Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
S&AA je suis vraiment desolee, j espere que tu vas un peu

Nonoko c'est genial! Alors moi qui suis une rabat joie de premiere je comprends trop! Ca me fait rever des histoires comme ca! Je pense que tu vas l aimer plus que n importe qui, c est quasi chimique et pas du tout intelectuel! Le bonheur quoi!
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-03-27 11:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
nokoko ton histoire a l air trop romantique raconteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-03-22 14:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Oulala mais c est l hecatombe ici niveau relation S&AA si tu veux je peux essayer de te chercher des solutions ( en gros de te trouver un avocat gratuit ) car il me semble que ca existe.
Surtout ne laisse pas ton petit bout, franchement tu devrais le prendre avec toi en france le day care c est pas du tout cher en france franchement c est le la mal traitance de le laisser avec elle!
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-03-15 22:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
je pense que si on va dans une universite d etat genre UCLA/UC san diego.. c est beaucoup moins cher genre 10000 et aussi on peut faire deux ans dans un comunity college quasi gratuit puis transferer ca fait baisser l addition.
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-01-31 01:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
moi aussi je me posais la question pour faire une buche praline!

Sinon je viens d avoir l idee du siecle! une raclette pour noel!
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2010-12-17 20:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
j espere que vous allez bien,
j ai troppppp envie de camembert :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2010-12-14 23:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
j ai recu mon text/ email today!!!! woohooooo
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2010-12-08 17:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
montblanc je voulais dire tu viens de ou en france, pcq je suis d annecy! :)

Soph moi aussi je deteste conduire a LA, et franchement si j avais ete le moniteur pour mon permis je l aurais pas eu. Je me suis pas arrete quand un pieton voulait traverser, j ai pas reussi a me garer, j ai vraiment conduit n importe comment lol.
Je suis a Santa Barbara et j aime beaucoup le temps! En hiver en France je deprimais toujours, avec le soleil ici c est fini !!!!
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2010-12-02 22:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
mont blanc je sais pas si je t ai deja demande mais t es de ou?

et soph tu habites ou en cali?

j ai rate mon code deux fois en californie ( bon je me suis pas demotive je l ai repasser une troisieme fois a la suite et je l ai eu )
et sinon j etais super stress pour la conduite, j ai pas reusssi a faire une marche arriere droite...
mais bon heureusement je l ai eu, surtout que ca faisait 4 ans que j avais mon permis en France....
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2010-12-02 12:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Coucou! alors moi je suis une debutante du forum, je viens de me marier la semaine derniere. ca fait 4 ans que je suis avec mon cheri on a un petit garcon ensemble, bref hate de faire votre connaissance. je suis d annecy
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2010-11-18 00:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPROOF OF RELATIONSHIP?
I had my interview today and was approved with a similar case ( 2 yo son )
baby birthcertif,
baby and pregnancy pictures with dad
pictures with family and friends,
pictures in different places,

bills in your new name, contracts with both names, insurance, affidavits, flight tickets, memberships ( costco zoo ) bank statement...
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-04-13 21:40:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionReceived 10yrs GreenCard
she pbb already got her 2 year GC and this one is the 10 years one
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2011-04-22 21:41:00
CanadaReview of Medical - in Vancouver at Woking Medical
cookieandcreamFemaleFrance2010-12-03 19:02:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionIs the NBC or LA Office Really This Slow??

I live in Santa Barbara, CA and re-applied for citizenship this past April (NOA1 was 4/19) but have not received my biometrics/fingerprint letter or anything after my initial NOA1.  I initially applied for citizenship back in September 2011 but I was living in Bakersfield at the time so everything was handled through the Fresno office.  Even though I passed the tests I was denied because I submitted my N-400 application before I had 90-days at my Bakersfield address (we had just moved back to Bakersfield from Texas and I didn't know I had to wait until the 90th day at my new address to apply for citizenship).


I've called USCIS quite a few times and even submitted a service request in order to find out why I haven't received my biometrics (NOA2) letter but nothing!  I just called back last week and was automatically transferred to a supervisor; he said that the National Benefits Center (NBC) placed me in the biometrics queue on April 24th but have not been scheduled to appear for fingerprints...that was 79 days ago.  He said it was "rare" to see that but to wait 30 more days and then call back.  When I asked him if this was because I applied within the LA District but said my file has not left the NBC as of yet...


Do you think it's because I'm in the LA district?  I have a friend who also lives here in Santa Barbara and she applied for citizenship last year, her entire process took a little under 6 months. Needless to say I'm getting a little impatient!

