Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (TerriandEric @ Dec 24 2009, 02:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Merry Christmas Everyone -- we have opened our gifts, shed many tears with my kids & many more will be shed before the day is out.

Hope you all have an awesome day


Yep I hear you on the tears...
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-24 20:36:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Hey my fellow Aussies and Americans....MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you all have wonderful days and that Santa is good to you smile.gif
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-24 07:30:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Vanessa&Tony @ Dec 22 2009, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh, and my accent is fine in person apparently, it's over the phone that it's really bad. His family is fine with it in person, but sometimes on the phone they're like "huh??' lol.

Haha, everyone I know is the same! In person, people got me, but over the phone, it would be like pulling teeth making myself understood. Sometimes I would just give up and tell Alex to talk for me lololol. I think the difference is in person, they can get your gestures and facial expressions to go along with what you are saying, but the phone you just go off sound.

The whole fear of abduction thing - One thing I noticed A LOT in the states is the honking and cat calls out of cars. It is YUCK. It makes me feel so trashy. I'll get honked at when I am walking to the corner chop in my trackies! I lived/will live in Los Angeles, but I pretty much feel safe most of the time. When I was in college, Alex would worry when I had a night class because I would not get out until 9.45, and then would take the bus home. But I was always pretty sure of myself. A lot of the worry from our partners is just them overreacting, I think. I mean, really, who of us are living in areas that are THAT rough?

Bread and chocolate - White bread is yuck, I pretty much eat sourdough over there, or get multigrain. But it's just so weird in consistency and taste! So really, it has eliminated bread from my diet haha. Also butter is a funny colour, so is cheese. Bacon is strange too, I can never get the rashers you get here, it's in little strips with mostly fat on it!

I'm trying to think about what other foods are funny...but all I can think of is how I would love a big fat burrito!! Good mexican food is something I miss lots!
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-23 08:08:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Vanessa&Tony @ Dec 22 2009, 03:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I thought yesterday a lot about this process, and how stressful it all is and realised that it was probably time that I wrote a little update on life in the US and how things are different, or struggles I've faced etc...

So I'm 26, so is my hubby Tony, relatively young in the scheme of things. Mum asked me once why get married and move here.. why not in Australia? I said that he has more family and we're just a little family so visiting is lots easier... but I'm starting to have different thoughts.

Firstly, no doubt about being with Tony or anything like that. It's great being together but I didn't really, like REALLY think about how different life would be and how hard it would be too. Here are some things I found/find hard:

- Calling home is REALLY expensive from here. Getting text msgs from home is "outside the phone plan" so anytime I get a text, THEY get charged AND I get charged on TOP of my plan cost. Total bullshit. Getting a phonecard isn't cheap either but luckily I found "Say GDay" before I left Australia so it's pretty cheap for my family to call me. $30 buys 750 minutes. Mum calls me on a specific day but sometimes she forgets. She doesn't check her email or email me in general (she works too hard and looks after dad) and to go from picking up the phone and talking to my sister or mum whenever the mood strikes is a BIG change.
- Xmas.. we ARE a small family but it was always us family at Xmas. Now it's just Tony and me this year 'cause we live in TX and his family is in IA and we spent money on the wedding not so long ago, saw them not so long ago so no need to fly up... still... it's weird and mum cried 'cause it's the first year that all the family hasn't been home for Xmas... not true really my little sister hasn't been home in ages but it's better when she's away, she just causes trouble.
- It SUCKS not working. Like REALLY sucks for several reasons. I've always had a job, or been looking for a job except when I was visiting Europe & Tony in 08. It's weird going from earning my own money, paying my own bills to not. Very strange. We're moving to IA in march so even when the AOS comes through there's little to no point in getting a job for maybe a month or two.
- driving!! I've always had a car, or lived in Melb with public transport... Technically my licence is valid here but I need a US licence to get insurance. As we're moving in March apparently it's just as easy to wait and get my licence there as it is to get it here and transfer it when we move back to IA. That and Houston roads are NUTS so I would prefer to practice getting used to being on the "wrong" side of the car in a nice quiet town.. the "wrong" side of the road isn't that hard, it's the side of the car that I find most weird... Anyway Tony has another vehicle in IA but not here so yeah... gotta wait, but the lack of freedom is REALLY stressful sometimes
- being alone. I know, I know. I have my man, but my man works. I sit at home, on the internet, or watching TV (usually both tongue.gif) for days on end. He comes home from work and it's all good but I feel bad that on his days off when he wants to be relaxing he's worried about me and about getting me "out and about" so I don't go stir-crazy.

