K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdivorce decree document
QUOTE (rebeccajo @ Jul 3 2009, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If it's legible.

Hey friend
look at my file do the same, what i did you will be ok,DO NOT DO WRONG WAY OK,
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-03 12:14:00
Asia: East and Pacificgoing back to VN after K1 visa was denied
QUOTE (Brianandphuong @ Jul 5 2009, 08:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
her father is in america an itroduced us, we got engaged after 5 months, im american, and only 1 trip to vn. i learned of all this after it was 2 late.. i used allen lolly an that was a total waste of money..... just trying to get things lined up for next visit n apply for cr1 i hear its better than k-3

Hey friend
let me tell you , doesn't mater you do K3 or cr1 you do not right ,need more evidence relalative to you family good luck best ask more Anhmap Jimeandphuong,Scott they can know a lot and they can tell you what going on.
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-05 22:22:00
Asia: East and Pacificgoing back to VN after K1 visa was denied
QUOTE (Brianandphuong @ Jul 5 2009, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we had dam hoi last time over 300 people for the engagement party, since her family wanted one in vn before she went to america. I hope we dont need to do another one, we basically had wedding ceremony without documents so we could file the k1 n get her here faster but it failed. So what else to do?

Hey friend ,
here FYI
You have to do this
I assume the attorney you talked to in HCM was Marc Ellis. There is no better expert on the peculiarities of the US Consulate in HCM than Marc, as he has been involved in hundreds of cases there. He probably referred you to the law offices of Tran Hai Duc in HCM. They'll help drill your fiancee on some of the questions the CO might ask, but I suggest you help to prepare her in advance. It has become somewhat customary for VJ members with SO's in Vietnam to post the questions their fiancee's were asked in HCM after the interview. Go to the Southeast Asia and Pacific forum and search for the threads.

Some specific things they flag cases for in HCM are:

1. Not enough time between the first meeting and the engagement. This is contrary to local traditions.

2. Only one or two visits to Vietnam, or visits of only a few days each.

3. No engagement ceremony. A "dam hoi" or "dinh hon" engagement ceremony is customary in Vietnam. Have pictures available.

4. No pictures of petitioner with the family of the beneficiary. Engagement and marriage is a family affair in Vietnam.

5. Petitioner knows or was introduced by family of the beneficiary in the US.

6. Beneficiary doesn't know enough about petitioner. Seriously, they may ask her questions that an American wife of 20 years might not know. If the information is in the documents submitted, or on ANY public record the consulate has access to, then your fiancee should know this information.

7. No common language. If you don't speak Vietnamese, and she doesn't speak English, they are going to question the relationship.

None of these things will automatically result in a visa being denied by the consulate, but they should be addressed sufficiently in your documentation.

The CO's in HCM are well known to issue blue slips for additional evidence, and ask for documents which were never asked for in either "official" packet. The two most common are a timeline of your relationship, and a list of the beneficiaries family in the US. Again, look in the Southeast Asia and Pacific subform for specifics on these documents. Have them ready - don't make the CO ask for them.
and you have to had this
• Credit Card receipt for Airline tickets
• Airline ticket stubs
• Chat logs (print them out)
• Phone bills showing showing you called
• Hotel receipts in VN
• If you buy her jewelry, keep the receipts
• receipts for the engagement ceremony and party (dress rental, food, beer, cake, facility or restaraunt,car rental, band or dj, etc)
• Tax returns / transcripts - take 3 years
• pictures (you and her/him together / engagement ceremony (make sure they take pictures of all the guests)
• A list of ALL relatives your fiancé has currently living in the US (brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins. At least have the STATE they live in, we provided addresses and phone numbers.
• IF your fiancé happens to be pregnant - take copies of the ultrasounds
• A timeline of your relationship (this is VERY IMPORTANT - they will give you a BLUE SLIP without one) (send me an IM if you would like a copy)

johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-05 21:50:00
Asia: East and Pacificdivorced decree?
QUOTE (mike1972e @ Jul 9 2009, 03:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When my wife had her interview she was denied the first interview, because they wanted more proof that me and my ex wife were not still together. So I sent her a Utility bill from my ex wife showing that she lives at a different adress than us. Also got a photocopy of her drivers license, and marriage certificate (she remarried). At that time my ex wife and I were getting along and she was willing to help. Hopefully you are in the same situation.

