K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMaking a Budget

Counting weekends? :) Hehehe. I'm so darn impatient/excited/nervous.  Everyone's been telling me it will take 30 days, but from what I've read on VJ, it looks like it may take less.  Hope!! There is hope!! 


Yes!  I got our NOA2 on the 8th, NVC received it the 18th.  it shipped out to Dublin on the 22nd.  :)   A side note: I called NVC about a week after I got the NOA2, and they didn't have it.  I wasn't going to call on the 21st, but couldn't help it.  lol  I had intended to wait a full 14 days, but caved.  :rolleyes:

Tina and JohanFemaleIreland2014-04-27 00:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMaking a Budget

I waited 10 days.  :)

Tina and JohanFemaleIreland2014-04-26 20:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMaking a Budget

Mine is "in transit" to Dublin.  :D

Tina and JohanFemaleIreland2014-04-26 19:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMaking a Budget

Congrats on your NOA2!  :)

Tina and JohanFemaleIreland2014-04-26 18:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 in 7 working days after NOA1?

I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but with all the people waiting for interviews in the Philippines now, it doesn't seem to take any less time than the regular process NOT expedited (apart from TSC people, at the moment.  :( ).  Last I saw, they are booked until July. 

Tina and JohanFemaleIreland2014-04-27 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfo to send with Packet 3

Here's what I did for FB messages:  I went to "messages" and called up my conversations with my fiance'.  Then when you scroll up, it'll say something like "loading older messages (14,025)."  once that came on screen, I screen printed it.  Once printed, I highlighted the number of older messages.  They get the tail end of 14000+ messages to see, but can also see that we've talked A LOT on Facebook.  I hope that makes sense.  :)

Tina and JohanFemaleIreland2014-04-27 23:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfo to send with Packet 3


The conversations thing is just absurd and not sure why anyone would want there convos read by a stranger lol


Some countries are considered "high fraud" and Cambodia may be considered one.  If your fiance is coming from one, then it's pretty imperative that you really cover all bases since several people on this website have been denied a K1 visa simply because the interviewer didn't "feel" like the relationship was real.  Finland isn't a high fraud country, so what you are sending for the interview is likely fine.  :)

Edited by Tina and Johan, 27 April 2014 - 09:41 PM.

Tina and JohanFemaleIreland2014-04-27 21:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInfo to send with Packet 3

for the interview, I'd send just a sampling of stuff SINCE you applied for the K1. 

Tina and JohanFemaleIreland2014-04-27 21:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-160 for K-Visa Applicants


Hello, I am about to send in my Packet 3.

My case was processed in MTL on the 8th of October.

Does this mean that I do not to need to send all 3 forms only the DS-160?



Nat1988FemaleCanada2013-10-10 11:18:00
CanadaChanging Visa Issuing consulate location



I live in the east coast of Canada and have just received a week ago our NOA2.


I have called the NVC on Friday and they have not received our case. I would like our case to go to the West ( Vancouver) instead of Montreal due to back log and increased cases in the East coast of Canada.


Is this at all possible, if it is how do I go about doing so?


Thank You,



Nat1988FemaleCanada2013-09-01 15:40:00
CanadaTransfering case to Vancouver? How? Help :)

Hello everyone,


I was wondering if anybody has transferred their case from MTL to Vancouver?


My case is on its way from the NVC to MTL... I would like to interview in Vancouver and deal with the consulate there as I find they are much easier to communicate and get information from.


I presume this wouldn't be an issue considering Montreal's work load but how can I go about this and will it be an issue/slow things down?

Thank You,



Nat1988FemaleCanada2013-10-07 15:47:00
CanadaMedical & Interview Collaboration

I hope you two get earlier appointments! I am booked for March 12th and would be stoked on a Feb date!

Nat1988FemaleCanada2013-10-30 15:46:00
CanadaFebruary Interview holders!! Montreal/ Those who waited for earlier interviews

Hello Everyone,


I know this is completely a far cry as we are all eager waiting and excited to be with our loved ones.



We just got our appointment for March 12th at montreal,... We have our wedding booked for March 8th due to my fiancée's father being very ill and it being important to be there. I was obviously too confident that we would have an appointment before 5 months out..


Would anyone be able to shed light or if you are needed to reschedule for March to please contact me.. Anytime before march


Thank you and bless you on this journey!

Nat1988FemaleCanada2013-10-30 15:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH 2013 FILERS

Thank You!

On Friday our updated case said this online:

Post Decision Activity

On August 23, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.



What exactly does that mean? Do I still need an interview.. is this notice that I can move soon?


Thanks for your help!


