US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

When I got there it was apparent the situation was not good, and to make a long story short she passed away on 5/6. Of course there was a funeral to plan and a mountain of other things to handle. We had to cancel the interview, cancel flights, cancel everything because I was in Colorado until 5/21. So now the interview is set for 6/22. It has been an interesting journey no doubt. Francys has been my rock through everything and continues to be my biggest supporter though she is so far. We have become closer and more in love through all these setbacks. We have both been patient knowing our day will come. The crazy thing is that this has been the saddest time of my life losing my mother. We were very close, talked everyday and we had a great relationship. And on the other side it has been the happiest time of my life because of Francys. It has been difficult to find a middle ground. I am looking forward to my trip to Colombia and I hope to report good news soon!

This is similar to my story. My Father and I talked daily about my Wife and life in general. He watched after my dogs when I was in Barranquilla, brought in the mail, added chemicals to the pool, etc. He had been prompting me to send in my I-129F, but I had to wait for the extra money to do so. Just a few weeks before I was able to send in my initial Fiance Visa packet, he took ill and within 13 days lost his fight with Pancreatic Cancer. I tended to my Father throughout his ordeal in the Hospital, answered all questions and talked to him as he began to decline. 1 week after his funeral, I completed and sent in our K-1 Visa package. 9 weeks later, I took my Mother to Barranquilla to meet her future daughter-in-law. This really cheered her up through such a rough period of time. Here are a few pics, amigo!

Shopping at Exito with new family :star:
Posted Image

Visiting with Maria - a friend in Barranquilla who does Translation and spoke to my Mother about Colombian culture and its' people.
Posted Image

Sweet pics man! That cheered me up a bit..... :-)
Sounds like you had a great relationship with your dad. Thanks for your words amigo.
dleegMaleColombia2011-06-14 12:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Hi everone.......
I just wanted to share my K1 visa journey because it hasn't been a normal one. And this is also for those who are waiting waiting waiting and putting in your time through this process. Keep the faith, have patience and know that each day is a day closer to your loved one.
Our I-29F was recieved on 8/13/10 and it was approved on 1/5/2011. The embassy recieved our case on 1/21/2011. We felt that it was important that I was with Francys (my fiance from Cali) for her interview but at that time I was in a work contract until mid March. Also from reading embasssy feedback stories about beneficiaries not getting visas because the petitioner wasn't present did not settle well with us (which by the way isn't fair, if they want the petitioner to be there then require it). But I guess they need to see if the petitioner is serious. So we decided to wait to send in the DS forms until the first week of March as we were hoping for a April interview date. On 3/7/2011 we faxed the DS forms from packet 3. On 3/20 when the embassy site posted April interview dates we were not on the list. So I decided to email the embassy to ask for confirmation if they had recieved our DS forms via fax. On 3/25 I recieved an email from the embassy saying that our interview had been scheduled for 3/31. Five days notice even though we were not listed for the April dates on the embassy website! Of course we had to ask to be rescheduled as it was not enough time to plan everything, get documents together, purchase airline tickets, schedule medical, etc. Finally when May dates were released on 4/20 our case number appeared for 5/11/2011. We got everything together and arranged. I live in California and on 4/30 I had to go to Colorado (where I'm from) because my mother was suddenly ill. When I got there it was apparent the situation was not good, and to make a long story short she passed away on 5/6. Of course there was a funeral to plan and a mountain of other things to handle. We had to cancel the interview, cancel flights, cancel everything because I was in Colorado until 5/21. So now the interview is set for 6/22. It has been an interesting journey no doubt. Francys has been my rock through everything and continues to be my biggest supporter though she is so far. We have become closer and more in love through all these setbacks. We have both been patient knowing our day will come. The crazy thing is that this has been the saddest time of my life losing my mother. We were very close, talked everyday and we had a great relationship. And on the other side it has been the happiest time of my life because of Francys. It has been difficult to find a middle ground. I am looking forward to my trip to Colombia and I hope to report good news soon!
dleegMaleColombia2011-06-12 22:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Thanks Diana....... the place you suggested is booked for the dates I wanted. I found some other places so I'm making a little progress. It will all work out....... :yes:
dleegMaleColombia2011-04-20 21:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
I am not having luck securing a reservation for a hotel near the embassy in Bogota. The places I have tried are booked solid and my fiances interview is 3 weeks away. I tried the sites listed in the embassy info section of this site. My fiance is not from Bogota so she can't really look. Does anyone recommend a place near the embassy?
Many thanks!!
dleegMaleColombia2011-04-19 22:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
WOOOO HOOOO!!! Interview 11th of May!!!
Entrevista 11 de mayoooooo.................................. :) :) :) :)
dleegMaleColombia2011-04-19 13:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Disappointed......... but keeping the faith

Hi everyone......... :)

I'm sure you have seen this kind of post many times before but I guess I just need to vent my disappoint. We submitted packet 3 documents by fax on March 7th hoping for a interview sometime in April. We could have submitted starting the 3rd week of January, but I was locked into a teaching contract through the 3rd week of March. The reason we waited was because I want to go to Colombia to be with my fiance for the interview process. We were trying to time it out, and after viewing other timelines for the amount of time between submitting packet 3 and a interview date, I thought it would work out in our favor. Well.... I just checked the newly posted April interview dates on the US embassy website and did not see our case number. Needless to say we are very disappointed. I was poised and ready in my own mind that I would be going to Colombia sometime in April. Especially since my fiance's mother, who is getting married, was waiting to know our interview date so she could schedule her wedding while I was there. The only thing I can think of is that the embassy is busier now and we have to wait longer. Or our documents never arrived by fax, though we have fax confirmation receipts that says the transmission went through. I wrote the emabassy so maybe they will respond.

