CanadaPost Reputation

Who are you Jesus of Visajourney?? :P

I like to envision myself as more of a hero like El'Kabong :P

Posted Image

Edited by SupportGeek, 19 March 2010 - 10:48 AM.

SupportGeekMale02010-03-19 10:48:00
CanadaPost Reputation

People get pissy about marks on the internet? :lol:

People get pissy about ALL KINDS of trivial things on the internet, or anywhere really.
Thicker skin prz
SupportGeekMale02010-03-19 10:41:00
CanadaPost Reputation
Ive been roaming around and eliminating the -1s on random posts with a + if I dont really see a reason for it to be downranked ;)
SupportGeekMale02010-03-19 10:40:00
CanadaWhy all the fuss about the 2010 Census

Yeah, we got our census the other day...and I was wondering what the big deal was too! Very basic info there. I was wondering if censuses were different per household. I hope so. Otherwise I can't understand why such minor items are considered so important. Ours had no financial element to it...was basically just a head count about how many people live here.

Maybe its like the Canadian one, where most people just get asked basic info, but a certain number get asked much more in-depth questions
SupportGeekMale02010-03-19 14:08:00
CanadaArmed American Crosses Border Illegally on a Bicycle

Well, with a .22-calibre handgun and a .22-calibre rifle, he wasn't going to hunt, lol

Gophers maybe....
SupportGeekMale02010-03-22 09:00:00
CanadaArmed American Crosses Border Illegally on a Bicycle

:lol: what the heck was that guy thinking? I always love the strange stories of people trying to get across the border using sneaky tactics. Being from the Niagara Falls area, there always seems to be a story that emerges once every couple years about someone trying to swim the Niagara River or trying to scale the walls of the escarpment. People aren't very smart!

My Mom used to work at the Huntingdon/Sumas Border crossing as a Customs broker, and the border officers would always tell her about the crazy things people would do to cross. One group even dug a tunnel from one farm in Canada to one in the US, and would smuggle people (and drugs) back and forth, the kicker is that the RCMP and Homeland security knew about it about a week after they finished it, then managed to get in the tunnel while everyone on both ends were away and install all kinds of cameras and suveillance gear. They watched them for a few months, apprehending everything that came out of either end, and no one even once figuring out how they knew what was going on, haha.
Ive heard that they have thermal and motion sensors all along the border where 0 Ave is, dont know how true that is though.
SupportGeekMale02010-03-19 13:18:00
CanadaDS-160 problems

We are trying to finish the forms for my packet 3 to be sent back to montreal but the form DS-160 is giving me a headache with it wanting a picture. We dont have any that fit what it says it wants. on my sheet that tells me what forms i have to send back it says i also need a "confirmation receipt regrading Form DS-160" we have filled out all the info and without uploading a pic you cant click on the next button. we went to preview and printed the info off there but we arent getting a confirmation receipt..... I'm just wondering what exactly are they talking about when they say "confirmation receipt"? and when we print out the forms through the preview does it have all the questions it asked you about?? I think it does but i couldnt really tell.

Sorry if someone has asked this before and I know i had mentioned the picture thing before but still not working like I thought it would. thank you anyone who can help with this

Im pretty sure a lot of people couldnt get that thing to work (myself included), just fill it out, go through it, and at the end, try to attach a picture, it wont let you, then it allows you to proceed without a picture, you just have to bring an extra to the intervew is what others have said.
SupportGeekMale02010-03-22 15:17:00
CanadaK-1 Interview in Montreal review - Approved!
Congratulations! Happy to hear it went so well :)
SupportGeekMale02010-03-23 11:10:00
CanadaMoving items via UPack

Sweet! Over what distance is this move? Mine is from Ontario to California and so they're quoting $2200. Still better then Uhaul tho with gas and all that...

$2200? Im going to be moving from Brampton, On to Hollister, CA and the website is quoting about $3000.
Did you call for a quote or something?
SupportGeekMale02010-04-13 23:43:00
Canadaemployment insurance claim

Can you?? On the cheques it says "not to be cashed outside of canada" at least thats what it said on my maternity EI cheques.... hmmm...

