PhilippinesPOE - Detroit
QUOTE (mehere! @ Nov 3 2008, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey sis! i think we're on the same plane NWA Oct.29 too.but my destination is here in Detroit, Michigan. i was w/ my 7 yr.old son... yes.gif

Flight what? I saw this girl in Japan and Detroit carrying a St. Lukes Xray film. Im not sure if that was you.
PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2008-11-03 09:34:00
PhilippinesPOE - Detroit
Thanks guys. I tried to post as much info as i can get. smile.gif
PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2008-11-02 20:00:00
PhilippinesPOE - Detroit
rei: I was too. Aurgh! But theres always next year wink.gif. Its a date alright? Next year, Austin at 6th street for Halloween. WEeeeeee. We have to find time smile.gif.

DARUMA: Gee, thanks blush.gifsmile.gif . Im glad you find it informative.

Edited by PingLocalHostess, 02 November 2008 - 11:06 AM.

PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2008-11-02 11:03:00
PhilippinesPOE - Detroit
rei: Yeah it was cold in Detroit. I didnt even snow yet. In SA, the temperature is okay.... day or night. Only the windchill makes it a lot colder at night. We werent able to wear costumes coz we were out the whole day and there was no time to change coz we needed to drive to Austin with Matt's friends to check out a mini halloween mardi gras. We should go next year Rei Weeeeeeeeee and wear crazy costumes!

netscot: Thanks. smile.gif It took me 3 days before i could sit down and type it all in hahaha. Have a safe trip too.

Edited by PingLocalHostess, 02 November 2008 - 10:48 AM.

PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2008-11-02 10:45:00
PhilippinesPOE - Detroit
CFO Seminar: October 27, 2008

I went with jamesnrei, trinidad-lohner, JoseRizal and natassja. THANKS guys!

We had our seminar and counseling at PRISM. We went there 9.00AM. We had to leave our IDs so we'll be given visitor's IDs.

1. We proceeded to S1 to login. We were asked to go to S2 to fill up the forms (Make sure you know your fiance's mom's maiden name). I have my visa so all they asked is a photocopy of my passport and visa then they gave me a form to fill up. We paid P250.

* For those without visas yet, check out jamesrei's post http://www.visajourn...h...5244&st=645 (post #653).
** For those with visas, bring 2 photocopies of your passport and visa. First copies will be given to Prism, second copies will be given to CFO.

2. We had our pictures taken. Its digital. You just sit and smile. smile.gif

3. After that we went to S3 for the actual seminar. We had to watch this video... which i didnt really pay attention to coz i was busy chatting with trinidad-lohner and jamesnrei. Its wasnt my fault, the TV is small and its placed low... those in the back can hardly see it. Its an old MGB video of this Filipina violated by her husband. Good thing there was no quiz after. Then theres the BDO thingy... which was very convincing so we ended up paying P50 and filled up their forms (Which we withdrew after the seminar coz they were taking too damn long. We were promised we would have the passbook and ATM card RIGHT AFTER the seminar). We then went to USA room where we discussed Airport policies, immigration policies for k1, k3, cr1 and ir1... etc. You will be given handouts so make sure you keep them coz its very informative. You are to ask questions too.

4. One on one counseling. Its like an interview with the CO. You have to convince the counselor you have a sound relationship with your SO. You might need to show them pictures of the two of you... like most of us did.

*** Dont be too comfortable coz they can hold your CFO certificate and deem you not fit to get married (for k1) or to travel to US (for k3, ir1 and cr1). Being denied the certificate is very rare but we were warned during the seminar so that sorta made us nervous.

5. They released our certificates. Its printed on a half sheet (brochure type... sorta like a SECPA) yellow paper. Make sure you check if your name is correct, if its signed and if it has a dry seal.

**** It lasted 3 hours 10.00am to 1.00pm.

6. We had to photocopy the CFO certificate. Then proceed to CFO building. Gave the guard our ID to get visitor's ID again. There are 4 windows inside.

7. We went to the first window on the right. Gave them the photocopy of my CFO certificate, passport and visa. I have to fill up forms again.