Ok...... I feel a little better.... :yes: Thanks for reading my post, and most of all thanks for all your past advice.

Disaapointed in San Diego........ :hehe:
dleegMaleColombia2011-03-19 13:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
Hi everyone... :)
A lot of great info here and I have learned a lot. We are going to send packet 3 in on 3/7 and we hope to get a mid April interview. We'll see. My fiance is a concerned about her vaccinations. She doesn't have her records from childhood but she does have a card proving her tetanus shot dates (about 2 years ago) and one other vaccination I can't remember. I have read a lot of different things here about vaccinations, some people say it's good to get them before the medical, some say to wait and take whatever she has to show as proof and the doctor will determine what is necessary. I have read horror stories of how a lot of people are getting repeat vaccinations of shots they had weeks before from their own doctor in their hometown. I have also read good stories, but not many. Most of the information I read is a few years old on this site via forums. I guess I would like CURRENT info about this topic. I'm just trying to be prepared and remain informed like everyone else... anything is appreciated. If you can contribute thanks for your time!
dleegMaleColombia2011-03-02 14:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part III
Hello all....... :)
Francys was approved at her interview on 6/22!!! WOOOOOHOOOO!!! We are very very happy as you can imagine!! All went great and I will post a review next week as we are sooo busy with other things. Thanks to everyone who answered my questions, it was a BIG help to both of us. I'm sure I'll have more questions and concerns when it's time for AOS.

Regarding DAS.....
I actually went to the DAS office in Bogota on 6/21 to inquire about a certificate for me the petitioner. The person I talked to was unaware about the update in packet 4, the one requiring the petitioner to have the certification. I decided at that moment to not pursue the certificate and go the interview with Francys without it. Days before her interview I also contacted the last few petitioners who were approved to see if they had the certificate. They didn't have it though they were approved so I felt like it was a good gamble. They never did ask for it and all went well. I recently got a link from a fellow V-J'r for DAS in case any petitioner wants to pursue it getting the certificate. It's

Thanks All!!

Edited by dleeg, 23 June 2011 - 11:38 PM.

dleegMaleColombia2011-06-23 23:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I really don't know how to follow that post by AgRo....sounds like true love to me! ;)

I'm sorry that I have been lazy about writing about our experience in CDJ....Efrain has been busy meeting my family for the FIRST time, and I have 4 days worth of work to catch up on....but here it goes:

We arrived at the Consulate on Tuesday at about 7:15am. We weren't the first in line, but not the last....just about in the middle. We waited like 20 minutes, and then they started letting people in. He had to show the letter at the door to be allowed in. He had the paperwork in a plastic expandable file, and he was wearing a belt, and it was no problem.

Once inside, he tells me that it went pretty fast. He actually said that he would have been out and finished by about 1pm if they hadn't had a problem printing the visas...which I will get to in a minute. Anyway, he was called to present the paperwork and was glad that we had gone through everything so he knew what it was.
They took:
DS-156 and copy
DS-157 and copy
His birth certificate (kept copy, gave him back original)
I-134 for me (with tax forms from 2006, copies of W-2's from 2006, Bank statement I printed off of internet)
Did NOT Take my co-sponsor's info. (I had one because I was only making enough money in 2006, not before, and I wasn't sure if it was going to be OK, but they said it was fine.)
They did NOT take any more relationship proof stuff. They said that what we had submitted with the petition was enough.
And I am still not 100% sure, but I don't think they asked for that form in the packet that says you will get married in 90 days. Efrain doesn't remember signing it, but said that it went so fast he can't be 100%sure.

Anyway, after that he waited only like 1 hour and they called him for his interview. They asked him 3 questions:
WHo is petitioning you for this visa?
Where does she live? (he gave city, state)
What is her job? (he gave a simple answer that I had coached him to say because it matched what I wrote on the forms)

And that's it! They told him his visa was approved and he should wait for his number to be called.
After an hour, they sent him out to get lunch and told him to come back in an hour because they were having trouble printing the visa.
When he came back, they told him he would have to come back the next day (Wednesday) and gave him a blue appointment sheet for 10am Wednesday morning.

That part sucked because I had to change all of our flights and it cost us $300, but looking back it was totally worth it!

We went back Wednesday and he was out within the hour with the visa in hand!

We crossed the border in El Paso at the Paso del Norte Bridge. It's not the main bridge, and it was a little out of the way from our hotel, but I think the wait was shorter in the taxi than it would have been at the Cordova Bridge. Anyway we had a taxi take us to the border and wait for us on the other side. This gets me to the worst part of our whole experience...Immigration. We waited for about 2 hours, and there was one person in front of us. They were all just milling around in back, and ignoring everyone in an ever-increasing line. Then they sent Efrain to wait in a different place, helped everyone else, and then argued amonst themselves about why he was still sitting there. What's that all about?

Anyway, in the end, it was fine, we made it through, and have been enjoying being finally together! I am sorry if this seems rushed (it is) but, I wanted to get it down before I forgot. I will ask him tonight if I missed anything, or if anyone wants more explanation about any part, let me know!
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-03-05 17:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
We got the visa!!! :thumbs:
They told him he was approved yesterday, but they had a problem printing it out and we had to go back this morning! Sucks, because I had to change our flights and now we aren't leaving until tomorrow! But it's least we have the visa.

