Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Bonne fêtes à toutes et tous!

Sinon j'ai un petit sondage : qui parmis vous a reçu sa taxe d'habitation. J'ai lu quelque part que ça prenait plus de temps que si on habite en France mais là je commence à m’inquiéter.

Merci pour vos reponses
bruno.MaleFrance2011-12-23 19:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

J'ai eu le mien la semaine dernière.
Tu devrais recevoir le tiens dans les prochains jours. ;)

Merci EsternDE, je vais patienter encore quelques jours
bruno.MaleFrance2011-10-10 12:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Bonjour à tous,

petite question pour ceux qui sont arrivés aux US courant 2010. Est-ce que vous avez reçu votre avis d'imposition? Ou sinon avez vous des infos concernant la date à laquelle on est supposé le recevoir.

bruno.MaleFrance2011-10-09 12:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

2 mois au mieux, ok...mauvaise nouvelle... Désolé d'avoir posé une question classique, c'est aussi pour avoir votre avis sur l'intérêt de signer un nouveau contrat pour lequel je ne vais pas aller au bout de la période d'essai!
Je me sens un peu coupable d'accepter un poste alors que l'entreprise espère me garder sur du long terme et je sais déjà pertinemment que ce ne sera pas le cas...Mais bon, les finances...

Je suis pas sûr de comprendre pour le packet 3 car je leur ai envoyé le DS-230 il y a quelques mois, formulaire qui était dans le même courrier envoyé par l'ambassade que le DS-2001... que je viens d'envoyer. :blush:

Bises Eastern (F)

Moi je dirais 1 mois au mieux. j'avais envoyé ma lettre disant que j'étais pret le 15 juillet et j'ai eu mon entretien le 19 aout (2010)
bruno.MaleFrance2011-09-02 22:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Pour nous marriage officiel 21 dec 2010 c'est celui qui va compter pour nous je pense et la ceremonie avec tout le monde 05 aout 2012 c'est plus pour que la famille puise venir. Je pense que nous ne celebrerons que le mariage officiel.
bruno.MaleFrance2011-07-21 20:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part III - 2014

Salut Loladolly,


oui il faut informer l'USCIS. Vu que tu n'a pas de paperasse en cours tu dois juste remplir le formulaire AR-11 en ligne ou l'imprimer et l'envoyer et c'est tout.



courage a ceux qui sont dans l'attente ! A l epoque ou j ai fais mon k1 c'est le CSC qui trainait des pattes, comme toi Yohann a l epoque ou on a envoye les papiers les NOA2 arrivaient en meme pas 3 mois, et peu de temps apres ca mettait 8 mois !! Je peux te dire que ca m'a degoute de tout ce process et que je hais profondement tout ce qui a un rapport avec homeland security et l immigration americaine !


Pour ma part j'ai eu ma carte verte en mars, donc j ai un peu plus d un an de repis avec USCIS. Je ne pense pas demander la nationalite Americaine par contre... je ferai juste un renouvellement de GC tous les 10 ans. Ca m interresse pas, je me sens pas Americaine, trop de difference de mentalite  et de mode de vie...

En ce moment je suis dans la paperasse avec le consulat de france pour faire (enfin) regulariser mon mariage sur les resgistres d etat civil et la naissance de ma fille. ca me manquait pas tout ca !


Sinon une petite question. On emmenage dans notre maison dans 2/3 semaines environ. Je ne suis plus dans la paperasse USCIS pour le moment mais je dois quand meme les informer de ma nouvelle adresse? Comment je fais? 


bruno.MaleFrance2014-08-06 18:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part III - 2014

Félicitations Mont Blanc!


Et si il y a encore des "anciens" qui suivent le forum; même si je ne participe pas activement vu que les règles changent assez souvent, je reviens régulièrement sur le forum pour voir un peu ce qu'il se passe avec les frenchies qui immigre aux USA.


On a une timeline très similaire et pour moi l'oath ceremony sera le 27 août prochain à San Diego.


Pour celles et ceux qui sont en procédure de K1 ou de CR1, tenez bon, l'attente en vaut le coup.


Patience et courage à tous!



Ca fait un bail que je n'ai pas poste sur ce topic France / USA.