Dear mike
That the one CO ask her about that, but you know? when devorce ,it is very hard to ask on that, i Try hard as i can,they wanted the proof where she live and must prove to them no more and no less
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-11 09:41:00
Asia: East and Pacificdivorced decree?
Hello all
Sorry used the ipod writing hope you guy understand
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-09 11:54:00
Asia: East and Pacificdivorced decree?
Dear all
I do have every things they need but Co wasnt look at my lawyer say that nomal at Hcmc other thing they want to look at me still live with my exwife they need timeline me and currently wife now The interview was easy and nice give them a time to conform for where do I live
I do have timeline and relation ship in hand but wasnt look and told my wife that come back aug 6
Thank you so much you guy please help us united for love and belove
God will help you and your family
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-09 11:46:00
Asia: East and PacificMy wife ineterview was ok but attached blue pager@HCMC
Hello brother ly
yes i spoken wth lawyer Nam in HCMC he told me that don worry a bout that ,that the way nature for CO at HCMC an i have the prepare page and my doc timeline , relationship for exwife and he say very body not only me even you not marry same thinh too
here for inhformation for
Jimeanhphuong,scott you guy have prepare on it ,how ever you have it still requiered the doc anyway
I wish the best com to you and you wife brother Ly and pink pink pinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-12 20:52:00
Asia: East and PacificMy wife ineterview was ok but attached blue pager@HCMC
QUOTE (toddandhien @ Jul 10 2009, 08:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My ex would not sign a letter but did give me copies of bills. I signed and had notarized a letter that described her history and attached her bills. Get as much as you can from your ex but if she will not help, get the info some other way. Be sure to give the consulate plenty of evidence.

hello Toddandhien
Thank you so much for help I try hard to get information from my ex wife it is very hard
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-10 12:53:00
Asia: East and PacificMy wife ineterview was ok but attached blue pager@HCMC
QUOTE (Ronnie&Hang @ Jul 8 2009, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey John,
Personally I havenot experience this, but my guess is they may need more time to look into your exwife situation.
Just be prepare to show any evidence that you and your exwife have no connections.
Look like Anh Map can help you further into this subject than me but just want to show my support and wish you lots of luck on Aug 6. Hang in there !!!

Thank you so much ,for your common and help you righ i have spoken with my lawyer he sau my wife answer the question as good and CO smile was good they need more look at me because Co ask my wife that"do you think your hurband still live his exwife" my wife say bno never she smile
The timeline my wife have already anyway and tiemline for my exwife too they retuen to my wife and say that you bring back on Aug 6
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-09 01:10:00
Asia: East and PacificMy wife ineterview was ok but attached blue pager@HCMC
QUOTE (Anh map @ Jul 8 2009, 09:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Another interview or they want the information returned by Aug 6?

They want a time line and the information about your ex wife? She only had the timeline with her at the interview? Or she had both the interview and info about your ex?

If they asked for something that she did not have that is why they said to wait and send all together.

They also asked me for proof of where my ex wife lived. My ex did not cooperate, but I was able to give them enough proof. Let me know if you need some ideas for that.

If she can scan the blue slip and email to you and you can post that will help so we can read everything.

Dear anh map
I do have anything for her timeline and exwife bit the CO not looking and return the Thoease papers told my wife that bring to aug 6

johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-08 23:49:00
Asia: East and PacificMy wife ineterview was ok but attached blue pager@HCMC
Hello all VJ
I am vjs member and hopefully somebody Like anh map jamesvaphuong scottthuy help me and give a me a good advice regarding my problem. After My wife interview the consulate told me that my papers are ok and ask the question my wife respone as well
1)How many times did he visit VN?
2)Did you travel together? When ? Where? How long? How?
3)How did you meet? When? Where?
4)2. When did you meet him?
5) How did you meet him?
6) Was he married before?
7) How many times was he married?
8) Do you know why they got a divorce?
9) When did they get divorced?
10). How many children does he have?
11) What are their names?
12) How old are they?
that is and reinterview day Aug6,2009
need timeline and exwife i do have it but thet wasn't look at please help and my wife told them we have the timeline they say bring on aug 6 2009 ,so what is wrong body I NEED HELP WHY HCMC SO HARD FOR LOVE AND BELOVE
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-08 23:03:00
Asia: East and PacificBlue Slip More Information Needed. Help?
QUOTE (calilove @ Jul 15 2009, 08:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Eric and An Thuy @ Jul 15 2009, 10:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You must have your timeline in correct order. Good luck

