IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresURGENT HELP NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!

My wife is about to write the embassy and call is the copy of the email..kindly let us know if this email is okay...please share your knowledge

Dear Sir/Ma,
I am Mrs ============ i am sad to informed that my husband interview was denied and about to be revoked back to the USCIS despite the fact he answered every questions been asked,we do love each other and our marriage is real and bonafied every member of our family in the states and Nigeria sworn affidavits and receipts on both our names for items purchased in Nigeria and the States we have bonafied evidence of marriage..Emails from home and work,Chat Logs,Facebook,Text Messages,Call records,Life insurance together,Joint bank account here in the states and in Nigeria bunches of pictures before and after marriage with friends and families e.t.c but mostly all this evidence was not checked by consular that interviewed my husband and it was very sad,i couldn't make it to Nigeria since our marriage because we are in financial difficulties because my father was sick and had to take care of him but unfortunately he died January 10th 2013 and my husband job is not presently doing well in Nigeria,i wanted to come December to be with my husband and family and also to witness his interview but i couldn't released at work due to heavy load at the prison at the beginning of the year but i have contacted my Superior at work and forcefully request for a permission to be off work and come over to Nigeria to meet my husband and give us a second interview and we could both answer necessarily question to show our love and bonafied marriage...kindly keep our petition file at the embassy and give us another interview date and i will be arriving to Nigeria early before the second interview with my husband
I would be glad for our request to be considered

Kindly get back as soon as possible

Mrs =========

In my opinion this does NOT look like a professional letter. Clean up the grammar and punctuation, break into paragraphs for easier read.
ckurtMaleArmenia2013-02-04 16:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresco sponser

hey guys i have another question, what if a US citizen is filing for somebody can he or she co-sponsor for someone else? your input is greatly appreciated.


Yes if they make a lot of money :)

ckurtMaleArmenia2013-06-21 16:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioner's address on form DS-230 (#39)

Put your usa adress and telephone number but make sure there some one living there, in case nvc sends you some mail.

Thank you for your reply. I want to clarify, this is the question on part 2 where they ask for the petitioner's address and email, not the one on part 1 where they ask for the US address.

Could you please help me confirm if I can use my US address on part II, question 39 or do I have to fill in my current address (in Singapore) there ?

Thank you for your help.

Edited by Apalis, 20 March 2013 - 09:31 AM.

ApalisMaleSingapore2013-03-20 09:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioner's address on form DS-230 (#39)
Hi guys,
I am having a bit difficulty filing form DS-230 here (just to prepare for our upcoming submission). I would really appreciate if you guys can help me out.

On Part II, question 39, what address should I put for me ? I am a USC filing from abroad, I am currently living with my wife in Singapore. Should I put my address in Singapore there or should I put my US address there ?

The reason I am confused because we will be moving back to US soon after this whole thing is done, this DS-230 looks like it will be used even after we finishes our VISA application. Hence, I was thinking that putting a US address here might better but the problem is that it's not the address I am currently living in.

Also, when you mail the DS-230, do you need to mail both parts to the NVC or just part 1 and part 2 you bring with you to the interview ?

Some helps would be much appreciated here...
ApalisMaleSingapore2013-03-20 03:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWho is excited for the new waiver

Most people here have been jumping through all the legal hoops from the start so it will not effect them except maybe causing their petitions or applications to be delayed or processed slower due to the certain flood of waivers this will most likely generate. I can assure you though everyone over at is most likely jumping with joy at this time.

I hope this is not seriously enough to delay the processing of our I-130. We are going to submit ours soon and this doesn't seem like good news at all.
Making all the legal immigrants like my wife to wait while they process all the paperwork for all these illegal immigrants .... just seems wrong.

Edited by Apalis, 10 January 2013 - 09:59 PM.

ApalisMaleSingapore2013-01-10 21:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to request an expedite on medical grounds

Thnaks very much for your advice Apalis.
However, Frnace has stopped DCFs since 2010, do you think they would do so as an exception?
We did not file through the Chicago Lockbox, my husband sent it to Texas as soon as he landed in the USA.

