Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy fiance Veronika got approval
Congratulations! smile.gif
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-06-21 20:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Znunjena...??
Bok Bobana!

Ja nisam jos u procesu, no citam o tome vec dugo i pokusat cu ti pomoci ako mogu. Prvo, malo sam zbunjena s time sto se tocno zbiva.

Dakle, tvoj suprug je americki drzavljanin. Zivi li on s tobom u BiH ili zivi u Americi? Ako sam dobro ulovila, vi ste poslali I-130 koja je odobrena i nakon toga nista vise niste nikome slali?

http://www.visajourn...tent/i130guide1 Procitaj ovaj guide. Ako tebi ne ide engleski dobro, daj suprugu da procita. Dokumenti i te forme bi trebali ici u NVC, cover sheet se koristi da objasnis koji je broj peticije, tko je podnosi i u ciju korist, koje dokumente peticija sadrzi. Stavlja se obicno na pocetak, kao nekakav uvod.
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2012-08-23 22:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Need ideas for inexpensive ways to call to and from Turkey

We use Rebtel for calls between Croatia and the U.S. I highly recommend it.

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-05-26 15:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Italians!

Sono venuta qui perche mi aspettavo di leggere un po' di italiano perfetto! Ora sono delusa! E tutto in inglese come il resto del forum :( :D

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-07-06 14:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Cestitke na vizi :)


Iskreno, ja se ne bih zamarala s kilama kobasica i litrama rakije, imas ograniceno za prtljagu, pa valjda nosis svojih stvari od doma? Ipak se selis! 

Ako planiras vecinu stvari ostaviti u HR pa u Americi kupiti novo, onda kuzim. :D



Jel pravilo da pregledavaju prtljagu za useljenicke? Ja sam sad osmi put u Americi, prtljagu su mi pregledali jednom, imala sam bas dugacak layover pa je netko valjda bio znatizeljan. :D Inace sam ulazila bez problema s rakijom, ali ja sam nosila samo litru. Sad kad sam dolazila pred 2 tjedna sam imala kilu Bajadera i 1.5 kg Cedevite i to je to. :D

Edited by Ivy., 19 September 2014 - 09:35 AM.

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2014-09-19 09:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Case complete u NVC!! YAY! :)



Sad cekam datum intervjua, ali to zapravo vise nije ni vazno, jer kad god da bude - morat cu ga pomaknuti za sljedecu godinu :D 

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2014-08-21 06:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Mislim da ti removal of conditions ide nakon dvije godine, ali bolje da se jave cure koje su to prosle.


Nas case je vec 4 mjeseca u NVC i jos mu se ne vidi kraj. Ja idem za 4 tjedna u Ameriku na turistickoj opet, ovaj put na 5.5 mjeseci. Kad se vratim valjda cu napokon moci obaviti intervju u ambasadi.  :clock:

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2014-08-07 06:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Ti ve? ima? case number? Pa super! I mi smo tamo na popisu, na?alost bez broja. :D Dodaj i vas, ?to vi?e informacija bude tamo, to bolje. Vidim da nemas ni timeline, ako ti nije tesko, mozes li ga kreirati?  :)


Vjerujem da ti je tip u konzulatu rekao krivo. 10-12 mjeseci je okvirno vrijeme dobivanja vize od slanja I-130, ne odobravanja.

Edited by Ivy., 29 April 2014 - 07:03 AM.

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2014-04-29 07:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Bok, mislim da si krivo shvatio. 10-12 mjeseci je od NOA1 neki deadline, ja ?u ga vrlo vjerojatno prekarda?iti. :D 


Na?i su papiri u NVC ve? 3 tjedna, jo? nismo dobili NVC case number. Tra?ila sam i ja info o tome koliko treba na?oj ambasadi da nam da interview date nakon ?to NVC zavr?i s caseom, ali nisam na?la nikakav info. Mo?e? followati moj timeline ako ?eli? da vidi? kako se stvari kre?u s na?im caseom, ali za sad ti ne mogu pomo?i :(

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2014-04-29 05:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Hej, ja ti ne znam sve to?no jer mi radimo drugu vizu, ali mogu ti re?i par stvari.


Potvrda iz Vukovarske je potvrda Ministarstva pravosu?a. To nikako ne mo?e? dobiti u Osijeku. U Osijeku bi mogla na njihovom sudu dobiti potvrdu da se protiv tebe ne vodi postupak upravo sad, ne znam treba li ti to.


