US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II

bquillera30FemaleColombia2009-10-31 15:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club Part II
hi i have a question for those who did cr1 the onlything ur spouse send for police was el das booklet thats all and military i see something about military paper but he never was a military so i didnt send any would that be ok
bquillera30FemaleColombia2009-10-30 19:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Will he recive the option to file a waiver?
Hello to this forum...QUESTION ????? My fiance has enterd the U.S on three occasions illegally and has been deported all three time on a voluntary departure. When I asked him if he went to INS court or recived any paper work from the INS he said ( no ) that all the asked is if he had a green card or legal rights to be in the U.S. When he replied no they took finger prints and told a large group that was aiting in a large room.... if you want to go back to Mexico sign here for a voluntary dept. and off they all went. Same situation all 3 times... nothing different. Oh they did say you can try to apply for a visa to come back..... I dont get it...he has no idea if he has a ban of 3 or 10 yrs or if any???? I would think if he had been caught 3 times they would of put him in jail or held him for deportation and he would go through the INS court system and see a INS judge. We live in San Antonio Tx so the Mexico border is a hop,skip,jump away. Not a big deal to drive them all across. We now have a 1 yr old girl and now he wants to do things right for her..and of course me ( wife to be ) The only thing he has is 1 DWI 1 1/2 years ago that he did 1 yr probation and compleated it with no problem/paid all fines. I am now in the process in filing the fiance visa my self.....hopeing it will be approved and at that time of his interview he will be denied and then recive the option to do the waiver I-212/I-601 .... PLEASE GIVE SOME HOPE..... Will that be an option for him????? How will we ever know,if all or any of his voluntary dept counted againts him??? The INS never explained anything to them once thier in coustody. Any answers??? 1st time volu dept 6 yrs ago 2nd time 4yrs ago and the third time May/2007. He could not recall if they asked him how long he had been in the U.S. so I dont know the answer to that. HELP!!!!
AndEduFemaleMexico2007-06-11 20:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)help 10 year bar!!!
QUOTE (kitkat1 @ Aug 21 2007, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
DeannaA, assuming his second entry was for more than one year and both the second and third entries were after 1997, he has a lifetime ban and is not eligible to submit a waiver for ten years. That's because the law says:

Aliens Unlawfully Present After Previous Immigration Violations

INA §212(a)(9)© provides that aliens who were unlawfully present in the United States for an aggregate period of more than one year or who have been ordered removed, and who subsequently enter or attempt to enter the United States without being lawfully admitted, are excludable. A waiver is permitted if the alien is seeking admission more than 10 years after the alien's departure from the United States and if, prior to the alien's embarkation, the Attorney General has consented to the alien's reapplying for admission.

It's not the number of illegal entries -- it's the amount of aggregated illegal presence. That's why other people who had more than one illegal entry but did not accumulate more than 365 days of illegal presence were eligible to file waivers -- they were not impacted by 212a9c.

I'm sorry to say there is no reason or point to an appeal since the law is clear. It would make more sense to consider relocating to Juarez (so you could work in the US) or another border city or perhaps another country until he is eligible in 2017. You'll also find support on where there are a few people in the same position - a few of whom have relocated to Mexico to wait out the ban and are doing just fine.


I have a question....DeannaA's husband was denied a I601 waiver due to 2 EWI and a over stay in US of over 365 days. How does INS determin the number of days accumulated in the US. I ask because I have applied for a K-1 I129F and currently my man is in Mexico (voluntary departure) for the 2nd time possibly a third but he can not remember if it was when he was a minor. Any way.....we have a child together and I have traveled to Mexico a few time to see him and visit the fam. DeannaA mentioned that other people were EWI more than 2-3 times and were still allowed to apply for a waiver. I know when we recive the apt for Juarez Mexico he will be denied the visa but is there a chance he will be offered the option for the waiver? What if the total time here in the state was less that 365 days how does he prove that? Or should I say....Who determins how that is calculated????? Do they rely on his word alone????? Should I prepare a waiver just in case....I have done sooo much research that I feel good about doing my own waiver. We talk just about ever night and are really counting on a waiver being offered. I want him to be prepared for the interview. I don't want him to slip up and say anything that would hurt his chances when asked about his illegal prencens in the US. Any tips...or are we counting on something that is a lost cause???
AndEduFemaleMexico2007-08-22 20:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)2 voluntary departures,chance for I601 waiver???
I have a question....In another topic i read that member DeannaA's husband was denied a I601 waiver due to 2 EWI and a over stay in US of over 365 days. How does INS determin the number of days accumulated in the US. I ask because I have applied for a K-1 I129F and currently my man is in Mexico (voluntary departure) for the 2nd time possibly a third but he can not remember if it was when he was a minor. Any way.....we have a child together and I have traveled to Mexico a few time to see him and visit the fam. DeannaA mentioned that other people were EWI more than 2-3 times and were still allowed to apply for a waiver. I know if or when we recive the apt for Juarez Mexico he will be denied the visa but is there a chance he will be offered the option for the waiver? What if the total time here in the state was less that 365 days how does he prove that? Or should I say....Who determins how that is calculated????? Do they rely on his word alone????? Should I prepare a waiver just in case....I have done sooo much research that I feel good about doing my own waiver. We talk just about ever night and are really counting on a waiver being offered. I want him to be prepared for the interview. I don't want him to slip up and say anything that would hurt his chances when asked about his illegal prencens in the US. Any tips...or are we counting on something that is a lost cause???

