IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Case no. finally assigned after 32 days!!! Yey! So happy!!! :-)

woo hoooooo!!!! Congratulations :) :) :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-05-04 21:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Can you believe I forgot to pick it up today? :bonk: Finished work early and everything. Grabbing it on Monday :blush:

LOL! Well, that's good - they didn't even call you back so it must have been all good. :thumbs: Really hope everything goes smoothly on my end...I'm only in Toronto until Saturday... :unsure:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-05-04 18:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

thank you! :dance:

So where are you doing the medical? :dancing:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-05-04 10:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

omg!!! I got the interview date its June 07 @ 8:30
I cant breath!!!!! I thought I would be going home at the end of June and would have to wait some more.....

Congrats!!!!! :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-05-04 10:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012
You'll do awesomely, Gervl. :thumbs: Hey - meant to ask - any problem picking up your medical results yesterday?
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-05-04 07:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Hey guys! Got the magic email... Interview scheduled for June 21!

Much later than we'd have liked, but... God knows best, and we're still thankful. Very thankful.

Woo woo congratulations! :dance: :dance: :dance: :star: :star: :star:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-05-01 16:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Review is up on the Canada forum. Some typos and stupid grammar haha. I'm on my phone so I can't link it, sorry! Have a great day everyone :)

Saw it, read it, feel WAY better about next Wednesday! :thumbs:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-05-01 09:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012
Freakishly detailed...awesome! :thumbs:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-05-01 08:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Went over my confirmation e-mail from the physician, and yeah it asks for my passport, haha. Tossed that onto the pile of stuff to come with me tomorrow. Woo! Waking up at 5:30 :(

Good luck - hope it all goes smoothly! :thumbs:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-05-01 04:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I would think so. Makes me wonder why they even bother with appointment times.

That's what I thought too. Think I'm just showing up at 7:15 and going with it. Much like the interview - showing up at 6:30 and going with it.

**edit - just checked my confirmation email. The nurse told me to show up between 7:30 and 9 AM. So...7:15 it is!**

Edited by Trav&Shell, 30 April 2012 - 09:53 PM.

Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 21:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Yeah, couldn't hurt. Going to put them on now. My appointment is for 8:30, but I'm going to get there around 7. Hoping that I'll be first... I have to go to work after D:

Booo to work after! From what I read at Dr Seiden's, it's first come first that not right anymore?
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 21:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Okay, let's go over what I need for my medical:

- 3 passport photos [check]
- Immunization record [check]
- Documents describing current health condition and long term prognosis [check]
- Interview letter [check]
- $300 in cash [check :(]

Should I put my name and case number on the backs of my photos? (for the ones I submit at my interview as well?)

Am I missing anything?

Just reviewed the email I got from Dr Seiden's office - looks like you have everything! And I have my name/case number on the backs of my pictures...why not, right?
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 20:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

What the... But it clearly states that it can be either or...

I know. I wrote her back highlighting the "OR record of booster blah blah blah" and said "so it's NOT sufficient? Then what do I do - will a titre be sufficient?" No response yet. :bonk:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 13:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

OMG :wacko:

yeah, I know. So I'm now writing MB health frantically - because MB public health told me last year they can't locate my records. GAAAAAH!!!!!
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 12:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012
I'm going to scream. Despite what Howard Seiden's says on their website, their nurse is adamant that I need proof of my entire primary series and not just my booster. Gimme a break. I can't get that with this short notice. I have NO idea what I can do now.
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 12:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I might be.. we don't know what kind of shape the Explorer is in. It might only have a dead battery, or it might have water in the tank from sitting for 8 months... who knows. It was a mild winter in North Dakota standards, so everything might just be fine. I'll have to get the oil changed, and probably replaces the wiper blades at the bare minimum.

I should give you my cell number just in case you're still around - my flight lands at 6:18 PM, but my ride might take me home first...yum sushi!
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 11:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

LOL if you need a doctor for anything other than pharmaceutical stuff... you're screwed! After being a paramedic I could save a person's life until more experienced personnel show up, but if you need an appendectomy, don't call :P

Next Wednesday I'll be on a jet plane (a few of them, actually) :dance:

Woo hoooo!!! Too bad you won't be in the Peg on Sat evening...sushi is calling!!!

And lol...I'll try to remmber you don't do appendectomies :P
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 10:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Quit worrying! :bonk: You have all your boosters, you even got a flu shot. Sit back and relax.