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-07-14 01:02:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFiled N-400 and I-912 Approved Today!

check my timeline for n-400. It has pretty much the steps you should expect to encounter. The name change is not a big deal, imo, and probably they will ask you to bring supporting documentation on your interview day. Good luck

Great! I walked into my biometrics a week early since there was a conflict with my work schedule. I received the USCIS email yesterday informing me that my interview is going to be scheduled so I'm thinking I'll probably be taking care of that item in about two weeks from now. Funny thing is that I also received the infamous Yellow Letter over the weekend indicating that I had to bring my driver's license to the interview, which of course I included a copy along with my N-400.

I think my application is moving along pretty quickly given that I submitted my application back on September 16th. I'm hoping to pass my interview and take my oath by the end of January!! A fellow co-worker also filed her N-400 in the same city as me (Bakersfield, CA) about two years ago yet her interview was held in Fresno. I assumed my file would be handled out of the Los Angeles office but I'm not complaining since it's more convenient for me.

Edited by texas_dude78665, 29 November 2011 - 10:36 AM.

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2011-11-29 10:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFiled N-400 and I-912 Approved Today!

I submitted my N-400 on 9/15 via USPS Priority Mail (delivered to Phoenix lock box on 9/17) from Bakersfield, CA with I-912 fee waiver attached. Today I received my letter from USCIS stating that my waiver was APPROVED and now my file is being processed. Needless to say I am truly excited and looking forward to the next steps in my goal of becoming a US citizen.

My background: I was born in Mexico but came to the US when I was two. Grew up in Los Angeles and I am now applying for citizenship at the age of thirty-nine. So I've been a Permanent Resident for thirty-eight years. I did apply when I was 16 but my application was returned by INS since I was not 18 at the time.

So my question is what should I expect next? I am hoping to become a naturalized citizen within the next 4-5 months since I have to attend a conference in Vancouver next April. My application may take a while to run its course since I may have to do a name change given my current legal name (driver's license, social security card, school records, etc.) is different than my name on my permanent resident card.

Any tips or comments are appreciated!
texas_dude78665MaleMexico2011-10-09 00:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionA Decision Cannot Yet Be Made About Your Application
I just checked the mail and sure enough, the letter from USCIS in Fresno. As I feared, citizenship denied due to lack of physical presence at my current address for 90-days prior to submission of my N-400.

So plan now is to move back to Texas in two weeks and reapply in 90-days. I will not try to obtain another fee waiver (I-912) this time, rather I will just go ahead and submit the application with the $680 fee.
texas_dude78665MaleMexico2012-01-28 19:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionA Decision Cannot Yet Be Made About Your Application
No, I was only back in CA for one month. I honestly didn't know about the 90-day rule until well after I submitted my application. I was approved for the fee waiver, had my fingerprints taken, passed the tests, and was not discussed by IO during the interview three weeks ago. She did ask me why I didn't apply when I was in TX, and also reviewed the copy of my rental lease and asked me how long it had been since I moved in (hence there was the tip off about 90-day in hindsight).

The letter should arrive in the next few days and will reveal the reason for my denial. I did call USCIS yesterday afternoon right after received the email, but they would not provide any info beyond the "please wait for the letter."

So how long will I have to wait to reapply? I'm thinking that once I move back to TX I just need to wait the required 90-days then resubmit a new N-400. Correct??
texas_dude78665MaleMexico2012-01-28 12:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionA Decision Cannot Yet Be Made About Your Application
To make matters worse I was approved for a fee waiver, so I will have to reapply with the $680 fee. I am actually planning to move back to Texas anway, so my plan is to wait the required 90 days and then submit another N-400.

From my research during the last 24 hours it seems like I'm going to undergo the entire process once again (biometrics, tests, interview, etc).
texas_dude78665MaleMexico2012-01-28 11:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionA Decision Cannot Yet Be Made About Your Application

Can only relate my headaches during our AOS stage in bring my wife and her daughter here, dealing with two different countries that couldn't either type worth a darn. Did hire one of the top US immigration attorneys for guidance and had to get all that corrected in birth certificates, marriage certificates and even in divorce papers. Down there meant hiring a notary and going to court to correct their mistakes and cost a small fortune to do that.

Even had problems with my own birth certificate, State of Illinois hired a bunch of idiots to convert all birth certificates to a database, really screwed up my name. That took me three months to correct with all kinds of evidence I has to submit, but only cost me eight bucks.

With all the correct paperwork in hand, that portion with the USCIS went smoothly. Sounds like you should have done the same.

Well, it's official...after waiting for three weeks since my citizenship interview I was officially denied earlier today. Here is the email from USCIS:

Receipt Number: NBC*.........


