IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I'm a bit late on this, but congrats Trav& happy for you!

Thank you!!! :D :dance: :dance: :dance:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 10:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Haha, seems like you got ADHD :P Probably wouldn't help writing a book then, unless you're aiming for a random one Posted Image

If you got any questions about the site or challenge, I'd gladly answer them ;)

LOL yeah, about the ADHD - it's a distinct possibility! :) Going to try this challenge - can it be done any time of year?
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 10:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Yeah, there's this website "NaNoWriMo" (National Novel Writing Month) where, since 2003, I've written a novel each November. Although, these last two years, I haven't finished. Just lost motivation/got distracted half way through.

The characters often tell the stories themselves! And it's called a "notes" file to keep all my ideas straight ;)

Maybe I'll try an immigration-related novel this year Posted Image Dunno what it'll be about though. I'm better with fantasy novels. you can see, I'm very random. Oh look, a squirrel... :P In other words - my ideas may somehow get forgotten until far too late :)

OOOOO...*runs to check out the website*
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 10:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

After my interview I said to hubby, now I have to start a new list. Him ? All the things we have to do to get our belongings, our vehicles, our cat(s) into the US

LOL!!! Lists are amazing. I have a few tacked up on my plan is to give away what I need to, sell what I can, and take the rest :) Hopefully 2-3 bags - that shouldnt' be lost on a plane! how are your lists coming?

Sounds like you two have this long distance relationship working. Modern technology certainly helps. We are lucky and have never had to long distance date which was why the domicile issue was a pain as the government are trying to separate you before you can be together.

Yep...we figured from the start, we needed to talk every day - and not just meaningless talk. We talk about absolutely everything, non stop...we watch movies and cook together over skype, when we "go out to eat", we order the same thing and eat it in front of skype. It's kind of sad, but technology is FABULOUS! This process would have been a LOT harder without it, for sure.
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 10:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I've written 7 fiction novels (and another 2 unfinished ones) Posted Image

Really? THAT'S a lot of writing! how does one talk for upwards of 100 pages?! How does one keep their ideas straight?! :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 10:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Puzzled: yesterday morning, an agent told me my DS-230 packet was being reviewed. Last night, and again this morning, the agents asked when did I send the packet (I told them when it was delivered to them). They then said "It takes 15 days to process and update your case ma'am".

Have they stopped giving updates? It sounds like they didn't even LOOK at my file!!!Posted Image

Yes, some of them are most unhelpful unfortunately! Call back, it sounds like you got one of the unhelpful monkeys... :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 10:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

She is currently scanning the document and i ask her to send them directly to her email so i cna double check and make sure that everything is correct to be sent. Once correct i will be the one to email the supervisor Sue using her email ( my wife ). After we sent the email she will make the call to her Senator's office and inform them that she is sending the requested documents

That sounds like an EXCELLENT plan! I can't wait to hear how it goes - keep us posted!

Posted Image I totally could picture that!

LOL that's awesome! Wonder how hard it would be to write a book...that's something that a person could do while they wait to tie up all the US pieces of immigration! :P
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 10:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

You're welcome ^_^

And don't trip while running to VJ :P

LOL...THAT would go something like this: run to VJ, trip over feet, smash nose into SOMETHING (because I'm clumsy like that), grab Kleenex, and finish my run to VJ :P
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 09:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Here's a screenshot of mine: http://i128.photobuc...erviewpage1.jpg :D

And we better be the first ones to know (after Trav and family of course) :P

LOL...thanks for the screenshot and you got it, Dudette! :thumbs: it'll go freak out, tell Trav, tell family, run to VJ :D

I'm getting prepard for our medical exam 2mrw, finally something to do!! I do feel so relievd we have our interview date and all but I def have too much time on my hands now that I don't have to call nvc twice a day or keep check my emails :bonk:

I've been feeling a bit off the last few days, just the same feeling as I had before I gave birth to my son...I really do keep my fingers crossed that the baby doesn't decide to show up 2mrw! That could be a hassle, giving birth in a strange town having my 6 year old with me :blink:

