K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F approved, but still waiting!

My I-129F petition for my fiancee was officially approved on 21 Mar 2006. It's been over 2 months now and nothing has been forwarded to her side as of this date.

I called the National Visa Center and they wouldn't even give me a timeline on when the 'security background checks' will be completed. What can I do? This is getting ridiculous!

I think I am in the same boat. I checked online and our petition was approved April 27th, but I haven't heard a thing from NVC and I tried calling the Consulate in Mexico, but they don't have it.

I am going through the Texas Service Center, but I think they forward our stuff the California Service Center. Maybe that's the cause for the delay!

as well we are in the same boat... NOA2 on the 1. of may.. its 6 weeks now.. they havent even received ours yet!!! 6 weeks from CSC to NVC! thats real redicoulous! i would say, the NVC can help at all, as long they havent received it yet. i ve e mailed CSC several times, and my last reply was on thursday, the guy promised me to send me a e mail back, as soon he checked what date the petition has left from CSC... well, seems just to check something in a computer takes even days.. but, if NVC got it, then u can only contact them. i would try to contact a congressman, heared they can help to find out! if we will not hear anything anymore from the guy at CSC, we will definitly try to talk to a congressman. this is crazy! :crying:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-06-06 11:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC slow as molasses

yeah, after i wait the 30 days for some jackass to check on my application, the 90 day waiting period from the NVC will be up. i just got off the phone with the USCIS again, no help. they said i could try sending the California Service Center some mail, but i'm sure they'd just lose that too.
i don't know what to do anymore. i have to wait to do anything, and then after i can do something, i must wait again. it's like i'm in a jail-cell, and all i can do is sit there hopelessly, wait, and watch the world go by...can't really be mad at someone. who should i be mad at? if you yell at one of those people, they'll just put a hold or something on your application. if only bribing still worked and wasn't so illegal, oh, and if i had some money to bribe someone

yep... u are so right!! even i am hopless, there is not one hour passing without me thinking what i could do or when things will move again.. if ever.. i wish i could know, if anybody before had such a experience, to wait for damn 6 and over weeks just for a petition beeing fowarded from X to Y within the wonderfull USA...and, if yes, what they have done, and how long it took maximum. oh well, i think i dont even want to know this. guess maximum can be forever. :crying:
guess e mailing or just mailing.. will be just the same. u will get the same wonderfull answer like me...
i wish i could bribe... but, even if i could, i guess i wouldnt have any money remaining anymore, after all this hunderts and hunderts of $ i use and will use for the whole process...normaly the customer ( who pays) is client.. well, normaly.
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-06-07 16:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC slow as molasses

i really want to strangle that lady at the USCIS that told me that bogus stuff. i waited on the phone for half an hour and was essentially lied to so she could get to the next poor chap waiting to talk to an incompetent government employee. i just really want to know where my visa application is. my fiancee is convinced she'll never get to come to america. if they don't get their act together soon, i'm just going to move to china next year instead of 2009. such jerks.
does anybody know if it is possible to contact the California Service station directly and talk to someone who is qualified to work there and could tell me where the visa is?? :help:

it sucks.. more then that.... u can write to the e mail address of CSC:
but i guess u might get the same silly answer i got... please allow 30 days for this action to occur... moove a couple of fingers on a computer and check the whereabout of a petition... 30 f...days... anyway.. dont wanna get high blood pressure or headaches every single day coz of them.. i will try not to hope for anything anymore from them... :(
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-06-07 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC slow as molasses

I got a hold after waiting half an hour with a USCIS operator, they said the I129F Fiance visas are supposed to go straight to the embassy and the letter i got from them was wrong. I told her she must be mistaken, but then she told me she had been working there for 3 years and that was standard procedure. Now I don't know what to think, but it does remind me of people saying they were surprised that their application was suddenly received at their embassy. I'll just call Guangzhou tomorrow, or later tonight and find out what the hell. Maybe all this worrying should have been directed in china's general direction and not at the incompetency of US government workers.

