CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

My first post here!

But yes, I'm in the same boat now too. I've got the instructions printed out and am fretting, of course, over making sure I've got enough support information to file this thing. I'm a tad confused about the affidavits -- are they written first, then notarized...or do they have to be written AT the notary (or BY the notary, for that matter)? I don't want to overthink it, but being in USCIS' thrall again worries me.

Hope y'all are well!

My take on affidavits:


My cover letter and list:


Edited by HeatDeath, 15 November 2011 - 10:25 PM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2011-11-15 22:25:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..
I mailed my RoC packet on November 1st. The cheque cleared yesterday, but I haven't gotten my NOA1 yet. It may show up today yet.

I posted my cover letter and list here: http://www.visajourn...etter-and-list/

Good luck!
HeatDeathMaleCanada2011-11-08 18:51:00
CanadaNew and confused

The overall timeline from initial petition to being-in-the-US-and-able-to-work-and-travel is about the same for CR-1 and K-1 visas. The difference is with a K-1 you enter the US, marry, and then wait 2-3 months for your advance parole and employment authorization card. With a CR-1 all of the separation is after the wedding, but once you enter the US you get a greencard stamp in your passport which allows you to work and leave the US immediately. But since CR-1s take 2-3 months longer, the total time from petition to being able to work and travel from the US is about the same.


The tradeoff is that the CR-1 is about a thousand dollars cheaper, and while you can leave the US immediately after you arrive, you're separated from your spouse for that much longer. The K-1 is about a thousand dollars more expensive, because you have to do a separate Adjustment Of Status process immediately after you marry, and you can't leave until you get that work/ravel card (45-90 days after you file for AoS, which should be as soon as humanly possible after you marry), but you enter the US 2-3 months earliler in the process.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2013-07-07 17:18:00
CanadaBringing a Canadian Car to the states - resources?

When I drove in in my Canadian car (July 2009), I told the CBP officer, after he finished processing my visa and I-94, that I wanted to import my car. He needed to see my compliance letters and Canadian registration/Proof of ownership/Proof of insurance. I filled out a form with my car's info, vin number, make, model and current value. The CBP officer stamped it. That was everything at the PoE.


Later, after I'd settled in Utah, I took the stamped import form, the compliance letters, and my Canadian registration/Proof of ownership/Proof of insurance to the local DMV. I paid 150-200 dollars, and they gave me plates, registration, and a little later mailed me a title deed. They took my Canadian registration/etc, but left me a photocopy so it could continue to be proof of insurance until my Canadian insurance expired and my US insurance (arranged separately) took over.


Depending on the age of your car, some jurisdictions use the value of the car on the import form as the basis of a 1-2% import tax.


The process in NY should be broadly similar, though the details will surely vary significantly from state to state.

Edited by HeatDeath, 16 July 2013 - 03:54 PM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2013-07-16 15:52:00
CanadaBuffalo Wild Wings has....
The Buffalo Wild Wings here in Salt Lake City, which just opened this year, said they had poutine when I called them, even if it isn't on the menu, so I went and tried it.

It's pretty good, but it doesn't really match my personal definition of poutine. In Winnipeg's large French quarter, "poutine" is fries with tiny cheese curds mixed in uniformily among the fries, then drowned in gravy hot enough to melt the cheese, so you have melty cheese all throughout the mess of fries.

What BWW sold me was fries with numerous small nuggets of fried mozzarella (like sectioned mozzarella sticks) on top, with a lightbtopping of gravy, and tiny flecks of tomato and red onion on top.

If you double or triple the amount of gravy, and make sure that every forkful has at least one cheese nugget, you get a taste similar to poutine. It's close, but not quite the real thing. I don't know if I'll get it again, but if I do, I'll definitely have more gravy on it.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2013-09-09 18:57:00
CanadaAbnormal Chest X-ray
I would be very very very surprised if the medical has been failed based only on an X-ray that doesn't show active TB. The pass/fail conditions for the medical are defined by law and are very specific. There is a specific and short list of conditions [active tuberculosis, certain STDs, drug use in the last 2 years] that trigger a failure. If you don't have one of those, you pass the medical.

