K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat if the I-129f has been filled wrong and is sent allready to TSC?

I think you will not get an RFE - most people are paranoid and thik that Immigration does too much work with each and every application; however, you should give them a corrected form when you have the interview (or if you get an RFE.) Good Luck

thank you thank you all of u! motu, u made my day! am a bit released... but i still think i might get a RFE coz i had to add my suns full name there, and of course he has another name, hes fathers, so if they are really smart, they will ask themself how come the sun has not the same name like the doughter and mother... hmmmm... hopefully they arent that
sorry if i confuse some, i just wanted to upload finally a photo from us two... :yes:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-02-25 13:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat if the I-129f has been filled wrong and is sent allready to TSC?

You can be sure you are going to get an RFE for sure get all the paperwork in order.

Good luck,

Peter Miami

thanks for ur advise, but what u mean now? should i wait for the RFE or send them immediatly the corrected documents? will they get them all together or confuses the whole cas not even more? what is the best and easyest way? thanks
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-02-25 12:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat if the I-129f has been filled wrong and is sent allready to TSC?
no let me see if somebody is in there who had the same problem.... we filled the petition a bit wrong. they asked about previous marriages, and i thought they just wanted to know my last one, not realised, they want to know all of i havent written my first husbands name into it... is it possible to send the corrected froms now? will they find our petition to attach everything together? will they give us any problems? or is it better to wait and see if we get a RFE? then send everything? anybody has experience? thanks alot!
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-02-25 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresanyone happened to send I-129f, then realise u wrote something wrong??

Was the reason that you used different names because you were married before?

If this is the case, then you will have sent your divorce documents to them, right? They will note that you were married before, and probably send you an RFE requesting you to provide them with the information about whether you used your previous married name or not.

well, the problem was, that i thougth they wanted just to know that i am divorced and free to marry, and never realised that i had to write down ALL previous names used and send all divorce decrees, not only my last one. i dont know how much they will go to digg into my files in switzerland and check that i was married more then once. so maybee there will be no RFE, then i will be in problems, coz i dont know then what to do, inform them allready at the USCIS, or tell them later at the embassy here. but, i am fearing having even more delays coz of more security checks over here.... confusing.. wish i would know how it works and what to do best.
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-03-01 13:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresanyone happened to send I-129f, then realise u wrote something wrong??
maybee it happened as well some of u guys here in? we have sent our petition 2 weeks ago and realised later that we missunderstood some things and havent filled it complete. ( on the "other names used")
i read that the USCIS are checking out everything with security check ups, and now we are worried. eighter we will get a RFE later on, if they realised it, or we dont get anything, but they might find it out later on at the embassy that i used more names before. i dont want to hide anything, but i dont know what is best now..
if we send the corrected file now, if might get lost. if we wait for the RFE, fine and good. but if there will be no RFE, and they send it to the embassy, and i will tell them there, it might take more extra time now, to check as well the other names i used and havent written down.... its too bad..that we missunderstood it.. so maybee anybody went to a similar problem, and knows what was best later on? thanks very much for all ur help! its really a wonderfull site!
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-03-01 13:46:00

It is not a requirement for a certified translator to be used. There has however been the odd member who has had to have documents translated again by a certified translator when they have submitted documents translated otherwise. What you have posted is also on the USCIS website. All it asks is that a person fluent (conversant) in both the language and english certifies that the said documents translated are accurate.

thanks lorelle,

sooo, just a thought, could I as well translate my documents and sign them??
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-03-10 13:54:00
up to know i thought, i have to translate my 9 pages divorce decree from german in english through a official certifide translation office. but, for only the decree, i will have to pay around 1000$!! now, i found at the VJ site, "assembly tips" following note:

"Please submit certified translations for all foreign language documents. The translator must certify that s/he is competent to translate and that the translation is accurate.
The certification format should include the certifier's name, signature, address, and date of certification. A suggested format is:

Certification by Translator

I typed name , certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ."

Date Typed Name

does this means, i am allowed to take p.example. my cousin, who talks fluent english, he signes everyting, and thats it?? would be grate, otherwise, i will be bancrupt until i will have the k1 visa in my hands....

anothert thing: do i have to fill every form for the k1 visa 3 times?( me and my 3 kids) or only for me? and if i have to fill 3 times, do i have to pay 3 times then the k1 visa? thanks alot for all ur help! :yes:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-03-10 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC sent package to Nairobi

Congratulations and best of luck on the rest of your journey.


wow, thats realy fast! congrats! how did u met ur fiance? just curious coz i myself stayed for 10 years in kenya. wipi maisha? msalimie
ask him if its easy to get a police record... i ve sent a application through the kenya consulate here to nairobi.. hope they will send it soon, its now 1 month ago...
take care,
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-03-10 15:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance's child

In my humble experience--Aussiewench is right.
Your fiancee has to prove she has full custody and permission of the biological father-however; every circumstance is different and her BEST course of action ( in my opinion) is to get legal advice there in Russia; and for you to research the requirements for her son to enter the USA with her.
I always think in these circumstances, it's best to get advice from professionals. But that's just me.