It's been 3 months now and it still feels like I'm visiting because I can't do anything I normally would. I think it's different than it would be for most because we're kinda in limbo with the move back to his home-state (IA) but it's still difficult sitting at home not being able to drive anywhere, not being able to get a job, and not being able to walk too far because.. well Houston is dangerous and he worries... with just cause I think too because a gf of ours in November was at a gas station when some random guy asked her if she had any money, she said "sorry, no" and walked away. As she turned away from him she heard a "click" and then the guy at the next bowser jumped on the guy behind her bc he pulled out a knife. He was going to take her car and her 6 month old was in the back seat! Same thing for a friend of Tony's (about a week before the other one) where a guy demanded the keys to our friends car so he leant is his car and instead of his keys pulled out his gun. The guy took off. Scary stuff.

The other thing that's weird for me is the food. Chocolate here quite honestly sucks in my opinion. I haven't found anything that I truly love yet... though I keep trying as much as I can in the vein hope! Bread... wow. Bread is bad but I'm finally adjusting and forgetting what our bread tastes like.. just knowing it's better but not remembering it tongue.gif

Oo a biggie is people not understanding my accent. Drives me INSANE! I walked into Applebee's and asked for take-away and the girl was like "huh?" and I was like "GRR!" and Tony just said it instead. Calling stuff about the wedding I asked for accommodation for my sister from the 4th and she said "the pool?" Seriously?? Ugh. Frustrating. Not to mention people "correcting" my way of pronouncing things, or my way of spelling things. I need to find a stress relief for that little issue 'cause it's REALLY irritating especially when they KNOW what I mean but just do it because "I'm wrong". /sigh.

I s'pose the whole point in this post is to let you all know that it IS hard. I'm sure once I have my licence, and all the name change stuff is done, and it actually starts to feel like life rather than "visa stuff" then it'll be better. I don't regret it at all, I don't think there's anything I could do differently to make life easier, and Tony definitely tries very hard to make sure I'm happy all the time but just sometimes I sit, or walk around thinking.. wow.. I still feel like a visitor... but I think it's 'cause I AM, I'm still on holiday really until I CAN get a job, until I CAN get a licence. So yeah, it's hard, worth it but hard. I just wanted to let you guys know that you're not alone if you ever feel that way. biggrin.gif

I feel your pain for so many of these things Vanessa!! The phone plans, the food, the driving, the lonliness...and the ACCENT and TALKING, oh my god. You think it's bad now, wait until you start working! I pretty much had to put on a bit of an accent when I was working so I could be understood....grrrrr. But all your worries are valid, don't be like me and think you are just a whinger. In a few months you will be all settled, working and all that and you won't even think about all this. And we are all behind you and supporting each other!
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-22 18:54:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Giggles @ Dec 21 2009, 07:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My visa was approved today too!! YIPPEEEEEEEE!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

I tell you I was so darn happy when I walked out of the consulate. I called D to tell him the good news right away. I'll give you all my full report when I get back home to Brissy.

Congrats Lyekka!! biggrin.gif

alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-22 02:59:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (lyekka @ Dec 21 2009, 01:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wait for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................*Drum roll*

WE ARE APPROVED!!!!!!!! kicking.gif

Going to cry some more now lol!!!!!!

alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-21 18:05:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (rosa thomson @ Dec 21 2009, 01:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck to those having their interview tomorrow!