no, i beleive what this lady told u is not correct at all!! even if shes there for 3 or 20 years. ALL THE PETITIONS OF K1 have to go to theNVC first! there they get a case number. even the NVC centers know this and are aware about. this peoples on the service centers have acctually no clue about how things work. only if u e mail them, u will get a real worker. those on phone are only there for common questions. so, still a whole mess all this...... and no solution at all.
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-06-07 14:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC slow as molasses

well, on one of my routine calls to the damn NVC, of which i get new information each time, i was told that there is really not a chance that the NVC has my case yet, even though it has been 7 weeks since the NOA2 date. This operator told me that as soon as the cases come in, which is by bulk, they are entered into the computer and processed that same day. This is contrary to what I have been told before, but makes more sense than my case has been sitting on someone's desk for over a month now.
She also told me that after the mandatory 90 day waiting period for missing cases, the only action taken is a letter to the service station who originally processed my case notifying them that it has been 90 days and the NVC has not received my case yet. So, after the 90 day period, of which i will be out of the country for that and the two following months, i have to fax the NVC my NOA2 letter and then they will send that and a letter confirming it back to the original service center, whether it is California or Texas, since i think my case got transferred to california from texas.
Now i'm just really pissed off. and i just called the 1-800 USCIS customer service hotline, and because the wait is more than 30 minutes, they hung up on me and told me to call back. I would say that i could wait 30 minutes on the phone for the most important thing in my life if i have been waiting almost 5 months already. jerks.
does anybody else just have a hopeless feeling??? my NOA2 date was April 14, 2006 and my application is lost :(

well, we are totaly in the same f....ed up boat.... eveni am so damn pissed off.. sorry.. but even our petiton was over 6 weeks ago approved.. and then NVC has not got it up to now.. what a hell is this country! the world power USA! where people are not even able to make a damn call to a worker and ask whats going on! even in the deepest bush in africa, u can get information.. wow. yes, am pissed of like hell. am just not usedand will never be, to be treated like a peace of s.... if it wouldnt be love, i would leave this world power continent since long time by side, and would go on with my at least understanding life here in switzerland. sorry, this is just not how people should be treated! i ve wrote yesterday again another e mail to the CSC to this misterious mr mc clellan... i begged him, i asked him thousand times for help, just to find out for me, when the petition has been sent, or if it has never been sent.. only this.. a work of 1 minute to check in the computer. now, i got another answer, after he promised me last week, to make a so called system check.. WOW!! :thumbs: all he wrote me was, he hasnt got yet the answer from the system check, and then:PLEASE ALLOW 30 DAYS FOR THIS ACTION TO OCCUR!!!!!!!!!! oh my Godness! 30 days, for only check into the computer if or when this or that petiton has left the csc!!!!!! soon they can bring me to a mad house. very soon......... i cant beleive, i think am in a very very wrong movie, in a very horrible dream, a nightmare. i guess i will leave how things are, i will give up, whatever, when then NVC will get the petition, or never, pufff... no chance, no help. maybee in 1 month, 1 year, or never... all to hell in this service centers.. and no sorry this time. :dead:
only sorry if somebody is shocked with my writings..
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-06-07 14:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC slow as molasses

I'm in the same situation, and it's becoming very frustrating.

Out of the 72 K-1's with NOA2s after April 1st, 2006 here at VisaJourney, here is a table of all the ones who have yet to hear anything after the NOA2 stage (provided everyone has updated their timelines).

Posted Image

(It is sorted in order of NOA2 date.)

My fiance and I take turns calling the NVC every day. (603-334-0700)
I have had them search using my CIS number (starts with WAC...)
I have had them search using the applicant and beneficiary names.
I've asked them what their procedures are when receiving mail. (And was told that the barcode gets scanned as soon as it arrives, but that doesn't sound right, according to what some others here at VisaJourney have said.)

Today is Day 47 since our NOA2, so we are half-way to that magical number of 90 days.
(I still hold out hope that packet 3 will arrive at my door miraculously, without prior notice.)

What makes no sense is that even if they are sent in batches, these lost Visas above are spread out pretty well.

Goldie, please PM me and let us know when you hear anything back from that person.

Anyone on that list who has advanced in the process but forgotten to fill in their timeline, please do so.

Oh my God, that sucks... they say realy 90 days?? are they mad in their brains? after waiting so long time just ot get NOA2, now another 3 month wait??? no! :crying:
i dont know why i am not in the list there, tony and sibylle, beneficary switzerland, NOA2 on the 1. of may...

JEDI, as soon i will hear from this magical person at the service center, i will post it to u and all. i somehow have the feeling he just told me this to shut me up... then, i wonder.... how long does it take, just to check in a pc when a petition has left the center????? :blink:
well, maybee all those petitions are just forgotten at the service center.. it doesnt make any sense, why only some few ones remain there and are not sent away... no sense at all!!!!! :(
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-06-03 11:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC slow as molasses

I'm curious and wonder if you'd share some info.