8. Then went to the window on the left of that... its labeled 'Verification'. She'll check it and then she'll ask you to pay P400 on the window to the far left - cashier.

9. Paid P400. Then went to the window on the right side of the cashier. Gave them the receipt and waited. They called our names after awhile to give us our green certificate. Released my passport with the stamp as well (my green certificate was stapled in my passport). Its already 3.30PM.

- October 29, 2008


Initially theres a security check at the airport entrance, take off your shoes then go thru the metal detector and all your bags and shoes goes thru the scanner. Walked straight to NWA counter and fell in line. There was a screener... she/he'd check if you have weapons or stuff that someone else asked you to bring to US or if you packed your bags yourself. Checked in at the NWA counter at 3.00am. I have 2 bags (1st: 20 kgs / 2nd: 28 kgs). On NWA website, their limit is 23 kgs (50 lbs) each for the 2 free checked luggage. I was expecting to pay the Heavey Baggage fee of $50 per bag that goes beyond the limit and only up to 31 kgs (70 lbs). I WASNT asked to pay any heavy baggage fee. (Sweet!) I have 2 carry ons (1 garment bag and a purse). Before they printed my boarding passes, they had me pay the travel tax of P1620 (its on the right side of the terminal if you are facing NWA counter). So with my boarding passes on hand, i went straight to immigrations section (its on the left side of the terminal if you are facing NWA counter). Just fall in line in any of the booths. I paid the terminal and security fee (P750) and next is the immigrations booth. Gave my passport, boarding passes and CFO certificate. Everything seems to be fine but he asked for another form... i was stricken... its an immigration form *sigh* (i forgot what its called exactly but every Filipino thats leaving the country has to fill up that form for formality's sake). He said i should just go back to him after i filled up the form so he can let me thru. I couldnt get out of the immigrations area... so i asked the guard on the right side (at the exit). He gave me the form, filled it up and went back to the same immigrations officer. He stamped my boarding pass and he let me thru. There was a security check... same as the entrance... ONLY this time, they checked for liquids or gels and other stuff that are not allowed in the plane. I went thru it smoothly. Once inside the terminal, you will see boutiques of designer stuff and food stalls too. I went to look for my Gate (its on the ticket). Theres checkpoint and i just showed the guard my boarding pass and they let me thru. Before i was allowed in to wait at my Gate (boarding area), NWA has its own security check. Note: When go out of the boarding area (like when you need to go pee or buy food), you have to go thru the same security check to get back in. I was early. I was on the plane an hour before the scheduled take off. We took off early, 7.35am. Every seat has a small pillow and blanket (Weeee!). Free breakfast on the plane, a choice between Pork Asado or Sausage and Egg. Drinks are juice, sodas, coffee, tea or water. I suggest choose Pork Asado coz that'll be the last Pork Asado you will have once you get to US tongue.gif. Reached Narita, Tokyo airport at 1:00pm.


In Narita. Once off the plane, make sure you check which gate you are at before proceeding to the Customs Check. I only got 1 hour and 55 minutes till my next flight. I had to go thru Japan customs and look for my Gate (ermm). Just follow the signs.... its accurate. Its pretty much the same security check as that in Manila Airport... except you need to take off your jacket but you can leave your shoes on. Make sure you fall in the right line... and not in the domestic section. Note: They are VERY strict with liquid and gels. Off i went to the main terminal. Oh my god, everything is SO pretty! If you are an anime geek... you will love it there. I wanted to venture off and get some souvineers but im running late... i only got 10 minutes till boarding (an hour before the flight). BUT I couldnt help myself... i breezed thru a bookstore... manga haven *sigh*... its expensive tongue.gif. Found my gate and fell in line ..... boarded my plane JUST in time. The plane took off on the scheduled time. Every seat has a small pillow and blanket (Weeee!). Free dinner and breakfast. Dinner was a choice between Beef or Chicken, both are served with veggies on the side. Before landing... a stewardess will be going around asking who are US citizens and who arent. If you arent, she'll give you an I-94 (immigration purposes) and US Customs form (for whatever stuff you brought to US... not clothes or money but stuff you bought from your trip). We landed in Detroit, Michigan an hour early than the scheduled time.