Some people said they still required another timeline even though it was brought to the interview. What is up with this? Seems to me that they won't accept any timeline at the time of the interview? a qualified timeline will be accepted only at a later date to serve their purpose?

you right like me they not accept it, i do have when my wife was interview
Thank you
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-16 00:07:00
Asia: East and Pacificinterview room
hello all
not right CO never ask ,my wife sumit but they say turn in timeline next interview,doesn't mater you have or not still next interview anyway
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-16 22:22:00
Asia: East and PacificSubmitted timeline got pink!!!
congrats and best wishes
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-09 21:59:00
Asia: East and Pacificattion please Detail Timeline not timeline
QUOTE (John & Nan @ Jul 19 2009, 07:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Jul 19 2009, 09:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here is a good example... Andy's Timeline

OMG is that a Vietnam K1 thing or what. I never heard about a timeline.

That was requirend CO @HCMC and Cambot Too
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-19 09:45:00
Asia: East and Pacificattion please Detail Timeline not timeline
QUOTE (LEN KEN @ Jul 18 2009, 11:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (johncali9 @ Jul 18 2009, 10:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all
I do have some friend was interview last week, you guy have understand that The Co need the Detail Timeline ,not Timeline or lovestory those poeple get bueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee slip was sadnesss need DETAil timeline,i wuold like to let very body know that. please do correct your information and turn it on ,me too


Thank you for sharing!

This is so unfair! If they ask for this timeline they should have list it on the required documents.

Any way, good luck on every thing John!

hi friend
i just know some friend they was interview same as me and told me that, not Timeline you must have to the DETAIL TIMELINE,YOU guy have to know that mean the detail timeline
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-19 01:28:00
Asia: East and Pacificattion please Detail Timeline not timeline
QUOTE (johncali9 @ Jul 18 2009, 08:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Jul 18 2009, 08:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (johncali9 @ Jul 18 2009, 11:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dear scotthuy
not yet Aug6 but today i did send them to my wife as well ok scott not the one we share together not right and not correct they chager me $200.00 dollar for my detail timeline if you wuold like to see (only you )let me know

email.. I would like to see how different from mine...

Dear scottthuy
I will email now,please do not post me name in here please ( for personal)

hello Scothuy
Do you get it please let me know
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-18 22:49:00
Asia: East and Pacificattion please Detail Timeline not timeline
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Jul 18 2009, 08:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (johncali9 @ Jul 18 2009, 11:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dear scotthuy
not yet Aug6 but today i did send them to my wife as well ok scott not the one we share together not right and not correct they chager me $200.00 dollar for my detail timeline if you wuold like to see (only you )let me know

email.. I would like to see how different from mine...

