IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Aah, It's getting so hard, today is 153rd day but no sign of NOA 2. :crying: :crying:

*Virtual hugs* I feel your pain.
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-20 13:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

11/29 as well. Priority day - June 29th :(

I'm sending out a letter to my senator next Monday- whenever they get back to me I will post on here if they give me any good information.

same here

Have you reached out to any politicians for help on your petition?
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-19 16:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Anybody got any touches to there case if had please let everybody know thanks.

My last touch was on 11/29.
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-19 15:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

James and Rosa: I don't see this thing in such a rosy light. If they (the CSC) were so "overwhelmed" then why did they elect to just sit on our petitions for 3 to 5 months and then decide to send them away? Couldn't they see what was happening and send them right away? Now we have to wait until TSC decidss that they have sat on them long enough before we start seeing some ever so slight movement. Whew!

I hate to be a pessimist but I agree with this.
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-15 10:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
This TSC nonsense has just made me do something I didn't want to do: I bought an expensive plane ticket to go visit my husband in February. It was the only thing I could do to take away some of this stress! But I'm still planning to contact my senator in Jan. to see what happens...

Edited by jenny477, 10 December 2010 - 11:33 AM.

J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-10 11:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

guys and gals its normal to be getting a different answer each time someone calls TSC,, cause they don't know what answer to give you,, they will do whatever it takes to get you off the phone cause the people who are answering the phones have nothing to do with approving cases and have no idea about the timeframes,,, but it is the responsibility of whoever is in charge of TSC office to have a timeline so that the reps who answer the phone will be informed,, oh what a mess :(

I agree. Hopefully the ombudsman replies to the people who sent the emails. Fingers and toes crossed!
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-09 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I also got the same answer. Personnel at USCIS asked me to wait for another two months. I think we should start contacting congressman and senators. I know it is outrageous.

Does anyone know where can I find "Information release agreement form"? Thanks

If you go to your congressperson/senator's site they should have a link on there for it.
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-09 14:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center


One of the options (I think it was option #3) is to speak to someone if you have a problem with your case.
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-09 13:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
I really have a hard time picturing someone at the CSC having a giant stack of June/July/August cases and sending them over to TSC separated by month. I mean, wouldn't they have had piles and piles of these cases and just sent them all mixed up? There haven't been any approvals from TSC in a few weeks now. I think it was just a coincidence that the approved petitions were all from August.

I don't know, I'm just trying to think from a different angle and see if there's any method to their madness.

Edited by jenny477, 08 December 2010 - 08:03 PM.

J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-08 20:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

i was told (tier 2 person) when i called even though we are over our 5 months that the 5 months is from the date on the transfer notice (which for most of us was changed to a little later date from NOA1) and that the 5 months is just a guideline, give it an extra 30 days after that.

Haven't there been a few people who *have* gotten approval from TSC?
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-08 12:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

i called the USCIS inquiring about my application cz i too gt transfer to tsc from csc,,,im a late june filer ..after i entered my receipt number the automated voice told me to wait for another 180 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF hopes came tumbling down after hearing it....right now im waiting for a live customer service representative from USCIS so i could raise WHY and WHY and WHY.....
ANYONE here that talked to a live customer service representative from USCIS? what did they say about the transfer?....

I just called to listen to the automated message and it said the same thing. They are out of their dang minds if they think we're just gonna sit around for another 6 months waiting.
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-08 09:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

LOL... close but not really- i'm a physician, and i also do research on cancer stem cells :D

Great, because I have this rash that's been bugging me--- j/k! :P

I had to go buy a tiny space heater because I was going to lose my mind with this crazy weather. With you being from Chicago I would think you'd be enjoying this "warmer cold"!
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-08 07:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

After having read what some of you guys have written, I thought I'd call our friends up at the USCIS to have a chat.

I specifically inquired about my I130 being in the "Post-Decision" phase. The tier 1 representative was nice enough to escalate me to tier 2 after I thoroughly and petiently explained my concerns. The operative word here is "patient"- you should at least sound patient. Remember folks, these people don't have to escalate your call unless your specific case necessitates it- so being outwardly polite will, without a doubt, get you farther along in this conversation, as opposed to verbally expressing whatever anger you may be experiencing.

