IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Oh he is. Sometimes he has to remind me to put all the lists and papers and worrying away. He forbid me from logging on the payment portal all weekend lol "It's the weekend dear, the invoice isn't going to be there." I've complied.. but in 12 hours it's back to stalking NVC!

He's right - I checked once, just to see. LOL :P No invoice :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-01 19:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Exactly! You think the husbands would be proud we spend/spent so much time on here to get through this process smoothly.

You're not kidding! And wow, it's good ONE of us obsesses over the details...the one detail I gave my husband (send the documents with original signatures and keep a full copy of everything for us), he didn't obsess properly over lol. Didn't hurt the process any apparently, but NOW I keep all papers. End of story :)

Edited by Trav&Shell, 01 April 2012 - 07:25 PM.

Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-01 19:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

If no else wants it, I'll take it Posted Image

OK...*ahem* on that note, I have one t-shirt transfer appropriate for Canadian wives...for "Canadian Wives of VisaJourney" - anyone interested? If not, Saylin gets two :) :thumbs:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-01 19:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Oh, definitely for reals. I seriously want one :D And then I shall wear it all the time. Maybe I should get two from you, one for day time use and another for PJs Posted Image *very excited*

LOL! Awesome! Funny thing is, I made enough for 4 shirts - so one for me, one for sheeshkabelle, one for you, and one for a random indeterminate person :) want two? :P
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-01 19:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Yay! Posted Image I can't wait to see it! :D I've been thinking about the shirts all weekend, no jokes Posted Image I'm so excited to wear it :D

LOL for reals? :) That makes me happy! I'll probably try and grab the shirts themselve sometime between now and Thursday, after work if I can find something suitable. Can't wait! :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-01 19:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Wow!!! i dont know how to do this stuff :(

What stuff, t-shirts? It's super easy :D I'm just giving myself silly jobs until I have NVC stuff to do. It passes the time :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-01 19:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012
Saylin - update - T-shirt transfers are now printed :D Hooray! :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-01 18:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Nvc just don t know what is waiting for me in june and july. I have babyshower in june and my wife delivery in july...

NVC doesn't know and sadly, is impartial. To them, we're all pieces of paper waiting to get into the country. However, we care. :(
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-01 13:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Yup, Easter is a busy time for church musicians and singers!

I sing primarily, and play keyboard (a bit). Hubby plays keyboards, bass, cornet...

That it is - thankfully! :) I play a bit of keyboard too but not in church, used to play guitar (but am pretty bad at it now lol, and sold my guitar for the last of the visa fees). Trav plays piano well, and he's got plans to teach me when I get down there. He also plays trumpet...kind of cool lol...

I need an interview lol, Nvc I have not finished with you yet

LOL!!!! That sounds so ominous :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-01 13:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Really cool... My husband and I are both Christians and musicians as well, and involved in worship ministry... he's at church right now and I'm watching the live broadcast (when I'm not here posting lol) because I'm here in JA having to miss church. #HappySunday!

Happy Sunday to you too! Just got home from church....found out that Friday's going to be busy! My worship team is on Friday AND Sunday...and the Good Friday service ends just at the same time I need to go pick up Travis from the airport. Hooray! :D What instruments do you play?
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-01 12:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Pentecotist/ apostolic. My wife is apostolic and go to an apostolic church in NJ

Very cool... :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-01 09:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

No I started playing in 1998. That is good you sing, are you christian, what is ur denomination?

Yes I am. My husband and I both go to Baptist churches, and I've been singing since...1995 I think. He's a youth pastor, and going to school on a scholarship to become a full pastor one day. Sometimes I worry I really don't live up to that, but I'm getting there! What is your denomination?
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-01 08:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I am christian, I play piano for my church and in the choir. Every saturday we rehearse.

Oh very awesome! Have you played all your life? I sing every second Sunday in my church. Good stuff!! :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-01 07:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I should go to rehearsal as every saturday but there will be a crossade so the rehearsal is postponed for nex friday. I enjoyed talking to my wife all day, we had fun talking about the process, post offices, copying documents and all the other stress.