Just a random question, does anyone know if there are any restrictions in regards to travelling out of the USA, once the wedding has taken place and I have filled out the paperwork after the wedding. As I was thinking of coming back home (New Zealand - where my family lives) and having a gathering for those family member's that couldnt make it to the wedding. It would be maybe 1 year after the wedding, I dont assume there would be an issue, but wondered if anyone knew the answer unsure.gif

Once you have either Advanced Parole, or your Green card, there is pretty no restriction on you traveling. If you are traveling on AP there are certain things you need to adhere to, and once you have your Green Card, I think the only special thing you eed to do is file a form if you are going to be gone for six months plus.

If you are not planning it until a year after your wedding, I think you would probably have your green card by then, so you would be sweet.
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-21 05:12:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Good luck giggles and lyekka!
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-21 04:14:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Vanessa, when I was at my interview, the first officer asked me if I had flown down that morning or the night before, and I mentioned that I had come down the night before because of you and your experience, which was pretty recent. And I think he remembered you! Or at least, the situation of that day smile.gif

Making my wedding invites today...thank god for paper cutters being invented, saving me so much time! I should have them all done tonight and have them ready to mail to Alex by tomorrow!
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-20 02:55:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Vanessa&Tony @ Dec 19 2009, 05:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
rofl! Good! I read the first part where you said "fly out that morning" and i was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo!!" and then I read the rest and was like "phew. Yah. that day sucked!" Technically I didn't save any money either because I paid to bring my flight earlier because the day was SO ###### I just wanted to get home.. lol. I'm happy he saw the light tongue.gif Good luck and I look forward to a positive result. He could always buy you a Sydney memento for you on the extra day he's there.. or right after the interview so you have a little memento of what I'm sure will be a great day biggrin.gif

Lol yup Vanessa was the sole reason I flew in the night an 8am interview would have made it extremely tight to get there in time, hahah. I was lucky to get to home though, as all the Virgin Blue drama started when I was meant to fly home....even though it all happened in Melbourne, it had a follow on effect to Sydney.
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-19 21:28:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Simon and Janet @ Dec 19 2009, 12:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For you guys that have already had the interview...where did you stay in Sydney?
I've been looking at flights from Melb... and Tiger Airways is only $56 roundtrip ohmy.gif

I stayed at the YHA Sydney Central, right next to Central Station. $41 dollars for the night, and they have lockers that are pretty inexpensive to keep your things in all day.
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-19 03:28:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (rosa thomson @ Dec 18 2009, 11:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just got an email saying that my petition was approved! so relieved!


alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-19 02:49:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (lyekka @ Dec 18 2009, 01:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (alex and astrid @ Dec 17 2009, 11:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Simon and Janet @ Dec 17 2009, 10:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Emailed the consulate this morning about packet 3. They replied saying that they have the file but haven't reviewed it yet. Then not 30 mins later i got packet 4 emailed laughing.gif

So D-Day is January 12. So the January 23rd departure is still looking good.

Yay!!! lots of time to prepare and get evidence together....that they won't even look at, lol!

LOL thats so funny. I got the rest of our evidence that was on my hard drive last night and emailed it to Damo, its so much that its stupid. He not only has all our pics and all my boarding passes from over the three years, between him and I thats 5 trips, but also has cell phone records back to may of 2008, and i was able to download our skype calls and texts for the last year as well. Shows something like 1287 hours of talk time between my computer and his skype cell phone rofl. We were laughing that they wouldnt even look at it. But still I cant help but be a nervous wreck this weekend. ugh.

Yay Simon! Thats great news. They must not be doing any interviews over the christmas holiday even though it doesnt show them closing.

For the evidence I showed, it was just stuff from between me leaving the US In June, and now. It was still a TON! Emails, skype, phone bills, pics. So much! Makes you nostalgic looking through it and brought a smile to my face, for sure.

alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-18 05:38:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Simon and Janet @ Dec 17 2009, 10:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Emailed the consulate this morning about packet 3. They replied saying that they have the file but haven't reviewed it yet. Then not 30 mins later i got packet 4 emailed laughing.gif

So D-Day is January 12. So the January 23rd departure is still looking good.

Yay!!! lots of time to prepare and get evidence together....that they won't even look at, lol!
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-18 02:53:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Yeah, I was going back and making changes when I remembered more stuff to tell you!!