Mr. Tier 2 explained that workload can be moved around from one service center to another- as we all are well aware of by now. In our case, our files had obviously been transferred to TSC.

Mr. Tier 2 then mentioned that TSC, for the past few years, has been used to processing only employment and refugee-related submissions. They had stopped, for whatever reason, processing I130s some time ago, at least for the past 3 or 4 years. With that in mind, TSC then received our batch of I130 applications (hundreds, thousands?).

So Mr. Tier 2, in an indirect manner, basically said that those of us who received emails/texts/snail mail letters stating that we were in the "Post Decision" phase were in all likelihood victims of some peoples' incompetence- also euphemistically referred to as there being a "training issue" with some folks. This is an issue they are "looking into".

Even though my I130 status on the USCIS website states that I am in the "Post Decision" phase, I was clearly told by Mr. Tier 2 that my application had never left TSC, and furthermore, still hadn't been looked at! -Which is fine, I suppose, since I haven't hit the 5 month mark. It just sucks that I had unnecessarily- and apparently needlessly- gotten excited thinking some sort of decision had been made in regards to my I130. Wishful thinking.

In sum, Mr. Tier 2 suggested to call back 90 days after the CSC-TSC transfer date- for all of us, that would be early-February. He did add however, without offering any substantial proof, that my application, just like the rest of yours, may be looked at sooner than the 90 day period ends. I suppose that there may be some truth to that because, if I were in their shoes, and I had hundreds to thousands of applications to go through, I would deliberately give a very lengthy grace period (like say, 90 days), as opposed to giving a more "realistic" yet shorter grace period, knowing it really wouldn't take me that long to do the processing, simply to avoid getting irate phone calls from people saying they hadn't heard anything within their allotted timeframe.

I didn't get around to inquiring about the reason(s) behind other August/September filers getting approved- I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten any specific coherent answer.

That's all the news I have for now.

Thank you, fellow Floridian!
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-07 20:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

We are at 5 months and 1 week. Last touch was Nov 23 post-decision activity. Heard back from my Congresswoman's office today.

Summary of Response

[*]My file is at TSC, not at the National Visa Center.
[*]Based upon my NOA1 date (July 1), my petition is close to being ready to be pulled for adjudication.
[*]The Congresswoman's contact will pull my file to have a supervisor assign my case to an officer for adjudication.
[*]I should receive either a decision or an RFE in 45 to 60 days.
[*]If I have not heard from TSC by the end of February 2011, I should contact Congresswoman again and they will check for me

When I asked why it was taking longer than the 5 months, the answer was that processing times expand and contract according to workload. Which begs the question: why were August filers approved before July filers?

Would like to know how others who are past their 5 months are taking action and what they have heard about their case status. Does anyone have confirmation on what is going on at TSC?

NOA1 - July 1
Transfer from CSC to TSC - Nov 2
Post decision activity notice stating file was transferred from NVC back to USCIS. (Except it wasn't) - Nov 23

I think you are one of the very few people who have had luck contacting a member of Congress.
My plan of attack is as follows:
12/24/10: Five-month mark. No approval?--> cry, bake a cake and eat it.
12/27/10: Contact USCIS. I'm assuming they will be of no help but at least I can say that I did try to call them.
1/4/11: Fax Consent for Release of Information form to senator with detailed description of problem. After a week if they haven't gotten back to me I'm going to hound them with phone calls.
After that I have no idea.
Probably will bake more cakes, though.

Edited by jenny477, 07 December 2010 - 06:21 PM.

J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-07 18:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Well... in about 48 hours, my 5 month waiting period will be up. So I'm hoping to hear something from TSC pretty shortly. I know that paitence is a virtue, and that good things come to those who wait. But mine is almost gone. I have a positive attitude about things, as I know that even if it gets approved, we won't get to the NVC before the first of the year, but to hear something would be better then hearing nothing at all at this point. So in about 72 hours, which will be Friday, I will be calling for the first time to check on our case. And yes, I will be polite, and quite frank about it.