So what do you rehearse What's crossade? Talking to your wife sounds like a good thing - I enjoy talking to my husband too! Got the details all sorted out? :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-31 22:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I can t stop thinking about that CC I have. Now NVC will have me on the call requesting either if case has been forwarded to embassy or when is my interview date?

You should go relax a little for the weekend considering they're not open. Get your mind off it or you'll go crazy! Are you doing anything fun today?
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-31 17:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012
Pssst - Saylin - Got the t-shirt transfer papers and some more ink cartridges today :D Just have to find the shirts and we're golden :) :thumbs:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-31 17:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012
are the first two posts all in one this time? Nice!!
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-31 07:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

So do all of us March filers stay here or do we move en mass to contribute to April? :-)

I think the party's moved, somewhat :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-01 13:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012
Ow my ankles - took a stupid long walk to justify dessert with friends lol. Yay 300 pages! Look at us talk! :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-31 22:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

Did Saylin Created that Thread?

No but it's identical in format and she knows about it so it's all good lol.
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-31 16:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

Saylin plz create another April thread.

Neela - it's already done! Go here :)

Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-31 16:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

Like my t-shirt? :D

Yes, that's one thing :) I'm also trying to organize a one woman (read: me) spam NVC campaign. Not sure if it'll actually fly but it's fun to organize. They can ignore me, I can plot mischief.

Now time to listen to Bob Marley. "We be spammin'...I hope you like spammin' too..." :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 22:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012
No invoice yet, but know what? I'm good. It'll come. In the meantime, I have things I can do to keep occupied...heh heh heh... :innocent:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 22:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

First everyone needs to quit comparing the K-1s to CR-1s. Total different ball game. K-1 and K-3 (mostly defunct) are non-immigrant visas. Yes, they get an approval a little quicker, yes, they get through NVC in a few days, yes, they seem to get interviews faster. Once they get here, they have three to five months more wait for their green card. Their visas are substantially more than a CR-1. CR-1's POE, have their temporary green card in their passport, get a SSN in a few days and are ready to take on their new life.

K-1 and K-3ers still live in limbo, even after everything. If they don't have their ducks in a row and have all the evidence and the I-864, it's all for nothing. They can't get a job, they can't volunteer, they can't get a driver's license in most states.. it's sit around and wait, wait, wait. Just like all of us are doing now, the only perk, they get to spend it with their significant other. How much fun would that be after six months of sitting on the couch watching the world go by. There's a reason money and jobs were invented, so you can spend 8 hours a day away from each other!

The big, bad US government isn't out to get anyone. Yes, it's a good joke of mine, but I don't think anyone employed by Uncle Sam is monitoring what I do or when I do it. When you send in that I-130 it's a ####### shoot. You go to one of two service centers. California being notoriously slow, or Vermont being faster. You don't know where you'll end up! Once there, you don't know who's desk you're going to end up on.

Suzy Q. might not be as fast at hammering out petitions as Johnny B. Or Suzy Q. has a lot of petitions from high fraud countries that take extensive work, you might be at the bottom of the pile. Johnny B. might not be even reading anything and just rubber stamping stuff as it goes through. Everyone has heard the stories about getting to the Embassy/Consulate and being denied because of something USCIS should have caught. Or even being denied at POE because everyone dropped the ball. Hell, our petition was LOST! I have no doubt we would still be in California in a USCIS black hole if it wasn't for my congressman lighting a fire under their butts. The US Government is highly inefficient, but not out to ruin someone's life just for the kicks of it.

There's probably been dozens of people over the years on VJ making spread sheets and mining data, crunching numbers to figure the system out. No one's been able to crack the holy immigration code.

