K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOK, they told us we were approved at the interview...
Why would ours be delayed though when everyone else has received it?
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-09-30 07:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOK, they told us we were approved at the interview...
Everyone else who was interviewed at the same time has already received their visa. It's been a week now and we don't even have a DHL waybill number yet. What does this mean? Am I being paranoid or do I just need to wait more? I called the Dept. of State and the famous 703# and both say that it's "pending" and that there are no other updates. It doesn't show approved, it doesn't show administrative processing... just pending. What do I do now?
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-09-29 21:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Interview preparation
I put in many hours organizing my documents in an accordion-style case picture. As it turned out, true to the above post, the initial consular officer asked my fiancee to hand over specific forms and documents that we had and then told her to go sit back down and wait to be called for the actual interview. She was then called up for the interview and the interviewer was reading primarily off of the petition he already had (the one we sent in) and didn't even look at or open the accordion file that I had prepared. Regardless of how you organize everything for yourselves, I agree that the best thing you can do is to know where everything is within your file. The day before our interview in Juarez, my fiancee and I spent time going through the file and I showed her how I had organized everything when I put it together.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-06 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVaccines for Mexican Fiance(e)s
Vaccinations are not required for the K-1 visa. You can get the visa without the vaccinations, but you must complete them before the AOS is complete. I'm not sure what vaccinations are required.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-07 08:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Waiting TIme


How long does it take for the visa to be delivered after the interview and approval? My fiancee had her interview a week ago and the officer told her that the visa would be delivered in a week.

Today was a week, but no visa yet.... I guess Pony Express is more like donkey express.... :-) :angry:

I had the same thing happen & asked the same question on here! Our interview was September 22nd and the guy told my fiancee she was approved and we would get the visa within 5 business days. Everyone else that interviewed around the time we did got it within 3 so I was worried when we didn't have it after a week. We ended up getting it on October 5th (13 calendar days, 8 business days later). We didn't get the tracking number until the day before (October 4th).

Edited by mugumogu, 10 October 2011 - 06:41 PM.

mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-10 18:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1: What is Proper arrangement of Documents during Interview?
There are many different ways to organize your documents. Everyone has their own preference and you can do what you want. This was our file: File

It was a little heavy, but effective. I think the most important thing is to be able to find the documents they ask for. Know your file well and where you put everything.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-12 21:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeeling nervous

To all of us who are going through this process.. How did yall feel when your spouses/future spouses is at the embassy getting their interview ? I don't know about yall.. I do feel more nervous than I ever have in my life. Part of it is being anxious and other part is being worried too.. :unsure: I guess it's all normal ? She is in Manila and I wish I could be there with her.

My fiancee interviewed in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. I went with her and while she attended the interview, I pretty much paced back in forth in the hotel room and the parking lot. It was hard to sit still, but fortunately, she was done in about 3 hours and was approved! It is a difficult wait.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-13 18:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do I have to do after the NOA2??

We just got the NOA2 yesterday, what do we have to do now?? Do I have to wait for something before to set an appoinment for the medical? When do I have to pay the fee? When my fiance has to send me the original doccuments? What else do I have to prepare? how long will it be before to have news??? lots of questions now :)

Thanks to all for your help!! :D :yes:

I'm not sure whether or not this is a consulate-specific question. After we got our NOA2, we waited for a letter from the NVC that stated they have forwarded the case to the consulate in Juarez and this letter had the case number in it. We then got a letter from Juarez stating that they were ready to process the case and that we could go ahead and schedule our interview and fingerprinting appointments. If this is the same process with your consulate then you would still have a little more waiting to do while the NVC sends you a letter with the case number in it.

Edited by mugumogu, 15 October 2011 - 11:18 PM.

mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-15 23:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visas in juarez
My fiancee and I just got back from Juarez last month. We found the area near the consulate to be very safe and enjoyed the hotel amenities and the mall near the consulate while we waited on all of our appointments. Lots of good restaurants around there too! I wrote a whole review on our experience and the safety here: My Review. Check it out and it may answer some of your questions and concerns. I have lots of pictures and video as well.

Edited by mugumogu, 17 October 2011 - 06:43 PM.

mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-17 18:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my fiancee work after entering the US on a K-1 visa?

The employer must fill out an I-9 form which has certain required documents that must be shown in order for the employer to allow you to legally work for them. (I-9 form). There are several options, but you must have either a documnet in List A or documents in List B and List C to prove ID and elgibility to work. List A consists of a US Passport, the GC, the EAD card. List B is for ID and List C is for employement authorization. If you have a stae issued DL AND a SSC you can work, however; the K-1 visa's SSC will have a statment printed on it that says, "NOT VALID FOR WORK WITHOUT DHS AUTHORIZATION" which brings us back to the EAD or GC.

