



Where did you get your BC? :) :) It's kinda pricey when I'll get it online.

Get in at NSO, you have to be early and you'll recieve it right away

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-04 08:55:00
I will still bring more that one BC to the USA, it's better to have extras than sorry.....anyway it's cheap, it will cost less than 200 pesos/copy.
asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-03 00:03:00
And for the guidance counseling form , you have to fill out the form in CFO, they have the form and all you need is to fill out properly and understand all the questions asked. The counselor will have a 1x1 interview with you and she might ask more evidence of the relationship, then there's a group discussion too. After that you will receive your certificate at the ground floor, if the counselor is not satisfied she will ask more evidence and she might let you come back, some of the girls that I had the counseling last Wednesday, didn't receive their certificate and I don't know what is their issue.
asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-30 02:43:00
I had my interview last Tuesday 27 of May and yes bring original copy of birth cert and Cenomar.
Per VJs you have to carry more birth cert in USA because you are going to need them there.

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-30 02:36:00
Yes you can attend the CFO. Without your passport, I did it last Wednesday, but you have to go back for sticker when your passport is available. Carry 2 ID, cenomar, birth cert, if you are married carry your marriage cert. also bring some evidence of your ongoing relationship.
Do not forget the copy of your appointment from US embassy because it will serve as your proof that the embassy took your passport .
Print and bring your online registration form with you if you booked at CFO online.
Payment is 400 pesos.

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-29 23:56:00
PhilippinesCEAC still says ready for interview , after approval on May 27

Make sure your checking under "immigrant visa" under visa type. Also I know when I looked up mines I had two file numbers on the bottom one of them said "issued" and the other said ready for interview. Now they are all correct to say "issued"

Mine has 2 files 2 and both says ready but #1 was touched on June 10, and greenbaum is right ourselves is our worst enemy, but I can't help thinking , guessing and being nervous... I guess it's a normal feeling.
Thanks all you guys!

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-13 22:18:00
PhilippinesCEAC still says ready for interview , after approval on May 27

i was thinking that its just delay, due to Holiday yesterday here in the Philippines, thanks for uplifting my spirit greenbaum!



asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-13 06:35:00
PhilippinesCEAC still says ready for interview , after approval on May 27
CEAC still says ready for interview, though dates were updated on June 2,9 and 10....
I called embassy they said they are still processing the passport.
My question is, do they tell you if there's a problem? Because I am a little worried.

Is there any other way of checking my visa status?

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-13 02:16:00
PhilippinesPassport still with Post

For now you need to be more patient, it is taking 2-3 weeks normally to process the visa, you say 24 days but subtract weekends and holidays and how many days has it been?

It's been 18 days not including holiday and weekend. I know I have to be patient thanks Hank!

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-20 18:43:00
PhilippinesPassport still with Post
I will and thanks, I hope next week will be good news for me :-)
asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-20 11:31:00
PhilippinesPassport still with Post
My last successful call was 2 weeks ago and they said visa still processing, and I have been trying to call again almost everyday but all voicemail .....I guess they are really busy, but geez its been 24 days now...
Do they send me email or anything if there's a problem? Is there a Chance that some people got approved on interview then refused to get a visa? I am just wondering .....

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-20 11:15:00
PhilippinesPassport still with Post
Mine it's been 24 days since my interview ( May 27 interview date) and my CEAC status still ready for interview....
I am starting to feel weird now, lol!
I was approved and no 211g form or any documents that I needed to submit but still, it's taking so long.
2 weeks ago I feel very patient , now just half human half patient lol!

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-20 10:56:00
PhilippinesPassport still with Post


Does it specifically say READY FOR INTERVIEW or just READY?  After Candy's interview, it said READY and was there for a week  Then it moved to AP and ISSUED in one day.   I know yours is taking longer.  I wish it did not, but there seems to be some randomness in how long these things take.  If it says READY it seems nothing is wrong except that is taking a bit longer, which of course sucks but nothing you or anyone else can fix.  Just a matter of waiting.

still says READY for interview, but is was updated on june 2,9 & 10.

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-13 12:54:00
PhilippinesPassport still with Post


Can anyone please tell me what "Your passport is still with Post" means? This is what appears on my dashboard. I am done with my interview. NSO has forwarded to the USEM my certificate of singleness.


My CEAC status still says READY for interview and the date was updated on June 2,9 and 10, until now no news, I was interviewed last May 27 and I was approved.

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-13 01:58:00
PhilippinesRNs on K-1 Visas: Fiancee is RN in PI does she still need to take TOEFL?