Best wishes and regards

Michele (F)

check this site, idid alot of research, here in switzerland,where the law says i can go wherever i want with the kid, if i got full custody.
if u can open this link, u can read on the and border site, that, if u got full custody on ur kid, u can as well enter usa without problems, as long u can proove it to them.
for me, that sounds clear.
if u cant open the site, i will copie u the text.
good luck
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-03-19 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo i need a agreement from father of my kid,when i want to shift to usa on k1 visa?

Goldie (F) .....

I really wish you all the best in this..... (F)....Seek answers from those that are responsible for the issuance of the visa ( consulate)......Ignore the unhelpful/rude comments ( KWACKA)- and most of all protect YOUR custodial rights too!

I wish you luck-afew hurdles to jump and I am sure that it will work out just fine!
Michele (F)

ok, i at least found out by asking my lawyer now, that the law in switzerland says, as long u got full custody, u got as well full residency right. so i am allowed to leave wherever i want. but......... i still dont know, if now the embassy of usa will follow the usa law, or the swiss law over here... :(
i ve sent a e mail to the embassy, ynd it was allready "replyed"... but, they replyed me not on my actual question, only, that i have to fill the kid into the petition the fiance sends.... ( of course i have done it..) but there was no single word about my question!! :whistle:
is anybody aware, what law they follow? or should i send them back my e mail and tell them, they havent answered on my question?....
thanks for any help!
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-03-07 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo i need a agreement from father of my kid,when i want to shift to usa on k1 visa?

You quoted MY reply on your response to KWACKA....

Please KNOW that I for one was NOT commenting ON YOU or making a judgement ( far be it from me to do that)-I was just saying COVER YOURSELF and YOUR custody rights...That's all.

I too have had experience with an uninterested dad!

Best Wishes and Good Luck on your journey!

(F) Michele

sorry michele, i havent quited u, of course, only this person kwacka.... it makes me mad, if i read so silly comments.. anyway.. i know i cant be the only one going through all this, of course there are many people inside here who will take their kids with them!
i still have big hope, that showing them full custody, will be sufficient, coz its really the law over here who sayes so. will wait now until i get mail from embassy,up to now, i allwasy got quick a friendly reply from them.. thanks alot! :no:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-03-06 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo i need a agreement from father of my kid,when i want to shift to usa on k1 visa?

This is way too important of an issue to be answered by anyone other than someone who knows the laws from both Switzerland and the US....My suggestion, seek legal advice there in Switzerland.
Make sure you do everything according to the laws there AND the immigration laws HERE. NOT doing so may at the least result in lengthy delays of your visa to come here and may at worse cause a flat out denial, long expensive court battle and maybe the child gets returned.

To try and avoid a long expensive court battle, is there NO WAY you and your Swiss ex can come to some agreement on this?

Best Wishes and Good Luck....My advice, cover yourself and your custodial status by doing EVERYTHING by the book!

Just my humble opinion....

-Michele (F)

KWACKA, sorry but u got no clue about the whole situation, so pease dont come on here inside and conclude things! the father had never any intrest about his kid, he just married for getting a work permit here in switzerland. the kid doesnt know even that this person is her father... so, as it was sayed, it is a big diffrence if a father can be called a father or hes just a PRODUCER!. i know, this producer would try everything not to sign anything, just to make us problems. not other reason. but, at least, i got informatioin about the swiss law, and it says, if u got full custody,

This is way too important of an issue to be answered by anyone other than someone who knows the laws from both Switzerland and the US....My suggestion, seek legal advice there in Switzerland.
Make sure you do everything according to the laws there AND the immigration laws HERE. NOT doing so may at the least result in lengthy delays of your visa to come here and may at worse cause a flat out denial, long expensive court battle and maybe the child gets returned.

To try and avoid a long expensive court battle, is there NO WAY you and your Swiss ex can come to some agreement on this?

Best Wishes and Good Luck....My advice, cover yourself and your custodial status by doing EVERYTHING by the book!

Just my humble opinion....

-Michele (F)

KWACKA, sorry but u got no clue about the whole situation, so pease dont come on here inside and conclude things! the father had never any intrest about his kid, he just married for getting a work permit here in switzerland. the kid doesnt know even that this person is her father... so, as it was sayed, it is a big diffrence if a father can be called a father or hes just a PRODUCER!. i know, this producer would try everything not to sign anything, just to make us problems. not other reason. but, at least, i got informatioin about the swiss law, and it says, if u got full custody, u got ALL THE RIGHTS to go with ur kid wherever u want without asking the other parent. and, as far i know about usa law, its the same issue.