Hooray for the medical exam tomorrow...but :o Sure hope for you that the lil girl stays put! Just a couple more days, baby...then come out and hug your momma!
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 09:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I just call her back, it went away and now she is gathering the documents for the scanning, i told her to contact the senator's office as well and fax them the doctor's letter and her own letter as they requested them from us before taking any action

OK, I hope it stays away too! The senator's office is a good idea - very good idea actually. Sounds like you're on the right track!
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 09:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

She is while i was talking to her, the same pains that had her gone 2 emergency room twice lask week

Do the pains come and go when you're talking to her, or does she just have it the whole time?

Yes, keep thinking that May 7th is your interview date Posted Image To help with this, you should print out a mock interview letter, with your name and the date of May 7th, hang it on a wall or something so you can see it often. Helps you to imagine better ;) I actually did this Posted Image

And enjoy your date night after calling NVC. Hopefully you'll have some more awesome news to make it an amazing night ;)

OOOH a mock interview letter...maybe I can find a template! I'll look for that today :) you give the most fun advice :D If any more awesome news comes our way - you guys will be among the first to know :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 09:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I just talk to my wife, she said she is going to scan them instead she was not able to drive back to home and stayed at work a coupld of minutes. The baby went down to her belly so she could not even walk out the office and get in her Car.

Oh wow... I hope your wife's ok, and praying now...good that she's going to find a way to scan them. Sounds like you need this expedite quickly!! She's not having pains, is she? :(
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 09:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Congrats to Shell!

Thank you!! :D :luv:

I called them this morning, i will call next week. i no longer like to call NVC, they are not being of help

I know they're not being helpful - they really don't like to do that all the time, and I'm sorry :( Riley even made me cry, so I know how you feel about them. I still called information shortly after Riley made me cry, too. Keep your hope/faith up!
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 09:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Yes, definitely focus on the interview right now (which will be on May 7th ;) ). After you've moved, you can worry about what you need to do :P

And I'd just make a quick call to NVC to see what's going on with your case (if an interview date has been assigned or the case has been shipped out).

Focus...focus...focus...May 7...May 7...May 7...ok got it! :thumbs:

I'll call just before I wake Trav up tonight (we stay up late, and he works a very demanding job so he naps until I get home from work each day lol). Then, our date night can begin! :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 09:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I will not call anymore until next week

Did you and Trav pray for me last night as promised? :whistle:

Of course we prayed for you! We prayed really hard that you would have the strength to get through everything, and that God would help you get to your wife who needs you. We prayed that you'd be able to get all the documents together and get them to NVC by the end of the week so they could grant your expedite. We prayed that God would give you peace to know He's watching over you and your family and your application, every step of the way. We are still praying.

And please, phone today. Even if it's just once a day...don't listen to NVC!
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 09:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Definitely not! Posted Image

There's quite a few things to do in the first few weeks.

Wow. I think I'll just make sure all my interview ducks are in a row LOL. no sense worrying about what isn't here yet! :D (because, it would be so easy to start obsessing about SSNs and jobs and licenses and...oh wow LOL...)

Think I'll take a night off from everything tonight - I shouldn't need to call anyone should I? if not, it's SO going to be movie and dinner night with Travis! :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 08:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

With your experience (and degree), you should definitely have no problem finding a job. But yes, focus on getting a SSN first (hopefully you'll get it in the mail, unlike me), and then a license.