Check with your BON.
Confirm that you need TOEFL since I am sure the textbooks were English.
Taking the Local Exam in Philippines can be a waste of time and effort for the most part.  They will review for months for the local exam in Philippines and end up having like a 30 to 40% passing average and they can only take local like two times per years
I would get her a Saunders Review book and have her start looking at Kaplan Review for NCLEX/RN -    Check with your state BON and confirm that she doesn't need to have a local license to sit for NCLEX in your state, Let them know she is a fresh graduate also.

Before, some states do not required for us to have a local RN license but now things changed, in California you have to have a local RN license too, to be qualified to sit for NCLEX RN exam, my suggestion is to ask the board of nursing where you plan to practice, and English proficiency exam is a mandatory requirement for a country that do not use English as their primary language.

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-23 21:37:00
PhilippinesRNs on K-1 Visas: Fiancee is RN in PI does she still need to take TOEFL?

She can apply through CA BON. They don't require TOEFL, or CGFNS. She does not need to be residing in CA to apply. Once she passes the NCLEX, she can apply for endorsement to whatever state she is in. This is the route I took. I graduated from Manila. I took the NCLEX with CA BON approval May 2011. Applied for endorsement in PA in June. In August 2011 I was already working as a RN.

When I applied for CA RN License, I did took IELTS and that's an English proficiency exam requirement before I was allowed to take the NCLEX exam.

They also accept TOEFL, the school I have graduated was instructed in English too, but because English is not my first language, is is indeed a requirement to take the English proficiency exam.

Foreign RN graduate cannot practice as a nurse in USA unless you have passed the NCLEX RN exam

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-23 16:34:00
PhilippinesPatiently waiting for K1 Visa after approved interview in USEM

Hang in there, Asianculture! Btw, are you checking using Immigrant visa on the ceac site? The date in there always updates whenever somebody checks your case, so I'll take that as a positive indication. Last year, mine also updated every 3 days to "Ready" for ~3 weeks and then, all of a sudden to Issued. I never saw it in AP. So agreed with Hank, just have to be more patient.  :thumbs:

Thanks sweet cakes, appreciate you being optimistic !

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-26 21:25:00
PhilippinesPatiently waiting for K1 Visa after approved interview in USEM
I know I have to be patient....I'm just venting out my feelings, guys you have been very supportive .....for surely my fiance will be seeing this post and will comment on this and will say. " Geezzz sweetie! I have been telling you many times...Hank says be patient "

Actually he ( my fiance ) is the most patient person I've ever met, good thing opposite attract each other.

Have a great day everyone!

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-26 21:02:00
PhilippinesPatiently waiting for K1 Visa after approved interview in USEM
That's what i was thinking....because the process was sooooo fast, and now I am pending...
asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-26 20:09:00
PhilippinesPatiently waiting for K1 Visa after approved interview in USEM
Is there anyone out there still waiting for their Passport to be delivered from USEM?

I was interviewed May 27 , no additional documents were asked, I have been calling USEM but the answer is very generic " the lady said just wait for the 2go txt if passport is ready for pick-up"
My CEAC just keep updating the date but it is still on READY for interview.

Please share if you have a situation like mine.
Thanks and God bless!

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-26 19:00:00
PhilippinesFriday AP, Monday Issued!

My status also changed From Ready to Issued yesterday June 23, so what's next after this? When should I start checking or tracking 2go website?

Wow congratulations I hope mine will be next Bigben! When did you had your interview?

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-24 08:46:00
PhilippinesSchedule interview Appointment in manila
[quote name="Hank_" post="7096949" timestamp="1403800060"]

Psst!  That post your are referencing is is from May.... ;)[/quo

Lol! Thanks Hank! I didn't see the date.

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-26 18:50:00
PhilippinesSchedule interview Appointment in manila

Also waiting for weeks here and this post gives me hope. My fiance and I are checking around the clock. Good luck to everyone. It would be great if you could share the love on this thread if you get an appointment. 

Hmmmm...just curious, which one is correct? Your timeline says you got interviewed June 9 and received your visa on June 13, but in your statement above, you are still waiting for interview schedule?

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-26 10:56:00
PhilippinesNo Motion on CEAC for 5 Days Post Interview

Hi I'm new here at VJ i was checking my case at CEAC it says AP (administrative processing ) last May 27 then change to READY last June 02 status date was updated June 06 and June 07 and there is a text below it says : Your case is ready for your interview when scheduled at the U.S. Consular section. I called USEM MNL and the lady told me that my case is still in proses. Is anyone here have similar situation? Please help



We are in the same situation, mine never change it always says " READY" for interview, but it was updated June 2, 9 and 10.

I called USEM and the lady told me that visa is still processing.

i was interviewed last May 27 and here i am patiently waiting......