POE - Detroit, Michigan

I got off the plane slowly... not in too much of a hurry coz i know i have enough time till my next flight (6 hours). It is freaking cold ermmmm. I searched for restrooms... there wasnt any AT ALL (or i couldnt find any). So i just followed the signs that says international... i should have went with the crowd ermmm. It will lead you to Immigrations Section. It is divided into 2 parts. On the left was for US citizens and on the right is for Visitors. There are more than 10 windows for Visitors section. I searched for the shortest line and fell in line. i took out my completed I-94 and Customs form, passport and the brown envelope. I saw the Immigrations Officer inside the window. I was gestured to come over as it was my turn. It says Home Security and Border Patrol on his jacket. It goes like this:

: How are you doin'?
Me: Good.
Officer: Did you use to work?
Me: Yes.
Officer: As a what?
Me: .... (my work)
Officer: Before that?
Me: ... (my previous work)
Officer: And before that?
Me: ... (my work before my previous work)
(I was shaking... coz IT WAS SO DAMN COLD... and i was wearing a long thin skirt and slippers for crying out loud)
(And he freaking noticed that i was shaking... grrrr)
Officer: Are you okay?
Me: Yes, its cold and im groggy from the long flight.
Officer: Yes, it is a loooong flight.
(He looked at my I-94.)
Officer: *nodded then encircled the address i wrote on the I-94* Who lives here?
Me: My fiance.
Officer: Are you married?
Me: No
Officer: Did you get married?
Me: Not yet.
Officer: Raise both your hands so i can see.
Me: (raised my hands and kept smiling but grrrrr)
Officer: Oh! No wedding ring. Not married? *he had on a thin wicked smile*
Me: Nope.
(He told me to press my fingers on the scanner just like at the embassy.)
Officer: (he relaxed somehow and as he looked at every single page inside the brown folder proceeded to ask questions) Where did you meet?
Me: ... (answered him)
Officer: Got family here?
Me: No. (He didnt ask me about distant relatives hehe)
Officer: Is your family coming over?
Me: I dont know. Probably not.
Officer: Everything seems to be okay here.
(He stamped my passport and wrote a date on the I-94, tore it half then stapled the other half in my passport. He also gave me back the Customs Form)
Officer: Welcome to the United States. *he smiled*
Me: Thanks.

(He's quite tricky, isnt he?)

I went to get my luggage. It took awhile coz there were too many bags. I dragged 1 trolley (no charge). Found my bags. It was SO heavy.... NOBODY will help you... not even the airport staffs... they'll just look at you. I saw old people pulling their heavy bags from the converyor belt and lifting it to their trolley. I helped the old korean couple who sat next to me on the plane coz i was feeling a tad guilty. But we never really had a real conversation during the flight coz they spoke very lil english. Its the least i could do.

Now i had to go thru US Customs. The line was very long. I took out my passport, boarding pass and completed Customs Form. A new window opened so i rushed there... that cut off a few minutes of my waiting time. He didnt even look at my luggage. He just opened my passport and looked at the Customs Form then wrote "A" and encircled it. He pointed to the next room and said " Go thru there and follow the green arrows". I wondered what the "A" was. I struck me as i went thru that room, its "A" for Agriculture. There was nobody in the line so i was entertained immediately. The Customs Officer was nice. He asked "Are there any poultry products or fruits in my luggage... sealed or not.... like balut, mangoes... etc.?" I said, "No." He helped me lift my heavy luggage on the converyor belt and asked, "What about shoes?" I prolly looked confused coz he laughed and smiled. So I said, "Yes, a lot." He winked and joked, "Dont worry about it, you're a woman. You are allowed to have so many shoes." My luggage went thru the scanner and thats it. It just slided to the floor. So i asked looking even more confused, "Is that it? Am i done?" The other Customs Officer said "Yes." I said my thanks and sauntered away from that section. *Whew!* I looked back and there were these 2 japanese guys arguing in there while they searched and rummaged inside their open bags. Im glad i didnt bring any poultry products or fruits with me or id be stuck in that room.

