IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - October 2014

Hi everyone! 


I was wondering if the 60 days starts from the day the DS260 was submitted(accepted) or if it goes off of the day they received my IV package?




Is it 60 business days or just 60 days?


Soo sad and ready for my hubbie to be with me! Its almost a year from the date we sent off our I-130 

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2014-10-07 13:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - October 2014

Hi everyone! 


I was wondering if the 60 days starts from the day the DS260 was submitted(accepted) or if it goes off of the day they received my IV package?




Is it 60 business days or just 60 days?


Soo sad and ready for my hubbie to be with me! Its almost a year from the date we sent off our I-130 

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2014-10-07 10:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCoSponsor
Thank you so much!

I should have included a little bit more information! :bonk:

And just to confirm it's the I-864 for the cosponsor too?
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2013-04-02 01:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCoSponsor
I am just getting paperwork ready during the waiting game. I will have a cosponsor along with my affidavit of support. However, I was wondering if someone could tell me what the name of the form I need for the cosponsor.

Thank you!!
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2013-04-02 00:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWorried it will be extended
On the case updates it shows that they sent me an evidence request. It shows they sent it 17 days ago I feel like it should be here by now so I am a little worried, because they give a time frame you have to turn in what they request. I am also wondering if any one who has had to send more evidence did it extend the amount of time it took to get approved? Does anyone remember how long from the time they sent their evidence until the time it was approved?
Thank you
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2013-04-20 12:29:00
Middle East and North Africa221g in Casablanca Morocco
Yeah we have gone over all of the questions he asked him and he answered all of them except the name of my job, but he told him exactly what I do there. Another thing is that he couldn't find the receipt from my ring and he told me the guys body language changed when he told him that he didn't have the receipt. And he also couldn't tell him how many times I have been to Morocco.

I have visited him twice and I am on my way again in two weeks. The reason he asked how many times I have been to Morocco is because my fathers family is from morocco. And I have gone almost every summer from when I was five. It sucks that he asked him that question because I wouldn't be able to answer that question without counting my passport stamps.

We talk just about every day for the last three years using msn messenger and on the weekends we skype chat, we were able to take about half of the chat messages because the other half didnt save in the computer, because before this process I had never thought to save my chat history. He took the chat history that we could get, the skype history, pictures, and copies of my passport stamps along with copies of my ticket for flying.

I think our age might have had something to do with it because we are both young he is 22 and I am 21.

Thank you :)
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2012-07-21 14:58:00
Middle East and North Africa221g in Casablanca Morocco

I believe many of us are thinking the same thing...

Thank you everyone!
I was just confused on why they would ask for my fiance to turn in more paper work if we were denied

What is everyone thinking?
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2012-07-20 01:48:00
Middle East and North Africa221g in Casablanca Morocco
My fiance is from Morocco and we applied for the k-1 visa he had his interview 7-16-2012 and they gave him the document I attached below. However they also told him to bring back some papers that he needed translated. I dont understand if our visa was denied or if it just need further review. Does anyone know how long this takes? Thank you.

Attached Files

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2012-07-18 18:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaMorocco 221g Whats next!?!
Can we reapply right away or do we need to wait for something. I was just informed that our paperwork was sent back October 5. I am very confused because it sounds likes 50% of ppl reapplied because they didnt hear anything and the other 50% were reaffirmed. We were actually getting ready to reapply because everyone was saying they didnt have our paper work but i finally got someone to give me the diplomatic pouch number and it had just been sent three months after my fiance was denied
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2012-10-21 18:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaMorocco 221g Whats next!?!
Thank you everyone for your replies.
I have read that 4 months after your approval from USCIS is when the petition expires. I was just wondering if someone could confirm this. And if someone could advice me on receive to wait until I receive something(anything) from USCIS or if I should just go fourth with a new petition.
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2012-09-26 20:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaMorocco 221g Whats next!?!

My fiance and I filled in November 2011 and we were approved by USCIS in April and his interview was on July 9 2012. During his interview he was given the 221g and told that his case was being sent to USCIS. So after reading we played the waiting game. I got impatient and at the end of August 2012 I email the US consulate in Casa asking when exactly I am supposed to hear from the USCIS and to ask exactly what was going on. They told me I should hear from USCIS after several weeks and they gave me a number to call USCIS if I needed a case up date. When I came back to the US I called immediately this was September 24. The recording that was supposed to inform me about my case said that they sent me a..... (I don't remember the name now) on July 17. Well its September now and I have received nothing in the mail so I connected to speak with someone and she informed me that noooo nothing was sent and she wouldn't know why the recording would say something was. She then told me that the USCIS has not received any paperwork but then started saying something about 120 days and i should hear something. She was really all over the place and was not speaking clearly with me.