I they really keep track of each time an illegal is caught in the US...When given the opt for voluntary departure they just loaded everyone in a van and sent them back to the Larado border. He was not asked how long he had been here or anything like that. No paper work or INS court. Same thing in the previous time. Just a scorn warning fr the patrol agent "now don't you try to come back because if you do you all will spend 10 yrs in jail. Is that true?
AndEduFemaleMexico2007-08-22 20:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Open Appt
Hello and congrats to you......may I ask why you needed a I-601 waiver? I am hopeing that my fiance will have the chance to apply for the waiver due to EWI and a overstay of 365 days. We know he will be denied the visa but are soooo hopeing for the chance to apply for the waiver. Can you share your story. It may shed some light for me and others. Thanks.... and again congrats on your waiver being approved.
AndEduFemaleMexico2007-09-11 19:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Approved 601 Waiver!
Hello... and....Congrats......may I ask why you needed the 601 waiver????? Can you tell me a little about your interview in CDJ when the waiver was granted and the interview when your waiver was accepted. Thanks....I'm just a little nervourse for a pos waiver needed in my case.
AndEduFemaleMexico2007-09-10 16:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDWI disclosure at K-1 interview/2 disclose or not to disclose
QUOTE (kitkat1 @ Aug 24 2007, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
AndEdu, another important point -- before you go any further, are you 100% sure that he will qualify for a waiver? Have you consulted an attorney? It's not really a good idea to go to the interview if you KNOW in advance that he is not waiver eligible (due to the time issues discussed in your other thread).

Hello I have not yet....working on a tight budget. But trying to get as much info here to make due. He has been a catch and release and given the option for a voluntary departure 3 times but 1 may have been when he was a minor, he is not sure. They did however take finger prints so I know there is a record of all his captures. But I'm confused.....If he was here 3 months and got caught ( possibly ) as a minor and sent back to mexico and again came back was here for almost 5 months caught and sent back. 3rd time he was here a little over a year to be her for the birth of our daughter and while here was celebrating and recived a DWI and had to stay to take care of all fines and probation. Total time here was about 1 yr 2 months. He is currently now in Mexico and I am trying hard to convince him to stay put so that we can try to do the right thing and bring him across legal. The more I up date him of the possibility of there being a 10 yr bar or a life time ban the more he wants to come across EWI. So now that you know alittle more about my story can you give me some more adv??? as to his chances of receiving the opt for a waiver?????
AndEduFemaleMexico2007-08-27 16:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDWI disclosure at K-1 interview/2 disclose or not to disclose
Hello everyone....I have a question I hope someone can answer....if or when my feiance has his interview in Juarez Mexico for a K-1 will he have to disclose a DWI first offence in the US that he followed through on all court orders and compleated probation and paid all fines. This was in Dec of 2005. Will they allready know about the DWI or will they "ask" him about any DWI convictions? And if nothing is asked about the DWI should he voluntary disclose it. If they don't ask I would hate for him to mention it and it open up a can of worms for him......any tips or past experience about interviews and DWI disclosure.
AndEduFemaleMexico2007-08-24 08:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 affidavit of support $$$$$
Hello all....I am trying to get things prepared for the next step...if we are approved for a K-1 visa or the option to provide a possible I-601 waiver. I need some help dertiming weather or not I will need a co sponsor for the I-134. I have viewed some info... to just follow the rules of the I-864????? I must be dumb blush.gif but I dont get how to calculate the annual salary that will be required. I am head of house hold in the US and have one child. We are hopeing to bring her Daddy home soon. I think I need to make $21,462.00 a year for the 3 of us.....can someone please tell me if I'am correct. If it is correct...I fall short...I make yearly only $20,640.00. Thats if you calculate my hourly pay times 160 hours a month times 12 months. I have had to take some time out for 2006 and for 2004 for a medical issue and had surgery and was out on a FMLA and was only paid for 60% of my pay for 3 1/2 months and only for part of the time I was out on both ocations. I'm afraid they might go by the total yearly salery earned for those 2 yrs and that will really mess me up. If they calculate by my hourly pay and take in to consideration I am a full time employee 40hrs a week...will I then only be short by about 1,000.00?????? then does that mean that if I have 4,000.00 in my savings accout that I will pass?????? Can someone please help me on this mind trap....LOL....If I go solo...and they say I dont I have the option to then submit a co/sponcer or thats it...I blew it and need to start all over again???? My real issue is that I know I will have trouble finding a co sponcer due to the fact that my family does not approve of my upcoming marriage. Some of us might know what I am referring to. You know the free ride for papers speech....blah blah blah....But all I can say is.... I love him Mommy...ok so HELP !!!!!!!!!! helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif
AndEduFemaleMexico2007-09-13 21:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionpacket 3 NEED MORE TIME
unsure.gif Hello is there anyone that knows how long your fiance has to mail back packet 3 to have an apt. schuduled?
He received packet 3 in April 2008 and has not mailed it back as of yet. His father was in an accident and had to have major surgery and is now unable to work to support the family. My fiance is now trying his best to support the family and care for his father. This is a major setback for us..... we dont want to lose all the work and time we have put in to get where we are now. Can I contact any one to ask for an extension PLEASE HELP.......or how long do we have to submit the forms to have apt schuduled ??????? WHAT HAPPENS if we run out of time ..... do we start from square one again with the process?????? HELP ANYONE......!!!!!!!!!
AndEduFemaleMexico2008-09-23 17:40:00