In the worst case scenario, he may have a class B condition - a condition that doesn't cause a failure of the medical, but which they will require he seek immediate care for upon arriving in the US. Diabetes falls in to this category. I believe inactive TB does too. So might his heart condition.

Class B conditions only come close to affecting your visa issuance if they hugely increase the IO's estimate that the intending immigrant is likely to become a public charge, for example because the condition is something hugely expensive to treat like cancer and their sponsoring USC has no health insurance.

In this case, I am pretty sure the abnormality indicated simply is the pacemaker. I really don't think you have anything to worry about at this point, especially if your fiance will have access to your health insurance once you marry. I have Type II diabetes, and my USC now-wife wasn't working, so I wasn't going to have access to health insurance for quite a while after entry. The IO commented on this, but still let me in. You'll be fine.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2012-11-16 10:57:00
CanadaDual Citizenship - Yay or Nay?

One tax implication of US citizenship that hasn't been mentioned yet is estate taxes.


When two US citizens are married, and one of them passes away, the estate tax can be deferred until the widow/widower passes away as well.


When a US citizen is married to a Permanent Resident, and the US citizen passes away, the IRS will require the Permanent Resident to pay out the estate tax immediately.[I think the worry is that the PR, having [theoretically] no further ties to the US, will skip the country with the entire estate and never pay the estate taxes.]


Depending on your ages and general situation, this can constitute a fairly compelling reason to get US citizenship.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2014-02-10 13:43:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Ohhh congrats!! Love the name!

Thank you. She was 5 lbs, 8 oz at birth, born at 37 weeks 6 days on July 14, 2012.

She spent 12 days in the NICU for various minor issues, but is doing very well now.

Edited by HeatDeath, 31 August 2012 - 09:54 AM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2012-08-31 09:54:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Thanks all.
Her name is Siciliana.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2012-08-13 15:01:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
My wife just gave birth to our first, a little girl, on July 14th.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2012-08-08 15:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAfraid a dire mistake has been made..please help!
It seems to me that being waved through a PoE by a border officer isn't Entry Without Inspection. You were inspected, very quickly, visually, by the border officer when he waved you through :). I would tend to think that "Entered Without Inspection" is a term reserved for climbing under a fence in the middle of a desert, or, to use a Canadian example, crossing a knee-deep-in-snow-cover golf course in the dead of a Canadian winter wearing sneakers. (Dang fool was lucky to only lose a couple of toes!)
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-01-22 02:25:00
CanadaHow long between NOA2 and Interview?
NOA2 late April, original interview appointment scheduled for Sept. 14 -- got lucky and got one on August 8.

Edited by BM Canada, 31 July 2011 - 10:04 PM.

BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-07-31 22:04:00
CanadaMedical at Montreal review

Eating is fine - they aren't doing fasting bloodwork or anything like that.

Thanks for the reply! Came just in time as my fiance's medical was this morning at Medisys in Montreal.

From what I can grasp from his text messages, he got there about at 7:45am with his appointment being at 8:00am. He was in and out in an hour. The funny thing is, I asked him how crowded it was, and he said he was the only one there for about 45 minutes, and then finally 10 or so people showed up. The first part of the medical consisted of the physician's physical exam, and having questions asked such as, 'do you have asthma? have you ever had surgery?' He was able to answer no to everything, and the doctor wished him luck at the interview. The next part was the blood work, where had a friendly nurse say she typically draws blood for 20-30 visa applicants a day, but the day before she did close to 100 (moral of the story? don't have your medical on a holiday). The next part was his x-ray, which I think may have taken the longest. At the end, he was given a order number for his results and a phone number to call, and they told him his results would be ready within 48 hours (despite the fact that they said it would take until Friday afternoon when he arranged the appointment a few weeks ago). I believe he was completely finished at 9:05am.

