CanadaAfter Interview, Before POE?

Once you are approved at your interview, is there anything you need to wait for before making your POE? My husband and I would LOVE to drive directly from Montreal to the US, but does he have to stay in Canada and wait for any paperwork to be mailed to him before making his POE?
If he needs to wait, how long does it usually take to receive everything he needs?

Essentially what Trailmix said. It has happened that you can pick up the visa the next day at the consulate, its VERY rare though, but it cant hurt to ask. When he is approved, the Interviewing officer will tell him that his visa will arrive within 2 weeks in the mail (your provided expresspost envelope), and because its affixed to his passport, which he will give them, you cant do much crossing until it arrives anyhow.
Good luck! :)
SupportGeekMale02010-06-08 20:36:00
both window 14 lines were totally empty when I went to pay, I went to the correct one anyhow, but Im just sayin :)
SupportGeekMale02010-05-31 20:50:00
I brought cash, but there was a little sign on the register the girl was using that said CDN money would be accepted at a 5% exchange rate. I wouldnt count on that staying the same though, with the instability the Greeks are causing in the money markets.
SupportGeekMale02010-05-24 19:30:00
Canadainformation after interview

Outrageous. That's all I can say. They've had your passports for 2 months!!!??? And they haven't bothered to clarify? And having a lawyer hasn't helped?

I don't have advice. I'm just sorry for your situation.


As far as I can tell, they dont answer to lawyers any better than they would answer you if doing it yourself.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-09 11:24:00
CanadaGetting SSN

You may have seen references to bringing the marriage certificate, but that's for people trying to get a SSN done in their married name, and need to show proof of the name change. Unless he's changing his name, he won't need it ;) lol

I have a friend that did that.
It seems strange to me :blink:
SupportGeekMale02010-06-11 13:29:00
CanadaOpening a Bank Account - in Canada
As a general rule, Bank accounts and filing are mutually exclusive.

If you were to earn income in Canada, then you need to file taxes.

So unless as stated above, you were to earn enough interest from the Canadian account to matter as "income", you wouldnt need to worry about it
SupportGeekMale02010-06-13 15:46:00
CanadaWelcome to Sprails Chip Stand
Isnt that pic just of bacon, with no nationality? Posted Image
Although I suppose that could be Canadian bacon too, since there is a big ol maple leaf on the package
SupportGeekMale02010-06-10 20:28:00
CanadaWelcome to Sprails Chip Stand
Harveys isnt anything to write home about IMO, the patties are spiced weird, too much pepper or something
If Im eating from a chain, then Id choose almost anything else.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-10 14:55:00
CanadaWelcome to Sprails Chip Stand
All these visual aids are killing me, I want to eat them all

I so love food Posted Image
SupportGeekMale02010-06-05 13:38:00
CanadaWelcome to Sprails Chip Stand

I just had lunch and you're making me hungry already.
I've only ever had poutine once. It wasn't that great either. Guess I should try it at an authentic place.
Never had cheese curds either.

Maybe I'm secretly not Canadian.

But, you were even IN Montreal at one point! :P

I took advantage of my day in Montreal when I went for my interview, to hunt down a good poutine I grabbed lunch at a place like 2 blocks from the embassy called Brisket Montreal, they had like 20 diffrent poutines on the menu, I wish I was there longer, I would have went back for the montreal smoked meat sandwiches, it smelled so good.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-04 15:44:00
Gratz! :)
SupportGeekMale02010-06-14 09:59:00
CanadaIs it too early to worry about NOA2?

but don't freak out

Did...Did that just happen??!Posted Image

Vero told someone not to freak out? Posted Image

(in case its not painfully obvious, Im just playfully teasing you Vero ;) )

Edited by SupportGeek, 15 June 2010 - 07:15 PM.

SupportGeekMale02010-06-15 19:15:00
CanadaLosing Sleep Over This - What Would You do?

No... well I went to the police station in Trois-Rivières and asked them if this is were I get one done. They told me it was for the whole country, and on the letter it does say in Canada...
I'll ask if it can be done in English, but this is Québec, and with our laws, I doubt they can do it!

Canada is a bilingual country with English and French languages....Unless you are in Quebec :hehe:

I doubt that will give you peace of mind since you seem hell-bent on making up problems. ../../public/style_emoticons/default/tongue_ss.gif

Haha, I thought the same sorta, but mostly because of the anxiously calling DoS every day thing from the other thread. ;)
I cant even imagine the amount of Stress you are putting on yourself by calling daily VeroandChris :P

Edited by SupportGeek, 14 June 2010 - 08:46 AM.

SupportGeekMale02010-06-14 08:42:00

I have a question about the online form DS-160. When I submitted my package 3 to the consulate I sent in the printed confirmation page but did not include a hard copy of the completed forms.