Hopefully, I will get a straight answer about something. If not, then I will just stop by my congressmans office here in town, and talk to them. And see if they can move the process along a bit quicker. I have no faith in that either. I just keep faith in my love for my wife, and also depend on the strength of those going thru the process with us.

So here's hoping for something in the next couple of days...


Best of luck!
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-07 13:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Hey so I did exactly what u said to do and and got transfered to a level 2 person. They said my case was also still at TSC. When I asked about the wait period of 5 months she said that a petition isnt really overdue till 15 days after the 5 month period and if I didnt get any notification by then to call and they could probably do something in order to speed up the proccees. She said that meanwhile she really couldnt give me much information. Also, that TSC is trying to honor the 5 month period, so if we didnt get anything after 5 months to call and we did not have to wait 3 or 5 more months more. To me this is good news!

I'm really curious as to what they will tell you when you call again. Please let us know! Five months and 15 days would be around 1/10/11 for me...
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-07 09:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Hello all,

I have a question... last week, I receieved an email/text that said...


Post Decision Activity

On November 29, 2010, a USCIS office received this case from the State Department with a request that we review it. We will notify you when we complete our review, or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-375-5283      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-375-5283      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-375-5283      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

AND... I just received a letter in the mail as follows:

I-797C, Notice of Action

This is to advise you that we have received the above application or petition back from the Department of State, along with their request that it be reviewed. We will notify you of any action we take on this case.

What does this mean? Is this NAO2? Have we been approved? What is the next step, interview? Sorry for the questions but... this entire process is a little confusing to me.

Thank you,

A few people have received this same message but they haven't gotten anything else yet. You might want to call customer service and see what they can tell you.

Well, since my last post, there has been no touches on our I-130. So I'm in the same boat as all of you. But there has been one VERY positive development. I couldn't wait to see my wife again, so I went back to see her for her birthday and of course my own. I returned to the US from that visit on November 21.. wishing that I could have brought her with me. And we're staying positive, but now I can only hope that we are moving along. As she told me last night, I'm going to be a father.. :) Seems our visit was a bit magical!

Everyone keep being positive.. :D

At least I'm going to be more positive then ever now, Seems that my Christmas gift came early this year..

Keep smiling gang!


Aww, congratulations!!!!
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-06 12:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Can we all from June/July filer write a note that we can send to senator and immigration officer. In a letter we can address our issues and the unfairness that is taking a toll on us emotionally. I think I might go into depression if we are left out and other new petitioner getting approved. I donot have a hard feeling for the one who gets approved. However, I think it should be fair.

I have my letter already written out to my senator. If 1/1/11 comes along with no NOA2, that letter is gettin' sent and phone calls will be made. Every day, all day. Well, maybe not all day. But almost.
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-03 16:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

What a fair service to US Citizens....

We are the lucky fellows who got transferred to TSC and now we are supposed to wait for another month or so for getting a decision,,, let me mention one more time here that all late june filers and some of July filers are already out of 5 months. USCIS says us to wait another 60 days for these applicaitons.


check this out

Ok, I think I'm gonna just take a break from the boards for a while.
This just makes me depressed.
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-03 15:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I do not think people at USCIS care about us. They have hundreds of thousands of people relying on them, and we are just another case for them. I think everyone working at USCIS should go through, what we are going through. Only then they will realize the value of our emotions and pain. Then they will probably work differently and do something to change the life that is depending on them. Sorry, I am being emotional.

It's ok, I think we all get emotional at some point! It's super stressful...
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-03 12:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Makes perfect sense, and also can explain the "YOUR CASE HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO A USCIS OFFICE" mails that some of us got, when the TSC has told people they haven't been transferred at all.

Fact is, we're all in Initial Review, and our cases are being worked on. I concur!!

