Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012

Walking 1st thing in the morning is one of my favorite activities. Not that I enjoy exercise. I don't. I rather sit on my a$$ channel surfing but that won't do anything positive for my health or my figure.

I didn't teach summer school last summer so I'd wake up w/o an alarm between 7:30am and 9am. I'd get dressed, brush teeth, wash my face and head out for at least an hour, depending on how early I got started. Walking after 10am was too hot. This year I put myself in a position in which I need some extra money to get myself out of the red, therefore, I'm teaching summer school. As a result, I can't do the morning walks on workdays because it's too dark that early in the morning :(

Anyway, I probably ate too much yesterday BUT I did go for an hour walk yesterday morning since it was Sunday. I also played about an hour of tennis yesterday evening right before nightfall. I will force myself to hit the treadmill for about an hour later this afternoon and I'll probably go play tennis again this evening, too.

What's everyone eating today?

I'm trying to get into a fitness routine so that I can keep it up when I start teaching again in 2 weeks. I am waiting for my hip to get better. Sigh....
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-18 13:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012

Dang girl. You must have been working it! Hope it heals soon.

Thanks! Yeah, totally should have thought about that first!! I was teaching some ladies how to do a figure eight. Stupid me.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-17 16:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012
So, I threw out my hip belly dancing 2 days ago, which now means no gym until I can walk like a normal human being. I am sooooooo angry at myself :(
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-17 15:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012
I'm 5'5" or 5'6" I've always been overweight but super healthy. When I was in Europe I got down to 160 and a size 12. That is my ideal size and weight I have come to understand. Now I am a size 20, which is totally unacceptable to me. So, I have been doing about 30-35 min cardio every day and am reducing my intake of carbs. My pants are getting loose on me, which is always the first sign that I'm heading in the right direction. When I plan dinner, which is the meal we always eat together, I look at my plate like 4 quarters. At least one half of my plate needs to be raw veggies (salad) and only one quarter can be carbs and the other quarter should be protein. This has been really helpful for meal planning.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-17 02:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012

i do too, actually. I am also hoping for a 2 size drop.. or at least one size (size being 2 number increments... 6 to 4/6 to 2). I'm doing good so far. I'm gaining muscle at the moment, so kind of just hanging out weight wise, although I've dropped size. Without Ammar here to tempt me with cake and such, this shouldn't be too hard to accomplish-- assuming I don't sabotage myself and actually get off my butt.

Anis does a lot of cooking and he likes butter and olive oil, which has been my progressive downfall over the last two years. I would like to drop 5 sizes total. For right now, it's all about getting back into shape and doing cardio daily or as close to daily as possible.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-16 23:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012

That's cool. Do you have a time frame you're hoping to lose in? I want to drop 12 lbs by August.

Honestly I go by clothing sizes more than pounds. Ideally, I'd like to drop 2 sizes by the end of summer and then 2 to 3 more sizes by the end of the year. I have more time to workout during the summer and less time once I am working and going to school at the same time. Good Luck with 12 pounds by August. If I could be a size 16 by my birthday (Sept.) I'd be thrilled :D
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-16 13:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012

How much are you trying to lose?

50 pounds give or take. I'll be happy with 40 :)
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-16 01:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012
Today I started going to the gym! I am sore but happy, it's time to lose some weight. Still waiting for ROC but am not expecting it until September sigh...
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-14 00:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012
Ok so to continue with the neighbor theme, let me share a story. Our house is against another row of houses that face the other way. Of course, our back yard is next to a pool that is shared by two duplexes on the other side of the fence. Over the years, we have had some really winning neighbors who didn't understand that it was not neighborly to jump in at three am or to throw your dog in the pool at 3 am . I have finally figured out the best way to scaring the shizz out of my neighbors and ensuring that they no longer throw themselves or others in the pool.

Last year during finals (of course) the neighbors were at it again. We had called the police X number of times, but it seemed that these people were determined to get evicted. So, this night I had finally had it. Anis was snoring and didn't hear it, but this to be my Waterloo. So I get out of bed, I get a flashlight, I get my bull horn. I walk into the back yard and try shouting over the crazy drunk people for 10 minutes to no avail.