Your I-129F went first to the TSC.
Did they transfer it to the CSC?

How does your I-767C read at the bottom? From California or Texas?

And your I-767, the NOA2?

Above your Fiancee's name is there an "A" number [the Alien Number] assigned?

I assume you press number 2 for K visas when calling the NVC 603-334-0700 and wait for a live operator.
They ask you for your Receipt number, right? Not the automated system; that doesn't work for K visas; you must speak to a live person.

Six weeks should be about right for China to have it.
You'd not be the first who posted here about no info and then it shows up at the fiance(e)'s mail with Packet 3.
I hope that's your case!

First, did the NVC received it?? if not, then it might be the same problem we got with out petition, we are waiting since 5 weeks that the petition is at the NVC!! what u can do, i e mailed to the CSC, it will be as well the CSC with u, and sent them a e mail to ask where is our petition, and told them the NVC was asking the exact date when it was sent to them.... finally, after sending 3 emails to them, and after alot of usless replies, i got the answer, that the petitons are sent in big bulks, so it can take long sometimes until they send them away... he promised me to look for our petition, and check what date it was sent to NVC. so i guess its best to start from the service center, to find out, when it has left there.. then, step by step. Good luck!
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-06-02 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWHAT TO DO IF CANT GET A POLICE RAPORT FROM KENYA?

its crazy, since 5 month i am waiting for the raports from kenya. i applyed through the kenyan embassy i switzerland, and they told me it will take 6 weeks... well, after calling million times inbetween, finally they told me, that at least they received mine. but, this idiots forgot to send my suns as now i wait since 3 weeks, to get my suns as well... i m calling every week, but the guy continues to tell me, he calls kenya CID all the time, to push them.. wow! what else can i do? i will get anytime the paket 3 and then it will be only 3 weeks to the interview!!! i doubt they will give me the visa, if my suns raport will be still missing! anybody had similar experiance? thanks for ur advice! :help:

And please check your spelling.

I don't think the op was here for a spelling test. Chill.

i am fluent in german.. so, please forgive me........ :hehe:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-06-22 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWHAT TO DO IF CANT GET A POLICE RAPORT FROM KENYA?
its crazy, since 5 month i am waiting for the raports from kenya. i applyed through the kenyan embassy i switzerland, and they told me it will take 6 weeks... well, after calling million times inbetween, finally they told me, that at least they received mine. but, this idiots forgot to send my suns as now i wait since 3 weeks, to get my suns as well... i m calling every week, but the guy continues to tell me, he calls kenya CID all the time, to push them.. wow! what else can i do? i will get anytime the paket 3 and then it will be only 3 weeks to the interview!!! i doubt they will give me the visa, if my suns raport will be still missing! anybody had similar experiance? thanks for ur advice! :help:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-06-22 02:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 appication pending and tourist trip
[quote name='jbeabout' date='Jul 5 2006, 05:23 PM' post='291031']
[quote name='samir_shannon' post='289751' date='Jul 4 2006, 03:56 PM']
i am so sorry for your situation... unfortunately you cant come on a tourist visa when you are in the K-1 process... i have inquired about this with my fiance.. when u are in this situation it is just better for everyone not to plan a wedding untill this process is over with.. you should plan a small ceremony and then have something big later on after you are here.. that way you dont stress... ;)

oops sorry i forgot you said u are from france so you dont need a visa to come oops sorry ... my error lol

You can, in fact, come to the U.S. on a tourist visa while your K-1 is being processed. My fiancee crossed a number of times on her tourist visa from mexico. At the interview for the K-1, however, they will take your tourist visa when they give you the K-1, so after that you can only cross once on the K1. Good l

i ve traveled as well, during the k1 visa process. it was no problem at all. the officer only asked me the usal question, and when he asked, where i go, i just sayed visiting family friends, and it wasnt a lie. dont lie, but, keep everything short. and, just in case, take evidence with you, that u intend to return back to ur country. its not forbitten, but, the officers can always return somebody back home, even as a tourist. so, just do it and try. it will be fine!
good luck :thumbs:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-07-05 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice certificate? confused!!!
Thank you for your answers, Its so good to meet friendly people who give advices and help each other.
Hi Dwar49, or Merhaba Arkadas:) After our Engagement Party, My Fiancee and I went to the Alanya and we spent wonderful 1 week there. where were you in Turkey?