SOOO to get to the point! Can someone who was denied please explain to me the next part of the process and who I can contact to actually find out where our paperwork is I feel like I am being given the run around!

Thank you so much in advance!

Sorry for the incorrect grammar.
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2012-09-25 21:48:00
Middle East and North Africaplease answer this questions ?

thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions

I have heard that the I-134 form is no longer used in the consulate of Casablanca, also I heard that you can not file the back taxes without w2 by yourself knowing that the petitioner was living abroad for the last couple years, if all that is right, does the petitioner and the cosponsor needs to file two seperate I-864 forms, or both I-134 and I-864 would be better ?
thank you

Casa does not use the I-134 form. My fiance and I learned this the hard way.
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2012-12-04 16:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaTwo choices
Thank you!

That's what I was wondering. I wonder if this is only the case for k-1 visas in Casa. My fiance and I are going to give it another go.
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2012-12-05 02:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaTwo choices
Yeah, thats the problem. I have herd through many people that they never hear anything from the USCIS office. They never get back the reasons they were denied in the first place nor do they find out if they are re approved or denied. I just dont want this entire year to pass and no process made.

Thank you
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2012-12-04 17:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaTwo choices
My fiance and my paperwork was sent back to the USCIS it has been an up and down battle to get it there. The consulate in Casa told him they would send it back by August well it was October and nothing had gotten done in the end of that whole ordeal they finally our papers were sent to the USCIS office in October. It was the end of November and I got all new paperwork started to send off I was planning on sending it off next week, to start the process all over again. (I herd when the paperwork gets sent back it never really gets touched)

Sooo today I got an email saying that USCIS has just received my paperwork. I am not sure whether or not it would be a better idea to cancel my old paperwork and send off a new packet to start over again. Or if I should go ahead and continue with the original paperwork. (I have herd that once the paperwork gets to the USCIS office it doesnt get touched for an entire year).

I just need advice. Or if someone else has gone through this before if they could provide their experience.

Thank you
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2012-12-04 16:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaI got an email from consulate.
Thank you sooooo much!!
I have been on a hunt for a straight forward answer! I have posted topics and talked to people and no one was really able to give me an answer. You have helped lots! :D

Here is my story from Dec 2010, it took 4 months for the diplomatic pouch to return to the states, they send it from one consulate to another overseas. I then recieved a letter March 2010 stating they had it and just wait for them to contact me if they needed something they would contact me, after another few months inquired again and was told returned k-1 are not a priority and they review when they get to it, then in Aug 2010 the senators office was told this :

Hello Brenda,

I just wanted to follow-up to tell you the latest information I received in talking with the Vermont Service Center for USCIS. They told me that when a consulate denies a fiancé visa and returns it to USCIS, it is essentially a closed case. If you want to pursue another attempt at a fiancé visa, you will need to file a brand new I-129F application.

I am so sorry about this, but thought you’d want to know.


This was after waiting 9 months. I don't want anyone else to go through what I did. And there isn't a thing you can do about it. So don't believe it when they say there is a review in k-1's returned . So I sent them a certified letter stating that I wanted my application cancelled, even though I never recieved anything official stating they cancelled. I gave them all the information about our case, EAC number etc. Make sure you send a certified letter of your cancelling the first k-1 before you submit the second. This was all advice given to me by the customer service person at USCIS. I don't remember the specifics but call and ask. In my case I went to Morocco and was married, so we didn't reapply for the k-1. God help us!

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2012-11-04 22:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaI got an email from consulate.
:wacko: I was wondering if you happened to know how long after begin denied that I need to wait. I should have just reapplied when we were denied then we would be making some progress instead of just waiting.
Thank you so much!

I can tell you from my experience , there is no review of a fiance visa once its returned. That was the answer given to my senators office after she called multiple times. Returned k-1's are not a priority and they will do everything else before getting to that. I waited almost one year and nothing.
You will wait and it will never happen. Best thing to do is to reapply.

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2012-11-04 19:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaI got an email from consulate.
They take the money, because they still have to be paid.
When they send your paperwork back to USCIS they send it through mail but its confidential mail (in a way). So if you want to know where your paperwork is I believe there is a number you can call to find that information out. It is like in the US when you send something through the post office they give you a number so you can see exactly where it is. I know this website is extremely helpful during the process and if you get approved but if denied we have really been on our own (meaning no help from the website). If I had known about the pouch number maybe Casa would have sent my paper work in July when my fiance was denied.