On another note, got something in the mail today....My passport, with a shiny new visa and the Envelope That Must Not Be Opened smile.gif
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-17 07:52:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Omnivore @ Dec 17 2009, 04:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Nope, I'm just an idiot getting the numbers confused (it's like 35 here and it's 11.30 give me a small break).

Man this form freaking crazy.

OK anyone with a new passport, the one with the chip, figure out where it was issued????

Also, on the DS-156K do you have to actually answer the questions that don't apply?

I mentioned this above about the passport issuance - the City that issued it is the capital city of the state you were living in at the time you got your passport. I was living in Victoria when I got mine, so the issuing city was Melbourne.

You must answer every single question. If they do not apply, put "none" or "N/A"
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-17 07:39:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Omnivore @ Dec 17 2009, 05:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Astrid just realised the checklist was on the bottom of that form.

Do I actually need to send them the whole I-134 Packet again?!

Any idea on how to find out where my passport was issued from, it's not on the bio page these days!

Send the I-134 again? I'm not sure what you mean, since the Affidavit of Support is not needed until the consulate stage. It doesn't need to be sent with the original petition to USCIS. If you did send the Affidavit with your USCIS package, its not big deal, but I would imagine that it would need redoing, since financials may have changed, plus it may have been 6 months plus since your original filing. Consulates like to see stuff that is up tp date.

Passport issuer is the capital city of the state you were living in when you applied for it.

Edited by alex and astrid, 17 December 2009 - 07:29 AM.

alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-17 07:25:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Omnivore @ Dec 17 2009, 05:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry to be annoying, I'm filling in my DS-156, what did you guys put as your Length of stay and purpose of trip? What's the appropriate term for "who's paying for your trip"?

I assume I don't have to say "yes" to intending to work given I don't have a job lined up.

Omnivore -

For what you need for packet three, search on google "packet three sydney consulate". There is a checklist for what must be provided. PRetty much you send them everything then, and to the interview you just bring your passport, express post sachel, and your receipt for the visa fee....and evidence of your ongoing relationship, and all that jazz.

For length of stay/purpose of trip, I put "Indefinite." and "Marriage to Alexander #### via K1 visa". For the trip payment section, I just but 'Myself", since I am paying for my plane ticket. For work I put "Unsure, will not work until green card/ead issuance"

For your passport issuance, you just put the capital city of the state you were living in at the time you applied for your passport. Each capital city has a passport processing center.

Edited by alex and astrid, 17 December 2009 - 07:22 AM.

alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-17 07:19:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Yes Natalie, we will be wedding date twins!! Alex said the same thing about the date - he has a very scientific brain, and he said the numbers felt good to him smile.gif

So, without further ado -

My Interview Experience

Flew down to Sydney and back with Virgin Blue, and stayed at the Central Sydney YHA. I would recommend the YHA to everyone, it's in a good location, cheap, but with great amenities. Did not sleep very much at all Monday night, due to nerves/excitement and my epic sunburn. Appointment was for 8am, so I planned to wake up at 6am so I would not be rushed. I bolted awake at 5.30 and decided to just get up, since there was no way I could get back to sleep.

Took my time getting ready, checked out of the YHA, left my bag in their lockers ($6 for pretty much a full day's rental) and walked over to Central station. Got the train to Martin Place at 7am, but it took me a while to find the MLC Center once I was out of the station. I thought I would come out the station and it would be right there, but I guess I took the wrong exit. Anyway, got a juice because I was far too anxious to eat, called Alex to calm me down (what a good fiance he is) and then it was finally 7.30 and we could go up to level 10. Went up, handed over my handbag and sat down in the second row of chairs. We all got called up to the lift, and me being sneaky, let everyone in ahead of me so I could be the first one out when we got to level 59. This is where it got a bit strange.

I was the first out the lift, went right to security, and the guard could not find my name on the list. She double checked my letter and let me in anyways. Got ticket number one, and barely sat down when I was called to the first window. The man made small talk with me, took my prints, and then went to grab my file...which he came back and said he could not find. Cue me having an instant panic attack. He asked me if I was already married, to which I said no, I was pursuing a K1. He checked with me what Alex's full name was, went looking again, and then finally found my file. Have to say it was pretty nice to see our file again! He looked through it, took my passport, receipt and platinum post envelope, and got me to check some things off that I had missed on one of my forms. He said that everything looked good to him, and to enjoy the view and take a seat for the CO interview. And yeah, the view is amazing. Lucky buggers.

