IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescan someone sponsor two different people?
In answer to your first question, it is perfectly fine for a person to sponsor multiple immigrants, even from unrelated cases, but they must include all previously sponsored immigrants in the I-864 calculations for household size for determining whether they make enough money to qualify. If this person's income is sufficient for a household that includes both this other immigrant, you, and anyone else in their household, than it's no problem at all.

In answer to your second question, if the most recent tax return shows sufficient income to qualify, and is totally correct, USCIS will not care at all that it was filed late. They just use it for evidence of income.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-07-25 00:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA few questions
Vancouver handles K-1 visas for applicants west of the Manitoba/Ontario border. Montreal handles all the other fiance or spousal visas. Vancouver are quite quick. Montreal have a serveal month backlog between when you send in your Packet 3 forms and when you get your interview. If you are in Western Canada, switching from a K-1 to the CR-1 track will cost significantly less (no AOS fee, plus you can work right away when you enter the US) but will likely add 3-5 months of waiting time to get the visa.

The other issue is that the Cr-1 track has that enforced period of separation (exacerbated by Montreal's backlog delay) after you get married. For some people (my wife among them) being seperated from a spouse is much harder, and even that much less appealing than being forced to wait (for the K-1 visa approval) to be reunited and married.

That's the complete set of tradeoffs. You and your SO have to decide what you two want to have to deal with. Everybody's different.

Edited by HeatDeath, 04 August 2010 - 02:50 PM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-08-04 14:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow do they do it? No job yet bring wife or fiancee to america.
Further to "worrying about where the money comes from", that never actually goes away. Heck, I lucked into an insanely great job here [actually, luck had nothing to do with it. Prayer FTW!], and I'm still worrying. My Removal of Conditions is a year+ away, but I've already started carefully saving $100 per pay period into an envelope for it, because I want the cash for that next step safely socked away and completely taken care of before any major new expenses [like the kind that start crying and need to be fed at 4 in the morning :D] come into our lives.

Edited by HeatDeath, 21 August 2010 - 11:44 AM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-08-21 11:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow do they do it? No job yet bring wife or fiancee to america.
Well, that's more a general life management question. I don't think anybody except the super rich can do this "without worrying about where the money comes from." It's about setting financial priorities, setting a budget and sticking to it. "What do I need more, an iPod or a nice set of rims, or 1/4 of the airfare to visit my honey?" Literally save your pennies. Tightly optimize every last cent you spend. A good tip i heard is budget a certain amount for lunch every day, and every day you get change back from lunch, put it in an envelope or jar. It can add up substantially quicker than you'd think.

The other half is making life choices to upgrade your education and skills to the point where you can upgrade your job to the point where you have some disposable income - getting to the point where a trip is only months of savings instead of years. It's about figuring out where you want to be 5 years from now and making a plan to get there that doesn't involve lottery tickets :)

Edited by HeatDeath, 21 August 2010 - 11:36 AM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-08-21 11:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow do they do it? No job yet bring wife or fiancee to america.
You will need to find a cosponsor, a US citizen, ideally but not necessarily a family member, who does make enough money, and has a paper-trail to prove it. That will solve the money problem.

As for the visiting problem, no one can solve that for you but you. USCIS will deny a fiancee visa petition unless you provide them with proof that you two have met sometime in the two years immediately preceding the submission of the petition. You will need to find the time and money to visit your fiancee. Nothing else can happen until you two have met.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-08-21 11:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhich one to file
A change to her National ID card sounds like the government recognizes the marriage to me! So yeah, I would not bother filing for a fiance visa. Go for the spousal.

My brother just married a Muslim girl in Canada. They signed the nikkah months and months before they ever went to city hall and made it "official." My brother downplayed the nikkah to my parents, saying it was more like an engagement contract, but I know as far as her parents were concerned, they were married from then on.

in Canada, from what I gather, a nikkah by itself isn't official, since Canada does not operate on or particularly recognize shariah. In Pakistan, or any other officially Muslim country, a nikkah would be a fully official marriage certificate.

