one yet??!!!' Omg! I told her we're fully versed on the visa process and want to be organised as possible as we've just recieved our new case number. She was so sarcastic and said 'well, thats not how the embassy works!' Cheek! So now we're no better off and now I may not get an appointment for when Russ arrives over Christmas. Grrrrrrrr! More delays... mad.gif

Fingers crossed for Kitty on your interview on thursday! Think of yoooou! star_smile.gif

Batta try not to worry... everything will all be sorted soon, I'm sure. And Eastern DE dont worry about your mistake, at this stage I dont think it will really matter. You can always clear it up with them at the interview anyway.

Lets try to keep smiling!

Hello my dear VJ friends!

RAchel, it is so cute that you have plans that your dog come to the USA with you! I was so thirled about that, that I even dream about your dog laughing.gif .. it was last night.. but this one was much more younger smile.gif !

Ohhhh I hate when people are trying to be the smartes, just like that receptionist! Ahhgrrrrr! I hope that everything will be alright!

Dear Batta.. I am so sorry for you!¨I am hoping that soon things about your case will move on faster! good.gif !!!

Ileana, good luck with your interview! Yayayaya.. We are expecting good news and all the details smile.gif!

Take care,

God bless you all!


MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-11-16 11:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (kitty23 @ Nov 12 2009, 08:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning family! tongue.gif

Thanks to all keeping their fingers crossed for me!

Hang in there Mariam, you'll get there too eventually. At least you've got to see him. wink.gif

Colleen, your avatar picture is awsome! My hubbie looks great in uniform too! wink.gif

Mushroom is good for me too. smile.gif

Victoria, thanks! You're the soul of this topic!

Ahmed, have a wonderful time! It's so good to be with your loved one, isnt't it?

You're all in my thoughts every day.

Hugs to all,


Hello my dearest VJ friends smile.gif,

It feels so good when we are all on the next step.. Together we are stronger star_smile.gif

Mariam I hope that soon everything will be alright.. We just need to be patient! Sometimes you lose on the one side, and get on the other side.. But the most important thing is that the final result is the best for us!
Mariam and Ahmed.. Ooohhh you are so lucky that you can spend a time with your love! I havent seen Faruk for (you can see below biggrin.gif )

OHhhhh ILEANA.. TOMORROW IS YOUR INTERVIEW (am I right.. I havent checked your timeline.. I trying to remember smile.gif!

Our case left NVC today yayaya.. And it is on its way to the Bosnia with God`s help and bless!
So now it is time for me to start with preparing a documents that I need (I didnt want to do it before.. step by step.. I dont like to do things before no0pb.gif

I am hoping that you are all fine"! Be careful, and dont get H1N1 devil.gif , and have a nice weekend!

Take care,

Azra & Faruk

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-11-12 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (kitty23 @ Nov 11 2009, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh, EasternDe! I am so sorry it's taking so long for you! I know we all hope to spend winter holidays with our loved ones! Just hang in there. You never know. wink.gif

Azra is even more beautiful than Musho! And I totally agree with Russ&Rachel that we should call each other with our real names. I think we should make a list, something like:


Ohhh you are nice! thanks!

Simon & Janet -
Russ& Rachel - Russ & Rachel
Kitty23 - Ileana & Pablo
Musho - Azra & Faruk
Pdcvcm -
EasternDe -
Coleens -
Oldahmed -
Peruvy&Gringa -
JewelX -

Feel free to add to the list. tongue.gif

Hugs to all,

MushoFemaleBosnia-Herzegovina2009-11-11 03:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA

K1 viza spada pod nonimmigrant, svi se sla?emo da je to smije?no, ali tako je. Pogotovo zato ?to kada tra?i? svoj case na ceac web stranici (nakon ?to do?e? do NVC stadija pa nadalje), bira? opciju 'immigrant' da bi provjerila case status. Ja sam pro?la kroz ovu fazu prije nekoliko mjeseci i uredno sam online popunila obrazac DS-160 za k1 vizu :) Sretno!

Cao! Ima li neko trenutno da je u procesu za K1 vizu? Ili nadam se da neko od starih clanova moze da pomogne   :) Dobila sam na kucnu adresu pismo iz ambasade sa onim uputstvima o potrebnim dokumentima za intervju, i jedno od njih je DS-160 obrazac ? Da li je neko tako jos dobio? Taj obrazac se odnosi nonimmigrant vize, a K1 spada u immigrant, pa sam sad zbunjena, pa cisto da proverim da li je jos neko tako dobio  :huh:


PerditaDNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2014-08-25 23:32:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Serious CSC Delay For NVC

Got NOA2 on Aug 22nd, kept calling NVC daily 2 weeks after that and they always said they didn't have it yet. Finally, we called DoS and they said they got our case (that was Oct 3rd) and gave us our case#. Ever since then our case status on CEAC website is AT NVC. It's been 9 days, don't know what's going on :( Any advice? I see that cases normally leave NVC 2-5 days after being assigned with a case#.

PerditaDNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2013-10-12 14:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Check Status Help!

I just used the google search engine here in VJ and it seems the embassy emails you packet 3 and can provide you with the interview date also via email or phone. Hopefully someone who has gone through this consulate will share their experience.

Here's some info about the Islamabad Consulate:


Thanks a bunch,


I used the ISL number and now it shows that its Ready.  Would never have guessed the way CEAC website words it.


Case Status Update: 09-Sep-2014


ISL0000000000 01 Ready

ISL0000000000 02 Ready

ISL0000000000 03 Ready


I guess my fiance would need to wait for the interview letter now.

Do they send it electronically or send it by regular mail?




PerditaDNot TellingBosnia-Herzegovina2014-09-10 14:46:00