Je suis US citizen depuis ce matin! YaY!!


Bon courage a toutes et a tous dans votre immigration...


Quand j'ai commence le process (K1) on en etait toujours au topic French/American Couples - Part One !


Je ne pense pas que celles et ceux qui etaient presents / actifs ici de mon temps sont encore la a trainer mais ce fut une super aventure.


Brievement, K1 en Septembre 2010, Greencard (Adjustement of Status) en Octobre 2010 (recue en Mars 2011), Removal of Conditions 2 ans plus tard et ensuite US Citizenship en Mars 2014. On a tout fait des que possible et en gros ca nous a pris 4 ans et 4 mois entre envoi du K1 et Naturalisation.


Live your dreams my friends!



bruno.MaleFrance2014-08-05 18:26:00
Asia: East and PacificCan all the VN journey members help Phuong?
Read the guides.... that is where we got all our information. There is a flowxhart, as well as a list of things to send with the I129F. Make sure you send EVERYTHING neatly put together, otherwise you may asked for it later. That can really delay your process. Good luck!;page=k1guide
katej0203FemaleEngland2008-08-22 00:05:00
Asia: East and PacificAnyone Else going to Manila for Christmas?

We're going to visit friends and family for 30 days, leaving Dec 22 and arriving Dec 23.

Is anyone else going back for Christmas?

M goin home too.....but my honey's not coming home :( hopefully I could get the packet by that time so I'll know when's my interview date..... (F)
jenny and mannyFemale02006-11-28 05:48:00
Asia: SouthAnybody studying your SO's language?
On occasion I will crank out some Nepali phrases from my brain and ask my mother-in-law-to-be how the weather is in Chitwan. Or I will ask my nephew-to-be "Khana kanu bhayo?" which I've discovered is somewhat of a greeting... to ask if you've eaten yet. I've had the chance to watch some bollywood movies and actually understand a lot of what they were saying because the languages (and script) are both sanskrit-based. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that my culture's defunct native alphabet, alibata, was also derived from sanskrit and some words are even similar and conversations are built around the same context. The most difficult thing for me is the pronunciation, although, Rajan says when I get it, I really get it biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
PutaliFemaleNepal8/31/2007 19:17
Asia: SouthCalling all Nepal K-1/K-3/AOS filers
Pattu-didi, I only say you're too happy to be a Nepali bride because most of the Nepali brides I've seen look absolutely miserable on their wedding day. Rajan told me it's normal because the bride has to leave the home of her family and probably won't see them again for a very long time. She now "belongs" to the husband and his family and must now live her life under a completely different set of rules with well-defined expectations from her in-laws. (According to the caption, it's all an act)

If I lost contact with Rajan, I just don't know what I would do. I still go crazy when he's out on trek and keep telling myself that I'm going to attach some kind of GPS device on him... maybe one day I can track him with google earth. Either that, or train a pigeon. Maya, I can't imagine what you went through!

I read eKantipur once in a while but especially when Rajan tells me something is going on... another bandh, extreme weather, etc.
PutaliFemaleNepal8/30/2007 10:05
Asia: SouthCalling all Nepal K-1/K-3/AOS filers
Hey Pattu-didi! You look too happy to be a Nepali bride tongue.gif
PutaliFemaleNepal8/29/2007 0:34
Asia: SouthCalling all Nepal K-1/K-3/AOS filers
From some brief history lessons in a my distant past, the reason why Mao Tse Tung's particular brand of communism was popular was because he sought to assemble and empower the peasants/farmers (who lived in extreme poverty and of which most of China's populations is comprised of) against the Nationalist government that really wasn't doing the country any kind of good. This is a very similar situation with Nepal's poor and the current monarchy. The reason why Maoist ideals failed is because they displayed too radical ideals that were manifested in agendas and practices that resulted in the killing of many innocent Chinese and the blatant destruction of anything seen as a clinging to the old ways (temples, statues, cultural events). As long as there is poverty, radical ideals will always appeal to a population that has no other hope. The main reason why China has changed its ways is because of the influence of capitalism and its needs to play nice in the global arena. It's a catch-22 really. Nepal is the poorest Asian country with the average life-expectancy around 50-55 years (I believe it's even less if you're a woman). All these facts put Nepal on par with the poorest of the sub-Saharan African nations. For people to embrace Maoists ideals shouldn't shock anyone. While on trek you see Marx quoted in Nepali and in English (to make a point to travelers, I'm sure). The women, I'm constantly reminded, have it the worst. No rights, little legal recourse, no hope. Is it any wonder why Nepalese women are the most eager to join the Maoist movement?