CHRISTY, thanks for ur help and advice, as u sayd, it seems in canada u needen nothing else then showing the embasy that u got full custody, no? so i guess, it depends really only the law of the coutry of ur present residency, no? otherwise ther would be not so many diffrent talks and laws mentioned, like example in the uk, where it seems they need as well, togehter with cull custody, a agreement.
i wrote to the embassy here in swiss, and hope to get soon a answer... :whistle:
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-03-06 11:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo i need a agreement from father of my kid,when i want to shift to usa on k1 visa?

Email your consulate. I was told by Vancouver my custody papers are all I need. It makes sense that the parent with sole custody does not need the non custodial parents permission.

thank xyou very much for advice, i only know, fromthe swiss law, that if u got full custody, u can go wherever u want with ur kid. but i dont know if the embassy of usa still wants a agreement of the parent. well, i wrote to them, will see what they reply me. if they need one, i will be anyway in a mess.. i know, the father would never sign any paper, only to let me suffer... even if he doesnt care at all for the child...
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-03-06 04:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdo i need a agreement from father of my kid,when i want to shift to usa on k1 visa?
some say this, some say that. i only know, in switzerland, if u have full custody on the kid, u can go with the kid to leave wherever u want without the agreement of the other parent. but i dont know about the situation with the k1 visa. and the agreements between usa and the country of origin. maybee still the us embassy wants a letter or a agreement of the other parent that he allow the kid to leave the country for good. or does it depends on the law of the country the fiancee reside with the kid and had the divocre? anybody went though this? did embassy question about the kid?thanks alot for all ur help!
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-03-05 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnotice to quit appartment BEFORE the interview?
i really dont know how i will do it, i just wish i can give notice to leave my appartment allready the day, i got a interview appointment, so i dont loose again more then 1 moth to leave for good to usa. coz it takes a wile to find a person who is willing to rent out my appartment, to give it over, ect. on the other side, i dont want to take a risk, to stay on the road, if ever, they deny the visa.... so how did u do it? what about the booking of the one way flight? how often is it, that on the end, even if u got everything they want, u can get a deny on ur visa? thanks alot for ur advice.
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-03-26 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC MOOVED TO 31. JANUARY!! YEAH!!! FINALLY


That was a good one!!! You really fooled everybody!!! :thumbs:

AM SORRY FOR ALL I FOOLED... i really hoped nobody gets angry on me.. u never know with some people.. but, thanks, u all here inside are really special, open and full of humor... appreciate this site real much!

have all a good day and lets pray for eachother that things will really moove soon! :)
goldieNot TellingSwitzerland2006-04-01 15:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 till CR1 Interview time - more dependent on NVC or Embassy?
i have seen that there great time differences for NOA2 of the I 130 and the Interview process time at the Embassy between countries.
Is this more dependet on the NVC or the Embassy? Shouldnt a small embassy like Bern, Switzerland be faster than one of the huge embassy e.g. Bangkok where lots more people apply for Interviews?

Any experiences?

AnjaSwitzerlandNot TellingSwitzerland2009-07-19 15:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTravel on Tourist Visa During CR1 Process
Hi, I have received my NOA2 and I am flying to the US for a long weekend in exactly 3 weeks.
I almost cant believe there will be any problems. Why would I try now to enter illegally with a tourist visa when I am already in the CR1 process.
But has any of you travelled to the US while being in the middle of the CR1 Process?
I will only take along my printed out return ticket and a confirmation of employment from my company.
AnjaSwitzerlandNot TellingSwitzerland2009-08-13 04:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Decree of Petitioner needed for NVC
I checked the official NVC Homepage "Documents The Applicant must submit" and to my understanding that is what is required for the DS 230

Sorry, I had not planned to confuse people.
AnjaSwitzerlandNot TellingSwitzerland2009-08-18 15:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Decree of Petitioner needed for NVC
Hi, I am about to put together all the Documents for the NVC Package.

For "Petitioner Documents" it is written:
"Applicants in the following visa categories are required to provide 1) an original or certified copy of their Petitioner’s birth certificate and 2) original or certified copy of their Petitioner’s marriage certificate from the Petitioner’s current and all previous marriages.

Parent of a U.S. Citizen who is at least 21 years old (IR-5)
Brothers and sisters of United States citizens (F4) "

But it doesnt mention if you have to submit as well the divorce decree of any previous marriage of the Petitioner. Anybody knows?

Regards, Anja
AnjaSwitzerlandNot TellingSwitzerland2009-08-18 10:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow much time to activate Greencard?
Hi, anybody knows if there is a certain time period within which I have to activate my Greencard ones I receive it?
I am still hoping that the economy picky up again and that my company might be able to transfer me to the US, but this could take a couple of months after I receive my Greencard. Is there a time restriction on how many more months I can stay outside the US once I receive the greencard?
Is it enough to just pass a POE to activate the greencard or do i need to actually move to the US to activate the greencard?
Thanks for help, Anja
AnjaSwitzerlandNot TellingSwitzerland2009-08-23 23:38:00