Africa: Sub-SaharanWe are almost ready to schedule interview in Nairobi
QUOTE (Jamie&Harry @ Nov 6 2009, 08:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we are at that step he received his packet 3 and his police certificates and is ready with all other documents. I mailed out the stuff i needed to send plus the 1_134 and allll sorts of documents. anyways once he receives my package we will be ready to schedul his medical exam and his interview. I was already in contact with the consulate by email and they said they can coordinate the interview through email just to let them know after we schedule the medical. Im so nervous as he is not from that country and not sure what to do /expect of that area but at least the consulate will work with us which is very very nice of them Anyways so many worries right now and im nervous about the interview. When he was here he didnt meet my parents as they are in another state and not very supporting of my decision they dont know him and they think i flipped my lid. Anyways I guess im wondering what types of questions they ask i know i have read people say to practice some interview questions but i worry it will sound canned and not natural not sure how natural u sound nervous anyways

I know im rambling but some things im wondering about how easy is it to navigate there as he will need to find a place to stay and find the medical place and the consulate lol and i just think wow hes doing all this to be with me smile.gif Going through all of this and giving up so much to be withme I dont know anyone who would go through so much and so much expense he amazes me every day

and tips, helps and reassurance?

Hi Jamie& Harry! Congratulations on being so close to the interview and approval. Soontobe is right-- Nairobi is one of the nicest, easiest consulates to go through (if you don't mind waiting!)

Please browse through the nairobi consulate thread found here: http://www.visajourn...howtopic=160251

Go to the 7th page and you will find my experience of going with my fiance to his interview: what buses we took, where we stayed, how much it cost, etc. There is also information about the medical in the earlier pages but the doctors may have changed sine I was there. Browse the Nairobi thread, there is plenty of great information there! Good luck!


MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-11-14 13:26:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPermanant resident :)
Hey everyone, just thought you would be happy to know my husband is now a permanent resident! Took about 8 months to process his application, but we just received the letter last Friday. Yay! :dance: :dance: :dance:
MadwomanFemaleUganda2012-01-09 11:48:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Hey all!

I thought I was posting in this thread, but I think I posted our happy news in the Sub-Saharan Africa board instead :blush:
We wanted to share the news that, as of Jan 4th, Hiller is officially a permanent resident! :dance: :dance: :dance: We are very excited--it took 8 months! Next stop: dual citizenship :)

Oh and in related news....our daughter Jenna turned 1 year old on Jan 5th. Time has flown by! After the fiance visa, get ready for life to really start moving! :thumbs:

Hope everyone had a happy holiday and new year!

MadwomanFemaleUganda2012-01-09 20:39:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Thanks Katie $ Sifa,
Well i do live in Kampala but the problem is the area where i live has no physical plot numbers,Doing a DHL station pick up sounds ok but whom should it be addressed ot,i mean what kinda format should does the address have to be written?

e.g can he just write :
To Dorah28
C/O DHL Kampala

Do you think i;ll be able to recieve it that way? Am sorry but all this is so new to me.
Have a great day

Hi Dorah,

I just wanted to chime in here. My husband didn't have an mailing address either, but he worked at an international school with a PO box address and I sent him mail there. It always arrived, although sometimes it would take FOREVER. I agree that you should use DHL when sending important documents. Do you have a friend who works at an international school, or does your place of employment have a PO box? If you know someone that has access to a PO box, that might be helpful. Hope it works out for you!
MadwomanFemaleUganda2012-01-09 20:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Thanks Nyosh

Hey Shefellfromheaven, surely time goes by fast. I wish you all the best in your ROC.

Hi Shefellfromheaven,

We are getting old too! :) We applied for ROC at the end of May and received a receipt notice on Monday saying his resident status was extended for a year. We hope everything goes smoothly, but honestly, ever since going through all that stress getting the K1 visa, everything else seems so much easier! (L) (just the hole in the pocket-- they really hit you in the wallet don't they???) :angry:

We are also traveling back to Uganda next month for a visit with our 6 month year old daughter. I haven't been back in 2 years. So excited!!!
MadwomanFemaleUganda2011-06-08 11:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
So sorry things seem so complicated! It has changed so much since Hiller and I went through 2 years ago-- we called for an interview and med appointment, and I just walked right up to the window with him no questions asked. (We did have to download most of the forms and pick up the medical packet from the embassy since it was never mailed to us).

I started this thread do that others could learn the process from those who have gone before, but it seems like things are changing so much now, it is kind of a moot point. Well at least we can support and cheer each other on from afar!!

I don't have any more advice to offer other than what has been said....GOOD LUCK!!! Soon it will all be over and the embassy will be but a distant memory :)
MadwomanFemaleUganda2011-03-16 14:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Happy New Year! Just wanted to share the exciting news with everyone that Jack and I are getting MARRIED tomorrow! Yay! Saturday, January 15, 2011..... We are thrilled!! We decided last week that we wanted a full wedding so with my parents and family's help, we have managed to pull a full wedding together in 9 days.... And we are looking at a little over 100 people...! It has been stressful, but for me, better than going through 8-12 months of planning torture :) Enjoy your weekend everyone! We will post a pic or two after our big day!