When I was in Kathmandu, I went to the Yak and Yeti location for consular services and I immediately thought, "Who the hell would put an embassy here?!" Did you know there's a casino in Yak and Yeti? In any case, I think it's a good move. The site where it's located now is a real hike since it's near Tribhuvan Teaching Hospital, but at least it's away from the madness, like the Indian embassy.

Pattu-didi, to answer your question about the phone card. I don't use one that logs phone calls (at least I've not asked if they do). I'm not too concerned about that since Rajan and I are very regularly in touch by snail mail letters, g-mail chat, e-mail, etc. I do get a receipt for every phone card I purchase. Log on to There are several cards I use, but my all-time favorite is the L.A. Unlimited Aggressive. This "card" is the greatest. I think I spoke to Rajan for 2 hours straight for $5. You can even make two separate calls and make it stretch farther. There is a trick to this "card". The first call should be relatively short, say 15 minutes. Then you'll still have reserve funds left. But the next call can be unlimited. It's great. And the sound quality is amazing. One caveat to this card is that you must be calling a Kathmandu number. If your honey lives outside of Kathmandu, it should still work, but you won't have unlimited. This goes for most of the "cards" this site offers. If you want to try it, I can give you a pin number and you can call G. Good luck with it!
PutaliFemaleNepal8/17/2007 20:10
Asia: SouthCalling all Nepal K-1/K-3/AOS filers
I'm still dreaming of spring rolls. Spring rolls on trek are monstrousities... huge fried vegetable turnovers, as big as calzones! I think I must have ordered one of those at every lodge we stopped at. I've been getting my recipes from Rajan's older sister. She and the rest of the women in Rajan's family are amazing cooks. Granted, she can't give me amounts, only can tell me what's in the dish and what order to cook them in. Thanks for the yak cheese link Maya! I'm a huge cheese freak and I love yak cheese. I'm dreaming about grilled yak cheese and tomato sandwiches right now. I know it's expensive, but I swear I'm going to order some!

Rajan told me that the Thakalis are famous for their cooking, not that they cook very different foods from any other ethnic group in Nepal. I understood them to be masters of flavor and food preparation, the Thakalis in Nepal are what the French are to European cuisine. In Tatopani, I had the tastiest meal ever... best dahl bhat tarkari and grilled fish prepared by a Thakali cook. You know how they say the way to man's heart is through his stomach? I think Rajan's really marrying me because he says I look Thakali. Hehehehehe...

I didn't try sikarni, but it seems very similar to a yogurt dessert in India, so it goes for many dishes in Nepal.

Ok, so enough about food already! It's damn near midnight here and instead of raiding the fridge, I need to go to sleep. I have serious separation anxiety. I talk to Rajan everyday, sometimes twice a day and it's not enough. I heard that writing your congressperson helps the process along tremendously. I made a first draft to Senator Barbara Boxer. Do you think it'll work? What if I get my friends and family to sign a petition with the header "Please find below signatures of support from wedding guests and your constituents."

I'll go recite my mantra...
PutaliFemaleNepal8/14/2007 2:05
Asia: SouthCalling all Nepal K-1/K-3/AOS filers
Today I went ape-wild at the Indian market and bought everything from Chana Besan (chickpea flour) to asefetida. Don't know exactly what I'm going to do with it all but I'll figure it out. I can make a mean veg momo and the tomato achar to go with it. Gotta be a good Nepali wife you know. The other dishes I'm missing from Nepal are the curried pumpkin leaves, the spring rolls at the tea lodges during trek, those super-sweet suntalas on the way to Ghorepani, and caramelized buf milk. I second the yak cheese comment! I LOVE YAK CHEESE! Did anyone go to BK fries in Kathmandu?