It is crazy windy here, and we are going to leave now to cross at Puente Paso del Norte. I will post a full report when I get home!

I hope things went well for you bdesj. We should have went out to dinner or something. :)

Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-02-28 12:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Hi everybody!
OK, so we are here in Juarez, and I am settling down for my long day of waiting while Efrain is in the Consulate. I thought that I would be a basket case, but I am doing well. Mostly because I knew what to expect from everyone posting their experiences I will do the same:

Hotel: We are staying at the Holiday Inn Lincoln. I recommend it. The people working here are really nice, there is free internet, and I feel safe, so that's important. It seems close enough to everything, and there are a lot of other people here going to the Consulate, so it's cool not to feel like the only ones.

Medical: We went to the Clinic right next to the Consulate. We got there at about 7:15am and he only waited a little while to be called in, even though there were TONS of people there. I waited outside in the cold and wind, and met a lady who's husband I am SURE is getting denied today for being in the US illegally...but I didn't have heart to tell her because she was such a mess about the whole thing (I know this is getting off topic, but) Anyway, I told her "Oh, don't worry, the only real problem he will have is if he was ever in the US illegally..." and she said "How do you think I met him??" ANd she said that they had put on the forms that he had been there illegally, so I don't really understand how she thought that was OK....but whatever. I feel sorry for her, and I told her about this website. (although I hope she doesn't read this!) ANYWAY.... He said that he did the usual waiting game inside. They took blood, took an x-ray, he had to drop his pants and boxers to his knees for the doctor to take a look, but no touching. (thank GOd for his sake) They asked if he had any diseases, took drugs, smoked, drank....aall the usual questions that other people have gotten.... and he was out by 11am. He paid like 1600 pesos or something like that.

Then we went to a photo place across the street to get his pictures taken. I took that advice from here. They swore that they would be OK, and if not that he could return today and get them re-done for free, so...hopefully that's true because I don't think he has enough money on him to eat lunch AND get new photos.

We walked down to Banamex which is just down the street. Paid the money and headed back to the hotel for a while before returning for the results. It was cool to see so many people walking around at like 2:30pm with the same black plastic seemed like everyone was doing the same thing.

Today we headed out at 6:45 and got the COnsulate at about 7. There was a line, but it wasn't too bad. It was definately longer today than yesterday. He had to show his letter and was let inside. He had a belt on, but it had a regular buckle and it wasn't a problem. He had the paperwork in a plastic expandable folder.

I did notice that some people were put into a line outside the COnsulate on the other side of all the rest. I asked someone what that was, and they told me that those people had entered with a cell or a pen or something else prohibited even after they were told not to, so they had to wait outside until everyone else had entered. So be careful that you follow the rules!

ANyway some guy is breathing down my neck to print out some immigration forms on this computer, and who am I to stand in the way of someone's visa, right? THanks for sending us the positive thoughts! I will post again tomorrow.

Good luck to whoever else is here....bdesj I think. Yeah!
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-02-27 12:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Hi there..... Congrats to all of you who now have your fiances with you here in the US. I am hoping to be one of that group after next week, because Efrain and I are heading out on Sunday to Juarez for his visa stuff.... I am so excited to see him! I just pray that everything will go as smoothly for us as it did last week for Cassandra and Agnieszka. Yeah!

We are doing the Monday - doctor, Tuesday - Consulate thing because I couldn't miss more work than 3 days ( although, once I am gone, what would they do anyway, right?) So we are expecting lines and lots of waiting, but it's all for a good purpose. We are going to cross into El Paso on Wednesday and catch a flight back to San Diego. I am contemplating bringing my laptop since I am staying at the Lincoln, but I don't know.... Do they have computers you can use there too? Or is it just wireless with your own computer? I don't want to drag it around everywhere if I don't have to.

ANyway, if I don't get on here before Wednesday, I promise to write a full report when we get back. Send us some positive thoughts and prayers! Thank you to everyone who has helped me to get to this point. I have learned so much from this website, and am soooo glad that I found some kindred spirits to go through this process with! You guys rock! :thumbs:
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-02-23 11:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Thanks guys, I think maybe going that night after the consulate is a good idea. I will have to check with Efrain and see what he thinks. I guess I would have the whole day to get packed up, right? WIth all of my nervous energy from waiting to hear the good news? (I am thinking positively, hoping that helps in some way). I know I would be less stressed if we were already across the border and just had to get up and go to the airport in the morning...

And thanks for the tip about the local office....It's good to know that stuff just in case!

THis weekend I am going to get everything in order. Yeah!

I hope you all have a nice long weekend!
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-02-16 15:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Cassandra and Agnieszka, I am so excited for you guys. Congrats again....

Cassandra, I have a question about crossing the Cordova Bridge....because we are doing that also. What time did you cross? Our flight is at 1:30 I think...based on your post, I am wondering if I should change it to a bit later.... I guess we will just have to make it another early morning, and get an early start on it.... I always figured that I could call and change the flights if we needed to. (does it sound like I am basically talking to myself? I pretty much just answered my own question...but I am sure you understand) ;)

Anyway, thanks again for the in depth reports on how it all went down. It makes me feel soooo much better having an idea of what's to come...

