K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports221(g) Refusal at K1 Interview in Thailand. "Your Fiance Has Many Women!!" Player!"

The running joke is when people ask me if my wife married me for a visa, I say no I married her for a visa.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
googledMaleThailand2013-01-05 17:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports221(g) Refusal at K1 Interview in Thailand. "Your Fiance Has Many Women!!" Player!"

I dont know about being a real jerk but you have managed to disregard the only info we have to review. It also a direct statement for the OP about his understanding of what went on. You have changed that by pure speculation into something entirely different. Your wife had added for effect her rendition of the infamous " stories". Stories I have to assume she has no real knowledge of other than Thais passing it along. We all know these things happen but to turn this event into one of those should indicate to you how those stories were born. Seems they came from your " wifes friends" . Her friends are doing these things? You can see the damage a story can do. Fiction becomes truth if sold well.
I have heard the stories too. In my own village some say myself and my daughter were sold into slavery by my evil husband. My real life is less exotic but the village folks still like to talk. This even though I call people in that very village at least 3 times per week.
The OP has said she turned in the laundry list of info. If she hadnt would they have even given her the interview?
He says she works as an accountant, speaks English well. This isnt the description of a bar girl ect. He says he met het 3 years ago. Is she that type of Dr Evil? Planning this long term scam right down to the last minute? He went there 3 times and still couldnt see what was right in front of him? The very evil women in your take on his story? Not one sign in 3 years that he was to had? This women is a master thief worthy of a movie deal. Grifters gone wild ! Her police record is clear so this must be her first attempt at crime. She has pay stubs showing a fair income over a long time period. Probably uses the office as a cover while running the scams at night.
The OP can easily figure this out if you are right. Contacting the embassy to find out what was submitted ect. What is strange is what she says the officer said to her. Then again Karee says something similar happened and I believe him. All but one of the officers I dealt with in my 4 times inside the embassy were very nice to me. One was a very short with me while denying my tourist visa.
Rather than condem the OP or his fiancee it would serve the situation better to help him figure out what really happened and what to do now. How would you or anyone else figure out if she is lying to him? Should he accuse her of that? I am sure we all notice the OP hasnt responded to any of this.

Honestly I can't remember ever saying that she was a bar girl. All I said is that maybe she had gotten cold feet and that from my experience (and yes I do have experiences) the whole thing sounds a little fishy. I know the OP probably does not want to hear it, but I only said what I did because I wanted him to keep an open mind. Sometimes people get blinded by their feelings that they cannot see obvious truths right in front of them.

The info that I read is that the Embassy said they did not get any proof of relationship and the OP said that he sent it. The fiance carries this info into the embassy and gives it to the CO through a little window. At which point did they not get it. My hope is that the OP starts there and finds out what went wrong. maybe that would save him some time. For me time is more valuable than money. I would not have cared if my fiance had cheated me out of a few hundred thousand baht, but if she would have wasted my time I would not have been happy with myself.

The OP wanted advice and opinions. I gave him mine.
googledMaleThailand2013-01-05 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports221(g) Refusal at K1 Interview in Thailand. "Your Fiance Has Many Women!!" Player!"

I wasn't gonna go down that road.... yet. Of course it was the first thing that popped into my mind as well. Especially when I saw 4k USD. I hope everything works out as well. Experience tells me otherwise.

Thanks. I was afraid I was the only one who thought that. I kept thinking to myself when I was writing, "When did I become so negative. I used to be such a positive guy." I do hope all this turns out good though.
googledMaleThailand2013-01-05 10:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports221(g) Refusal at K1 Interview in Thailand. "Your Fiance Has Many Women!!" Player!"
Honestly I might sound like a jerk for saying this, but maybe you fiance has gotten cold feet. Before you think I am crazy look at what I am seeing. You say that you sent the evidence and the 221g says that they never got any. Your fiance was the one who is supposed to give it to them. You said that she said the CO said that you did not love her and would never marry her. My wife is Thai and she tells me all about the crazy stories of her friends back in Thailand and that sounds like the ####### they would say when they are trying to take advantage of some "dumb farang". I also think that mentioning the 4K was a bad idea and from my experience from giving your Thai inlaws money, they are not saving it for your wedding. It is probably half spent on gold and Thai Whiskey by now.