We got the paper because my fiance was given the paperwork to fill out about 6 days before his interview and he got most of his paperwork together. However, one paper we were still waiting for he got the day before and there was no time to translate it into English. And I also sent him the wrong paper for affidavit of support. I kept reading about both papers and it wasnt clear to me which one to send. I sent the wrong one. And also my fiance couldnt tell them the time of the day I take my medication (not for a harmful disease) and he couldnt remember the name of my job (its a really long name) but he knew what I do at work.

We received the same paper as you. My fiance went for his first interview and the man who was supposed to give him the interview did not show up So they rescheduled his interview for two days after that but he had exams so they gave him four days(because he had exams he was still not able to get the paper translated) He had his interview that day and was given the same paper that you received.

I know you have gotten upset when some people say it, but they are correct. It should be your fiancee doing the calling and tracking your paperwork because it is all done through the US. If you want the diplomatic pouch number I would email the consulate. I have found I get more answers and more things done and resolved through emailing Casa.

No problem happy I could help this is a long and rigorous process that really takes alot out of everyone. If not for my school I would have said forget the visa and gone to live with my fiance in Morocco. Good Luck

It's an unpleasant situation friend, I think we're on the same boat., and what i don't understand is I don't know why they take money of fees first.
Well, tell me What do you mean by the diplomatic pouch number? never heard of this thing before. and nobody told me about it until you came.
and you made me sure that Sending an email works well than calling them. But i will have to try to call them tomorrow monday to know if they sent my paperwork or not.
So tell me, don't you know the reasons why you got the same paper they send us? do they give you 221 g and then got the same paper i got? and how many interview you had?
the last question Who will hear from the USICS when they receive the paperwork. the petitioner or beneficiary?
Yeah your question will help me of course and we have to keep in touch.
thank you so much when you showed up. ;)

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2012-11-04 17:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaI got an email from consulate.
I received the exact same paper. Make sure they send your papers back. I was told in August that our papers were sent back after I emailed them, and I kept calling USCIS and they didnt have the papers. SO finally I sent Casa another email asking for the diplomatic pouch number, turns out they sent our papers the day after I emailed them. RIDICULOUS!!!! Sooo really make sure they sent your paperwork ask for the pouch number.

I have a question for people on here. It has been a month since they sent the papers USCIS still states they have not received the paperwork. How long should it take until I hear from the USICS and then is it the 6-7 month wait after that again. Would it be easier to start the process all over again (sending the packet all over again)? If I wanted to start over again would I need to wait until I hear from USCIS about the one sent back from Casa?

I hope I helped and maybe my question will help you too in the future!

Thank you
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2012-11-04 13:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage in Morocco
Thank You So Much!!
I apprectiate everyones help!! I have been MIA getting ready to go!

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2013-08-13 01:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage in Morocco

Thank you! 

This was very helpful. I was not aware that I could make an appointment!! smile.png  We will try to make it the same day that I arrive great idea!! I was wondering if someone could let me know about how much it was to translate all the paperwork was? 


What is the difference between going to the foreign affairs and the ministry of justice? And the stamp? 


I am getting married in Fes so would I see a judge in Fes and two judges?  


This process sounds so stressful! I am very hopeful we can get this process done quickly so we can enjoy the rest of our time there. I am hoping we have enough time. I am only able to get a month off of work!!!!  sad.png





AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2013-08-05 00:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage in Morocco

After trying for the visa two times:


-The first time we were denied


-The second time we never received the paperwork after calling and calling to have it resent i still never received the RFE. Ended up getting  

 denied after they said we abandoned it. Went to the USCIS office told them how i never received anything if there was anything I could do. The

 woman was so rude (not because she said there was nothing I could do) but basically just rude how she spoke to me. Like I was scum. 


-So we decided lets get married in morocco and try it that way. This distance as everyone here knows it takes its toll and its been four years for  

 us. So we are getting everything ready and I got an email from USCIS telling me your address has been changed and is in initial review again!  

 WHAT! I feel so messed with!


-We still arent sure if we are going to get married in the next month and a half or keep in process with this visa. We are going to wait for the  

 paperwork I am hoping to receive with information on it. I am praying they allow us to keep going with our current visa application.


If not I was wondering if some of you who got married in Morocco could help me understand the process of paperwork and cost that it takes to get married in Morocco. I have read the american embassy website, but just wanting people to let me know how it was. Time wise as well.... I know Morocco and paperwork are not good combinations lol.