Which means, OP, that you are no longer eligible for a fiancee visa. Start reading up on CR-1s.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-09-05 16:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan my husband enter the US as a Student then AOS to Spousal Visa? We are already Married
It is not legal to enter on a student visa with the intent of staying and adjusting status. At the time he enters on the student visa, he must be intending to complete his course of study and return home. It is legal to adjust status from a student visa, but only if he did not have the intent to do so at the time he entered the US.

In your case, since he would be entering with the intent of adjusting status and staying, he would be misrepresenting himself at the border as intending to complete a course of study and depart when he actually intends to stay, and that would be illegal, unfortunately. If, during the AOS interview, he is deemed to have actually intended to stay at the time he entered, that could cause significant problems.

Unfortunately, you can't "adjust" from a student visa to a spousal visa once you're in the country. You can only apply for permanent residence. In your situation I would probably bite the bullet and take a later section of the course. Ultimately, setting him up stably and legally in the US is a more important long-term goal than getting this particular section of the course.

The other option would be for him to enter, take the course, return home, and apply for a spousal visa. That would entail a several months separation though. Probably better just to bite the bullet and do DCF now, however long it takes.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-09-20 14:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan Canadian marry in US before application process?

Thanks for all the info everyone!

I hate the idea of being apart for even longer (we have been long-distance for almost a year now) .. but it seems like the CR-1 saves some extra steps in the whole process and wouldn't require him to be here without a job for several months while waiting for work authorization if we go the K-1 route?

This is correct. In the spousal visa process, he will recieve his green card (actually a stamp in his passport that is exactly equivalent - the card will arrive in the mail a few weeks later) at the border upon entry, and he could start work, or travel internationally, that afternoon. On a fiance visa, he would not be able to work or leave the US until 6-10 weeks after he filed for AOS (which is normally done as soon as possible after the wedding).
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-10-12 12:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan Canadian marry in US before application process?
If you are going the CR-1 route, getting married in Canada would be the less risky, more reliable way to go because ....


I was about to say that you can enter Canada to marry a Canadian (with the intention of returning to the US) easier than your Canadian fiance can enter the US to marry an American (with the intention of returning to Canada), but come to think of it, the situations are pretty symmetrical.

You might have a slightly easier time convincing Canadian border officers that you intend to leave after the wedding because of your collective intention to eventually live in the US, than he would have convincing American border officers that he intends to leave after the wedding, given his intention to eventually return to the US on a spousal visa.

On reflection, the way to go that has the least odds of encountering intransigent border officers on either side of the border, would be a beach wedding on the Mexican Riviera, or somewhere in the Carribbean. :)
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-10-12 12:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan Canadian marry in US before application process?
If you go the K-1 route, you CANNOT marry until after he has entered the Us with the K-1 visa. He MUST be unmarried when he crosses the US border with a K-1 visa, or it will all have been a big waste of time and money.

It is perfectly ok to marry while he is visiting, as long as he then returns to Canada while you begin the spousal visa process. Note that he should answer the customs officer truthfully as to the purpose of his visit [never ever EVER lie to a customs officer, or any government official, particularly on anything even tangentially related to immigration!], and that there is a good chance they will not admit him if he answers honestly that he intends to marry a USC while he is in the US.

It is only ok for him to marry and stay and adjust status if that was not his intent at the time he crossed the border. It's kind of a Catch-22: the fact that you considered him visiting, marrying, and staying and adjusting status is what disqualifies him from doing it. If it never occurred to you, then you could do it. If you thought of it, you can't. :)
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-10-12 11:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPlease help if you can!
A "conditional" permanent resident is a full permanent resident, having all of the rights, privileges and responsibilities of any other permanent resident. The only difference is that their PR status expires automatically after 2 years. Conditional PR status is converted to permanent PR status by filing an I-751 Removal of Conditions form within the last 90 days before the conditional PR status expires. The I-751 and it's accompanying evidence shows that the marriage the conditional PR status was initially based on is legitimate and ongoing.

Since your future spouse will be entering, after you marry and finish the application process, on a CR-1 visa, he will be able to work the instant he enters the US. His PR status is no more [or less] removable during the first 3 years than any permanent resident's. As I said, he is a full PR, once he enters on the Cr-1, in every way, except that his PR status will expire and he must file an I-751 to convert it to full PR status.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-10-28 01:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 vs. K3. vs. CR-1
All of the above is correct, though your timeline may vary. 3.5 months seems abnormally quick (you lucky dogs :)).

