K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSending in K-1 while visiting?

I know most of you have probably read posts like this before, but I need to make sure.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've read that Canadians are allowed to visit the USA for as long as six months without a tourist visa. My fiance (he's the US citizen, I'm the beneficiary) and I want to do this, and he wants to hand in our K-1 papers while I'm visiting there. Is that allowed? I would of course leave once my time is up, I would need to finish off the process in Canada, after all. Would doing this cause any problems? Has anyone actually done this? Any advice and experiences would be very much appreciated!! Thank you.

This should be absolutely fine. There is no problem at all with you being in the US at the time the I-129F is filed, and this shouldn't cause any problems at all.

You will want to be back in Canada a couple of weeks after your USC fiance receives the NOA2 notice of approval, so that you can receive the Packet 3 from the US consulate and begin working on that paperwork. Make sure you've got someone reliable checking your mail to make sure you get that Packet 3 letter when it arrives, 3-4 weeks after your USC fiance receives the NOA2, if you can't be there yourself to get it. Obviously you will need to be back in Canada for the consulate interview as well, though you won't get a date for that until after you complete and send in the Packet 3 paperwork to the consulate.

As you said, as long as you leave before your time is up, and as long as you get and respond to the Packet (which will be mailed to the Canadian address you enter on the I-129F), and as long as you get to your consulate interview in Vancouver or Montreal (depends on which end of the country your Canadian address is in, for a K-1) this will work just fine.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-06-05 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSending in K-1 while visiting?

Your only allowed 90 days in the US on the VWP.(VISA WAVIER PROGRAM) If you stay over the allotted 90 days you will get a ban from entering the US. for a period of time...(I think its ten years) My fiancee stays about 85 days in order to avoid that drama. We also filed our K1 petition while he was here. So that is allowed and lots seem to do so. And the answers vary for how long you have to stay out of the county before you can reenter for another 90 days....My fiancee generally stayed gone 6 weeks before returning. You have to make the POE agent believe that you have every intention of leaving the county before that 90 mark. Keep in mind though, it all depends on the agent at the POE. They can be having a bad day and decide that you are a easy target to pick on regardless of any proof you may have that you intend to leave the county. I have read about several people visiting every three months and staying gone three months for years, then all of the sudden refused entry for no real apparent reason. Then too I have read that others are refused straight off. Basically its on you, as to the burden of proof of your none intent to immigrate. Good luck with your K1!

This is good advice for everyone except Canadians. Canadians tourists are on a different program than the Visa Waiver Program, and ARE allowed to stay as tourists for up to 6 months, as long as no additional limitation is imposed by the admitting CBP officer.

The Canadian tourist status is very similar, from the point of view of the tourist, to the VWP, but the paperwork and internal CBP operations are very different. VWP entrants, as i understand, receive an I-94W, and are recorded in a very different way. The Canadian tourist status is more akin to a very informal B1/B2 visa. No paperwork of any kind is issued to the Canadian tourist. Until a few years ago, Canadians didn't even need passports. Even now, the passports are only used as identification at land PoEs - they are not stamped upon entry, in most circumstances.

The expectation CBP seems to have for Canadian tourists re: intervals between trips is that Canadians will spend at least half their time in Canada. So if you stay for several months in the US, the best way to avoid trouble is to stay that long in Canada before attempting reentry to the US. This is the rule that Canadian snowbirds (elderly folks with RVs who spend their winters driving around the southern US, where it's nice and warm) generally follow, and tends to keep you out of trouble with both the CBP and the IRS.

It is only because Canadian tourists are allowed to spend up to 6 months at a time that it is even vaguely feasible to attempt a schedule of 3 months in, 3 months out, etc for any length of time. 6 months of allowed time per trip being 50% of a year is a plausible reason for why Canadians seem to be expected to spend 50% of their time in Canada. Conversely, the 90 days allowed to a VWP entrant is only roughly 25% of a year, so Europeans, under this logic, may plausibly be expected to maintain a 3-1 ratio of time in Europe to time in the US. CBP probably get suspicious once a VWP entrant spends more than 90 days per year in the US.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-06-05 09:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa received, opened wrong envelope
It's hard to say. We do see occasional spelling errors in USCIS documents, even domestically. My GC Welcome notice informed me that I "must cary" my GC at all times :)
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-06-10 20:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa received, opened wrong envelope

You obviously don't understand the severity involved.