Have fun with your guys!
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-02-16 00:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
YEAH!!!!!!!!! COngrats you guys! I was just talking to Efrain and I told him I had to get off the phone to check if you got your visas! Now I have to call him back!!! i am so excited for you!!!!!
:yes: :thumbs:
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-02-14 23:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Thanks so much for the in depth updates.... I am sitting here at my desk at work, getting a little emotional reading it and picturing me and Efrain doing the same stuff in less than 2 weeks! I am so excited for you guys!!!!! And I can't wait until it's my turn!
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-02-13 15:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Good luck to those of you going for interviews this are in my thoughts and prayers, and I am only a little bit jealous since I still have 2 weeks to go! ;)

Brenda, I think getting married on Valentine's Day is a great idea! Why not?

Have a great week ladies....I can't wait to hear the stories!
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-02-12 09:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Yeah! Congrats....I can't wait to hear all about it! :dance:
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-02-07 09:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Hey girls... Well, Efrain and I decided to go to Juarez Feb 25 to be there for the appointments and stuff on monday and Tuesday. We were thinking about going on the 11th, but I couldn't get that week off from work, so we are going a little later. It's hard to believe that it's almost our time tobe together forever! I am so excited. Is anyone else going then?

We are planning on crossing into El paso and taking a flight to San Diego from there, so I guess we are stuck with whatever long wait we get. I am sure that it woudn't be any better in San Diego since that is a border town just like El Paso is. I wish I knew about the other POE's for you guys, but I don't. I hope you find one that's fast and worry free! B)

Have a great week ladies! and GOOD LUCK DANIELLE AND URIEL!
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-02-05 01:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I got the packet!!! Not that it's that exciting....oh wait!!! IT'S SOOOO EXCITING! :dance:
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-02-01 23:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Yeah! Congrats on the visa Cutie! I am so happy for you and waited a long time...and now it was all worth it! Tell us, when is he coming to the US?

Agro - If you get the packet this week, when are you planning on going to Juarez? There are 2 holidays in February....the 5th and the 20th. I was thinking about going on the 12th or so if I can get that time off from work.... but I have to actually get the packet before I buy tickets or anything. It would just be cool if we were there at the same time to have someone to wait with! :)
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-01-31 10:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Hey guys!!
I just did a happy dance in my office, because I got this email:

"The beneficiary of the application has an open appointment at this office any working day from 8:00am to 10:00am. You will receive in 3 or 5 days the instruction packet and the open appointment letter


Yeah! I will let you guys know when I get it for real in the mail! I am so happy! I just called home and my DAD started crying.

I hope everyone gets an email like this soon......

Yeah us! :dance:
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-01-30 11:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Congrats Brenda!!! I can't wait to make a post like that! :thumbs:

Thanks for such a great really helps with everyone's preparation to have an idea of how it's going to go at the interview. When I told Efrain about the very thorough medical exam his only comment was "ok......." Pobrecito!

Is this going to be the week for those packets a few of us have been waiting for??? I sure hope so!
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-01-21 13:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I've noticed that we've all been kind of quiet lately because everyone is in somewhat of a holding pattern. :whistle: Hopefully it will pick up soon, and everyone can get back to the excitement of upcoming interviews, visa pick-ups, NOA2's, etc.

Has anyone heard anything from CDJ lately?
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-01-18 10:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I was just sitting here at work and wondering about Brenda... I sure hope all goes well for her. ;)

I was reading some other people's timelines, and it really put this whole waiting thing into perspective for me. I mean, some people have had to wait sooooo long! I fell like Efrain and I are really lucky. We actually thought it would take a lot longer than it has. I will never forget the day I got the NOA2 in the mail...I was expecting it in like May for some reason, and got it in November.... I was a weepy mess. But it's a good memory. haha

Anyway, hopefully things are getting back on track and everyone at the CDJ is rested and ready to get to work sending out those packets! I am sending them the positive get those papers sent to me and everyone else waiting!
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-01-16 15:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
It's so cool to log in and read about another visa approval! Really makes me feel good, and excited for when it's our turn. :)

I am still waiting for the packet. I checked the email I had received from CDJ again, and it DOES say that they received the info... doesn't say whether it was only electonically or not, but I am just going to hope for the best and think that it was everything. That was on Dec. 21. I figure that I have this week to go until I start freaking out with impatience.

My sister had a baby on Wednesday, so that has distracted me from "the wait" for the packet.

Anyway, here's to GOOOOOOOD news this week for everyone waiting!
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-01-13 19:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Hi Everyone...
I have been reading this topic since probably page 10 or something...but I have never posted anything, because I didn't really have anything new to add to the conversation. But I just really enjoy hearing about everyone's story, and it makes Efrain and I so happy to find other people out there who are going through the same thing and have the same fears, doubts, worries, and excitement that we have!

Anyway, I still don't really have anything to add, except that I really appreciate you guys for sharing your stories, and I promise to do the same from now on.

By the way, I am at about the same place right now as AgRo and Danielle_n_Uriel. I have received an email confirmation that they have our info in CDJ, but I haven't received the packet in the mail... and the waiting is really testing my patience, but I have faith that they will all come soon. I mean, it's hard waiting when you know the end is so close! It almost makes it harder I think.

Anyway, thanks again... and I am excited to finally have posted SOMETHING! :D
Kristen_y_EfrainFemaleMexico2007-01-08 16:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDo I need to Renounce Brazilian Citizenship once I take my oath?
QUOTE (KromiX @ Jun 18 2009, 05:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tpontirolli @ Jun 18 2009, 01:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KromiX @ Jun 17 2009, 05:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tpontirolli @ Jun 17 2009, 05:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KromiX @ Jun 17 2009, 01:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tpontirolli @ Jun 17 2009, 12:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, you do not have to renounce your Brazilian citizenship.