Ina?e, potvrda se mo?e dobiti isti dan, ali njima treba malo da je napi?u. Mene su pitali da se pro?etam pola sata kad sam dizala za frenda i onda vratim nazad, no nije mi to odgovaralo pa sam se ja vratila po to tek sutradan.


?to se ti?e rodnog lista, mi smo za moju IR-1/CR-1 poslali me?unarodni vjen?ani list i to nisu primili. Tra?ili su RFE za marriage certificate. Onda sam ja izvadila obi?an hrvatski vjen?ani list i dala ga prevesti kod sudskog tuma?a na engleski, to su prihvatili. Pretpostavljam da ?e biti isto i s rodnim listom, pa ?u tako poslati i hrvatski rodni list s prijevodom.


Ne znam da li Amere zanima tvoje boravi?te ili prebivali?te, mislim da je najbolje da pri?eka? da ti cure koje su i?le preko K-1 ka?u.





P.S. Dva mjeseca od NOA1 do NOA2?? Ljubomorna sam! :D Nama je trebalo skoro 9 mjeseci za I-130. :( 

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2014-03-21 08:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Mi ?ekamo od lipnja da nam netko pogleda I-130.


Rado bih se mijenjala s vama pa da ?ekam s mu?em papire za i? u Hrvatsku, umjesto da s roditeljima ?ekam papire za i? u Ameriku. :D

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2014-02-08 09:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

I&L, izvoli:
Koliko je meni poznato, ambasada u Zagrebu ne nudi DCF.

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-10-14 01:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Tako mali psic bi trebao moci s tobom u kabinu u torbi. Sve aviokompanije prevoze ljubimce koliko ja znam. Ne znam s kim mislis letiti, ali najbolje da nazoves njih direktno i pitas.

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-09-21 11:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Ne znam sto mislis da ti je bolje. Mislim da nema smisla cekati svadbu sad. Steta sto se niste ozenili u Hrvatskoj, da.

Ako sad pokrenes K1, on bi mogao doci u US najranije proljece/ljeto 2013. Onda krece drugi dio postupka u Americi nakon vase svadbe i moras racunati da on vjerojatno 3-6 mjeseci nece moci raditi.

Dobro, za drzavljanstvo americko dati bebi, ovisi kako si ti svoje dobila. Moj muz je roden i zivio je uvijek u SAD-u, on bi morao samo dati dokaz svog drzavljanstva i prijaviti bebu preko CRBA (consular report of birth abroad). 


Kad ti je termin? Zao mi je sto si se vratila u SAD jer sad tata bebe nije s tobom. To mi je ba? tu?no i ba? mi je bezveze da trudno?a ne ubrzava ni?ta :(

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-09-19 10:28:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA
Fale mi slova "s s kvacicom" u postu, pardon. Ne znam zasto.
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-09-19 10:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA
Nikako ne slati slike s vae proslave ako izgleda kao svadba, a vi aljete K-1. Ako niste potpisali papire, niste u braku. Nemojte da posumnjaju da jeste i da vas odbiju jer misle da aljete za krivu vizu.

Za bebu ti ne treba nita extra u HR, mora ju samo prijaviti u ameri?koj ambasadi, isto kao to ?e je morati prijaviti u hrvatskoj ako ?eli da dijete ima hrvatsko dr?avljanstvo.

Ima li zdravstveno osiguranje u Americi? :/

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-09-19 09:59:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Jeste li se o?enili ve? ili niste?


Pita? za K1, a ka?e? da ste napravili svadbu u Hrvatskoj pa sam zbunjena.


?estitke na trudno?i!

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-09-18 20:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA
Mi idemo u NOLA u nedjelju :-) Koliko ti je grad blizu?
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-08-27 07:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Kum je bio USC, kuma RH, za njega sam nosila kopiju putovnice da prepi?e njegove podatke, za nju kopiju osobne. Ako su oboje stranci, onda oboma treba putovnica, da. :D

Ne mo?e taj papir dobiti u US, mora biti u ambasadi. Mi smo poku?avali na sudu ili kod public notary ovjeriti statement, svi su rekli ne. Mati?arka nam je rekla da se ne zajebavamo da nemamo problema ni ona ni mi (zamisli da ti poni?te brak jer papiri nisu bili ok :o )

Mo?e i prevoditelj, nama je mati?arka dala broj ?enske koja je prevoditeljica s kojom ona radi takve stvari, a nije sudski tuma? s liste koju je postala ambasada.