LOL...yay!!! Next Wednesday the medical will be a thing of the past - so I won't worry anymore :D

Glad that's what it means instead. I wasn't sure if it meant that or that it had to be taken within 4 weeks before of the medical. Glad we have a doctor on board :P

"is there a doctor in the house? I need a doctor :P"
"Dr. Sheeshkabelle to room 9 STAT!" :P
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 10:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

It means minimum time before you get the booster before the interview is 4 weeks. Getting it the day or week before doesn't count, your body wouldn't have built up an immunity to it the diseases yet. You won't need another booster. The adult TDAP booster is good for life, except the T part (tetanus) you'll need to get that every 10 years.

Oh good! Then I'll relax, and take extra money with me just on the off chance they say something about shots even with my records. Wonder how much they'll charge if I need it, lol...oh well! Worry about that tonight, Shell :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 10:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Let's hope they respond fast and with good news for you Posted Image

I don't mind getting shots - really - but I don't want to overdo it and take away from someone else if I don't have to :) Would be nice if they'd just take what I've got :)
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 09:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Well, Hep B isn't needed for your age group, so you can ignore that one (but still good to have :P ).

Looks like you have proof of the flu shot (although by the time you have your medical, it won't be needed).

For chickenpox, you just need to give a verbal declaration that you had it, no proof needed. But it doesn't hurt that you have proof.

For MMR, looks like you got the immunization for it, plus proof that you have measles/rubella in your system. So, you're like double covered almost (except for mumps).

The only thing I'm concerned about, for you, is the TDaP one. On the Dr Seidens site, it states as one of the options for TDaP: "You must have proof of a Td booster within the 4 weeks prior to your immigration medical." And to me, that kinda sounds like you need another booster... Is there any chance you can call Dr Seidens up and ask about this and see if what you have is good enough?

I sent them an email this morning :) That's exactly how I read it too. Not sure how responsive they will be, but they've been good before so we'll response yet, but here's hoping! Wonder how fast I can get this done if need be...
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 08:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Since you can't get your vaccination records, I'd suggest looking into getting an antibody titre test done. This will show which vaccines are in your blood. You'd then bring this to the medical as proof of your vaccines. This would also show proof of the booster you got last year. If, for whatever reason, certain vaccines aren't appearing, you'll have two choices: get them re-done at a local clinic (get the records afterwards!!) or wait until your medical to get them done. I'd suggest getting them done at a local clinic or somewhere else as you can probably find them for free, or at least cheaper than at the medical. I thought flu season was over when I went for my medical, but found out it wasn't, so I had to get a flu shot. My point is that if I had known, I would have gotten my flu shot elsewhere, for free, than pay $20 at the medical for it.

I've actually got records of all the boosters I got done between October and March (TDaP, MMR, flu, full hep B series), plus antibody titres showing antibodies present for varicella and measles/rubella (mumps was worn off so we knew the shot was needed. Can't find a titre for TDaP but I think my doc just figured it was time since mumps antibodies had worn off). Is this enough, do you figure? Or will they still make me do the shots? If it's not - I'll try to make an asap appointment for Saturday to get into my doc...

Edited by Trav&Shell, 30 April 2012 - 08:35 AM.

Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 08:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012
*sigh* ok, I think I'm starting to over-stress on immunizations. Anyone able to help me? While reading the requirements for the TDaP immunization, there was a line about boosters. It stated they must be done within the 4 weeks prior to the medical. However, all of my boosters were done in October or November, and because they were boosters I only got one shot. Also, I've tried and tried to get proof of my primary and childhood immunizations but public health doesn't seem to have these records. I know I got the shots though. Am I going to be needing shots when I get to the appointment?
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 07:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I was thinking about spicy food but lately even water has been giving me heartburn lol Anyways i'm now at the hospital in the delivery room fingers crossed it will be an smooth event

Oh wow I hope everything goes smoothly!

The baby is here! It took 3,5 hrs to get her out but I did it! :-D. Good luck to all of you waiting for stuff to happen with your cases!

And I see it did - congratulations!!!! :D

Hey good morning people.....Monday at last!!!

Good morning Rujby! :D Usually people aren't happy about Mondays :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-30 07:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Are you going for your medical in Toronto? I'm going on Tuesday morning so I can write up a review when I get home after work that day :)

Make sure you get your immunization record before hand! I called Toronto public health and they mailed it out to me within a few days. I don't have my flu shot, and I don't think they'll make me get it (my GP didn't think they would as it is the end of flu season) but I do have my meningococcal.

Anyway, I'll write a review in the Canada forum and post a link to it here.

Yes I am - and I'll read your review when you post it! I got all my boosters done over this past year, including TDaP AND MMR, the full 3 shot Hep B series, the flu a blood test to prove I had measles and rubella antibodies present (no mumps, proving i've had the shot but needed a booster), got a blood test to prove I have the varicella antibody doctor gave me a print out of all the boosters he gave me and the dates, too. Think I'm covered? :) (Yay for MB health that covered all these shots too!!)