When you take the oath, you supposedly renounce loyalty to any nation other than the U.S., but UNLESS YOU GO TO A BRAZILIAN AUTHORITY (a judge, officer at a consulate, etc) and FORMALLY renounce your citizenship, you will not lose it.

Prior to the constitution of 1988, Brazil did not allow dual citizenship and everyone that became a naturalized citizen of another country, lost his/her brazilian citizenship.
Since 1988, however, unless you FORMALLY RENOUNCE IT BEFORE A BRAZILIAN AUTHORITY, you get to keep your citizenship.

What are the negatives of maintaining dual citizenship with Brazil ? Do you or anyone else know?

I can tell you a negative of NOT keeping your brazilian citizenship.. You will need to get a visa in order to visit family down in Brazil, and that alone is a reason that for me is enough to keep it.

And if you ever decide to move back, that is another reason to keep your Brazilian citizenship. If you ever renounce your citizenship and later want it back, it will be nearly impossible to re-gain it.

Another reason to keep your Brazilian citizenship is for healthcare reasons. Though many people would not agree with me, in case of a major sickness/disease or even childbirth, you can always fly down to Brazil and receive free treatment through the public healthcare system. I am from Curitiba, Paraná where the public healthcare is pretty good considering the fact it is public. Curitiba has the best hospitals for treatment of leukemia. Also, the city's program for Pre-Natal care is one of the best available (my cousin was born in a public hospital in Curitiba a few years ago. My aunt received 5 star pre-natal care and at the hospital... much better than I have ever seen in private hospitals in the United States.)
I definitely consider flying down there if anything ever happens.. I have had many bad experiences with healthcare providers in the U.S, and unless it changes soon I would not seek any treatment here if it is available in Brazil. Recently I had a $6,000+ bill from a hospital here in the U.S. because of a shoulder pain I had. I left the hospital hours later without knowing what was wrong with my shoulder and $6K poorer (which I am still paying for...) a total waste of money and time! Healthcare in the U.S. is outrageously expensive and ineffective!

Brazil and the U.S. have a pretty reasonable relationship so I do not imagine any major conflicts. I can't imagine Brazil going to war against the U.S. or anything like that.

If you have not done so already, be sure to transfer your voter registration to your local consulate and vote for president every four years so that you won't have problems obtaining passports in the future.

What will happen is when you get your U.S. Passport, you will use it to leave and enter the United States. You will use your Brazilian Passport to enter and exit Brazil. The customs of each country will not care for your citizenship of any other country. All they care to see is your local citizenship/passport.

Many, many people have dual citizenship in Brazil and have no problems whatsoever.

If you have kids, the Brazilian citizenship might also be of good use for them in the future. According to a law passed in 2007, children of Brazilian citizens registered with a Brazilian consulate are now considered "natural born citizens" and no longer need to opt for the Brazilian citizenship at the age of 18. That is thanks to the efforts of the "Brasileirinhos Apátridas" foundation. Be sure to register your kids at the consulate. They will also be dual American-Brazilian citizens wink.gif

Hope that helps.

Good to know, 2 questions since you seem like you know alot about it... I was born there, came when I was 2 years old, and never went back so I doubt I'd go back only family I have is my grandma, we usually fly her here..... thats why I'm asking negatives... You can't think of ONE negative at all??

I thought even if I'm going to brazil, no matter what, once a uS citizen ur supposed to use the US passport to enter the country, no matter what?

I cant think of a negative at all. Unless you really dont want it, I think you should keep it. Your brazilian passport might even be useful if you want to travel to a country that does not have good relationship with the U.S. I know things may change soon but, for example, as a Brazilian you can easily get in to Cuba, but as an American, things get a little more complicated. You also have some perks when going to Portugal. (Portugal and Brazil have some kind of deal that treats its citizens as equals...)

As to your second question re using the US passport, the Brazilian Federal police does not care if you have another passport. To enter Brazil, all you need is your Brazilian passport. They do not care about your immigration/citizenship status in other countries. Therefore, upon leaving the United States, you will show your U.S. passport. You will show your Brazilian passport to the airline as your authorization to enter the country (the airline gets fined by the federal police in Brazil if someone travels without a valid visa). Upon arriving in Brazil, you show the federal police/customs your Brazilian passport, same upon going through the federal police/customs to leave Brazil. You will then show the airline your American passport as your authorization to enter the US and also show it at the immigration at the airport upon your arrival. The US Immigration officer will not question you regarding your dual citizenship. All you need to do is make sure you travel with both passports. The truth is: your US passport will be good for leaving and entering the us, and your Brazilian passport is good for entering and leaving Brazil. No questions will be asked. wink.gif

Ahh Gotcha.... Oh and you said something about registering at my local consulate and voting every 4 years for brazilian president? What happens if I don't, they assume I abandoned the country? I really have zero interests in Brazilian politics, nor do I care to research candidates before an election, and I am not about to just go to a consulate and blind-vote someone for the sake of some 'status'. I am against uneducated voting in the US and hate that it goes on here, I don't want to be a blind-vote in the brazilian system for my personal benefit...