The envelope contains her entire immigration file, in the original, of which no copy exists. Did she remove a document? Did she add one? Did she switch something?

They will have to look at every document and basically start over from the beginning. If they are unsure, you will have to resubmit documents in the original, to be inspected.

The resealing cost $1.00. The $299.00 is for tampering. Add a few hundred dollars for extended waiting and I hope you understand now why resealing is not really what this is all about.

Seconded. +1
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-06-05 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa received, opened wrong envelope

I'm telling her to do it personally, because her ticket to leave is Friday the 11th. I already changed it from the 4th because she didn't get it on time.

Does she need all of her documents or just the envelope that isn't sealed?

The you definitely better contact the consulate first. I don't know if they even can do the resealing on a "while-you-wait" basis. There is the very realistic possibility that you may need to change the ticket again.

I would have her bring all of the paperwork she brought to the interview - anything she has, really - just in case.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-06-05 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa received, opened wrong envelope

Does it have to be the same consulate? She lives in Belo Horizonte. Any chance they would seal it?

<Goes off and google-maps Belo Horizonte...>

Oh, it's only a day's drive? She's lucky! I was over 2300 km from "my" US consulate :D [Canada is a BEEEEEGGG place, and there's lots of it that is a LOOONGGG way from either Montreal or Vancouver! :)]

The way you said it, I thought Belo Horizonte might be way out by Manaus or something! :lol:

The distance shouldn't matter. The resealing should be able to be done solely by mail. Just takes time and a little bit of money.

Edited by HeatDeath, 05 June 2010 - 10:41 AM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-06-05 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa received, opened wrong envelope

Any idea what the direct number would be? The only number I found was to the automated system...

That I couldn't tell you. Some consulates make it very difficult to reach them directly. There should be an email address somewhere on their website. Try that. They won't be open on the weekend anyways, I don't think.

Also, try asking in the South America regional forum here. There will be people there with direct experience with the Rio consulate. I'm just going on general knowledge here.

Edited by HeatDeath, 05 June 2010 - 10:32 AM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-06-05 10:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa received, opened wrong envelope

Does it have to be the same consulate? She lives in Belo Horizonte. Any chance they would seal it?

Afraid so. It will have to be the same visa section, in the same consulate/embassy that approved the visa and put the envelope package together in the first place.

The re-inspection and sealing has to be done by a visa section - that's the only part of the embassy organization that has the employees trained in this process. And there is usually only one visa section in any given country that has employees trained and assigned to do a given class of visa. OK, Canada has two, but that's an exception, I think. And even then, I don't think Montreal would inspect and reseal an envelope issued by Vancouver - they've got no file to validate it against.

I'm virtually certain it will have to be the same visa section in the same consulate.

Edited by HeatDeath, 05 June 2010 - 10:27 AM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-06-05 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa received, opened wrong envelope
She will need to contact the issuing embassy/consulate, and send the whole package back to them to get it inspected and resealed, and it sounds like they will charge her $300 for that privilege.

That envelope HAS to be sealed when she reaches the PoE. If she shows up at a PoE with an unsealed envelope, they will tell her the same thing I just said above, and send her back to Brazil to have it done.

Kinda sucks, but at least it sounds like it happens often enough that the Rio consulate/embassy has a well defined process to handle it. You can tell her not to worry. She shouldn't have to interview again or anything like that. She's still approved. It's just a moderate-sized check and a couple of weeks delay, tops.

Peanuts, in the long run.

Edited by HeatDeath, 05 June 2010 - 10:19 AM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-06-05 10:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJFK entry, looking for EAD
The JFK stamp is only good if you came to the US on a visa that specifically names your employer on the visa in the passport. K-1 visas name the USC petitioner, but no employer, so the stamp doesn't help K-1 holders.

I hope you didn't do too much damage to your itinerary to arrange to travel through JFK.