It's a funny thing about Nepali love songs. Rajan translated a few of them to me and I found them to be so tragic! There was one lyric by a male vocalist singing something to the effect of "I went to your wedding and saw another man put the sindoor in your hair". I forget that a society of arranged marriages would of course produce music with another set of problems unknown to us westerners used to love marriages. So sad.

Anyways, here's my favorite picture I took of my mother-in-law-to-be and mero prem in their home in Chitwan:

Attached File  Amaandraj.jpg   100.25KB   11 downloads

Edited by Putali, 12 August 2007 - 03:14 AM.

PutaliFemaleNepal8/12/2007 3:13
Asia: SouthCalling all Nepal K-1/K-3/AOS filers
Maya! Welcome back from Nepal! I so envy you! Good to hear you are doing well... As far as the topic goes, I love Nepali songs! Mero Raj is somewhat of a minstrel of the mountains. He sang and sang to me during trek and one particular song stuck with me. I am learning this song now to sing at our wedding... Ritu Haruma Timi by Arun Thapa. Amazing lyrics... nothing in English can compare. My biggest concern with Rajan is that he will assimilate too fast and too completely. At work I keep pictures of his humble farmhouse and his three buff to bring me back to earth once and a while.

Edited by Putali, 07 August 2007 - 02:57 AM.

PutaliFemaleNepal8/7/2007 2:55
Asia: SouthCalling all Nepal K-1/K-3/AOS filers
Hi everyone! I'm on what seems to be eternal standby for NOA2 (or an RFE) to get to me. My app hasn't even been touched since June 19th! It's been 5 months since I've seen Rajan and he's getting antsy too. The worst thing is I can't even take a short trip out to see him as I'm 6-months probation at my new job until December 25! We talk everyday and chat everyday... still not enough. Thank goodness for others in the same boat. How can you stand it?! I have to remember I'm not the only one and to be less whiny. Unfortunately, I have no advice to give.
PutaliFemaleNepal8/6/2007 2:06
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Hey French/American couples!

Its so much fun to read through this topic! Thank you guys for your tips about the new life in the US. I had my interview at the Embassy in Paris today and it went fine. Visa is approved so I think I'll leave mid-March! cool.gif I can't wait to wear my sunglasses everyday! Anybody living in the San Diego area??!!


alice_and_brandonFemaleFrance2009-01-28 10:38:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHate to be a bother
AHHHH you all are so wonderful!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! All the info and links helped us greatly!!
Cherish86FemaleKenya2009-12-06 13:27:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHate to be a bother
So I am quite new here but have been looking at the information on the site for sometime. Unfortunately I am still a little confused. My boyfriend lives in Kenya and we are going to begin the process once we get officially engaged on my trip there next May. The information I have seen is telling me this is an expensive process!! My gosh!

I understand the K1 and gathering evidence but the affadavit for support has me questioning some things. Is it 100% of the poverty line or 120%? I have seen both on here. Also I work almost full time but I am a student right now and get financial aid and loans. Will this count towards the income guidelines? I have two kids so we would be considered a family of 4 as far as the poverty limits are concerned, right? Also, if i needed a co signer, do i have to live with them? And how many would their income be based off of?

Once thats all said and done and he gets here, and we get married can he start working? I have gotten so many mixed answers here! I see some things saying that once you file the AOS the price $1010, includes the AP and EAD for working. Then others are saying you can file for the EAD and start working when you receive that. blink.gif Help??

And the last thing is, when do we apply for the social security card? Once he arrives and after we marry?

Well I thank you for any help! I know how some people can get irritated with giving answers to others so if you could just point me to the forum if you feel that way, i would appreciate it too!!

Thanks in advance!!
Cherish86FemaleKenya2009-12-05 23:14:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSending Money
Yes this is true! And that what i meant. Surely people know the conditions in Africa. I sent $40 and that was like soooooooo helpful to him because our dollar is strong. I just cant watch someone I love struggle so bad...
Cherish86FemaleKenya2009-12-09 10:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSending Money
I hope this isnt a porblem either... I have only sent him money once but this whole process is super expensive and the money there is nothing compared to the money here....not that I have much!! But I can see myself having to send money for the whole visa process... Are they just concerned about money being sent for non visa expenses? dry.gif
Cherish86FemaleKenya2009-12-06 16:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Wollte Euch allen schoene Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch wuenschen! Sind gestern schon zu meinen Schwiegereltern gefahren und werden hier bis Neujahr bleiben.