Meni se ne ?ini ni?ta previ?e :D Svi ovi podaci trebaju i za HR dr?avljanina kad ?eli u?i u brak, samo do njih mo?e do?i sam mati?ar pa ne mora? nositi, a ovako kad se radi o strancu, jebiga :D





Andrea, woohoo! ?estitke! :D Daj koju sli?icu ako ima? :D

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-08-20 08:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Za vjen?anje u HR s USC mi smo pro?li ovo:


1. USC vadi "long birth certificate"

2. Prijava namjere za sklapanje braka 30-45 dana prije svadbe. Teoretski obje osobe moraju biti tamo, ali mene su pustili da prijavim sama s kopijom osobne kume, kopijom putovnice kuma i kopijom njegovog rodnog lista + moja osobna original.

3. Kad USC do?e u HR, ide se u Ambasadu po papir na kojem pi?e da se mo?e o?eniti i da ?e US priznati brak. (Ima na webu, treba vam appt za Notarial services i ko?ta 50 dolara)

4. S tim papirom ide se u Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova na Petreti?evom trgu da oni daju ?ig s kojim se to mo?e koristiti u pravnom prometu HR.

5. Sa svime time (i originalnim duga?kim rodnim listom Amerikanca) smo oti?li ponovo kod mati?ara, gdje je on napokon potpisao onu namjeru za sklapanje braka i ostavili smo sve papire.

Na svadbi su bile mati?arka i sudski tuma?, obje su se potpisale u mati?nu knjigu skupa s nama i kumovima.

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-08-19 20:08:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Bok, slronhill 
Sve traje predugo, u pravu si :D Razmisli kako ti se uklapa koja viza u zivot pa vidi sto bi vam bilo najbolje. Nama je bilo bitno da ja mogu ici raditi cim dodem, nekima je bitno da ne provode prvu godinu (godine) braka odvojeni... Dogovorit cete se vec :)


U svakom slucaju, super je da si nasla forum - tu ces naci sve sto ti treba da ovo obavite sto bezbolnije (lakse, brze, jeftinije). :D


Sretno s odlukom, javi nam ishod! :D

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-08-14 11:54:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA
Sto se tice diplome, provjeri moze li ti faks izdati original na stranom jeziku. Moj predvida mogucnost za to statutom i ja se razgovaram s tetama u referadi u fino vec neko vrijeme.

Kad sredim neki problem koji imam, necemo vise ovako fino :-)

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-08-01 17:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Hello, ladies smile.png
Nisam ba? bila puno na forumu jer smo slavili godi?njicu, putovali gore-dolje po RH i nisam stigla.
Matyzela, ?estitke! Kako je pro?lo, jesu li te gnjavili? 


Luna7, bok smile.png Vidim da mi je do?la neka poruka, pogledat ?u kad napi?em ovaj post. Mi smo pratili ovaj guide za USCIS: http://www.visajourn...tent/i130guide1 a u bookmarksima dr?im i http://www.visajourn...he_NVC_ShortCut za NVC, iako nisam sigurna da ?emo htjeti ubrzavati stvar, ali postupak je svejedno dobro opisan. 


Ako zelis pogledati nesto gdje je cijeli postupan opisan, ima ovo: http://www.visajourn..._live_in_the_US


Petitioner treba zaradivati 125% iznad poverty line, da. Ako zaraduje manje, trebat ce vam cosponsor.

Edited by Ivy., 01 August 2013 - 03:10 AM.

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-08-01 03:09:00
ThailandThailand Thread
I was wondering if anyone here knows of an online electronics store in Thailand that I could order an iPod Nano for my fiance and have it sent to her home address in Prachin Buri. I was looking online and could not find one, so I thought I would ask here. I would just get one here and send it to her, but only about half of any letter or package I send to her actually makes it. Plus I wanted her to have it sooner and I thought that shipping it from Thailand to Thailand might not take as long. I did try the online Apple store for Thailand, but they ship out of singapore and their estimated delivery time was like two weeks. It would have been quicker to buy it and send it from here.

My fiance is a farmer and she likes to listen to her iPod while she works. However hers broke and now she does not have one to listen to. I told her to go get another one but there is no place near where she is at.