Thank you for your time
Once more I am very happy to find this forum finally:)


goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-07-12 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice certificate? confused!!!

Hi everybody, I am a new member of this wonderful forum, this is the place that I was looking for, My Fiancee just sent the petition to Nebraska Service Center, people says its a kind a slow:( I am living in Turkey and approx. waiting period is from 6 to 8 months, but I am getting prepare myself for 1 year.
Dear Friends, I have a question about police certificate, I will need obtain a police certificate from Canada but they say its a police ''clearance'' certificate, would someone please inform me whats the differnce between police certificate and police clearance certificate? As I think that a clearance means that the person mentioned on the certificate dont have a criminal record or something like that, but Embassy requires that police certificate must cover entire period of residence and must cover all arrests, reason for arrests..etc

Thank you for your time
Once more I am very happy to find this forum finally:)

wellcome to the forum, its realy a very good place to be! i dont know what should be the diffrence between police clearance cert. and police cert. i think its all the same. they just have diffrent names. in switzerland its called "excerpt from the swiss criminal record", in kenya its called " certificate of good conduct ". they all just say, that u are not registred in the criminal record. it will cover anyway the entire time u stayed in this country. thats the reason the record shouldnt be older then 6 month.
by the way, i just came back from turkey 2 weeks ago, whent there with my fiance.. nice place!
wellcome again, " arkadash" sorry for the missspelling.. :D
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-07-12 06:07:00

How did you finally find out what had happened to your file before being sent to NVC?

well, finally, i never found it out... after my fiance contacted a crongressman, just the following day we got a call from the secretary, and she told us, our case arrived at the NVC on the 15. of june, and left the following day to the embassy in switzerland. no idea why the hell it took CSC 1,5 month to send the approved petition.......
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-07-09 03:16:00


petitions can go under review at any stage of the process... even before NOA2... at NVC.... before interviez....after interviez.... however if there is AP ore AR it is usually around the interview time... however I just feel like the person at the center used wrong wording and told you it was under review when they were supposed to tell you that 2-4 weeks is the normal time it takes for the petition to be processed.... they really need to get their words straightened out

somehow i have the feeling that this people who replyes to the e mails might not even bee peoples... maybee all computerised answers.. how come, one day this answer, the other day that...
i doubt they meant the normal maximum 2-4 weeks wair. then, it is over 4 weeks now. and, the reply was, that the petition hasnt been sent YET...
i cant beleive that its not possible to find out where our petition is, not even IF IT WAS SENT OR NOT.. its crazy.
seems it doesnt matter if people call the automated system or e mail, on the end of the day, u wont get anybody who want to help u there.... :crying:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-05-31 15:07:00

Sorry to hear about your case. it happened to us too except ours is I-130 NOA2 we've done a tons of phone calls & letters and everytime we got ahold of somebody they told you different things but we keep on pushing till it finally get thru after 9 months of waiting :( yours could just be an administrative review which stated in their letter how long it could take or maybe even sooner than projected time so hang in there and hope they'll fix it soon. Good luck.


FIRST THEY TOLD ME: the petition has been requested for review.

NOW: the petition was approved but has not been fowarded yet...pls allow 30 days for this action to occur..

WHAT????? so they have our petition approved since over 1 month ago... and they say now it hasnt been fowarded??? WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY WAITING FOR? all others who got noa2 got the case nr. since long and it has been sent to the embassies already! why they wait with ours???? any ideas? thanks! :(
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-05-31 13:07:00

Maybe it is this illgeal IMBRA Review.

i realy doubt its coz of IMBRA! first, we have got noa1 before the 5 march, second, a whole lot of others same date or long after we got noa2 received long time ago their case number at NVC and it was forarded to their embassy.. so, WHY WE????
and somebody told me, it cant be as well a AR, this u only get after a interview, it means fingerprints , more security check ups, ect...
so, am still totaly clueless, and helpless.... at least, we should get information what they do and what they want!!!!!!! :angry:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-05-31 02:58:00

Hi Goldie

I can feel your pain. Especially, when you had your approval and now this. Hope everything will be resovled soon for you.


thank you jaci and bill! its so good to know people are with you and in the same mess.... more or less..
(wow, a poem??)
i replyed them with another mail, to please explain me what they mean in a understanding english...
i only hope, if they will request for more, that our petiton will not be again on the bottom of the files... to wait another 3 month... nothing and nothing would suprise me anymore with the immigration... :bonk:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-05-30 17:27:00

