CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal

Anything that makes you feel like progressing can be a huge help. And as you most certainly will have a date within six months, there's no harm in getting it out of the way. Except that, once you do receive an interview date, you'll be itching to do something and won't have anything left to get done! Hehe.

The good thing is, if you happen to be like some of the cases we've seen where you're only given a couple of weeks notice for the interview, you won't have to worry about rushing to get it done should your schedule be difficult to navigate.

Hah, I wish, I have a house to pack!
Id love to be one of those people that can just pack up my car and bail across the border once everything is done though. Must be nice! :)
SupportGeekMale02010-03-19 14:25:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal

Personally I'll wait until I get my interview date to book the medical... I think that's what most people do in Montreal.

I dont think there is much of a wait to get an appointment.

Its about 2 weeks right now, I dont have an interview date yet, (P3 has been with Montreal since Feb 2 *sadfase*) but I wanted to get it out of the way since its good for 6 months so I called and booked it. Also It just made me feel like things are still progressing if I get it done, even though Ive heard not a peep from Montreal in a while.
Apr 5 for my Medical at least...Is it sad that Im excited?
SupportGeekMale02010-03-19 08:44:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

Eww, EQ? That is not to be mentioned here. :lol:

Hey, EQ was the Shizznit, and led the way for WoW :P
SupportGeekMale02010-06-22 23:25:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

Anyone else meet via EverQuest 2 instead of WoW?

Close! PinkPixie and I met on EQ1 Posted Image

We do play WoW now though.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-22 06:35:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux

I am going to make a new creation of mine called Bhut Jolokia Chicken. I finally found a herb store in town which sells the Bhut Jolokia pepper (Ghost Pepper) so going to make a chicken dish with that tonight...

LOL, they make a powerful pepperspray from that stuff you know!
you are going to burn out your mouth :P
SupportGeekMale02010-06-17 08:28:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Turkey burger on whole wheat bun, leaf lettuce, tomato.

Yea, boring I know Posted Image
SupportGeekMale02010-05-14 20:19:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

I thought Red Robin burgers were just ok. They aren't that expensive. The best burger in the world, hands down is a place called The Hitching Post. It is in Buellton California, which is like 50 miles north of santa barbara. It is a fairly expensive steakhouse and prime rib restaurant and they are good. What makes their burger exceptional is that their burger is made from the scraps from filet mignon steaks. It isn't on their menu and you can only actually order it if you sit at the bar on Monday or Tuesdays.

Cat Cora even chose this as the best burger shes ever eaten on that Food Network show "The best thing I ever ate"

Its not far from me actually (20-30 min drive), I should go there sometime...
SupportGeekMale02010-09-09 18:01:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

this was posted in the OT...


I just made one for my SIL... it only cost me 9 dollars for shipping.. today is the last day though..

I used to work for the father of the creator of the Picaboo app/site, I wouldnt get one of those albums from them even if they paid me. Arrogant, self centered, pompous jackholes, they had a lot of money, and treated everyone that worked for them like they were less than human and far beneath them, they disgusted me. Its a good thing I didnt work in the main office, dealing with them daily would have made me go all stabby.Posted Image

SupportGeekMale02010-09-01 11:11:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
Haha! Raccoon eyes!

On another note, I didnt know there was an airshow down your way yesterday, I like them, and would have gone, we were looking for something to do too....

Edited by SupportGeek, 08 August 2010 - 11:37 AM.

SupportGeekMale02010-08-08 11:36:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

I guess my thing is that I am not a huge fan of Butter-cream frosting :dead:

Costco has a nice lighter whipped icing too IIRC
SupportGeekMale02010-07-30 18:40:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

well it looks like it is a no-go on the cake... wouldn't you guys prefer a nice homemade cake over a store bought cake?? :P it isn't like they are getting it from some fancy bakery. it is usually one of those cakes you get from the supermarket

Normally, yes.
But I do like me a Costco cake, they taste super good for a store bought cake IMO.
Failing that, take me to a bakery or homemade, yes
SupportGeekMale02010-07-30 14:11:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
yup, I was on a treadmill, so I didnt actually notice it. but the news on the TV was all "OMG EARTHQUAKE!!!"
SupportGeekMale02010-06-23 13:29:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Well, there certainly is nothing to feel sorry for. It's not like i'm being exiled to Zimbabwe. It will be an adjustment for sure. She did it for me, so the least I can do is move for her. Besides, living in L.A. is kind of insane when you are thinking about starting a family. Homes are just too expensive here, and the cost of living is just too high to sustain.