You can get the money Direct deposited, no cheques needed

SupportGeekMale02010-04-13 23:15:00
CanadaLetter of good health needed for medical in Toronto??
Im really sure this would only be needed if there is something to be concerned about in your history that you need to let them know for sure its no longer an issue, or perhaps if you are on a steady medication that is used to keep you healthy
I had my medical on the 5th, my answer was "No" to all the medical "have you ever had" questions...and no one asked for such a letter

SupportGeekMale02010-04-19 20:27:00
CanadaBest way to send P3 back to MTL?
I just used Canada post next day with tracking.
SupportGeekMale02010-04-19 23:03:00
CanadaCar across the border
For the compliance letter, do I just need to contact a dealer? or contact the head office?
SupportGeekMale02010-04-24 00:52:00
CanadaInterview and insurance?
So with the interview looming on the 20th, Ive been reading more and more of the MTL consulate reviews for ideas on what they are likely to ask, how stressed out Im going to be (or not?). One thing Ive noticed is that in the last month, a question has been being asked sporadically of the USC "Do you have medical insurance?" I assume that the sudden interest is related to the Medical insurance reforms that the US signed into law or whatever, but more importantly, does anyone have any idea if answering "no" to this question will cause a denial for the K-1? My Fiancee doesnt have insurance currently, and we are unlikely to have any until I can get working also. So like everything else in this whole process, this worries me somewhat to answer no if Im asked, if it wasnt important, why ask?
All thoughts are welcome :)
SupportGeekMale02010-05-05 10:02:00
CanadaDS160 online form problems
I did not send a photo with the packet 3 forms. All the answers here were just to bring one with you to the interview. (Also I hear if you forget, theres a photo-booth in the consulate)
SupportGeekMale02010-05-06 09:42:00
CanadaMailing from Canada to new home in US?
Yea, expect around $100+ a box and be sure to indicate the contents as personal/used effects.
Ive sent stuff through UPS that way, it only took about a week (or less) and there were no fees at the destination.
Just be sure to indicate what it is. If he goes to a UPS store or Mailboxes etc. sometimes the person at the counter can help with filling the form properly.
SupportGeekMale02010-05-07 08:15:00
CanadaDone!! Here's what I learned
Congratulations on the visa!

14 months seems average to long for IR-1/CR-1, Im just at 8 months now for K-1 with my consular interview next week, so while I wont be able to work right away, Im not sure its going to take me 6 more months to clear that up and get eligible to work though.
SupportGeekMale02010-05-14 08:47:00

My case has been put in AP.. he said it probably wouldn't take longer than a week, should I believe them? They did keep my passport, and I wasn't "missing" anything. I honestly have no idea what this is for.


And I can't even get ahold of Kevin.. so upset.

Oh no :(

This is exactly the kind of thing that worries me for my upcoming interview.
Would be nice if they at least had told you why.
I hope its solved soon, fingers crossed for you.
SupportGeekMale02010-05-12 08:57:00
Canadaummm whats with USCIS emails?
Mebbe I should see if the USCIS needs an email admin once I get down there, that server seems a little slow ;)
SupportGeekMale02010-05-15 21:15:00

do they have to have a canadian passport for 5 years. Like i said we are in the US. But if it is american or canadian that would be easy.

well i got married so my last name changed :(

Well you didnt say THAT! ;)

You will definitely have to get it with the same name as your GC and other ID. Or travel will become a nightmare :(
SupportGeekMale02010-05-17 15:12:00
Since your Passport is not yet expired, you should be able to use the new Simplified passport renewal rules. HERE

No Guarantor needed under the new rules.
SupportGeekMale02010-05-17 14:54:00
CanadaDocument to ask for during Medical for AOS?
I had to get blood titres tests done, the full range, and I asked my dr. for a copy of the report. You could too if you had that done earlier.
SupportGeekMale02010-05-18 15:31:00
CanadaWe were...
Congratz! So happy to hear another approval, especially with my interview looming large now! :o
SupportGeekMale02010-05-17 08:59:00
CanadaTitre Test
I had the full battery of titre tests in Ontario, no charge.
SupportGeekMale02010-05-19 12:01:00
CanadaTitre Test

Are you sure?
I had to get the chicken pox shot(as I didn't have it as a child).
2 shots were required...& NOT covered under OHIP.