It was another five minutes or so before the CO called me forward for my interview. I took the oath and she asked me if I had been to the states, how long was my longest visit, what degree did I get while I was studying in the states, explain my living situation with Alex during the time I was in the states, did my parents like Alex and what kind of wedding were were planning. And as I mentioned earlier, she referred to Alex as my boyfriend a few times, which each time in my response I corrected her as him being my fiance. She did not ask to see my big folder of additional evidence, or my ring, or anything, just asked questions related to the original petition. I think the CO asked me so many questions because she had a woman from another immigrant section with her, maybe doing some training, as she was explaining her thought processes to her as she was typing my answers into her computer. She then made a comment to the woman who was listening in about the I-134 which I found interesting. The CO mentioned that the Affidavit is not even needed, and they do not really look for a certain dollar amount to be reached by the petitioner (meaning, the 125 percent of the poverty level), though she did mention the poverty level was around 17,000. So I guess, when she is adjudicating, she just wants to see that they make more than the poverty level, though not always the 125 percent marker. I don't know if she was just talking about what she looks for, or what Sydney looks for in general. It just piqued my curiosity, since we all are sticklers for that on VJ!

She chatted more to her coworker about some other points of Adjudication, and I was just standing there for a few more minutes, so I asked "What should I tell Alex about the interview when I leave here?" and she said "Oh, you're approved." and handed me the letter saying how I would get my visa. So I thanked her, and got myself downstairs as quick as I could to get my phone to tell Alex! I didn't cry like I thought I would, I just had a massive sense of relief that the hard part was over and the uncertainty was gone. And Alex was just as relieved, and went on facebook while we were talking to let everyone know we were a success. Ah, youth and technology smile.gif

So that was it really. Was in MLC for pretty much an hour, but only spent 20 or so minutes within the consulate. All in all, a quick and easy experience. Spent the rest of the day wandering around Sydney, window shopping and ducking into every Maccas I saw to check my email and get on VJ! Was meant to be back in Brisbane 5.30 tonight, but due to Virgin Blue being a pack of idiots, didn't even get into Brissie until 8.30 :/ Glad to be home though and have a decent sleep.
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-15 06:23:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
In regards to your medical, Terri, a lot of the panel doctors will not do it without your NVC case number. you would need to contact the doctor in your state. The doctor I saw would not proceed with the medical unless I had my case number. the police check you can do ahead of time though, and you just ask for it to be sent to your house.
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-15 05:37:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date

I'll write a longer review for the consular review section, but in a nutshell it was all pretty smooth. First one in, first one out, very friendly CO, though she did ask me a fair few questions and kept calling Alex my boyfriend....did not even get asked to show my evidence (darn it, it was so good!) and I should have my visa by Friday!!!
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-14 18:06:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Hi darlings....well, I'm in Sydney. Got to say it's scary as all hell walking around the cbd by yourself at night!! It also smells funny here and there are a ton of drunk people out on a Monday night lol.

Really can't wait to get this all over with and get home!! Thankyou for all the positive thoughts!!
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-14 07:01:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Omnivore @ Dec 13 2009, 04:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK I'm seeing the Doctor on Wednesday, just got to double check, need my blood test results, immunisation records & photo?

Really need to do that police check might do that tomorrow, ugh I'm supposed to be entering the USA on the 16th of February, I'm getting worried.

Oh do they really need cash at the doctor?

For the Doctor - Three pics, all immunization history and blood tests to prove immunity, and if you have any ongoing conditions or recent surgery, documentation for that too. Also, your NVC case number and your passport.