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-10 09:53:00
PhilippinesNo Motion on CEAC for 5 Days Post Interview


If form follows here you should see AP and then Issued tomorrow and the message from 2Go by the end of the week.


But if you don't get the AP until a day or two later, no worry.  Another applicant who interviewed on the same day as Candy got her AP one day later than Candy but got her 2Go message one day sooner.  There is no rhyme or reason as to what they do and when, and they will never explain it ieither.


Let's see what tomorrow holds for you.  Hopefully good news.

I  felt relieved with your message AI422! you've been a great help for us, thank you again!

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-09 08:22:00
PhilippinesNo Motion on CEAC for 5 Days Post Interview


Candy was interviewed on May 20, one week ahead of you.  One week ago, she had exactly what you have now.  And now the visa is in her pocket.  So yours should be coming any day now.

Thanks AI422 i feel ok now atleast Candy had the same issue and Congatulations to both of you! i bet you are in cloud nine now, she will be with you soon.

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-09 06:25:00
PhilippinesNo Motion on CEAC for 5 Days Post Interview

Have you noticed if the date has updated? hecause i waited for 1 week before the date changes then it foes all through out, :)

Yes it was updated last was June 2 2014 and when i called them earlier they said they are still processing it,  then it  was changed again to June 9 2014 but   it is still on " Ready" for interview...i just wait until next week. i might get  new update.

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-09 06:17:00
PhilippinesNo Motion on CEAC for 5 Days Post Interview
Congratulations! Mine still says READY for interview and the status never change,I got interviewed on May 27 and it was approved, I am scratching my head now, I called the US Embassy today and the lady says they are still processing it.....patiently waiting
asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-09 02:03:00
PhilippinesNo Motion on CEAC for 5 Days Post Interview


UID # is on the confirmation receipt when you made your online appointment for your interview.  Look under the bar code.


Candy got a TXT message it is ready for pickup af of 5 hours ago (3 AM New York time).  2Go online still says out for delivery and probably will say that until Candy picks it up.

Thanks AI422!

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-06 09:12:00
PhilippinesNo Motion on CEAC for 5 Days Post Interview

Where can i found my IUD number? incase i will be using this to check my passport soon.


asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-06 07:02:00
PhilippinesNo Motion on CEAC for 5 Days Post Interview
Congratulations babe2012! Mine hasn't change in ceac, still says "Raedy" for interview , but someone touched it on June 2, I hope it will change to issued in the next few days, I had interviewed on May 27 by the way.......
So I guess it will take few more days.

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-05 20:35:00
PhilippinesNo Motion on CEAC for 5 Days Post Interview

VISA IS ISSUED ALREADY! Thank you Lord. Amen! :energy:

Congratulations! now you can have your CFO seminar!

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-04 05:54:00
PhilippinesVISA APPROVED. How long before visa is received?
I am one of the applicant that has been waiting for 8 weeks now, no 211g and no additional docs were asked from me...I guess patience is a virtue.
The glitch really sucks! But there's nothing we can do about it.. I called and emailed them but it's a generic answers. The last email I got says they will forward my email to processing team.
I am patiently waiting here.

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-07-25 02:58:00
PhilippinesK1 Visa issued after more than 2 months of waiting.
@Greenbaum that's what I thought that I was approved so fast and they saw it that's why they didn't pay attention to my case , until I reached 4 months ..anyway thank you all ! This forum is very very helpful!
asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-08-08 20:15:00
PhilippinesK1 Visa issued after more than 2 months of waiting.
Actually I don't know what went wrong why it took so long...they didn't ask me additional docs and I didn't get 211g.

For sweet cakes and Hank! Thank you guys for always reminding me to be patience and the support I got from this forum.

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-08-08 19:48:00
PhilippinesK1 Visa issued after more than 2 months of waiting.
Thanks everyone ! I know it was a long wait but it's all worth.
asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-08-08 10:29:00
PhilippinesK1 Visa issued after more than 2 months of waiting.
Thanks KASH2011!
asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-08-08 06:59:00
PhilippinesK1 Visa issued after more than 2 months of waiting.
Hello VJ,

I got issued today 8/8/2014, after patiently waiting for more than 2 months , it was not easy to wait and speculate negative things. But because of prayers, God always answer me in his time, today we are celebrating our 3 years anniversary and we are thrilled to receive a great news like this.

Thank you again to all!

asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-08-08 06:34:00
PhilippinesKick back .. relax... take a break
One of my favorite place, especially EL NIDO! I love the island hopping ! And in Puerto Prinsesa KALUI restaurant is the best for me!
asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-08-09 09:12:00
PhilippinesNow for AOS but K2 still in the Philippines.
Thanks Hank!
asiancultureNot TellingPhilippines2014-08-22 13:42:00