It would only be covered by OHIP if your doctor is creative with his billing to the government :)
SupportGeekMale02010-05-19 11:38:00
CanadaThinking Canadian in the USA

My husband actually makes fun of that fact that Canadians use the brand name of many items instead of the actual product...such as Kraft Dinner for Mac and Cheese or saying Kleenex when asking for a tissue.
He notices the little things while in Mr. Christie products are Nabisco in the States but with the exact same logo. Or his biggest pet peeve...the fact that our peanut butter cups say Reese on the package, not Reese's.

And Yet Americans do the same "Otter Pop" is a brand name of popcicle.
I always thought it was universal to do that
SupportGeekMale02010-04-18 16:58:00
CanadaMSPtoYYZ - Interview in Montreal Tomorrow - Wednesday
I met them in line at the consulate, they were first and I was second.
She was super nice, and at least a little chatty, he was quiet, and their little girl is beautiful!
They were still waiting after I got called for interview so I dont know what the results were in the end for them, but Im sure it went well, they had the biggest accordion folder I had ever seen, it was like a suitcase!
SupportGeekMale02010-05-21 10:05:00
CanadaInterview in MTL
yes, I think its about as big as your xray, or real close in size
SupportGeekMale02010-05-26 10:28:00
CanadaMontreal interview with spouse
Yea, Im not sure of all the details. I think he lives in Toronto atm.
Im sure MSP can clear that part up though
SupportGeekMale02010-05-26 21:17:00
CanadaMontreal interview with spouse

You mean to tell me you were denied entry in the US Consulate!!!!!!

No she got into the Consulate with her husband (I know she was I was there that day), when it came time for the interview, the CO told her she was not welcome in the interview room with him.
Very strange, I think I remember reading in the p4 letter you CAN bring the USC to the interview, but I think it also says the USC may be asked to wait when the interview is to be done, although I havnt heard that happen before.
There is definitely something fishy going on MSP, and because they would only talk to your husband, I suspect it has something to do with him specifically, not you, and likely not just official paperwork since they would have asked for it.
I suggest getting a hold of DoS.
Which interview room was it? 7 or 8? do you remember what the lady looked like? the one I dealt with had long reddish/brown hair and a wrist brace.
SupportGeekMale02010-05-26 15:10:00

wonder if president knows should be brought to his attention some how
he seems like a family type man

Seems the only Immigration concerns on his radar is with South of the border....

SupportGeekMale02010-05-25 22:44:00
CanadaToronto G20 Protesters To Be Greeted With Sound Canons.

When you look at what the sound cannons do, it's disgusting to be honest.

Ive read what they do, they wont cause any kind of lasting damage when used properly (this is key), the problems arise when they are employed by untrained users, I heard on the radio that Toronto police are having the manufacturer train them in the use.
Any less than lethal option is dangerous when used incorrectly, teargas cannisters can cause burns and scarring, possibly kill people with respiratory problems, also set fires to structures, Flashbangs are the same, Tazers have enough people that think they are worse than guns. The list goes on.

Also if Pittsburgh last year is a model, the protesters aren't the problem, it's the cops. They have a tendency to act first because of their own jitters. The fact the peaceful protesters were literally attacked by police in Pitt. was disgusting.

This security force in Toronto is bigger with a lot more lunacy flying about.

SupportGeekMale02010-05-29 12:03:00
CanadaToronto G20 Protesters To Be Greeted With Sound Canons.
Protestors say its to muzzle them, security forces say its not going to be used unless the protests turn violent.
I'll go with the security on this one, since various protest groups have already threatened to set fires and vandalize buildings.
Protesting is fine, civil disobedience and violence? not really the same thing
SupportGeekMale02010-05-29 01:12:00
CanadaHelp needed Immidiately PLease - Medical Question
Yeah, the Titre test is labwork, almost zero walk-in clinics will be able to process that, the results can take 2-4 weeks, you might get the results, you might not. Its really up to you, if she gets in tomorrow to get the bloodwork done for titre tests, you MIGHT get it before the medical. You can call Dr. Seiden's office and ask, but I THINK what happens if you dont have the titre results is that they will hold off on issuing the medical results until you send in the results of the labwork for titres to show she is vaccinated against everything listed.

Another option is to ask her family doctor to give her vaccinations against what is listed on Dr. Seiden's site, this is faster, and you will have proof in hand immediately that she is innoculated, BUT, some of the vaccinations will not be covered with OHIP and she will be charged a fee. I have no Idea what the costs are though.

