Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Imaš još vremena do 2. mjeseca. Na koliko dugo si dobila prošlu vizu?

Ovu vizu s kojom sam sad usla sam dobila na tri mjeseca, jedan ulazak u USA. Studiram i imala sam potvrdu s faksa i index i to, ali sljedece godine zavrsavam dodiplomski i rekla sam da idem decku, pa mislim da mi nisu htjeli dati na vise da ne bih sljedece ljeto usla i ostala u drzavi na B-2 vizi.

U veljaci cu biti skoro gotova s dodiplomskim, ali planiramo svadbu u Zagrebu i ja cu ostati u Zg dok ne zavrsim diplomski, tako da se nadam da ce mi opet dati vizu. Bilo bi lijepo kad bi mi dali B-2 na recimo 5 godina, da ne moram svako malo placati $140 i traziti novu, ali sve dok mi je ne odbiju je ok. :star:
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2011-09-15 11:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA
Hvala :-)

Plan je da ja trazim jos jednu B-2 vizu (trecu) za putovanje u veljaci sljedece godine.. Ne mozemo se ne vidjeti 10 mj. prije svadbe...
Strah me da mi ju nece dati kad kazem da idem zarucniku. :wacko:

No dobro, vidjet cemo. :)

Edited by Ivy., 14 September 2011 - 10:49 PM.

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2011-09-14 22:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA
Sve smo dogovorili! :star:

Svadba 21.7.2012., onda ja ostanem u HR zavrsiti magisterij, godinu i nesto nakon svadbe predamo papire tako da cca proces bude gotov negdje kao i magisterij. Onda smo u trenutku mog ulaska u USA 2 godine u braku vec.

Posted Image
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2011-09-14 16:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA
Dakle nista od K-3. Ok, thanks. :)
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2011-09-10 00:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA
Bok, cure.

Procitala sam negdje da se K-3 viza vise ne koristi, ali sad ne mogu naci tu informaciju ili objasnjenje.

Zna li netko vise o tome?
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2011-09-08 23:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA
Mi smo danas kupili prsten. (L)

Znam da nema post bas veze s trazenjem vize, ali nemam kome reci, a ako nekome ne kazem, puknut cu. :lol:
Roditeljima ne zelim reci preko telefona, a dok ne kazem njima ne mogu nikome drugome, pa eto tu.

Moraju ga smanjiti na moju velicinu i u cetvrtak idemo po njega. :luv:
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2011-08-30 21:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA

Mi smo odradili dva. :)

Prvo je bilo prije tocno dvije godine tu u Americi, a onda smo ponovili pricu u Zagrebu prosle jeseni.

Izgleda da se ove godine ne zenimo, hm.

Sretna godisnjica :D
Ako shvatis da ti fali vjencanje svake godine, uvijek mozete "obnavljati zavjete" ... pa dok vam ne dosadi :D

I mi cemo najvjerojatnije imati dva, treba dvije obitelji usreciti, a nemamo para da svi lete preko oceana. :D
Buduci da je njegova obitelj (bake) religioznija od moje obitelji (mojih baka), maticar ce biti u Zagrebu, svecenik u Texasu.

Sto mi, ponovo, pase, jer bih ja htjela i samo vjencanje i recepciju na istom mjestu, a svecenici ne zene ljude van crkve :D
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2011-08-28 06:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA
Hvala na odgovoru.
To mi zapravo pase, jer bih ja htjela vjencanje u HR. :)
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2011-08-25 09:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA
Pretpostavih da je tako. :)

Nego, htjela sam pitati, koja viza je kraca/jeftinija? K-1 ili IR1/CR1?
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2011-08-25 07:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)CROATIA
Ima li jos Hrvata ovdje ili ste svi rijesili vize i vise ne dolazite na forum? :D
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2011-08-24 19:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Bosnia and Herzegovina

Znaci ta opcija nema prolaz , a dali je dobro rijesenje da ona dodje u evropu(zivim van BIH u jednoj od EU zemalja vec oko 10 godina) na recimo 10-tak dana i uzmemo se ovdje pa nakon toga ganjat papire(ona je drzavljanin USA)??

Ako ste sigurni da to ?elite i nakon ?to se upoznate, mo?da je bolje da se vidite, uzmete odmah i onda ona ?alje papire za mu?a? Bona fide vezu dokazivat ?ete tim porukama koje imate. 