Your Case Status: Decision

On January 27, 2012, we mailed you a denial decision notice for this case N400 APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION. The notice explains why the denial decision was made and the options that may be available to you. If you have not received this notice within 15 days of January 27, 2012, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for further assistance.

During this step the formal decision (approved/denied) is written and the decision notice is mailed and/or emailed to the applicant/petitioner. You can use our current processing time to gauge when you can expect to receive a final decision.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Check Processing Times.

*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

So as I await the official denial letter in the mail I am at a total loss for logic. The only item I can think of is that I had just moved back to California from Texas. Although the Immigration Officer didn't mention the address residency issue I figured it was a non-issue. So we'll see what the letter states once I receive it in the next few days. Immediately after I received the email today I called USCIS and they could not elaborate further since the field office in Fresno had not notified them of the official reason(s). #######????
texas_dude78665MaleMexico2012-01-28 02:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionA Decision Cannot Yet Be Made About Your Application
Hey guys. I had my N-400 interview and test today and let's just say I would NEVER want to repeat the process/experience. My assigned IO was absolutely terrible and I was the first candidate of the day (7:30 AM). Not only did it start bad, the entire 30-minute experience seemed to be comprised of 75-80% interrogation and 20-25% fact-finding.

So, the name on my GC is not the name I've been using for the last 23 years. My driver's license, SS Card, school transcripts, marriage certificate, etc., all indicate my current name. I wasn't sure which to use on my N-400 in the "current legal name" section, so I went with what I've been using since I was 15. But, I did indicate the name on my GC and also checked off the "name change" section in addition to writing the name I've been using above. Well, let's just say she was not happy about that and proceeded to absolutely crucify/scold me about it for the first 10 minutes of my interview. There were other questions that she felt needed a lot of scrutiny (previous addresses, travel history, and the fact that my driver's license did not have my current address). I told her that I updated my driver's license address online, which she shrugged off. Then she asked me for proof of my current address, which I included a copy of my current rental lease agreement with my N-400 and also provided this morning. She responded with "what am I supposed to do with this?" Then she asked for proof of my last address, by which I responded that I no longer live there since it was last year and thus I am providing a current lease agreement contract for the home I currently live in now.

Long story short, I easily passed the civics test (only had to answer the first 6) and writing/reading tests as well. She did have me sign the "name change" form that must be approved by the U.S. Federal District Court. At the conclusion, she printed out the N-652 (Naturalization Interview Results) which indicated that I indeed passed the tests of English and U.S. history and government. But it also indicated that "USCIS will send you a written decision about your application" instead of the "Congratulations! Your application has been recommended for approval."

My N-652 indicates that "A decision cannot yet be made about your application." Is this because of the name change? I'm totally freaking out now about this whole experience. I've been a Permanent Resident for 35 years and now just a applying for US citizenship. Oh, she also asked why I'm just now applying for citizenship and why didn't I take care of this matter beforehand.

Any advice?
texas_dude78665MaleMexico2012-01-06 02:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Dear Fellow VJers,


I am happy to announce that I am now officially a USC as of yesterday at 2 PM (PST)!!!  Took my oath yesterday in Los Angeles (LACC) along with 3,176 fellow colleagues.  It was interesting to note that the USCIS Assistant Director mentioned that the top 5 countries for yesterday's event was as follows:


1) Mexico

2) Philippines

3) El Salvador

4) Iran

5) China


It has been a long journey (41 years to be exact)...beginning when I became a Permanent Resident at the age of 2.  Despite being initially denied for USC two years ago from the Fresno district since I applied before the 90-day in-jurisdiction rule (moved from Texas back to California and applied "too early"), and then having to wait about 6 months this time around in the Los Angeles district, I am so happy and relieved to have this chapter of my life complete!  The USCIS staff in Los Angeles were absolutely wonderful and extremely helpful throughout this entire process.  It was cool when I checked-in to the ceremony yesterday when I randomly went to one of the tables and was greeted by the USCIS officers that met with me for my INFOPASS and my naturalization interview.  They said "congratulations again" and the female officer that conducted my interview gave me a huge hug.  Very nice USCIS San Fernando Valley Office!!


I want to thank ALL OF YOU for your words of wisdom, support, and encouragement.  I would not have been able to go through this process (especially a second time) and maintain my sanity without YOU.  I wish all of my other April filers much success and for those of you still waiting to finalize your process PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP because you will also be a USC very soon.


Edited by texas_dude78665, 24 October 2013 - 11:11 AM.