According to Brazilian law, voting is mandatory for every citizen over the age of 18. You are required to register to vote with the nearest Brazilian consulate. You can either vote or "justify" your absence by submitting a form pretty much saying you did not vote due to x circumstances. It is not a big deal but it needs to be done. When you are over the age of 18, you are required to present your voter registration card in order to be able to get a Brazilian passport. Not voting and not "justifying" your vote will require you to pay fines in order to fix your status with the Brazilian Electoral Justice. It really just sounds worse than it really is, but it is not bad at all. Every 4 years you can just give the consulate your "justification form." I believe you have 30 days from the date of the election to do this. No need to vote or look up candidates if you dont want to. Besides, down there it seems not to matter who you vote for, since justice is only for the rich.

But should you decide not to do any of this voter thing, you might just be able to pay the fines when you request a passport. As you may know, in Brazil "everything ends with pizza," that is, nothing is really taken seriously.

BTW, you would never lose your citizenship just for not voting. Should you chose never to do it, it wont affect the fact that you are a citizen. All it will do is make it harder when you need a Brazilian passport.

Edited by tpontirolli, 18 June 2009 - 04:54 PM.

tpontirolliFemaleBrazil2009-06-18 16:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDo I need to Renounce Brazilian Citizenship once I take my oath?
QUOTE (KromiX @ Jun 17 2009, 05:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tpontirolli @ Jun 17 2009, 05:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KromiX @ Jun 17 2009, 01:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tpontirolli @ Jun 17 2009, 12:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, you do not have to renounce your Brazilian citizenship.

When you take the oath, you supposedly renounce loyalty to any nation other than the U.S., but UNLESS YOU GO TO A BRAZILIAN AUTHORITY (a judge, officer at a consulate, etc) and FORMALLY renounce your citizenship, you will not lose it.

Prior to the constitution of 1988, Brazil did not allow dual citizenship and everyone that became a naturalized citizen of another country, lost his/her brazilian citizenship.
Since 1988, however, unless you FORMALLY RENOUNCE IT BEFORE A BRAZILIAN AUTHORITY, you get to keep your citizenship.

What are the negatives of maintaining dual citizenship with Brazil ? Do you or anyone else know?

I can tell you a negative of NOT keeping your brazilian citizenship.. You will need to get a visa in order to visit family down in Brazil, and that alone is a reason that for me is enough to keep it.

And if you ever decide to move back, that is another reason to keep your Brazilian citizenship. If you ever renounce your citizenship and later want it back, it will be nearly impossible to re-gain it.

Another reason to keep your Brazilian citizenship is for healthcare reasons. Though many people would not agree with me, in case of a major sickness/disease or even childbirth, you can always fly down to Brazil and receive free treatment through the public healthcare system. I am from Curitiba, Paraná where the public healthcare is pretty good considering the fact it is public. Curitiba has the best hospitals for treatment of leukemia. Also, the city's program for Pre-Natal care is one of the best available (my cousin was born in a public hospital in Curitiba a few years ago. My aunt received 5 star pre-natal care and at the hospital... much better than I have ever seen in private hospitals in the United States.)
I definitely consider flying down there if anything ever happens.. I have had many bad experiences with healthcare providers in the U.S, and unless it changes soon I would not seek any treatment here if it is available in Brazil. Recently I had a $6,000+ bill from a hospital here in the U.S. because of a shoulder pain I had. I left the hospital hours later without knowing what was wrong with my shoulder and $6K poorer (which I am still paying for...) a total waste of money and time! Healthcare in the U.S. is outrageously expensive and ineffective!

Brazil and the U.S. have a pretty reasonable relationship so I do not imagine any major conflicts. I can't imagine Brazil going to war against the U.S. or anything like that.

If you have not done so already, be sure to transfer your voter registration to your local consulate and vote for president every four years so that you won't have problems obtaining passports in the future.

What will happen is when you get your U.S. Passport, you will use it to leave and enter the United States. You will use your Brazilian Passport to enter and exit Brazil. The customs of each country will not care for your citizenship of any other country. All they care to see is your local citizenship/passport.

Many, many people have dual citizenship in Brazil and have no problems whatsoever.

If you have kids, the Brazilian citizenship might also be of good use for them in the future. According to a law passed in 2007, children of Brazilian citizens registered with a Brazilian consulate are now considered "natural born citizens" and no longer need to opt for the Brazilian citizenship at the age of 18. That is thanks to the efforts of the "Brasileirinhos Apátridas" foundation. Be sure to register your kids at the consulate. They will also be dual American-Brazilian citizens wink.gif

Hope that helps.

Good to know, 2 questions since you seem like you know alot about it... I was born there, came when I was 2 years old, and never went back so I doubt I'd go back only family I have is my grandma, we usually fly her here..... thats why I'm asking negatives... You can't think of ONE negative at all??

I thought even if I'm going to brazil, no matter what, once a uS citizen ur supposed to use the US passport to enter the country, no matter what?

I cant think of a negative at all. Unless you really dont want it, I think you should keep it. Your brazilian passport might even be useful if you want to travel to a country that does not have good relationship with the U.S. I know things may change soon but, for example, as a Brazilian you can easily get in to Cuba, but as an American, things get a little more complicated. You also have some perks when going to Portugal. (Portugal and Brazil have some kind of deal that treats its citizens as equals...)