Congratulations Mr and Mrs! We have exciting news of our own--- on January 5th, Jenna Inzikuru Pario was born, she was 8 pounds 5 ounces! She is a healthy little newborn and we are very excited to start this new part of our "journey." I am attaching 2 pictures!

Attached File  Photo0059.jpg   367.86KB   27 downloadsAttached File  Baby Jenna - 2.jpg   124.52KB   24 downloads
MadwomanFemaleUganda2011-01-18 14:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Hi Annie! COngratulations on the smooth entry into the US! We thought ours through Boston was pretty smooth as well-- until we discovered at the SSN office that they hadn't given him an entry visa number--and we had to go back to the airport and get it!

I am really sorry to hear about the new embassy rules! It was so nice to be there with Hiller. I wonder why they changed that-- I would think it would help to see that the fiance is there and it is a legitimate relationship. It's also too bad about the new lady...why can't people be nice?

Thanks so much for the congratulations! I am about 5 weeks away now from my due date! We are very excited!!!

I remember being where you are about a year and a half ago....funny how the whole process is so much easier when you have your loved one by your side!

Thanks everyone for the congratulations!! Jack and I arrived home on Nov 23rd. The POE was sooo smooth. We went through the USC line together and the guy was super friendly and chatty. We had to go back to the immigration office which I'm assuming is pretty normal. They just logged in all the paperwork and checked a few databases and were cracking jokes the whole time. As we were walking out they all said in unison "Welcome to the United States!!" it was so nice!!

Katie-- I also read that thread about the rude CO in Nairobi. It probably was the same one. The other ladies there were super bubbly and cheery with everyone. All of us waiting in the waiting area were praying to go anywhere except window didn't work! Haha :)

Madelene-- I just wanted to say CONGRATS! I was excited to hear that you are expecting! :)

Beth-- Welcome to the thread! I was the newbie a couple months ago and flew through the process with the help of these fine ladies :) can't wait to hear all about your process along the way. Just an advanced heads up: According to the guards at the Embassy, I was the very last USC to be allowed to attend the interview with their fiancé. I'm guessing that the CO who interviewed Jack (and also told him I wasn't allowed to be there) had something to do with this. They are not permitting ANY Americans to enter the gate without their own appointment letter. They wouldn't let me pass through to pick up the visa, which is when they explained the new rules. If you want to attend, I would suggest sending them an email and asking them to reply with a confirmed appointment with both of your names on it. Would hate for you to make the trip and then be left waiting outside!

Well guys, we have been here a week-- and so far Jack loves it! We have gotten our first snow which was exciting for him and he is like a celebrity everywhere he goes. We were invited to be the guests of honor at our local rotary club's Christmas party last night. They didn't give a damn about me, as you can imagine, but he was bombarded by tons of intrigued people. It has been so nice for him to experience so many new things. All of you can relate I'm sure. It's so fun! Onto getting his SSN and vaccinations-- oh, and planning our little wedding... :)

Talk to you soon!

MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-12-03 23:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
COngratulations Annie! I am so happy for you! It does sound like they have changed up the CO's at the embassy--our experience 2 years ago was SOOOOOOO different. But in the end you got approved which is all that matters! :)


Hey guys- Jack and I are finally at ease. We had his interview this morning and he was approved!!! Although I wasn't allowed to stand with him, i think it really helped that I was there. The consular officer seemed new and a little unsure of the process, and she was so strict. She denied every single applicant ahead of us. She kept leaving the window to confirm details and the next steps with the other consular officers. At one point she returned and tried to give him a green slip to come back with more evidence. She said at this time, your case will be put on hold because you have failed to show evidence of support. And Jack asked her if she meant relationship support or what and she said he was lacking the affidavit, but she hadnt even asked for it! He was like no, no, I have that right here! And she intensely interrogated him for a full 25 minutes past that about absolutely everything under the sun, trying to trip him up along the way. She literally asked at least 50 questions and at one point asked if in our contract money had changed hands. He laughed and said nooo wayy. She was not amused, haha. She also told him that I wasnt supposed to be there with him, although I had confirmed ahead of time that it was ok. Overall the only pleasant part about the experience was the approval and the fact that we pick up the visa on the 18th and will be home for Thanksgiving! Anyway, she finally passed him a slip and said come back on the 18th to collect your visa, and have a good day. I walked by the window to leave and i smiled and said thank you and when we made eye contact she smiled so fast and then immediately looked backed down at her papers, as if she had remembered that smiling was against the rules :) So here we are. Thanks for all the support and advice. I will keep you all posted!

MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-11-17 08:38:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
PS -- we also just put his PO Box as his address--then listed his district, zone and town/city. Just do your best to fill it in, we never had any problems.