Where are you planning to buy tickets from and to? And what date?
Do you mean for the interview in Montreal? From where are you flying? just you? both? Or are you buying tickets to go to the US after the Visa is issued?

SupportGeekMale02010-05-31 20:41:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate

Is it easy to find? If i go with a picture i saw, there's a white round sign above the doors? And if it's raining, i guess i better bring a (parapluie) don't remember the name of it in english oops! :whistle:

Yea, bring an Umbrella if its raining.

From Blvd. Rene-Levesque its the SNC Lavalin building, the entrance to the consulate is found off of Rue Saint Alexandre If you look on the side of the building, and zoom in the image you can see a small group lined up outside. I think one even has one of those oversized expresspost envelopes in their hand, and between that person and another one, you can also see the yellow bollard.
I dont remember a white sign, I recall the round US Consular shield over the doors, like what you see at the top of the Consulate General homepage.
SupportGeekMale02010-05-29 11:02:00
I answered in your other thread.
You should probably keep it all to one thread, you are crossposting your questions to a lot of threads in this forum.
At the very least its going to be harder for you to track down all your answers. Keeping to one thread will help you get everything you need in one place.
SupportGeekMale02010-05-31 22:00:00
CanadaEmbassy questions
Virgin American is just starting nonstop flights from YYZ to LAX or SFO
$200US promotional fare each way.
I dont think there is any variation in ticket price, its promotional, just check your dates on the VA website, should be $200 no matter which you choose.

I thought about La Tour Centerville as well, cheap rates, but there were a lot of reviews that complained of bedbugs among other problems, so I stayed down the road at Travelodge.

Edited by SupportGeek, 31 May 2010 - 09:54 PM.

SupportGeekMale02010-05-31 21:52:00
CanadaEmbassy questions

thank you guyz. good information. I will go for travel lodge one if 5 mintues walk others are kind of expansive. Hay guyz what about parking???

I am renting car from Toronto to montreal. Air is expansive. I am talking about once visa done to come back to USA. The change fee is $75 later. So how many days acutally it takes to get back. If I buy a return after a week of interview is that enough?

We are after F2 visa and time line is as follows:

Medical: 6/16/2010
Interview: 7/23/2010

There are parking lots all over, I used the underground parking in the mall across from the Travelodge, in the Complexe Desjardins.
Parking is going to run $20-25 because you want to be sure you have enough time to deal with the embassy in the morning.
At the Embassy they will tell you that it will take up to 2 weeks to get sent back, so plan for that IMO.
Are you flying to California from Toronto?

Edited by SupportGeek, 31 May 2010 - 09:15 PM.

SupportGeekMale02010-05-31 21:14:00
CanadaEmbassy questions

I have following questions:

1. Do MTL give visa same day? Can I buy the tickets now or wait till we get visa wht you guyz suggest?

Ive heard of the RARE case where a CR-1 has been issued same day, never a K-1. You have AoS listed on your profile, and no timeline, so Im really not actually sure what visa you are after.
Are you talking about buying tickets to go to Montreal? Or tickets to do your PoE into the US after you get your visa? That wasnt too clear. If its Montreal, see Sprailenes answer above :)

2. What is good hotel close to the embassy at walking distance? Reasonable price one please.

I stayed at the Travelodge Montreal Centre, it was about $85 after taxes, it was a 5 min walk from the embassy straight down Boul Renee Levesque. You can check for other hotels in the area, use or or whatever, most are around $100 a night for average lodging, and a lot of hotels in the area are significantly more.

3. Where we can photos done close to Brampton?

I live in Brampton, I used Japan Camera in Shoppers World mall, they were quick and friendly. You should be able to get them done anywhere that develops film though really.
SupportGeekMale02010-05-31 20:27:00
CanadaCrossing the border without activating the visa?
Its 100% going to depend on the border person you encounter.
Ive heard of many instances where the person was told, if they cross, for whatever reason, they MUST activate the K-1
I was actually told the same by my interviewing officer "If you cross the border you will need to activate it, and there will be no back and forth"
I booked a flight right into Toronto for my Fiancee, I normally use Buffalo, but I simply dont want to risk being denied when I need to cross to pick her up
It might be better to get a friend or family member to pick him up for you :)

Edited by SupportGeek, 02 June 2010 - 10:16 AM.

SupportGeekMale02010-06-02 10:14:00