As to your second question re using the US passport, the Brazilian Federal police does not care if you have another passport. To enter Brazil, all you need is your Brazilian passport. They do not care about your immigration/citizenship status in other countries. Therefore, upon leaving the United States, you will show your U.S. passport. You will show your Brazilian passport to the airline as your authorization to enter the country (the airline gets fined by the federal police in Brazil if someone travels without a valid visa). Upon arriving in Brazil, you show the federal police/customs your Brazilian passport, same upon going through the federal police/customs to leave Brazil. You will then show the airline your American passport as your authorization to enter the US and also show it at the immigration at the airport upon your arrival. The US Immigration officer will not question you regarding your dual citizenship. All you need to do is make sure you travel with both passports. The truth is: your US passport will be good for leaving and entering the us, and your Brazilian passport is good for entering and leaving Brazil. No questions will be asked. wink.gif

tpontirolliFemaleBrazil2009-06-18 00:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDo I need to Renounce Brazilian Citizenship once I take my oath?
QUOTE (KromiX @ Jun 17 2009, 01:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tpontirolli @ Jun 17 2009, 12:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, you do not have to renounce your Brazilian citizenship.

When you take the oath, you supposedly renounce loyalty to any nation other than the U.S., but UNLESS YOU GO TO A BRAZILIAN AUTHORITY (a judge, officer at a consulate, etc) and FORMALLY renounce your citizenship, you will not lose it.

Prior to the constitution of 1988, Brazil did not allow dual citizenship and everyone that became a naturalized citizen of another country, lost his/her brazilian citizenship.
Since 1988, however, unless you FORMALLY RENOUNCE IT BEFORE A BRAZILIAN AUTHORITY, you get to keep your citizenship.

What are the negatives of maintaining dual citizenship with Brazil ? Do you or anyone else know?

I can tell you a negative of NOT keeping your brazilian citizenship.. You will need to get a visa in order to visit family down in Brazil, and that alone is a reason that for me is enough to keep it.

And if you ever decide to move back, that is another reason to keep your Brazilian citizenship. If you ever renounce your citizenship and later want it back, it will be nearly impossible to re-gain it.

Another reason to keep your Brazilian citizenship is for healthcare reasons. Though many people would not agree with me, in case of a major sickness/disease or even childbirth, you can always fly down to Brazil and receive free treatment through the public healthcare system. I am from Curitiba, Paraná where the public healthcare is pretty good considering the fact it is public. Curitiba has the best hospitals for treatment of leukemia. Also, the city's program for Pre-Natal care is one of the best available (my cousin was born in a public hospital in Curitiba a few years ago. My aunt received 5 star pre-natal care and at the hospital... much better than I have ever seen in private hospitals in the United States.)
I definitely consider flying down there if anything ever happens.. I have had many bad experiences with healthcare providers in the U.S, and unless it changes soon I would not seek any treatment here if it is available in Brazil. Recently I had a $6,000+ bill from a hospital here in the U.S. because of a shoulder pain I had. I left the hospital hours later without knowing what was wrong with my shoulder and $6K poorer (which I am still paying for...) a total waste of money and time! Healthcare in the U.S. is outrageously expensive and ineffective!

Brazil and the U.S. have a pretty reasonable relationship so I do not imagine any major conflicts. I can't imagine Brazil going to war against the U.S. or anything like that.

If you have not done so already, be sure to transfer your voter registration to your local consulate and vote for president every four years so that you won't have problems obtaining passports in the future.

What will happen is when you get your U.S. Passport, you will use it to leave and enter the United States. You will use your Brazilian Passport to enter and exit Brazil. The customs of each country will not care for your citizenship of any other country. All they care to see is your local citizenship/passport.

Many, many people have dual citizenship in Brazil and have no problems whatsoever.

If you have kids, the Brazilian citizenship might also be of good use for them in the future. According to a law passed in 2007, children of Brazilian citizens registered with a Brazilian consulate are now considered "natural born citizens" and no longer need to opt for the Brazilian citizenship at the age of 18. That is thanks to the efforts of the "Brasileirinhos Apátridas" foundation. Be sure to register your kids at the consulate. They will also be dual American-Brazilian citizens wink.gif

Hope that helps.

tpontirolliFemaleBrazil2009-06-17 16:37:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDo I need to Renounce Brazilian Citizenship once I take my oath?
No, you do not have to renounce your Brazilian citizenship.

When you take the oath, you supposedly renounce loyalty to any nation other than the U.S., but UNLESS YOU GO TO A BRAZILIAN AUTHORITY (a judge, officer at a consulate, etc) and FORMALLY renounce your citizenship, you will not lose it.

Prior to the constitution of 1988, Brazil did not allow dual citizenship and everyone that became a naturalized citizen of another country, lost his/her brazilian citizenship.
Since 1988, however, unless you FORMALLY RENOUNCE IT BEFORE A BRAZILIAN AUTHORITY, you get to keep your citizenship.
tpontirolliFemaleBrazil2009-06-17 11:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - March 2009 Applicants
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USCIS Lockbox Arizona
UserName.... Sent.......NOA1.....Biometric..Int letter rec...Interview..Oath......Office
ramanusa.....02/28/09...03/11/09...03/31/09...04/25/09....06/02/09....--/--/--...Las Vegas, NV
andresamina..03/04/09...03/14/09...04/03/09...04/25/09....06/02/09....--/--/--...San Diego, CA
pure8heart...03/05/09...03/15/09...04/04/09...05/02/09....06/15/09....--/--/--...Portland, OR
Sheryll......03/13/09...03/20/09...04/18/09...05/01/09....06/17/09....--/--/--...Portland, OR
tariktchach..03/18/09...03/30/09...04/18/09...04/29/09....06/05/09....--/--/--...Indianapolis, IN
mikeH........03/23/09...04/03/09...04/30/09...--/--/--....--/--/--....--/--/--...San Jose, CA
ma2moiselle..03/24/09...03/31/09...04/27/09...--/--/--....--/--/--....--/--/--...Chicago, IL
anci78.......03/26/09...04/02/09...04/22/09...05/15/09....06/22/09....--/--/--...San Francisco,CA
meogia.......03/27/09...04/03/09...04/23/09...05/26/09....07/10/09....--/--/--...Los Angeles, CA
califonia1951 05/26/09------------------------------------------------------------------San Diego