Hope this helps someone!
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-02 09:03:00
CanadaMedical at Montreal review
Silly question -- can you eat before your medical, or do they ask you not to?
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-07-31 21:23:00
CanadaHotel near Montreal Consulate

We stayed at the Holiday Inn which was around $120 I think and it was a simple 10 minute stroll to the consulate. I won't take a chance with a known bedbug issue just to save a few dollars. The yuk factor is just too high. Anyway, when you are in the hotel use the stand for your suitcase and not the bed, I hear that's safer. Most hotels will allow you to check your luggage with the bellman for no extra fee. It's standard practice for people who are there for business. You check out of the room and leave your luggage for pickup later, they give you a chit to claim it, a tip is appropriate. If you sign up for Priority Rewards, the Holiday Inn also gives you the option of a late checkout time for free.
Good luck!!!!

Yep, good idea on the bellman! I'd pass on the bedbug place, too -- no exceptions. A cheaper nights stay isn't worth the insane amount of pest control you'd have to pay for if you took them home.

Good luck on your interview!
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-10 09:00:00
CanadaDHL Courier problems


I am having the exact same issue.........don't give me and option for selecting the location. It directly goes to Visa information page.

Help would be appreciated. Could we just call DHL instead and make the arrangements????



You have to be registered through the CSC site.

As I recall, when I was signing up for DHL, I had to click around on the site until I found something. Try 'Register for Courier' services -- it might look like you are scheduling an interview, but I think it will take you to an area where you choose your DHL branch. After this, if you keep clicking next, it will take you to the interview screen, and at that point you'll need to stop.

Good luck. Keep playing around with it, it's a little hidden.
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-11 22:32:00
CanadaHow long does it take to get your passport back?
Read this thread for 27 pages of people's experience on how long it's taking to get the passport back. Also has a poll with averages. Everyone's wait time is different, and this will give you the best time-frame.
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-13 10:19:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal

Leaving for Montreal tomorrow morning. Interview day has finally arrived. Monday!!!!!!
wow wow wow.... spent the day making sure i had all the forms.

Good luck! My fiance is in Montreal right now and also has his appointment for Monday. I think I'm more nervous than he is!
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-06 14:55:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal

Still no available appointments...what gives?

(I chose the Permanently Immigrate - K1 visa option and paid upfront)

I've got my interview scheduled (have had it for two or three weeks now), but I did the same thing... paid upfront. Judging by what people are saying, if you paid upfront, the interviews are showing up... whereas if you didn't pay, there are appointments available. I'm super grateful to have the interview date that I do. I haven't seen available appointments for a week and a half or so now. I might try calling DOS... it says on the Montreal website (right before you log-in) that they had problems, but you should able to continue paying/scheduling. It looks like the scheduling bug might not be fixed?
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-06-21 22:48:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal

Hey BM Canada!
The Xray is part of the required medical. They will send it with the medical documents to your fiance a couple of days after the medical.

I'm sorry if these questions are so irritating... I'm actually the petitioner and trying to figure out what to do for the beneficiary (then I try to explain it to him instead of complicating things). My fiance is flying into Montreal a few days before the interview (it's on a Monday) and getting the medical done then. I'm seeing some places say three business days ahead, so hopefully Wednesday before will be ample time. The reason being is that Montreal/Toronto are about a 24 hour drive for him (he's just east of the Manitoba/Ontario border).

Does anyone know if the medical is sent to the consulate directly, or if he has to go and pick it up?

Thanks again for all of your help!
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-06-09 09:03:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal
Congrats to SF2007! I hope your Visa comes within a day or two - you've waited long enough!

I have another question for everyone... I'm reading through the reviews of the Montreal Consulate interviews, and some people are saying they're bringing xrays to the interview, just in case. What's this for? I haven't even heard of it! Should I have my fiance get one within the next couple of weeks and take it in?
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-06-08 23:21:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal
Also, sorry -- I know I asked this once before, but does anyone have an example of 'Evidence of Domicile' -- or is that not needed for the K1 visa type?
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-06-06 19:33:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal

When did that spot come up? I looked today and there was an opening Aug 19th...not worth changing for me (mine is Aug 23). This evening I seen they are booking into mid September.
Glad things worked out for you!