Maybe some Embassies/Consulates really do stick to the first two weeks of the month rule, maybe not. Maybe there's thousands of other people all around the US and the world going through the same thing, and they have to have an appointment too... It's not just us. You have the CR-1s and IR-1s and K-1s and K-3s and HB-1s and F-1s... the list goes on. There's been people waiting for decades, years!

Ya, it's no damn fun to sit here and watch people with NOA1/NOA2/NVC dates before ours zip through the system and be with their spouses and come and tell us how grand life is. It's all sunshine and cupcakes and sprinkles! Wish you were here! It made me mad, jealous and down right pissed off when I was watching people from September go to interviews while we sat in CSC. In a perfect world it would be first come, first serve, here's your visa, have a nice day. Unfortunately we're not living in a perfect world.

There's my .2 cents on the whole thing.. take it or leave it.

:yes: Total agree. Right down to the "take it or leave it." Well said! :thumbs:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 21:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

yeah, the locking the doors for a few weeks sounds good too :innocent: :whistle:

lol...oh yeah, you're not kidding! D :devil: :innocent: :whistle:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 17:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

Some of you may be familiar with Paisaman. He has been mapping out I-130 approvals at CSC for the past few months to give VJ members an idea of what dates CSC is currently working. He has an NOA1 date from the middle of August and he still hasn't received his NOA2. I wonder if the USCIS somehow figured out he was mining their data and for that have 'punished' him. He's helped a lot of VJ members feel more at ease with knowing that they weren't getting skipped over and now he is the one who was skipped over. I sure hope he gets his NOA2 soon.

Paisaman hasn't gotten his NOA2 yet? That's horrible...:(

I had a dream the other night that my husband's interview was May 3rd! Hopefully your wife and I both turn out to be psychic :D

I had a dream the other night that my interview was the 7th. I'm not sure anymore, butI won't throw that date out until it passes with no interview :D

Blame Canada!

Everything's gone wrong since Canada came along!

But you love us! Canadians are good :D

Saylin i got my Iv invoice!!!!Im so Happy :dance: :dance:

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Edited by Trav&Shell, 30 March 2012 - 05:31 PM.

Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 17:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

You've got a nice congressman. :thumbs: I wish they were all like that.

I do too. it would make everyone's lives easier. I think what helped MAY have been that the aide was out of the office for the last month of our stay with USCIS. I think she feels bad because I kept in REGULAR contact with her email address, pretty much begging for updates with no answer. That means we're on her radar because she may just want to do what she can now :D

And sparkles!

Oh you got it. I can so help you find one later :D I'll get Trav in on it too!
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 16:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

I was so excited over seeing our AOS as paid and sending our package in today I sent hubby an email to his work account, it was all gushy and I love you's etc so on. At the bottom in big letters I put I LOVE YOU.

Keep in mind my husband is a heave equipment mechanic, you know the type.. all manly man and macho..

I get a text about 20 min later, "Keep the mushy stuff outta my work email :P " after that I got a text from his buddy at work "Awwww he wuvs you too!" Apparently the buddy was looking over hubby's shoulder and is now giving him heck over it. :lol:

Tomorrow I'll send a big heart picture...

Make it a fuzzy heart with cupids! :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 15:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

I think the form you sign to get the congressman involved is open-ended enough in its wording to allow them to inquire into different departments on your behalf. What's amazing is that they did! Go congress! <--(first and last time you will ever hear me say this) :lol:

LOL I agree! Go congress!! I'm stunned, and wrote my mother in law to see if she's been raising a stink LOL :) No word yet...I love my mother in law, either way :D

Edited by Trav&Shell, 30 March 2012 - 03:54 PM.

Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 15:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

That's interesting since USCIS is under Department of Homeland Security, while NVC is under Department of State...... as some rude NVC operator reminded me last week, when I called NVC wondering how my son would go around getting his citizenship after he got admitted at POE. I was just asking if he would get a green card first, then when he is here we can apply for his citizenship and which path to use. She said "that is an immigration matter....these are two different departments. We are under the Department of State and you should call the Department of Homeland Security, USCIS about that matter........ I said, "okay!" :bonk:

Oh no no, the congressman was contacting both agencies to help us. We got them in our corner during USCIS phase, and they're keeping an eye out for any situations they can help with it seems through NVC. I'll take it! :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 15:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

I always tell everyone, stay positive, and good things will happen ;)

It's good advice! Unsolicited favors from congressman are always welcome :D :thumbs: :dance:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 15:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

Wow, have they got any updates for you (like if the AOS will be invoiced soon)?

They don't have anything yet, they just made contact. I'm HOPEFUL...that was just too a kind of reassuring way :D Three cheers for bureaucrats on our side! :) :thumbs:

Now that is good service! Lol

You are NOT kidding...I kind of think the congressman's aide feels bad because she was out of the office for nearly a month when we were trying to ask for help. LOL. This could be GOOD... :dance: :dance: :dance:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 15:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012
Ummm...just got an email from the congressman that we'd contacted with our USCIS concerns. We did NOT contact them yet about NVC...and they've already been following up with NVC about our case, to help out. WHAT?!?! :thumbs: :dance: :wow: :D :o

Edited by Trav&Shell, 30 March 2012 - 03:35 PM.

Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 15:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

I see there are some CC today... this is giving me some ideas :whistle: call!! It could be your day!! :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 15:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

I am tired of hearing" your case has not been reviewed yet, please allow 20 business days"

At least you've paid something. Jeez. Why not be happy you're almost done?! I'll trade you places!!! :lol:

Edited by Trav&Shell, 30 March 2012 - 03:19 PM.

Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 15:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

I bet you'll get it in the next hour now Posted Image

LOL!! If I do I will need to close my office door for a moment with the giggles :D

Haha, yeah, I have the spreadsheet open in one tab, this thread open in another, and my email open in another ;)

And I've always wanted to freak someone out by writing something spooky in one of the lines as you see stuff in real-time Posted Image

Bahahaha...too funny! :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 14:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012


That's why the rest of us are taking so long, Alaska was hogging our workers! :P :star:

LOL...maybe now I can get an invoice! HOORAY!!! :P
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 14:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

WooooHooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :star: :star: :star: :rofl: :wow: :D :D :) yesyesyesyesyes!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

I called and my CASE IS CLOSED!!!!!!

I asked for any updates on our cases and he told me they were waiting to schedule our interview in Stockholm!! So I had to ask him if that meant both cases were closed :bonk: And his answer "They sure are mam" were the sweetest words I've heard in a long time :rofl:

YYYYYAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :dance:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 14:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

Yes I did, and I was too big of a 16 year old brat to realize what was given to me. Wow that was an awesome little car. Rear engine, In line 6, true dual carb, air cooled, four speed on the floor, flew like the wind and got 30mpg! Except I had to prop the air doors open with a stick so the engine wouldn't over heat, that made it CCOOOLLLD in the winter lol.

OOOOOOOO...nice car! Even with the propping the air doors open with a stick - NICE car :D And what 16 year old kid fully understands anyway? LOL :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 14:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2012

My parents had that car. Daddy bought it brand new in 1967 with his sign on bonus from the Air Force. They drove that car FOREVER. Well, until 1988 when my mom got a brand new Pontiac LeMans LE lol. The old 'maro sat around for years with a busted transmission. When my sister married her husband, who's a big gear head, he restored the car for our dad as a 60th birthday present. I'm not allowed to even BREATH on that car LOL

If I can't get that Camaro. I'll settle for my very first car, but totally restored.. a 1964 Chevy Covair Monza Spider. I kinda broke the rear axle on it drag racing it in high school. My dad was livid, he sold the car, and I was with out wheels until I bought my own. Damn I wish I had that car now.

OOOOOOOH you had a Monza!!!!!!!!!! I saw one of those at a smoke show/show and shine here in town...very nice :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-03-30 14:28:00