Get on the police check quick, took me nearly three weeks to get mine back, and that was with me calling and harassing QLD police HQ.
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-13 07:01:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Vanessa&Tony @ Dec 12 2009, 11:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (alex and astrid @ Dec 13 2009, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks've been such an angel during all this. Thankyou for all your advice and patience! By the by, I seem to be having the same run of injuries you did in the lead up to the interview....yesteday I got a WICKED sunburn up at Mooloolaba, and this morning I'm pretty sure I stuffed my little toe by smashing it into my couch sad.gif I'm going to look like such a tool at the consualte, what with my lobster red skin and limp! Maybe they won't even interview me, they'll just give me a pity pass hahah!

lol!! i think it's the stress or something. I mean I don't know about you but I hadn't been injured, or tripped in weeks and even months before this day. lol. Who cares if it's a pity pass though right? it's a pass! I'm sure you will be fine. biggrin.gif

Update on my case... we can't apply for AOS until after Xmas ($$ for the wedding was more than we thought.. add that to a dodgy no-rent paying housemate and sad.gif ) so I'll keep you all updated when the time comes biggrin.gif

Yeah, I don't regularly injure myself either! Damn stress!
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-13 01:42:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Thanks've been such an angel during all this. Thankyou for all your advice and patience! By the by, I seem to be having the same run of injuries you did in the lead up to the interview....yesteday I got a WICKED sunburn up at Mooloolaba, and this morning I'm pretty sure I stuffed my little toe by smashing it into my couch sad.gif I'm going to look like such a tool at the consualte, what with my lobster red skin and limp! Maybe they won't even interview me, they'll just give me a pity pass hahah!
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-13 00:52:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
I think you can email them and tell them about the mistake, and then bring the corrected version to the interview. Don't worry, if you have everything correct at the interview, it should be all that matters.
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-12 23:58:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Doing the last of my evidence-gathering today before I fly to Sydney tomorrow night....Any last minute advice for me, especially now since I can't think straight due to the terror and excitement coursing through me?
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-12 22:51:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Simon and Janet @ Dec 10 2009, 05:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK sent away packet 3... needed a big envelope because of the x-ray that was attached to the medical...but it's off smile.gif
Hopefully Mon/Tues i'll have an interview date.

Good luck Terri and Eric, hopefully it'll be a nice and quick wait until NOA2.

oops! you don't need to mail them the xray, just the medical results. you keep the xray for AOS.
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-11 05:33:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Giggles @ Dec 9 2009, 07:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Don'tWhateverMe @ Dec 9 2009, 12:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yay .. congrats!! kicking.gif You'll have another VJ member there for support. I knew I'd come back from my trip and you'd all have visas ... crying.gif

I'm sure you'll get yours soon enough. It has been almost 6 months since we got NOA1. If only our file hadn't been MIA for 2 months it would have been a lot quicker.

QUOTE (alex and astrid @ Dec 9 2009, 08:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yayayayayay! Not long to wait until you can start celebrating! When will you get married?

Since my interview is Tuesday, I am doing all my final prep - printing a few more emails and phone bills, far more evidence than we will ever need, lol. I'm going to pay my visa fee tomorrow too and get my envelope. I will be putting that darn little receipt somewhere safe! This weekend I am headed up to the Sunshine Coast to see some friends, hopefully some beach time and a few quiet drinks will keep me calm!

ladies - what did you all wear to your interview? when I had my student visa interview, I dressed as if I was going to a job interview, but I was shocked to see people roll up in trackies and ripped jeans huh.gif

I know, I can't wait to get that visa and then we can start making travel plans. smile.gif Hopefully I'll leave here early to mid January and we'll most likely get married within a month of me arriving. We don't have a particular date set yet.

How many emails are you printing out to take with you? I've printed about you think that's enough?

I'm interested to know what the ladies wore to their interviews too. I wasn't going to wear anything too dressy like a work or job interview outfit. I was most likely going to wear a nice summer dress I've got (goes just above the knee) with a 3/4 sleeve cardigan. It's not real casual, I guess you would call it smart casual. Is smart casual appropriate or something more dressy like a pencil skirt, blouse and pumps?

I've got about 10 or so email 'strands' that I am bringing with me...amounts to about 20 pages or so. they are over the last six months so they show a good range of stuff.