As others have stated, you need to file for AOS and EAD and wait for the EAD card to arrive (ours took 46 days) before accepting a job offer.

Good luck,


Very good information! Thanks.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-18 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my fiancee work after entering the US on a K-1 visa?

But not until the EAD is received, just to be very specific and clear to the OP.

If you really want, she could apply for an EAD upon arrival but you have to pay the $300 plus application fee (it's free is filed with the AOS) AND the EAD will expire on the same date as her I-94. Since EAD takes about 2 months to process she will still have to wait and then will only have a window if just about a month that she can legally work.

Just file AOS immediately after getting married...

OK, but I have found different answers on whether she can start working after APPLYING for it or whether we have to wait until the paperwork has been processed.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-18 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my fiancee work after entering the US on a K-1 visa?
Pretty straightforward question. We're planning on getting married a week after she enters the United States. Will she be able to start working right away after filing for AOS or do we have to wait until the AOS is complete?
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-18 10:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere we go
Good luck! Hopefully things will go faster than you can expect.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-19 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 question

I am unemployed at moment due to school so my mom is going to be a joint sponsor I filed income taxes for this year because right before I went to school I had a job but quit so I am pretty much relying on my moms income alone I do have some savings in the bank about 3,000 do I need to put my savings and 3 years tax returns for my I-134, also my moms income is enough to make it but I was wondering if I have to put my info like the tax returns and savings or just leave blank considering i'm unemployed now and my mom is filling out her own I-134 and listing all of her things.Thanks for any advice

You can't have filed income taxes yet for 2011 because the year isn't over. The taxes you filed this year were for 2010. Therefore, the last 3 years tax returns would be 2010, 2009, and 2008. You will file your 2011 income taxes next year. Any info. you put from your tax returns would be from 2010 (most recent) and prior. It would help us if you could tell us what questions you are asking about specifically, we could maybe give you a better idea of how to answer them.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-21 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC. Quick Question
That's most likely a standard response they are required to give regardless of how quickly they are processing things. It may not take that long.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-21 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLawyer VS Visa Journey

thanks for all your advice. i never received a call back from my attorney who quoted me. so im going on this one solo. ill start my timeline once i submit my k1 application to keep all posted.

When I first started this process, I felt uncomfortable doing it myself and called a couple of lawyers. I had a consultation with one for $130.00. It was completely worthless. Someone recommended an immigration consultant to me, which is someone who helps you with the process, but isn't a lawyer. She was helpful and charged only $50.00 per visit. Visa Journey is a good consultant too though. You don't need a lawyer.

Edited by mugumogu, 17 October 2011 - 10:39 PM.

mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-17 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting very worried
Do you know what is in Packet 3? For Mexico, "Packet 3" was just the interview invitation letter that said they were ready for us to go ahead and schedule an interview. If it's the same with your consulate then you're not missing anything as the interview is already scheduled.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-21 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVaccination requirements
Note that no vaccinations are REQUIRED for the K-1 visa. These can be done after the visa is issued.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-28 12:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee Accompanying Fiance to the Interview

Thanks everyone for your input. I was thinking moral support too.

I had fears initially about going too and I'm the guy! Mainly, I was afraid that if I went, I wouldn't fit in since I'm not Mexican and would only draw unwanted attention to myself and my fiancee; especially since there aren't a lot of foreigners in that part of Mexico. I wanted to be there for her though and I went. You should read my review here: My review. I explain about the safety, the hotels, and what it's like there. We ended up going to the mall and to the movies and the hotel we stayed at was very nice. I won't deny that Juarez is dangerous, but I found the area around the consulate to be safe. If it weren't for the news, I wouldn't have noticed that it was different than any other part of Mexico I've been to. Tell him not to worry, you will both be fine and good luck!

Edited by mugumogu, 26 October 2011 - 04:42 PM.

mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-26 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThose of you using apps for free communication?
My fiancee and I used Skype a lot to do voice calls. All that there is a record of is the call beginning and end time. Nonetheless, I pulled up the Skype log on my computer showing a list of all the calls and did a screen shot. It was basically just a list of dates and times. Keep in mind that the consular officer isn't going to sit there and read hundreds of pages of emails and texts like a novel. If you have hundreds of emails dating back as far as 2008, select maybe a total of 20 of the best ones between then and now and include those in addition to copies of your cell bill that may show texts back and forth to each other. This way, you cover a pretty good span of time and show that you communicate often. Many people use apps and things in which there is no way to track anything and they know this. The emails themselves would likely be enough so I wouldn't worry about the Viber conversations.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-28 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Guide/Description for Fiance - What am I missing

Why have them worry about the costs? You should be footing the bill.....along with all the other costs for them to move to this country and restart their lives here. If they don't speak English, that alone will add to your cost outlay since they will need to learn that to be able to obtain any type of productive work.