I don't know the exact details of the procedure of the US Embassy in France so I cannot advise you how to proceed. You can try checking on the US Embassy in France first to see if there is any saying like this. For example, this is for the US Embassy in Singapore, where my wife and I are staying:


Exceptional Filing at U.S. Embassies or Consulates without a USCIS Field Office:

Beginning August 15, 2011, petitioners, who do not reside in a country with a USCIS field office, but who believe that their situation merits an exception, may request an exception to allow the Consular Section at the Embassy or Consulate to accept the filing. Each request for an exception will be evaluated individually.

A petitioner seeking to file a Form I-130 at an Embassy or Consulate where USCIS does not have a presence should contact the Consular Section to request consideration of the request for exception and explain the circumstances in detail. The Consular Section will then relay the request for an exception to the USCIS field office with jurisdiction over the Embassy or Consulate. The determination of whether the case presents exceptional circumstances that warrant an exception to the general filing process will be made by USCIS. USCIS will be publishing guidance on the circumstances that may qualify as exceptional on their website at: Process for Responding to Requests by the Department of State (DOS) to Accept a Locally Filed Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative.

So basically, after you contact the US Embassy in France and explain your situation in details, the US Embassy will contact USCIS and takes over from there. I am sure once this happens, your case will be much expedited compared to normal process. It can take less than 1 month depending on how bad the medical condition of your son is.

There is still some hope for you but it's better that you act fast, before the USCIS starts processing your application.

Edited by Apalis, 20 March 2013 - 04:28 AM.

ApalisMaleSingapore2013-03-20 04:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to request an expedite on medical grounds
If you filed through Chicago Lockbox, there's no way to expedite your application. The best way is to contact the US Embassy in France and ask whether you can do a Direct Consular Filing. On the USCIS website, it says that the US Embassy will accept the I-130 in the case of medical emergency. I am sure that's your best hope.

Sorry to hear about your son. Hope that you can get somebody to help you at the US Embassy.
ApalisMaleSingapore2013-03-20 03:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStrange RFE help please

suggest you do some research over at  nowish, for the next 2 days. 




Am I the only one who saw the implication of this reply ? ph34r.png


Good reply Darnell laughing.gif laughing.gif

ApalisMaleSingapore2013-05-07 20:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes anyone have applied for W-7 this year? Please Help!!

We received Dave's ITIN yesterday.  I would highly recommend visiting your local IRS office.  It will be far more effective than speaking to someone on the phone.



Too bad that there's no local IRS office in Nepal. The US IRS office is only present in selected country like UK. It doesn't apply to his/her case here.


What formywife has done is correct, she only needs to complete that last step to get her/her husband's tax ID and she will be all set.

ApalisMaleSingapore2013-05-05 20:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes anyone have applied for W-7 this year? Please Help!!

Hi Apalis,


In my back home Nepal, when they certify Passport photocopy, they generally make copy of photo page of passport and certify it.


This is what exactly I did. Did you make copy of ALL pages of passport and certify it or just made copy of photo page of passport and certify it in US Embassy?



Hi Speedwell,


Does this means that if ITIN application gets rejected then whatever money I am supposed to get as a refund, I will owe them?


Thanks for your response appreciate it

Thanks for your response, really appreciate it. I am going to contact US Embassy soon.


You only need to bring your own photocopy of the biographic page in your passport (color or black photocopy are both ok) to the US Embassy and they will take it from there.


No need to notarize other pages in your passport since they charge 50 USD / page.

ApalisMaleSingapore2013-05-05 20:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes anyone have applied for W-7 this year? Please Help!!


Hi Apalis, 

Thank you very much for your help. I am just curious, how did you contact US Embassy( write email, phone call , etc)  and what document did you present US Embassy to get passport copy notarized? 