I'm thinking of dressing nicely but I'm not going too over the top. High waisted skirt, plain white tshirt, and a cardigan. Something I am comfortable in but still look well presented.
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-10 06:59:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Giggles @ Dec 8 2009, 05:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just got P4 and and my interview date is December 22 like I thought. Yippeeee!!!!!! I'm so excited!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Yayayayayay! Not long to wait until you can start celebrating! When will you get married?

Since my interview is Tuesday, I am doing all my final prep - printing a few more emails and phone bills, far more evidence than we will ever need, lol. I'm going to pay my visa fee tomorrow too and get my envelope. I will be putting that darn little receipt somewhere safe! This weekend I am headed up to the Sunshine Coast to see some friends, hopefully some beach time and a few quiet drinks will keep me calm!

ladies - what did you all wear to your interview? when I had my student visa interview, I dressed as if I was going to a job interview, but I was shocked to see people roll up in trackies and ripped jeans huh.gif
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-09 05:41:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Giggles @ Dec 4 2009, 05:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My P3 is in the mail and on it's way to the consulate...woohoo!! Now I can sit back, relax (well try to) and wait for my interview. kicking.gif

You will most likely be assigned the tuesday after me then....a shame, would have been nice to have met up at the consulate and cheer each other on!
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-04 20:19:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (zaskar @ Dec 1 2009, 03:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wahoo !!!

I got it!!! So excited now the real fun begins getting ready to leave!

So it was quite easy if you have your stuff in order I guess.

I got there about 7.30 for my 8am and was all done and out by 9.00 so was pretty quick really.

Pretty standard questions
- how did you meet?
- have you been to the US?
- Have you meet her family & has she meet yours?
she looked at some of my extra photos from our recent holiday on the Gold Coast.

Hope everyone else has an easy and quick process.


YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! So happy for the both of you!

alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-12-01 05:39:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
Hey guys, in regards to the Affidavit of Support - I keep freaking out about it a little. Alex makes more than double what 125 percent of the poverty line is for this year, and with his assets as well, he more than covers it. He has also worked at the same company for six years. When I was a student in the US, I had a small wage and my parents helped me with a little money each month, but he pretty much supported us both anyway. But the back of my mind keeps thinking the consular officer is going to grill me on the financials particular, especially because we are both young. Am I being a worry wart and letting this process get to me? Tell me to chill, please!
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-11-30 06:29:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Giggles @ Nov 29 2009, 07:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Argh....the consulate emailed P3 to us on the 23rd but we didn't get it because they didn't send it to the correct email address. They spelt hotmail without the 'L'. I'm sure they would have got a reply saying the email address was incorrect and not received but they didn't resend P3 until this morning after we had asked where it is. Can anything else go wrong for us??? Lol.

I think you have had your fair share of bad luck! But from now should be smooth sailing. Before you know it you will be at the consulate!
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-11-30 06:17:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (zaskar @ Nov 29 2009, 03:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK I am all packed got all my paperwork ready and fingers crossed all goes to plan!!

Leaving for Sydney straight after work Monday for 8am Tues interview!!


alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-11-29 06:01:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Vanessa&Tony @ Nov 28 2009, 08:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
By this stage all they really care about is that you and Alex have a "continuing" relationship. When your petition was accepted they accepted that you and Alex had met in the "last 2 years" so now you need to prove to them that this is a sustained relationship.

With me I took phone records, MSN chat logs (with any suss blacked out which is fine), more photos of us. Do you have any pics from when you last visited him? With time stamps? I didn't see Tony between when we applied and when we were accepted so didn't have flight stuff biggrin.gif But If you take your most recent flight stuff as well that can't hurt because it's "primary" evidence. I wouldn't worry about originals for the 08 passes, especially not if you have more recent ones.