LOL...the life of someone moving to the US is never boring, is it? :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 08:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Too bad you can't telecommute. I'm sure it would be a lot easier knowing if you were transferred and already had a job for when you get to the US. Nonetheless, I'm sure you'll find something. Took me just 2 months from when I got my SSN to find a job, and that's without a useful degree (just a Social Science one) or much work experience (just 3 previous jobs). Plus, I wasn't trying that hard Posted Image

Telecommuting would be amazing! First order of business is getting me a SSN and a license though (I can't drive, and after a nasty car accident in 2005 I REALLY didn't want to learn - gonna have to now though!). I've got 5 years of accounting/payroll experience, and a TON of university education (no degree - but I do have an accounting diploma, lol!). I've been told not to worry, my accounting experience should be my ticket (considering all the companies I've done accounting for had an American presence, I've got US accounting experience too :D ). We'll see! :thumbs:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-12 08:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I'm voting for that one Posted Image

LOL...funny, that was my thought :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 22:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Posted Image That is kind of odd. Maybe they're hard at work on your case ;)

Maybe...or maybe they just REALLY REALLY want to be re-elected...or maybe lil ole me scared the ####### out of them :P
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 22:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012
This is probably a very dumb question, and probably not for in here but it's sort of related so I'm it normal for congressmen - OR their aides - to write you at 9 at night?!
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 22:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Expedite request plus documentation have just been submitted to nvc.

Prayers going your way!
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 20:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

It does still work after all. The link just needs to be updated to use this instead:

I put in EXP 16 APR 2012A in the Shippers Reference field and then set the date range to 16APR2012 to 18APR2012. A bunch of shipments appears, there is even one for Montreal. You can then click on the details to find out if the package has been delivered or if it is still en route.

There wasn't anything for 18 APR 2012A, but they probably won't ship my case until tomorrow since the expedite was just approved today.

Yay! Hopefully you hear from them very soon so you can find out your interview date.

Hehe...well, they told me my case left on the 12th so I used that date. Sure enough, one for Montreal. And sure enough, on Monday they didn't have anything yet - but by Tuesday my case was pending. Today, they've started entering it. This is cool and exciting! :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 19:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

This is taken from the LingChe NVC ShorCut:

1. NVC sets an appointment date for you and sends out your package to the US Embassy.
If you're really #######, paranoid, or just a busybody, you can track the package status. You can use the date after your interview was assigned, as the tracking reference date, and then do a search on DHL. The format to use is "EXP 07 OCT 2008A" don't forget the spaces...and to set the date range on the tracking page. The website for tracking is. The package may not go out on the next day, but the reference code will still be for that date. When your package is able to be tracked, it will make more sense. You'll see a list of packages going to different embassies. You'll know which one is yours.


This is a few years old and may no longer work.

It worked for me! My package arrived in Montreal this past Monday afternoon :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 19:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Thanks! I think it helped that I had already been in contact with the IV Unit at the Santiago Embassy and from what I understand that Embassy does not get a lot of family based visa petitions, so they probably accept most expedite requests because they don't see a reason to make someone wait longer than they have to.

Is there still a reliable way to track packages from the NVC to the Embassy/Consulate via DHL? The method listed in the LingChe NVC ShortCut doesn't seem to work.

You can do that?!?!
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 19:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Just spoke with Mac at the NVC. He informed me that our expedite request was approved today and that both cases have been sent to the Embassy in Santiago! I submitted the expedite request via email Monday evening, then received a reply on Tuesday morning that they had received my expedite request and today it was approved. :dance:

The finish line is starting to come into view. Hopefully the Santiago embassy will get our case and contact us to schedule the interview in a few days.

Thanks again to those that provided guidance on the expedite process.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go - bet this feels amazing :D :star: :star: :dance: :dance:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 18:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Perhaps, but I'm leaning more towards them just requesting the documents at the interview. You should be leaning on that too as it'd be a lot faster.

*leans on taking docs to it* :thumbs:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 14:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Packet 3 is what K1 applicants receive and send back to the embassy/consulate. It's essentially a combination of the AOS and IV packages in one, but with different forms.

Packet 4 is the interview letter.

Right - ok that makes sense then! They'll send me packet 3, probably asking for whatever I haven't sent yet. Gotcha! :thumbs:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 14:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Packet 3 and 4? I thought we only would get one email sent out and that would be the letter with the appointement...