Because your Canadian half is in SK, I would strongly recommend doing a K-1 rather than a CR-1. (Forget K-3s. There's a new policy which automatically turns K-3 applications into CR-1 applications the vast majority of the time.)

If you apply for a K-1 visa, you will have to pay an extra $1000 to adjust status once you enter the US, but your visa application will progrss much faster, because it will be going through Vancouver, rather than Montreal. Also, there will be no period of forced separation after the wedding, the way there would be for a CR-1.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-11-18 13:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about Credit once entering the States
Once I got a job I started getting 3 junk mails from Capital One per week, practically begging me to sign up for a card. The mortgage officer at my bank (my wife and I are looking at getting a house in the next year) said the best way to build credit would be to sign up for one of these cards, and use it a little [i.e. for gas. Don't use more than about 25% of it's capacity] and pay it off completely every month.

So that's what I'm doing.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-12-02 11:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa to K3 Visa ( SPOUSE VISA )
What they probably meant by the "180 day waiver" is this:

You entered on a K-1 visa. That allowed you to stay in the US, legally, for 90 days.

Starting on day 91, you began to accrue "out-of-status days."

Having out-of-status days is not normally a big deal [unless you came in on the VWP, but you didn't, so don't worry about that] UNLESS you have more than 180!

If you are still here on the morning of your 180th out-of-status day, then when you leave the US, you will get slapped with a 3 year ban from entering the US. If you are still here on the morning of your 365th out-of-status day, the ban you will receive when you leave jumps to 10 years!

If you leave the US before your 180th out-of-status day, your new husband will have a relatively simple, reliable, and easy [as much as immigration stuff ever is!] process to get you a spousal visa so you can come back.

If you stay long enough to get one of those bans, the process to get you back in here legally becomes much, much more difficult.

Yes, you will have to explain at the interview why the K-1 marriage fell plans through, and how you met and married someone else so quickly, but that's nothing compared with trying to get a waiver approved for the 3 year ban, on top of everything else!

And to repeat what you've already been told dozens of times: no, there is absolutely no way, period, full-stop, end-of-story, for you to adjust status without leaving the US first. Any government employee who tells you otherwise is confused and wrong, and any lawyer who tells you otherwise is a crook who is just looking to take your [and your husband's] money and who doesn't care if he ruins your life in the process.

We aren't telling you this to be mean, or racist, or anything like that. You are in a difficult situation right now, and we're telling you the God's honest truth about the best way to get yourself fixed up, immigration-wise.

Please believe us.

Edited by HeatDeath, 10 December 2010 - 02:14 PM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-12-10 14:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhen does one file AOS in the IR1/CR1 process?

Thank you. So it is my guess that if we don't follow our I-130 with I-129f they will automatically assume we're going for a CR-1 and the appropriate process will be automatically applied?
So literally, the I-130 packet alone starts the CR-1 procedure and all we have to do is follow further steps and instructions as we get them?

My understanding of the CR-1 process is that once the I-130 gets approved, it gets forwarded to the NVC, goes through some processing, gets matched up with an immediately-available (because, as a spouse, you are a qualifying immediate relative of a USC) visa number, and forwarded to the appropriate consulate to start the visa application process.

If you just follow the instructions in the CR-1 Guide here:

... everything should be fine.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-12-23 11:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhen does one file AOS in the IR1/CR1 process?
The CR-1 visa is an immigrant visa. You get an I-551 stamp (equivalent to a GC) the instant you cross the border. An actual physical GC is mailed out to you a few weeks later.