Whats left is i had to recheck my luggage for my next flight. Theres a checkpoint, just showed them my boarding pass in my passport and they let me thru. Just fall in line the domestic section, no need to go to NWA counter to recheck it. You need to leave your checked in luggage right next to the conveyor belt... their staff will push it to the conveyor belt. Wait till its ON the conveyor belt before you leave just to be sure. It will go thru a TFA check while being rechecked. Next is the security check so i can go to the main terminal. So i took off my shoes and jacket, it will go thru the scanner with my carry ons and i went thru the metal detector. After that, i proceeded to the main terminal. I kept my passport from here on (they'll be checking your boarding pass only). I checked the board first which Gate is my next flight. Its not there yet, too early. I had to wait 3 hours before my flight before it appeared on the board. I found the restroom... washed my face and brushed my teeth. I have 4 hours left before my next flight. Its no biggie, its a huge big terminal, lots of shops to go thru, restaurants to eat. Yeyyy! And theres a bullet-like train inside the terminal *big grin*. So if you wanna go around the terminal, you can take your pick, its either the walkway or the train. It was COLD. Almost everyone is wearing winter shoes and im wearing slippers so i sorta stick out like a sore thumb haha.

Thats it.

This is solely based on my experience. smile.gif
PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2008-11-02 10:09:00
PhilippinesFund transfer from Philippines to USA
QUOTE (RIDION @ Oct 17 2008, 11:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (PingLocalHostess @ Oct 17 2008, 11:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For Wells Fargo and BPI limit would be $7500.

Like BDO, BPI Express cards can be used in the US, just look for cirrus or maestro atms.

I think pareho lang yan kasi ginagamit nila current exchange rates.

How many times can you withdraw in a month or is there a limit? Does it really cost $6/transaction even if say, I withdraw $7500? Kulit ko no blush.gif Thanks again.

Wells Fargo to BPI $6. Coz the bank thats receiving the money will be charging. I am unsure how much Wells Fargo will charge.
PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2008-10-16 23:19:00
PhilippinesFund transfer from Philippines to USA
For Wells Fargo and BPI limit would be $7500.

Like BDO, BPI Express cards can be used in the US, just look for cirrus or maestro atms.

I think pareho lang yan kasi ginagamit nila current exchange rates.

Edited by PingLocalHostess, 16 October 2008 - 10:38 PM.

PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2008-10-16 22:37:00
PhilippinesFund transfer from Philippines to USA
No, it can be a peso account. For BPI, you need to put in $500 to setup a dollar account.

Opps i misread the post haha.. wink.gif

Btw, it works both ways... You can send from BPI to any Wells Fargo bank.

Edited by PingLocalHostess, 16 October 2008 - 10:05 PM.

PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2008-10-16 22:03:00
PhilippinesFund transfer from Philippines to USA
I dont know if it could get any cheaper than this. You just need to setup an account in any Wells Fargo Bank in the US and BPI in the Philippines. The Wells Fargo Bank wont charge you but BPI might... they said they'll charge $6 every transfer irregardless of what amount. I said "might" coz in all our fund transfers, they didnt charge me. I got the funds as it was sent.

For the beneficiary/recipient in the Philippines, go to BPI and setup an account - BPI Express Teller account. Its an ATM account. You can do so with P500. You just need to give them 1X1 pictures, proof of billing and valid ID. You need to fill up and sign some forms. In 30 minutes to 1 hour, they'll give you your Express Teller Card. They'll ask you to use their ATM machine and change the password. After 3 months, there has to be a maintaining balance of P3000 or they'll charge you.

Now for the remitter/sender look for a Wells Fargo Bank (in partners with BPI) in the US. Setup an account (of course). Then setup a Global Remittance Account or Wells Fargo ExpressSend Remittance Account. They will ask you for the name of the beneficiary, EXACT address and account number of the BPI Express account. After all of that, Wells Fargo will send you a letter (snail mail) that will ask you to confirm the setup of the Global Remittance Account. NOW you can transfer funds to the BPI account, FIRST FUND TRANSFER SHOULD BE DONE OVER THE COUNTER (security measures). After that, you can just call the bank hotline and ask them to transfer funds to the BPI account anytime (they are 24/7).