Oh neat - your interview's the same day as my medical :) Maybe it'll be a good day all around?

Wow! Shell you are being prepared! When you go for medical let me know do you have to take the flu shot and Meningococcal(C/ACYW) vaccination? Do they give vaccine if you didnt get one.Plz let me know.

All I did was work with my doctor - we got my boosters done and tested for antibodies to prove I only needed boosters. All the vaccines were covered by provincial health at my doc's office. So, all I'll have to pay for is something they don't think was done right. Yay!

Edited by Trav&Shell, 28 April 2012 - 02:40 PM.

Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-28 14:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012
Wow. Just finished going through my stuff (I don't have a lot anymore, been thinning out my stuff all year in anticipation of a flight home). 3 suitcases being all that comes home with me is a definite possibility! Yay!
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-28 12:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Congratulations gad33 on the sale of your house! :dance: :dance: :dance: Even with closing, etc. to come, it must be a relief!

Congratulations to all other good news (case numbers, IV invoice, case complete, interview dates, etc.) to all who receive them today!

My passport application was submitted in person just after 8:30 this morning. I'll be going to pick it up by May 11, at the latest. It messed up a visit from the Hubby for next weekend (he takes the MegaBus from Pittsburgh to Detroit and I go pick him up from there) since I won't have a passport yet. We figured it was more important to get this taken care of since he'll be coming up in 3 weeks for my birthday and this was a last minute trip he didn't expect to be able to make. Now ALL of my ID will be in my married name! :luv:

Going to take a break from all this until Monday. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!! :D

Congratulations on your passport application being submitted! That's wonderful - even if it messes up a visit...hope you have an awesome weekend! :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-27 11:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Are you making two trips:- one to Toronto and one to Montreal? I highly recommend drugs (legal ones) for the flights

Yep, two trips, and the first trip gets me home one week before I leave for the second one. Lol. I'm flying WestJet, non-stop flights :) I also have husband going all around the US to get to the interview LOL (oddly, to fly him with more stops saved us like $200...whatever, go Delta LOL).

Thanks. But I liken it to getting case number at NVC, we still have the next step to pass before we have case complete/house sale. :)

LOL that's true - house sales take a little time to close :) Still - closer now than you were Wednesday! So...woo hoo! :dance: :dance:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-27 10:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

case number assigned :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: talk about a happppppppy dance

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :star: :star: :luv: :luv:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-27 09:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Good news on our front. We accepted an offer on our house last night. :) Although it feels like the visa process as the next step is property inspection.

Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-27 08:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I wish you a grand day of training up NVC TeleOperators and DoS Specialists. Go Get Em !

I'm not calling anyone anymore - even got flights and hotels booked, shots done, papers organized. I'm just sitting back, smiling and helping :)

I know but I will start calling next friday which will be May 4th

Good plan! :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-27 08:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

I did and DOS suggest that i call second week of May

Booo...of course they did :(
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-27 08:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Hiya guys.

Our case has been completed and we are awaiting for an interview date now =].

I'd like to thank everyone for this very helpful advice, without you guys this process would have been very difficult.
I will provide a review of how the interview in Moscow goes for future members so that it may help them out in some way =]

Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :dance: :thumbs: :star:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-27 07:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Fridays at NVC most of the time bring some good news, i am gonna give DOS a call now, although i know they will tell me no interview date yet, but i got to call because ... i got to lol

GO GO GO!!!! :D :D :thumbs:
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-27 07:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Good morning Shell!!!!

Is everyone ready for Friday's flurry of activity? Come on NVC/ can do it...let's see some case completes/case numbers/interview dates!!! go go go!! :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-27 07:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012
Good morning all! :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-27 07:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

C1 is a good goal to have Posted Image ;)

And yay! Posted Image And next stop is Toronto :P

Oh right, yes. Ahem. Next stop - Toronto! :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-26 20:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

It went well. My wife has to take some additional steps tomorrow and then submit the results to the doctor. She still has to get chest x-ray and the vaccinations (she didn't have a record of her previous vaccinations).

My step-daughter just needs to get one optional vaccination.

We didn't realize that the Civil Surgeon she went to couldn't do the x-ray or vaccinations.

That's good that she's able to get the rest of the steps taken tomorrow! And kind of strange about the vaccinations...didn't realize they couldn't do that at some of the offices!
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-26 20:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

MASSIVE congrats on the interview date!!

Thanks!! Can't wait - next goal: C1! :D

All flights and hotel are booked! Next stop - Montreal! :D

Edited by Trav&Shell, 26 April 2012 - 08:47 PM.

Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-26 20:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2012

Trav&Shell congrats on getting your interview date!

Thanks Matt & Rocio! How did the medical go? :D
Trav&ShellFemaleCanada2012-04-26 20:11:00