Dear scottthuy
I will email now,please do not post me name in here please ( for personal)
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-18 22:44:00
Asia: East and Pacificattion please Detail Timeline not timeline
Dear scotthuy
not yet Aug6 but today i did send them to my wife as well ok scott not the one we share together not right and not correct they chager me $200.00 dollar for my detail timeline if you wuold like to see (only you )let me know
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-18 22:39:00
Asia: East and Pacificattion please Detail Timeline not timeline
Dear scottthuy
i did my and i was hire the Name laywer in vn did for me, very retail timeline
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-18 22:33:00
Asia: East and Pacificattion please Detail Timeline not timeline
Hi scottthuy
the timeline he did sumit not clear dont have the time location and date, he send to me i see that not right scottthuy not order,you must have order when you meet,and how,where time,date
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-18 22:31:00
Asia: East and Pacificattion please Detail Timeline not timeline
Hello all
I do have some friend was interview last week, you guy have understand that The Co need the Detail Timeline ,not Timeline or lovestory those poeple get bueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee slip was sadnesss need DETAil timeline,i wuold like to let very body know that. please do correct your information and turn it on ,me too
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-18 21:13:00
Asia: East and PacificNeed to hire a lawyer with HCM office
Hey friend
may i ask you question please,DO YOU HAVE THE TIMELINE?,when you interview
Sorry friend
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-06-24 22:20:00
Asia: East and PacificNeed to hire a lawyer with HCM office
Hey men,
I do not think so ,you no need lawyer anyway ,in here a lot peoples expert can help you out like ANHMAP,Jamesvaphuong ,Dai,legg
They are nice guy and knownlge they willing to help you ,may ask them and tell them what is going wrong with your case.and comedown
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-06-24 22:12:00
Asia: East and PacificNeed to hire a lawyer with HCM office
Hey men,
I do not think so ,you no need lawyer anyway ,in here a lot peoples expert can hepl you out like ANHMAP,Jamesvaphuong ,Dai,legg
They are nice guy and knownlge they willing to help you ,may ask them and tell them what is going wrong with your case.and comedown
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-06-24 22:08:00
Asia: East and PacificJuly 21st interview in hcm
QUOTE (calilove @ Jul 20 2009, 08:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you everyone, I think having a child is a big help. It seems like they already made the decision before the interview. They just wanted to verify all the papers before handing out the pink slip. They didn't ask for any evidence, the interview lasted within 5 minutes asking too see our son crba and pictures of us 3 together.

johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-21 00:24:00
Asia: East and Pacific7/23/2009 HCM City interview
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-22 23:25:00
Asia: East and PacificMy wife interview today 07/24/2008
hey bother Ly
I did send you please see attack emal your Gmail ok

johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-24 00:12:00
Asia: East and PacificMy wife interview today 07/24/2008
hey brother ly
Good luck to you ,Hoping PINK for you guys soon...

johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-23 23:46:00
Asia: East and PacificEx Wife information????
QUOTE (Doug and Jessie @ Jul 24 2009, 01:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mr. Leggs @ Jul 24 2009, 03:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Roger :-)

LOL!!! Thanks.... I hope you are wrong. This is going to be a longgg ride! thanks again. see you around!

Hello friend
Yes AnhMap (big Brother) correct The CO need to show some proof of her/His current address. Best is a notarized letter/affidavit from her/his stating current address. Or if you have recent correspondence from her showing her current address.
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-26 17:25:00
Asia: East and PacificVerification of Ex address HCMC...
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Jul 25 2009, 10:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Anh map @ Jul 24 2009, 08:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Jul 24 2009, 11:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope this doesn't become an issue for us. Phuong's divorce decree doesn't have any addresses - only the name of the village where they lived. I asked her to get her ex-husband's address and phone # because M.E. thought it should be included in the petition. She didn't know it, but she knew he still lived in the village. She even knew exactly which house, but she didn't know the address. She finally got her uncle to get the address for her, and got her daughter to get his phone number. She stressed a LOT over getting that information. If I told her she needed a copy of his ho khau I think she'd probably have a heart attack. sad.gif

I bet she will be even more stressed if the interview doesn't end with pink. I'd push for having the house book.

You really think there's a good chance they'll ask for it? She's been divorced for 8 years. blush.gif

Actually, she might not need to actually talk to her ex, since he lives at his mom's house. Technically, it's HER ho khau!

Hello there
I just spoken with lawyer in vietnam "Nam" he say thay look at Ho khau and they was knew on it
and tell them where does he live
He was say like Anhmap was told me
Thank you
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-25 12:45:00
Asia: East and PacificVerification of Ex address HCMC...
Hi anh map
She ask him he was not give for next step what she to do
Thank you
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-24 14:02:00
Asia: East and PacificGOOG MORNING @ HCMC
GOOD MORNING HCMC Good luck every one interview monday 7/27/2008 in Vietnam
GOD's will be Bless all people interview ToDay
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-26 20:34:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Completed @ 11 AM on July 24, 2009
QUOTE (luckytxn @ Jul 24 2009, 10:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lý Trinh @ Jul 24 2009, 10:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can anyone confirm that ...due to the date on blue slip on 21/08/2009 i have to turn in my timeline. Can I turn it in early before the due date? Please confirm thanks.