In 2-3 days, your beneficiary will receive the amount you sent. He/She can just withdraw it from any BPI ATM machine.

You can also use the BPI Express Card outside the Philippines too..... you just have to look for a cirrus ATM.

Edited by PingLocalHostess, 16 October 2008 - 10:00 PM.

PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2008-10-16 21:57:00
PhilippinesCFO seminar for K1 immigrants - Philippines
I attended the CFO seminar with a couple of VJers and had it stamped on the same day. I posted it, heres the link:

PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2008-12-10 08:44:00
PhilippinesWhere's your hometown?
I am from Davao City. smile.gif

In Davao City, fruits are plenty and cheap... and beaches are nearby. Its more laid back and slow paced than Manila and Cebu.
PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2009-05-04 19:45:00

Here are reviews for consulates in Philippines: http://www.visajourn...&cty=&dfilter=5



Good luck!

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-05-28 06:16:00
PhilippinesPhilippines Annulement Problems

If you're married you are ineligible for a fiance visa.

True. But, according to what I know about law (mind you, European) you can not be legally married if the previous marriage did not end. Croatian Family Law explicitly states that. Such marriage would automatically be considered null and void (meaning as if it had never happened, no legal consequences).


Could it be similar in Phil? 


Edited by Ivy., 01 June 2013 - 09:11 PM.

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-06-01 21:11:00
PhilippinesMedical exam

I think this is a very country specific question, maybe you would get better answers if you asked a mod to move this thread to a regional forum? Good luck, sorry I could not help! 

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-07-06 12:41:00

 Her birthday is July 10th and happens to be the day we met . We both think the baby will be born on that day . Would be awesome if it was smile.png


Aww, that would be very cute! heart.gif


As for going to the hospital, I would not wanna go either. Hospitals are the norm here but I would much rather have a midwife at my home as well. :D Whatever she decides to do, I hope everything goes well both for the mother and the baby and that you are united with you family soon. rose.gif

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-07-06 13:30:00
Philippinesneed urgent help pls
Visa extension and dual citizenship can be done at Bureau of Immigration in Manila.


Bureau of Immigration Main Office
Magallanes Drive, Intramuros, Manila
+632 527-3248
jj1028Not TellingPhilippines2012-09-13 10:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved! NOA2
wow congrats!! March filer here also (last week).. woot woot thats a good news, CSC working pretty quick or is it just for your petition... C'mon CSC give us our NOA2.... :whistle:
jj1028Not TellingPhilippines2007-05-26 05:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHELP PLS HELP..
Yes its your NOA1, and NOA2 (approval) will be in between 60-90 days... we got ours 59 days after NOA1. :thumbs:
jj1028Not TellingPhilippines2007-06-06 20:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch Fillers under CSC
hi alexandra8886 and other CSC March Filer, we filed Late March and got our NOA1 April 3rd, and June 3rd we rec email stating we got approved June 1st (NOA2), now waiting for NOA2 hardcopy.... from NOA1, took 59 days... :dance: sit back and relax, NOA2 is coming for everyone pretty soon :innocent:
jj1028Not TellingPhilippines2007-06-05 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsITS MY TURN TO SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS!
Congrats :dance: :dance: :dance: Finally :thumbs:... its nice to see people getting their approvals... we're halfway there!!

btw the site for Schedule is

and oh, somebody posted about USE Manila having backlogs and wont released appointment schedule for 2.5 mos :crying: we havent verified that yet, gonna call next week if our application have been forwarded to Manila and see what they'll say about appointments :whistle: hope its not gonna be too long
jj1028Not TellingPhilippines2007-06-22 21:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!
Late March filer here to CSC NOA1 April 3rd, got our NOA2 via e-mail june 3rd stating it was approved June 1st.. waiting for NOA2 hardcopy :dance: dont worry guys, yours is coming on the way.... :innocent:

Edited by jj1028, 05 June 2007 - 08:48 PM.

jj1028Not TellingPhilippines2007-06-05 20:45:00
PhilippinesDo they require a Parental Consent in Marriage for 22 yrs.old???
QUOTE (ammike @ Apr 6 2008, 08:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Fellow VJ.
Please Help me. . .
Do you think Consul will ask for an Authorization letter from my parents, notarized by a Lawyer???
Im turning 23 on July, Im quite confused if I have to do this. .
I believe Im on the Right age to Marry.

