Middle East and North Africavisa k-3

Je ne pense pas que le gouvernement va t'accorder un visa touristique car ton but ne sera pas d'etre une touriste mais de rejoindre ton mari non? Au niveau d'un visa d'etudiant, je te le deconseil fortement car en tant qu'etudiante Americaine les frais seronts de loin moins cher. Il faut que tu prennes des cours d'anglais pendant que tu attends ton visa d'immigration. Rabi Ma3k.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-25 23:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaI looked, I cried and kept saying OMG OMG OMG
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-27 00:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew here and hoping to learn - Morocco
I've always found Air France to be ok, but super condescending and rude. I much prefer Lufthansa :)
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-18 13:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew here and hoping to learn - Morocco
Welcome to VJ!
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-11 21:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaWait Time In Paris
cdg is a nightmare. I would recommend 3 hours as every time i have flown through there there have been delays in landing, luggage, blah blah blah. the staff are so nice and friendly too :P
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-08-04 18:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaSyrian stopped at Jordan Border
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-22 17:06:00
Middle East and North Africa221g in Casablanca Morocco

:innocent: Looks like someone did not make more copies of the official 221 (g) paper at CASA.

I believe many of us are thinking the same thing...
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-20 00:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2012

Speaking of drinks, has anyone tried karkaday (hibiscus tea)? I saw some at the health food store and it looked intriguing. I asked Mohamed about it and he said it was good. Has anyone else tried it and liked it?

i think it's refreshing but all of the places i have had it (egypt included) has a super watery taste.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-08-06 11:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2012
I just finished my Personal Narrative Questions for the Foreign Service Exam, this is the second go round for me. Cross your fingers and think nice thoughts for me :)
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-17 23:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan 2012
I spent Ramadan 2008 and 2009 in Tunis, Tunisia with Anis and his family. I grew up in Kuwait, so I experienced 10 years' worth of Ramadan there as well. I grew up with my dad doing Ramadan (he's from Algeria) and my husband does it. I don't usually fast but I do support the menfolk in my life :)
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-03 19:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaRemoval of Conditions (2nd) Interview
Hi! We received an RFE for our ROC about 10 days ago and are sending in our paperwork tomorrow. My husband just about had a nervous breakdown and felt like he was being personally persecuted blah blah blah...I recommend that you join the people over in the ROC forum who are super helpful. There was a guy who had THREE interviews for his ROC :( Good Luck!
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-08-23 01:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe day i've been waiting for is soon coming
Good luck! :)
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-08-23 01:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaHello from beautiful sunny Algeria! (((++++ pix ))))
is that Tipaza??

My dad is from Tenes and I spent many summers there as a kid :)
Congrats on your 4th!
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-05-30 21:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaGunmen attacks US consulate in Benghazi, Libya over US film
massive demonstrations in front of the US Embassy in Tunis were dispersed with tear gas...
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-09-12 15:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd there goes Tunis...
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-09-14 16:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaMorocco Trip

beach horses > stinky camels in the grubby desert.

However, unicorns trump both.

On another note, go to Fez!!
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-08-15 20:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaAPPROVED!!!! So excited :D
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-10-16 01:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaAutomatic 2 year wait
I'd love to offer some advice or something helpful but the other posters have done a great job only to get told to leave a public forum that people feel is "private" in some way...yowza. I hope that the OP understands that high fraud consulates are no joke even if you have no red flags.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-08-23 02:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Thanksgiving!
Happy Turkey Day! Gobble Gobble!
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-11-22 16:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Baby Names
Hi! So both my hubby and I have middle names. I am Sarah Nawal and he's Mohamed Anis (aneeeees, not #######, *sigh*)

Kenza (but then this terrible singer used that name that that flushed it down the toilet for both of us)
Dahlia (my fave)
I also like Amal and Yosra but if we have kids, Dahlia is the winner at this point

Anis likes Hafnaoui (his grandfather's name) but I reserve the right to veto
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-11-15 03:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Baby Names
Hi! So both my hubby and I have middle names. I am Sarah Nawal and he's Mohamed Anis (aneeeees, not #######, *sigh*)

Kenza (but then this terrible singer used that name that that flushed it down the toilet for both of us)
Dahlia (my fave)
I also like Amal and Yosra but if we have kids, Dahlia is the winner at this point

Anis likes Hafnaoui (his grandfather's name) but I reserve the right to veto
Walid (hubby's brother's name but one of the few I feel won't get butchered in English)
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-11-15 02:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy instructor's rant

I know what you mean. If I had a dollar for every stupid comment I received from people I think I could retire and never work again.


While I was voting in 2008, a lady saw my tattoo in Arabic and tried to have me thrown out for being "unAmerican" Let people think whatever they want and thank God that you are open minded enough to look past it. People are lame.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-11-27 00:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaTunisia embassy packet requirements?

Thank you much!!!