USCIS's form I-9 lists the kinds of documents that can be used to show work authorization. The description of the I-94 used to be worded in such a way that the JFK stamp could be interpreted as work authorization, but they changed the wording in March 2009. If you go through that list you'll find that the only combinations of documents that will work for K-1 holders involve either a green card, an EAD, or a full drivers license (that requires an EAD to get in most states) and an unrestricted social security card (that requires a full GC to get in every state).

Any way you cut it, she'll need either an EAD card or a GC to work. My EAD showed up 45 days after we filed for AOS, and my GC about a month after that. If you two need her earning potential soon, get married and file for her AOS, EAD, and AP documents as soon as possible.

Edited by HeatDeath, 20 June 2010 - 10:21 AM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-06-20 10:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to deny an approved I 129 F petition?
If he's received his Packet 3 that means that his whole case is at his local consulate. They're who you would write to. They're the ones who can cleanly kill the process. If it dies at the consulate it'll stay dead.

USCIS no longer have anything to do with it. They don't even have a copy of your file. It was physically sent to the consulate. CBP haven't become involved yet. They have no record whatsoever of any visa process until you show up at a PoE with your file in a sealed envelope. So if the consulate kills your application process, they'll send the file back to USCIS for archiving, and both of you should be fine for future visits. CBP will never even know either of you have petitioned or applied for anything.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-06-26 09:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt didn't work out
If she scammed you to get a K-1 visa, she's an idiot and/or receiving very bad advice. If she enters the US on that visa without telling you and with no intention of ever seeing you, she has just permanently hosed herself out of ever being able to legalize her status in US.

A K-1 is not like a tourist visa. On a tourist visa a scammer can come in, overstay, live for a few years as an illegal, seduce some poor idiot, get married and AOS. A K-1 entrant cannot EVER AOS EXCEPT through marriage to the SPECIFIC USC named on the visa.

She'd almost be better off sneaking into Mexico and swimming the Rio. There is at least some reasonable hope of amnesty for EWI illegals coming down the pipe sometime in the next year or two. There is NO reasonable hope that ANY conceivable immigration reform will provide a path for K-1 entrant overstayers to AOS through someone other than her petitioner.

If she's a scammer, and we don't know for sure that she is, and if she's thinking "I've got the visa, I'm done with him now"... OH BOY has she got a rude surprise coming.

The humane thing to do would be, in the natural course of talking to her and attempting to save your relationship, to somehow, diplomatically convey this to her, if at all possible without implying that you seriously think she was scamming you.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-06-26 09:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew K-1 application
The only statutory limits on K-1 applications are A ) no more than 1 in a two year period, and B ) no more then 2 per lifetime. Even these limits are not set in stone - they can be, and apparently usually are, waived if you request a waiver in your I-129F cover letter.

It sounds like neither apply to you anyways. Your last K-1 was more than 2 years ago and it sounds like this is only your second. So there should be no procedural or legal obstacles.

You can expect, however, that the consulate will ask your fiancee about her knowledge of the previous marriage and the circumstances of its failure. This is more for her protection than anything else. Make sure your fiancee is fully and honestly briefed on the previous marriage and the circumstances of its failure, and the possibility that the consulate will ask her about it, and everything should be fine.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-06-27 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS 160 ?? Vancouver
When I got my K-1 through Vancouver a year ago I actually emailed them about this. They said that the DS-160 wasn't being used for K-1 visas. Good to know this is still the case.

In any event, once you get a Packet 3, it's instructions, plus emails from the actual consulate, override anything else you may hear anywhere else. If you follow the letter of the instructions for the Packet 3, and email the consulate to get an authoritative word on anything that seems unclear ( you should have no problems.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-06-30 08:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe filed for the K-1 Visa, BUT.....
In addition to the good plan of pulling the plug on the I-129F now using a notarized letter to USCIS, you would have many additional opportunities to pull the plug on this:

Even if your I-129F had already been approved, refusing to provide an I-134, and/or an updated letter of intent to marry, and/or [though this is less reliable if done alone] evidence of a ongoing relationship for his consulate interview would effectively prevent him from being issued a visa and would pull the plug at that stage.

Even if he had already been issued the visa, refusing to sign the marriage certificate or say "I do" would make it impossible for him to adjust status.