Anyone there can advice me, or experienced had their K1 interview at the age of 22????

I highly appreciate your suggestions.

Nope, you will be just fine smile.gif
fitzee21MalePhilippines2008-04-06 08:34:00
PhilippinesEmployment letter if self-employed?

My fiancee has already had her interview. I didn't write any letter stating my employment. The tax returns and 1099s were all that she needed.
fitzee21MalePhilippines2008-06-19 14:55:00
PhilippinesEmployment letter if self-employed?
Since October 2004, I've been considered self-employed. I work on commission, selling library books. The company pays me a percentage based upon my sales. I also receive a 1099-MISC and not a W-2.
My question is, would I still need a "letter of employment" to send with the I-134 although I'm not technically employed but dependent upon my sales for my earnings?

According to the instructions, if you're self-employed, you need to send a copy of last tax return filed or report of commercial rating concern. Because of this, I chose to ignore the "statement of employment" and I sent her copies of my 2005, 2006, and 2007 tax returns.

Would you say that I had met the requirements or should I also send her a letter from the company stating that I earn commission for my sales?

FYI, I sent:
- 2005, 2006, and 2007 tax returns.
- 2 months of bank statements
- 8 weeks of sales statements
- proof of life insurance
- proof of property ownership
- statement of bank information signed by bank manager (date joined and amount deposited since joining - I joined back in August, 2007 so I wasn't able to provide them with 1 year of deposits)
- printout from my SEP-IRA

I'm pretty sure what I sent was fine, but just wanted to see what others thought.

Edited by fitzee21, 06 April 2008 - 11:58 PM.

fitzee21MalePhilippines2008-04-06 23:57:00
PhilippinesAny smokers pass the sputum test?
Good news on this! My fiancee passed the sputum test, and yesterday, she received her approval. Just waiting on the Visa now! biggrin.gif
fitzee21MalePhilippines2008-06-10 13:07:00
PhilippinesAny smokers pass the sputum test?
My fiance is an active smoker, not a daily smoker, but still a smoker. I've gotten her to quit, but only a few days before her medical exam sad.gif

Unfortunately, she had an abnormality with her chest x-ray and is currently undergoing the 3-day sputum test. I'm curious if anybody who was an active smoker at the time of their medical exams experienced any problems with their sputum tests?
I'm sure she will be ok because she exercises, eats healthy, and usually gets plenty of rest. She is also only 22 years old, 5 foot tall and 95 pounds and doesn't have any symptoms of active TB and neither does anybody in her household.

If anybody is willing to share their experiences as well as their timeframes for their results, it would be greatly appreciated! Also, if there is an 8-10 week delay, do I need to remake all of my documents (required Packet 4 forms as well as proof of continuous relationship during those 8-10 weeks) for her interview?

Thank you in advance,

Edited by fitzee21, 30 March 2008 - 09:35 PM.

fitzee21MalePhilippines2008-03-30 21:33:00
Philippinesjust a question about W2, 1040, pay check stubs
QUOTE (Mike_Zandy @ Apr 14 2008, 07:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
can I just scan and .pdf and email my W2, 1040 and last 3 paycheck stubs?

or does she need originals

Thank you

Even a faxed copy will be suitable, so yes, a .pdf will work. However, she needs the originals for the I-134, letter of employment (if applicable), and official statement signed by a branch manager of your bank.

I sent 3 years worth of tax returns just in case. When you send the tax return, make sure it's the entire return, not just a copy of the W-2 and the 1040.
fitzee21MalePhilippines2008-04-14 07:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI had my interview and im approved
fitzee21MalePhilippines2008-02-13 06:22:00
PhilippinesQuestion On Booking Plane Tickets For Fiancee
Thanks everyone so much for all the advice!