Nat1988FemaleCanada2013-08-26 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH 2013 FILERS



On march 14th we filed for the K1 - I 129F petition for finance to come to the USA ( She is Canadian).


I called the UCSIS and they said that they are currently processing March 16th, 2013, two days after we filed?


What does this mean and why would ours not have been processed if they are past our date of filing?


Hoping to get some information :) ( California service center)



Nat1988FemaleCanada2013-08-22 15:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-693 and AOS
Yes no problem with that
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2010-12-02 23:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
techniquement si tu annules la companie est en droit de te demander le prix d un billet simple. Le mieux c est d appeler un jour avant pour savoir si tu peux changer en disant que tu es super malade on va te dire oui/non et tu dis que tu sais pas quand tu vas aller mieux donc que tu annules, bref une connerie mais au moins on vient pas te chercher plus tard
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-06-11 01:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
nous on paye 1860 sans charge, pour un 2 chambres. mais bon Santa Barbara c est tres cher et ce qu on a est bien niveau rapport qualite prix
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-05-21 17:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
En effet j en rajoute une couche mais une assurance sante c est pas une option, mon fils a eu une gastro bien mechante a 18 mois, direction urgence, 2 cachets = 600 dollars visite 700 dollars, on sait jms ce qui peut arriver, et on prevoit pas de se casser un bras
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-05-17 11:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
j ai pas pas compris la blague avec le perrierr et le geant pourtant je suis de vetraz monthoux donc je devrais comprendre!
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-05-10 23:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
moi non plus j ai jamais mentionne un petit ami j ai toujours dit friends

moi non plus j ai jamais mentionne un petit ami j ai toujours dit friends
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-05-08 11:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
ben dis donc ca dort par ici!
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-05-05 20:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
ben adresse fixe chez ta maman, tu peux aussi te preinscrire pour la fac, tu fis que ta maman a besoin de toi donc genre qques preuves? ta maman est une triplee?
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-05-01 12:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
oui par contre j ai jamais eu enormement de temps de presence donc bon...
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-04-29 00:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
je pense pas que tu aies un probleme, je venais tellement souvent que en general ma periode autorise n etait jamais echue que j etais deja de retour! et jamais eu de soucis, par contre je suis pas le genre de fille a se demonter
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-04-28 18:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
SA&A c est une folle! c'est grave quand meme, et puis elle connait rien au systeme francais et en plus je pense pas que tu pourrais avoir le chomage, le rsa je pense plutot. et puis elle pourrait pas te prendre des sous la dessus. t as pense a chercher du boulot a geneve, c est bien paye.
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-04-25 16:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
SA&A c est quoi ton plan au fond pcq t es au debut de ta greeen card conditionnelle donc il te reste 2 ans a tirer avec ta folle, ca va jamais marcher et en meme temps tu peux pas rester ici malheureux tu vas craquer psychologiquement, tu as de la famille en france tu peux peut etre y retourner et chercher du boulot, et puis ben pour ton fils tu peux essayer de te battre mais bon au pire tu le veras quand il sera plus grand faut penser a toi, il est ptre hyperactif pcq il te sent mal
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-04-25 10:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
olala S&AA elle est grave ta femme.
Joyeux anniversaire :s
sinon j ai pas eu le job a l occitane je suis un peu decue mais c'est pas tres grave je suis pas une vendeuse nee lol
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-04-24 10:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
lol alors la on est bien d accord!
Qui d autres a des enfants ici? qui compte s y mettre bientot?
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-04-22 17:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Tu sais du negatif c est normal, c est des tranches de vie, c'est un peu dur de te lire, pour ton fils je vois pas a quel titre elle peut " l interdire de sejour en france" mais bon elle a l air bien allumee :s
J espere que tu vas l avoir ce job, pour ton poussin c est con mais l avenir a l air mine, c est un peu horrible a dire mais je crois que tu devrais penser a toi, et faire tout ton possible pour que tu t occupes de lui, en France c est pas tres cher d avoir un enfant, enfin en tout cas moins qu ici.
Il est toujours aussi hyperactif ton poussin? pcq le notre on ne lui donne plus du tout de sucre et franchement ca va bcp mieux bon j avoue 2 ans c est difficile!

Cecy j ai 24 ans, maman a 21 mariee a 23 ;)
Je disais que c etait tot pour Nessa car il me semble qu elle a 23 ans et qu elle s est deja mariee puis divorce donc c'est rapide le tout!
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-04-21 20:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
moi j ai eu une interview a l occitane, je sais pas s ils vont me prendre mais c est francais c est sympa
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-04-20 16:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
ben dis donc nessa t es super jeune!!!! est ce qqch t as pousse a te marier aussi jeune en france?

bruno CONGRATS!!!!! moi je viens d avoir ma welcome letter
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-04-18 17:42:00
United KingdomNow playing the waiting game.