The I-485 is used by people who are non-immigrants, to effectively become immigrants. It applies to K visa holders, and people who enter under any other non-immigrant status and marry a USC. Since you will be an intending immigrant all the way through the CR-1 process, you never fill out an I-485. Which saves you quite a bit of money - one of the major advantages of the CR-1 process.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-12-23 04:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy people........My journey is finally over
Awesomeness. Congratulations!
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-12-22 11:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOfficial document stating I can travel to the U.S.
I flew down twice during the K-1 process to see my now-wife, once just prior to the NOA2 showing up, and once about 2 months after my Packet 3 showed up. Both times I had a employer letter, a "rental" agreement from my parents, with whom I was living, and some bank statements. I wasn't making car or cellphone payments so that was the best I could do. One thing you could also bring that carries a lot of weight is a copy of the I-129F packet (or at least the NOA1 and [if you have it] the NOA2), including the cheque. That will show any suspicious CBP officer that you have a significant financial investment in doing this properly.

In the end, it didn't really matter. The CBP officer in Winnipeg International Airport didn't even ask to see them, on either trip. So as long as you've got this stuff assembled, you should be OK to travel. Remember, fundamentally your admission comes down to one thing - the CBP officer's assessment of your being an intending immigrant. If you have the evidence to convince him you have no immigrant intent, they'll let you in. If they think you have immigrant intent [which they assume until proven otherwise] and you can't convince them otherwise, they won't let you in. This is true for all Canadians, all the time, BTW. It's just that when you're engaged to a USC, it takes more to overcome that presumption of immigrant intent than a relaxed body language and a plausible story of why you're going to the US and when you intend to come back. A copy of your I-129F stuff, and the other "ties to Canada" documents, is enough, the vast majority of the time.

Edited by HeatDeath, 16 January 2011 - 02:22 PM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2011-01-16 14:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa Process.....Fiancee's kids that will stay in Philippines 129F question
If any of the kids are left off of the I-129F, for ANY reason, it will SERIOUSLY JEOPARDIZE their ability to EVER get derivative status from their mother, and may cause them problems trying to get any kind of visa, ever, in addition to coming back to bite you two later on. There was a set of posts here about a year ago of a couple trying to clean up the mess after leaving one of their kids off the I-129. Don't risk it.

Answer ALL questions honestly and COMPLETELY.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2009-12-20 00:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied at the border
It shouldn't be a problem. I visited my USC fiancee twice during the application process. Both times I had employer letters, bank statements, etc prepared. They didn't even ask for them. Still a good idea to have them though.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-01-19 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm A Newbie: Need K1 Form Help Please
And the example forms here are well put together. I followed them very closely and had no problems. Make sure your forms match them closely and you should be fine.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-01-20 10:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescan i contact them to see if my i130 arrived?
Hi! I sent mine in on the same day (also for UK!!) with tracking and it was delivered on 3/1 (Was listed as arrived at post office for more than a day before it was delivered!). I've had no other notice yet either (email, text, NOA1) so we'll just have to wait and see. Good luck!

Hi, Its been a week since i sent it, i havent had any word from them. Should i call to find out if they got it?

Stupidly i put the E form in the middle of the pack, instead of the front, and my husband didnt get tracking (like i asked him to!).
We did a money order and i want to know if they received that. Looking at others time tables- they usually have word that it was received after 3 days?

How am i supposed to know, just wait for the N01?

goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-03-03 10:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 wrongly says beneficiary is in US!
I feel lots of sympathy for everyone who is also waiting because expectations were that things move quickly after approval. At least I know that if USCIS hadn't made this stupid mistake on our case I would probably still be awaiting delivery to NVC. :wacko:

Yes NOA2 approved on or after 6/16 are all waiting.

goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-14 13:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 wrongly says beneficiary is in US!
An update on our case: Next week it will be 30 days from my service request asking about the approval notice that wrongly said my husband was in the US and would adjust status. I have called several times to check the status and received drastically different answers from Tier 2 officers. One lady was very informative about the whole process and thought it was probably just a typo in which case it would have been forwarded to NVC automatically. Another very rude man said tough luck it could take months!! Both did say that I filled it out correctly by putting in the name of the embassy for Question #22 so it is 100% an error by USCIS! :bonk:

Unfortunately, USCIS is being very very slow to send things on to NVC and it doesn't look like many people who were approved around the same time as me (June 16) have been received at NVC yet either so I am still in limbo also. And I have no way to know if the nice lady was correct and NVC should be receiving it because NVC says they don't have it and can't make inquires since the official approval notice says USCIS will handle it. Ugh!!!