Hi Goldie

Sorry to hear about this AR. This is very horrible. Are you sure the email from CSC?
Good luck to you


well, i am sure, i used the advice from here, and e mailed them on friday ( CSC )
i have the feeling it might be something with the petition, NVC had a problem about it, and sent it back for check up... :(
but what screw me up, that we havent got ANY notice from them.... zero, nothing, nada... we would still wait to get a notice from NVC, not even dreaming that the petition is back or still at the CSC...
oh thanks u guys at the immigration! :thumbs:
u are working realy wonderfull!!! u guys try each and everything to piss people off, to enter the usa!! EVERYTHING!!.. except ur beloved 11 millions over there... u could put them as well a red carpet on the border, no?..... :wacko:
sorry, had to let it out.... the day was too bad....
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-05-30 17:14:00

It would be helpful for others if your timeline was filed in - this is very important to calculate the statistics on this form - and to help others answer your questions better if they know all the details from the timeline - like the dates , which embassy, which service centre.

Thank you :)

sorry, i have my timeline! i see it myself on my profile! now am more cluless then ever.... :blink:

noa 1 on 17 of february
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-05-30 10:11:00

was that email from USCIS or NVC?
IF from NVC atleast that means they received it

NO!. it was from the CSC! so i am completly helpless.... how they can send it and aprove it, then, it never riches there, and now this e mail??


what is "administrative review"??? why should they do it AFTER we got noa2???? kor was it maybe the NVC who asked to review it? ( if they maybee reveived it, even if they denyed....)
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-05-30 09:56:00
[quote name='cristy' date='May 30 2006, 04:42 PM' post='222812']
Sounds like AR to me.

what means AR???
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-05-30 09:45:00
:help: i ve sent last week a e mail to the csc about our petition wich was aproved on the 1. may, and sent to the nvc on the 2. of may. it is now 1 month and it hasnt riched nvc yet!! all they told us was, on uscis that it has been sent, on nvc, they have not reveived it....
now i got this e mail today:

The petition has been requested for review. Please allow 30 days for this to occur.

McClellan, CAO
Division XII, Customer Service

i dont understand now anything.... :( what do they mean? is it lost, and they will search for it anther month, or did they wanted it back, after it was aproved????? why they wanted it back? back from where, if nvc has never received it anyway??? or they ve never sent it away? and, nobody is willing to send us at least a mail, to inform us? only until i e mail them????
and, WE SHOULDNT BE AFFECTED BY THE DAMN IMBRA!!, our noa 1 was before the 6 of march!!!

sorry, i am getting now mad, and helpless... :crying: seems the whole system is a deep mud and stinks to hell..
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-05-30 09:35:00

By the time I finished typing, you had added info, so am retyping everything. :P

It doesn't sound as if he should bother with a K-2 in his situation.

If he stays in Switzerland to complete his studies, and later goes to Kenya, you could submit an I-130 for him. Depending on the family preference/situation, and whether you are Permanent Resident or Citizen, it would be several years before a visa is granted as an F1, F2A or F2B. See the Visa Bulletin at here: http://travel.state....letin_2943.html

Since you say he has some time before completing his studies, the timeline for the I-130 might work out for him anyway. You could go ahead and submit it as soon as possible and by the time the visa is available, he might be ready to come to the US. Since the stepparent relationship wasn't created before he turned 16, your husband would not be able to submit the I-130, so you would have to wait until you are at least a Permanent Resident (PR) to do so.

He could try to obtain a student visa instead later on, but if he plans to reside in the US for a while then the I-130 could be beneficial (and if a resident could take advantage of normally lesser tuition fees). Of course, it could be some time for the AOS to be completed in order to get the lesser fees, and if he isn't interested in residing in the US beyond the 2 years education, then that may not be a benefit and instead would prefer to check into the procedure for a student visa. You could do so now and compare all the possibilities so you can understand what actions need to be taken, and when.

Just review the timeline shown in the visa bulletin, possibly use your local office's timeline for AOS as a guide and your own status (PR vs. Citizen), then compare it to his plans. Keep in mind the timeline for the visa bulletins vary depending on if you are a PR or a citizen (if you plan to be). That should tell you if what he wants to do would be feasible.

Good on him for his plans to further his sounds as if he has great goals in mind and hopefully something will work out for him.