USCIS Lockbox Texas

UserName.... Sent.......NOA1.....Biometric..Int lettr rec...Interview..Oath......Office
perdesi......03/02/09...03/11/09...04/06/09...04/27/09....05/29/09....--/--/--...Fairfax, VA
silvershadow.03/03/09...03/12/09...04/03/09...05/08/09....07/20/09....--/--/--...Baltimore, MD
seakayaker...03/03/09...03/19/09...04/04/09...04/20/09....06/02/09....--/--/--...Boston, MA
ikyang.......03/05/09...03/13/09...04/07/09...05/16/06....06/17/09....--/--/--...Memphis, TN
Simo13.......03/05/09...03/21/09...04/08/09...04/16/09....06/24/09....--/--/--...Raleigh, NC
queendlee....03/06/09...03/16/09...04/09/09...05/22/09....07/06/09....--/--/--...Raleigh, NC
rajthebam....03/09/09...03/18/09...04/08/09...05/11/09....07/22/09....--/--/--...Newark, NJ
Tini27.......03/09/09...03/24/09...04/14/09...--/--/--....--/--/--....--/--/--...New York, NY
Krysia.......03/09/09...03/18/09...04/08/09...05/07/09....06/16/09....--/--/--...New York, NY
Jaeja........03/09/09...03/18/09...04/17/09...05/04/09....06/09/09....--/--/--...Houston, TX
okfir........03/10/09...03/17/09...04/17/09...05/08/09....06/17/09....--/--/--...New York, NY
botipapa.....03/11/09...03/23/09...XX/XX/XX...05/01/09....06/12/09....--/--/--...Miami, FL
MEKONG.......03/11/09...03/19/09...04/16/09...04/29/09....07/07/09....--/--/--...Orlando, FL
WenRI........03/13/09...03/24/09...04/15/09...04/24/09....06/04/09....--/--/--...Providence, RI
bluehills73..03/13/09...03/28/09...04/14/09...05/16/09....06/23/09....--/--/--...Tallahassee, FL
Teague719....03/13/09...04/01/09...04/20/09...05/01/09....06/06/09....--/--/--...Houston, TX
simonsays....03/16/09...03/25/09...04/16/09...05/15/09....06/17/09....--/--/--...Washington DC
lkorriku.....03/19/09...03/28/09...04/22/09...05/01/09....06/15/09....--/--/--...Boston, MA
shopfree4pc..03/20/09...03/27/09...04/17/09...05/11/09....07/31/09....--/--/--...Newark, NJ
Cookiee......03/23/09...03/31/09...04/24/09...--/--/--....--/--/--....--/--/--...Miami, FL
kiko.........03/23/09...03/31/09...04/21/09...--/--/--....--/--/--....--/--/--...Philadelphia, PA
merci08......03/25/09...04/01/09...04/23/09...--/--/--....--/--/--....--/--/--...Newark, NJ
nabbas.......03/30/09...04/02/09...04/29/09...--/--/--....--/--/--....--/--/--...San Antonio, TX
ttsully66....03/30/09...04/01/09...04/28/09...05/26/09....07/20/09....--/--/--...Oklahoma City, OK


Edited by california1951, 29 May 2009 - 08:38 PM.

california1951MaleFrance2009-05-29 20:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAOS application
oops posted in wrong forum sorry

Edited by silke, 15 February 2007 - 06:38 PM.

SilkeFemaleGermany2007-02-15 18:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFLIGHT
Congratulations! :)
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-03-13 14:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionphysical question
i had my physical today and only had to show my state ID (i'm already in the US adjusting from f1) .
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-03-20 19:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPASSPORT
If you travel, the name on the ticket should match the name that's in her passport. Also take your marriage certificate with you.

Edited by silke, 02 April 2007 - 03:42 PM.

SilkeFemaleGermany2007-04-02 15:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAre inoculations needed for K1 from Kiev?
[quote name='fwaguy' date='Apr 7 2007, 10:34 AM' post='824792']
Vaccinations are NOT required for a K-1. They ARE required for AOS. Most people just get them done at the K-1 exam because it is typically less expensive than waiting to get them here.

SilkeFemaleGermany2007-04-07 12:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAre inoculations needed for K1 from Kiev?
These are the vaccines needed for Adjustment of Status in the US. People between the ages of 19 and 64 need the following vaccines:


Edited by silke, 07 April 2007 - 10:26 AM.

SilkeFemaleGermany2007-04-07 10:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionlist or required shots
Here is a link to a table of vaccinations required for AOS.

SilkeFemaleGermany2007-04-19 09:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionlist or required shots


Vaccinations are not required for a K visa, unless your particular consulate has made a local policy about it. But the vaccinations will be required before adjusting status and for most people it is more convenient and less expensive to get them in their home country prior to getting the visa.

Google form DS-3025.



The vaccines required for Adjustment of Status for people between the ages of 19 and 64 are:


If you don't have written proof of those vaccinations, the civil surgeon will do a titer test.
SilkeFemaleGermany2007-04-19 09:47:00