I got the same interview change (September 14 to August 8) last night around 1:45AM EST. I looked this morning and the next available was August 19th, and then this afternoon it was September 21st. The August 8 appointments were only up for a few hours...
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-06-06 19:23:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal

I've been refreshing the interview booking for almost a month straight and the date has only gotten further and further away. It's probably advisable to plan for a later wedding date, at this point :(

(I didn't even want to set ours until I had the visa in hand but there's been some complications with living situations and jobs and parents and such, but we've made sure everything is refundable, should there be any delay)

Oh my gosh! I was just reading through this forum and trying to compare people's signatures (when they were approved in the interview vs. when they received their visa in the mail), feeling somewhat disheartened about pushing my wedding back again, when I decided to sign on to the interview scheduling system. Completely random, but there was an availability on August 8, five weeks earlier! I'm so thankful!

Edited by BM Canada, 06 June 2011 - 01:11 AM.

BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-06-06 01:11:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal
Hi all!

I finally received my Packet 4 for my fiance, but the first available interview date was September 14 (yuck!). I'm going to keep checking back to see if I can re-schedule something for earlier, but if not... we'll be ok. Given the date, we're shooting for October 1 as a wedding date -- so I hope it works out! Crossing my fingers to get an earlier interview. Any pointers on how to do this?

Also, when I received my Packet 4 information, it said that my fiance needs to bring 'Evidence of Domicile' on the checklist. Can anyone tell me what they've done for this for their interviews? I'm a little confused...
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-06-05 22:01:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal

If you are sending to Montreal.

315 Place d'Youville Suite 500
Montreal Quebec

This is listed as the mailing address . The physical address is also listed on the website and people here have said that it gets received both places so whatever you think best.
Good luck!

So, along with that address, the website says to "For quicker service, please mark the envelope to the attention of the appropriate department, such as the Office of Consular Affairs or Public Affairs." Does anyone know which department specifically to ATTN to?

Congratulations to everyone getting interviews/scheduling medicals! I hope it all goes by fast and you're with your significant other quicker than you can imagine. :)
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-04-01 20:13:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal
Hi all again --

What's the exact address you used to mail Packet 3 to? I'm trying to get my fiance to pre-write the address on a manilla envelope so it can be sent by his family if he's out of town and can't seem to find it anywhere.

Thanks in advance!
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-03-31 19:30:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal
Hi all!

Thanks for being so helpful up to this point. It's nice to finally have a thread where people are willing to help out... some others are not so friendly.

Can anyone explain when the earliest my fiance can send Packet 3 off is? Can I contact the Department of State to see if it's been sent to him, and if it has, just return all of the paperwork and complete the online form before he actually gets the physical copy of Packet 3?

He's planning on coming to visit me in mid-April -- however, this is around the 5 month mark for the CSC service center. I don't want to delay at all in returning Packet 3, and might be having someone mail it back for us, if it's at all possible.

Thanks so much, again!
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-03-22 22:52:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal
Thanks for the help. :)

One other thing -- can you explain what DHL is and when it comes into play?
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-03-20 18:20:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone could answer some of the following questions for me. I'm the beneficiary and am trying to piece together what to do for Packet 3/interviews for my fiance in Canada. Some of these questions might seem pretty clueless, but I'm having a rough time categorizing everything into steps and when the appropriate time to complete something is.

1.) What does DOS stand for? I keep seeing this in the chain, but can't find an explanation.
2.) How do you book the interview when you receive notification that Packet 4 is on its way, but before the paperwork gets there?
3.) I want to get all of the documentation together that I can for Packet 3 before it gets to my fiance. So far I have all of the paperwork (minus the online forms) that are listed on this site: http://montreal.usco...ment=visa_pkt3. My question is, does he need to send more than what's listed -- such as photocopies of birth-certificate, police certificate, photos, etc? Currently, I'm only seeing the checklist for the actual interview, not the response to Packet 3.