Baron, did you read anything in this forum? The poster is the foreign fiance and I do believe people from England speak English.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-28 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Guide/Description for Fiance - What am I missing
Looks like a good summary to me, though I don't know where you got $1805 for the total cost. The current filing fee is $340.00. You pay a filing fee for another form later on in the process, but it still doesn't come close to $1805. Aside from the details of what is included in your initial package, it seems that you know the process well. Good luck!
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-28 11:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice please-New to K-1 process

Hi VJ members,
it is nice to know there is a place like this, cause I ve been stressing out over the whole K-1 process.I pray someone will be there to help put me through. I am new, and in the process of filling the application. My Fiance is in Nigeria and I am hoping to mail my application before the end of this month. My concern are as follows, I went to see him last in August 2010, so we are still in that 2yrs time frame, but it has been over a year, will this become an issue? Also i sent him an invitation later in April 2010 to attend my graduation ceremony and he was denied under the assumption that he wasn't coming back(which i understand)to Nigeria but now that I am applying for K-1 will that be an issue? on the question that asks if you have filled before, is an invitation considered filling?? cause I answered no. Also, from experience how much did you guys have to show as financial support when it came down to showing proof? Do you have to have over $15,000 in your account as some people have said or just show that you have earned that much. I know I am over thinking alot,but I just want to do an accurate assessment prior to starting the process. Also, does/did anyone use that service to call?? I ask because their info on phone bill is a local assess # and with what I ve read about Lagos they re very strict. Thank you, and I look forward to reading response/advice. Also, heads up that I will probably be asking more questions. Thank you

Usually people that find this site are over-thinkers so that's normal. We all are. As long as you've met once within the last 2 years, you're OK. My fiancee had her tourist visa cancelled last year when she tried to get back into the US from Mexico and was sent back. I was extremely worried about how that would affect our approval. It's a long story, but it turned out not to be a problem. I doubt your fiance(e)'s denial of a visa will be a problem for your approval, though you will have to check some boxes on some forms that you will fill out later on that say your fiance(e) has previously been denied a visa (if that's what happened - you didn't say what exactly was denied).

When it asks if you have filed before, it's asking if you have previously filed a K-1 fiance(e) visa for someone before so if this is your first, then you have not filed before. For financial support, you have your income, stocks, savings, your car, your house, your retirement accounts, 401k's... you can use all of that to say how much you have. You don't have to have that much in your bank account. You just have to show that you make enough to support your fiance(e).

Good luck!
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-10-19 18:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2! Got it today, now what?

So my fiancé in Mexico will receive a package also? Will this be different then what I just got in the mail? There are dates inside the letter say from December - April what are these dates for?

I had the same questions after we got our NOA2. What happens next is that in about 2 weeks, you will get a letter in the mail from the National Visa Center (NVC) stating that they have received an approved petition and it will have the case number. It also states that the case will be forwarded to the consulate in Juarez. About 2 weeks after that, you should get the interview invitation letter from Juarez telling you to go online, complete the DS-260, and schedule your interview appointment. There is no "packet 3" for Mexico.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-12-21 23:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHOW LONG DOES POE PROCESS TAKE?
We went through Houston. We allowed a 3 hour layover when we booked the flight and the process took about an hour. We had lots of time to kill at the airport.

A side note to POE. Do I have to be at the airport when my fiance enters the US or can I wait at the final destination as she will have to take an additional connecting flight to be home.

You don't need to be there. You can meet them at the final destination if you want.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-12-21 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhotos and sticker on back
There are a thousand different ways you could do it. I pasted the pictures to a sheet of paper and wrote on the paper next to the pictures. It doesn't matter.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-12-22 22:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDescribe the circumstances under which you met??
Damn, I wrote a page and a half an attached it to the I-129F.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-12-21 21:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa approved but Entry deny
Why play the "what if" game?
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-12-24 03:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG325A do I need 4 Copies?
You do not need to send 4 copies. That is old information.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-12-26 02:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequesting interview at a different consulate?

Is there no other way? Who could I appeal to? Given that the Bureau of Consular Affairs itself is issuing a travel warning for Kenya, I really don't want him to go there..

I had to go to Juarez, Mexico, which is one of the 10 most dangerous cities in the world. The list also includes Baghdad, Iraq, and Karachi, Pakistan. Kenya? Please. That's a vacation. Honestly though, it wasn't that bad once I was there. I wouldn't worry about the travel warning.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-12-27 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Issuance
Ours took about 13 days from approval at the interview to picking up the DHL package.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-12-21 23:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresds260 help???what am i doing wrong???
Yeah, I remember reading that you have to call for the bene ID number but also that if you didn't have that, the birth date should work.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-12-28 22:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Packet Arrive with whole on the corner

My packet was exactly the same. A diagonal cut through where you can see some documents. It was fine for me.