I am not saying that you should accuse her of anything. I hope the everything she says is true and that this is a big misunderstanding by the embassy, you get it straightened out, and you two are together here in the U.S. Just be careful and protect yourself.
googledMaleThailand2013-01-04 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBeen almost 6 months since NOA1, no NOA2 yet :'((
Have you registered on the USCIS website and checked your case status there. The link to the USCIS site is
googledMaleThailand2013-01-02 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Anyone from Thailand here that has been approved? I'm wondering if it depends on the country for approval times, and I know a lot of you March filers have been getting approved lately.

Yes we have at least one from Thailand. I am not but my fiance is. We got our NOA2 last Friday.
googledMaleThailand2011-06-28 23:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
I knew mine had to be close. About a month ago, I went to my account on the USCIS website and in my portfolio I started putting in receipt numbers that were before and after mine. My receipt number ended in 70 so I just put in my number and with it ending in 69 and if this was a K1 petition I added it to my portfolio. Then I did it for 68 and the rest of them until I had about 15 before mine. And then I did it in reverse and did the ones after mine. Last week a few of then ones before mine got approved and then this week one before and a couple after got approved. So I know mine had to be close. I figures at that point it was just sitting on someones desk waiting to be gone through.

So happy to be on to the next steps. Working on the relationship evidence now. There are lots of emails to go through.
googledMaleThailand2011-06-25 11:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Thanks everyone. I used to not be a big fan of sears. I only went there to use the coupon. I guess I will go back now.
googledMaleThailand2011-06-24 18:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
I went to Sears at lunch time today. I have a coupon that expires at the end of this month and I figured I needed some pillow cases. While I was standing in line at the checkout I got the text and the email. "We have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E).."

We were right. June really is a good month for the March group.
googledMaleThailand2011-06-24 13:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
On my list today there were 2 more VSC March Approvals and one that had an RFE. Two of them were after mine. It makes me feel like mine is sitting on someones desk getting ready to be next.
googledMaleThailand2011-06-20 18:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

This is good news :dance: We're getting closer. Do you know the date theirs I129f was sent?

I can't see the info on that one but the petitions that were before it and after it both had March 7th as their received dates. So I am assuming this one is a March 7th also.
googledMaleThailand2011-06-16 19:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Hey Guys,

There was a march VSC Approval today. It was not on the VJ website. I could just see it from my account page, so I have no idea who it is. But we are getting closer. woo-hoo
googledMaleThailand2011-06-16 08:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

before we got an account on VJ when i had that noa1 problem cause it was so slow, i asked on another forum i knew back then. i told them my petition is in texas and the admins on that forum told me that texas doesnt handle those petitions anymore, so they are all sent to vermont. i was pretty dissapointed back then cause i knew vsc is slow, but i got used to it after a while.

now i dont think at noa2 as much. i spend all my day reading and drawing to take my mind off it and it works. i barely check uscis website once 2-3 days. probaby when sam leaves back to america ill start getting desperate for noa2 again

Yes that is how I was told it works to. Texas is more of a distribution center. You send your K-1 to Texas and then they send it to either California or Vermont depending upon the state you live in. I live in Oklahoma, so my petition was sent to Vermont :crying:

If the first three letters of your receipt number are EAC then you are in Vermont and if they are WAC you are in California.

I think some people get confused and think they are in Texas because that is where they originally sent the petition.
googledMaleThailand2011-06-15 18:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Sheily and I mailed ours out March 4th and our NOA1 date is March 9th. Ours is at the VSC. Good luck to everyone!!!

Hi Eric and Sheily, My NOA1 date is March 9 also at the VSC. Good luck and lets hope we get it soon.

I am in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It seems like everyone is on the east or west coast. Where are the rest of the March k-1er's in the middle of the country.

Edited by googled, 08 June 2011 - 07:54 PM.

googledMaleThailand2011-06-08 19:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Guess that makes it me -


onto the next step :D

googledMaleThailand2011-06-06 23:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
ARRGH. Here it is 4:00 in the afternoon (my time) on a Saturday and all I can think about is how much I miss my fiancé. Ever since I met her I just do not really look forward to the weekends because she is not here and I am in this big empty house myself. I do better during the week because then at least my day is full of work. I know I should keep my mind occupied on other things, but recently I have been working on the evidence that she will take to the interview. I just wanted to be ahead of the game a little bit and reading all those chats and emails really make me miss her even more. I just wish she was here.

Sorry to vent but as everyone here knows this wait is really rough. Twelve hour time difference between us makes it rougher I think. When it is 4:00 in the afternoon here, it is 4:00 in the morning there. So I can't just pick up the phone and call her when I just want to say hi because I will wake her up.