I am concerned about what to bring to the interview. Is the DS-160 confirmation page enough? If not, I'd have to fill out a new DS-160 because the information from the previous one cannot be saved (why not!?!!??!!?) This would mean I would have a new confirmation page and number.

I don't want to take any chances with Montreal.

Thank you!

I had the confirmation page with me, they did not even ask for it, and I suspect this is the case with most people.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-16 12:18:00
CanadaEase up on phone bills to your loved one
3000 miles of string! wewt!

I might have a problem keeping the string tight. :hehe:
SupportGeekMale02010-06-16 10:04:00

well i think i will go as my greyhound tickets are non refundable so that 610 bucks
but if the visas arrive i will DRIVE back here SOOO FAST and move EVEN FASTER
just incase it takes them weeeeeks to do anything again
dont wanna loose summer holdays with kids and hubby
i can always come back asap
thank you sooo much
this site is great
just hope i get the call tomorrow

If the Visa's arrive and you have someone to sign for the package at home, you may as well finish out your planned Vacation for the summer, its not like you arent already there with him. Just enjoy, then when you come back, pack up, and go back, ez :)
SupportGeekMale02010-06-16 18:44:00
CanadaImporting Cdn vehicle to US

Mummm... I guess I'll ask again about the airbad thing... Maybe I can get away with it! It's not big deal though because my rusted beauty is probably not even worth 400$! :lol:

The letter of compliance will tell you if its out of spec with something.
AFAIK the vehicle has to comply with all US regulations that were in effect at the time of vehicle manufacture.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-18 18:24:00
CanadaImporting Cdn vehicle to US

Hey Brenda2010,
I was trying to import my car too, and apparently if you don't have a passanger's seat airbag you can't import it, unless you have one put in... Haven't confirmed that yet but... My car is old too, a 1993, and I don't know if it'll be worth it now...

By the way, I like how you put the costs of the visa process in your signature; smart! :thumbs:

You will need to confirm it, because the wording on the compliance letter seems to indicate that the compliance depends on the date of production.
For example, if the US did not have a requirement for a passenger side airbag in 1993, then you will be fine, but if they did have that requirement, and Canada did not, then you would need to install one, or forget about importing.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-17 19:43:00
CanadaImporting Cdn vehicle to US
Yea, I would call again and tell them exactly what you are doing and what you are after, the person on the phone with me at Chrysler/Dodge knew what I wanted. Although they have a roundabout way of getting it...
SupportGeekMale02010-06-17 12:55:00
CanadaNo NOA2 hardcopy
I dont remember the case# being on the checklist since that form is generic. I think its on the last page of the P3 package
SupportGeekMale02010-06-19 10:49:00
CanadaJune 14th Interview Review

You know, I was wondering, do people get mad when you go pay the fee and stand on the left? Doesn't anyone say like: the line is back there or something? And to you have to cut in front of someone or is the teller expecting you?

Neither line had anyone in it when I was there so I didnt have that problem.
There IS a sign over the line that is marked A/B to indicate 2 lines, but its not in the best spot to be clear.
I think lilacvioletiris almost had a problem until she pointed out the sign to someone that started to say something.
If you DONT stand on the left, the lady that was taking your paperwork and sent you to pay will get mad for holding everything up, she basically stops almost at the end so you can pay and come right back to her asap.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-19 10:40:00
CanadaShould it take this long?
Yea, unfortunately CR1 is around 3 months or so slower than K1 to get the interview, on the bright side once its done, you have your green card right away, where us K1'rs get to keep going through the wringer for ours.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-19 10:46:00
CanadaQuestions about procedures after POEing

Hey everyone!
I have a couple questions about what happens once you POE and get married!
1st: Once I get married, I can apply for a Social Security Number, and change my driver's license right?
2nd: Then, I fill in the forms for the Employment Authorisation and AOS as soon as possible?
3rd: Is it true that you cannot leave the US for holidays or what not for 2 years after you get married?

Thanks for replying! :thumbs:

1 - You can apply for a SS# immediately if you want, but everything Ive read is to wait 2 weeks after POE to give your information time to appear in the system. In regards to changing your SS# after marriage (IE, if you take his name) then I think if your i94 is still valid, you can just hold off on getting the SS# till you have the marriage cert. Im not 100% sure, but maybe one of the other girls thats done it can clarify, I think Rhiann recently did it? I saw a post from her about it not long ago I recall.
2 - Once you have the Marriage certificate you will apply for AoS, EAD, and AP all at once, hopefully they dont raise the cost of that too, its already $1010.
3 - You can leave the US once you have your AP, or your Green Card, both seem to be arriving very close together from what Ive been reading. You are only stuck in the US until one of those arrives in your mitt.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-21 15:34:00
CanadaEathquake in Ottawa