I don't know about anyone else, but my husband didn't have a birth certificate so he paid someone to make one for him! The first time around the guy listed the wrong city as his place of birth and had to change it. I joked that he should just have him write that my husband was born in the United States.... :whistle:
MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-11-15 11:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Welcome to the Nairobi Embassy thread! I hope you will find a lot of helpful information here. It seems like the interview and medical process has changed a little since my husband (then fiance) and I went through but there are plenty of current people here to help you out! I read that you met your fiance while volunteering and then lived a year in Kenya. Sounds wonderful! Your pictures are also beautiful. Were you volunteering in Nairobi or somewhere else? What were you doing in Kenya for a year? I also met my husband while volunteering in Uganda as an expressive arts therapist in 2007. We have been married for over a year and a half and are expecting a little girl in January! I also see that you are from the Boston area? So am I! We are currently living just outside Boston.

Congratulations on your engagement and I hope it is smooth sailing for you--the hardest part for us was being apart and waiting for the K1 Visa to be processed. I realized I can be a very impatient person!

Good luck!


Hi guys, I am brand new to this website and forum. Don't really know how all this works. Anyway, my name is Beth and I'm newly engaged to my fiance from Nairobi. I'm at the early stages of filling out the I-129F and am wondering about the address. My fiance's apartment is in Jamhuri Estate but there is no actual street name. It is a street off of a main road. Also, I don't see anywhere to input his PO Box info. I just don't want to make any mistakes this early on!! Any insight?

MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-11-15 11:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Today is such an awesome day! Oct 6th is a day to remember.... The interview approval started it off (Congrats again HI-UG) and to top it all off I just received my notification that my I-129F petition was approved today!! Katie&Sifa, thanks for all those good vibes... they REALLY WORKED! :)

WOW! Congratulations! I remember when we filed in 2008 through the VSC, our petition took 5 months--it was torture! Glad t see things are moving faster!

Edited by Madwoman, 06 October 2010 - 10:10 PM.

MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-10-06 22:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!


She went back this morning.

Whoever she talked to today admitted that she was lied to yesterday, and was supposed to pay at the embassy, not the bank.
They admitted that she was lied to yesterday, and didn't have to bring her medical papers from IOM, and that IOM had sent them yesterday.
And they admitted that their own information had told her to fill out the wrong form (-160 vs. -156 or something, I forget.)
She did have to run out to a cybercafe and print out the RIGHT form...
But after that, they interviewed her. And approved her.

The only downside is that they want her to pick up the Visa at 9am Friday, and her flight back to Uganda was booked for midday Thursday, but once she gets somewhere she can get on-line, I should be able to get that sorted out REAL fast, since the ticket was booked using my frequent flyer miles and the airline looooves me. :)

It's been a good week for VJers in Uganda, huh Taatabunny? :)

COngratulations! Sounds like they sent you on a wild goose chase but it all worked out in the end. Yay!
MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-10-06 08:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

How wonderful! Congratulations to you both!! Looking forward to hearing all about it :)

"There was a boy with skin as dark as the earth and a girl with eyes as blue as the deep, and they loved each other so well that people could not tell them apart, for in their hearts there was no difference between them."

Annie--- I LOVE this quote! We actually had this quote printed on our wedding invitations! :)
MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-10-01 14:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Hi All,

We want to thank you for your support and wanted to let you know that we got the Visa yesterday. We shall post the details when we travel back to Kampala but it took us only 1 week to do medical exams and Visa interview.

Thanks be to God!!


Yay!!! COngratulations! :) It is all downhill from here! Although the AOS process is not fun, at least you will be doing it together, which makes it all worth it :)
MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-10-01 13:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Did anyone use a co-sponsor for the I-134? If so, did you run into any problems? I'm a recent grad but I will be starting a new job soon... just want to have my parents help out to be safe. Thanks!

I also used my parents as a co-sponsor-- no problems. I also was starting a new job and included a letter from work stating my yearly salary.
MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-08-21 09:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Today was my interview date. Thank God i passed. Everything went on well and my visa was APPROVED!!!!!!!!!! Im so thankful to all of you for your advice and the useful information on this site. God bless you all. Wishing everyone on Visa Journey well.

Yay!!! Congratulations!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-08-16 16:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Thanks Mbete and Shefellfromheaven. I have filled all the forms and im now booking my medical appointment for Friday. I will call the embassy on Friday to schedule my interview. I hope i can get a date soon. Thanks for your advice. Now i can start from somewhere. I was just confused. I will update you guys on what is going on. I wish everyone here well, your advice and expereince means so much to me. God bless all of you in a mighty way. Thanks.

Oh my, it seems some things have changed since we were at the Embassy! When I was there we were able to schedule the interview without the medical and pick up the package at the Embassy! Oh well, I guess I am getting old on this forum now, I'll let the newer people give the information about the embassy/medical so as not to spread false information! :) Good luck!
MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-07-21 07:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Hi madwoman, I haven’t got the package yet. Im just waiting and I hope the embassy will get back to me soonest. I am following all the advice on this thread and preparing all the necessary documents. Thanks for your advice. God bless you.