I went to roadtocanada and well, that gives new meaning to 'ghost town'. :help:

On the bright side, start to finish Im told that a married couple can be done with the process of getting to Canada in 3 months. So you can be here by the end of summer.

I DO know what Huggles means about the insanity that an area thats packed with people can be like. Im close to Toronto, and the traffic here is just stupid, even when there isnt any rush hour going on the roads are bumper to bumper, people cuttin each other off, slamming on brakes for no real reason its insane. I read something recently that compared the GTA to LA and New York for traffic, I believe it since Ive driven in New York and its pretty dang close.
Im happy I'll be heading more towards the Central coast, Santa Maria is a little less hot, better traffic, still has pretty decent diversity and I can still drive to LA if I want to make the trip ;)
SupportGeekMale02010-06-16 18:38:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Where the heck is your husband working Ashen?! Sounds like an interesting atmosphere :lol:
I couldn't sleep because I had visions of him showing up and confronting a gang of burglars like Batman or something.

If your husband can confront burglars like Batman, I really dont know why you couldnt sleep, he sounds pretty damn awesome Posted Image
SupportGeekMale02010-06-16 18:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

I've done somewhat of a cursory check here on VJ, but couldn't really find anything. Could someone point me in the right direction to find information about immigrating to Canada?

Had enough of LA? :o
SupportGeekMale02010-06-16 15:59:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Wow. VJ is a virtual wasteland.


I guess everyone's watching the world cup.

Pouring rain here.

So lonely.


No World Cup for me, Im at work, in Burlington
Its been on and off raining, I think I closed my sunroof....

Edited by SupportGeek, 16 June 2010 - 11:43 AM.

SupportGeekMale02010-06-16 11:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Actually they try to bite me, hence the 3rd picture :bonk:

The trick with turtles is to treat them like raw chicken. You wash your hands after touching them and you don't put them in your mouth :hehe:

So...always store them on the bottom shelf of the fridge so they dont drip and cross contaminate other food? Posted Image
SupportGeekMale02010-06-08 20:18:00
CanadaVaccination Records

I went for my Titer blood test yesterday; the nurse at my doctor's office said it may take 4+ weeks to come back...I will likely have my medical exam booked by then.....does it really take this long ? DANG !!


Was about 10 days for my results.


They had long since destroyed my vaccination records when I went hunting for them, so I also got by on just a titers tests. 

You can still book your appointment, you will have the results and the requisite boosters you need by the time you have to go, the doc can give them to you when they go over the results of the tests with you, the shots are a stocked item.

SupportGeekMale02013-06-28 09:50:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

Finally got my 10 yr GC in the mail last Saturday smile.png  SOOO glad that's over!


Thats awesome you have it!


But Damn! over a year?!?

SupportGeekMale02013-06-12 16:43:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Can we stop talking about my accident?

But....We're concerned! Posted Image
SupportGeekMale02010-08-23 00:09:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

My vent is all the Bieber videos taking over this thread :P

Also, apparently we don't have health insurance coverage until September 1st, so I can't go to the dr. about my neck hurting from yesterday. And the stupid dude that hit me hasn't replied to me or my insurance agent yet. Oh joy. This is turning out to be fun. lol

I had a quick chat with my fiancee today about your accident, she said essentially the same thing as Huggles, go to the doctor, tell them you were in a car accident, health insurance wont matter, they wont even want to see anything to do with health insurance coverage, everything will be billed to the insurance companies involved.

Go get checked, head/neck is kind of important
SupportGeekMale02010-08-21 01:08:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Too bad, you don't live in Texas. If you get a traffic ticket, you plead not guilty and request the judge for a jury trial. You and the cop will be summoned for trial and if the cop doesnt show up, which happens about 99% of the time, you win by default. Works like a charm everytime. If he does show up for the trial, you request the judge for an extension and you can do that upto 2 times.. Unless the cop really hates you guts, he is bound to not show up eventually in which case you can get the ticket dismissed.