Even if you were already married, refusing to fill out or provide any documentation for an I-864 would make it very difficult for him to adjust status, though this is not quite as reliable a plug-puller as the other options.

It becomes much more difficult to stop this once he has married you and successfully adjusted status and received a conditional green card. Divorcing him at that point would probably not prevent him from removing conditions. But right up to that point his status is utterly dependent on your continued cooperation, and you have all the power here.

But I agree with the others, best to pull the plug as early as possible if that's what you need to do.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-05-31 10:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied at us border!
Denials only affect subsequent entries under the category you tried to enter with. You were denied as a Canadian tourist, so subsequent entries as a Canadian tourist will be more difficult, as the CBP officer explained to you.

A K-1 visa admittance is a different category of entrance, so it will not be affected at all by your "record" in the Canadian tourist category.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-07-28 10:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew and Stressed Out!

Your visa will be in your passport :)

Conversely, your passport will be stuck to, and wrapped around, your visa. :D
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-08-09 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the intent to marry need to be notarized?
Ours weren't, and it went just fine. I-129F approval in less than 3 months.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-08-09 17:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTotal overall costs for this journey (K-1)?

You forgot passport photos and certified copies of things...... :whistle:

Dang it! :lol:
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-08-09 09:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTotal overall costs for this journey (K-1)?

Here is a good estimate of fees that was last updated in May of 2010. Always consulate the USCIS and/or DOS websites, as well as the actual forms and instructions , for the current fee schedules.

K1 Fiance(e) Visa
K1 US Government Filing and Visa Fees

When Paid Agency and Purpose
Month 1 *Dept. of Homeland Security, USCIS - Petition Filing Fee $455.00
Month 3-6 Dept. of State Visa Application Fee (paid abroad) $350.00
Month 6-12 Dept. of Homeland Security, USCIS - Adjust Status Fee $1,010.00
Month 27-32 Homeland Security, USCIS - Removal of Conditions Fee $545.00
Total Immigration Fees To Permanent Resident Status $2,360.00

Spouse Visa
CR1 or IR1 Filing and Immigrant Visa Fees

When Paid Agency and Purpose
Month 1 Dept. of Homeland Security, USCIS - Petition Filing Fee $355.00
Month 4-6 Dept. of State Affidavit of Support Processing Fee $70.00
Month 5-7 Dept. of State Immigrant Visa Application Fee $400.00
Month 28-32 *Homeland Security, USCIS Removal of Conditions Fee $545.00
Total Immigration Fees To Permanent Resident Status $1,380.00

*Does not apply to IR1 or IR2

Add to both of these:
Panel Physician Immigration Medical in foreign country $250 - $400
Cost of traveling within foreign country to Medical and Consulate interview $300-$500
Cost of wedding $50-$50000 :)
Loss of income from 1-2 months of unemployment due to moving $2000-$5000+
Moving expenses $500-$2500

Add to K-1:
CBP I-94 Fee $6
Civil Surgeon to transcribe medical results plus any additional shots $30-$200
Lost income from 3-9 months of enforced unemployment $6000-$20000+

Importing/Titling/Registering a foreign automobile
Manufacturer's Compliance letters $30-$100
Emissions/Safety Inspections [varies by state] $15-$50
Registration $75-$150

Edited by HeatDeath, 09 August 2010 - 09:05 AM.

HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-08-09 09:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAm I going to have to travel for the interview?????
Certain consulates, particularly those in "high-fraud" countries, are reluctant to give out fiance visas without extremely compelling proof of a bonafide relationship. In these countries, the USC petitioner's presence can be very helpful, even if they are not in the interview booth with the beneficiary during the actual interview.

There is even a handful of consulates (Guyaquil, Ecuador for starters) where the presence of the USC petitioner is absolutely MANDATORY
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-08-10 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAm I going to have to travel for the interview?????
There are several possible interviews in this process.