Yes, that's how they look.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-12-28 22:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Do Not Open Packet

I have told him a million times DO NOT OPEN, lol. Poor guy. I just read the instructions for the I-485 again and from my understanding we will not need the police certificate again, but he will need a copy of his medicals to submit. Is that correct? Since we aren't a special class and he has no criminal history. He just has 1 ay to replace his birth certificate and medicals, so we want to make sure we are in the clear and he doesn't need to get a new police certificate as well.

For Adjustment of Status, you do not need to have another physical if you have had one within the past year. All K-1 applicants get a physical prior to the interview so most do not need to get another physical. However, you must still see a Civil Surgeon to transcribe the vaccinations you've had onto the I-693 form that is needed for Adjustment of Status. The catch is that many will not do a transcription only and will only complete the form if another physical is done. I printed out a list of approved Civil Surgeon's in my area and must have contacted about 15. I wasn't able to find one that didn't require us to get a physical again so we paid for another one and they completed the form.
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-12-28 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC sent to Juarez!
The letter sent from Juarez is sent to both the US citizen and the beneficiary in Mexico. You will likely get it in the US first. Many in Mexico get it much later or don't get it at all. There is no such thing as a "packet 3" from Mexico. It's just a letter. The consulate in Juarez used to send out a packet of information and instructions, but this is not done anymore. The letter you get will say that they are ready to process your case and tell you to go online, complete the DS-260, pay the MRV fee, and schedule the ASC and interview appointments. Appointments will likely be available as soon as a week out, but you get to chose the date. You will likely need to call the NVC to get the invoice number in order to complete the DS-260. The number is: 1-603-334-0700. It says in the instructions that if you do not have the invoice number, a birthdate may be used, but many have said that the form won't accept that.

You're almost done! Good luck!

Edited by mugumogu, 04 January 2012 - 10:17 PM.

mugumoguMaleMexico2012-01-04 22:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi, Everyone...Aff of supp question
The bigger question here is why doesn't your fiance pay taxes?
mugumoguMaleMexico2011-12-14 19:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa Birth certificate

Hello everyone,

I'm getting the I-129F package together to send it out before the end of the month
and i'm confused with the birth certificate and few other aspects, therefore i have few questions.

1. Who's Birth certificates do i include in the I-129F package?

2. Do i need the translation for the birth certificates before i send the package?

3. Does the translation needs to be notarized?

4. I'm currently serving in the U.S Military, Do i include my military record?

5. Question 14. in the I-129F form about the address where my fiance tends to live here;
i'm currently living inside the base i'm planning to move out before the interview, therefore
can i put the base address as the place intended to live at then the day of the interview bring proof
that i don't live there any more and have a place for both to live. Or can i put one of my close friends

Please Help me with these questions i will appreciate it a lot, since is a hassle trying to see
the Legal Officer of the base i'm currently stationed in.

1. Include both birth certificates.

2. You do not need a translation of the birth certificate so long as it's either in English or in the native language of the country in which the interview is taking place.

3. Any translation you get would not need to be notarized.

4. The more information you include, the better. Why not include it?

5. Do exactly what the question says. Where does your fiance intend to live upon coming to the US? If you don't know the address of the place to which you are moving, put the base address. It probably won't be an issue, but if asked, at the interview your fiance can just provide the new address.
mugumoguMaleMexico2012-01-08 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust getting started
The best information you'll find is in these forums. I knew nothing about immigration and didn't even know what a visa was when I started the process and now I feel like I could start up my own immigration consulting business. Find people going through the process from the same country, friend them, and ask them lots of questions. While the process is generally the same for everyone, different countries may vary slightly in what is required.
mugumoguMaleMexico2012-01-10 23:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 FORMS (PACKET 3)

Yeah I was thinking that too. So no need to take the DS-158 right?! thanks :)

The DS-158 is for F, M, and J visa applicants thus for a K-1 visa, it is not needed.
mugumoguMaleMexico2012-01-11 01:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 FORMS (PACKET 3)


The DS-157 is for male applicants only between the ages of 16 and 45. I was about to say that you don't need it for Mexico, but then my wife (obviously) is female and she was the one getting the visa. You can get more info. on it here.

From the brief research I did online, it looks like you will need it if the visa applicant is male.

Edited by mugumogu, 10 January 2012 - 11:38 PM.

mugumoguMaleMexico2012-01-10 23:37:00