Thank You 


I went to the US Embassy website in Singapore to schedule an appointment for notarial service. Then I showed up on that day with my wife, they asked me I need the notarial service for what purpose. I told them that the IRS requested and they automatically knew what to do.

It was pretty simple really. If you want to be careful, you can also bring along the letter from IRS requesting the certified copy of the passport. 

It will cost you 50 USD though, pretty steep :(

ApalisMaleSingapore2013-05-02 22:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes anyone have applied for W-7 this year? Please Help!!

@formywife, you need to get a photocopy of your wife's passport certified or notarized by the US Embassy in Nepal. That's what we did and the IRS accepts that without problem.


The US Embassy will print on the photocopy of your wife's passport saying something like the passport is an authentic copy of the original and suitable for Internal Revenue Service use.


As far as I know, the US IRS only accepts notarization done by the US Embassy, not even the local government in your wife's country. I sent photocopy of my wife's passport and got her ITIN in 1 month.

ApalisMaleSingapore2013-05-02 20:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQUESTION ABOUT POE IN AMERICA

That is true.. thanks for mentioning that, I guess I kind of forgot that I did state I would re-enter the US no later than my husband's entry. We could make sure that my flight arrives earlier.. but if something went wrong with my flight and say if his then entered America before mine... then I would be in violation? What would happen then?

About what would happen if you violate what you have attested, I think you have to find out by yourself since I don't have experience on that so I can't say much... If I am you, I would just book the same flight for your husband just to make sure that everything is correct. You have come this far, why risking it over a few hundred dollars you can save ?
ApalisMaleSingapore2013-04-04 20:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQUESTION ABOUT POE IN AMERICA


Hang on there. If you are residing abroad with your husband, you had to prove that you are re-establishing US domicile and you did sign that you will re-enter US no later than your husband's entry.

If you arrive at US sooner or at the same time as your husband then it's ok. If you arrive later, it will be considered a violation of what you have attested. I would be careful if I were you. The fare saving is not worth the hassle, just travel with your husband just to be safe.
ApalisMaleSingapore2013-04-04 20:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 260 Document ID #...I'm confused!

Thanks, but no, it doesn't help.  I know I have to do it online now...What I'm trying to say is that on a Dominican Passport there is a Document ID# and a Passport #.  The DS260 says "Document ID".... I don't know if I'm suppose to put the document ID # on the passport or the passport #.  Common sense tells me it should be the Passport #, but all the hold ups I've been through, I don't 100% trust myself.  Guess I will just call and hope the person I speak to at NVC knows what they are talking about because I tend to get all kinds of answers from them. sad.png


Sounds like the passport #, but I would call in to make sure. Ask them if there is a way to submit both using an addendum.

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-14 15:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresds260?



It looks like the DS-230 is being obsoleted depending on the whether or not your center is electronically processed or not. Definitely call in, it could save you 2 months.

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-15 12:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresds260?

Hi!just wanna ask,im CR1 ,do i need to answer the ds260 which is the" Online Immigrant Visa Application"?I already sent a ds-230 to NVC.
Need help plss!


I believe the DS-260 is just the online version of the DS-230. I filled out the DS-230 for my K-1 before.

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-15 11:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat if.....

I have read so many posts on how the interviewer does not even look at the evidence and outright denies the visa. Such things scare me a lot .

I am already on my fourth month of i130 and I am sure it will b e no less than a eight month wait , and what if after all this trouble the interviewer just denies me out of ego or something? Does that happen a lot?


If they were so biased, the consulate would never hear the end of it. They may deny a visa outright because of some inadmissibility criteria (also mostly objective). See INA: ACT 212 - GENERAL CLASSES OF ALIENS INELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE VISAS AND INELIGIBLE FOR ADMISSION; WAIVERS OF INADMISSIBILLITY for more details. If you believe you are ineligible for any of these reasons, it might behoove you to prepare a waiver, but do NOT preemptively file a waiver. Always wait for the consulate to ask for supporting documentation.