Jury trial for a speeding ticket??
After seeing this sort of abuse of the court system, I dont know how people wonder why the justice and courts in the US are overloaded and haemorrhaging money like crazy. Thats ridiculous
SupportGeekMale02010-07-30 14:07:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Really? I think southern ontario is the worst. Everyone there drives too slow, confuses the word "yield" for "stop", and there are far too many that are so overly cautious it's almost dangerous at times. It's all a matter of perspective ;)

No, you really are right with that.
I just came from Southern Ontario, and every day on the roads I wanted to kill everyone, to echo ashen, I was road raging so bad I was stressed all the time because the drivers there are so awful, half of them I cant understand how they passed a drivers test, then another chunk are the indian immigrant drivers whose husbands passed the test, then handed the license to their wives misunderstanding that it covers the rest of the family too
I detested even driving across town it was so bad.
Here in the Central coast, its a joy in comparison,
SupportGeekMale02010-07-29 11:11:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Pft, road rules in california:

Blinkers are optional, middle fingers are the ideal way to say you wanted to merge in.
Never look before you merge, they have to get our of your way, you don't have to make sure that they can.
Constant swirving into lanes that arent your own makes sure that other drivers on the road are awake so do this at every chance.
Green means stop, yellow means slow down, red means speed up and go through anyway, beeping at any of the ******'s who DARE try to turn on their green light.
Likewise, stopsigns are a suggestion.
Speeds - Never go the speed limit. You must always go either 10+ above or below the speedlimit but never the actual speed limit. If you are the only one of 2 people on the highway, driving at 45 is suggested, preferrably in front of the other person.

Sadly these road rules work the same for the GTA =/
SupportGeekMale02010-07-29 01:53:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

And if there is a god, he's a dummy for making people such selfish dinks who hate each other so much and are incapable of seeing each other's point of view.

This phrase cracked me up, I think it was the part about "selfish dinks" :)
You are my new hero
SupportGeekMale02010-06-18 14:03:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

So today I start talking to the event planners daughter about her immigration process... she really is clueless about all of it. I don't know how she could be, she just filed AOS but she really does think she's on a three year waiting list for citizenship. She has NO idea about ROC or anything. She believes she's on a list to wait. I was trying to tell her about my ROC process, you know to shoot the ####### with someone who perhaps understands and she said: "Oh ya it's a pain, we're on the waiting list right now for citizenship... we just got his green card though."

Waiting list for citizenship... like as if they're waiting for a kidney or something. :huh:

Then she made some comment about "Arabs coming in a blowing us up and we can't get citizenship fast enough" and that's when I walked away... very very slowly...

Id love to hire someone to follow that family around with a camcorder all day, its like a new reality series in the making
SupportGeekMale02010-06-16 11:46:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
*sigh* (((Krikit))), So sorry to hear about your Aunt, I hope they caught it early that it stays encapsulated where it is and its put behind your family quickly and safely. I lost my uncle to cancer some years back, and my father just in December, so Im well aware of the kinds of stress and angst it causes everyone close to the person with it. I will keep you and yours in my thoughts.

Edited by SupportGeek, 15 June 2010 - 07:36 PM.

SupportGeekMale02010-06-15 19:35:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

My husband finally got a job!! :dance: My husband finally got a job!! :dance: My husband finally got a job!! :dance: My husband finally got a job!! :dance:

lol sorry... but OMG!!! My husband finally got a job!!!!!! :dance: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Woot Woot! yay!
SupportGeekMale02010-06-11 22:05:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Are you saying you're "Hip"? :D
SupportGeekMale02010-06-09 11:16:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Okay actually I do have a vent.
My hives are coming back with a vengeance right now. For like 3 weeks I almost had 0 on my body, now they're all over the place... I need to find out when my husband can get medical insurance.

EEK! My Sister used to suffer from them something awful. Maybe there is a free clinic around? Look in the papers mebbe? Posted Image

:lol: Reven!

Last night my husband and I were talking about something unimportant and random and he suddenly interjects, "well next year when we start to think about having a baby..." I'm like WHOA next year? Weren't you gonna ask me this first? I don't think so darling... :P

Emphasis on the bolded part, at least he only said "start to think" you can probably leave him at that phase for a year or 2 easy Posted Image

Oh, and OMG ROFL! At the end of sex Reven!!Posted Image

Edited by SupportGeek, 08 June 2010 - 08:27 PM.