Nah I'm pretty sure others thought it too. :lol:

I just like entertaining the thought that I am really funny.... :mellow:

Well it made me laugh :)
SupportGeekMale02010-06-24 09:28:00
CanadaEathquake in Ottawa

Hey I said that first!! I did as soon as it happened! It's on my twitter! Booo... there's no original thoughts. :P

ETA: Whoa I looked and I was retweeted 24 times... thats an all time high! I feel pathetically awesome. :P

Yea, for all I know, it was you that I saw originally ;)
I dont remember the twittername that it was when I looked, I dont think it said sprailines though

Edited by SupportGeek, 24 June 2010 - 08:44 AM.

SupportGeekMale02010-06-24 08:41:00
CanadaEathquake in Ottawa
I was watching twitter when it happened, someone said that Quebec was finally separating, with gusto! :)
SupportGeekMale02010-06-24 00:10:00
CanadaHow long should this take?

We filed for K-1 end of March. We recently got NOA2. I was visiting Tim at the time so we could wait out most of the process together. I was to stay until beginning of August but was called back early for my sister's funeral.

My intention had been to come back in August and have my police check and vaccinations done then, and hopefully my medical and interview wouldn't be too long after. Now that I'm back in Canada, I figure I could get those things done right away, then possibly return to the U.S. until I get my interview date.

What I'm wondering is how long it usually takes to have the paperwork back from the police check. I'd love to hear from others about their experiences with this. I also need to see a doc at the walkin clinic to have a titre test done, and vaccinations if necessary. That part shouldn't take too long at all.

My goal is to go back Tim's as soon as possible. I'm also wondering what my chances are of being allowed back into the U.S. so soon, considering my last visit was cut so short.

Oh and I may as well ask this next question, since it's somewhat related... What are my chances of getting some kind of discount through the airline, considering the cirumstances (funeral) that I had to change my return date and was therefore charged an extra $150? I've heard that airlines are sometimes sympathetic to these situations and will waive the fee or give a discount on the next flight. Just wondering.

The walk in will only fill out a request for you to take to a lab, so you can get blood drawn and the tests done, the results get mailed back to your doctor or the walkin a few weeks later, at that time you will know what (if any) vaccinations you need.

You wont be able to get the medical until you at least have the MTL# case number from the packet 3, they didnt want to book me if I didnt have at least that, or P4
As always, your chances of being allowed into the US will be up to the CBP officer at the time, and your ability to show ties to Canada if asked, as proof you are not trying to illegally immigrate to the US. Trying to stay that long in the US will already raise a red flag, so they almost certainly will ask for proof of ties, so coming armed with them will improve your chances.

As to the last part, Im guessing you didnt explain the situation to the airline at the time you requested the date change, so you might want to call customer service and talk to them to explain what happened and what you hope they can do for you. Worst that can happen is nothing, and thats where you are now, so whats to lose? :)

My RCMP criminal check took approx 3 months.

I dont think its supposed to take 3 months, there is one you can apply for online that takes around that amount of time, but you dont need that one. I went to the local police station and they did a Canada wide check in 20 min.

SupportGeekMale02010-06-29 00:30:00
CanadaCanada Day, Washington, DC

Hey guys, I found us a visual aid! We must learn from it! :D

Posted Image

Ohhh, heres another!

Posted Image

Am I learning? ;)
SupportGeekMale02010-06-17 09:49:00
CanadaCanada Day, Washington, DC
I like the whole, "If you love your home country so much, go back" argument too.
Its such a black and white statement
Cant I love both? Or even love my home country, and enjoy living in the USA, and more importantly, enjoy living in the USA with the one I love?
SupportGeekMale02010-06-17 08:59:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Oh that's right!!! I forgot you were coming up this week! And I think SupportGeek gets a visit too! I thought she was here already because there was an earthquake yesterday :jest:

Awwww, have fun!!! :D

I hadnt thought about the fact I promised an earthquake....days before one happened ;)
Shes coming in the 25th (Today), gonna POE the 30th, through Bluewater Bridge most likely.
I think there will be like 3 of us going through there that day lol
SupportGeekMale02010-06-25 00:23:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Afraid no date again today. :(
I wonder... are the dates more likey to come out on a certain day? like Fridays??

The last few times Ive seen the dates given out, they seem available after about 4:30pm on Fridays for the first time in that batch.
SupportGeekMale02010-06-24 00:30:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Good morning!
I hope you guys hear something today from DOS! Maybe they didn't skip July, there's probably tons of people who are going through this process and are not on here... Seems strange that for a whole month, nothing is happening...
Oh well, August it is baby! :dance:

Decided to be proactive with my stress with customs! Surprising, enh? Well, I feel I have enough proof of ties, and I'm not doing anything illegal, so I've just decided it was all gonna be ok! HA!