Bin momentan ein bisschen geknickt, weil Mark heute morgen mit seinem Bruder und ein paar Freunden nach Las Vegas gefahren ist (ist die bachelor party seines Bruders). Eigentlich wuerde es mir es ja nichts ausmachen, aber sie kommen erst Heiligabend wieder und Heiligabend wollte ich eigentlich mit Mark verbringen...nunja da muss ich jezt durch.
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-12-22 13:28:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@Evi: Glueckwunsch zur Schwangerschaft star_smile.gif

@Dakota: Die Bilder von Deiner Hochzeit sind echt schoen geworden!
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-12-07 11:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Glueckwunsch, Anne! Das ist ja das perfekte Geschenk zum Nikolaustag!!
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-12-06 15:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@Steffi: Happy Birthday!!
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-12-06 10:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@Susanne: Das mit Deiner MIL tut mir leid. Daumen sind gedrueckt, dass alles gut wird!

Eine schoene Zeit in DE natuerlich!
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-12-06 10:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@Diana: Das ist ja aergerlich, dass die eines Deiner Pakete verloren haben sad.gif Hoffentlich finden sie es noch!

Habe am Montag auch ein Weihnachtspaket von meinen Eltern bekommen. Bin auch sofort ueber die Weihnachtsplaetzchen hergefallen!
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-12-05 17:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@thea: Danke fuer Deine Erklaerung! Jetzt versteh ich wenigstens, warum meine Aerztin gestern nicht wirklich was unternommen hat. Auf der anderen Seite wuesste ich aber schon ganz gerne was es mit meinem bump auf sich haelt. Hoffe nur, dass es sich nicht entzuendet!!
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-12-04 19:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@Anne & Milka: Bin irgendwie richtig enttaeuscht was die Aerztin angeht... hatte schon auf eine etwas konkretere Diagnose gehofft....Ich muss mir das nochmal durch den Kopf gehen lassen, ob ich mich nicht doch noch an einen anderen surgeon wende, der dann hoffentlich eine needle biopsy durchfuehrt oder wenn noetig den ganzen lump entfernt...aber was ist, wenn der mir das Gleiche sagt (denn mein bump ist wirklich SEHR klein...ohne meine Hilfe haette die Aerztin ihn gestern beim Abtasten meines Nackens gar nicht gefunden). Ich frage mich was ein hoeheres Risiko darstellt: meinen bump einfach in Ruhe zulassen und wohlmoeglich spaeter eine Entzuendung zu bekommen oder aber ihn entfernen zulassen und eventuell eine Infektion zu bekommen...
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-12-04 18:08:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Gestern hatte ich also meinen Termin beim surgeon. Viel gebracht hat es allerdings nicht und wirklich schlauer bin ich immer noch nicht was meinen bump angeht.
Die Aerztin meinte es ist hoechstwahrscheinlich ein geschwollener Lymphknoten oder eine Zyste. Da mein bump aber so klein ist, koennte sie weder Ultraschall noch eine needle biopsy durchfuehren. Von einer biopsy wo der komplette bump entfernt wird hat sie wegen des Infektionsrisiko abgeraten…
Die gute Nachricht ist, sie war sich ziemlich sicher, dass es nicht lymphoma ist…
Sie meinte ich solle meinen bump einfach im Auge behalten und sehen, ob er sich veraendert sprich vergroessert. Ich hatte mir eine etwas klarere Diagnose erhofft, aber naja…
Hatte ich eigentlich schon erwaehnt, dass mein bump seinen shape aendert?! Manchmal ist er eher rund, dann wieder laenglich…die Aerztin meinte lediglich das waere ein gutes Zeichen…

Vielen Dank Euch allen fuers Daumendruecken!
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-12-04 11:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
@Virginia: Nachtraeglich auch von mir alles gute zur Hochzeit! Freu mich schon auf die Bilder!