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2013-05-20 09:47:00
Asia: East and PacificGetting pregnant after failed interview.
QUOTE (pasaitoh @ Jun 30 2008, 09:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think they most certainly would separate a mother and child.
They can't!
They can not give mother the visa, but they can't separate them.. blink.gif

Minya's wife, I agree with the red thing you said smile.gif
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-06-30 14:41:00
Asia: East and PacificGetting pregnant after failed interview.
QUOTE (pasaitoh @ Jun 30 2008, 09:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The child might have a easier path to entry, but it doesn't guarantee anything for the mother.
I agree with you point of view and the what if, but.. surely they wouldn't separate mother and the child? blink.gif

And, the baby would get US citizenship simply by being born to a USC as a parent, so it would have every right to enter the US without any visas.
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-06-30 14:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThe Africa they never show you
QUOTE (Asante Maroon @ Jul 1 2008, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks Ivy!

You're welcome! I'm looking forward to new pictures! kicking.gif
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-07-01 11:56:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThe Africa they never show you
QUOTE (Asante Maroon @ Jul 1 2008, 06:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It looks like I just used up my allotted attachment space huh.gif

Any suggestions on getting around that? I just uploaded 3 pics!
  1. Upload your picture on
  2. Copy the second code (IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards)
  3. Paste it in your post where you want to add the picture.
Repeat that will all the pics you wanna show, and at the end submit your post! That's it smile.gif
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-07-01 11:10:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThe Africa they never show you
Thank you for this thread!! good.gif

You're right, this is something they never show. Everybody talks about poverty, deserts, abuse of women, children dying... but people forget to mention the other side of the medal and all the beauties Africa holds within. I just finished reading "Infidel", a book by Ayaan Hirsi Ali about her life and a big part of that book talks about life in Africa and it really is nice to see this now for balance since the book is really depressing and sad (and strong at the same time, but I won't go into a book review now)
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-07-01 07:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTourist Visa for Non-Immigrant Spouse
QUOTE (jamster0105 @ Jun 22 2008, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My questions is this: Will it be difficult to get a tourist visa for my wife since I am a US citizen? Will they decline her because of the risk of her staying there? Or should we just wait until we process for her to immigrate to the US? I hope someone out there has been in my situation before and can help answer these questions for me...Thank you all for your time.

From what I've heard or read about tourist visas - they need to be convinced your wife will not stay there once she enters the US. So, what they're looking for is some kind of proof that she indeed will come back - this is usually being employed, owning a house or apt in the country you're coming from, having children that are staying behind during the trip..

I think a valid visa for Thailand, proof of residency and her work contract would suffice to show them that she plans to come back. That would be enough in my country anyway, so I think it basically comes down to how paranoid people working in US Embassy there are. huh.gif
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-06-22 07:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI fell in love and got married to someone related to me.
I found information about a lawyer in the US that is specialized in Armenian Family Law: http://www.armeniany...r...ery&cid=134

Sefyan Law Firm - Attorney, Lawyer, Law Office, Lawyers
1101 East Broadway, Suite #207
Glendale, CA 91205

Phone: 818-500-1882
Fax: 818-484-2193
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-07-06 07:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI fell in love and got married to someone related to me.
QUOTE (PlatyPius @ Jul 6 2008, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
They're already married....
And by the laws of the country they got married in, their marriage is not considered to be valid.
Reba said this:
If the marriage is not considered legal in the country in which it took place, then a marriage based visa to the US would not be possible.

Therefore, I suggested they could get married in the United States in one of the states that would consider such marriage to be valid and then they could apply for a K-3 with no problem.
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-07-06 07:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI fell in love and got married to someone related to me.
Here is a list of states and what they say about first cousin marriages:

Maybe you could get her to the USA on a tourist visa, get married there, and then after she goes back home file for a K-3?

Edited by Ivy411, 06 July 2008 - 07:19 AM.

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-07-06 07:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat means proof ur relation(marriage)
When they ask for a proof of relationship, they want to see pictures of vacations you guys took together, boarding passes, letters, emails, a list of Skype calls and etc. Basically anything that proves that you stay in touch or see each other.

Some people were asked to show it, some were not asked about that at all. It all depends on the embassy/person doing the interview. But better be safe than sorry.

Good luck!
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2011-09-02 07:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuick B2 visa question (tourist visa)
Okay, I got my visa. smile.gif Well I don't actually have it right now since they have my passport, but they approved it. smile.gif

The things I came with are these:
  • Invitation letter
  • Note from the university I'm in that says I'm studying there
  • My student ID
  • Note from my bank showing how much money I have
  • Contract from the bank for savings on 5 years (3 done, 2 to go)
  • Contract from the phone company for my cell phone on 2 years (1/2 done, 1+1/2 to go)
  • Note from the police given to me and my mother when we reported our new address to prove I'm living with my parents (Family = ties to my country)
  • My old passport that has a lot of stamps in it and a UK tourist visa just so they see I traveled around and came back home every time. ^.^