Best of luck to you and yours! (F)

THANK YOU VERY MUCH! very good informations! i gave my son to read everyting and i guess he will try to apply a student visa, when the time comes... still far away..and, yes, i am proud of him, that he has such a good goal! first he wanted to come with me, but, he doesnt want to rely on my :thumbs: husband and me if he cant work for the college... i like that!

By the time I finished typing, you had added info, so am retyping everything. :P

It doesn't sound as if he should bother with a K-2 in his situation.

If he stays in Switzerland to complete his studies, and later goes to Kenya, you could submit an I-130 for him. Depending on the family preference/situation, and whether you are Permanent Resident or Citizen, it would be several years before a visa is granted as an F1, F2A or F2B. See the Visa Bulletin at here: http://travel.state....letin_2943.html

Since you say he has some time before completing his studies, the timeline for the I-130 might work out for him anyway. You could go ahead and submit it as soon as possible and by the time the visa is available, he might be ready to come to the US. Since the stepparent relationship wasn't created before he turned 16, your husband would not be able to submit the I-130, so you would have to wait until you are at least a Permanent Resident (PR) to do so.

He could try to obtain a student visa instead later on, but if he plans to reside in the US for a while then the I-130 could be beneficial (and if a resident could take advantage of normally lesser tuition fees). Of course, it could be some time for the AOS to be completed in order to get the lesser fees, and if he isn't interested in residing in the US beyond the 2 years education, then that may not be a benefit and instead would prefer to check into the procedure for a student visa. You could do so now and compare all the possibilities so you can understand what actions need to be taken, and when.

Just review the timeline shown in the visa bulletin, possibly use your local office's timeline for AOS as a guide and your own status (PR vs. Citizen), then compare it to his plans. Keep in mind the timeline for the visa bulletins vary depending on if you are a PR or a citizen (if you plan to be). That should tell you if what he wants to do would be feasible.

Good on him for his plans to further his sounds as if he has great goals in mind and hopefully something will work out for him.

Best of luck to you and yours! (F)

THANK YOU VERY MUCH! very good informations! i gave my son to read everyting and i guess he will try to apply a student visa, when the time comes... still far away..and, yes, i am proud of him, that he has such a good goal! first he wanted to come with me, but, he doesnt want to rely on my :thumbs: husband and me if he cant work for the college... i like that!

OOH, another thing now... i will have the interview in 10 days... he is on the applicaton forms and i payed for him already the k2 fees... what, if he wont come with me to the interview? coz he dont need the k2 visa anymore? any problems at the embassy? will they make me problems? or should i e mail them and tel them in advance? thanks! :)
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-07-15 15:42:00

Before continuing, some facts need to be known.

How old is the child now, and how old will he be when you marry? How long before his studies will be completed in Switzerland? Until this information is known, there are too many variables to provide some possible resolution to your situation.

By coming to the US, his intent should be to reside in the US...neither AOS nor AP are designed to arrive here and then move back to his country to complete his studies. Either way the AOS will be considered abandoned. If you can provide answers to the above questions, perhaps some suggestions can be forthcoming.

ok... he is now 19 years and will still be when i marry. he wants still to remain here in switzerland and leater even thinks about going to study to the nairobi university in kenya for 4 years to get technical engeneering diploma. kenya , coz he grew up there and will get the studies payed. afer, he wants to come to the states to make a higher decree for another 2 years. that is his plan. but, of course, he knows it might be not easy to have the chance to continue his studies in the states. so, he wanted to see if there is a way, to get the greencard with the k2. but, i guess its not possible, coz he can only "follow to join" within a year..and, it seems as well, that i cant apply for him the ajustment of status, if he is not yet in the country. any suggestions what he could do? thanks alot
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-07-15 14:19:00

how does it work? i will go to usa, then i get married within the 3 month. ok. after marriage, i will apply for AOS. can i apply for my son as well, even if he will join me later, under the "follow to join"status? or do i have to apply for him extra again , once he is in the states? he wants to come later under the k2, then he wish to come back to switzerland for a time, until he finished hes studies over here. is this possible? he doesnt want to miss the opportunity to have the chance later on to finish his studys in the usa. what can he do, that he will still receive the greencard later, but doesnt has to stay and wait in the states until i got my AOS? thanks alot for ur help!
oh, and, if its not possible, what happens if he doesnt come with me to the interview and he is listed? will they not give me problems?

He woud apply for Advanced Parole when he applies to adjust his status.