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-16 08:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 application for Canadian spouse and U.S. Travel

3.  What documentation does she need to have at the border or at the airport to enter the U.S. during any of the times of the I-130 process?



The interviewer needs to be convinced that she will definitely return home after the visit. So, evidence of property, significant assets, investments, a job, family/relatives, etc. need to be shown.

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-16 09:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWorried about Cr-1 application

Just make sure you both stay committed for the long haul. The CR-1 is averaging about a year now. A cancelled visa petition will have no bearing on your current case. It does send other conflicting signals, though. If I were an interviewer, it would make me wonder whether he is serious about the marriage or not, and so I would want to see more evidence in the I-864 that you will not become a public charge one in the US.

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-16 09:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMove to Be With My Wife


if your income is 50K no assets necessary

if you make less than the 22K (yeah I know a touch less) then you use the assets X3 to make the diff


a further comment about assets.. if you will use the house, make sure you have the whole appraisal thing worked out in advance as well ..heck sit down with that lawyer of yours and have them help you fill it out now so you know what documents you will need .. why not? 


Thanks for that clarification, stevie. I've got the county appraisal.


I definitely will talk to my lawyer. He's good, it's just that a friend had recommended a somewhat inexperienced lawyer for my past K-1, and so I just got used to double checking each step to make sure she wasn't missing something. My new lawyer is much more experienced, but I still have the habit. dry.png

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-15 12:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMove to Be With My Wife

it's in the I-864 instructions somewhere. 


Sorry, I don't know how I missed that. It is 3 x (household income - poverty line) from I-485, part 7, section 10.


Just to make sure, if my income is $50K, and poverty is $22K, I need $84K in assets? Or does that only apply if I am under the poverty line?

Edited by Simeon, 15 September 2013 - 11:54 AM.

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-15 11:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMove to Be With My Wife


Some folk lease out their house, and show that income on interview day.


If's that's possible for you - you should set that up before jumping across the pond.


Right, I should rent out my place. The more income, the better. Thanks for that.



assets rule -


must show 3 times the difference (poverty line thresh-hold - current annual income)


That's a lot... which instruction form does that appear on, by the way?

Edited by Simeon, 15 September 2013 - 01:28 AM.

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-15 01:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMove to Be With My Wife

yes this is why I put it out there

you will need to have the job or sufficient assets before the interview.. several months actually.. at the nvc

your current salary is used, although a recently acquired job doesn't always work for you, but also doesn't always go against you.. depends on how constipated the interviewing officer is that day

long period of unemployment affect it?? shoot man I hope not.. I am unemployed almost 2 years and am using assets only to sponsor.  the mound of cash of which you speak should not be a spike in your bank account.  if you have a home and sufficient equity then you are good too.

as for how that works.. get back to me on Oct 2 and I can let you know wink.png


also give your lawyer a call and see if he/she brings up this goodie bag after you tell them your plans.. you might get some of your money back


I hope I have enough cash by the end of this stint in China. Mortgages hurt without income. ;) Is Oct 2 your interview date? Good luck!


Regarding the unemployment, I-864 (Part 6):


Unemployed since
My current individual annual income is: [___________________]
They ask for the last time you had a job, but then ask for individual annual income right after that. I suppose they only care that you have income at all and the proverbial mound of cash.

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-15 01:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMove to Be With My Wife

gosh i hate these acronyms ....

I was referring to the 864 affidavit of support


lol, alphabet soup, stevie. Everything's good with the I-864, except maybe the issue below:


I-864 (Part 6):

  • This part about sponsorship worries me, as I have to quit my current job to move to China. I will also not have a job in China, as I've heard it will take ~6 months to get a work visa. However, I suppose I could just apply for a job as soon as I get back, since my salary requirement for sponsorship is evaluated at the interview?
  • Will the long period of unemployment affect my eligibility as a sponsor?

It sounds like they won't let her come to the US unless I actually have a job. Sounds like a catch-22. Does that mean I cannot be her sponsor? Or can I just show them a mound of cash and property equity? Thanks, everyone.