Like said above, my evidence wasn't even looked at. They just asked questions liked when we met, when he proposed, etc. They just wanna know that you know stuff you should. I was told that they can't actually REJECT you. They can only recommend that you get rejected because you seem suss or something and then they send the file back to the US for "official rejection"... if that makes you feel any better tongue.gif

I'm sure you will be fine smile.gif Just be your normal charming self, wear your engagement ring... and make sure your phone has plenty of battery, and you have enough credit to call Alex to tell him the news biggrin.gif

Yeah, I deliberatley did not include some photos in our submission so I would have ones that were 'new' at the consulate. So I have a picture from my college graduation in June, a week before I flew back to Australia, and then I have a heap of pics from our engagement party (with one of us together, me holding up my ring finger, lol, and then another with us and Alex's sister) and also a few engagement photos. They don't have time stamps on them, but I have emails that corroborate them.
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-11-28 18:07:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
I have a lot of the same things that you do....though a lot of stuff we provided in our original submission so it's not any use to show it again! I'm just gathering stuff they haven't seen before to beef it all up. I have considered doing the letters from people that know us and all that, but I decided against it because it is pretty easy for those to be faked. I think the mass amount of emails, skype and mobile calls are proof enough we are legit, plus some pics we have that were taken right before I left the US the last time.
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-11-28 09:00:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
I was not asked for a pelvic exam, nor when my last Pap was.

Interview question - I'm getting together the last bits of my evidence, phone bills, emails and the like. To show that I have been in the US, I have my passport and itineraries from a previous flight - when I flew back to Australia from LA in June this year. I have the original boarding pass for this flight. I don't have the boarding passes for my last flight to a from the states, which was in August 2008. We submitted photocopies of the Aug 08 passes to USCIS, so they are in my packet at Sydney, should I worry about getting Alex to mail me the original boarding passes, or any other original stuff from us travelling together of the copies are already at Sydney?
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-11-28 07:26:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
wait zaskar so you too were pretty much undressed for the entire exam also? did you think it was strange? I mean, it doesn't make me feel any better that if you were undressed the whole time too, because it doesn't mean it is right.
alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-11-26 07:29:00
Australia and New ZealandAustralian Beneficiaries - Packet 3 to Interview date
QUOTE (Giggles @ Nov 25 2009, 06:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I had my medical exam with Dr Yates today. Astrid, basically it went the same as yours.

I did my urine test first and then waited about 10 minutes to see the doctor. We went through the vaccination sheet and the questions on the medical exam worksheet. Then he asked me to undress to my underwear and he checked my weight and height, gave me the Boostrix and MMR vaccines. Then he listened to my breath/lungs and heart (from my back and front), did a breast exam, pressed around on my belly, took my blood sample and then asked if I had any ankle problems. I sat up he tapped my knee to test my reflex, check in my ears, eyes and open my mouth and say ahh.

Next came the part which I thought was a bit weird....he asked me to stand up turn towards the wall bend over and touch my toes (butt towards him and all I'm wearing is my underwear. #######??) blink.gif I did it quickly without really thinking about it but then I started to think about it.....was he checking out my butt??? I can't think why it was necessary to turn around and bend over infront of him (standing about 2m away). Couldn't he have seen if I could touch my toes when I'm facing him? Does anyone know if there was a legitimate reason for this? I then had to stand on my toes and turn back towards him, squat, stand up and raise my arms above my head which I guess was all to see if i had any injuries/problems. I got dressed and then he asked me to read the bottom row on the eye chart (don't need to be nearly naked for that). He told me everything was all good and the exam was over. Then I went and got my x-ray done.

Everything was done in about 1.25 hours and all up it cost me $541 (exam, x-ray, blood test $466, MMR $30 & Boostrix $45). Now I just have to wait to get the results which should be Friday (maybe) or Monday.

Hmmm...that does sound really weird. Why did he get you to do all that bending over and stuff? I didn't have to do that. I think unless you had a prior injury or problem like arthritis or something, there isn't a need to do that. And you can tell what someone's movement is like with clothes on. My trainer at my gym got me to do similar things like that to see what my flexibility and posture was like, and I did in my street clothes!

I really think it's not needed for us to be near-naked for the whole exam. The more I think about it, the more it weirds me out. I actually feel kind of dirty. Have any male VJ'ers gone to see Dr Yates? Can you tell us about your experiences? I swear, if the guys don't have to be undressed for it, I am going to flip my lid.

alex and astridFemaleAustralia2009-11-25 18:13:00