I'm contemplating not checking the site anymore and just waiting for hard copies in the mail (which I would welcome aaannyyyy daaayyy nooowww lol).
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-02 15:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

You're asking me questions I have no answers for. All I can tell you is that if I were in your shoes, I would simply wait, as nothing looks in your timeline as being messed up. On the contrary to my and many other cases, where you are in the Initial Review, and next day you are in Post Decision Activity stage, but never heard nor received NOA-2 and nothing else. As I was clearly told today - in order for State Dept to send back your case to USCIS for a review, your case must have been first approved by the USCIS in order to be send to the State Dept. State Dept would not receive your case from the USCIS if it was not approved in the first place. And if case is approved, then NOA-2 gets generated. Where in my instance, case maybe was approved, but NOA-2 never produced, yet State Dept sending it back? Wait a minute - that's just wrong and completely the other way around. Or am I missing something here?

Gotcha! I'll know what to look out for when my case gets to that point- thanks!
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-02 15:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

It really depends who you have a chance to speak with at the USCIS. This lady, I spoke with, clearly was very senior and probably has her 20+ years of service at USCIS. She immediately knew that something is wrong and she said it herself. She asked - so you did not get your NOA-2 approval in mail, yet your case is in Post Decision Activity stage. That's wrong. Let me take your email address and contact information and I will personally send an email to that office to check into your case why they have not generated your NOA-2 yet. You will hear from them soon either via email or regular mail. That's it. She never said your case is too new because it has been a little over 3 months etc. It doesn't matter - she knew it is their mistake somewhere in the process, so why would I have to be penelized by a response you need to wait min 5 months before we can take care of our error. If everyone was like she is at that office, we would have all been having approvals in less than a month timeframe. Instead, it is what it is. I only hope her action would be to my advantage and someone will truly realize they messed up somewhere in the process. Keep the faith everyone!

Ohh, sorry, I didn't know your case was in the post-decision activity stage! Do you think if I call now and ask them about the status of my case that they would actually give me a detailed answer? (Say, how much longer it would take?) Mine is still in "initial review."
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-02 15:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

U&S - thank you very much for the update! I was on the phone with TSC as well myself just minutes ago. Got escalated to level-2 person who said exactly the same thing and did file a service request on my case now as well. Hopefully, they will act upon it now. I am having slightly a better feeling after this now. Thanks for sharing. I was just going to write the same stuff myself. Good luck everyone and let us learn how to be more patient, I guess.

So even though it's only been 3 months since your NOA1 they still said they'd look into it? Hmmm. I might call them myself and see what's up...
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-02 14:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

New Information for Filers transferred from CSC to TSC and then to "USCIS Office"

Hey everyone, we were one of those couples who's petition moved to TSC and then got the notice that our case had been moved to a "USCIS Office". I just called USCIS to inquire where my petition was and the "officer" told me it was still at TSC and is being processed there. It never went anywhere.

I think these TSC agents haven't been processing I-130's for a while and are a little green on how to update the system correctly. :bonk:

PS - This was my first time calling USCIS. I got through right away, the first guy was very nice and helpful, he escalated my call, it went right through and then the 2nd guy was very nice and helpful too. For this part, it must be my lucky day. I don't know if my nerves could have taken the long waits and the negative responses from USCIS personnel that some of you have experienced. :yes:

Thank you for posting this! Whew, that calms my nerves a bit.
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-02 13:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
July filers, we should start a drinking game.
Every time an August filer posts that they got approved we take a shot of whatever beverage is closest to us.
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-02 11:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Congratulations on your approval and good luck at NVC stage ;) It makes me spo happy to congratulate someone who just got approves, now it happens almost every day, that's a good sign ;)

You have a very cute pic! ;)

Thank you, skynaut! So do you!
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-02 08:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

As a mid July filer, I totally agree with the unfairness here. It seems that Texas have the pile of I-130's upside down! Obviously, we are all pleased for the August people that have been approved, it's not their fault, but it does seem so very unfair that July filers in particular seem to be the ones suffering. I do believe though, that TSC ARE working their butts off now after months of nothing from CSC, and we will ALL be approved well before Christmas. Posted Image

That's what I'm hoping for! If I can ring in the New Year knowing that I've been approved then it will be a fantastic start to 2011...and if not then I'll probably sit around crying and eating ice cream.
I will try to stay positive, though! (emphasis on "try")
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-02 07:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Question - Has anyone who was transferred to "an USCIS office" received their snail mail notification yet?
I haven't received mine nor have I seeen any postings from others who were transferred.