The whole thing lasted longer than I expected, but I was done in 2 hours. I came early though, so let's say it took an hour and a half. The guy I spoke to was really nice, friendly and polite and it wasn't awkward chatting with him. My invitation letter says that the visit would be beneficial for me because of a chance to improve my English, so he spoke to me in English the whole time (He said he believes there's no time like present). He asked me where I'm going, when, why, what does the person I'm visiting do, how did we meet, their family, my family, what I'm doing, how did I get the money for the trip being a student (working during the summer and saving) First thing he asked me was how I was, and I said I was hungry (I was biggrin.gif) and he laughed at that and said he appreciates honesty and whole conversation was in a nice mood. At the end he commented that my English is great and that one can barely hear my accent, and that he hopes I have fun in the US.... even though I'm going to Texas. laughing.gif
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-10-22 07:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuick B2 visa question (tourist visa)
Bumping just to say my interview is in 3 days. I'll post how it went.
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-10-19 05:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuick B2 visa question (tourist visa)
Uff. Thanks for your answer, Badgerella. I'm even more freaked out now than I was before.

Did you have your interview by now? How did it go? (If you didn't have it yet, good luck!)
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-09-15 05:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuick B2 visa question (tourist visa)
milimelo, thanks a lot for the local input!

I bought my ticket today (return ticket tongue.gif) and I'm kinda freaking out because of this visa thing, but a lot of people (including the woman at the travel agency) told me I should be okay with getting it if I'm a student. I guess there's only one way to find out...

I don't plan to ask for my visa until October, but I'll try to remember and update this thread with information on how it went. It could be useful to someone one day. smile.gif
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-06-30 12:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuick B2 visa question (tourist visa)
Oh, I knew there was something I missed. Thanks for reminding me biggrin.gif

I'm from Croatia. I saw just a handful of Croatian members here, I don't know if any of them will see this thread. I'll edit the title to include the country. (Edit: Mmmm, okay, nevermind.. I can't edit my post)

Oh, one more question - I know they're advising against buying a plane ticket before being granted a visa, but is that something they'd really hold against me? I plan to check if I can return my plane ticket and get my money back before buying it, but I'd like to buy it as soon as possible, because the longer I wait, the more it costs and I don't have unlimited funds to work with so I'd like to get it as cheap as possible..

Edited by Ivy411, 24 June 2008 - 08:41 AM.

Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-06-24 08:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuick B2 visa question (tourist visa)
Hi everybody.

I realize that a non-immigrant visa is slightly offtopic on this board, so I'm posting in here and I hope that's ok. I plan to visit USA as a tourist during Christmas holidays and I started looking at plane flight prices and visa requirements already. I'm excited and I'd like to have everything (both visa and the ticket) as early as possible. Also, the earlier I buy the plane ticket, the cheaper it is. blush.gif

I know that what they need in order to give me a tourist visa is proof I will come back to my home country. I am a part time student and officially I'm unemployed so I'm a bit scared that won't be enough for them. The evidence I can show to prove that I plan to come back home is evidence that I'm a student and that I (at the of the interview) just started another year at the university, a contract from bank for savings, I am obliged to have it for 5 years (and I've been saving only 3 years so far), and a contract I have with a phone company (I made it this month) where I am obliged to use their services for 2 years. I also plan to come with a return plane ticket to prove I will indeed be going back home. Do you think this will be enough for them? I can't think of anything else that could back up my claims I will be coming back. unsure.gif

Thanks in advance,
Ivy.FemaleCroatia2008-06-24 08:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswanting to go forward with the k2 for fiance's child.
k2 on a follow to join can get their visa within 1 year that your fiance got hers.. even if u got married, she can still follow on a k2, u only need to have a few paperworks to be submitted to the embassy... im not really sure how it goes but im really certain that she can follow w/ k2 visa within 1 year.
jj1028Not TellingPhilippines2007-07-29 20:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of Support
Ive heard US Embassy in Manila doesn't require Affidavit of Support to be notarized anymore, somebody please enlighten me. And how much does it cost for Affidavit of Support to be notarized and where? thanks! Im sorry if this question has been asked...
jj1028Not TellingPhilippines2007-05-12 08:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of Support Form I-134
hi guys, we're filling out Affidavit of Support but we're a bit confused... im on K1 and my son on K2, we've got a few question... tried to search but cant seem to find the answer, sorry if this has been asked before...

