CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Wish I wasn't going by myself :(
SupportGeekMale02010-05-19 11:41:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

Other than that, so far, it's been pretty dreary here.

Only because there is no hockey game Im sure, otherwise there would be riots in the streets Posted Image

SupportGeekMale02010-05-15 21:17:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Yea, Im going alone too on the 20th, Its disheartening, but traveling alone with a 2yo is an exercise in monumental patience that I dont really want to put her through. :(
SupportGeekMale02010-05-14 11:08:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
I know how you feel, seeing someone thrown into AP has me really worried, and the fact that its possibly by a new CO that either:

A) Is trying to be a hardass over immigration because its becoming a hot button topic in the US just now.
B) Just hasnt got the experience to make a call on anything but a 100% straightforward case

makes me even more concerned.
If he would have at least said what the hell he needed to check out it would have helped so we know if we will get stuck in the same pitfall or not.
SupportGeekMale02010-05-13 12:21:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
OMG YAY! May 20! 8am!!!!

Finally booked! 2 months to get ready....although Im well over half ready, I guess I should just pack the house up :)

Im thinking they must just have piled up the P3's as they received them oldest on bottom, newest on top, then started assigning top to bottom or something odd.

SupportGeekMale02010-03-22 13:59:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

So, have you called yet?

This was along weekend for me too! lol ... I will find out if I made the cut or not. My P3 was logged on Thursday. I am dying. I will cry if I missed it by a day.
I was looking back and saw Amanda2020 was logged on jan 25th and got her interview date on Jan 26th... so Im still hopeful. But stressed as hell.

My Fiancee is calling this morning once shes awake a little more. I cant call from work unfortunately, and the building is super weird here where cell reception is weak to non-existant. The area Im in is like a black hole for cell signals, so powerful, nothing escapes!
SupportGeekMale02010-03-22 08:59:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!
Oh I know, it was just torture going through the whole weekend knowing I missed being able to call by a few minutes :P

My p3 stuff was in a month before you even so I have fingers crossed, heck I barely slept last night even.

Well, it is better than no post at all! I know there are several of us that are waiting to get to the finish line at Montreal. Hopefully more people will have good news today!

SupportGeekMale02010-03-22 08:51:00
CanadaK-1 May interviews Montreal !!!!

My fiance' got his interview date of May 3, 2010 when I called at 4 p.m. today! Anyone else received word of their interview date in May. We finished our packet 3 and it was logged by Montreal on March 1 so I figure people from Jan. and Feb. should be having dates too! Call 202-663-1225 before 5 p.m. to see if you are scheduled too!

:dance: :dance: :dance:

So Cruel of you to post this with 15 minutes to go before 5pm EST, I want to knoooowwwwww. :(

Edited by SupportGeek, 19 March 2010 - 11:24 PM.

SupportGeekMale02010-03-19 23:24:00
Canadaplz need opinions

You can expect the higher level of scrutiny to continue on any future visit you attempt to take to the US.

Anecdotally, this is not accurate.
I was pulled into secondary with a lack of ties once before we started the petition, in a very similar situation, I wanted to stay longer, but was given only one month.
I was not questioned or picked on more than usual any other time after that, no evidence was asked or anything, despite having it on me. I think as long as you comply with the rules (leave in the month they gave you) they wont even blink twice at further visits. I was never taken to secondary again after that time (except to activate my K-1 of course)
SupportGeekMale02010-09-03 13:00:00
CanadaIs it just me, or is this kind of overwhelming?
Doesn't look that bad, I read the forms, its just a pain in the #### to get some things again.
MEh, Im here, Im not leaving, this part isnt so stressful other than Id like to work
SupportGeekMale02010-09-09 18:05:00
CanadaI live! Sort of.
Good luck with the move, I was just thinking on who hadnt been posing recently.
Im glad he got a job, Frontsight is supposed to be top notch firearms training so it should be a lot of fun for him.

Stay in touch, even though I know you are gonna be busy!
SupportGeekMale02010-09-13 02:14:00
CanadaThe Annoying Co-Worker Thread
oh how I would love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation :)
SupportGeekMale02010-05-06 10:21:00
CanadaK-1 Schedule October Interviews whil CR-1 Wait????