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-15 00:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMove to Be With My Wife

sounds good and you have all your aos stuff worked out as well I assume aye?


Right, the I-485. We have done this for the denied K-1 already, and they did not find issue with it, except for Item 10 (eligibility for a K-1 visa): she was inadmissible by INA212(A)(3)(D)(i), shown below with my own emphasis. Her communist party status was required for her job as a government official, of which she was a rank-and-file member. However, we could not convince the consulate to accept that she needed the CCP membership for her job, as stated in section (ii), thereby being eligible for a K-1.  But this time around, we are trying to utilize section (iv) to bypass this inadmissibility barrier, as I am a US citizen. I'm hoping that this strategy will completely bypass any AP, since no RFE will be necessary, as the exception is already codified in the INA.


INA212(A)(3)(D)(i) - In general.-Any immigrant who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate thereof), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible.


INA212(A)(3)(D)(ii) - Exception for involuntary membership.-Clause (i) shall not apply to an alien because of membership or affiliation if the alien establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer when applying for a visa (or to the satisfaction of the Attorney General when applying for admission) that the membership or affiliation is or was involuntary, or is or was solely when under 16 years of age, by operation of law, or for purposes of obtaining employment, food rations, or other essentials of living and whether necessary for such purposes.


INA212(A)(3)(D)(iv) - Exception for close family members.-The Attorney General may, in the Attorney General's discretion, waive the application of clause (i) in the case of an immigrant who is the parent, spouse, son, daughter, brother, or sister of a citizen of the United States or a spouse, son, or daughter of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence for humanitarian purposes, to assure family unity, or when it is otherwise in the public interest if the immigrant is not a threat to the security of the United States.

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-15 00:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMove to Be With My Wife

domicile (per the I-864 instructions) is evaluated on interview day,

so you have some time to sort this.




Great, I didn't see this form on the timeline before. I see that I can use Item 5-2 to show I was staying in China temporarily by keeping up with taxes/voting, proving ownership of property, bank accounts, etc. Thanks, everyone!

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-14 17:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMove to Be With My Wife

I understand your sense of urgency

IMO it would not affect your processing but could affect your aos, domicile and the like unless you have that all tidied up too

with china being an EP country I do not believe you need to send any originals the nvc route, but I am sure someone else will chime in


Hi Stevie, thanks for the reply. Sorry, I'm not too familiar with the proof of domicile requirements. If I own property, which I will not sell when I move, is that enough to show domicile? Assuming the visa comes within the next 6 months, will it become necessary to reestablish domicile?


I have hired an immigration attorney in LA to handle the case. So, it should be okay for me to not physically be in the US during the processing time? Other than submitting the original application for the K-1, I don't remember having to get involved in the visa process. Perhaps it is the same for the I-130?

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-14 16:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMove to Be With My Wife

My wife and I submitted our I-130 in May 2013, and we are just awaiting the NOA2. I just want to be with her, just in case this process takes a much longer time. As a bit of background, our K-1 visa got denied after 3 years of processing, which was devastating to us. I had to be the one to tell her the visa was coming in a few months, in a few more months, in several more months... I have to make sure that doesn't happen again. If I moved to China to be with my wife, is there any reason I need to physically be in the US to further process the application?


Has anyone moved to be with their spouse? What did you do while in your spouse's country to pass the time? I've been told it can take up to 6 months to get a work visa in China.


Your thoughts are appreeciated, thanks!

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-14 16:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI864A - Canadian tax instead of American tax?

Oops, I posted to the wrong forum..... Sorry, moderators! Feel free to move me to the appropriate one, I don't think I can myself.


Anyway, to the first replier: It says in some cases beneficiary can use their income, so long as there is proof it will continue once I move. As the job is just across the border (in Canada) less than an hour away from where we are planning to move, I intend to continue working there, at least till I can get something similar in the States. So, my question is if I should send in my Canadian taxes instead of US taxes, or whether they would not appreciate that.