So, I yell through the bullhorn "HI, once again you seem to think that screaming outside in the middle of the night is cool."

They respond "oh. sorry we will be quiet."

So I say "Nah I am here to join the party, let's make more noise to wake up more people who have this thing called work that they do in the morning. How does that sound?"

They say "OH no, we will be quiet. We didn't know what time it was."

Me "Oh I guess on your planet watches and clocks don't exist. Maybe you should get one. OH there's the police. Enjoy your ticket."

I hate inconsiderate neighbors.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-13 11:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012

Well, heres a little something from hubster & I. A week ago our neighbors son and his friends were over out in the street and front yard and next to our house til 1-3am. A few days ago Adam noticed his gas tank cap had been cut off & stolen out of his car plus we had beer cans & used condoms in our front yard after those kids left the neighbor guys house at 330. I was pissed when I heard his gas tank cap was cut out Adams car so I had him send me pictures to my phone from the gas tank, beer cans & condoms in our yard. After work I went to the police station to report all that & show them the pictures. Adam was pretty upset about it all. Since then they haven't been across the street... until tonight. Adam calls me and tells me to hurry up and get home bcz he called the cops out bcz there was a car parked next door in the vacant house to us. He said the cop came out and asked the guys in the car how old they were and they said 19 and the cop told them they were under arrest. By the time I got home at almost 12am there was 2 cop cars, and a tow truck blocking my driveway. I parked my car behind all that and went to say Hello to the cops lol ... Adam has been so excited to know all 3 guys got arrested and the car is being towed. He's like a kid in a candy store!!! loooool

good for you for not taking it lying down. I always think beer cans and used condoms show that neighborly love and respect as well long for!
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-13 11:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012

We just talked about exercise in general. It's still there if you search it.

Thanks I will! We need to find interesting things to talk about so the forum doesn't die :(
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-13 00:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012
like different ones you can try and stuff? that would be sweet!

(I'm generally not that slow)
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-13 00:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012

This thread is super slow. We used to have a daily one that would reach several pages... oh and an exercise thread! You guys need to have a party or something in here. Invite the chatty people... write a few poems? :)

an exercise thread? what does that mean? me confused.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-12 23:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012

Still watching the paint dry on the wall... oops sorry mean CSC for AOS :wacko:

Ditto...watching CSC for ROC... :cry:
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-11 19:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012

Hey everyone I am doing well in Morocco today. I just spoke to my parents and they are doing great. Have a great day guys. :thumbs: :thumbs:

I am so jealous! I loved Morocco and want to take the hubby there so badly!
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-10 14:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaJune 2012

Alex was 4yrs old. Adam & I got him right after he first got here & he was just a kitten :( Im pretty sure it was from either stress/heart attack from being stuck in the curtain all day or from suffocating :( Still terribly sad to think he was like that for hours. I don't believe in declawing cats & I feel just horrible that I was away at work for 10hrs.

I am so sorry about your cat :(
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-09 21:23:00
Middle East and North Africasecond visit wise.. or keep new position at work?
I also read it that way and unfortunately, do not have any magical powers.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-27 16:15:00
Middle East and North Africasecond visit wise.. or keep new position at work?
I think that if you can get the best of both worlds, that that would be the best possible solution. Consulates want to ensure that mariages are real but also that you have the means to support your man once he gets to the US. If you like what you do and are getting a promotion that allows you to not have a co-sponsor, that alleviates the financial issues surrounding immigration. Who knows, you may be able to negotiate a longer break if you work hard now. Maybe your boss would go for 10 days or 2 weeks if you work through the summer. I wish you good luck with your decisions
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-27 15:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaWAHOO got NVC #
Congrats :D
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-27 15:08:00
Middle East and North Africaladies and gentlemen
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-21 12:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA in hand!! :D
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-28 14:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed help, I am very worried...
any octopus is cute! How many pages until we get to it??
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-03 20:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed help, I am very worried...

They are super cute, no?