SupportGeekMale02010-06-08 20:25:00
CanadaAugust Interviews Crew - AOS Journey

Ok, so now I'm stressing!!! :wacko:

We're getting married on the 9th of September, and my I-94 expires on November 17th... That leaves me 68 days on my I-94 if I want to apply for my SSN under my married name... What should I do? I mean, it all depends also on if I get the marriage certificate right away, doesn't it?

Should I just go ahead and get it? I wanted to wait so that I could fill everything under that name, SSN, driver's license, AOS... How long for a name change anyways?

What do you guys think?

(ok ok, not stressing, it'll be ok!) :bonk:

You really dont have to worry
You will have the marriage certificate well before November, heck, probably before October, you might only have had a problem if you were going for SSN within 2 weeks of the I-94 expiry

Alright, well made a bunch of phone calls, and here's the deal:
- Gotta apply for your SSN asap (10 days after your POE for the system to be updated)
- You need the marriage certificate to change your name to your married name (duh)
- In Virginia, it takes 3 weeks to get the mariage certificate back
- Then you can apply for a name change...


Gosh, this is complicated... I thought i'd be able to file the AOS relatively soon after we got married, but looks like it'll be in mid-October at the latest... :bonk:

I applied for my SSN 21 days after arrival, they still didnt find me, most people say 14 days min
SupportGeekMale02010-08-25 11:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRECEIVED NEWLY-DESIGNED GREENCARD!!
Hm, "To prevent wireless communication with it"?
I assume it has some RFID tech in it?
SupportGeekMale02010-05-23 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

Yep I've read the posts. Everyone has been helpful and giving you the correct information. It is up to you to decide how you're going to read it and/or take it and you must be always on the defense or something because most of the time you are calling people rude. Stating facts is not rude and it is not discriminatory. Say what you want. Everything we say is falling on deaf ears anyway.

Kayla*Mathew,I agree, It seems she enjoys playing a victim, its a pattern of hyperbolizing everything to justify her feeling that everyone is attacking her.
I assumed that it was a slight translational problem when reading English and taking posts the wrong way, basically giving her the benefit of the doubt.

Diana, At no point did I indicate your English sucks, its pretty good, but its clear that its not your primary language, and being from Quebec, thats understandable, as I mentioned above, I figured that there was a strong possibility that some of the slight nuances were missed when reading others posts, making you feel like they were attacking you or "being rude", hoping that you would realize that no one is truly attacking you and that its likely you were simply misreading is all. I apologize if it read differently from my intent, it was 2am and perhaps I wasn't as clear as I needed to be.
Kayla is correct, and everyone in this thread except you can see it, you are being excessively rude to others that post the facts you don't want to hear, you are attacking them personally and in some of your posts, breaking the TOS and posting guidelines, that is why you were previously banned, yet you still haven't learned to treat others with respect.

Again, I sincerely hope your process goes smoothly, because at the rate you are going, if you run into problems and need questions answered, you aren't going to find others willing to help as you attitude is alienating potential allies.
SupportGeekMale02010-07-28 11:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNow this is upsetting.

I was offering some friendly advice on how to deal with authorities in the US, and you responded by biting my head off. You've done the same with a few other posters here.

Sadly its a recurring theme :(

I think your problem is obvious. Law enforcement officers in the US are not the same as they are in Canada, and that isn't likely to change regardless how big a tantrum you throw. If you are flippant or rude with a law enforcement officer in the US, as you have been with people in this thread, then you will find yourself face down on the concrete with your hands cuffed behind your back.

Also likely tazer probes lodged in her back!

Diana, I suspect it is likely some of your miscommunication is a result of a slight language barrier, its obvious your English is not as fluent as your French likely is. Knowing how difficult communication when only using text is, then adding difficulties from language diffrences, I think you may be perceiving people to be more arrogant or offensive to you than they really are.
No one here is telling you that you cant have an opinion about how much the process sucks, or how craptastic it can be to deal with a CBP officer who seems to want nothing to do but hassle you (or multiple officers?). However, when posters here tell you that you have NO rights at the border when attempting to cross and dealing with a CBP officer, that is not an opinion, it is fact. When someone tells you that you can be denied for any reason whatsoever, it is not opinion, it is fact.
No one here is lying to you, or trying to trick you, and if you actually take the time to read the FAQ's, the How To's and the Wiki's available here on the site, you would see that what you have been told is very much corroborated there.
We are all here to help one another with the process of getting to our loved ones, and being forewarned is forearmed, but acting hostile to the other posters isnt going to earn you any friends, and soon you may find yourself with a lot less allies to help answer questions on your journey.