There are fields in the I-864 that can list your assets. There is no field for your current/future income. If your employer will continue to employ you in the US, it seems like this would be relevant to your I-864, although there is no field in the I-864 where you can enter this information. You can research into the I-864W and decide for yourself if there is a qualification under SSA.

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-16 09:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures260 form

I got a dreaded RFE and called NVC--- why!  Got maybe an answer and then she reminded me to send the 260!  What I said, I sent the 230 in early august.  Needless to say I sent a 260 but now do I send all the other required info that accompanied the 230 again????  I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but I could be seeing things!!!!


Uh oh. Is Jiamin part of the CCP?

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-16 09:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of bonafide marriage

Hello all,


I've posted a couple of times I think about this, but here is my final line-up of evidence we are going to send off once my husband has signed his parts:


  • Copy of the marriage certificate (obviously!)
  • Copies of emails sent to each other. Not the content, but a screencap of my inbox for each year starting from 2006 up until the present day.
  • A copy of a conversation we had on MSN in 2005 where we both found out we liked each other
  • A couple of screenshots of Skype IM chats. I was going to provide more, but there are literally 30,000 lines of chat in just one year, plus we lost our other logs from before 2012!
  • Copies of money sent via Paypal
  • Copies of Amazon order confirmations of gifts bought for each other, from 2006 to present time
  • Copies of wedding cards received from friends and family
  • Copies of flight itineraries and corresponding passport stamps from all of our trips to visit each other. I also included the bio page of the old passport I used so they could match up the numbers. We were only able to start visiting each other from 2011 which I hope isn't some kind of weird "red flag".
  • Copies of SkypeOut call logs. Only three calls since we mostly email each other (working schedules and time differences!) but they were over an hour long
  • And lastly, photos of us together. Three for each trip (there were seven visits, so 21 photos), including pics of us with each other's relatives and wedding/reception pics.


We were hoping to provide evidence of financial co-mingling, but it wasn't possible to join any of his accounts or policies without a social security number.


Will the above be enough? It wouldn't be the end of the world to receive an RFE, but it would be nice to not get one biggrin.png


I would actually tone it down and only submit what is necessary to prove your relationship in the most concise form possible (ie. marriage certificate, pictures of you two together, pictures of you two with friends/family (with names), affidavits from a few of those people in the photos, proof that you've made a visit to your spouse solely for visitation). An easy litmus test is to think about how easy it would be to forge and get away with a document you're thinking of including. Marriage certificate, forgeable, but easily verified. Include this. Chat logs, easy to forge, difficult to verify, and therefore, easy to get away with. Don't include this. As always, a retained immigration attorney is highly recommended.

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-23 10:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLiving overseas...what is my address for filing?

But we don't have an address in Haiti that is deliverable for has no number or street name, literally just the area of the town...should I still put that?


How does your FL mail get forwarded to Haiti?

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-15 14:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAdministrative Processing? Go to your local Congress!

To all of those who have been sifted off to administrative processing. If you are the petitioner, and living in the US, and your spouse's case has reach the point of administrative processing, this is what you should do.

Wherever you are living within the US, contact your local district congress. Send them an e-mail and title it "Immigration". Write your e-mail very descriptively and don't be afraid to talk about all the stress
and suffering of this long long wait. God willing, you will be contacted back by the immigration department representative. Tell them your story. Tell them if the interviewer was unfair, seemed hostile, anything at all.
All the details will help. Then they will ask for a permission to access case info. Fill out the form from your congress website and print it out. Sign it and rescan it and send it via e-mail to the rep's e-mail.
They then have permission to look into the case and find answers. They will put a stamp of "congressional interest" on your case. Doing this is a huge huge help. The immigration department in the Embassy will see this
and they won't want to deal with further badgering from congress or government entities. Then, just be patient. This is what I did. This is how I got the AP approved in less than 1 month.
You have nothing to lose! Best of luck to everyone fighting this long battle.