I do not consider engagements any less important - my frustration is directed toward the way this system is set up, NOT at the K-1's on here. You guys are the lucky ones as far as a quicker process.

We thought of going K-1, but my husband's kids live in Victoria and he picks them up every two weeks for a 2 day visit. With the K-1 he couldn't have seen them for maybe 3 months until AP was approved. His ex would never have taken the time to bring them to him here. His daughter is disabled with a seizure disorder, so it's important that one of her parents be with her and it would have been difficult for me to pick them up on Friday's in Canada after work at the ferry and make the 8 hour round trip on Sunday's to take the kids home crossing the border and taking the ferry to the island and back.

We knew and understood the IR1/CR1 process would take a year to do and I have no problem with that but I just don't see why it's so much longer than the K-1 process - that's all.

In answer to this, its mainly because you get your ability to cross back and forth freely, and and immediate Green Card upon activating your VISA, the K-1s have about a 9 month wait to get their VISA, then another 3-5 month wait to obtain these priveledges through EAD, AP, and AOS process, as well as paying yet MORE fees to get them. Factoring that in, the CR-1 is actually faster overall, as well as cheaper.
SupportGeekMale02010-09-14 14:09:00
CanadaAfter interview?

Do we find out if we are approved for the K1 visa on the day of the interview?
Or do we have to wait for the letter to be mailed to find out?

how long to wait after the interview?

Also, do they keep any of our proof of meeting (letters, photos, boarding passes) from the interview?

You will be told at the interview if you are "Welcomed to the United States" or not.
The Visa will be mailed out within 2 weeks (10 business days) if approved

They keep anything you sent in your initial application package (the I-129) but anything you bring with you the day of that is additional, will likely not even be looked at unless you have a case with some doubts to it. They dont keep it.
SupportGeekMale02010-09-17 19:52:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

The funny thing about Tim Hortons no longer making the donuts in the stores------They changed how they did it for months before announcing it to the public, and no 1 complained!! BUT once they heard they were no longer "fresh" then they stated they sucked,lol

This isnt an uncommon thing in chain stores since often when quality slips people will just think its "their" store.
Most consumers wont complain about things to the store anyhow, they simply stop going/purchasing when the problem remains for a time.

Being told that its a global official policy change though usually makes people a little more vocal, especially a franchise like Tim's, the media were probably shoving microphones in everyones face over it.
SupportGeekMale02010-08-05 10:51:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

It isn't the obvious things that are a problem but the subtler ones - the ones that grow in your realization over time when you begin to understand that the 'ideology' and the 'culture' are alien to your way of thinking.

I wanted to quote this, because while the obvious differences factored into my feelings, this was also a factor in why I wasnt comfortable, Toronto and area are in general, pretty darn conservative, the attitudes, the thinking, its all very different from what I came from in the lower mainland, I could never adjust, the whole environment already changed me, I felt, for lack of a better term... poisoned.
I felt like I was angry all the time, stressed for no reason, and I had no real idea why.
I had changed for the poorer enough because of where I was, if I had fully integrated, I dont think I would have been me at all anymore.
SupportGeekMale02010-08-04 00:35:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?

I am sad to hear you had such a bad time in Ontario :( I don't disagree with everything (and there's only so much I can say about BC because I haven't even been there), but I would have to say the GTA is definitely a different ball of wax than the rest of Ontario. I would hesitate to say it's the best province, but there are some beautiful places if you drive out a bit. lol

It's interesting that Canada and the U.S. are so huge that different areas can have such drastic differences.

I should probably caveat that most of my references to "Ontario" really were focussed on the GTA only, although some parts do carry into the rest of the province, like the weather, and traffic hehe.
Im positive that most of the bad stuff was a result of being where I was, at times it seemed to me Toronto and the area were trying to match the stereotypes of the worst things you only hear about US cities.

I will admit, I was completely shocked at how diffrent the 2 provinces were, i was unprepared, and it put me in an awful spot. Never in a million years would I have felt so much like I was alone and unsupported while still in Canada :(
SupportGeekMale02010-08-03 16:27:00
CanadaAnyone feel like they've made a huge mistake?
Ive been reading this thread a while now, I wanted to say, I have experienced some of the same feelings, but not here in the USA.