Yes I can. My wife got a blue slip and went in not even a week later to submit and got the pink. From reading your blue slip it looks like you will have a pink coming soon. Now go get it.

Hello lucky
May I ask you the question please my wife have sumit doc on aug 6 @hcmc may turn the Doc now please let me know thank you so much

johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-24 14:46:00
Asia: East and PacificInterview Completed @ 11 AM on July 24, 2009
hello brother Dai
You right
Thank you
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-24 11:13:00
Asia: East and PacificTimeline Help!
QUOTE (kevinbui86 @ Jul 25 2009, 02:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone!
my wife is having her interview on july 29th. after hearing about Ly Trinh's timeline, i want to double check on mine. heres an attachment of it, please review it and see if everything is alright. any comments would help very much.

also, i never received packet 4 from the HCM consulate. however, Ly Trinh sent me a copy of his and im wondering if everyone's packet 4 is the same? do you guys have any idea how i can get packet 4 from the consulate in time? the interview is on wed july 29

heres the attachment

hey friend
your time line thay not acept @HCMC it because you must to DETAIL TIME,DATE,LOCATION ,not right friend you best the ask ANHMAP,JIMVAPHUONG AND SCOTT help you on it

johncali9MaleVietnam2009-07-25 09:29:00
Asia: East and PacificMAY I HAVE A TENTION PLEASE!!
Hi jim
Have fun and hope you have a baby soon
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-08-03 10:16:00
Asia: East and PacificMAY I HAVE A TENTION PLEASE!!
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Aug 1 2009, 09:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (hniHnitsuJ @ Aug 1 2009, 05:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JimVaPhuong @ Aug 1 2009, 03:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (johncali9 @ Aug 1 2009, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dear hniHnitsuJ
Sorry about that ,you are the one most help people in here, please accept my appolgy your name hard to remember for me ,that why i can not mention your name sorry HNIHNITSUJ

Read his name backwards... Justin Hinh ... hmmmm.... whistling.gif

Aha, 1 point for you. Mr CHIM.. hihih.. ... No needs to sorry, Mr Leggs, and I were joking with you. When I start my paperwork, I have no clues what I am doing. Now, I am no experts than anyone else in here. BUT, if you ALL need help, and I am very happy to do my best to help all of you.

Good luck. Johncali. I am from OC, if you need any questions about the interview or any problem. PM me. I will do my best to help you out.

Little Saigon? biggrin.gif


johncali9MaleVietnam2009-08-01 23:47:00
Asia: East and PacificMAY I HAVE A TENTION PLEASE!!
Dear hniHnitsuJ
Sorry about that ,you are the one most help people in here, please accept my appolgy your name hard to remember for me ,that why i can not mention your name sorry HNIHNITSUJ
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-08-01 13:42:00
Asia: East and PacificMAY I HAVE A TENTION PLEASE!!
QUOTE (ScottThuy @ Aug 1 2009, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (johncali9 @ Aug 1 2009, 11:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Deal all
You guy know was spoken some friend of mine ,he giong on to sponsor his wife with I-129f but he was not going to vietnam to visit her and his lawyer say ok with that , so that why i use some your name expert with that to make him to beleave,that my mean, he will ask the his lawyer in santa ana got him $2,200 for that case

I cant see any lawyer telling a petitioner that t should be no problem not visiting a 129F beneficiary prior to interview.. sounds like a sure fire denial to me... I see so many people on here that got engaged having never held the future spouse but eventually did before the interview.. thats difficult for me but to say no problem going all the way through the interview with no meeting... wow! sounds like bad lawyer to me...

QUOTE (Rosie and Farid @ Aug 1 2009, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I see.... No I don't see............ whistling.gif

No problem R&S since its a Vietnam consulate specific topic anyway...

Hey scott even they put in the news vietnamese paper too ,they lie to people does not know ,that why i told them to go vj to see ,the peoples expert do not let the lawyer full them (santa ana ,Ca)
johncali9MaleVietnam2009-08-01 13:36:00