Thanks for your help! Again, I'm sorry if these questions seem silly.
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-03-20 13:13:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Hey guys :) Just wanted to update you all that my husband did POE in Winnipeg yesterday and we got married this morning. We'll have a reception/vow ceremony in September/October (TBD). Good luck to you all -- it'll be here before you know it!
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-17 18:33:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

:thumbs: How great....I got the Loomis/DHL tracking number, clicked on the link,but says undeliverable as the last line item..not sure what to do now? any suggestions anyone? Is it safe just to show up on MOnday?

How great :thumbs:

Ours said the same thing, so my fiance called the DHL branch in the morning and they confirmed it was there ready for pick up. I'd do the same before you drive to get it, but it should be there! Congrats!
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-13 10:21:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

We are going to be crossing in Detroit (Ambassador Bridge). We will get a checklist together and list everything we have. Knowing how things work there they will still go through everything and the checklist will not do much. Good to have though!

Looks like we're in the same boat with the checklist. :) I was able to find some old reviews on the Pembina/Emerson and it looks like it's been a pretty easy POE for K1's. Here's hoping my fiance lucks out. I won't be able to travel with him 'cause of my job...
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-11 09:04:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Congratulations to everyone who was approved! Seems to be an influx of us lately.

Question to all -- what border crossings are you using? My fiance is planning on Pembina/Emerson (North Dakota), but I'm having a hard time finding any recent reviews of it. What all are you doing to prepare for the crossing? We've got a master checklist/checklist planned for everything that he's bringing over. Anyone have a small checklist put together of what you're planning?
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-10 23:00:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!
Congratulations to those who interviewed today and were approved! My fiance was also approved this morning.

From what he says, some other unfortunate VJers were not as fortunate. C1 and C2 both walked away without an approval :( (not sure if they had to submit more documents, my fiance couldn't hear).

Edited by BM Canada, 08 August 2011 - 08:22 PM.

BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-08 20:19:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

Approved! :D Wrote my review already and everything :D

Left Brampton at 8am the day before, with only a few stops at rest stations for gas/food we made it to Montreal by just after 2pm. Stayed at Hotel la Tour Centre-Ville, which is by no means fancy (really outdated, not the most comfortable bed, weird room layout) but was relatively inexpensive and we were on the 15th floor and had a really nice view out the huge windows! There's also free wifi if you ask for an access code, but it is slower than dial up. The best part though, it's literally across the street and around a corner from the consulate. Unless you have to wait for the light to change, less than a minute walk! The parking lot for the hotel is much further away than the consulate is, even! We checked in, I went over all my documents and then we headed out with a friend of ours that lives in Montreal (friend from the site where Ramon and I met even, it felt fitting.) We had some dinner and saw some of the downtown area since it was a beautiful evening for walking and then headed back to the hotel. I checked documents again, took a shower and tried to relax and get some sleep.

I have a chronic punctuality problem, so we left the hotel at 6am. We weren't in line more than 5 minutes before there were two more people behind us, so I'm glad we were that early. The line grew and grew, I heard some others talking about VJ behind us which was nice! (Hi!)

They opened the doors at 7:30, asked for my appointment confirmation and both of our passports (as my fiance was with me). They then sent us up the stairs and asked for our belts and everything from our pockets. We went through the scanner and then were sent down the stairs to the basement where we sat right by the elevator. We talked to a couple other VJers and then we were all herded to the elevator, where any order we had arrived in got completely torn apart, which sucked. We were crammed in there pretty tight (all the smart VJ people at the back of the elevator, facing the doors) and when we arrived on the 19th floor is was a bit of a stampede to get out and get put in line for numbers.

I ended up with number C2. Very wuickly they started calling us by putting the ticket number and a booth number on a screen. I went up and was asked for my passport, my medical, my passport photos and they took fingerprints. He also wanted my appointment confirmation since it showed I had paid. I'd accidentally left that in the shopping bag I'd been carrying so I had to hop back to the waiting room to get it from my fiance, but the officer didn't seem to mind. He then told me they'd call me again when they were processing my file.