Hi Link! Actually I meant Katie and Sifa. I hope you get your package soon! If you are near Nairobi, I recommend you go and get the packet yourself. It will probably be a lot faster! Good luck! :)
MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-07-19 22:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

My (now) husband DID receive packet 3 in the mail and so did another acquaintance of ours who just got NOA2 and is waiting for an interview. I would wait a week and if you still haven't gotten anything call again to see if they have received the file. I don't think it's a delaying tactic.

You got the package huh? Wow! Ok, well maybe it's different if they have to mail it to Uganda! :) When we went to the interview (I also accompanied my fiance to the embassy) --I prepared a folder full of examples of our skype conversations, phone calls and e-mails. I also provided photos and made a little photo album of us together. The guy that interviewed us didn't even GLANCE at the folder but he did look briefly at the photo album and complemented us on them.
MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-07-19 08:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Thanks for starting this topic here. Im going through the Nairobi Consulate soon. My I-129F was approved on 24th June 2010 and the papers have already been sent to Nairobi. Should i call the embassy to collect packet 3 coz up to now i havent gotten anything. I need advice on this and also the kind of questions to expect during the interview plus what documents i need. Thanks all.

I want to second that welcome!!!

Based on my experience and from what I have heard from others, you will not get a packet mailed to you. You WILL NEED to go and pick it up at the embassy. We went and just showed them the case number/approval letter from USCIS and they gave us a generic embassy packet with the medical stuff to be given to the doctor. From what I remember, all other forms could actually be found online. You can check out the USCIS website for more information about the forms needed at the interview.

If you have already been approved, you can also schedule an interview appointment (call the embassy) and a medical appointment (call one of the embassy approved doctors listed on the website)-- make sure you leave about 2 weeks in between the medical and the interview to make sure they have enough time to process everything.

You don't need the packet to make an appointment for either the doctor or the interview, but you will need the packet for the medical.

Hope this helps! There is plenty more information (very detailed) earlier on in this thread. I remember typing very detailed accounts/advice based on our interview/medical process over a year ago!

Feel free to ask any other questions if you are confused and welcome again!

Oh and the questions we were asked were VERY EASY: Like, "Do you swear to tell the truth?" and "How did you meet?" "These photos look very nice, who organized these?" :)
MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-07-14 17:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Nairobi is pretty good about rescheduling interviews in my experience and they typically aren't overly backed up so I doubt you'll have to wait toooo awfully long for a new interview appointment.

I usually had luck contacting someone at the Embassy very early in the morning Central time. You may have to call back a few times but you will generally eventually get someone on the line in the visa department. Good luck!!!

I agree. I usually waited up until the Embassy had just opened in Nairobi to call them. The workers were always really nice, but it's true, I have never heard of anyone receiving a packet sent from Nairobi. It is better just to go and pick it up. Unfortunately you will need to make two trips to Nairobi. This is how we did it:

We called the Embassy approved medical doctors ahead of time to schedule an appointment. We told a "white lie" and said we already had an appointment at the Embassy two weeks after that otherwise they wouldn't schedule us. Or you can schedule an appointment with the Embassy but just know that you have to begin the medical at least a week--maybe two in advance of that to get all the results. Our trips were spaced two weeks apart and it worked out fine (check our timeline)

We made one trip to Nairobi to pick up the packet from the Embassy and then go to the Medical appointment.
Then we made a second trip to finish up the medical and pick up the medical packet before going to the interview.

Also, we told the interviewer that my fiance was from Uganda and had to make the long trip back for work the next day and couldn't afford to wait an extra day for the visa. He was able to process his visa same day. I'm not sure if that happens for everyone, but it is worth asking about!

Hope this helps--good luck!

Edited by Madwoman, 28 June 2010 - 05:29 PM.

MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-06-28 17:26:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Married life is great :) We are really happy! Getting ready to start the AOS process - we are sending that packet in on Monday.

I am sure this must be a really frustrating time but I have faith he'll get the visa soon!!

By the way Katie and Sifa --- congratulations on newlywed bliss!!!! I remember sending our AOS packet out about the same time as you and we were approved in August. Where are you sending the packet from? Good luck!!!!
MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-05-07 19:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Married life is great :) We are really happy! Getting ready to start the AOS process - we are sending that packet in on Monday.

I am sure this must be a really frustrating time but I have faith he'll get the visa soon!!

I can't comment too much on the AP...however I have heard of others experiencing this and they always ended up with their visa in hand. I know about the pain of waiting... hang in there! You are almost at the end of the tunnel!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

If your fiance has already traveled to the US without problems that is a good sign :)
MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-05-07 19:39:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!


We just went through the Nairobi Embassy on 429/10 (last Thursday). I guess we are in AP but the guy said we should have an answer within 2 weeks. I came to Kenya to be at the interview, the interview was straight fwd and really no issues, the interviewer was very nice. I just hope we hear something by next Thursday.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: Where are you from and how did you meet?
MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-05-06 09:40:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

seems this forum is one going for interviews in nairobi nowadays? we need your experiences

Hi Betal!