Allow 3 months for AP.

so that means, i cant apply for him AOS until he is in the states himself? bad... and advanced parole is only valid for 3 month? and what, if he comes back to usa after 3 month and leaves again, until AOS? no way?
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-07-15 13:09:00
how does it work? i will go to usa, then i get married within the 3 month. ok. after marriage, i will apply for AOS. can i apply for my son as well, even if he will join me later, under the "follow to join"status? or do i have to apply for him extra again , once he is in the states? he wants to come later under the k2, then he wish to come back to switzerland for a time, until he finished hes studies over here. is this possible? he doesnt want to miss the opportunity to have the chance later on to finish his studys in the usa. what can he do, that he will still receive the greencard later, but doesnt has to stay and wait in the states until i got my AOS? thanks alot for ur help!
oh, and, if its not possible, what happens if he doesnt come with me to the interview and he is listed? will they not give me problems?
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-07-15 12:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 process with child?
same like robin, i wil find out very soon if i have everything needed. i got full custody on my child, the father never wanted much to do with the child, but, i know, if i need a agreement, he will never give me, just to put me in a mess.. anyway, i will have the interwiev in 9 days. so far, they havent told me anything that i will need a agreement. the swiss law says, as long u got full custody on the child, u can go wherever u want. even if he has ( like in my case) visiting rights. i told the father, if he wants, we can make a agreement to change the visiting rights to holiday rights, so when shes older, she can visit him on her hoidays. will see if he is intrested. find out about russian law, and if she can get full custody, very important in ur case. as well, a passport. i got one since shes born. good luck!
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-07-18 12:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHE GOT IT!!



goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-07-18 14:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI guess I don't have to smuggle him across the border

Wow that was fast! Is that some kind of record for approval? I dont think I have seen anyone else on the board get it done so quickly!!! I am jealous as heck of course, but congratulations! :))) (and I know it was VSC and not CSC, but still!!!)

goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-07-20 04:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressad day :(
i am so sorry, walt, but as others sayed things will chance, have faith. time will tell, and u will find ur real love, when time is ready... in life everything has a reason.
ASANTE, strange comments, after u too have a fiance.. i thought u are the woman and have a fiance in kenya.. so who lets who down now? :wacko:

walt, we are all with u, try to keep u busy, dont think too much now... maybee things will be good again, if not, move on... (L)
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-07-27 15:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGOT MY VISA!!!!!!!!

:D Congratulations!!! :joy: Soon you will be reunited! :luv:

Congratulations!!!! i wish you both a happy life together!!!

got mine today! what a happy day, isnt it! :dance:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-07-27 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSending the consulate emails

It depends on the Consulate. For example, I sent an email to the US Embassy in Abu Dhabi and they replied within two hours stating that "We have not yet received the reaffirmed fiancé visa petition on behalf of xxxxxxxxxxx from NVC. As soon as we receive the approved petition, we will schedule an appointment for the applicant." Looking at your timeline, they may get mine in five days.

i had the same proble with the swiss consulate, so i first called, but they had no clue, and i had to pay a lot of money per minute... so i decided to send them a fax, and after 2 days i recieved my interview appointment!
good luck!
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-07-29 15:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusex-husband's permission for child to leave the country?

Ive'd read in a book about custody of the minor child. Although the mother is the primary custodian, she must get the written permission from the father so that it can pass through immigration with no problems.


sorry, but it still depends totaly from wich country the child comes, lived, the embassy of the interview will be. i am from switzerland and i informed myself now completly. the court where i was divorced, 2 diffrent lawyers: IF THE MOTHER OF THE KID HAS SINGLE CUSTODY, IT MEANS AS WELL SINGLE RESIDENTIAL RIGHT, SO SHE CAN GO WITH THE KID WHEREVER SHE WANTS.
i mailed the embassy, and they sayed nothing about agreement from the father. so, finally, it really depends all about the law of the country where the kid, fiancee, father, ect.. comes from. it makes sense, then, if there is a problem, the father ( in my case) will go to the court here in switzerland to get the kid, and the law will count from here.
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-03-11 04:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusex-husband's permission for child to leave the country?

Which one of you guys is familiar with russian law?