Ive only been in the US about a month now, so IF those feelings are to come, it may not be for some time yet. My only frustration here is that I cannot legally work yet, we chose not to actually marry until Aug 28, with no civil ceremony first to kind of "move things along" so almost a month to go before I can file AOE, then a long wait for EAD etc to come, its so annoying to not be able to contribute when I know we could use it.
That said I WAS in a situation I hated.
I was born and raised in B.C. and lived in the lower mainland most of my life until about 11 years ago, I moved to the GTA in Ontario, I had no family, no friends, and I left everything familiar behind.
At first it seemed ok, something new, some things to be unsure of, but it was still Canada right?
Well sure, but Ontario is so different from B.C. its pretty staggering. I wasnt sure about the province, but I thought Id give it a try, but right away I found things that I hated, EVERYTHING was paved over, there was almost NOTHING pretty or scenic about Ontario, I came from a province of thick forests, beaches beautiful lakes and ocean, stunning mountains with snowy caps and I could get to any of that with 30 min drive if I wanted, if not sooner, Ontario had the occasional hill that they claimed was a mountain, and a big dirty lake.
This was just the tip of the iceberg for me, Ontario's highways are clogged with tractor trailers, getting anywhere within a reasonable amount of time was impossible even though the 401 was 6 lanes in each direction at most points in the GTA, even driving across town in Brampton where I lived was around a 40-45 minute trip for 10km. Horrible weather, Winter was so bad they needed the army to dig them out, Summer was hot, but 90% humidity EVERY DAY ruined it. Most everyone I encountered in Ontario were selfish, rude, self absorbed, and unfriendly or a complete whack-job, rampant racism everywhere (against all races), and the stress emanating from everyone was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
I hoped I could accept it and grow to like my new surroundings, I did my best to downplay as much as I could, but when you are reminded by even strangers, almost every day to "be happy I lived in the greatest province in Canada, and the greatest city in the Universe" (Yes they truly believed this)
To me, Ontario was a huge mistake, I was miserable it wasnt home, and never would be, I felt like I would never integrate and at that point, I really felt that doing so would be compromising my principles, and the things that made
Honestly, even though its only been about a month, Central Coast, California just "feels" right, I find I get along with people here better, its far more similar to B.C. in a lot of ways, attitude, traffic, and plenty of beauty. Sure some of my feelings are the shine of newness, but the biggest things that wont change for me are that Im about to marry the woman of my dreams, and I have family here, both hers, and an aunt and uncle in Reno, my family is closer overall since they live so close to the Washington-B.C. border too if need be. Im confident I can settle here, time will tell though.
I sort of suspect that had I moved somewhere east in the US, or far south, I wouldn't be really much happier than I was in Ontario, my own experience is that moving distant, even within the same country is a culture shock, home always looks better. Im sure to many, especially if you grew up there, Ontario isnt bad at all, maybe the GTA was the problem, but for me, Ontario was awful, ive never been so miserable, and depressed as I was living there.
So I understand the feelings of regret, discomfort, and alienation, despite not feeling it now, Ive been through it before, for me, the solution became to leave, had it been an environment where I could make friends, and had some family, there may have been other options I bet.
SupportGeekMale02010-08-03 15:40:00
CanadaNext batch of K1's waiting for interview in MTL


My turn to call tomorrow! Fingers crossed!

Honestly, in the last several batches, they have released them only on fridays, shich sorta sucks because some people miss the call and then end up wondering all weekend if they got a date with others or not (Happened to both myself and Vero lol)
So its going to be a lot of "no news" for those calling any other day I think.
SupportGeekMale02010-08-11 11:43:00
CanadaHEINZ ketchup!!

I just put Habanero Peppers in mine and that's all I ever add.

Grilled Cheese and ketchup though is really good. In fact that and regular sandwiches are the only thing I put ketchup on (other then making meatloaf). Fries I don't really, I still stick to the British tradition of using gravy for my fries, but if they don't have any, I will use ketchup...