1. Do we need a separate I-134 for me and my son (k2)?
2. Under question [10. I ave submitted visa petition(s) to USCIS on behalf of the following person(s)....] Do we only need to list my name as k2 are derivative??
3. How many copies we need to have?

jj1028Not TellingPhilippines2007-07-29 06:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNSO certified divorce decree SECPA
Don't reschedule her interview date, if ever she still doesnt have her annulment papers by then, USEM wont release the visa until you turn it over to them.. and that will put you in AR till you submit what they wanted.
jj1028Not TellingPhilippines2007-09-17 22:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAdoption and Removal of Conditions
i am assuming you are doing the process by yourself.. we hired a lawyer and he did everything for us up to securing of my son's birth cert... well, for change of name, i am not sure on that, if y'all dont have a lawyer, best is to ask the county court before the hearing about that coz i know its not automatic or maybe it is in your state.. our lawyer had to petition for my son's name change together with the application. maybe some people here that did their adoption w/o a lawyer can answer your question about that. For the birth certificate, you have to apply for it afterwards.. contact your local vital statistics office..
jj1028Not TellingPhilippines2010-07-11 02:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAdoption and Removal of Conditions
hey there... my husband adopted my son early last year, and no he didnt have to apply for removal of condition as he became a US citizen after the adoption... they gave us a new birth certificate with last name from my hubby, we hired a lawyer so he did all of that.. our lawyer petitioned for my sons last name change with the application and stuff and it came with the final decree.. We acquired a US passport after that. although Social security told me in able for my son to change his status on their record, they need certificate of citizenship, that i havent done yet, we were able to have a vacation w/ no problems only having my son's US passport... i probably gonna come back and see if they accept my son's US passport, i went there last year with only the adoption decree on my hand so I will try if they accept passport if not then i will file for N643... and no you dont need N643 to finalize adoption.. hope it helps... :D
jj1028Not TellingPhilippines2010-07-10 11:09:00
Asia: East and PacificBangkok to Siam Reap

Thanks for the great replies! Not planning on traveling to Siam Reap till November...the ground trip sounds like a exciting experience. More research to do....




My brother's and father's names are both Alvin to. I do not know of to many other Alvin's, so I like your name.

I have never taken the bus all the way to Cambodia, but my wife lives in Prachin Buri province and I have taken the bus from the Mo Chit station in Bangkok to Prachin Buri with her quite often. It is about halfway to Cambodia.

The experience for me has always been good. There are always farangs on the bus and my wife tells me that they are usually always on their way to Cambodia. So I know people such as yourself do this all the time.

Hope this helps.
googledMaleThailand2011-09-11 08:02:00
Asia: East and PacificIs anybody here from San Antonio, Texas, USA?
Is anybody from San Antonio, Texas, USA here? If there is...So:

1. Have you known any Filipino communities there?
2. Have you known any Filipina (s) or Filipino (s) people there?

Thank you for the sharing guys!

I look forward to hear your answers soon.

Best regards,

Himaya KoNot TellingPhilippines2006-07-13 05:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHeaded to Manila Tomorrow to see Melinda for 17 days

Hello Himaya KO,

Goodluck for Joynelyn interview!!! I am sure she will be APPROVED.


Thanks Sweety_33! I was pleased to see on your timeline that you were approved recently. :)

God Bless
Himaya KoNot TellingPhilippines2006-08-28 12:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHeaded to Manila Tomorrow to see Melinda for 17 days
Hello Rob! I hope you have a safe flight and a wonderful visit with Mel.
My Beloved Joynelyn's interview is coming this September 25th and so I will hopefully be
going there in October to accompany her home.

God Bless
Himaya KoNot TellingPhilippines2006-08-26 22:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview today in Manila!!
Woo Hoo! Way to go! Congrats!!!!!

I would have wish your Fiancee good luck, but I only now read the post.
Anyways, Good Luck to the both of you and may our Lord shower your union with his blessings.
Himaya KoNot TellingPhilippines2006-02-23 03:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApproved K1 Applications Being Recalled!
This pisses me off to no end. We just got our approval on May 8th.
I'm definitely going to call the the NCSC and ask about this #######. :angry:
Himaya KoNot TellingPhilippines2006-05-11 22:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresClueless Father!
hi im youngdaddy from texas... i am soooo sad!

im a permanent resident here. i arrived here 4 months ago.. and ive been missing my girlfriend and kids so bad. we are not married and i cant figure out how to petition them.. pls help me.

i am visiting philippines next year and i wonder if im marrying her then file a petition when i get back here? or is it advisable i wait for me to be US citizen then marry her and petition them which is 5 years from now... i dont know which way to go. which one is faster? im longing for them everyday... i got two boys thats waitin for me to play with them. im like a kid crying all the time.

i didnt marry her because of this visa i needed to stay single. that was my sure someone does too.

im not sure if this is the right room... but i need to let it out.
youngdaddyNot TellingPhilippines2006-12-01 02:45:00