You can argue about it all day, but if none of you are familar with it then the arguement is pointless..

she best go call the court if she s not sure if she got full custody. true, russian law might be diffrent. i got full custody without even beeing ask at court. here in switzerland its rare to get shared one. it really sounds like the custody is only on her, because hes allowed to see the kid only so rarely and with not alone. strange. i got full custody on my kid, and the father is still allowed to see her every second week for 8 h. and even holidays. important as well, does she has a passport for her? or can she issue one? my ex as well is not intrested at the kid, but i am sure,if it was on him to accept, he would deny. but inher case, i guess, if it comes to the point that he has to sign, he might sign, otherwise the kid must stay with him, and i guess, coz he isnt intrested anyway, he would sign.. so, all a matter to find out.
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-03-03 11:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Somebody here from Switzerland

I was just curious if there are people from switzerland.

I know not a lot of Swiss people are immigrating, thats why I was just wondering.

I live in the metro area and just wanted to see if people actualy have meeting or get togethers around here??


hi susann, wow, at least i found 1 person from switzerland... so where do u come from? are u or ur husband from switzerland? guess as i see from ur timeline ur living in usa aleady, right? i am from switzerland, zürich, and we are in the NOA2 stage now... seems to be a never ending process.. did u got ur interview yet? and how long did it take u to get a date?
have a nice time,
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-05-16 14:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanProblem to get police report from kenya!

Do what everyone else does, give a little chi. That is tea, a little bribe!

That is what came to my mind as well. If he is not there, he may even be able to have a family member go there and request it for him with something to help move it along.
Sorry for talking in third person, I meant to say "you" instead of "he".

well, not so easy, i am in switzerland, and it was me who stayed in kenya for 8 years.... the only people i still know over there stay 500 km away from nairobi.... of course, if i would be there personaly, i would show up myself there and give them teir " chai" .... thats how it only works there down.. but... :(
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-06-23 16:16:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanProblem to get police report from kenya!
the guy at the embassy keeps telling me since 5 month the same and the same.. hes pushing tzhem and pushing them... but, nothing goes on.. they promised me i will ge it within 6 weeks!
i dont know anymore what to do. i will have soon my interview and if i dont have it up to then, i guess i wont get the k1 visa!
any ideas, what i could do????? :help:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-06-23 11:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC does not have our case

Ugh this is an even worse wait. NOA2 May 3rd. Shipped to NVC May 9th. Have called every day for a week and nothing. But this morning's operator was hilarious. she said "You know, it may well be in the building, it just takes so long for processing dept to get them in the computer, half the time they're half way to the embassy before we get the case number logged. I bet it's around here. Call me in a week And if there's nothing by then, I'll go find it k?" Still quoted the 2-4 weeks to get there. Dunno what the 90 days is about :unsure: but since Isil got hers 10 days after her shipping notice, maybe I'll check again tomorrow to see if they got it today :D

well, same me, its now 3 weeks since NOA2, the say they havent received it yet! cant just beleive it! it left CSC on 2. may, so how can it be on the way to them for 3 weeks???? or its there and they dont put it in their system, or its on somebodys desk doing nothing, or it got lost, anything. its realy frustrating. seems nearly everybody with the same date and service center got a case number and it riched. .. :crying:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-05-22 07:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)ok...

I feel for you...Hopefully you'll get them soon....I know how frustrated you're feeling.

what can i say..... i am waiting now for 24 days...... and it has n t yet even arrived at the NVC.. as they say.. so, what a hell can it be on the way from CSC to NVC for nearly 1 month??????????? am frustrated and soon hopless too.. i thought the bloody endless waiting time was over after NOA2.. i was very very wrong..... :crying:
sounds bad, but the only little hope i have now is, that am not the only one.... it sucks, realy.
i pray for all of those waiting and waiting, that very soon this bad time is over.
By the way, another waiting time which seems to be endless is, i ordered my police certificate from Kenya over 4 month ago!!!!!!! haven t got even this up to now.. am fed up, what can i say. :angry:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-05-24 10:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhich forms i have to fill for my kids?

I'm still waiting for NOA2 but trying to prepare ahead. The US Embassy page for Colombia, my finacee's country, mentions the DS-156 form, but not the DS-230.

What is the DS-230 and how is it's purpose different than the DS-156?

the DS-230 has 2 parts, u only have to send them part 1 as far as i know. its an application for a immigrant visa, the DS-156 is a nonimmigrant visa application. seems everybody who travels with u will need it the DS-230 as well. 156 has to be filled 2 times, DS230 only once per person.. hope i am correct. i just wonder how much i will have to pay for the k1 visa then, with my 2 kids???
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-05-17 05:29:00