Any advice would be appreciated.
googledMaleThailand2011-09-10 16:03:00
ThailandThailand Thread
I just use Skype. For $13.99 a month it is unlimited calls to North America and 40 other countries around the world. This includes calls to landlines and cell phones in Thailand. Skype has an iPhone App to, so I can call using my phone. It does not cost my fiance anything. When she wants to talk she just gives me a missed call and then I call her back. It works out pretty good.
googledMaleThailand2011-05-28 21:22:00
What bridge are you talking about?
googledMaleThailand2012-07-15 23:37:00
ThailandNo verifiable birthdate in Thailand
Yes, This is quite common in Thailand. My wife had similar issues. As Ning said, she will need to go to the local Amphur office.
googledMaleThailand2012-10-14 10:38:00
ThailandHappily married 4 1/2 years now
Congratulations Ding. My wife has been here in the U.S. for over a year now and we are expecting our first child this March. You right the whole process of getting her here was rough, but as long as you hang in there it will all work out.
googledMaleThailand2012-12-25 13:23:00
ThailandIs it Common for a Thai woman to be uncomfortable saying "I Love You"?
My fiance from Thailand never tells me she loves me either. She does say "Pom Rak Kuhn" a lot. I have no idea what it means but it is starting to get annoying.
googledMaleThailand2011-09-12 20:59:00
ThailandPrenuptial Agreements in Thailand
Is your lawyer in the U.S. or is he in Thailand. You have time to shop around for a different lawyer in the U.S. since you have 90 days to marry after she gets to the port of Entry.

Have you spoken to your fiance about the prenup? It might be a good idea to see how understanding she is about it. One of my wife's friends went to France on a fiance visa and right before she was to get married her fiance presented her with the prenup. She was shocked and ticked off and within the week she went home to Thailand. Needless to say they did not get married.
googledMaleThailand2012-12-18 21:22:00
VietnamPink Achieved
googledMaleThailand2011-05-26 21:16:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS
Yeah, I've been having the same problem for a couple days now. Occasionally the site seems to work.
Himaya KoNot TellingPhilippines2006-04-20 22:20:00
USCIS Service CentersApproval email duplicates
On Thursday I received 5 approval notices in my e-mail! :lol:

Opps, I meant Tuesday the 9th.
Himaya KoNot TellingPhilippines2006-05-10 21:53:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC People in waiting!

Hey guys!!! I know that you all have been waiting a long time but it WILL come and when it does it will be the best feeling in the world. Don't worry about touches my case was never touched before i got approved and sometimes being touched is not a good thing cuz it could mean an RFE!! I know how you all feel i was having anxiety attacks when i was waiting!!! but this is the worst part and it will be over soon and when it is everything starts to fly by!!!! just think about how good it will feel the day you get that helped cheer me up sometimes! Hang in there and good luck!!!


I just want to say, Thank You Diana! I was reading this thread and about to moan about no being touched since my NOA1 and then I read your reply. I never thought about it in that way. I can rest a little bit now and just go back to watching the grass grow a little higher. But I still can't wait to hold my Beloved Joynelyn in my arms again.
Himaya KoNot TellingPhilippines2006-05-06 00:21:00
IMBRA Special TopicsTrying To Feel At Ease With FilipinaHearts and IMBRA

I'm new here to the forums (memberwise) but have been reading them for a while. I'm an American (of course) and my soon-to-be fiancée is from the Philippines. I know that the issue of IMBRA and what constitutes a marriage broker have been beaten to death, but still, I still feel uneasy, and was hoping for solid evidence to ease these qualms. I have done a lot of reading of material from this site and others about this. And, of course, I raise this question because my (soon-to-be) fiancée and I met on FilipinaHeart (though never talked there - started on Yahoo IM, Facebook, Email, and Skype).

Here is the email response that I have recieved from FilipinaHeart:

Please be advised that section 4 (B) (ii) of IMBRA exempts dating companies
whose principal business is not to provide dating services between US
citizens and foreign nationals so long as it charges comparable rates and
offers comparable services to all individuals regardless of gender or
country of citizenship. Consequently our company is exempt as it falls
within this exemption (as do many other large dating companies).

Here is the primary contention in the IMBRA law concerning the definition of marriage broker:

(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘international marriage
broker’’ means a corporation, partnership, business, individual,
or other legal entity, whether or not organized
under any law of the United States, that charges fees
for providing dating, matrimonial, matchmaking services,
or social referrals between United States citizens or
nationals or aliens lawfully admitted to the United States
as permanent residents and foreign national clients by
providing personal contact information or otherwise facilitating
communication between individuals.
(B) EXCEPTIONS.—Such term does not include—
(i) a traditional matchmaking organization of a
cultural or religious nature that operates on a nonprofit
basis and otherwise operates in compliance with the
laws of the countries in which it operates, including
the laws of the United States; or
(ii) an entity that provides dating services if its
principal business is not to provide international dating
services between United States citizens or United
States residents and foreign nationals and it charges
comparable rates and offers comparable services to
all individuals it serves regardless of the individual’s
gender or country of citizenship.