Yay. I just saw your timeline update. That means they have given you an interview that'll allow you to make your stated wedding date, though. Which is good news!



Yeah, great news!  Was just hoping to get there a bit earlier to help out with all the planning and stuff but maybe that's a good thing... ha ha

LobalooMaleScotland2013-07-11 06:03:00
United KingdomNow playing the waiting game.


Well - you never know. Depends who else is in the queue and when they need to travel, I suppose. Better saying a date than none at all.


Anyway - let us know! I'm intrigued to see if the CEAC website can be used as a good gauge for time to interview.




Got my interview for the 16th August, so my theory is out the window, that's 8 weeks from my medical...  just glad I've got it though and can start planning!



LobalooMaleScotland2013-07-11 05:51:00
United KingdomNow playing the waiting game.


Well - you never know. Depends who else is in the queue and when they need to travel, I suppose. Better saying a date than none at all.


Anyway - let us know! I'm intrigued to see if the CEAC website can be used as a good gauge for time to interview.



Yeah will do...

LobalooMaleScotland2013-06-27 12:36:00
United KingdomNow playing the waiting game.


Yeah, my case was updated on the 25th too.


Our wedding date is 21st Sept and i put that on the cover note, i'm thinking now that might not have been a good idea. I did think about not mentioning it at all but thought might be worse!


I need to call tomorrow, as i'm moving back to my parents this weekend till i go and need to change my address. So i'll be keeping my fingers crossed.


Thanks, i really appreciate it. 


Sent all the forms back on the 13th June.....

LobalooMaleScotland2013-06-27 12:32:00
United KingdomNow playing the waiting game.


It's worth giving either the DoS line (if you can make cheap US calls) or the extortion line in the UK a bell.  I only called today because I didn't think it would do any harm to try, and found that they'd sent the letter on the 25th which is the same day I think they got my medical results (and likely yours too!).  I expect the letter will show up tomorrow or so.


K1s and DCF CR-1s are both scheduled by the embassy instead of the NVC, so there's every chance you've already been assigned a date.  


However, I don't know what you put in your cover letter - did you mention a date you are planning to travel or marry?  I'm pretty sure whatever you said there has a lot of sway towards getting an earlier date.  Also, I assume you sent back all the forms they need (and if so, when?)?  I've heard that often the forms can sit in a queue to be processed which can add an extra little bit of time, too.


Also - I assume you can look up your case on the CEAC website?  What's your last updated date on there?  Mine is the same day the medical results were likely received and the day they assigned and sent my interview letter (25th).


Yeah, my case was updated on the 25th too.


Our wedding date is 21st Sept and i put that on the cover note, i'm thinking now that might not have been a good idea. I did think about not mentioning it at all but thought might be worse!


I need to call tomorrow, as i'm moving back to my parents this weekend till i go and need to change my address. So i'll be keeping my fingers crossed.


Thanks, i really appreciate it. 

LobalooMaleScotland2013-06-27 12:29:00
United KingdomNow playing the waiting game.



I had my medical the same day as you(20th June) but i'm applying for the K1 Visa.


Do you think the timelines are the same and i could get a similar interview date?


I haven't yet called but to get a date in mid July would be amazing!





LobalooMaleScotland2013-06-27 12:07:00
United KingdomAfter Wedding


You can't enter as a tourist as the K1 visa is actually stuck to an inside page of your passport.  Once you have it, you will only be able to enter the US on the K1 visa.




Yeah i kind of thought that and had lots of information since posting this, was just trying to way it all up and if i could have made it back my parents were hoping to plan a big party as well, as my dad's health is stopping him fly to the states for the wedding. My fiancee going to fly over for our friends wedding, as she's the maid of honour, said she'll take a cardboard cut out of me with her!!! ha..


Thanks for the Interview info as well, since i got my interview date, I've been thinking a lot about the questions i'm going to be asked.



LobalooMaleScotland2013-07-16 08:15:00
United KingdomAfter Wedding

Sorry to jump into the conversation but you will have the most beautiful drive! My fiancé is in Oregon so I'm moving over in a few weeks (hopefully!) and last time I was there we drove from LA to Portland via coastal roads. It really is an incredible drive in places!


Hi..    Yeah, we done the same trip last summer but in the opposite direction and it was amazing, looking forward to it again!

LobalooMaleScotland2013-07-12 05:19:00