Good luck with your visa, I hope the process is smooth for you.
SupportGeekMale02010-07-28 03:57:00
CanadaDS-160 online form

Well everyone here is so helpful, Im hoping someone has the answers I need again :)

Ive been filling out the online DS-160 form and every time I try to submit the picture it takes it then tells me:
"Head size or position relative to image dimensions may be incorrect"
It looks correct to me. It isnt one of the same photos I had taken for medical and consulate though, Its a Canadian passport sized one that I cropped down.
I dont have a scanner so Im not sure I can get one of the other physical ones scanned in to try. It says something about submitting a picture with passport, can I just leave the picture out until the interview and hand over the physical ones then?

Also I plan to send in my packet 3 tomorrow, how did some of you send it? Priority next AM that needs a signature? Or 1 Day Xpresspost tracking but no signature?

SupportGeekMale02010-01-28 21:42:00
CanadaIn these Olympics, Canadians only paid attention to Canada.
This article is extremely hard to take with even a shred of credibility because it Godwins itself in the first couple of sentences.
It fails on all fronts, hard.
SupportGeekMale02010-03-04 07:40:00
CanadaPolice Check and long form birth certificate questions

Thank you guys. I can't believe this is another $40. I also can't believe I was so stupid and didn't pay attention to the "long form" until now. Big failure for me! We are just now calling the NVC to see if they got our approved I129F... I hope we have a couple months before the interview. We had our NOA-2 for the K1 approved 3 months early, and did not have the expected time to save up. This is getting really tight. And most annoying is due to living in BC he can't get a credit card until next year at 19. I've tried to put him on mine, but just went in circles. Sorry, rant over.

Based on your timeline, it looks like you dont even have the packet 3 yet, so you are easily a couple months or more from an interview, you have plenty of time so dont panic :)
Try not to stress over $40, plenty of stuff in this process seems to cost way more than that, just keep rollin and you will do fine.
SupportGeekMale02010-03-18 07:46:00
CanadaPacket 3

Hi All, so I called the NVC to see if they had sent my visa approval to MTL as they received on March 9th at the NVC and they gave me my case # that begins with MTL. I am a little confused. I called monday and the lady at NVC said they uploaded my approval notice to the MTL Consualte but it has not been accepted by them yet as she couldn't get into the file?? what does that mean?? I thought that once the NVC approved your petion they couried via DHL to the consulate, I justwant to know if it has left and arrived at MTL yet? Can anyone help me out on this. Also anyone know how long MTL is taking with interview dates, I heard 3 months, from the date they accept your packet 3 back, 1 month, just


Like Sam and Ben said above, there is a bit of a delay between when the packet arrives at Montreal and when they actually enter it into the system as "received", not sure what it entails, filing it, entering it into the database, or just stamping it and throwing it into Joe clerks inbox.
As far as interview dates, Ive been scouring the forums for more information too, Its been over 6 weeks for me since the P3 went back and not a peep, so I had my fiancee call DoS, "everything looks fine with it, its just waiting to be assigned an interview date", so Im really not sure when I will be getting an interview at this point, Im crossing my fingers for May latest, but who knows...
Really unsure why it takes that long to schedule a date if everything is fine, seems straight forward to me, open calenders for the interview officers, find the one with the next open available date, assign case to date, email officer, and petitioner with copy paste replies, send out formletter snailmail. Rinse repeat ad-infinitum.
SupportGeekMale02010-03-17 07:50:00
CanadaPost Reputation

I was just laughing my ####### off the other day at people's vents about getting a negative response. You'd think that someone had died or something. Come on, it's the internet, can't take anything seriously. But I guess i've got thicker skin, I used to post on 4chan a lot and can say that the worst on VJ is not even close to the tame on there.

4chan = the scourge of the internet!
Not a group you want to make angry at you lol

Edited by SupportGeek, 19 March 2010 - 10:57 AM.

SupportGeekMale02010-03-19 10:55:00
CanadaPost Reputation

Who are you Jesus of Visajourney?? :P

I like to envision myself as more of a hero like El'Kabong :P

Posted Image

Edited by SupportGeek, 19 March 2010 - 10:48 AM.

SupportGeekMale02010-03-19 10:48:00