As you can see, FilipinaHeart (as well as any service including Yahoo or would surely meet this definition. EXCEPT, for Section 4 B) ii) - FilipinaHeart is a service that specifically says in the About Us page that it is for those of Western Backgrounds and Filipinos to meet (not U.S. Citizens and a foreign national specifically). Further, Cupid Media specializes in many types of dating - worldwide dating, in fact, based on sexual preferences, niches, and more. It is not American focused. Heck, it's not even an American company, and many clients on FilipinaHearts are in Britain, throughout Europe, and in Australia, as well as in the Philippines itself. Additionally, FilipinaHeart gives the same three membership options at the same approximate cost (dollars equaling php) to all members - regardless of location or gender (I proved this by creating an account with a membership with female gender from the Philippines - then closed it down after my test was over). We may well conclude that FilipinaHearts is exempt. It is a very large company, not quite like, but still significant. Perhaps that is its advantage; it has the money to lobby (or at least copy the lobbyists) who petitioned the government for that exception (Yahoo and included).

So why all the fear (with me and others)? Because so many people continue to claim that it is an IMB, even though many other people clearly state they meet in FilipinaHearts on Part B, Question 18 (not 19) of their I-129F. It rarely seems to matter, even in the consular interview in the Philippines. Still, the fear is always there because the adjudicators literally control the fate of any two lives that seek to join.

So, my questions are thus:
A). Is it smart to include in Part B, Question 18, while describing the details of how we met, the initial meeting in FiliipinaHearts? (And no, I will not check the Yes box of Question 19 because that makes little logical sense based on my research and goes against how I truly feel the law to read).
B). Has anyone in this forum actually done this and still been approved for the K-1 Visa after the consular interview? I am dying to hear some answers to this question.
C). If I were to check Yes to Part B, Question 19, that would invalidate the whole relationship because it would not be a proper introduction due to the requirement that the IMB do a background check and send the provided information to beneficiary so that s/he can agree to an initial contact. This would really screw anyone over. How could such a situation be remedied, if it were to be so unfortunate enough as to occur? K-3 visa? A re-establishment of the bona fide relationship from the point of actually personally meeting, and from there, refilling the K-1 petition?
D). Is it commonly told by the beneficiary to the Philippines consular that the couple met online through FilipinaHearts or a similar site? Are they given much grief? Is it looked over?
E). Should I call the USCIS and ask them personally if FilipinaHeart is an IMB. I seen a response on another site that said out of a survey of 200 people who did this for Cherry Blossoms, only 2 reported that the USCIS official said that Cherry Blossoms was indeed an IMB.

For me personally, I plan to include all the details of the relationship in Part B, Question 18, and include something like this: "We initially met each other online, on a site called FilipinaHeart (which is not classified as an IMB due to Section 4 B) ii) in the IMBRA law)... We began our relationship through Yahoo Instant Messenger, Facebook, Email, and soon, Skype... etc." I don't see any reason to hide this fact; others don't seem to be. They will find out sooner or later anyway. Moreover, it is not an IMB as I understand the exemption. She will mention we met online, and if pressed, FilipinaHeart at the interview. I don't anticipate this honesty being reciprocated with a denial.

Thanks a lot guys, please let me know if my thinking is correct. I hope this is a very comprehensive analysis and inquiry of the situation, and I hope it helps many people out through its discussion =)
Young TurpMalePhilippines2010-01-13 00:20:00
United Kingdompassport photos for interview
I just took my wife's digital passport photos from Japan and printed them as wallets at walgreens. Then I cut them down to 2X2. The size of her head is a little bigger than a real passport photo, but I didn't hear any's pretty close
dazemanMaleJapan2009-10-25 13:52:00
United KingdomRenewing UK passport
Hi Everybody, I posted this somewhere else on the forums but I was advised that I maybe able to get more help if i post here.

I wonder if someone can help me out. I got married in March and have just finally decided to change the name on my UK passport. Through I have found out that i can send my passport to the UK embassy in Washington DC to update it.

Because it costs over $200 to simply change my name and $300 to renew my passport, I was considering just renewing it. My passport expires in June 2011. Will they allow me to renew now?

My next question- do i need to get someone to countersign the passport applications even if i decide not to renew and include photograph? I have been here just under a year and don't know any UK citizens. I know a US citizen who is a retired chief of police I've know since March. Would that be ok?

Thanks for any help you can give me!! good.gif
weazieFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-07 13:37:00