Thank you for your help    

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2013-08-04 02:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat airline did you use to fly your husband/fiance/relative to the USA?
Air France.
Love it and have flown air france for 17 years :)

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2013-11-28 16:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs there some members from this forum in highdesert CA

I am in San Bernardino which is very close

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2014-02-10 05:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaLet's hear it from spouses of Morocco whose marriages are working!

That RFE has to have something else behind it.  Registering the marriage isn't required here if married abroad.  I haven't registered my marriage.


Thank you! 

And sorry again for being off topic. 

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2014-03-18 02:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaLet's hear it from spouses of Morocco whose marriages are working!

I am sorry if this does not go along with the original question, but I dont really know where to post it. When you did the CR-1 visa (some of you) when you came back to the states did you register that you were married abroad? I ask because I just herd someone got an RFE, because she didnt have the documentation showing that she registered the marriage (I didnt ask them because they are a little judgy). I went to the hall of records in my city when I went to get my birth certificate, and asked the woman helping me if I needed to register that i was married abroad and she told me no, but then I just saw someone get an RFE. 


So did you ladies register the marriage when you came back to the states? and did you go to the hall of records in your city to do it?


Thank you  

Edited by Afroukhs, 17 March 2014 - 04:10 AM.

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2014-03-17 04:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccans

OK thank you. 

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2014-03-13 01:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccans
My father is a Moroccan and we were planning to do the paperwork for me to have dual citizenship (moroccan and american). However, i was married in September, also to a Moroccan. Am I still able to recieve dual citizenship through my father or do I now need to go through my husband? Which should i go through if it doesnt matter which one I go through?
Thanks in advance

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2014-03-12 14:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaPros and cons- registering marriage in Morocco

Oh the topic of registering your marriage: 


My dad (Moroccan) married my mom in 1991. I have traveled to Morocco every summer since I was 5. I am now married to a Moroccan man myself and after he comes to America for a few years we plan to move back to Morocco to live. The issue is that I have no citizen rights in Morocco, because my dad never registered their marriage. My parents now knowing I plan to live in Morocco are preparing for themselves to live in Morocco. One of the first things they have to do is register their marriage. 




Because my dad waiting so long and never created a family book and never registered us (his children) he has to sue himself on our (his childrens) behalf. 


MY ADVICE register it before you have children, because you never know what the future will hold and maybe you may go to live over there or your children will. 


The process: 

We live in Southern California so its a little difficult to get to the Moroccan Consulate in NY. So my parents waited for the mobil consulate to come to LA and they registered there with them. (becareful of the consulate because you can never get ahold of anyone(phone wise) I would never send them paperwork and money in the mail because honestly they are unreliable. 


My parents never had any issues traveling in Morocco, but at the same time my mom took my dads name and she is blonde hair blue eyes and its not believable that our last name was her maiden name hhhh. Plus they always had us kids with them. 


I hope this helped! Message me if you have anymore questions 

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2014-05-19 14:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSo confused!

Thank you! 

Happytobe: Thank you for coming to my rescue again! You have been an amazing help in this entire process! I only hope the best for you and your husband!!!!!!! happy.png

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2013-10-03 11:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSo confused!

         My husband and I were just married in September. I am preparing all of the paperwork to send off our IR-1/CR-1 visa petition. We filed for K-1f visa twice once it was denied and the second it was abandoned, because they gave us a hard time with paperwork and we wanted to get married and go this route instead.

         I have gotten most of the paperwork together:

1. I-130,

2. G-325As with passport pictures for both of us

3. Birth certificate and passport (I sent only birth for k-1 and they requested my passport) better safe than sorry

4. Marriage certificate

5. Photos, messages, and phone records


Here is where I am confused: They want something like a bank account, lease, car with both our names. Sadly we live apart hense the visa lol

So it also has the option to send three affidavits. Now I can get these, however one will be from his mom my mom and a friend. I am going to feel a little dumb sending them signed from our mothers. However, I work and go to school both full-time therefore no time for friends really. 


My question has anyone been sent a RFE because they didnt have one of these things? And if so what exactly should the affidavits say?




The process of this visa. I could tell you the K-1f process as if I worked in the office. I am trying to understand for the IR-1/CR-1 visa, but I am just absolutely lost. Please some one help me! 


I understand it will be with USCIS for about 3-5 month (thats what I have seen so far) 

Then it gets transferred to NVC........... and thats where I am lost!


What happens when it is there? Will I be contacted and given paperwork will my husband receive the paperwork? Is it all done electronically? What paperwork is sent? I see people give them money what is is for exactly?(paperwork wise) When do I send my I-864 Affidavit of support? 