I think my case will be different than yours - I'm EP through Montreal with an expedite :D Plus, Katie said I'd get those LOL...who knows, at this point?
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 13:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Does Porter Airlines fly out of where you are, Shell? They often have discounts and you may also be able to find promotion codes to reduce the cost even more. I'd avoid Air Canada if at all possible. Not just because of all the operation issues they're having these days, but also because of their cost. When I'm finally at the point where I actually have an interview date (just getting a freakin' case number at this point would be FANTASTIC), I'm going to fly on Porter from Windsor.

Looked into Porter the other day, actually. I got nothin'. Winnipeg has Air Canada and WestJet - but I'll look for anything else I may be missing! Porter sounded awesome...and yes, you need that stupid little number already :(
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 13:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Glad she told you to call as often as you want. That's an operator that really cares Posted Image You should send in a compliment to DOS about Katie!

This is now the second time someone's mentioned about Montreal implementing the online scheduling to everyone, not just K1s... It'll be interesting to see how it develops..

That's an excellent idea - about the compliment! I'll try and figure out how to do just that!

And I think I mentioned it the first time too, because Katie's told me that two times now. I told her "I think that's just K1's, all the CR-1s are still told they get their interviews scheduled" and she said something to the effect of she didn't realize that, and it seemed to be something new they were trying to do. not sure, but i'll keep you posted! :thumbs:

Shell i PM something about the doctor's appointment

OK, thanks - checking now!
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 13:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Haha, so the trick is to distract you when travelling :P

LOL exactly :)

Just got off the phone with Katie at DoS - there's very little information on my case in the system apparently, looks like they just barely received the physical file. She told me to call back as much as I want because all they do is answer questions - that's their job. Good info! :thumbs:

Katie informed me too that they're thinking of slowly implementing a system where ALL people through Montreal schedule their own interviews now...although, of course, my case will likely be different. She said potentially something could be entered by tomorrow afternoon, but the next steps by the embassy are going to be sending me packet 3, and then packet 4. Yep, got that. Thanks! :)

Edited by Trav&Shell, 18 April 2012 - 12:30 PM.

Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 12:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

yay!!! congrats!!!

LOL no no...i said "what if" :) I had a dream a few weeks back that I was specifically told my interview was on May 7th LOL :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 12:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Yup, there's two panel physicians in Montreal: Medisys (where I went to) as well as another Dr Seidens.

Ohhh, rocky cliffs, completely understand you! I'm always nervous travelling winding roads high up. Probably safer to go by plane at that point then. Remember, planes are the safest way to travel. There's thousands of cars on the road (so higher potential of being in an accident) with only a few planes travelling around Winnipeg-Toronto (so less chance of being hit). I prefer those odds ;)

OOOOH awesome...thanks to you (and Sheeshkabelle) for the Montreal clarification :) Now it makes sense. And yes, winding high up rocky roads are nerve wracking. The roads where Trav lives used to get a little scary for me, but the second time he took me around them - he threw his phone at me and said "here, could you clean out my inbox please? It's a mess." I didn't notice until we hit his parents' place that we'd gone around all those bends, and now I'm fine on them :D And you're right on the odds being in the favor of flying! I'll take those too :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 12:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Since there are 4 panel physicians in Canada (compared to just 1 place to do spousal interviews), I'm sure they've got a wider schedule. Plus, they (at least Medisys does) opens earlier than the consulate, and are open much longer. So, they can squeeze in a lot more people each day. Plus, you've got like 3 things to do at the medical (talk with the doctor about previous medical history as well as a short physical, X-ray, blood test). They're done in 3 different places, so if they properly rotate people, you can squeeze in more, compared to doing it in a certain order (like the interview), slowing down the process.

I didn't know there were 4 panel physicians - just thought three! Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal...or are there two in Montreal? And that's true, I think the process in Toronto is broken between a few places too so it makes sense that more people can be squeezed on in (from what I understand, getting there early is key).

What's Kenora?