I guffawed!!! I always think immigration and octopi go well together :D
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-03 20:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed help, I am very worried...

I think we can make a couple safe predictions. For example, I am sure he is Egyptian. I also am sure there is not an octopus involved in this story.


awwww...I was looking forward to an octopus :(
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-03 19:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed help, I am very worried...

Trust, this post and your others are getting sideeye from plenty of real life Muslims.
Because, despite all their Muslimy Muslimness, it still sounds straight up weird, for all kinds of reasons.

There are all kinds of cultural and family norms throughout MENA, for sure. Behaviors that were cool in the homes of lots of people I know who are also married to MENA guys wouldn't be cool in my husband's house, etc. But everything in this thread is really off the chain.

Muslimy Muslimness FTW!!
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-02 23:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase Completed at NVC
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-05 23:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaJuly 2012


SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-02 21:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaJuly 2012
I went to the gym before work. I am at the 15 pound mark, which makes me feel good but it's time to step it up!
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-02 12:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaJuly 2012

If there is any lamer time for 4th of July to land on than on a Wednesday, I'd like to hear it...

I agree 100%. There are going to be some very hungover people going to work on Thursday...
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-01 22:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaJuly 2012
I would love to do the Gillian Michaels tape but I am waiting until I lose another few pounds before doing more than cardio every day. I've dropped one size already and am up to almost 40 min of cardio a day! woot!
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-01 20:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaJuly 2012
Hi Ladies, summer quarter starts for me today so it's pedicure and hamaam time so I don't scare the students. Why is my vacation over so quickly :( Hope everyone is enjoying a nice Sunday! the hubby is distracted with the UEFA cup game.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-01 14:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat happens at the port of entry?
Since I was living with Anis, we flew from Tunis to Paris to Atlanta (POE) to San Diego (home). We only had 2 hours at the ATL airport but it was enough time to give the envelope, do the fingerprints, and run to the gate to catch our flight home to burritoland :D
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-11 20:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow many of you saw your significant other online before flying across the country to meet in person?

He has his own laptop, I don't trust him with mine. I always know I am in trouble when he is heading toward me carrying the laptop. He went to the local school and took the beginning computer user class and struggled to get a C. I was trying to explain to him Skype and I think he thought I was telling him fairy tales.

My husband still uses the one finger pick and fetch typing method. After giving my computer a massive virus, I bought him his own to infect :(
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-26 23:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow many of you saw your significant other online before flying across the country to meet in person?

Ok I would be pissed if someone deceived me like that even if I did establish a friendship with them. I certainly wouldn't fly over to meet someone who did that to me.

yes, exactly. Why would you want to have any kind of relationship with someone who isn't honest upfront?
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-26 15:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow many of you saw your significant other online before flying across the country to meet in person?
We met in person in a pub in Paris :)
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-06-25 23:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaThis is the day !
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-19 16:15:00
Middle East and North Africagifts?
I bought my husband's brothers Levi jeans because they are super expensive in Tunisia. I brought perfume for my mother in law and San Diego t shirts for my father in law :)
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-05 23:34:00
Middle East and North Africaimmigration attorney
My husband is from Tunisia and we were able to do all of our immigration paperwork ourselves. A lawyer is not required but may help in complex cases or to ease your mind :)
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-25 23:21:00
Middle East and North Africavisa k-3
A tourist visa will not be approved because your goal is not to be a tourist but to rejoin your husband (je t'ai dis la meme chose en francais) your husband needs to file the I130 so that you can join him here permanently :)
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-26 21:04:00
Middle East and North Africavisa k-3

Je ne pense pas que le gouvernement va t'accorder un visa touristique car ton but ne sera pas d'etre une touriste mais de rejoindre ton mari non? Au niveau d'un visa d'etudiant, je te le deconseil fortement car en tant qu'etudiante Americaine les frais seronts de loin moins cher. Il faut que tu prennes des cours d'anglais pendant que tu attends ton visa d'immigration. Rabi Ma3k.
SarahandAnisFemaleTunisia2012-07-25 23:29:00