I sat back down and they kept calling numbers on the screen. Then a very fuzzy announcement said what SOUNDED like "C2 to window 11" but I wasn't entirely sure. Huge thanks to the fellow VJer who confirmed to me that's what they had said! So I went up and spoke with a nice lasy who asked for my birth certificate and a copy, my police check, my fiance's letter of intent, a photocopy of my passport's biographic page, and the affidavits of support + supporting info. I confirmed that all she wanted for my fiance was the form and a letter of enrollment for school and from his mother the form, her 2010 tax transcript and statements from her retirement (since that's the bulk of her income).

She looked over everything and told me to take a seat, they'd call me shortly, but as I was turning away said "Oh, I forgot! Are you registered for DHL?" I told her I was.

I wasn't sitting very long before my number was called again, I went to a both where a nice woman with long dreadlocks did my interview. She swore me in and confirmed my fingerprints and asked a few questions:

-How did we meet?
-What book series the website we met on is about?
-Confirmed what year we met. (She said 2006, I confirmed it was 2004 online and 2008 in person)
-Asked where Ramon goes to school and what his major is
-Asked how he proposed.

She was very soft spoken, so I had to ask her to repeat herself a few times which made me feel awful (I'm half deaf in one ear, so it may have just been me). Then she flipped through the file and frowned at her computer in silence for a couple of minutes. I was starting to worry, but she confirmed that she'd taken my fingerprint. I said she had then she laughed and said the computer was just being silly. She then congratulated me and said she could approve my fiance visa and gave me the welcome to the US letter and the K1 FAQ sheet and said she hoped my wedding went well.

All told, we were back at the hotel by 9am :D

It really is the easiest part of this entire process.

Yay! Congratulations! And thank you for posting this so quickly! I'm going to be reading this to my fiance (who's in Montreal right now) so he can know what he can expect for the interview.
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-03 08:45:00
CanadaMontreal August 2011 Interviews!

We just had our interview and overall it was a great experience. We had the first ticket but were not processed in order - it turns out they hadn't processed my file yet. Still the process was uneventful and even a little exciting. No blonde woman but a wonderful woman with dreadlocks who asked us questions about how we met, who was at our wedding, and how my husband proposed. Overall it was a really positive experience for us, but sadly not for everyone there. Good luck to everyone else!

Congratulations on your interview! Glad to hear it went smoothly. I have to ask, were people getting denied in front of you?
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-02 19:52:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal
My fiance also got an email when the DHL had picked up the passport, but not when it was able to be delivered. He called them around noon EDT and they said it was ready for pick up. Even though it's ready now, he's picking it up on Tuesday (the office is nearly 3 hours away). If he had been in Winnipeg, it would've taken 4 business days to get the passport for us -- super quick! At least compared to what I've seen on here.

Congratulations again, all! I hope POEs go smoothly.
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-12 19:40:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal

Call who tomorrow - DHL or Dos?

I did call DoS yesterday, they said it was printed on the 5th, and that it should be in the mail soon. We did have that same interviewer, though I think its a little random as to when the visas get sent out. Our interview finally took place at about 1:30pm after arriving at 7:15. So I had plenty of time to watch and try to figure out how that office works. Its the receptionist lady that does all the DHLing, and it looked very random!

Either way, I REALLY hope we get it on Saturday!

Call DHL to see if they're open on Saturdays, just to double check.
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-11 22:35:00
CanadaWaiting for our passports from Montreal

My fiancee and I attended our interview on August 5th, and were approved. But still no waybill number. Hopefully I get one tomorrow - but anyone know if DHL is open at all on Saturdays?

I asked my fiance and he said it's probably open for pick up on Saturday, but no courier service. Your best bet is to call them tomorrow.

Also, I believe ralyse and I had the same interviewer (the lady with dreadlocks), so maybe the reason we received our waybills is the amount of time and when the interviewer processes the applicants.
BM CanadaFemaleCanada2011-08-11 21:25:00