Im sorry I did a DCF in Tunis back when you could do it :(
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2013-01-28 02:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD

OMG 2 days and I will be at the airport picking up my husband!!!!!!!!!!! Posted ImagePosted Image

SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-10-10 22:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
What's new people?

I've been lurking less and less, been busy with my MA, gym, teaching, going crazy....the list goes on. We finally got approved for RoC at the end of September. 5 months til we apply for naturalization :) I hope you are all having an awesome Sunday!
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-10-07 13:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD

Summer in S.D. and everyday feels like a weekend.
Hope everyone is enjoying their Thursday.

Amen sistah! we should get together one of these days :)
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-19 16:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
I'm glad everything worked out!
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-11 12:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
I went to the pool today with the hubby and then we got slurpees (I feel guilty about the Slurpee but they were so delicious!) enjoy your Sunday evenings
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-08 21:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD

It will be the same pink I got tired and had to stop :lol: I did not realize I wrote it that way :blink:
There are black and white zebra curtains to contrast....and for the first time we are agreeing on the theme. :thumbs: I love the look.

You know here in San Diego the sun never came out today and it was we skipped the bbq and I followed the Lowes commercial suggestion and started redecorating on the fourth of July.

Yeah the weather here was disappointing today!!
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-04 22:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD

Really bizarre, right? The sales guy that worked with us on original security system is getting us an estimate for the cameras. Fence is definitely on the top of our list of home improvement items we want! Keep the nonsense fenced out!!

Yup! Lame and audacious! Who does that!?

You should get an electric fence to keep that ridiculousness far away! sheesh.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-27 15:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD

I can't remember where the post was about Mithra considering security cameras, so I'm posting here.
Last night when we came home from work - we realized someone had been chilling on our deck at some point during the day!! So, I've called the guy who did our original security to check the price of adding cameras. Mithra - what did you decide about the cameras?

I cannot believe someone would be lame enough to hang out on your porch! That sucks :(
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-27 15:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
we sent ours priority with return receipt. arrived a day later, of course, the service center is 1.5 hours away....
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-25 01:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD

LOL that's what I said when he told me.

how could you not make that joke? i mean, it's just too easy :P
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-24 14:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD

Watching CNN & Al Jazeera to see whats going on with Egypt and who they have elected!

Egyptians elected Morrissey :P
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-24 13:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD

I had lunch at a cart called Viking Soul Food today. Salmon lefse, and I split a dessert lefse with lemon curd and pecans with a friend. It's really yummy, and I was nice and saved half of my sandwich for my husband. I had a lingonberry drink too that tastes just like the one at ikea. Two thumbs up for Viking food!

That sounds delicious!!
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-22 17:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
I hate the week before I go back to work :( My vacation is almost over :crying:
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-22 17:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD

Anyone remember how many pages of proof they sent for ROC? I'm beginning to wonder if I'm over-doing it...

I sent my ROC in March, should hear back in 6 weeks.

I sent the following:
-letter from our bank regarding our joint checking account
-wedding invitations that were addressed to both of us
-our IRA accounts with each other being listed as primary beneficiaries
-Anis' life insurance with me being primary beneficiary
-2 affidavits one from a friend who has known us the entire time of our relationship and one from my mother
-our tax transcripts for 2009-2011

let me know if you have any questions about this whole mess ;)
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-22 13:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Films & Documentaries
A classsic film about Tunisia is 3asfour fil fouk esstah (the bird on the roof)

Indigenes is a French movie about the North African fighters during WWII.

I need to go scan my movie collection again for Algerian/Tunisian films.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-05-10 11:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaFlying to US from Tunisia

It was completely bizarre. We spoke with customs agents and police at the Charles de Gaulle aiport and both of them said no transit visa was needed. Still agents with AirFrance refused to let him board claiming otherwise.
We have since decided to go with a completely different airline. Fingers crossed he gets here without any issues this time.

I honestly wouldn't recommend flying Air France or flying through Charles de Gaulle. When we left Tunisia, our flight to Atlanta (Anis' POE prior to the connection to San Diego) was super overbooked and they offered us EACH one thousand dollars to spend the night in Paris before continuing on with the flight. This is without Anis having a transit visa, can you imagine?? Anyway, speaking French fluently was optimal in that situation, but I honestly would recommend flying through Frankfurt.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-03-10 01:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaFlying to US from Tunisia

We didn't realize he would need a transit visa but in fact he does if he takes any flight other than a direct flight and has a bit of a layover. Our first attempt at getting him here, he was denied because he had no transit visa thru France (even though he was not planning to leave the airport). We have found if he goes thru Qatar and has a less than 8 hour layvover than he needs no transit visa then.

When my husband came in 2010, he flew from Tunis to Paris and did not need a transit visa because we remained in Charles de Gaulle airport. I find it very bizarre that they would ask for a transit visa unless he has to switch airports.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-03-08 21:38:00