It is looking like I will have to resort to sending an email to the USCIS followup email after the 30 days have passed. Fingers crossed it gets resolved before that though!
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-14 12:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 wrongly says beneficiary is in US!
Great news!!! Did this update come in the mail or email? I called USCIS for an update yesterday and Tier 2 officer just said they had pulled my case and were reviewing it. Fingers crossed!

I received an update on my case today:

So, it looks like they've made some errors on the approval notices, and we're onto the NVC! Good news; I'm very relieved. :)

goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-28 11:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 wrongly says beneficiary is in US!
My husband (the beneficiary) actually has an A-2 visa (a diplomatic visa for civil servants) so maybe that was a factor? But really I don't see why it should since it's not like he had entered on that visa and then we sent these forms in.

Interesting. Any of the ones that got this NOA2, has your spouse (your applying for) ever been to the United States before?

The portion on where they ask if your relative has ever been to the U.S. I have clearly marked No.

goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-22 22:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 wrongly says beneficiary is in US!
The example I-130 on this site shows the embassy listed in Question 22, so I would guess most people put it like that with no problem. It is a poorly worded question and should either have 2 separate question numbers or else they should just have a box to check to say whether or not you intend to adjust status.

In regards to question 22 on the I-130 application isnt it asking if you are going to do adjustment of status either in the states or in another country? if you spouse is in colombia and you have no case to adjust shouldnt you put N/A in both spaces because your not adjusting. and when you finally get your visa doing a Cr1 when they enter they will receive their resident status upon entering the usa. am i wrong ??

goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-22 12:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 wrongly says beneficiary is in US!
Thanks for the response!! Interesting that we both got approved on the same day and this same thing happened to both of us!

Yeah, I am really hoping it is just a typo and the file is actually on its way to NVC. I will start calling NVC soon just to check. :whistle:

The same exact thing happened to us. I read through the NOA2 paper copy, and it wrongly stated that my spouse is in the US, and will apply for an AOS—which she's definitely not, and we're applying for a CR1 visa. The instructions told me to file a I-824 to send the approval onto the NVC.

I checked my I-130 over, and I definitely didn't put anything down for question 22, because it said to only complete that question if we were to apply for an AOS, which we weren't going to do.

I called USCIS, and the agent I spoke with told me that it probably was a typographical error, and they would look into it and send me a response within the next 30 days—but probably sooner than that. He gave me a reference number, and that was it.

They were very helpful, but still...hopefully this won't cost too much time. If it was a typo, the case may already be on its way to the NVC. We'll see. :blink:

goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-22 11:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 wrongly says beneficiary is in US!
We did put in this request and got a reference # (after calling 3 times to talk to 3 different people all saying different things! Ugh!) but I hope this doesn't mean another month or longer before they send it on to NVC! :wacko:

I assume you are in the US. Call USCIS # and put in the change. I had a similar problem where my name was spelt incorrectly. I called and they made the changes, gave me a reference #, and sent new documents reflectign the changes. So do call to rectify the issue ASAP>

goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-22 09:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 wrongly says beneficiary is in US!
Thanks for the reply! Yes for Q#22 we put N/A for the USCIS office and put London, UK in the right hand part. I remember having to read that question a million times before I felt comfortable with it though.

check your I 130, did you fill in question 22 (I think) that the beneficiary was in the US or did you say he would apply for the visa abroad?

check, see what you put down. Question 22 is a bit wonky - you should have filled in the right hand portion of Q22 with the city and country

Good luck

goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-22 09:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 wrongly says beneficiary is in US!
I was so excited to get approval in less than 4 months, but now USCIS has gone and made a mistake to set us back!

On the NOA2 it seems to think that my husband (the beneficiary) is in the US and will adjust status (and no we didn't submit a I-129F or petitions for children). Otherwise they say we have to file form I-824 (and pay $400 and wait another few months!!!) to have the petition sent to NVC. We clearly listed his foreign address and in Question 22 put N/A for the local office and indicated the London Embassy. Obviously they made a mistake and should have just sent the petition on automatically.