What are you guys doing to cope this weekend?
googledMaleThailand2011-06-04 16:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

California is moving faster than Vermont.....Yet still keep fingers and toes crossed!...Or as others are saying braid your dammm

Consider what little I have braided. Not even my male pattern baldness will stop me from getting my NOA2.
googledMaleThailand2011-06-02 20:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Thanks Joy.. Now I know the feeling. I was shaking awhile ago LOL :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thanks Matt & Carolina .. You'll gonna be the next guys.. Keep the faith! :)

Congratulations. That is awesome.
googledMaleThailand2011-06-01 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
yes congrats to those in the March group that got approved. I think things are looking good in June for us March folk.
googledMaleThailand2011-05-31 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
I was just checking Igor's list. We have 2 February approvals today. Let's hope this is a trend, because after February comes March.
googledMaleThailand2011-05-31 17:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Yup remember the date June, 2011! So just sit back, strap yourself in and grab some popcorn, your favorite drink and watch the fireworks!!! Not necessariy in that order! :dance:

By the way, welcome googled!

Thanks. I have a good feeling about June also. I hope good thing happen this month.
googledMaleThailand2011-05-30 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

haha be welcome googled! I guess we're the best month! and I should risk and say we're the best thread too :thumbs: :innocent:

Thanks. It is good to be here.
googledMaleThailand2011-05-30 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Hi! I wonder if we are the first March filer?

It would be nice to hear from other March filers like me...

Good luck to all of us!

Speedy process to everyone..


Hi. I know I am a little late to the party in this thread. But I am a march filer also. Woo-hoo Go March.
googledMaleThailand2011-05-28 21:10:00
Middle East and North Africanotice of K-1 petition approval
googledMaleThailand2011-05-31 13:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Test Syphilis +
So I am curious now. What sort of things and STD's do they test for at the medical exam. Is there a link somewhere that explains this.
googledMaleThailand2011-06-13 21:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThis is it! Appointment interview of my Wife today at USEM!
Praying for you and best of luck to you both.
googledMaleThailand2011-09-18 17:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to go about providing chats/sms evidence when you are arguing alot?
My wife brought chat logs and emails to the interview and the officer there did go through and read through some of them. I was told to not include anything in these that you would not someone else reading. More specifically I was told not to include any comments where we talked about sex or money. I was told that you did not want the officer to think that i just wanted her for sex and she just wanted me for money. This was actually quite difficult, since what couple does not talk about sex and money. And that stuff was in and around quite a few of the "approved" topics that I wanted to include. It was quite difficult. Fortunately I am a software engineer and am quite adept at editing things like that. :whistle:
googledMaleThailand2012-10-14 10:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAugust I-130 approvals, lets do NVC together.
QUOTE (nimche @ Oct 27 2008, 12:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Crunchy Roll @ Oct 26 2008, 09:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've heard your suppose to have a cover letter. And also have them in the 2 whole punch thing for THICK AMOUNTS OF documents.

I just attached something very short and simple to each stack of STAPLED document copies...

Here's how i organized it.

1. First stack is the Marriage. Pretty much everything pertaining in legal document to it supporting the process and stuff needed for us to marry and stay married.

2. Second stack is the FLIGHT Itinerary from the internet and copies of the ticket stubs, stickers, luggage labels

3. Third is Proof of who I am. Citizenship Certificate, Birth Certificate, 5 IDs front/back, Copy of FULL passport (every page).

4. Fourth proof of Aimee (Wife). Birth Record, Citizenship Registration, Voters ID, School ID, Police Record, NBI Clearance, NSO Clearance, School Transcripts, Passport (every page).

5. Military and School Records (MINE).....honorable medical discharge papers, VA documents, college transcripts, high transcripts, VA Disability and Pension Awards ($$$).

I wrote a small letter with my name, address, social, etc....state what the application was for and what was included....and who it was for.

Basically thats it.

don't have the nice funds for a lawyer...or to make this whole package LEGAL PROFESSIONAL TYPE.

but i figure as long as its thorough and organized....its good.

It doesn't look to be so much of environemetally friendly because of amount of papers.

Bigger problem is, I don't even know what are you doing? Applying for your spouse with I-130? In middle of NVC process or what?

aha, Welcome to this forum. I see you are brand new. You should fill out your timeline. Either in your Signature or in VJ timeline.