Welcome to this thread! Ok, so yes, it is a little slow here nowadays :) But if you read through these past posts, you will see a lot of information! My SO went through the NAirobi Embassy in Jan 2009, and I have written all about that experience here in this thread. Please read the information (I think around page 7 or so) and if you have any specific questions we will be happy to respond! I have my settings so if there is a new post here I get an e-mail, so I will know if someone posts here. Where are you from? Is it your SO or yourself who is going through Nairobi? The Nairobi embassy is one of the easiest to go through (in our experience)--just a long wait, but the questions are pretty straight forward.

So, be sure to read the past posts and ask questions and we will do our best to answer them!

Good luck! :)
MadwomanFemaleUganda2010-04-14 19:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
QUOTE (Anaas @ Dec 8 2009, 09:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi friends how things going on I hope y’all doing well, I have question in the consular stage do they ask to show pictures of party engagement, is requirement to have party engagement?
Thanks for your help

They didn't ask for that specifically in my husband's interview. In fact, they didn't ask for any pictures at all. The interviewer just looked at the pictures we had put in the original K-1 petition.

Obviously, bring pictures/e-mails/etc documenting an on-going relationship just in case. But the reality was we were never asked for them.

I have heard some people say they were asked when they got engaged. But I don't think they specifically asked for pictures.

Basically, if you don't have pictures of the engagement party, but have strong proof of an on-going bonafide relationship in your petition and you can answer straightforward questions about your relationship during the interview, you shouldn't have a problem. Nairobi is not the hardest consulate to go through by far.

When if your interview date? Good luck! good.gif
MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-12-08 21:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
QUOTE (Cherish86 @ Dec 6 2009, 11:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Madwoman @ Dec 6 2009, 02:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cherish86 @ Dec 6 2009, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am new to VJ and so excited to have found this forum!! The information here is great! My fiance lives in Nairobi and I will be out there to see him in May!! I cant wait. We wont be filing until next year after I return from my trip but I am loving reading the exeriences!! I had a question about the medical... is it possible to do the medical stuff when i am there in May even though we havent even filed the K-1 yet? i want to get everything we can out the way when I am there so everything can be smooth sailing. Thanks again Sub Saharan family!!

Welcome Cherish! Glad to see you here and thanks for taking time to look through the thread. I don't believe you can do the medical before you have even filed. They need a case number and they also ask you when your interview is. Of course I am not 100% but I wouldn't bet on it. You can always call the medical center and ask. How did you meet your fiance? I met my husband while I was volunteering as an artist/counselor in Uganda in 2007. Wow, that seems like ages ago!!! I agree with Lovehasnoborders--what a journey it has been, it all seems like such a breeze looking back but the waiting was torture!

Right now we are living in Salem, MA, I am working as a therapist and my husband is going to school and refereeing soccer games. He got is 2-year green card in August.

I am also happy to see this thread alive and well!


Thank you for the welcome!! We actually met online! I looked through your beautiful pictures! What an a lovely trip! I had to call my mom over to see them! i cant wait for my May trip and gathering all those memories!

East Africa is GORGEOUS. You should visit Uganda! I love that place--and not just because my husband is from there smile.gif

MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-12-08 21:18:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
QUOTE (Cherish86 @ Dec 6 2009, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am new to VJ and so excited to have found this forum!! The information here is great! My fiance lives in Nairobi and I will be out there to see him in May!! I cant wait. We wont be filing until next year after I return from my trip but I am loving reading the exeriences!! I had a question about the medical... is it possible to do the medical stuff when i am there in May even though we havent even filed the K-1 yet? i want to get everything we can out the way when I am there so everything can be smooth sailing. Thanks again Sub Saharan family!!

Welcome Cherish! Glad to see you here and thanks for taking time to look through the thread. I don't believe you can do the medical before you have even filed. They need a case number and they also ask you when your interview is. Of course I am not 100% but I wouldn't bet on it. You can always call the medical center and ask. How did you meet your fiance? I met my husband while I was volunteering as an artist/counselor in Uganda in 2007. Wow, that seems like ages ago!!! I agree with Lovehasnoborders--what a journey it has been, it all seems like such a breeze looking back but the waiting was torture!

Right now we are living in Salem, MA, I am working as a therapist and my husband is going to school and refereeing soccer games. He got is 2-year green card in August.

I am also happy to see this thread alive and well!


MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-12-06 17:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
QUOTE (katie & sifa @ Nov 9 2009, 08:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Has anyone else had the experience that the Nairobi Embassy sends the beneficiary an interview date WITH packet 3? My fiance received the packet & it said his interview date will be Dec 8. We want to have the interview in January, I'm hoping that if I call tomorrow morning (walked 60 miles in 3 days this weekend, wasn't able to get up before 7:30 am my time & the Embassy is already closed for the day there) they will be able to change it!! I haven't read about anyone else just getting an interview date with their packet!