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-10-24 11:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

I had my interview this morning in LA (Chatsworth) and waited a little over an hour just to be called in by the IO.  Finally heard my name and was taken back for the interview.  The IO immediately hit me with the civics questions and they were as follows:


1) How many U.S. Senators?

2) What is the age requirement for Selective Service?

3) What ocean is on the Eastern half of the U.S.?

4) When was the Constitution written?

5) What are three of the original 13 colonies?

6) What is the voting age for U.S. Citizens?


I nailed each one in rapid succession (about 2 minutes or so)!  After the interview she had me sign my name change forms and told me "Congratulations, you've passed your naturalization interview and I'm going to recommend approval at this point.  Your oath letter will more than likely arrive in about 90-days since our division (Los Angeles) is extremely impacted with folks applying for citizenship."  Just then she said "Oh wait, hold on."  She then proceeded to pick up her phone and talk to someone about my file in that it wouldn't allow for a scheduling of my oath.  She then hung up the phone and asked me what my plans are for October 23rd (two weeks from now).  I told her I didn't have any plans (other than work) and she said "today is your lucky day, we have five openings for the October 23rd oath ceremony if you're interested."  So of course I said "YES!"  She then said "had you interviewed twenty minutes earlier you would of been out of luck and would have to wait until January for your oath!"


Finally, she asked me to stick around for about 30-45 minutes while they quickly run my application through the background database again one more time and then will have an oath letter prepared for me in time to make the October 23rd session.  So sure enough 45 minutes later the same IO came out and handed me my official oath letter.  I actually just also received the USCIS email & text messages indicating that my file has been scheduled for the oath ceremony.


The marathon is almost over; two more weeks and I'll be a USC!

Edited by texas_dude78665, 07 October 2013 - 05:49 PM.

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-10-07 17:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

"Scheduled to interview" email & text received on 8/29.  Received the official USCIS letter this past Saturday; interview scheduled for 10/7 at USCIS San Fernando Valley Office (Chatsworth)!

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-09-09 12:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers
Just received the following email & text 5 minutes ago from USCIS:

The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: NBC*XXXXXXXXX


Your Case Status: Testing and Interview

On August 29, 2013, your N400, APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION was scheduled for interview.   You will receive a notice with a time and place for your interview.  If you have not received the notice within 30 days of the date the notice is mailed, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for further assistance.  If you move, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address...

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-08-29 19:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers



I am glad everything went well. If your local office is the LA office, you are in for a long wait.


I had to go to an INFOpass because the interview took a long time to get scheduled.


I am assuming that the LA office gets thousands of apps per month. As you have already experienced, the best thing to do is the INFOpass in case it takes too long.


good luck




Thanks Daniel.  You were totally right about the InfoPass.  It wasn't until after going down to Chatsworth and meeting with an Immigration Officer that I finally got things moving after waiting four months from the time USCIS processed my N400.  The funny this is I just received the following email from them yesterday,"On August 28, 2013, your N400, APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION was placed in line for interview scheduling."  So hopefully I'll be scheduled for the interview in the next couple of weeks!


Edited by texas_dude78665, 29 August 2013 - 12:47 PM.

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-08-29 12:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Can someone update my biometrics status???   Bio was:  08/26/13

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-08-27 21:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

So I drove down to the Oxnard ASC and sure enough, they let me walk-in for my biometrics!  I was in & out in less than 30 minutes!  Now the clock starts for the interview email/text & letter to arrive.


Please update to:  Biometrics on 08/26/13.

Edited by texas_dude78665, 26 August 2013 - 07:36 PM.

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-08-26 19:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Hey Y'all,


Great after scheduling an InfoPass last month (7/31) I was told that my case was just delayed to the high number of folks applying for Citizenship in the LA District.  I was told I would finally receive my biometrics letter within 30-days guaranteed.  So four days letter I received the "yellow" letter since I indicated that I had a traffic citation in my N400 (language about being arrested in the "yellow" letter). 


Earlier this past week on Tuesday (8/20) I received the USCIS email & text message that my biometrics has been scheduled; letter to follow.  Sure enough I received the biometrics letter three days ago on Thursday (8/23); biometrics scheduled for September 5th down at the Oxnard ASC.


I'm going to make a trip this coming week to the Oxnard ASC and walk-in since I can't do my biometrics on September 5th due to a new job.


Anyone here have a walk-in experience at the Oxnard ASC??