Post your questions


I'm submitting the I-130 and g-325a (5 pages) from wifey and me.

for CR1 --- Green Card.
Crunchy RollNot TellingPhilippines2008-10-27 00:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAugust I-130 approvals, lets do NVC together.
I've heard your suppose to have a cover letter. And also have them in the 2 whole punch thing for THICK AMOUNTS OF documents.

I just attached something very short and simple to each stack of STAPLED document copies...

Here's how i organized it.

1. First stack is the Marriage. Pretty much everything pertaining in legal document to it supporting the process and stuff needed for us to marry and stay married.

2. Second stack is the FLIGHT Itinerary from the internet and copies of the ticket stubs, stickers, luggage labels

3. Third is Proof of who I am. Citizenship Certificate, Birth Certificate, 5 IDs front/back, Copy of FULL passport (every page).

4. Fourth proof of Aimee (Wife). Birth Record, Citizenship Registration, Voters ID, School ID, Police Record, NBI Clearance, NSO Clearance, School Transcripts, Passport (every page).

5. Military and School Records (MINE).....honorable medical discharge papers, VA documents, college transcripts, high transcripts, VA Disability and Pension Awards ($$$).

I wrote a small letter with my name, address, social, etc....state what the application was for and what was included....and who it was for.

Basically thats it.

don't have the nice funds for a lawyer...or to make this whole package LEGAL PROFESSIONAL TYPE.

but i figure as long as its thorough and organized....its good.
Crunchy RollNot TellingPhilippines2008-10-26 23:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat to do? My mom will pass away within days and I need my fiance here.
My mom is in ICU and will pass away within days...maybe hours.

I have called both NVC and USCIS and both gave me standard response saying that even an urgent expedite request would take 5 business days to get a response. I have also written an email to the US emabssy in Paris asking for their help. Our case was finally received today at NVC, but because of a data error on their side with my birthday they will not discuss my case with me until my birthdate is corrected in the system.

What do I do? My mom is asking for Kwabena and really wants to meet him to know who will be my husband and also Kwabena and I already have a son named Benjamin. Benjamin is the first and only grandchild in our family and my mom wants to know Benjamin's father before she passes.


What do I do? What can I do?

I really need him with me right now. crying.gif
NouraMFemaleGhana2009-05-06 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Our case was finally received today at NVC, but because of a data error on their side with my birthday they will not discuss my case with me until my birthdate is corrected in the system. headbonk.gif mad.gif and when I asked how long it will take to get corrected they told me to 10-15 days. Arggghh!!!

This combined with the fact that my mother will pas away any day now is just crying.gif

NouraMFemaleGhana2009-05-06 12:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Cereza @ Apr 30 2009, 10:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, like they can't send an email to see what the hold up is, or a ticket like you said Nat? I might call again to say that! To me, it seems that the same thing happened to the people who filed in November at the end of the month. Freaking sucks.

I filed in late November and the delay you late December files are experiencing is similair to my experience. My NOA1 was December 2nd and all other VSC VJ'ers with that date were approved at least 1-3 weeks before my April 14th approval. Most with my NOA1 were approved between March 20th-27th. It makes no sense (to me at least) as to how they process the cases....for sure though they do not process them exactly in the order they are received or else we wouldn't see such a variance. headbonk.gif

Stay thoughts are with you. good.gif

Meanwhile it has been 2 plus weeks since my NOA2 and my case has not reached NVC yet. Arggghhhhh!!!!!!! mad.gif
NouraMFemaleGhana2009-04-30 22:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
mad.gif wow tomorrow will be two weeks since our NOA2 was approved. I just called NVC again and sadly they still do not have a record of my case. Once again I was advised that it takes 2-4 weeks and up to 90 days ohmy.gif depending on how backlogged they are.....

Anyone else out there who had their NOA2 around the same date still waiting for arrival at NVC?

I definitely wasn't expecting this much of a delay between VSC and NVC. I thought by now our case would be well on its way to Paris...ho hum ho hum sad.gif

Edited by NouraM, 27 April 2009 - 09:37 PM.

NouraMFemaleGhana2009-04-27 21:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
QUOTE (NatPatBen @ Apr 27 2009, 08:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How are we doing, December Filers & Friends?

I'm hoping that NOA2 comes tomorrow on my birthday!

kicking.gif rose.gif Happy Bday wishes NatPatBen rose.gif

Any news???