It's a small town in southwestern Ontario. Right by some rocky and rocky cliffs do NOT get along. I blame my car accident 5 years ago - getting better though, with each flight and drive in the mountains! Just gotta keep pushing... :thumbs:

Doesn't seem like you do well with travelling :P I LOVE planes :D I'm beyond excited for my flight this June. Haven't been on a plane since August 2010, almost 2 years. This is the longest time I've not been on a place since I started flying 10 years ago, and it's killing me Posted Image

No, I don't do so well with travelling unless it's in a car. Oddly, those are apparently more dangerous! Something about being 30K or more feet up in a big metal heavy thing with a ton of people and just doesn't mesh well in this control-freak's head, lol. Turbulence = very white/pale/nearly sick Again, I blame the car accident! Trav's worth it though :)

Edited by Trav&Shell, 18 April 2012 - 11:52 AM.

Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 11:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Well, that's how easy it was for Medisys last April. Much easier to get a medical appointment than an interview appointment at the consulate Posted Image

And yeah, airfare might be an issue. Although, sometimes, they reduce the fares at the last minute to fill up seats. Have you thought about maybe traveling by train since you live in a major city going to another major city? Might be cheaper...

LOL...well, that's a plus at least! :P I'm going to imagine they work with the people to get each person in when it's best. Lol. As for trains - yeah I live near one, but I don't know if I like the idea of a train ride past areas like Kenora...I don't even do well in cars near there :P Plane it is! (Oh wait, planes kind of make me nervous too...feel kinda bad for anyone sitting beside me in a plane :D )
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 11:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

That should be plenty of time in Toronto as most results are ready within 3 days (in Canada). I remember when I booked my medical, the operator told me that there were plenty of bookings and I could pick any date I wanted and it would most likely be available. So I selected a date the very next week and it was absolutely no problem. Not sure how busy Dr Seidens is though in Toronto. You can always call them up and see what their availability is looking like. No need to schedule it yet, but still good to know for the future ;)

Oh that's a good suggestion! I didn't realize it was that easy in sounds like the most painful cost is going to be the airfare on short notice...LOL...
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 11:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Yay for hyper-ness! Posted Image

Well, if you can stay at your friend's place in Toronto for a few days, then you can get the medical done and pick up the results, while saving on hotel costs (if you do it in Montreal instead), plus you'll have the medical results in hand well before the interview, compared to getting it done in Montreal and stressing about having them in time.

Canadian-psychic-ness Posted Image

LOL...I had to eat lunch early because with the hyperness, the coffee was REALLY a bad idea this morning :) Yeah, I had planned to spend about 4 days with my friend - I'm going to cook a lasagna so cheesy, it breaks her oven rack with the weight LOL :D Haven't seen her in a few years, and it may be a while with this move...but if the interview's may 7, I have to get in NEXT WEEK...wonder if they schedule medicals that quick?

Canadian psychicness ftw LOL :P
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 11:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Yes, both of you should be EXCITED!!! Posted Image Remember the week when your expedite was approved? It's gonna happen again this week, but with an interview date Posted Image

Start planning! Where are you planning on getting the medical done? In Montreal or...?

I'd suggest making a list (not just mentally, but actually type/write it out) of everything you have to do before moving. This will help a lot. It did for me!

LOL..yeah I remember the expedite approval - last week! :P Something like last Wednesday, lol. This is speedy! OK so I'm excited bordering on hyper - whoops :P

I had planned on medical in Toronto because i have a friend that lives 10 minute walk from the doc's office. But...will I have time? And can we eat the cost of hotel if I do it in Montreal and just stay there until the interview?! Sigh. So many questions. And you must be a mind reader about the list - Sheeshka and I just talked about making lists in FB :P
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 10:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Your interview date is coming this week Posted Image But, we already know the date, don't we? :D

Wait a min...Saylin...How on earth am I going to get everything done if the date REALLY is May 7?!?! :P GAH!!! so much to do so much to do....*whirls self into a frenzy* :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-18 10:18:00