Yes it seems like the Embassy is getting more efficient--my fiance never even got a packet in the mail! He picked it up in Nairobi before his medical appt. I would just call and see if you can change that date. Shouldn't be a problem. The people there are really nice and I just explained I was would be there with him in January so they let me pick a date in January. You walked 60 miles? Wow! good.gif What was it for?
MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-11-10 08:47:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
QUOTE (katie & sifa @ Oct 28 2009, 08:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all! Got a letter today from the NVC saying they got my approved I-129F application (all this BEFORE it says anything on the USCIS website or I got any notification about NOA2...but since it says "...NVC has recently received an approved I-129F petition filed on behalf of your fiance..." I'm going with it smile.gif

Here's my question: I REALLY want to go with my fiance to the interview. I think it would make both of us feel better. I know it's a big expense when we have a lot of other expenses coming up BUT my bigger concern is my time off from work. Because of my trip to see him earlier this year I'm pretty much out of PTO. I could probably take unpaid leave but that sucks up a lot of the money I've been putting aside to pay for visa related expenses that I would then have to put toward silly things like rent & electricity. We filed in September and NEVER expected to be approved so quickly!

Anyway my question... I've been looking at timelines and it seems like the interview date for Nairobi ranges anywhere from a month to 2 months (maybe longer?) from the embassy receiving the packet until interview. Can you kind of choose your date? If the interview was in January I could go since my 2010 PTO will kick in by then. Since it's almost November now I'm hopeful that we can put it off until the beginning of January & I can fly there to be with him at the embassy.

Hi Katie, welcome to our thread! If you scroll through the pages, I am sure you will find all of the information really helpful. there were several of us going through the embassy at around the same time. Several of us wrote extensive and detailed accounts of our experience.

Wow, you are really lucky to have your petition approved so fast! It took us about 4 and a half months. Anyway we actually got approved around the same time as you and I accompanied my fiance to his interview in Jan. So I know from first hand experience that the embassy will let you pick out your interview date-- especially if you call that far in advance. One little catch: you have to have a medical appointment scheduled beforehand and they won't let you schedule the appointments more than about a month in advance (my experience). So..... I told a little white lie... whistling.gif

below is a copy of one of my posts from page 4 (I think the date was the beginning of November):

"GOOD NEWS! I was able to call the Nairobi Embassy just now and make our interview appointment for January 12th! The reason for this date is that I will be there with him, so we can travel to Nairobi together star_smile.gif star_smile.gif The lady at the Embassy was SO NICE, and let me pick out the date to have the interview. All I did was tell them that all our documents were ready and we already had a medical exam appointment (kinda fibbed on that one since the doctor wouldn't let us make an appt that far in advance--I have to call back the middle of Dec. It's not a lie if you know it will happen in the future right? whistling.gif )"

It took about a week for all the blood work to get back so once you schedule your interview, don't schedule your medical too close! If you have any more questions, just ask, but I really URGE you to browse the previous posts as well. Good luck!


MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-10-28 22:53:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
QUOTE (Dawarig @ Oct 12 2009, 02:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone I send money to my fiancee is that problem in nairobi embassy, is gonna hurt the case? what do you guys think.


It shouldn't hurt your case since you are applying for a fiancee visa. This means that they really only look at YOUR finances and whether you can support her when she gets to the US. That's why they have you (and not her) fill out the affidavit of support with your tax returns, salary, etc. They never even glanced or asked about my fiance's finances so I don't think you should have a problem. But just to be sure, don't mention it in the interview! whistling.gif

Seriously though, people send money to their significant others all the time. No big deal smile.gif

MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-10-12 18:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
QUOTE (Dawarig @ Oct 7 2009, 05:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That is good as long as they are not too picky that is fine, so when they called your name did they asked you alot of evidence proof of relatonship or they accepted what ever you gave to them. Help me about this I want know more before I go to Nairobi Embassy.

Nairobi Embassy Thread lets help each other those who need help like new comers.



If you read through the thread, you will find many experiences of people going through the Nairobi Embassy that should be really helpful. I believe they start around page 7. I am copying my post about my fiance's interview below. I hope you find it helpful! But you also really should look through the past thread pages to find more experiences. When is your fiancee's interview? Good luck!

Hey everyone--I am back this morning from our second trip to Nairobi--VISA IN HAND!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif Wow--I can't believe how easy the whole thing was--the most difficult part of the interview was waiting for it!

Here are some details:
We were able to move our interview date to Jan 7th--yesterday! (ARK we were right behind you!)
On Jan 6th Hiller picked up his medical results and completed his vaccinations (he had to pay 9,700 KSH for the vaccinations--ugh. They were the MMR triple combination, polio, and the first dose of varicella (for chicken pox). He already had his Yellow Fever shot.

We didn't have any problem with the embassy accepting the medical examination and didn't hear anything about a change in doctors.