I'll keep looking at different airlines / travel agencies, and I'll send her a copy of my driver's license / credit card number just to be safe.
Young TurpMalePhilippines2011-06-07 08:37:00
PhilippinesQuestion On Booking Plane Tickets For Fiancee
I checked American Airlines and I couldn't find similar language in the FAQ's.

To be safe, I should just scan my credit card and my driver's licence and email it to her.
Young TurpMalePhilippines2011-06-06 20:55:00
PhilippinesQuestion On Booking Plane Tickets For Fiancee
I was wondering if I will encounter any problems using Expedia to book the plane tickets for my fiancee once her visa is delivered?

I created her account on Expedia and made myself her travel arranger, so I can book flights with her traveler information and pay them with my credit card. An Expedia call center agent (a Filipina I'm pretty sure) said that this was okay. From a few other discussion on this forum, however, it seems that sometimes people at the airport may ask to see a credit card number (but not all the time does this happen). Do you think this would really happen? I was thinking about using Japan Airlines/American Airlines, or perhaps Philippine Airlines/Delta. She could fly to LAX using Philippine Airlines and just pay cash, but I don't believe she could find a ticket for say, United Airlines, going from LAX to SAT. I think it's just better if I can create her entire itinerary, well, actually two (1st is from MNL to LAX, then 2nd is from LAX to SAT - much cheaper to separate the flights like that).

If anyone has any thoughts, I'd love to hear.

Edited by Young Turp, 06 June 2011 - 08:22 PM.

Young TurpMalePhilippines2011-06-06 20:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDelayed arrival at NVC??? Lost in transit?
Hi All,

Has anyone here experienced a delay of more than a week between the approval time of your NOA2 and your case arrival at NVC? From what I can see many cases arrive within two days and most arrive within a week. So far my case hasn't arrived at NVC and it has been two weeks since my NOA2 at VSC.

Everytime I ring up NVC they tell me that 2-4 weeks is normal and that it can take up to 90 days. crying.gif

Anyone else experienced this??? I feel like we are lost in some sort of immigration area 51 wacko.gif
NouraMFemaleGhana2009-04-27 21:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat to do? My mom will pass away within days and I need my fiance here.
QUOTE (Bobby_Umit @ May 6 2009, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry about your Mom,

You might be able to get a

Port-of-entry parole: authorized at the port upon alien’s arrival; applies to a wide variety of situations and is used at the discretion of the supervisory immigration inspector, usually to allow short periods of entry. Examples include allowing aliens who could not be issued the necessary documentation within the required time period, or who were otherwise inadmissible, to attend a funeral and permitting the entry of emergency workers, such as fire fighters, to assist with an emergency.


Humanitarian parole: authorized at USCIS headquarters or overseas District Offices for "urgent humanitarian reasons" specified in the law. It is used in cases of medical emergency and comparable situations.

Source: USCIS parolee

Wow thanks good ideas - I didn't realise these possibilities existed good.gif
NouraMFemaleGhana2009-05-06 14:33:00
QUOTE (shang @ May 6 2009, 10:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
DRA ESTEBAN where the hell have you been? toink sleng ka na rin ba?

akela kow nakelimuthan moh ne kame...

QUOTE (shang @ May 6 2009, 10:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't english us. we aren't graduation!!!

So english pala dun sa Boracay at cebu rofl.gif

You girls are funny. That made me laugh Lol. Ang babaw ko no. I havent heard/read jokes like that in months. smile.gif
PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2009-05-05 22:00:00
PhilippinesDV paid in AUGUST, Visa pending as of OCTOBER 7
QUOTE (jamesNrei @ May 5 2009, 06:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
pinglocalhostess, we are currently out of town. Actually in Arkansas, it's so pretty here. So I am hoping that when we get back to Texas tom our GC is waiting for us. smile.gif If you've been reading March AOS filers, you'll see that USCIS is doing a pretty good job lately.