I am so confused if someone could please take the time and help me out it would be greatly appreciated. Please dont link me to the step-bystep page I have been there. 

Thank you

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2013-10-01 02:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNot sure where to post this

I was approved without a job. Granted,  I got one immediately after the interview but that doesn't really count at all I guess!


A co-sponsor is sufficient but they might ask your husband where you are going with your life and what you're doing, which I'm sure he already knows but just refresh each other on your proposed 5 year plan just in case they do ask so he can be prepared  smile.png but as long as you meet that requirement I think it's smooth sailing from there. 


Another question. Were you living on your own or with family? sorry if to personal I just dont want to risk getting denied. 

Thank you 

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2013-12-06 03:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNot sure where to post this


I am in the Cr-1 visa process and I am waiting for approval from USCIS. I am a university student and I work part time at a preschool. Lately my grades have been suffering and I want to quit to be able to focus more on school. Even with a job I would need a cosponsor and I have one. If I dont have a job will that effect our approval for the visa? Has anyone been approved without a job? 

Thank you in advance 


AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2013-12-06 00:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDenied i-129 now going CR1 route

My husband and I filed for I-129 and we were denied due to incorrect paperwork, but they wouldnt let us bring it the next week they gave us a 221g. Then told us we could use the same application and just start the 6 month wait over again. That was the plan so I waited and waited called USCIS they havent received our petition. Called some more and some more and then call the embassy some more and more THEY NEVER ANSWER! sent an email! a very long email. AND LOAD AND BEHOLD....they still had our case (HORRIBLE) it never left casa 2 months later. So they gave me a number that I could track it with then they sent it. Still hadnt herd anything and no one had it at USCIS something was wrong with the tracking number.


We decided we will never hear anything on this petition again. We really didnt want to get married yet, because we wanted a big wedding where all my family could go to morocco. So we filed again. Along with our NOA1 we got our expiration letter from our first petition. They magically found it. Then they sent us a RFE, but it didnt even make sense. I went to a lawyer and they suggested we just get married now and file cr-1. That's what we did and we have been waiting since october. Inshallah everything goes smooth. Just hoping they are not upset we didnt have some big wedding, but we plan to summer 2015. We wanted to wait until my parents would be able to come.  


Sorry for the long rant and incorrect grammar and spelling. Good luck you will know what to do. I know about the planning bug, but its impossible with this process (is what I have learned) 

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2014-02-25 02:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDenied i-129 now going CR1 route

As you know we were also denied the K-1 ad went on to file for CR-1... I front loaded ours

What do you mean front loaded? 

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2014-02-25 02:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmarried instead

Depending on the city you are getting married and the time you are traveling give yourself more than a month. I arrived right after Ramadan and everyonnnne was on vacation. we were sitting ducks for an entire week and then we had to travel all over because we didnt have this right paperwork and that correct paperwork it was kind of a mess. No one had a straight answer on what we needed. 


One thing I hadnt brought was something like my title of my car with my name or my name on a lease. They wanted something like that. And there is one place in Rabat you will need to go to which was miserable for me. I have traveled to Morocco every summer since I was 4 and had never experienced something like that. I wish I had brought my mother or sister in law. (Just a heads up), because they wont let your husband go with you.


And you will need to go to the doctors. (i believe that wasnt mentioned above)   



AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2014-06-10 02:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForgot a paper
I sent in my K1 petition in November and I forgot to sent the attached #18 I believe it is. Where I describe where we met how many times we have met. My question is should I just send it in or should I wait for them to ask me for it? If I just send it in would I mail it exactly like I did the petition?

Thank you
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2013-01-19 18:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI 129f appeal
Reapply my fiance and I went through the same thing. We herd nothing back from the USICIS offices of our first petition until we reapplied then all of a sudden they sent us paper work stating that our first application has expired.
AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2013-03-11 03:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

They changed the status of our visa April 2 that they sent the RFE. By April 20 I still hadn't received anything so I called and they sent me out another one. They gave me a confirmation number. They usually get paperwork to me fast after the status is changed. I figured it would be here by now. I got an email May 2 telling me they just sent me the RFE I am so bummed. I can't help, but think if I had done all the paperwork correctly we would be approved by now. :(


After I send the papers they ask for in the RFE can anyone tell me about how long until my approval or denial?


Anything Will Help Thank You!  

AfroukhsFemaleMorocco2013-05-08 00:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved for K1!!
HellDorianNot TellingBelize2013-02-05 02:58:00