QUOTE (beans @ Apr 27 2009, 08:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy birthday NatPatBen! My issue..they found our petition in Sydney and our now sending it to Montreal. The wrong Canadian consulate, at least they got the country right this time.

good.gif woohoo! At least it is on the move again...and in the right direction this time! blink.gif
NouraMFemaleGhana2009-04-27 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
I called NVC again last night to check if they had received our papers from VSC yet (NOA 2 on April 14th so one week & 2 days since approval). The answer was again NO so I called USCIS as well.

Their response was just ridiculous. The first customer service agent I spoke to said K1s don't go to NVC - they go directly to the embassy headbonk.gif so then I asked to speak to a supervisor. The supervisor came on and told me that while he knows from experience that K1s do go to NVC, instructions on the USCIS system advise all of customer service agents that K1s go directly to embassy?!? wow.gif

I then ask if he can tell me where my petition is, has it left VSC and what is the delay in getting to NVC. The supervisor then says to please bear with him while he reads his notes. The line went quiet for a minute and he then said that he was going to transfer me to a higher level of support. I’m thinking great! Maybe this person will be able to tell me exactly where my petition is…… yes.gif

The next agent answers the line with his agent id and then goes quiet. So I ask whether or not he needs my receipt number. He replies ”You must ask me a direct question first- I can only answer direct questions.” helpsmilie.gif

Who is this guy??!! I feel like I was dropped into some sort of USCIS Area 51 or something…… So then I ask:

Do you know my receipt number: “Yes”
Has my application been sent to NVC? “your application has been approved”
Is my application in AP? “There is no such process called AP”
What is the physical location of my application right now? “Probably at VSC”

He then breaks from his Q&A format and tells me that it always takes 2-4 weeks and can be up to 90 days for the application to go from USCIS to NVC. I say that I have evidence that this is not always the case I have seen that more than just a few applications have taken as little as two days to transfer between VSC and NVC.

He replied that I don’t know what I am talking about and he is sure that this not true as this never happens and it always takes min 2-4 weeks. He then finished up by saying that if other people are saying that their applications were transferred quicker than the 2-4 weeks that those people are not telling the truth. blink.gif

ARGGHHHHH….did they outsource their customer service to aliens or what??!!!! wacko.gif wacko.gif

NouraMFemaleGhana2009-04-24 11:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Arggghhh sad.gif Just called NVC again and they still haven't received our application from VSC (NOA was April 14th - last Tuesday).

NouraMFemaleGhana2009-04-21 17:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
Hope everyone is doing well. Hang in there if you haven't you haven't received your NOA2 yet....I've noticed that Tuesday's are usually productive days at VSC good.gif

Update on us: I've been hounding NVC with daily calls to determine if our petition has made it there yet from VSC following our approval last Tuesday April 14th. So far NVC say they have not received it and they advised it could take 2-4 weeks and up to 90 days wacko.gif (Please God not that long!!!!)

Based on what I see here on visajourney some have been received in as little as two days and some have take a week or more.

Best wishes to all star_smile.gif

NouraMFemaleGhana2009-04-20 23:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
OMG!!!!!!! we finally got our NOA2 approval email today. kicking.gif I was getting so discouraged seeing all the approvals from other filers who had filed even later than we had and up until today we didn't even have a single touch. Our NOA1 was on December 2nd, and now 133 days later we had our NOA2.

Thank you God! And thank you to everyone out there for if it weren't for the support and advice I would have certainly lost my remaining sanity long ago! wacko.gif

Saying prayers for the rest of December....hoping that your NOA2s come quickly. good.gif

Edited by NouraM, 14 April 2009 - 10:17 PM.

NouraMFemaleGhana2009-04-14 22:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Xaenyth @ Apr 8 2009, 05:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats on all the approvals guys. So glad you're that much closer to being with your loved ones.

Are there many early December filers still left without Noa2's?

My NOA1 was on December 2nd......and still no NOA2 crying.gif
NouraMFemaleGhana2009-04-08 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecember '08 Vermont K-1 Filers
good.gif Congrats to all December filers who have been approved kicking.gif

I'm having such a hard time remaining calm.....I feel so frustrated from the long wait. What I still don't get is that VSC says that it processes in the order received yet there are many with earlier dates who haven't been approved yet and some petitioners with later dates (e.g. late December) who have already been approved....and I don't even have any touches yet. crying.gif

How can this be?? Argggggg.... mad.gif
NouraMFemaleGhana2009-04-07 22:09:00