I don't think they will send out letters for that. Or at least I never got one, and I got that email over a week ago.
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-01 16:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center


IMO, I think that is a software glitch from TSC. All these messages must be ignored.

Some people with "Post Decision Activity" by email might have already had a decision (a decision can be approval/denial, but most people will have APPROVAL). If they already approved and unable to track USCIS website properly or no clear emails, NOA2 will show up by regular mail in a week time. This is what happened to me. USCIS site didn't update properly and didn't have any emails too. But, within 5 days, I got a surprise NOA2 by mail.

I agree, I mean, doesn't it say on the website somewhere that it's still in its testing phase or something? When I get my NOA2 hard copy I will hug my mailbox.
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-01 14:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

My 5 month is today. No touches since Nov 24 "Post-decision activity" email. Hoping to find a hard copy of NOA2 in my mailbox when I get home tonight.

I think you will be getting it any day now because it says "post-decision", so they already made their decision on whether or not to approve it. Let us know!! And fingers crossed that it's waiting for you tonight!
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-12-01 11:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

:thumbs: West Palm Beach Florida are you? Gary and I are right outside Orlando.....:star: We seem to havae a similiar timeline!

Yes, I noticed that! I send positive vibes to you upstate!
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-11-30 13:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo feel your pain!!! My bottom is glued to this horrible chair in front of the husband also tells me to calm down....but AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......I am going NUTS!!!! Two Jehovah's Witnesses came to my door earlier and I actually told our whole visa story to a couple of strangers....poor little old ladies, probably wish they had not come to the door.....GOD HELP US!!!:bonk:

That made me LOL!
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-11-30 13:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

It sure looks that way - but let's hang in there. It may not feel like it because we so badly want this process to end so we can join our loved ones, but as spouses we are luckier than most other green card applicants out there and even some spousal applicants who have waited longer than some of us. I try to remember that we are still under the 5-month mark and I try to forget all the stuff that looks unfair -- just to stay sane and positive!!! Good luck!!!

Thank you so much for that! Makes me feel better (and helps to take away my urge to eat a pan of brownies. Or a sleeve of Oreos).
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-11-30 12:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I have mixed feelings too - it's just natural given that it's obvious we're not being processed according to the order in which we received our NOA1s. I guess we have to take comfort in the knowledge that we'll probably be approved sooner or later -- hopefully this week for the July filers!!!! :whistle:

Us July filers got the short end of the stick on this one...
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-11-30 12:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center
As happy as I am for those who have been approved, it's making that much more anxious! Keepin me on my toes...sigh. My dreams are full of approval emails lol...
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-11-30 08:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I"m curious...did you get an email saying you were transferred from TSC to another USCIS office???

Our case has gone quiet - is that good, or bad, good or bad.....LOL...

They are breeding OCD monsters...Posted Image

I think that if my case keeps getting touched and I don't get any emails stating what the updates are then the touches won't even mean anything, ya know? I'm kind of afraid of the touches!
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-11-29 16:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

WOW!!!!!!!!! got another touch today!!! thats the 4th in a week!!!

Holy junk, me, too! Ok, this is crazyness.
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-11-29 16:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

Looking at it logically, it seems that CSC had a problem with July filers. We can't ALL be problem cases - it seems ALL the July filers have been shipped out to TSC and beyond. If it were just one or two, then maybe, but not the amount on here that has been transferred. Also, the fact people have been touched on Sunday, is yet more evidence they are simply trying to clear a backlog of cases within the five month period.

I agree!
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-11-28 19:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center To Texas Service Center

I SWEAR they get enjoyment out of this! Posted Image

I have gut feeling we're all still in Texas personally. This week is going to be a very OCD week!Posted Image

I'm just super worried about getting an RFE! I'm just hoping that my case has passed that point!
J e n n yFemaleParaguay2010-11-28 16:53:00