A ) the consulate interview. This is for your fiance only, and will occur at a US consulate in Australia.
B ) the AOS interview. Many people don't have one, but if you two do it will affect both of you. This would be at your local USCIS office, which according to their web site is St. Paul, MN.
C) the Removal of Conditions interview. Again, many people don't have one, but it would also be at the St. Paul MN office, 2 years after the green card is awarded. This would also involve both of you if it occurs.
D ) the naturalization interview. If you fiance eventually applies for US citizenship, he will definitely have to interview at the St. Paul office. This one wouldn't involve you.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-08-09 20:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAOS Medical
An I-693 is a form that provides medical information to USCIS. It can be downloaded from, in their Forms section, but you do not download it. You visit a local Civil Surgeon (a doctor registered with USCIS to preform immigration-related medical examinations, among other services, who's address and contact information you also find on, under "How to find a Civil Surgeon").

They will look at the vaccination info worksheet you received from your medical in Canada [yes, you have to bring that to them], and "transcribe" that info onto an I-693. They will also fill out the first and last sections of the I-693, leaving the rest blank. They will then seal the I-693 in an envelope, and you include this envelope in your AOS package.

Do not let them charge more than 30-50 dollars for this. Many civil surgeons are (willfully?) unclear on the rules, and will state dogmatically that you need a full medical exam, that they will charge you hundreds of dollars for. Because you had a medical in Canada less than a year ago, you do NOT need another one, so do not accept it. There is a thread you can find here, and a page on the wiki, that lists civil surgeons who do understand the rules and who do not attempt to rip off K-1 holders who only need a transcription. Read through that thread to find a CS in your area. If none are listed there, do a search on, as I mentioned above, and start phoning around.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-08-11 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS 156K send I-134?
As I recall, Vancouver just wanted the fax of the DS-156K itself, and only wanted the rest of that stuff physically delivered at the interview. Montreal may do things differently. In your shoes, I would email them to find out for sure. Vancouver were so good at promptly and authoritatively answering emaisl, I didn't even need to read VJ during the consulate application phase. :)

Since Montreal's opinion is the only one that matters, I would check with them personally. Let us know what they say!
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-08-11 10:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescancel I 129 F approved petition

The petition was just an approval for the non-immigrant fiance (I'm guessing you?) to APPLY for a visa. If none of the application documents have been sent to the embassy, you haven't applied for it. If you drop everything now, the petition simply expires. You shouldn't have any problems.

Sorry to hear things didn't work out. I wish you both the best of luck.

Seconded. If the foreign beneficiary simply fails to return the Packet 3 forms, the entire process will quietly end when the approved petition expires.

Unless Australia's laws are radically different than either the US's or Canada's, you don't have to report to anyone when you leave the country, assuming you are an Australian citizen. Neither Australia's nor Indonesia's customs and immigration people are going to care at all about any petitions, applications, or processes you have going with the US Department of State or USCIS, or any other branch of the US government for that matter - it's completely irrelevant to them.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-08-13 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresElectronic Notification
Thanks! I was afraid that was the case. Guess we'll have to rely on a relative!
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-11 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresElectronic Notification
Hello! This is my first post but I've been reading this site for a while and its incredibly informative!

Anyway, my question is about the amount of electronic notification that will happen. It doesn't matter so much on my end (as the US Citizen) because I have a permanent residence with good mail delivery, but my fiance (who is the in the UK) is worried about receiving regular mail. He will move from the address he is at now (which is the one we will have to put on the application) a few months after we apply and then he will not be able to regularly collect his mail (i.e., he will have it sent to a relative or a PO box). So, when he finally starts receiving things on his end (such as this 'packet 3') and gets further instructions, will this be communicated electronically at all??

Thanks for any help!!
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-09 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce decree/name change
Maybe this is a silly question, but I have my divorce decree which has a statement in it about me changing my name, however, do I need to include the original marriage certificate to show that it was changed in the first place? Do they want the whole paper trail of a name change?

(I would rather not have to include the old marriage certificate because it's in Spanish and I don't want to mess with the hassle of getting it translated.)

goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-11 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA K-1 case with moral questions
I'm sorry to hear that your family is going through all of that, but I don't think there is much you can do. If he does have a real relationship with this new woman (which he will have to prove to the immigration officials) and they want to get married, then once he is officially divorced (and only then) he can petition for her to come over as his fiance. Adultery by itself is not a grounds for visa denial.
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-15 11:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp filling out the i-129f

thanks......but i have,its of no help at all,its based on a country with STATES...we dont have adress states like that here and we never put england,wales or anything on our post so.....any ideas?