Hiller's appointment was at 7 am the next day. We stayed at a cheap hotel right near the taxi park that I would recommend. It's no Holiday Inn, but it has hot water, comfortable, clean beds and is very cheap (we payed 1,200 a night). Breakfast is included. It takes only 20 min from the hotel to get to the Embassy via matatu (#106 near the post office).

We arrived at the Embassy at 6:30 am and after passing through security, began the long wait on the hard chairs inside the visa section. Hiller waited in line to be fingerprinted and then we waited for his name to be called. Finally, at 11:30 am "Pario, Hiller" was called. A few details:

1) I was able to walk right up to the window with my fiance for the interview! No problems, no questions asked.

2) I had WAY over prepared. I had compiled a big file of photos, e-mails and Skype calls--none of which was looked at. The consular basically just went from what was already in the original petition.

3) He asked only 2 questions: To Hiller: When did you meet your fiancee? Then (referring to the petition) "Who compiled these photos, and phone records?" I replied that I had. He told me I had done a good job and he would issue Hiller a visa. The man was SO NICE I couldn't believe it.

4) The consular then said that the K-1 visa would take a long time to process and we could pick it up on the 16th. We then asked very nicely if there was any way we could expedite it because Hiller lives in Uganda and needed to finish his last couple of weeks at work. The consular left to check if it was possible to speed things up, and when he returned he told us to go and sit and wait about 30 minutes for the visa! Well, the 30 minutes turned out to be about 4 hours but we weren't complaining! At 3:30 Hiller was issued his visa and given a packet to give to the officer at the POE. YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Also: As far as document--all they took were the two copies of the 156, two copies of the Fiance Visa non-immigrant application and only the first part of the 230. They also wanted a copy of Hiller's birth certificate. We had his original so they just made their own copy. Police certificate, 2 passport photos, medical exam forms, affidavit of support. I think that is all.

Also, while we were waiting, we chatted with a man from Eritrea whose job was translating for people from Eritrea, and Somalia. He has frequented the Embassy for a long time and is very familiar with the people working there. He told us that two months ago, a woman was doing immigrant interviews, and she was a lot stricter than the new guy! She would ask all sorts of questions and was basically a lot more difficult. He said that so many people got denied that USC family members started complaining. Anyway, she was replaced by this new guy, who is far nicer. We felt very lucky! Anway...we feel very lucky that, after all that worrying and heartache, things really went pretty smoothly. I am glad I came because I do think it helped, although I don't think it is essential.

I wish all of you still waiting the best of luck! NIMO--Congratlations on your wife's 10 year green card!!! ARK--I would love to hear your fiancee's experience!

If any of you have any more questions, I will try to get back to you--but I am still in Uganda until Feb 20 and on "African time" smile.gif


MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-10-07 10:39:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
QUOTE (Dawarig @ Oct 5 2009, 06:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Guys how is verything I hope everything is well; I'm worry about Nairobi Embassy are they too picky, how is the people who prescreen before my fiancee she see the counselor office are they rude or good.

Asante rafiki yangu


We found everyone in the Nairobi embassy to be polite and not too picky at all. In fact my fiance's interview was about 2 minutes long! They basically asked how long we knew eachother and when did we first met. The interviewer complimented us on our K1 visa package. I agree that the guards are nice. The only negative is the waiting, but good things come to those who wait innocent.gif innocent.gif innocent.gif
MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-10-06 13:34:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
QUOTE (soon~tobe @ Sep 26 2009, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our thread is dying....

Also Allan got his green card in the mail today!!!!

Congratulations!!!!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif "Soon-to-be" is now "Already Done!"

It's true this thread is dying...Where are all the new VJ'ers who are passing through the Nairobi Embassy?
MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-09-26 23:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
QUOTE (Dawarig @ Aug 22 2009, 05:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (shefellfromheaven @ Aug 22 2009, 03:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can accompany her to the interview, that will be good.

I'm thinking about that, how was your interview.

Hi Dawarig,

I accompanied my fiance to his interview in Nairobi and we went through NO PROBLEMS. We just had to sit and wait for about 2 hours....but if you're patient, it shouldn't be a problem. I just walked right up with my fiance to the window and stood with him while they asked the questions. You can read the interview experience on the previous pages.

By the way--while we were sitting there we met a somalian translator that was helping translate for many somalese. However I don't think he worked for the Embassy--I think he was paid by the Somalese.

When is your interview? Good luck!


QUOTE (Dawarig @ Aug 22 2009, 05:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (shefellfromheaven @ Aug 22 2009, 03:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can accompany her to the interview, that will be good.

I'm thinking about that, how was your interview.

Hi Dawarig,

I accompanied my fiance to his interview in Nairobi and we went through NO PROBLEMS. We just had to sit and wait for about 2 hours....but if you're patient, it shouldn't be a problem. I just walked right up with my fiance to the window and stood with him while they asked the questions. You can read the interview experience on the previous pages.