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-08-25 18:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

texas_dude78665, on 20 May 2013 - 4:08 PM, said:snapback.png

Hey Y'all,
So I'm still awaiting my Biometrics letter to be sent out.  Yesterday was 30-days from my NOA date and my case status is still the same: "Initial Review."  I called USCIS this past Friday (5/17) and the nice customer service woman said that my status should update by the 30th-day, which again was yesterday.  I'm not sure if I need to worry as of yet but I hear that the Los Angeles office is notorious for delays due to the rather large applicant volume.
I think I will call USCIS again this Friday if my case status is not updated by then!

If you've already passed the 30 day mark they should have offered to initiate a service request immediately. Give them a call again and request it. We're in the same boat and were just promised some type of response within 14 days so here's hoping!




Called USCIS last Tuesday (5/28) to initiate a service request given the lack of progress with my N-400 app.  The customer service rep said that I should have received the biometrics letter by now, but I must now wait 15 days for my request to be processed before calling back.  I know the LA office is busy but I'm now well beyond the typical 30-day window for FP after my NOA date.  Since my initial biometrics in October 2011 (first time I applied for USC) is beyond the 15-month eligibility window, I have to complete the process once again.  Last time I applied (September 2011) I went through the entire process (passed testing as well) but was denied since I had just moved to the USCIS district here in CA from TX and had not satisfied the 90-day requirement.

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-06-02 13:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Hey Y'all,


So I'm still awaiting my Biometrics letter to be sent out.  Yesterday was 30-days from my NOA date and my case status is still the same: "Initial Review."  I called USCIS this past Friday (5/17) and the nice customer service woman said that my status should update by the 30th-day, which again was yesterday.  I'm not sure if I need to worry as of yet but I hear that the Los Angeles office is notorious for delays due to the rather large applicant volume.


I think I will call USCIS again this Friday if my case status is not updated by then!

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-05-20 18:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

My NOA1 Priority Date is: 4/16/13.

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-04-30 14:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers
Hey Y'all,

Sorry, I've been out of town so I haven't had a chance to update my status. So I received my NOA last Thursday (04/25) and my N-400 fee waiver (I-912) has been approved!!

I'm excited about the upcoming steps since this is my second time applying for US Citizenship after going through the entire
process two years ago (and passing my tests) only to be denied since I wasn't living in my rental for 90-days prior to submitting my application.

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-04-30 01:09:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

No, you must wait for hardcopy NOA with your case# now.
Only after receiving it you will be able to setup email and text notifications on the USCIS case status page.

My N-400 was delivered to USCIS this morning at 10:38 am! So now the process begins once again...hopefully my I-912 waiver is approved.
texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-04-16 14:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Oh Darn!! I forgot to attach the form requesting to be notified by SMS, email of my status. Can I send separately?

I forgot to mention that when I submitted my N-400 this past Saturday (4/13) I didn't include a check, I actually sent it in with the I-912 waiver. My initial I-912 was approved when I applied for citizenship two years ago (9/2011), so I'm hoping it is once again approved given that I am a full-time student with almost zero income last year.

N-400 mailed: 04-13-13
I-912 mailed: 04-13-13
texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-04-16 12:36:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers
I just mailed off my application yesterday via USPS Priority Mail to Phoenix and it arrived this afternoon! This is my second citizenship application since my initial application was denied by the Fresno Office since I applied 6 days before the 90th day at my new home address (almost 2 years ago). I passed the interview but was subsequently denied about 3 weeks later due to the lack of continuous 90-day residence within the application division/district/region.

texas_dude78665MaleMexico2013-04-16 01:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Ireland - Medical

my fiance's medical is in the next couple weeks.  We'll post an update here so it's timely.  :)   And I'll be showing him what was written this week so he has more of a heads up. 


Tina and JohanFemaleIreland2014-05-04 02:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Interview in 2 weeks

I requested them so hopefully they come in time before I leave in next Friday. I do have the W-2 just in case the transscripts dont come on time. The vaccination sheet you mean the one from the medical?


If you don't get them by mail in time, just print them off:


Good luck!

Edited by Tina and Johan, 04 May 2014 - 02:49 AM.

Tina and JohanFemaleIreland2014-05-04 02:48:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanpolice clearance south Africa question

oh that's not too bad!  thanks!  I think he has already handled the delivery of it; I'm just worried it'll hold us up for his interview.  (I may or may not be trying to micromanage this situation.  I admit nothing.  ;)  )   Thank you for the offer!  I very much appreciate it.  :)



Tina and JohanFemaleIreland2014-04-11 17:35:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanpolice clearance south Africa question

Have any of you needed to get your police certificate while NOT living in SA?  For those who were waiting when this thread was created, how long did it take, are you still waiting?  Thanks in advance!



Tina and JohanFemaleIreland2014-04-10 15:35:00