Fries and gravy, and Cheese curd! :D
SupportGeekMale02010-05-17 16:00:00
CanadaHEINZ ketchup!!
It doesnt sound revolting, Im just not partial, I think it tastes WAY better plain, but thats me :)

Although I did mix some leftover bolognaise sauce with it once, and I loved it!
SupportGeekMale02010-05-17 09:16:00
CanadaHEINZ ketchup!!
Rhiann, I remember it, I was scared to try it, purple ketchup did not turn my crank :P

Edited by SupportGeek, 16 May 2010 - 12:03 AM.

SupportGeekMale02010-05-16 00:00:00
CanadaHEINZ ketchup!!
I will add it to select foods, and usually only after I taste it, if its bland, it gets salt.

Oh, and Im a KD purist. No Ketchup on it for me! ;)

SupportGeekMale02010-05-15 18:28:00
CanadaHEINZ ketchup!!
Lower sodium in foods is a good thing, its needed in cooking IMO, but its VERY overused in processed goods.
Its not uncommon to find a can of soup with over half the daily recommended allowance of sodium, in ONE CAN, #######.

And yea, low sodium is not "infringing rights" please, what an overused sentiment, if it goes on any longer its going to lose ALL meaning.

SupportGeekMale02010-05-15 18:05:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Now I just need a postcard that reflects truly horrid amounts of humidity, but not rain. go go Ontario Summers Posted Image
SupportGeekMale02010-06-05 07:00:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!

lol yes. Would you like to? PM me your address (or email <-- email preferred) and I will get you going :) You can still join June. Unless you were just joking. In which case, you're a meanie. :hehe:

And yes Ant, thanks for trying w/ the list. lol But I figured since I already have a complete one, I might as well just post it at the end of the month.

And yeah, I will promise to send out the draw and info before the 5th of every month, if we can all promise to send our cards out by the 20th :lol:

Sent mail!

Im no meanie! Posted Image

SupportGeekMale02010-06-04 23:07:00
CanadaPostcard Exchange!
Can I play? :P
SupportGeekMale02010-06-04 18:05:00
CanadaApplying for California Drivers License

Mel and I went to two separate DMV's and were told by the head supervisor at both that an EAD wasn't enough, despite what their website says. As to whether a police officer can look up your immigration status, absolutely they can.

Out of curiousity, do you work for the state,(CHP?) or County LE?
Im surprised they can look up immigration status considering the requirement AZ has now for all immigrants to carry proof of status with them, my assumption being that LE had no access to DoS files.

Edited by SupportGeek, 10 November 2010 - 05:56 PM.

SupportGeekMale02010-11-10 17:55:00
CanadaApplying for California Drivers License

OK..As someone who works for a police department, you are telling me I am not allowed to drive with my Canadian Driver's License?
Because my I-94 is expiring, I have to wait for my AOS to arrive, right? My EAD is not validation enough?
I am very confused about all of this. I certainly do not want to break any laws, or condone illegal behaviour, but I was under the impression that Canadians are allowed to drive with their Canadian license in California.

Is my best option to not drive until I am able to get a California license? This whole area is so unclear. I wish it had been in the little welcome letter the USCIS gave me!

Anyway, I hope to visit the DMV soon.

With regards to driving in CA, when visiting from Canada, you can drive as much as you want. After arriving in CA with intent to stay or become a resident (coming on a visa), you can drive on your Canadian DL for something like 10 days legally, after that time Law Enforcement considers you a resident in so far as how you must be licensed. In other words, 10 days after arriving, they require you to be driving on a CA issued DL, or not at all.
If you had applied well before your I-94 expired, your CA issued DL would have had the same expiry as your I-94, so max 90 days after crossing in the case of a K-1 fiancée Visa, since you are a few days from expiry, they wont even look at you at the DMV office.
While the CA motor vehicles website says EAD is enough, Ive heard of a few places that require the GC before they will issue a license, its probably up to the supervisor, although if you want to try with EAD it probably wont hurt, just bring the relevant page from the DMV website where it says EAD is enough to support your argument.
If you drive on your Canadian DL, and get pulled over, its going to completely be up to the LE officers discretion how to handle you, as Rob said, anything from advice not to drive and a warning, to having your vehicle towed and impounded, or anything in between.
Im not sure if a patrol car LE has any way to know if you are here on a visa or not, Rob may know, but I wouldn't condone any illegal behaviour.
SupportGeekMale02010-11-10 14:59:00
CanadaWedding Details
So yea, on the weekend, this happened...