@Anne: Tut mir echt leid, dass Deine Schwiegereltern Dich so behandeln und Dir solche Dinge unterstellen! Wie die anderen schon gesagt haben, es waere vielleicht erstmal besser hier nach einer Loesung zu suchen als nach Deutschland zu gehen…versucht irgendwie Eure credit history aufzubauen und schaut Euch dann nach einer eigenen kleinen Wohnung um…

@Chnst: Wie gehts Dir? Hoffe, die Schmerzen sind nicht allzu schlimm?!

@Thema Weihnachtsbaum: Wir haben unseren am Samstag gekauft und gestern geschmueckt. Oh, wie ich den frischen Tannengeruch liebe!

So, heute Nachmittag hab ich meinen Termin beim surgeon. Hoffentlich stellt sich heraus, dass mein bump nur eine Zyste ist…ich wuesste ehrlich gesagt gar nicht, wie ich es meinen Eltern sagen sollte, wenn ich was Schlimmeres haette…aber daran will ich noch gar nicht denken…
Ich sag Euch spaeter wie es gelaufen ist.
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-12-03 14:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Herzlichen Glueckwunsch, Diana!! kicking.gif
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-11-30 10:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Danke Liebi smile.gif
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-11-29 12:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Hoffe es hat noch niemand eine Karte an die Adresse rausgeschickt, die ich eben gepostet habe. Habe gerade erfahren, dass das Walter Reed Medical Center keine Post mehr annimmt, die an "A Recovering Soldier" adressiert ist. Sorry sad.gif !
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-11-29 12:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Montag habe ich meinen Termin beim surgeon. Mal schaun was der mir zu meinem bump sagen wird. Ein bisschen nervoeus bin ich schon.

Bin gerade dabei unsere Weihnachtskarten zu basteln. Werde dieses Jahr auch eine Karte an die unten stehende Adresse schicken, um verletzte Soldaten ein wenig aufzumuntern. Vielleicht hat der ein oder andere von Euch ja auch eine Karte uebrig.

A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20307-5001
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-11-29 10:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Danke an alle fuers Mutmachen! Ich hoffe, dass es wirklich nur eine Zyste ist und dass die Zeit bis zum 3. Dezember schnell vergeht. Wir haben noch bei anderen surgeons nachgefragt, aber auch die haben laengere Wartezeiten (hinzu kommt ja das naechste Woche Thanksgiving ist).
@Anna: Wir haben HMO und sind bei Bluecross.
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-11-17 12:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Unglaublich, dass die Aerzte so lange gewartet haben bis es sich entzuendet hat!

Hat denn vorher keiner eine biopsy durchgefuehrt, um ueberhaupt festzustellen was es ist?
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-11-16 17:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Dann habe ich wohl keine Schmerzen, weil sich mein bump noch nicht entzuendet hat (wenn ich denn dann das gleiche haben sollte wie Damion) ist wirklich klein; mit dem Auge fast nicht zu sehen, nur fuehlen kann man es schon...wenn die Gefahr besteht, dass es sich eventuell entzuendet will ich auf keinen Fall noch mehr als 2 Wochen warten...aber was soll ich machen wenn alle surgeons solch lange Wartezeiten haben? Es muss ja zudem ein Arzt sein, der in unserem network ist, da ansonsten die Versicherung nicht fuer die Behandlung aufkommen wuerde...
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-11-16 17:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Symptome habe ich Gott sei Dank keine die auf Lymphoma hinweisen wuerden. Aber der Doc meinte, dass viele Leute anfaenglich erst gar nichts merken. Irgendwie hat mich der Besuch beim Arzt mehr verunsichert als alles andere. Ich habe schon bei anderen surgeons angerufen, aber die Wartezeiten sind extrem lang. Bei einer Aerztin muesste ich vier Monate auf einen Termin warten ohmy.gif Wie es aussieht ist der Termin am 3. Dezember wohl der frueheste...Was mich beunruhigt ist, dass mir mein bump/lump nicht weh tut. Denn waere es "nur" eine Entzuendung waere diese ja sicherlich schmerzlich,oder?
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-11-16 17:29:00