By the way--while we were sitting there we met a somalian translator that was helping translate for many somalese. However I don't think he worked for the Embassy--I think he was paid by the Somalese.

When is your interview? Good luck!


Just thought I would share the good news I got from my friend CRIS today:


Current Status: Card production ordered.

On August 27, 2009, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

My husband's green card is being created. YAY!!!!!!!!! Four months after we filed for AOS!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-08-27 18:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
QUOTE (shefellfromheaven @ Aug 5 2009, 12:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you all, Praise be to God.
Its been a long journey,a year but it worth it. I thank the Lord for his mercy.

You got your green card so fast!! Congratutlations!!! We filed the end of April and haven't received his green card yet. Still waiting, but at this point we are together so it's really not that big of a deal smile.gif

MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-08-05 17:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
QUOTE (luvhasnoborders @ Aug 4 2009, 07:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats to SheFell.....for getting her Green Card today!!!!!! We were also notified today that my husbands EAD has been ordered.....Imagine last year at this time a few of us in this thread had just mailed off our initial I-129Fpackages......

Hang in there seems like forever when you are apart...but it is definitely worth the wait!!! Be encouraged and don't give up!....after NOA2 and NVC....everything just flys by!!!!!

Congrats Shefell!!

Also, welcome Alyssa smile.gif You'll find this thread is a little slow these days-- it has been about a year (June 2008) since we sent in my husband's (then fiance) I-129F -- after our marriage in March so far he has received his EAD and we just received an RFE for our AOS (no big deal, we send it whatever info is needed and hopefully he'll get his green card soon after!) -- at least we know they are looking at his case!

Good luck to everybody on their journey and don't forget to keep in touch!

Any "adjustment to the US" stories? How hard was it for you or your SO (who ever immigrated) to adjust to life here over here? I know my husband doesn't like the cold weather and doesn't understand why it rains so much over here! He is very impressed by the roads being so smooth and pot-hole free, but it has been a bit hard finding his "place" -- I have been the one working bringing in the money which is hard for him who has worked so hard his whole life. Luckily he is keeping busy with ESL classes and coaching soccer.

Anyone else?
MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-08-04 19:34:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
QUOTE (luvhasnoborders @ Jun 6 2009, 10:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Everyone.......longtime(as they say in Rwanda).

Well.....the last three months have been great!!!! We got married on May 15 and sent our package off on May 28....we haven't heard anything yet, but based on Madwoman's timeline it should be anyday....thanks Madwoman.

All adjustments have been fairly easy for my husband.....just wasn't used to the fast paced way of life in America....and he wondered how the sun could be out and it could be cold and it can rain and it can be hot. We are very happy and life is good.

We are eagerly anticipating his EAD arrival so he can begin working. Three months is a long time to chill, but it was positive because he was able to have time to really adjust without work pressures.

Our biggest challenge is trying to find an African grocery store in our area....he really needs some hot sauce that he doesn't think is "like water."

Welcome to KAINO and yes, if you read back in this post....there are very detailed accounts of the "Nairobi Experience."

Hope all is well for everyone!!!! Talk to you all soon!!!!

Hi Luvhasnoborders!

Good to "hear" from you and glad that everything is going so smoothly for your new hubby good.gif My husband got his biometrics done last week and were happily surprised to get an e-mail from CRIS to say his EAD card has been ordered! kicking.gif
He is now taking ESL classes at the local college and preparing to enter there as a full time student in the fall.

The transition to America has been hard on him. He missed being able to get around anywhere using public transport or on foot. He misses everyone knowing his name. He misses being able to play soccer anytime anywhere-- he doesn't understand it when he sees an empty playing field with no one on it. It is hard to not be the one providing for his family--he has been used to working for everything most of his life. He misses the warm weather (it's getting better now that summer is almost here) and the food (although luckily there are a lot of Brazilians in the area and they have a lot of the same foods). But he is a good guy with a flexible and positive attitude--he is determined and committed to enjoying himself which included finding any opportunity to play soccer! We were actually able to find a Ugandan soccer team with whom he practices occasionally and plays games (they practice 45 min away otherwise he would be there everyday). He is also coaching a little league team. He is listening to a lot of Ugandan music and using Skype to connect to his family and friends to help ease the homesickness.

So, things are slowly falling into place. Having patience and understanding with each others differences has been key to all of this rollercoaster ride!

He almost has work authorization, hopefully he'll get his GC soon!!!

Good luck with your continued journey and keep in touch!

Anyone else have storied of adjustment to the US?

MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-06-06 21:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
QUOTE (kaino @ May 30 2009, 01:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
still looking for interview experiences from Nairobi embassy --anyone want to share ?

Hey Kaino! Welcome to the thread! If you go back on this thread, you will find several accounts of interview experiences--including my (then) fiance's! Just look back on the previous posts. Let me know if you need additional help. When is your interview? Have you one your medical yet? There is a wealth of information here if you just look back!

MadwomanFemaleUganda2009-05-30 06:54:00