So we’ve put in a service request for them to correct this and will just have to wait some more I guess. Ugh! Has anybody else had to deal with this? How long should we expect to wait for NVC to get it now?
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-22 09:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFrustration with USCIS error
Thanks for your response and the encouragement to contact my congressman. I was a bit weary to do so, but I guess that is part of their job to help the people in their district. Anyway, today somebody from his office contacted USCIS on our behalf. They said that USCIS has 30 days to respond to them now. It feels a little more comforting knowing that somebody else is on our side trying to get them to fix this. Although I will be skeptical and anxious until our case is finally received by NVC. I just hate not knowing where we stand!
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-02 14:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFrustration with USCIS error
I am so frustrated with USCIS!!! They screwed up and didn't send my approved petition on to NVC (they thought we were adjusting status but we clearly put his foreign address and foreign embassy, which they confirmed was the correct way to do it and so they admit it was their error). It has now been 37 days since I asked them to fix this (with a service request that said wait 30 days for response). When I called back 10 days after the first service request to check they said it should have been expedited so they put in an expedite request, but that came back saying wait 45 days from that second date! Now they are saying they must do the "expedite" one first even though they haven't even dealt with the first request which is beyond the response time! How can 45 days be expedited when 30 days was the initial waiting time???

Do you think I should get my congressman involved? August 1st will be 5 months since we filed and even though it was approved they still have not fully dealt with our case.
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-28 11:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 Cover Sheet
That's why I'm confused. My AOS bill is still in process but there is already a button that says "Print Document Cover Sheet" that lets me print a barcoded sheet that says... "You MUST RETURN THIS COVER SHEET with the Petitioner's completed forms and supporting documents etc etc..."

This is the first time I hear that, I didn't submit any receipt, I just place the cover sheet on top of all my documents and that's it. The cover sheet should only be available after the payment though.

goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-23 16:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 Cover Sheet
Thanks for the reply!! I wasn't aware that I had to submit the actual payment receipt at all since the lists on this site just say "Barcoded cover sheet"... I'm glad I asked!

The cover sheet is good to use right away. But you also need to submit the payment receipt. The payment receipt generated immediately only shows in processing, not paid. Wait till it says paid to use the receipt. Or else you may get a RFE for not having the payment receipt. I know it's lame as they should have just check the computer record and know that the payment has been made. But I actually got a RFE for pre-mature payment receipt submitted.

goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-23 15:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 Cover Sheet
So I just paid my AOS bill last night and immediately there was a barcoded Document Cover Sheet available to print. Is that cover sheet going to look different after the bill is marked "Paid" or can I just use that one? I'm just wondering because everything I've read here indicated that the cover sheet wouldn't even be available until it was marked "Paid." Obviously I will wait to send everything until it's paid, but just curious about this. Thanks!
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-23 09:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCould a prior visa speed things up?
Thanks for your replies. Wishful thinking on my part! :) I know each case is reviewed on it's own, but I am just hoping that for the background/name checks it could make things easier for them, especially because he has a very generic name. Ah well, I am back to assuming this will take many months longer than I want...
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-31 14:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCould a prior visa speed things up?
I'm curious if it might help speed up the process if the foreign beneficiary has already been approved for a visa? In our case, he has an A-2 visa as a UK civil servant that he has been using 2-3 times per year for the past 20 years. Presumably he would already have been 'investigated' to some extent for that? Just wishful thinking perhaps? :whistle:
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-31 11:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFlight Arrangements Before Interview
I personally think that you should do whatever gives YOU the most peace of mind. For some people that peace of mind comes from having something booked and thinking you got a good price and for others peace of mind will come from knowing that you have the visa before you pay money for a flight. Just decide which is most important for you.

What I would do is go on the website of whatever airline you might travel with and then look for flights that would leave immediately (within the next few days) and then look for flights that leave in 2-3 months and compare the prices. When I did this I found that you could actually get flights that were the exact same price!
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-15 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsno packets but got nvc number and wants to schedule interview..
hello... so i got my nvc case number and i am planning to pay visa and schedule interview on monday..i did not received any packets yet, so my question is... all the documents on checklist downloadable on website i must bring them during interview or need to send some of it before interview? i am confused cause i read on some they send som documents to usem and some just bring during interview... any advice please!!! thanks
daddy'sgirlFemalePhilippines2012-10-19 11:26:00