Attached File  IMG_5224-25pct.jpg   168.75KB   21 downloads

Attached File  IMG_5234-25pct.jpg   204.54KB   23 downloads

Attached File  IMG_5238-25pct.jpg   210.09KB   21 downloads

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Took place in Hollister, CA, at Bolado Park
It was a lot of fun and work, but that fulfills the terms of my K-1, on to the AOS!
Needless to say, this last month has been so frikkin busy, heres hoping it settles down some :P
SupportGeekMale02010-09-03 17:48:00
####### VJ...making me doublepost!

Edited by SupportGeek, 14 June 2010 - 12:09 PM.

SupportGeekMale02010-06-14 12:05:00

LOL Sam! Congrats on best-crossing-ever!

I forgot to mention here that I also received my EAD! Got it on Saturday. HURRAY! :dance:

Congrats ashen! I think forgetting to mention can be overlooked by the fact that you were so elated that the man got a job ;)

You deserve all this good news thats rolling in, thats for sure!
SupportGeekMale02010-06-14 12:01:00

I went to change my name on my SSN today, we waited an hour!
It was funny though, because the person who processed it hadn't seen the new green card yet, so when she excused herself to photocopy it and ask how to verify it, she said she took a magnifying glass and looked at all the presidents :lol:
Apparently there's more than 30 different holograms on it too, that kind of blew me away.

Thats weird, if its RFID capable, they should just be able to pass it over a reader to verify :blink:
SupportGeekMale02010-06-07 14:52:00

Green Card came in the mail today, the new one! :dance:

Congratz! I know you've been waiting a long time!
SupportGeekMale02010-06-05 17:09:00

Well, I found out that FOR SURE my EAD card was not produced.
They said I should get my green card by the 12th though. (Yeah we'll see about that.)
Came home to another email saying they're sending another welcome letter.

And LA is hell for infopasses. We got there at 10:45am for my 11am appointment and didn't get called to a window till like... 1pm.

They should reimburse you the money for the EAD IMO Posted Image
SupportGeekMale02010-06-01 18:56:00
Good Luck Rhiann, hope it gets you SOME kind of good results
SupportGeekMale02010-06-01 10:10:00
CanadaExchange Rates

It touched PARITY today!

Every economic analyst out there is indicating its going to surpass the US dollar, and stay there quite some time, many indications are years.

Look for parity or better this week.

SupportGeekMale02010-04-06 19:42:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

On another note, has anyone heard back from Gordons2009?? He/She interviewed May 27th in Montreal. No postings, no news, nothing.....alien abduction or spontaneous combustion? I hope all went well for them.

You mean this post?
SupportGeekMale02010-05-31 22:02:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal

well put it this way..danu sent her p3 back in july and got nov 23, sam sent hers back in october and got a nov 20 interview date.

like i ryme or reason. some people wait less others more shrug.

Ugh, that almost makes me ill to think about, and I have to wait until Monday to know if they were assigning a wave or if it was just a one-off....ohboy
*cross fingers*
SupportGeekMale02010-03-19 23:29:00
CanadaK-1 people waiting for interviews at Montreal

Anything that makes you feel like progressing can be a huge help. And as you most certainly will have a date within six months, there's no harm in getting it out of the way. Except that, once you do receive an interview date, you'll be itching to do something and won't have anything left to get done! Hehe.

The good thing is, if you happen to be like some of the cases we've seen where you're only given a couple of weeks notice for the interview, you won't have to worry about rushing to get it done should your schedule be difficult to navigate.

Hah, I wish, I have a house to pack!
Id love to be one of those people that can just pack up my car and bail across the border once everything is done though. Must be nice! :)
SupportGeekMale02010-03-19 14:25:00