I found it a bit confusing myself because on the first page they ask for 'State/Country' and on the second page they ask for 'State/Province' with a separate line for 'Country'. So for the first one I put 'UK' and for the second one I put the county as the province (for example, Derbyshire). Hope that helps!
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-25 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on I-129 form
In addition to knowing how you met initially, they are also asking how/when you actually saw each other in person within the last 2 years, since that is a requirement (unless cultural reasons prevent that). Hope that helps!
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-26 08:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre scans ok
I think its a good idea to scan everything anyway so that you have an electronic copy of your package as well (in case of fire or whatever).
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-26 08:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnable to fill out forms for next stage on the computer?

By PDF printer do you mean a program that converts PDF's into image files? I have one of these programs but it's not letting me convert it because it says it is password protected =(

If you can print a document to a regular old paper printer than you can create a pdf out of it. A pdf printer is something that will convert any file into a pdf by using a printer driver. It installs it's own printer driver to do this so that when you are in the document and you go to print it, instead of selecting your regular paper printer, there will be an option to print to the pdf printer and voila! a pdf is made! I find it amazingly useful!

Try it out...
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-02 17:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnable to fill out forms for next stage on the computer?
I can actually save the information I put into those forms when using Adobe Acrobat Standard (version 7.0) but not when using Adobe Reader 9.3. I don't know if it's because it's an older version or if it's because its a full version of Acrobat, but most likely the latter.

I would suggest installing a free pdf printer (there are several good ones available free online) so you can avoid the whole step of printing out and scanning back in.

Good Luck!
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-02 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange in Address for sending I-129F
From what I understand they've been forwarding them to Texas recently anyway, so there is a good chance that if you sent it yesterday or today it will still be forwarded.
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-03 14:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange in Address for sending I-129F
FYI, USCIS has put out new instructions for the I-129F.... They all need to be sent to the Dallas Lockbox now:

File Form I-129F at the USCIS Dallas Lockbox facility.
For U.S. Postal Service:
USCIS P.O. Box 660151 Dallas, TX 75266

For Express mail and courier deliveries:
USCIS Attn: I-129F 2501 South State Highway 121 Business Suite 400 Lewisville, TX 75067

And you can sign up for e-notification with the petition. :thumbs:

Hope this helps!
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-03 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMay see lower fees for I-129F!
Does anybody know about this?? Looks like they may actually LOWER the fees for I-129F ($455 to $340) while raising most other fees....

That page hasn't been updated in awhile but the comment period just ended July 26th, so could happen soon?
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-02 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCertified divorce decree
Well your location says London, so this is what the London Embassy website says...

If your application was processed by the Embassy you will be required to obtain the original documents or certified copies, and one photocopy, for yourself and each family member applying for a visa. All documents that pertain to you are required, even if they were previously submitted to the USCIS with your petition.

I'm not an expert on this at all, but I interpreted this to mean that they only need the documents for the person interviewing. The list of documents includes things that you obviously couldn't bring with you if they were meant to include things relevant to your USC fiancee, like the USC passport... so fingers crossed you won't need the certified copy.

But, if they do in fact ask for it and they were going to approve you anyway, you will just have to supply it before they issue the visa...

If you appear for an interview without the documents, action on your application will be suspended under Section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act and you will be given 12 months from the date of the interview to present the documents.

Hope this helps!
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-05 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCertified divorce decree
Did they actually tell you specifically that they wanted a certified copy of the USC's divorce decree? It was my understanding that the original/certified copies of documents you bring to the embassy interview are only related to the beneficiary? I'd be interested to know if anybody else was actually asked for the USC original documents at the interview too...

I guess all you can do at this point is take the regular copy and see how it goes!
goonergirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-05 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about pics
Makes sense. They want your face to be as close to your natural, daily appearance as possible, as long as it's visible. Hair covering ears is fine, because that's a part of the way your face normally looks. A scarf covering your ears is an artificial obscurance of part of your normal face.
HeatDeathMaleCanada2010-01-23 18:04:00