Back in 2009, I applied for a K-1 fiancee visa and got put on AP for INA212(A)(3)(d) due to my wife's communist party affiliation. I had a friend who knew Senator Feinstein personally. He was able to request of her office to contact the Guangzhou Consulate directly, but they gave her office the same response that I got from them through the web form. Contrary to popular belief, senators have NO power over immigration authorities.

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-14 15:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan any one pls just give me an idea

You may want to consult with an experienced immigration attorney, because you are essentially a hair's breadth away from rejection, and Nigeria is perhaps the most difficult embassy in the world to go through.


What a heartbreaking decision. It must be an emotional rollercoaster. I do agree with Hypnos. You need all the help you can get with an experienced immigration attorney that has done many Nigerian cases like yours. If you do get a rejection, you will have to file again and incur more fees and waste even more time. You've got a lot to prove and not a lot of time. An experienced immi lawyer can help immensely in directing you on what the "black box" immigration authorities really want.

SimeonMaleChina2013-10-04 17:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi-130 Filed

Thanks Alaska2012 and NLR.  I have read a bit and seen that there is an NOA1 and an NOA2.  I don't know when to expect what. From reading the links you gave me, I should expect to receive the NOA1 in 2-3 weeks, it looks like. 


Thanks for the feedback about the photos.  I had a feeling they would ask for the item with some sort of form.  Looking at the list, I have submitted every other item they request.  I feel kind of silly for forgetting one little thing, when I even had them done.  But, c'est la vie!  


Thanks for those guides as well.  I see that there is a substantial amount of paperwork that they will request such as certified birth certificates, police records and tax documents.  Good to know so we can get started on that now.  Do you know how recent they need to be?  I know my hubby has to order his docs from the UK and they may be slow.  I just don't want to start too soon either.


NOA1 should come shortly after you file. It is simply a notice of action that tells you they're "working on it". Mine came about a week after I sent in the I-130. The long wait is the NOA2, as you have read, it takes about 6 months on average. Check out the timeline statistics for an idea of the milestones: http://www.visajourn...rstats.php?cfl=


Many documents have a maximum validity period of 6 months. Of course, it's better to play it safe and have fresher documents rather than stale ones. If in doubt, just phone them and ask. Everytime you need to communicate with the government, you're looking at minimum 1 month delay or more. So, don't forget those pictures again. ;)

SimeonMaleChina2013-09-14 16:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWife moving to the states husband returning to work overseas

Is there anyone else that can sponsor your family?

SimeonMaleChina2014-05-14 00:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCASE NUMBER

Is that true that case number takes 30 business days? They received my case on May 22 and I called Friday and the agent told me that it takes 30 business days. ugh..


I called and got the same response. It's now 25 days, and still nothing.

SimeonMaleChina2014-06-09 01:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC filing - Original or certified documents

Hello JA_Martinez, Thanks for your response. I am still not certain after reading your answer. I have only 1 copy of the documents such as my wife and my step daughter's birth certificates. If I send them over to the NVC, will I get them back later? It is very difficult and pain staking to get copies of documents in India. Hence my concern. 

Yes, you get the documents back during the interview.


You have to send originals, or 'certified' from the issuing authorities. You can't send copy of your original that's notarized, it has to have a stamp from the issuing authority. 

waiting_______MaleIndia2014-03-24 20:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI864EZ: most income from W2 and small self-employment income

The operators at NVC are more knowledgeable than those at the USCIS misinformation line but Gabrielle is misspeculating and is simply wrong.  Still, no harm filing the I-864.

My AOS with 864ez was reviewed and accepted by the NVC.


I had, 

Interest income

Dividend income

State and Local taxes refund income

Capital gain income


besides my w-2 income which was used to qualify for the AOS.

Edited by waiting_______, 28 March 2014 - 04:57 PM.

waiting_______MaleIndia2014-03-28 16:56:00