Why wait till your biometrics schedule? You can just go there anytime you like and just bring your letter. We did that one time and they didn't make us come back.

Jose Rizal, san antonio is so pretty too. bring your tripod, it will come very handy. smile.gif

jamesnrei: Hmmm Ive read last week about walk-ins in ASC. We'll go there tomorrow to check it out. Hopefully they'll take me in. smile.gif Ill cross my fingers smile.gif.

PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2009-05-04 18:43:00
PhilippinesDV paid in AUGUST, Visa pending as of OCTOBER 7
QUOTE (Jose Rizal @ May 4 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How come you still don't have your greencard? BTW, will be going to San Antonio 2nd week of June!

None of us has green cards yet. But jamesnrei's AOS has been approved so she will get hers in the mail soon.

My AOS is still pending. I was supposed to file my AOS last January but we had issues in filing Matt's ITR. We couldnt file his ITR online so we had to do it manually which take a bit of time. He included me as his wife, which is proper, and we eventually got our tax refunds smile.gif. So filed my AOS last week of March. I have to do my 2nd biometrics this May 14th coz they couldnt match or read my first one. They said its no big deal... but it sure delays it. smile.gif Hopefully no RFEs.

Thats so cool. We should have dinner when you get here. Hopefully we arent out of town smile.gif. I didnt get to see jamesnrei when she came over sad.gif.
PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2009-05-04 01:35:00
PhilippinesDV paid in AUGUST, Visa pending as of OCTOBER 7
JoseRizal: Im bet you are having fun with your kids. How was Easter? I miss going to the beach on Easter Sunday. So far si Matt pa lang ang inaalagaan ko.

I tried to get a state ID so i can have a US valid ID but ermmm they wont issue until i get a green card or an EAD. So.. i dont drive yet. Learning the ropes. smile.gif
PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2009-05-03 06:16:00
PhilippinesDV paid in AUGUST, Visa pending as of OCTOBER 7
lorraine: As for getting SSNs, i think it depends on the local SSA's office policy about giving out SSN coz some got theirs without EAD and some didnt.

jamesnrei: Wow im happy for you. The approval of your case was fast smile.gif.

Do you work na?

As for my AOS and EAD:

Filed and sent it. My AOS got transferred to CSC. But the oddest thing was when i went for my biometrics. They are having trouble getting my prints. The staff said that either my prints faded or their machine sucks (#######?!). So they have to transfer me to a high definition machine and took my prints there. They said its no big deal coz if they cant match or read it, they will just send me a notice if they needed to take my prints again. They said it happens a lot ... that prints fade....and i shouldnt worry about it. To my despair, they did send me another biometrics appointment (May 14th). *sigh* Its like a months delay. But so far no RFEs.

Oh btw, no baby yet smile.gif.

Edited by PingLocalHostess, 02 May 2009 - 11:09 PM.

PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2009-05-02 23:04:00
PhilippinesDV paid in AUGUST, Visa pending as of OCTOBER 7

Since i cant work and im bored like hell. Ive been tagging along Matt 24/7 hehe. Ive been going to school with him so im learning about IT security... Geeky! tongue.gif~ Ive been helping him with his business so we've been driving back and forth from San Antonio to New Braunfels or Boerne or Austin. Trying to be a good wifey biggrin.gif.

I wanted to file my AOS earlier but ermmmm cant get the recent ITR until Matt finishes his taxes. So i have to wait till march to file and send everything. Btw, i did get my SSN without my EAD. They just looked at my I-94, passport and marraige certificate. I was afraid they might say otherwise so i came prepared with an argument Lol. We needed the SSN for the tax refunds which we got btw. But the staff that catered me didnt ask any questions... she just had me fill out the standard form... checked and signed it... then told me that ill receive my card in a week by mail. When i got the SSN card in the mail, it says "valid for work only with DHS authorization".

PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2009-05-02 21:52:00
PhilippinesDV paid in AUGUST, Visa pending as of OCTOBER 7
Oh wow, this thread is still alive! biggrin.gif Awesome!
PingLocalHostessFemalePhilippines2009-05-02 21:33:00