Have a good day everyone!

Im thinking its possible that they didnt skip a month, we just dont know it. I know I met a few couples at my interview (and one K-1 attending by herself) that use VJ, and read the forums, but have never participated at all. So its likely we have a number of lurkers that have interview dates.

Good on the proactivity Vero, just stay with that attitude, because it is going to be fine. Enjoy your time, and focus on your fiancee :)
SupportGeekMale02010-06-22 08:13:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Yeah! Called and heard the magic words! Interview date August 9th!!! :dance:
And she told me the P4 was mailed on Friday, so I should get it before I leave on Friday! Hopefully, since there's no mail in Quebec on Thursday... Gosh, that would be the perfect proof of ties to Canada, wouldn't it?!?

Wow, this feels pretty good!!!

Here's our list:

User ............... P3 Logged ..... Days Since ....... Interview Date!!!
mandaNchris ........ April 16th .... 62 days .......... Aug 10th
Rose416 ............ April 16th? ... 62 days .......... Aug 3rd
Vero and Chris ..... April 26th .... 56 days .......... Aug 9th
J & J .............. April 27th .... 54 days .......... Aug 9th
Pasht .............. April 30th .... 52 days
Wishing ............ May 4th ....... 43 days .......... Aug 16th
Alaba .............. May 6th ....... 45 days .......... Aug 11th
netguy ............. May 10th ...... 42 days
Ken and Kate ....... May 11th ...... 43 days
Valerie78 .......... May 17th ...... 35 days
nickbits ........... May 17th? ..... 35 days .......... Aug 12th
Brenda2010 ......... May 19th ...... 33 days

J & J, I'm planning on being there pretty early! I'll tell you what I'll be wearing so you can jump in the line ;)
All of you still waiting, don't worry the week is only starting!


P.S. I seem to be confused as to the days since P3... I basically stoped when you guys got your dates... And I can't line them up either...

Gratz Finally ;)

Now you can calm down again until a week before the interview, when you will start to panic again lol
SupportGeekMale02010-06-21 11:03:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview
Oh Hey Vero!
Montreal handed out dates! Thought you should know Posted Image
SupportGeekMale02010-06-18 18:28:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

I know.. I was thinking the same thing! I hope she didnt miss her chance to call. That happened to me on a Friday and it made for a long weekend!! :lol:

Yea, same thing happened to me too, We had checked the previous day, nothing, then someone posted at like 4:55 on a friday that dates were released, it SUCKED waiting, Im sure she has one though (Even if she doesnt know what it is) :)

SupportGeekMale02010-06-18 18:20:00
CanadaApproved November Filers - The Wait for Interview

Ok so just went to pick up my prepaid envelope!!! what is with the big A$@ size? why on earth do we need something so big? I gotta carry that thing on a plane next week ha ha, have a great weekend everyone I am outta here!!!

Because its going to contain your passport with the visa as well as another envelope stuffed about 3/4 of an inch thick with other documents, and the next size down is too small :P
SupportGeekMale02010-06-18 13:54:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

Absolutely! It's a moonlich nich tonich. Or something like that. lol

I thought you weren't drinking till tomorrow ;)
SupportGeekMale02010-06-04 23:19:00
United KingdomIrritating BS your SO does

THAT'S why everyone calls her George over in the Canadian forum.

As a side note: notice that more and more Canadians are gate-crashing the UK forum party? Posted Image

Yay! Im another crasher Posted Image

I have a ton of family on my moms side from Scotland anyhow, so I was hoping that gives me a free pass in here!
SupportGeekMale02010-06-04 22:56:00
Canadawhich police certifate to use?

Hi and welcome,

No need for the 120 day RCMP check - unless you have a criminal record. That 120 day estimate is for a fingerprint version only - no criminal record, no fingerprints required.

You can go to your local police station or to the RCMP to request the CPIC name check.

More info on exactly what you need is here.

Thank you ever so much. Every step gets us closer, but its more than a little nerve racking :)
SupportGeekMale02010-01-03 12:13:00
Canadawhich police certifate to use?
Long time lurker, first time poster.
I thought I should ask in this thread than create a new one.

My American Fiancee and I received our NOA2 on Dec 21, so Ive been figuring out what information I need before the package 3 arrives.
Where the police check/certificate is concerned, I lived in BC for most of my life, but the last 10 have been in Ontario, should I just be able to go to my local Peel Regional police for the document I need? Or do I have to sign up for that 120 day wait for the RCMP search? Being this far along and seeing that it might take 4 months JUST for the police check with RCMP sort of felt like a punch to the stomach :(
SupportGeekMale02010-01-02 16:24:00